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หนังสือ Business English Reading

Published by ตรีลดา นภิบาล, 2021-07-20 02:54:02

Description: หนังสือ Business English Reading


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46 จากเร่อื งข้างบน จะเหน็ วา่ Topic Noun คอื Insects Topic Idea คอื Insects - good and bad Topic Sentence น่นั กค็ อื Some insects are real pests but many are helpful, too. ถา้ พิจารณาดีๆ แลว้ ท้งั Topic Idea และ Topic Sentence ก็ตอ้ งการสื่อความหมายเดยี วกัน เพยี งแต่ Topic Idea เปน็ นามวลี และ Topic Sentence เป็นประโยคเทา่ นั้นเอง 2. Topic sentence or Main Idea Main Idea คือ ใจความสาคัญหรือใจความหลักของเร่อื ง ซึ่งเป็นสว่ นสาคญั ทส่ี ุดของเรื่อง ซง่ึ เปน็ ส่วนท่ี ครอบคลุมและควบคุมเร่ืองนั้นๆ กล่าวคอื ในแต่ละย่อหน้าต้องมี main idea เพยี งอนั เดียวและถา้ เมื่อขาด main idea ไปแล้วย่อมจะทาใหไ้ ม่เกดิ เนอื้ เรื่องตา่ งๆ ประเภทของ Main Idea: โดยทว่ั ไป ใจความสาคัญมีอยู่ท้ังหมด 2 ชนดิ ได้แก่ 1.) State main idea คอื หลักใหญ่ใจความทส่ี าคญั ทสี่ ุดของเรอื่ ง ซง่ึ ผู้เขียนบอกมาตรงๆ สามารถ ครอบคลุมเนอื้ หาของเร่อื งได้ท้งั หมด 2.) Implied main idea หมายถึง การกลา่ วถงึ main idea ในลกั ษณะทผ่ี ้เู ขียนไม่ไดเ้ อย่ มาตรงๆ ผู้อ่านต้อง วนิ ฉิ ัยเอาเองเพ่ือใหเ้ หน็ ได้ชัดๆ ตาแหน่งของ Main Idea Direction: Please find the main idea of each sentences 2.1. อย่ตู รงตน้ เร่ือง A baby elephant is the biggest of all land babies. A newborn baby weighs more than two hundred pounds. It is about three feet high. The new baby is strong, too. Almost as soon as it is born, it can walk about. Main Idea: 2.2 อยตู่ รงกลางเรื่อง Keep your tree outdoors until the day before Christmas. Never use lighted candles. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

47 There are also other suggestions for avoiding a Christmas tree fire. Turn off the lights before you leave the house and throw away the tree by New Year's Day. Main Idea: 2.3 อยู่ท้ายเร่ือง (มีการกล่าวซ้าอกี ครั้งในตอนทา้ ย) Most people are free to enjoy themselves in the evenings and on weekends. Some spend their time watching television, listening to the radio, or going to movies; others participate in sports. It depends on their interests. There are various ways to spend one's free time. Main Idea: 15 คาถามทนี่ ิยมใชม้ ากถามเกย่ี วกบั ใจความสาคญั (Main Idea) 1. What is the author's main point? 2. The main thought of this passage is _____. 3. The main theme of the passage is _____. 4. The best statement of this passage's main thought is that _____. 5. What is the main idea of the passage? 6. The passage is primarily concerned with …. 7. Which of the following statements expresses the main idea? *** ข้อควรสังเกตในการหาใจความสาคัญ (Main Idea) 1. Main idea มักจะขยายหัวเรอ่ื ง (Topic) ของบทความ 2. Main idea อาจซอ่ นอยูใ่ นประโยคต้นๆของบทความ 3. Main idea อาจเขียนซอ่ น อยู่ตรงกลางหรอื ในประโยคท้ายๆ ของบทความ 3. Supporting Details (Details) คือ ขอ้ เท็จจรงิ หรอื ข้อมูล ทีข่ ยาย หรือสนบั สนนุ ใจความสาคัญ (Main Idea) จึงมกั เรียกอีก อยา่ งหนึง่ วา่ \"รายละเอียดสนับสนุน\" (Supporting Details) แบ่งออกเป็น 2 ชนดิ คือ Business English Reading (30212-2005)

48 1.) รายละเอียดสนบั สนนุ หลัก (Major supporting detail) เป็นรายละเอยี ดทีท่ าหนา้ ท่ีขยายหรือสนับสนนุ ใจความสาคญั (Main Idea) 2.) รายละเอียดสนบั สนนุ รอง (Minor supporting detail) เป็นรายละเอียดที่ทาหนา้ ท่ีขยายหรอื สนบั สนนุ รายละเอียดสนบั สนุนหลกั (Major supporting detail) อีกทีหน่ึง เชน่ Various animals can be treated by people to do skillful things. At the circus the animals we see often perform very entertaining tricks. Tigers jump through flaming hoops and bears ride bicycles. - Main Idea อย่ทู ป่ี ระโยคหัวข้อเร่ือง (Topic Sentence) ซ่งึ ไดแ้ ก่ ประโยคแรก คือ Various animals can be treated by people to do skillful things. - รายละเอียดสนบั สนนุ หลกั (Major supporting detail) อยทู่ ่ปี ระโยคที่ 2 คือ At the circus the animals we see often perform very entertaining tricks. - รายละเอียดสนบั สนุนรอง (Minor supporting detail) อยูท่ ปี่ ระโยคท่ี 3 คือ Tigers jump through flaming hoops and bears ride bicycles. คาถามทนี่ ยิ มใชใ้ นการถามเกยี่ วกบั รายละเอยี ด (Details) 1. According to the passage, which of the following statement is true? 2. Which of the following statement is inaccurate according to the passage? 3. Which of the following is not true? 4. All of the following are true except..... 5. The passage states that..... 6. The author states that..... 7. What does the author say about.....? 8. The idea which is not stated in the passage is..... 9. One thing the passage did not mention was..... 10. Which of the following is not stated in the passage..... Business English Reading (30212-2005)

49 Unit 4 เดาความหมายจากบรบิ ท (Context Clue) สญั ญาณทส่ี าคญั ควรรู้ ได้แก่ 1. Definition Clue 2. Restatement Clue 3. Example Clue 4. Comparison or Contrast Clue 5. Cause and Effect Relationship Clue 6. Subjective Clue 7. Experience Clue 8. Tone or Mood Clue 9. Words in a Series Clue 10. Discourse Marker/Transitional Word Clue 1. Definition Clue Definition Clue เปน็ การแสดงความหมายหรือนยิ ามคาศัพท์โดยพจิ ารณาคาชแ้ี นะหรอื คาสัญญาณ (Clue Signal Words) ทีป่ รากฏอยู่ในข้อความน้นั ๆ เชน่ 1. means 9. verb to be 2. to be called 10. to be a kind of 3. to be defined as 11. to be regarded as 4. to be the name given to 12. to be known as 5. to be a type of 13. consist of, refer to 6. can be defined as 14. can be thought of 7. may be described as 15. may be seen as 8. what this means is Business English Reading (30212-2005)

50 คาชแ้ี นะดงั กล่าว มคี วามหมายใกล้เคยี งกนั แปลวา่ “คือ, หมายถงึ , หมายความวา่ , เรียกวา่ ” ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ A person who writes a play is called a playwright. a playwright เปน็ คาศัพท์ทีไ่ ม่คุ้นเคย is called เปน็ คาชีแ้ นะหรอื คาสญั ญาณ a person who writes a play เป็นคานยิ ามหรอื ความหมาย ของคาวา่ a playwright น่ันกค็ อื คนเขยี นบทละคร Directions: Find the meaning of the underlined words, and write the answer in the blank. 1.) Everything used in the kitchen in cooking including knives, tray, pots is known as utensils Utensils are ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…........... 2.) An unreasonable and lasting fear of something is called a phobia. Phobia means ………………………………………………................................................................................... 2. Restatement Clue Restatement Clue ผเู้ ขียนตอ้ งการบอกความหมายของคาศัพทท์ ่ีไมค่ ้นุ เคยน้ัน โดยใชภ้ าษาท่ีเขา้ ใจงา่ ยข้ึน โดยการกลา่ วช้า บางครั้งอาจเป็นคาแปลโดยตรงหรืออธิบายเพม่ิ เติม ผู้เขยี นอาจใช้ศัพทเ์ ฉพาะและใช้คาเชือ่ ม อธบิ ายความหมายใหท้ ราบ การสังเกตบริบทประเภทน้ี สามารถดูไดจ้ ากคาช้ีแนะหรือคาสัญญาณและเครอื่ งหมาย วรรคตอนดงั น้ี คาชแ้ี นะ คาสญั ญาณทพ่ี บบอ่ ย เชน่ or (หรือ), that is (น่ันคอื ), that is to say / i.e. (น่ันคือ), in other words (กลา่ วอีกนัยหนึง่ คือ), namely (กลา่ วคือ) เป็นต้น Business English Reading (30212-2005)

51 เคร่ืองหมายวรรคตอนมดี ังน้ี , ............................. เครือ่ งหมาย Comma ,.............................., เครื่องหมาย Commas - .............................. เครอื่ งหมาย Dash - .............................. - เคร่ืองหมาย Dashes (...............................) เครือ่ งหมายวงเล็บ Parentheses หมายเหตุ i.e. เป็นภาษาลาตินมาจากคาวา่ id est แปลวา่ that is to say ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. I spotted a horde - or mass - of birds flying south across the inlet. Horde เป็นคาศพั ทท์ ี่ไม่คนุ้ เคย -…… - เปน็ เคร่ืองหมายวรรคตอนช้ีแสดงความหมายของศัพทท์ ี่ไม่คุ้นเคย mass เป็นความหมายของคาว่า horde ดังนัน้ horde จงึ หมายถึง จานวนมหาศาล 2. You can take an escalator, or a moving staircase, to go down to the platform. Escalator เปน็ คาศพั ทท์ ่ีไม่คุ้นเคย or เป็นคาชี้แนะหรือคาสญั ญาณ a moving staircase เป็นความหมายของคาวา่ escalator น่นั ก็คือ บนั ไดเล่ือน Directions: Try to guess meaning of the bold words in each item by making a circle around the correct answer. 1. The entire room was littered with paper, broken glasses, cigarette butts and other forms of rubbish. In fact, the room was filthy. (clean, very dirty , full of paper , big ) Business English Reading (30212-2005)

52 2. By using applied science, people have changed their lives. Technology gives people instant communication, ever faster transportation, and more free time. (applied science, communication, transportation, live) 3. Example Clue Example Clue ผ้เู ขยี นบอกความหมายของคาศัพท์ที่ไม่คุ้นเคยโดยการยกตัวอย่างประกอบความหมายของ คาศัพท์ ท้ังน้ีก่อนทจ่ี ะยกตวั อยา่ งขึ้นมาประกอบ ผู้เขียนจะใช้คาช้ีแนะหรอื คาสญั ญาณ หรอื อาจเป็น เครื่องหมายวรรคตอน คาชแ้ี นะ หรอื คาสัญญาณทีพ่ บบ่อย ได้แก่ for example / e.g. / for instance / like / as / especially/ specifically / such as / as an example ซึ่งมคี วามหมายวา่ เช่น หรอื ตัวอย่างเช่น เครือ่ งหมายวรรคตอนทีพ่ บบอ่ ย เชน่ , เครอ่ื งหมาย Comma : เคร่อื งหมาย Colon - เคร่อื งหมาย Dash ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. Do you participate in one of the more popular avocations, such as jogging, playing tennis, or stamp collecting? avocations เปน็ คาศพั ท์ท่ีไม่ค้นุ เคย such as เปน็ คาชแี้ นะ หรือสัญญาณ jogging, playing tennis, stamp collecting เป็นตัวอยา่ ง ดงั น้ัน avocation มคี วามหมายวา่ งานอดเิ รก Business English Reading (30212-2005)

53 Directions: Read the following short passages, and choose the best answer which contains the same meaning as the bold word. 1.) Susie is very touchy. For example, she usually gets angry when her boss makes comments on her work. The reporter talked to many auto-industry executives, e.g. company presidents and vice-presidents. What is the best meaning for the bold word? a. ironic b. absent-minded c. silly d. gets angry easily 2.) The reporter talked to many auto-industry executives, e.g. company presidents and vice- presidents. What is the best meaning for the bold word? a. employees b. administrators c. trainees d. company owners. 4. Comparison or Contrast Clue Comparison or Contrast Clue ผูเ้ ขยี นชี้แนะความหมายด้วยการเปรียบเทยี บ (Comparison) หรอื การ แยง้ ความ (Contrast) โดยปกติ ผเู้ ขียนมกั จะให้คาช้ีแนะหรือคาสญั ญาณแสดง การเปรียบเทยี บ หรือแสดงการขัดแย้งดงั น้ี คาชแี้ นะหรือคาสญั ญาณแสดงการเปรยี บเทยี บทพี่ บบอ่ ย เชน่ - as / / like / alike / similar to / resemble (v) =เหมอื นกับ Business English Reading (30212-2005)

54 - similarly (adv) / likewise (adv) = ในทานองเดยี วกัน - correspondingly (adv) / in the same way (adv) / comparing / compared with = เปรยี บเทยี บกับ - as if / as though = ราวกบั ว่า คาชแ้ี นะหรือคาสญั ญาณแสดงการขดั แยง้ ทพ่ี บบอ่ ย เชน่ - but / yet = แต่ - however / nevertheless / nonetheless / anyway = แต่อยา่ งไรกต็ าม - though / although / even though / despite / in spite of /even = แมว้ า่ - while / whereas = ในขณะท่ี - on the other hand / on the contrary = ในทางตรงขา้ ม ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. The boy was in very mean clothes, but he had a fresh and well-favored face. ผู้อ่านเดาคาวา่ mean ไดจ้ ากตวั ชแ้ี นะ but ที่วา่ เด็กผ้ชู ายใส่เสือ้ ผ้าท่ี ....... แตเ่ ขามใี บหน้าท่ีหล่อและสด ชน่ื จะเห็นได้ว่าคาวา่ มีคาว่า but เชื่อมคาวา่ mean และ fresh and well-favored ดงั นั้นผ้อู า่ นจงึ บอก ความหมายของ mean ได้ว่า เกา่ สกปรก 2. They were different as if day and night. While he was a lively conversationalist, with something to say every subject, she was reserved and taciturn. คาว่า taciturn หมายถึง เงยี บขรมึ ซ่ึงเดาความหมายได้จากประโยคแรกวา่ ชายและหญิงค่นู ี้ แตกตา่ งกัน ราวกลางวันและกลางคนื ขณะท่ผี ู้ชายเป็นคนชา่ งพดู แตผ่ ู้หญิงน้ันกลบั ตรงกันข้ามคอื เงียบขรมึ เดาได้จากตวั ชแี้ นะ คอื while ท่บี อกความขดั แย้งกัน Directions: Choose the best meaning for the bold word in each item. 1.) I have asked everybody to immigrate to Canada but only ten people move in. What is the best meaning of the bold word? Business English Reading (30212-2005)

55 a. live b. obey c. stay d. move in 2.) The toy car was very lasting. Although the boy dropped it or threw it against the concrete wall many times, it didn’t break at What is the best meaning of the bold word? a. fragile b. tough c. breakable d. durable 5. Cause and Effect Relationship Clue Cause and Effect Relationship Clue เปน็ การแสดงถงึ ความสมั พันธ์ ระหว่างสาเหตุ (Cause) และผลลพั ธ์ (Result) จากสาเหตุนัน้ ๆ ในการคน้ หาความหมายของคาศพั ทท์ ี่ไมค่ ุ้นเคยจากข้อความท่ีแสดงความสัมพันธร์ ะหว่างสาเหตุและ ผลลพั ธ์นัน้ มขี ้อควรจดจา คือ ถา้ หากคาศัพทท์ ี่ไม่คุน้ เคยปรากฏอยูใ่ นข้อความทแ่ี สดงเหตุ ใหอ้ าศยั การพิจารณา จากข้อความที่บอกผลลัพธเ์ ป็นลทู่ างในการเดาความหมายศัพทน์ ั้น แต่ถา้ หากคาศพั ทท์ ่ีไมค่ ุ้นเคยปรากฏอยใู่ น ขอ้ ความทแ่ี สดงผลลัพธ์ ให้พิจารณาจากข้อความทบี่ อกเหตุ เป็นลูท่ างในการเดาความหมาย ของคาศัพท์ตัวนนั้ คาชแ้ี นะหรือคาสญั ญาณที่บอกขอ้ ความเปน็ เหตุ เชน่ because เพราะวา่ since เพราะวา่ as เนอื่ งจาก now that เน่อื งจาก for เนื่องจาก Business English Reading (30212-2005)

56 because of เนอื่ งจาก owning to / due to เนื่องจาก on account of เนือ่ งจาก Thanks to เน่อื งจาก คาชแ้ี นะหรือคาสญั ญาณทบ่ี อกข้อความเปน็ ผลลัพธ์ เชน่ so / therefore / thus ดังนั้น as a result ดงั นนั้ /ผลลัพธค์ ือ with the result that ผลลพั ธค์ ือ the final result that ผลลัพธ์สดุ ท้ายคือ so that เพ่อื วา่ accordingly ดังนั้น result in ผลท่ตี ามมา cause เปน็ สาเหตใุ หเ้ กิด that is why น่ันคือ mean น่ันหมายถงึ ว่า ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ The prestige of our school has grown because several students have won academic prizes, and all of the students passed university admission tests. CAUSE : several students have won academic prizes, and all of EFFECT the students passed university admission tests Clue : The prestige of our school has grown : because ดงั น้ันสรุปไดว้ ่าคาวา่ prestige มคี วามหมายว่า ช่ือเสยี ง Business English Reading (30212-2005)

57 Directions: Read the text, and choose the best meaning for the bold word by marking a cross on it. 1. The hostile manner of the woman caused the committee to reconsider the issue. (stubborn, angry, forthright, charming) 2. Florida’s perennially warm climate and plentiful rainfall cause the state a center of citrus production. (year-round, world-famous, comfortably, impressively) 6. Subjective Clue Subjective Clue การชแ้ี นะชนดิ น้ี นกั เรยี นต้องใช้วิจารณญาณส่วนตวั คิดด้วยเหตุผลจากข้อความที่ปรากฏ ตีความหมายศัพท์ทไี่ ม่คุ้นเคย โดยพจิ ารณาจากขอ้ ความแวดล้อม หรอื ใจความของเร่ืองและขบคดิ ตีความหมาย ของคาศัพทน์ นั้ ออกมาด้วยตนเอง โดยไม่มคี าชแี้ นะทเ่ี ป็นคาศพั ทช์ ัดเจน ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. The farmers store their grain in the granaries. จากข้อความแวดล้อมบอกว่า ชาวนาเกบ็ ข้าวเก็บไวท้ ่ี granary แสดงวา่ granary เป็นยุ้งฉางสาหรบั เกบ็ ขา้ วน่ันเอง 2. You have to hold this glass carefully; it is fragile. จากข้อความบอกว่า คุณควรจะถือแก้วใบน้ีอยา่ งระมดั ระวังแก้ว fragile ดงั น้นั fragile จงึ ควรมี BuคsวinามesหsมEาnยgวliา่ shเปRรeาaะdบinาgง น(3ัน่ 0เ2อ1ง2-2005)

58 7. Experience Clue Experience Clue การชี้แนะชนดิ น้ีอาศัยประสบการณห์ รือความรู้เดิมของนักเรยี นมาชว่ ยตีความหมาย จงึ จะทาใหส้ รปุ ข้อความ และเดาความหมายของคาศัพท์ได้อย่างมีสมเหตผุ ล ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. The water in the Chao Praya river at Bangkok was contaminated. At once they posted signs warning people about the dangerous condition of the river. จากประโยคท่สี องท่บี อกว่า พวกเขาตดิ ปา้ ยเตือนผู้คนเกีย่ วกบั สภาวะท่ีเป็นอันตรายทันทที าใหผ้ ้อู า่ น สามารถเดาไดว้ า่ contaminated มีความหมายวา่ ติดเชอื้ ปนเป้ือนเชื้อโรค เพราะผ้อู ่านสามารถใชป้ ระสบการณ์ เดิมว่า เม่ือไหร่ทนี่ า้ ไม่สะอาดตอ้ งการประกาศเตือนผ้คู น 2. People feel shamed if they do something wrong. จากประโยคทวี่ ่า ผคู้ นรู้สึก shamed ถา้ พวกเขาทาบางอยา่ งท่ผี ดิ จากประสบการณข์ องผู้อา่ น จะทา ใหว้ เิ คราะหไ์ ดว้ า่ shamed นา่ จะแปลว่า ละอายใจ Directions: Choose the best word to fill out the blank. 1.) Some children are …………… with the old presents that their parents give them. What is the most appropriate word to fill out the blank? a. dishonest b. disobey c. unfortunate d. dissatisfied 2.) The weather man says it won’t be a good day for outdoor activities. He ………. that it will be raining all the day. What is the most appropriate word to fill out the blank? a. predicts b. foresees Business English Reading (30212-2005)

59 c. reflects d. insists 3.) The air in Bangkok is quite dirty. There are too many cars and their smoke is the main …………… of the problem. What is the most appropriate word to fill out the blank? a. resistant b. remnant c. pollutant d. assistant 4.) A good government must ………………… the well-being of the citizens. What is the most appropriate word to fill out the blank? a. be used to b. be responsible for c. stand for d. be interested in 8. Tone or Mood Clue Tone or Mood Clue คอื การบอกความหมายของคาศัพท์โดยการใช้ Clue ท่บี อกผา่ นน้าเสียงของประโยค หรอื ขอ้ ความ ซ่งึ นักเรยี นตอ้ งวเิ คราะห์ ความรู้สึก น้าเสยี ง เจตคตทิ ี่อย่แู วดลอ้ ม หรือจากขอ้ ความขา้ งเคยี งของ ศพั ทย์ ากตัวน้ัน มาช่วยตคี วามหมายของคาศัพท์ ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ 1. I was alone. The day was dull with black clouds overhead. The dreary landscape cast a spell of melancholy over me. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

60 ขอ้ ความหนา้ คาว่า melancholy ใหค้ วามรู้สึกเศร้า เหงา บรรยากาศ อึมครึม ทิวทัศน์ทแ่ี ห้งแล้ง ฉะนน้ั น่าจะเดาไดว้ า่ melancholy หมายถงึ ความรู้สึกเศรา้ หอ่ เหีย่ ว 2. Don’t you dare talking to me like that! I am not your close friend. Stop insult me with such a manner. จากข้อความข้างหนา้ ทาให้เราทราบวา่ ในข้อความมีอารมณ์โกรธ ไม่พอใจอยู่มาก และการต่อวา่ อีกฝ่าย ดังน้นั คาวา่ insult จงึ นา่ จะมคี วามหมายวา่ รบกวน กอ่ กวน 9. Word in Series Clue Word in Series Clue ผ้เู ขียนแนะความหมายของคาศัพท์โดยการใช้ คาศัพท์ เก่ียวกับสิ่งต่าง ๆ หรือ เหตกุ ารณใ์ ด ๆทีจ่ ดั เรยี ง หรอื ตามติดกันมาเปน็ ชดุ ๆ เปน็ คาท่ีบอกจาพวก หรือประเภทของคาเฉพาะทอ่ี ยู่ใน ประเภทเดยี วกนั มีความหมายใกล้เคียงกันแทนคาท่ีกลา่ วมาแลว้ เพ่ือเลยี่ งการใช้คาซ้าทใี่ หป้ ระโยคสละสลวย เช่น animal, tool, vehicle, container และ vegetable. การรูจ้ ัก Word in Series จะชว่ ยใหเ้ ขา้ ใจความหมาย กว้างๆของศัพท์ท่ีอยู่ในประเภทเดียวกัน เมอื่ รจู้ ักศัพท์ต่าง ๆ ที่อยใู่ นกลมุ่ เดียวกัน ก็ชว่ ยใหเ้ ข้าใจความหมาย คาศัพทน์ นั้ ได้ ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ Today I don’t really want to go picnic on such a dreary, depressing and gloomy day of the winter time. คาวา่ dreary, depressing, and gloomy เปน็ คาศัพทท์ ่ีอยูใ่ นรูปของ words in series ทาหน้าท่ีขยายคาว่า day ถ้าเรารจู้ กั คาวา่ depressing และ gloomy เรากส็ ามารถเดาได้ วา่ คาวา่ dreary หมายถงึ อมึ ครึม หดหู่ Directions: Read the texts and choose the best meaning of the bold word. 1.) Henry James’s reviews, essays, and prefaces for literary work establish him as on of the most important theorists of fictions. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

61 What is the best meaning of the bold word? a. autobiography b. introductions c. criticisms d. dramas 2.) The flower is the most-attractive, colorful, and most fragrant part of many plants. What is the best meaning of the bold word? a. prettiest b. rarest c. softest d. strongest 3.) Coral reef is believed to be abundant in the warm, shallow, without clay sea water. What is the best meaning of the bold word? a. deep b. clear c. without anything d. unchangeable 4.) The Saturday market was in progress and the square was jammed with product stalls, vendors, and buyers. What is the best meaning of the bold word? a. crowds b. retailers c. goods sellers d. burglars Business English Reading (30212-2005)

62 10. Discourse Marker or Transitional World Clue คาชแี้ นะลกั ษณะน้คี ือ คาหรือวลี ทีท่ าหน้าทเ่ี ปน็ ตัวเชอื่ มคาหรอื ขอ้ ความท่เี ชื่อมความคดิ จากข้อความหนง่ึ ไปยังอีกข้อความหนึ่ง จากประโยคหน่ึงไปอีกประโยคหนง่ึ ก็ได้ ซึ่งคาเช่ือมเหลา่ นจ้ี ะทาหน้าทีป่ ระหนงึ่ เคร่อื ง กาหนดทศิ ทางซ่ึงจะใหส้ ญั ญาณวา่ ข้อความที่กาลังอ่านอยนู่ ้ัน มีสว่ นตอ่ เนอื่ งหรือสัมพันธ์กันอยา่ งไร แบ่งเปน็ กลมุ่ เชน่ 1. Time Sequence / Order / Process คือคาหรือข้อความทแ่ี สดงลาดับกอ่ นหลงั หรือใชเ้ ท้าความ เช่น firstly / first of all / to begin with / lastly 2. Cause and Effect Clue คอื ข้อความมีลักษณะเปน็ เหตุเป็นผลกนั มักใช้ตวั ช้ีแนะบอกความเป็นเหตเุ ป็นผลกนั เช่น so / therefore / because / due to / for this reason / because of 3. Emphasis or Certainty Clueตวั แนะเหลา่ น้จี ะช่วยเน้นย้าข้อความใหห้ นักแนน่ น่าเชื่อถือมากขน้ึ แสดงความ แน่นอน ไมเ่ ปลย่ี นแปลง เชอื่ มข้อความทาหนา้ ท่ีเนน้ หรอื เสรมิ ซ่ึงกนั และกนั เชน่ actually / indeed / of course / certainly / in fact / in reality 4. Uncertainty Clue คาเชอ่ื มประเภทนี้ ใชแ้ สดงความไมแ่ น่ใจ เชน่ maybe / probably / possibly / perhaps 5. Condition Clue คาเช่ือมประเภทนี้ จะบอกให้ทราบวา่ ข้อความที่มาข้างหนา้ และข้อความท่ีตามมาเปน็ เง่อื นไขต่อกัน เชน่ provided (that) / if / suppose / supposing (that) / unless / on the condition that 6. Concession Clue ค าเชอื่ มประเภทนี้ จะบอกให้ทราบว่าขอ้ ความสองข้อความมใี จความท่ขี ัดแย้งกัน เชน่ in contrast / on the contrary / however / anyway เปน็ ตน้ ตวั อยา่ งเชน่ Children dress up in witches’ hats or goblin suits to play pranks when celebrating the ancient pagan holiday of Halloween. In contrast, families dress more formally and set elegant tables for the more serious occasion of Thanksgiving. จากเรอ่ื ง มตี ัวช้แี นะคือ In contrast ซึ่งเป็น discourse marker ทแี่ สดงความ ขดั แยง้ กันเชื่อมใจความประโยค หน่ึงและและประโยคที่สองเข้าดว้ ยกนั ดังนั้นเรา พอสรุปได้ว่า BusifnoermssaElnlygliตsอ้hงRขeัดaแdยin้งgกับ(3ป0ร2ะ1โย2ค-2แ0ร0ก5)จึงพอเดาไดว้ ่า อย่างเปน็ ทางการ อย่างมีรปู แบบ

63 Directions: Find the meaning of the underlined words, and write the answer in the blank. 1.) There were a lot of problems discussed at the meeting. Finally, after a few hours, we were able to prioritize the problems in the order we want to solve the problems. Priority means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………….. 2. There was a malfunction in the smoke machines and lights, the curtains would not open and close properly, and one of the actors was sick with no stand-in. In conclusion, the play was a disaster. Disaster means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mixed Clues in Passage Directions: Read the following passage, and identify the meaning of the bold words. Otters belong to another group of animals, the mustelids. This word comes from the Latin, and means “weasel.” Other member of this family of animals include weasels, skunks, and badgers. They are all short-legged, have thick coats of fur and sharp, tearing teeth, and are carnivorous or meat-eating mammals. Otters love water, and their webbed feet, thick tails, and dense fur make them well-suited for life in the water. Two kinds of otters are found in and around North America. One is a fresh-water otter; the other is a sea otter. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

64 1. carnivorous means ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………. 2. dense means ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… The shooting star that (1.) streaks across the sky is a tiny particle or piece of matter from outer space. When the particle enters the earth’s atmosphere, (2.) friction with the air causes it to glow white hot and then turn to gas. Most of these (3.) particles, or meteors, are smaller than a grain of rice. Comets move around the sun and have a very bright head and a long tail. Many meteors seem to be (4.) fragments of comets that crashed into one another. Other meteors are tiny particles from the tails of comets. Some meteors are iron and some are stone. Once in a while, an extra bright meteor, or fireball, appears. Fireballs can sometimes be seen during the day and may even be as bright as the full moon. Some meteors survive their fall through the Earth’s atmosphere and land on the ground. These are called (5.) meteorites, and are usually cool enough to touch when they land. 1. streak means ……………………………………………... 2. friction means ……………………………………………... 3. particle means ……………………………………………... 4. fragments mean ……………………………………………... 5. meteorites mean ……………………………………………... Business English Reading (30212-2005)

65 Unit 5 การอา่ นตคี วามภาษาองั กฤษ Part I Paragraph Reading Paragraph I S1 If we were like the most other species and ate only for survive, the likelihood of excessive food consumption would be slim. S2 We would also be unlikely to suffer from nutrient deficiencies. S3 However, humans learn from their earlier moments that eating is an enjoyable experience, to be associated with warmth, pleasure, and sensory delights. S4 Infants cry and are fed; children are rewarded with food for doing well; weddings, births, and other special occasions center around eating. S5 We learn to enjoy and reward ourselves with rich food Questions: 1. What is the paragraph about? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. What is the main idea of the paragraph? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. What is the function of \"However\" in S3? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

66 4. What kind of conditional clauses shown in S1? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Why does the writer use the verb \"would\" in S2? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. What is the ellipsis word in S4? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. What is the criterion that the writer uses in writing his paragraph? 1.) priority 2.) chronology 3.) category 4.) easiness 8. What is the function of punctuation \"semicolon (;) \" in S4? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. The word \"we\" in S1, S2, and S5 means ………………………………………………………………….. 10. The author points out that eating is ……………………………………………………………………… 11. It can be inferred from the paragraph that whenever people get together they …………………… 1.) eat 2.) entertain 3.) survive 4.) are rewarded 12. The writer argues that the primary purpose of eating among humans is to ………………………… 1.) grow 2.) survive 3.) enjoy 4.) socialize 13. The author uses pronoun \"We\" in S1, S2, and S5 in order to …………………………………………. 1.) show that his idea is unique 2.) call for the important of his idea 3.) make the reader clear 4.) give more information Business English Reading (30212-2005)

67 14. It can be concluded from the paragraph that we ……………………………………………………… 1.) are eating animals 2.) are always hungry 3.) eat till we die 4.) are born to eat 15. What is the function of \"and\" in S3? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. Possessive adjective \"their\" in S3 refers to ……………………………………………………………. 17. What kind of the above paragraph? 1.) explanation 2.) classification 3.) suggestion 4.) Comparison 18. The word \"However\", in S3, signals 1.) adding information 2.) contradiction 3.) Request 4.) possibility 19. The word \"deficiencies\", in S2 means ………………………………………………………………….. 20. Which sentence tells the reasons why people eat? 4. S5 1. S2 2. S3 3. S4 21. What is the function of \"also\", in S2? 2.) adding information 1.) showing contradiction 4). proving tendency 3.) making the paragraph coherent 22. People have learned to eat since they, 1.) are six years old 2.) become adult 3.) are adolescent 4.) were born 23. What part of the S2 was omitted? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

68 24. What is the function of punctuation semicolon (;) in S4? 1.) combining sentences 2.) combining phrases 3.) combining words 4.) combining phrases with a word 25. What is the prime intention of the author in writing the above paragraph? 1.) showing cause-effect 2.) giving explanation 3.) providing suggestion 4.) trying to make a comparison 26. Why does the writer use \"present simple\", in S3-S5? 1.) to describe facts/activities 2.) to describe repeated activities 3.) to describe coming activities 4.) to describe future activities 27. What is the best possible title of the above paragraph? 1.) People and Eating 2.) Importance of Eating 3.) Where People Like to Eat 4.) Why People Want to Eat 28. Which sentence can be used the word \"delighted\" can be correctly and appropriately? 1.) I am delighted to meet you again. 2.) She is delighted to cry. 3.) We are delighted to see you sad. 4.) Bob is delighted to get \"F\" in ENG 2002. 29. Food can make people ……………………………………………………………………………………. 30. It can be concluded from the paragraph that 1.) eat too much food 2.) make food enjoyable 3.) eat everything 4.) try to find something to eat all the time 31. S5 is a ……………………. sentence. 1.) beginning 2.) supporting 3.) concluding 4.) topic Business English Reading (30212-2005)

69 32. What is another possible special occasion that related to S4? 1.) coming home from work 2.) after watching Sunday morning on TV 3.) graduation 4.) after visiting a sick friend at the hospital 33. The word \"humans\", in S3, can be best replaced by \" …………..” 1.) I 2.) they 3.) we 4.) a person 34. What is the overall reason why people eat? 1.) survive 2.) celebration 3.) relationships 4.) satisfaction 35. The conditional clauses, in S1, shows 2.) present unreal 1.) past unreal 4.) present general 3.) future possible 36. S1 discusses the activities or events? 1.) past 2.) future 3.) present 4.) progressive Paragraph II S1 Unfortunately, the use of alcohol often gives a person extreme confidence and the false impression that he is mentally alert and physically efficient. S2 As a result, he may attempt, with disastrous results, many things which he would not undertake under normal conditions. S3 This is because alcohol depresses the higher control centers of the brain. S4 When these centers do not react in good judgment and clear thinking, the person has only his feeling and emotions to rely upon. S5 Therefore, he acts much the way he did before he acquired the ability to think clearly or use good judgment. S6 Under the influence of alcohol, many people become extremely talkative, quarrelsome, and even brutish. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

70 Questions: 1. What is the paragraph about? ……………………………………………………………………………,,, 2. In S2, the phrase \"As a result\" is phrase. 1.) Transition 2.) transmitting 3.) transporting 4.) transferring 3. The word \"This,\" in S3, refers to 1.) something a person does in normal situations 2.) anything a person does not want to do 3.) anything a person does not do in normal situations 4.) something a person has never seen 4. When a person consumes large amount of alcohol, his decision based on 1. conscience 2.) rational 3.) experience 4.) feelings 5. What is a function of the brain mentioned in the paragraph? 1.) controlling 2.) developing 3.) adjusting 4.) synthesizing 6. …….. and …….. compare actions of a person with alcohol and without alcohol consumption. 1.) S1;S2 2.) S2;S3 3.) S3;S4 4.) S4; S5 7. The word \"therefore,\" in S5, signals …………………………. relationship. 8. According to the paragraph, alcohol mainly affects a person's 1.) health 2.) brain 3.) motion 4.) thinking 9. Specific behaviors of a person under the effects of alcohol are discussed in 1.) S6 2.) S5 3.) S4 4.) S2 10. What kind of the above paragraph? 1.) definition 2.) illustration 3.) cause-effect 4.) classification Business English Reading (30212-2005)

71 11. It can be concluded from the paragraph that people 1.) are always relied on alcohol 2.) have to drink alcohol for better life 3.) are usually rational living-being 4.) do not want to think by themselves 12. Alcohol influences a person's 2.) mental and physical abilities 1.) innovative and creative ideas 4.) past experience and modern li 3.) future decision and memorization 13. Which is correct? 1.) All people while alcohol intoxication become even talkative. 2.) Several people while alcohol intoxication are even quarrelsome. 3.) Few people while alcohol intoxication are even brutish. 4.) Almost all while alcohol intoxication become extremely talkative, quarrelsome, and even brutish 14. What is the main idea of the paragraph? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. Which is the correct diagram showing the effects of alcohol? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Paragraph III S1 America has the finest homes in the world. S2 These homes are attractive, have ample space, and have all the modern conveniences to make life comfortable. S3 Yet there still exist in this country too many houses which have no heat and no cross ventilation. S4 Many homes have no sunlight during the day and adequate lighting at night. S5 Surveys reveal that some of the cities as many as forty per cent of the population live in three rooms or less per family. S6 Living in such crowded conditions facilitates the spread of several diseases, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneumonia, and meningitis. S7 These crowded conditionBsufsainiletosspErnogvliidsheRoepapdoinrtgun(i3ty02fo12r -p2r0iv0a5c)y and for normal social living. S8 Both of these are necessary for the development of normal emotional health.

72 Questions: 1. What is the function of \"such as\", in S6? 1.) illustration 2.) identification 3.) assumption 4.) reduction 2. The word \"this country\", in S2 refers to ……………………………………………………………………. 3. According to S4, it can be said that many houses are ………………… 1.) bright 2.) dim 3.) dark 4.) glow 4. The word \"too\", in S3, is used in order to ………………… 1.) Elaboration 2.) preview 3.) summarize 4.) emphasize 5. Which is the best possible topic of the paragraph? 1.) American Live in the Best Homes 2.) Problems in Living Conditions at Homes in America 3.) Diseases and Living Condition of the Americans 4.) How to Improve American Homes 6. Which sentence shows a comparison? 1.) S2 and S6 2.) S3 and S4 3.) S1 and S5 4.) S7 and S8. 7. \"the population\", in S5, refers to 2.) People in America 1.) American people 4.) Forty per cent of people in America 3.) Forty per cent of American people 8. The word \"these\" refers to 1.) Living in crowded condition and inadequate light 2.) Diseases and lighting Business English Reading (30212-2005)

73 3.) Sunlight and ventilation 4.) Heating, ventilation, sunlight, and diseases 9. Generally speaking, the paragraph discusses about , in America. 1.) living hygiene 2.) patterns of living 3.) life-styles 4.) poverty 10. Which sentence is the concluding sentence? 1. S8 2. S6 3. S4 4. S2 11. The word \"many\", in S4, is called 1.) transition word 2.) coordinator 3.) connector 4.) quantifier 12. Connector \"and\", in S2, is used in order to connect two ……………………. 1.) noun 2.) Verbs 3.) pronoun 4.) adjectives 13. The verb phrase \"have no\", in S4, can be replaced by ………………………. 1.) is not have 2.) are not have 3.) do not have 4.) do not has 14. The verb \"facilitates\", in S6, is determined its form by, 1.) Living 2.) such 3.) crowded 4.)conditions 15. The adverb \"Yet\", in S2, signals ………………………………………………………………………….. Paragraph IV S1 Several factors have been responsible for this tremendous increase in the length of life. S2 Medical research and discoveries have enabled scientists to combat disease more effectively. S3 Especially striking has been the reduction in infant deaths due to improved mother and infant care. S4 Better medical facilities and better trained doctors are available to fight disease today than ever before. S5 Health instruction in school, health programs sponsored by radio stations, and health articles in magazines Business English Reading (30e2n1a2b-2le00p5e)ople to keep better informed on how to live.

74 Questions: 1 How many ways that make a person has longer life? 1.) Two 2.) three 3.) four 4.) five 2 Why does the writer use \"present perfect\" in S1? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Which sentence gives a specific example case? 4.) S5 1.) S1 2.) S2 3.) S3 4. Medical facilities help physicians to ……………………. diseases. 1.) create 2.) fight 3.) improve 4.) replace 5. Reduction of an infant death rate can be undertaken by 1.) taking a good care of mothers 2.) reading health messages 3.) fighting disease today 4.) keeping good informed 6. What is the phrase that is omitted from the blank of the sentence below? Health instruction in school, health programs …………………………. sponsored by radio stations, and health articles in magazines enables people to keep better informed on how to live. 1.) which 2.) being 3.) that are 4.) did 7. The above paragraph is about 3.) length 4.) factors 1.) life 2.) increase 8. What is the main idea of the paragraph? 2.) Factors make people live longer. 1.) Medical advancements save infants. 4.) Physicians get better trained. 3.) There are health teachings in schools. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

75 Part II Essay Reading Exercise Addition S1 Exercising is unconditionally great for body, the soul, and the mind, right? S2 Almost, but not quite. S3 Even the most benign or beneficial elements can cause harm when taken to an extreme. S4 Although exercise is highly recommended for health and vigor, it is not protected from universal truth. S5 When a commitment to exercise crosses the line to dependency and compulsion it can create physical, social, and psychological havoc for those involved. S6 A \"positive addiction\" can be a healthy adaptation to the barriers to exercise in is because commitments to work, family, and other healthy pursuits must complete with time to work out. S7 Sometimes the line between commitment and compulsion is crossed. S8 There can be a negative side to exercise that gradually, insidiously takes over from the positive. S9 Other addictions, such as compulsive gambling and compulsive shopping and substance abuse, are discussed. S10 Exercise addiction is not just another term for overtraining syndrome. S11 Healthy athletes training for peak performance and competition can experience overtraining syndromes, the short-term result of too little rest and recovery. S12 Exercise addiction, in contrast, is a chronic loss of perspective of the role of exercise in a full life. S13 A healthy athlete and an exercise addict may share similar level of training volume. S14 The difference is in the attitude and the consequences. S15 An addicted individual isn't able to see value in unrelated activities and pursues the activity even when it is against his or her best interest. S16 The exercise addict has lost balance, allowing exercise to become overvalued compared to elements widely recognized as giving meanings to full life (e.g., school, work, friends, family, and Business English Reading (30212-2005)

76 community involvement). S17 When emotional connections are passed up i- favor of additional hours of training; when injury, illness, and fatigue don't stop a work out; when all free time is consumed by training- exercise addiction is diagnosis. S18 Withdrawal S19 To the addict, there is no exception to the rule \"the more, the better.\" S20 Anything prevent exercise, are the warning signs of addiction. symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and depression, which appear when circumstances that interferes with the quest for more exercise is resented. S21 The paradox inherent in exercise addiction is the blurred boundary between what is healthy, admirable, and desirable and behavior that is over the edge and dependent. S22 The addict answers poor performance with more exercise and less rest. S23 A healthy athlete looks at the big picture and adjusts training programs, allowing for rest and recovery among the training variables. S24 Remember that working out should always have an element of play. S25 If exercising losses all aspects of fun, something has gone wrong. S26 The most competitive athletes still love their sport. S27 They love it because it gives pleasure, not because it has become a compulsive need. Question: 1. What is the positive aspect of exercise? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. What are the consequences of exercise addiction? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. What is the difference between a person who is exercise addiction and healthy athlete? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

77 4. Modal “isn’t able to” in S15, signals ………………………………………………………………………. 5. The phrase “work out” in S6, means ……………………………………………………………………… 6. What is the prime purpose of the writer in writing the passage? 1.) recommending and promoting 2.) entertaining and protecting 3.) remaining and degrading 4.) informing and warning 7. What is true according to the first paragraph? 1.) Doing something too much gets negative result 2.) One has to do everything no matter of 3.) The more we try to do something the worthless of the consequences 4.) When a person does anything without expectation, he will get good result 8. The phrase “cross the time” in S5 means ………………………………………………………………… 9. Modal “mat” in S13, signals ………………………………………………………………………………... 10. In the third paragraph, which sentence describes the similarity between a healthy athlete and exercise addiction? 1.) S10 2.) S11 3.) S12 4.) S13 11. Which is another phrase of “exercise” addiction? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. Which statement is not a sentence? 3.) S3 4.) S4 1.) S1 2.) S2 Business English Reading (30212-2005)

78 Dietary (Food) Supplement S1 Supermarkets, drug stores, and health food stores across American stock a wide array of products containing biologically active ingredients derived largely from plants. S2 Vitamins, herbal preparations, various amino acids, botanicals such as fungi and homeopathic medications are among the more familiar of these nonprescription products. S3 By law, these products, in the form of capsules, tablets, and liquid, are marketed to supplement the diet. S4 They are not defined by the federal government as pharmaceutical agents intended to treat or prevent illness and thus are not required to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of prescription and over-the-counter (OCT) medications. S5 A number of these dietary supplements are now undergoing their first carefully controlled study to assess their legitimate role in preventing disease and illness. S6 Two dietary supplements, calcium and folic acid, have been proved to be safe and effective in chemoprevention. S7 As research is completed, it is likely that more dietary supplements will be recognized as safe and effective chemopreventive agents. S8 Until then, the public must remain wary about the claims made by manufacturers of these products. Question: 1. The prefix “super” in “supermarket” in S1, mean………………………………………………………… 2. Which word is derived from “word building”? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Verb to be “are” in S5, is determined its from by……………………..………………………………….. 1.) number 2.) A 3.) supplement 4.) these dietary Business English Reading (30212-2005)

79 4. Why does the writer use “future simple”? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Which phrase, in the first paragraph, makes the paragraph coherent? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. What is the function of “such as”, in S2? 1.) illustration 2.) emphasis 3.) connector 4.) repeater 7. Which phrase, in the second paragraph, signal time sequence? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. What are the dietary supplements that are proved to be safe? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Modal “must”, in S8 signals………………………………………………………………………………. 10. Prefix “non- “in nonprescription, “in S2 means…………………………………………………………. 11. what is the verb form of S6?............................................................................................................. 12. Why does the writer use present perfect, in S6…………………………………………………………. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

80 Unite 6 Reading Comprehension Business email writing Besides playing a major role in most individuals' personal lives, technology plays a major role in most businesspersons' professional lives, as it's convenient, reliable, and efficient. From text messaging to emailing and scanning files to Skyping, high-tech practices are common in companies. To benefit as much as possible from these practices, businesspersons must craft and send professional business emails, or emails that serve an official, company-related purpose and are appropriately written. Professional business emails are appreciated by coworkers, customers, and potential clients alike. Professional general emails are carefully worded and concise messages about any company subject. For example, one can send a professional general email to a coworker in regards to supply information, to a customer in regards to purchase needs, and so on and so forth. It's important that professional general emails be attentively worded and as brief as possible, to help receivers digest the enclosed information and requests. Professional response emails are courteous and useful messages sent to a person or organization that sent an initial message. For example, a business manager who's asked about his company's outlook in an email would send a professional response email to address the sender's questions and concerns. This type of email should provide answers and data that're useful to the recipients, based upon what he or she stated initially. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

81 Perhaps the most considerable difficulty in sending professional business emails is remaining calm and official. For example, it might be tempting to send an angry email in response to a customer complaint, but doing so would negatively impact one's company, reputation, and performance. Instead, one should form an email response that is collected, helpful, and useful. The short-term benefits of sending professional business emails are enhanced productivity, optimal cooperation, and a minimal amount of wasted resources. In the long-term, however, someone who consistently sends professional business emails will likely develop a professional reputation. Did you understand the text? 1. What are professional business emails? a) Fun emails exchanged between friends b) Text messages sent during work c) Emails that serve an official, company-related purpose and are appropriately written d) Emails sent in response to other emails 2. What are professional general emails? a) Unimportant emails sent by a company's president b) Emails send to a company's stockholders c) Carefully worded and concise messages about any company subject d) None of the above 3. What are professional response emails? a) Emails sent to ask a question b) Emails sent for an official, company-related purpose c) Courteous and useful messages sent to a person or organization that sent an initial message d) 2 and 3 4. How should professional response emails be composed? a) Calmly and professionally Business English Reading (30212-2005)

82 b) Angrily c) Without consideration for the recipient's concerns d) As unprofessionally as possible 5. What are the benefits of sending professional business emails? a) Improved relationships b) Effective communication c) Saved money d) All of the above Business phone calls Even with today's overall focus on technology, business phone calls, or phone calls intended to discuss deals, agreements, and any other information of professional significance are important and often-utilized, as they allow experts from a number of different companies and organizations to completely understand one another. Like many other aspects of business, phone calls feature quite a few variables and elements that should be considered by those involved. Failing to consider these variables and elements can inhibit a business phone call's effects and negatively impact business relationships. First and foremost, a caller dials and starts a business phone call, while a receiver answers a business phone call. Starting a business phone call might appear to be as easy as dialing a phone number, but there's a bit more to the process than that. The caller should assure that the call is taking place at an appropriate time for the receiver, that there is well-defined subject matter to discuss, and that this subject matter is outlined. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

83 Well-defined subject matter could be anything from a potential deal to agreement specifics, and even an inquiry as to how a client is feeling and what he or she needs. Outlines of important discussion points, or reminders of topics that should be talked about during conversations, help make business phone calls as meaningful and useful as possible. With that said, business phone calls can begin with some light-hearted small talk, or non-official talk that's intended to offer a break from official conversation, to build trust and emphasize a relationship, before proceeding into matters of professional concern. Receiving a business phone call is similarly straightforward. If one is unable to talk at a given moment, the generally accepted practice is to answer a call and request that the caller phone back at a later time (or that he or she receive a return call at a later time). Other than that, one simply answers, remains courteous and attentive, and allows the caller to guide the conversation. It's recommended that one take notes during business phone calls. Exchanging information, or providing contact details, pertinent figures or statistics, or other requested data is a common business phone call practice that can be started by the caller or the receiver. To exchange information, one simply asks the individual on the other end of the phone if he or she believes it would be mutually beneficial (or helpful for all parties involved) to swap specified information. If an agreement is made, the received information should be taken note of. If something that a caller says isn't completely understood or isn't clear, one can politely ask him or her to repeat what was said. This request can be as simple as \"Can you please repeat that?\" or \"Sorry, I didn't catch that.\" Ending a business phone call, or the process of hanging up and bringing a conversation to a close, is usually automatic, and occurs when both callers feel that the dialogue's purposes have been fulfilled. If a business phone call has to be ended early (because something unforeseen has come up), the caller should ask if the dialogue can continue at a later time. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

84 Did you understand the text? 1. What is a business phone call? a) A phone call between two friends b) A phone call about no particular subject c) A phone call intended to discuss deals, agreements, and any other information of professional significance d) None of the above 2. Whose job is it to outline a business phone call's conversation topics? a) The receiver b) The company c) The caller d) Both the company and the receiver 3. What is the purpose of small talk? a) To help business experts make deals b) To offer the caller and receiver a brief break and improve their relationship c) To waste company time and resources d) To see who can talk at a lower volume 4. What type of information should be exchanged? a) Information that's unrelated to work b) Information that's agreed upon at the start of a conversation c) Any information d) Mutually beneficial information 5. How should one ask a caller to repeat something? a) Politely and respectfully, to aid the conversation and the relationship b) Rudely, to punish him or her for not being clear c) One shouldn't ask a caller to repeat something d) Quickly, to save time Business English Reading (30212-2005)

85 Cancelling a meeting Occasionally, because of business professionals' ultra-busy workdays, one will be forced to cancel a scheduled appointment to fulfill another obligation. Common reasons for cancelled appointments include, but are not limited to: scheduling conflicts, illness, social obligations, and work mandates (or company- instituted guidelines that impact workers' schedules and are designed to meet a certain goal). Whatever the reason an appointment is cancelled, it's important that the individual responsible for the cancellation call the person(s) expected to attend the meeting as quickly as possible, to inform them of the change and provide them with the maximum amount of time to restructure their own schedule. Additionally, the more courteous one is in promptly informing a fellow business specialist of a cancellation, the greater the chances of rescheduling, or agreeing on a different day and time for a previously scheduled meeting, are. Lastly, the rescheduling process is typically completed over the phone, as it's a personal form of communication through which interest and care can be easily conveyed. Here's an example of a typical business appointment cancellation phone call: Tempt: Hello, Jared? It's Jack. I'm calling to let you know that, unfortunately, I won't be able to make that appointment we scheduled. I've come down with a terrible flu, and I've already been out of work for a couple days. Lotner: I'm sorry to hear that, Jack—I hope you feel better soon. Tempt: Thanks. And believe me, I wish I could make it, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Lotner: It's not a problem—I just got over being sick a while ago, so I know what you're going through. Business English Reading (30212-2005)

86 Tempt: Yeah, it's rough. But if you're open to it, I'd love to reschedule for next week, when I'm feeling better. Lotner: That'd be great! What day and time were you thinking? Tempt: Since I'm rescheduling, whenever works for you is good for me. Lotner: Thanks! Does next Tuesday at nine work—maybe over breakfast? Tempt: It sure does! I'll meet you at your office, if you'd like. Lotner: Perfect. See you then and feel better soon. Tempt: Will do. Thanks again. Notice that the call was efficient, understanding, and forward; the caller didn't hesitate to inform the other individual of the cancellation, which would have simply wasted more of his time (and lowered the chances of rescheduling the appointment). Quickness and forwardness are important components of a successful business-appointment rescheduling phone call. Did you understand the text? 1. What should a business professional do if he or she cannot keep a scheduled appointment? a) Ignore the appointment b) Send someone else to attend c) Leave a message the day of the meeting d) Call the other party and explain the situation as soon as possible 2. What are some acceptable reasons for cancelling a business appointment? a) Illness, work mandates, social obligations, and scheduling conflicts b) One doesn't feel like attending an appointment c) One doesn't like the person who the appointment has been made with d) None of the above Business English Reading (30212-2005)

87 3. What are some of the potential benefits of promptly informing another party of an appointment cancellation? a) Further developing a respectful relationship with this party b) Increasing the chances of rescheduling for a later date c) There are no benefits of doing so d) 1 and 2 4. What is the tone of a quality rescheduling phone call? a) Indirect and careless b) Direct and to-the-point c) Fun and energetic d) Unfocused and uninterested 5. When should a business appointment be rescheduled for? a) Whenever is convenient for the person or persons who cancelled b) Whenever is semi-convenient for both parties c) Whenever is convenient for the person or persons who didn't cancel d) None of the above Applying for jobs Henry graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education, and began searching for jobs. While doing an internship previously as a university student, he discovered his greatest strength and interest was teaching children in a regular classroom setting. He also had previous volunteer experience as a camp and youth counselor. He therefore decided to focus his job hunt on elementary schools in his state. First, he prepared and printed a neat and comprehensive CV, highlighting his educational background, work and volunteer experiences. He then added a section Business English Reading (30212-2005)

88 pointing out his other skills in such areas as foreign languages and computer programming. Finally, he added a segment about his interests, and listed some personal references. Once the CV was ready, Henry checked for job openings daily. Much of his search was done on the internet, researching elementary schools in the area - there were none in his hometown, which was just a tiny village. He also chatted with people and asked his acquaintances about any job openings, as he'd heard that this kind of \"networking” was important. He also checked internet job boards. After a few weeks, Henry discovered a possible job vacancy at a school about 15 miles from his home. He wrote a nice cover letter, outlining his background and expressing his interest in the job. Then he attached his CV, and mailed the application. One week later, the school called him - they asked him to come in for an interview! Did you understand the text? 1. Henry's college degree was in... a) Career Counseling b) Internships Elementary c) Education d) Computer Programming 2. For his job search, Henry prepared a comprehensive... a) DC b) CV c) Skill d) CD Business English Reading (30212-2005)

89 3. One of Henry's other skills was... a) Foreign languages b) Personal references c) Text messaging d) Mailing letters 4. Henry also checked for job postings on the... a) Radio b) Cover letter c) Sports page d) Internet job boards 5. Henry discovered a possible job vacancy... a) at a nearby camp b) about 15 miles from his home c) overseas d) before doing an internship Business English Reading (30212-2005)

90 Warren Buffett's US$10 billion mistake: Precision Castparts Warren Buffett makes mistakes too. The 90-year-old billionaire on Saturday (Feb 27) admitted he \"paid too much\" when his Berkshire Hathaway spent US$32.1 billion in 2016 to buy aircraft and industrial parts maker Precision Castparts, its largest acquisition. Berkshire wrote off US$9.8 billion of Precision's value last August, as the coronavirus pandemic sapped demand for air travel and the Portland, Oregon-based unit's products. In his annual letter to investors, Buffett said he bought \"a fine company - the best in its business\", and Berkshire was \"lucky\" to have Precision chief executive Mark Donegan still in charge. But Buffett said he was \"simply too optimistic about PCC's normalized profit potential\". Precision shed more than 13,400 jobs, or 40 per cent of its workforce, in 2020, and only recently has begun to improve margins, Berkshire said. Advertisement \"I was wrong ... in judging the average amount of future earnings and, consequently, wrong in my calculation of the proper price to pay for the business,\" Buffett wrote. \"PCC is far from my first error of that sort. But it's a big one.\" Two years ago, Buffett admitted he \"overpaid\" for Kraft Foods when Berkshire and private equity firm 3G Capital merged it in 2015 with their HJ Heinz to form Kraft Heinz. And in his 2008 annual letter, Buffett called his 1993 purchase of Dexter Shoe his \"worst deal\" ever, saying he had bought a \"worthless business\" and compounded his error by using Berkshire stock rather than cash to fund the acquisition. \"I'll make more mistakes in the future - you can bet on that,\" he wrote. Tom Russo, a longtime Berkshire investor, welcomed Buffett's candor. \"I admire Warren for taking personal responsibility for Precision Castparts,\" he said. \"Few managers are willing to admit their responsibility rather than pass on blame.\" Source: Reuters Business English Reading (30212-2005)

91 I. Read the passage as per above and answer the question? 1.) What is the News headline? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.) Why Warren Buffett admitted that he paid too much? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.) Who is Mark Donegan? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.) What does Tom Russo who is a longtime Berkshire investor said about Buffett? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.) What is the news agency? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… McDonald's mulling partial sale of digital unit: Report WASHIGNTON: McDonald's is weighing the sale of part of digital start-up Dynamic Yield, which it bought two years ago in a bid to boost drive-through and in-restaurant kiosk orders, according to the Wall Street Journal. McDonald's had originally looked to the artificial intelligence business to provide personalized digital promotions to consumers, which would vary depending on time of day, weather, and wait times. Dynamic Yield's founder and CEO Liad Agmon told the Journal on Friday that a partial sale of the company had \"been discussed from the outset, and now feels like the right time to explore that possibility.\" The 2019 purchase of Dynamic Yield by McDonald's for more than us$300 million represented the US-based group's largest purchase in years. Company executives portrayed it as a key element of the McDonald's digital strategy. Business EMngcliDshoRneaalddin'sg a(3n0d21D2y-2n0a05m) ic Yield were not immediately available to confirm the report. Source: AFP/nh

92 II. Read the passage as per above and answer the question? 1.) The best statement of this passage's main thought is that? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.) Why do they need to follow Wall Street Journal? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.) Why the first time McDonald's is interested to the artificial intelligence business? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.) Who give an interview to the Journal on Friday that \"been discussed from the outset, and now feels like the right time to explore that possibility?\" ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.) What is the Company executives declare as a key element of the McDonald's digital strategy? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Business English Reading (30212-2005)

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