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Home Explore schedule_prepare


Published by simsineth855, 2015-06-02 00:52:38

Description: schedule_prepare


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Schedule for Y5Movie Developing1. Front End - Template Design (Spend 1 Day) - Develop Coding including Sub Category, Category, Content Block, Mobile Responsive, block for advertising (Using PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap) (Spend 1 Week)2. Administrator Page - Template Design (Spend 1 Day – 2 Day) - Develop Coding divide it into each part of them, including Sub Category, Category, Content Block, Mobile Responsive, block for advertising (Using PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap) (Spend 1 Week);3. Backend - Database Type (MySQL Server) - Analyze Database Design (2 days – 2 days and a half at least) -4. Input Data (it’s depend on Data Entry)

Schedule for Y5Movie Developing5. Front End - Template Design (Spend 1 Day) - Develop Coding including Sub Category, Category, Content Block, Mobile Responsive, block for advertising (Using PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap) (Spend 1 Week)6. Administrator Page - Template Design (Spend 1 Day – 2 Day) - Develop Coding divide it into each part of them, including Sub Category, Category, Content Block, Mobile Responsive, block for advertising (Using PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap) (Spend 1 Week);7. Backend - Database Type (MySQL Server) - Analyze Database Design (2 days – 2 days and a half at least) -8. Input Data (it’s depend on Data Entry)9.

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