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Home Explore Bharat Patel

Bharat Patel

Published by Yamik Suthar, 2021-10-25 06:09:43

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Bharat S. Patel 7 Shishir Bunglows, +91-79-26870222 (Home) Judges Bunglows road, +91-9898585949 (Mobile) BE, CE, FIE, FIETE Bodakdev, +91-9824004934 (Mobile) Ahmedabad 380015, bpatel.byte (skype id) Gujarat, INDIA [email protected] Professional Summary With a formal Engineering degree in the field of Electronics and Communications from Gujarat University, Mr. Bharat Patel pursued research at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay and Operational Research Group (ORG), and Space Application Centre ISRO for designing Microcomputers and Integrated Circuits. Being a passionate and ambitious personality with a stout combination of more than 3 decades of technical experience and entrepreneurial aptitudes, he is an inspiration to people across ages. Age doesn't define him, but his work does. He continues to do it tirelessly with effective leadership, closed liaison, and active involvement in fostering Startups, Trade Associations, Consulting Organizations, and Academic Institutions. Owing to years of work experience in the business of Information and Technology, Bharat Patel is a well-known name in the industry for his leadership skills and vast technical knowledge for the development of the country and organization. As a successful business leader, he presides over several enterprises, coordinates among the various verticals of the company, and guides the company in attaining growth amidst business challenges. Indeed, he is known for his valuable contribution to the growth of Information Technology in India and enhancing India's stature at the International level. Agenda Discover Employment Opportunities for Computer Engineers and fulfill Industry Vacancies With Qualified Engineers’ Repository through IT platform Pursue in creating a transparent IT ecosystem all across IEI network for an effective flow of work optimizing Create the right ecosystem by aligning with IT trade bodies, Education Organizations creating job opportunities Aligning with Associations to bridge the gap between Policymakers, employment, and education. Device programs for fostering Engineers for Futuristic Advancement in Technology at Startup and Entrepreneur level. Vision to create an IT platform to generate a skill matrix for consultancy across the globe in various disciplines of Engineering for IEI members. Create an arm to make IEI more visible through social platforms. Help in elevating the status of Engineers of India across the globe for equivalence. Business Designations Founder, Director, and COO at Yudiz Independent Director at Globe Textile Ltd. Designated Partner in Human Resource Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Company involved in (Company Manufacturing Textiles Materials) Intelligent Systems LLP (Software mobile App Development, Game providing SaaS-based complete Development, VR, and IoT Solutions) Intelligence-based HR solutions) Director at Komoline Aerospace Limited Director at CSRD Global Foundation Director at Secure Matrix Global Pvt. Ltd. (Company Involved in Hydro-Meteorological (Company Involved in Government Singapore Instruments, Satellite Applications, and Projects) Fabrication) Director at Abrizz Global Foundation Designated Partner at D’Square Saga LLP Director at Fetuz Hatcher Private Limited (Non-profit organization working towards (Company involved in property business) welfare of children at construction-sites)

Significant Achievements Partner in Interface Technology, a Hardware and software vending company Director of Chief Operations at Yudiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Felicitated by Economic Times for Game Partner in Kura Tech Systems, GPS Solutions and Mobile App Development Solutions Provider & Company Director of Byte Interface Pvt Ltd., Network and Partner in Remik Infocom Systems, First System Integrating Company Smartphone Company in India With Mobile Solutions Mentored 7 Startup Companies to Soar High in Hardware and Software Industry Popular Nominations Advisor of Software Technology Park of India (STPI) Technology Strategist, British Entrepreneur Former Chairman of Computer Society of India (CSI) Honorary Secretary-General, Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman of Startup Mission for ASSOCHAM Vice-Chairman, Gujarat Innovation Society (GIS) Western region President of Association of British Scholars Former State Chairman of The Institution of (ABS), Division of British Council Ahmedabad Engineers (I), Gujarat Chairman and Council Member CPDB, IEI Chairman Industry-Academia Connect, GESIA IT Chairman and Council Member CPDB, IEI Association Former Regional Convener, Young IT Professional Awards, CSI Contributions in IT, Honored at National / International Level Participated in the First Sonography Machine Development and Cyrus Nuclear Reactor Monitoring Hardware Design at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Major Design Lead on First Bit Slice Processor for Multiprocessing of Data at Space Application Centre Published 1st regional language Computer magazine duly recognized by the then Industry Minister of India, Shri N. D. Tiwari. Design Head at Byte Interface Pvt. Ltd. for Commercial Designs of Motherboards as OEM to HCL and Dynalog Microsystems A significant contribution to R&D at Godrej and Boyce Ltd and T V S Electronics Ltd at Mumbai and Tumkur respectively in designing Dot Matrix Printers. Developed Home Automation Systems For Commercial Use GELCO Run The Community Science Centre of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai in the Field Of Electronics for 6 Years. Delivered Talks on Technology at Various State, Country, and International Seminars Published Papers on E-governance, IoT in Agriculture, E-health and More Published With IEI Published 2 books through Springers related to Smart Trends in IT & Computer Communications and Architectural Wireless Networks Solutions and Security Issues. Was a part in Rolled Out Startup Policy Document For ASSOCHAM India Actively Participation in Policy Formation at Software Technology Park of India (STPI) Participated in International Events for CSI in Various Divisions Contribution to CSI in Organizing Student Level Activities Contribution to the Electronics and IT Policy, Government Of Gujarat Conducted National and International Seminars In Engineering Field for CSI, IEI, IETE, NASSCOM, STPI, ASSOCHAM, FCCI, GIS, AMA, GCCI, and Vibrant Gujarat

Fellow Memberships Member of Assocham Member of International Red Cross Steering Committee Member of DAIICT Member and President of Association of British Scholars Senior Member of ACM Member of British Business Group, GCCI Fellow of IEI and IETE Chairman of CPDB, The Institution of Engineers India Fellow of Computer Society of India Advisor of AACCI, Asian-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry Advisor and Board member of IIMTS Member of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce Philanthropic Activities Co-Founder & Director at Abrizz Global NGO Foundation | Works for Social Upliftment, Education Development, and Agriculture by Optimizing Resources, Tools, and Technology

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