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Home Explore Body systems Flipbook

Body systems Flipbook

Published by AKHIL REVURU, 2020-09-16 23:32:01

Description: Body systems Flip book By: Akhil Revuru A4


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The Awesome Body Systems By: Akhil Revuru A4

Table of Contents - Integumentary - Musculoskeletal - Nervous - Special Senses - Cardiovascular - Respiratory - Digestive - Urinary - Reproductive

Integumentary system ● The functions of the skin would be that it would be a physical barrier, maintains body temperature, sweat washes away small amounts of waste, and it also helps in the perception of stimuli. Key term- myc/o - fungus Disease- Derm/o - skin pil/o - hair follicle Acne- inflammatory disorder of the kerat/o - hard, horn shaped tissue lip/o - fat sebaceous glands that produces pimples xer/o - dry rhytid/o - wrinkle Cyanosis- The appearances of a blue xanth/o - yellow albin/o - white or purple discoloration of the skin Alopecia- hair loss that results from erythr/o - red smetics Pedicu - lice onych/o - nail Gangrene - necrosis or death of the tissue due to lack of blood supply

Vocabulary- Career- Epidermis Dermis Dermatologist- a medical Mucous membrane practitioner qualified to Melanocytes diagnose and treat skin Collagen disorders. Subcutaneous Pili Dermatology technician- Papule They take care of clinical Ulcer duties such as taking Macule medical histories and preparing patients for exams.

Musculoskeletal system Function - They hold body parts into position, provide coverings, producing heat through movement, keeping structure, and assisting movement of fluids. Diseases and disorders- Key terms- Quadriplegia - paralysis of all four My/o - muscle arthr/o - joint extremities myel/o - spinal cord -plegia - paralysis oste/o - bone kinesi/o - movement Myomalacia - abnormal softening of muscle tissue Myolysis - degradation or deterioration cost/o - ribs of muscle tissue crani/o - skull -pexy - surgical fixation Myalgia - muscle pain chondr/o - cartilage

Vocabulary- Voluntary muscles Involuntary muscles Muscle fibers Automaticity Contractibility Elasticity Careers- Excitability Extensibility Certified fitness trainer - a person certified to give fitness Ligament programs and advice to people who can exercise. Fascia Exercise physiologist- They monitor their patients fitness to help them remain healthy.

Nervous system Function - The function of the nervous system would be the ability to regulate sensory input, integration, and also command motor outputs in response. Disease and disorder- Key terms- Alzheimer’s disease - A form of dementia neuro - nerves psycho - mind resulting from atrophy of the frontal and encephal/o - brain Concuss/o - shaken together occipital lobes of the brain myel/o - spinal cord ambul/o - walking Astrocytoma - tumor of the neurological tissue Brain tumor - any intracranial mass, -esthesia - feeling, sensation which may be neoplastic, cystic, or mening/o - menings inflammatory. Cerebral palsy - disorder that affects movement and muscle tone

Vocabulary- Careers- Neurons Central nervous system Neurosurgeon- It is a person Axon concerned with the diagnosis and Synapse treatment of patients with injuries or Cerebrum illnesses within the brain. Cerebral cortex Diencephalon Electroneurodiagnostic technologist- Pineal gland a person who performs a test that is Thalamus used to evaluate the electrical Pons activity in the brain.

Special Senses system Function- The special senses are involved in the nervous system function of the sensory input to the central nervous system. -metry - process of measuring Disease and disorders Key terms- Cataract - clouding of the lens that results in decreased visual activity irid/o - iris Blepharitis - inflammation of the -cusis - hearing eyelids -opia - vision condition Glaucoma - Disease in which intraocular pressure causes damage to ot/o - ear the retina tympan/o - eardrum Myopia - condition in which a defect results in light rays focusing in on the opthalm/o - eye front

Vocabulary - Career- Pupil Ciliary body Optometrist - a person who Photoreceptor practices optometry or the Auditory measurement of the eyes. Malleus Cochlea Audiologist - a healthcare Olfactory sense professional who is trained to Gustatory evaluate hearing loss and related Cilia disorders papillae

Cardiovascular system Function - The primary function would be to circulate oxygen - rich blood throughout the body. Disease and disorders- Key terms- Aneurysm - localized, balloon cardi/o -heart leuk/o - white blood cell erythr/o - red sized like dilation of a blood vessel. arteri/o - artery angi/o - vessel Angia - condition characterized by severe, constructing pressure hem/o - blood Bradycardia - slow heart rate brady - slow Tachycardia - fast heart rate tachy - fast thromb/o - clot -emia - pertaining to blood condition

Vocabulary- Career- Apex Pericardium Cardiologist - a doctor who Epicardium specilizes in the study or Myocardium treatment of heart disease Endocardium and heart abnormalities. Setum Bicuspid Telemetry nurse - they are Cardiopulmonary nurses that check over Vena cava special equipment that the Aorta patient may have for example blood pressure and breathing.

Respiratory system Function- The purpose of the respiratory system would be inhaling fresh air and exchanging it for harmful carbon dioxide in the lung. Disease and disoreders- Key terms- Cystic fibrosis - inherited disease broch/o - bronchus pulmon/o - lung that affects the respiratory system, cyan/o - blue thorac/o - chest by producing excessive mucus in the laryng/o - voice box trache/o - windpipe lungs. -oxia - glaucoma Epiglottis - inflammation of the epiglottis Empyema - pus in the pleural cavity, oxy- - oxygen usually the result of lung infection pleur/o - pleura pneum/o - lung Bronchitis - inflammation of the mucus membranes

Vocabulary- Career- Nasal cavity Larynx Pulmonologist - a Trachea pulmonologist is a doctor who Bronchi diagnosis and treats diseases Pharynx of the respiratory system. Bronchial tubes Lungs Perfusionist - he or she is a Alveoli health care worker who is Bronchioles certified to run the Vocal chords cardiopulmonary bypass machine during surgery.

Digestive system Function- The functions of the digestive system would be to digestion of foods that have been intaken, absorption of the minerals and useful substances from the food, and solid waste is sent away from the body. Diseases and disorders- Key terms- Anorexia nervosa - condition involving self cholecyst/o - gallbladder -pepsia - digestion deprivation from food and also from weight gain. enter/o - small intestine chol/e - bile col/o - large intestine proct/o - rectum Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix hepat/o - liver gastr/o - stomach Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder Colon cancer - malignant tumor of the glandular tissue in the colon. or/o - mouth

Vocabulary- Career- Absorption Labia Gastroenterologist - a Hard palate physician who specializes in Uvula the diseases and conditions of Enamel the digestive system. Pharynx Rugae Dentist - a dentist specializes Duodenum in the care of the teeth and Jejunum gums and help in the Ileum prevention and treatment of diseases in the area. Dentists also help by educating people on the importance of oral hygiene.

Urinary system Function- It is a major filtering system, waste storage and excretion, hormone production, and finally aids in maintaining homeostasis. Disease and disorder- Key terms- Dysuria - difficult or painful urination -cele - hernia/swelling protrusion -ectasis - dilation of a tubular Enuresis - involuntary discharge of -lysis - break down/ loosening pyel/o - renal pelvis urine cyst/o - fluid sac/ bladder Oliguria - condition in which a scanty nephr/o - kidney amount of urine is produced Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder ren/o - kidney -uria - urination -pexy - surgical fixation

Vocabulary- Careers- Kidneys Cortex Case management nurse- They Nephron are certified people who are Renal medulla responsible for the Medullary pyramids coordination of the various Renal calyces elements that are involved in Ureters the care of a patient such as Hilum assisting inside facilities. Secretion Filtrate Urologist- a doctor who specializes in the field and treatment of the function and disorder of the urinary system.

Reproductive system Function- To create a fertilized cell where it is matured salty to a embryo and a baby and then delivered out. Key term- gynec/o - woman Cervic/o - cervix colp/o - vagina Disease and disorders- Salping/o - Fallopian tube prostat/o - prostate gland ov/o - eggs Ovarian cancer - cancerous tumor in the orchid/o - testicle ovaries typically asymptomatic (without symptoms) Infertility - the inability or diminished ability to produce offspring. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)- The most oophor/o - ovary common sexually transmitted infection men/o - menstruation mamm/o - breast Misscorise - loss of a fetus before it is viable

Vocabulary- Careers- Gametes Ovulation Gynecologist- a Zygote healthcare worker who Conception is qualified in the Menstruation practice of gynecology ( Sperm which means the medical Gonads practice of dealing with Testes female health) Testosterone Fertilization Doula - A woman who has been certified sent to aid a pregnant woman during labor.


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