32nd Annual Environmental Training Symposium and Conference Education—Collaboration— ComplianceOctober 5 & 6, 2016San Diego Convention Center
About the ConferenceThe 2016 Annual Environmental TrainingSymposium and Conference is presented by theIndustrial Environmental Association and theCalifornia Manufacturers and TechnologyAssociation. The Conference has excelled for 31years in bringing a balance of valuableinformation that includes environmentalcompliance guidance and legislative updates to itsattendees.The 450 attendees consist of environmental,health, and safety professionals, environmentalengineers, environmental consultants andattorneys, and government affairsrepresentatives. These attendees representmanufacturing, biotech, and high tech companies,as well as the Department of Defense and federaland state regulators.
SPEAKERS AND PANELISTSThe speakers and panelists include California legislators andregulators who are at the forefront of environmental policy atthe State and National level. Additionally, you will findrepresentatives from a variety of non-governmentalorganizations, award-winning consultants, and leadingCalifornia businesses.Confirmed speakers include:Bill Allayaud (Environmental Working Group) ◦ Robb Anderson(SDG&E) ◦ John Arena (Metropolitan Water District) ◦ AnaCarvalho (City of San Diego) ◦ Matt O’Malley (San DiegoCoastkeeper) ◦ Jim Swaney (San Diego Air Pollution ControlDistrict) ◦ Mike Vizzier (DTSC)PROGRAM TOPICSSDAPCD Update Solid Waste ManagementState of the Grid RCRA Hazwaste EmissionsWater Supply IGP Status and Citizen SuitsARB Update Chemicals of ConcernCleaning the Air Through Collaboration...and more!WORKSHOPS — OCTOBER 6, 2016QISP Training Air Permitting 102 WorkshopHIGHLIGHTSEnvironmental Excellence Awards Plenary DiscussionsHosted Reception Exhibit Hall1st Annual IEA Research & Education Foundation Dinner
Exhibitor and Sponsor OpportunitiesNew — IEA Research & Education FoundationFundraising Dinner SponsorNew — Session Videos SponsorEnvironmental Excellence Awards and LuncheonCocktail Reception SponsorWorkshop SponsorLocal Legislator of the Year AwardEducational Sponsor—only 1 left!Coffee Break SponsorSnack Break SponsorBreakout Room SponsorTravel SponsorAssociate of the Year AwardOnly 5 spaces left in the Exhibit Hall!Click here to view the Prospectus and here todownload the Reservation Form.
IEA Research & Education Foundation 1st Annual Fundraising Dinner October 5, 6-8pm Roy’s San Diego Water FrontOn the evening of October 5, 2016, immediatelyfollowing our Conference Reception at the ConventionCenter, we will host the first Annual IEA Research &Education Foundation Dinner. The Dinner is both afundraiser and the kick-off event for our new non-profitFoundation which was formed earlier this year. Itspurpose: to present scientific information relative toenvironmental topics for the benefit of the generalpublic and decision makers.We will be recognizing a few San Diego organizationsthat are making remarkable contributions to the qualityof life in this community, and there will be raffle prizesand dinner from one of San Diego's finest restaurants—Roy’s San Diego Waterfront. Click here to register for the Dinner. $100 for dinner and hosted bar.
*Email [email protected] for discount codes Register here: tinyurl.com/enviroconf16
Industrial Environmental Association California Manufacturers and Technology Association Phone: (619) 522-9000 Fax: (619) 522-9005 [email protected] www.iea-sd.com/conference YOUR LOGO HERE
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