EventsWednesday, October 5, 2016Breakfast Plenary7:45-9:00amEnvironmental Excellence Awards Luncheon12:15-1:45pmAwards presentation followed by keynote speakerPoster Presentation1:45-2:00pmReception5:00-6:00pmMix and mingle at the hosted reception in the Exhibit HallIEA Research & Education Fundraising Dinner6:00-8:00pmRaffle, awards, and more at Roy’s San Diego Water FrontThursday, October 6, 2016Breakfast Plenary7:45-9:15amAPCD Blue Sky Awards, California Legislator of the Year Award, andRegulator of the Year Award.QISP Workshop8:00am-4:30pmToR-led training required to gain QISP certification. Laurel Warddrip andRebecca Greenwood from the State Water Board will be in attendance.Air Permitting 102 Workshop1:00-4:30pmA follow-up to last year’s best-attended session, this workshop will include:emission calculating session, best available control technology analysis,permitting from start to finish, and more!
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Wednesday, October 5 9:15-10:30amTrack 1 IGP Status and Citizen Suits IGP Compliance Update, Citizen Enforcement and IGP Compliance, and Notice of Intent to Sue—What to Do Moderator: Stephen Marsh (Dentons LLP) Panelists: Rebecca Greenwood (SWRCB), Matt O’Malley (San Diego Coastkeeper), Ed Othmer (AECOM)Track 2 San Diego Air Pollution Control District Update An informative session presented by members of the San Diego Air Pollution Control District’s leadership team. Come meet your local regulators, and hear important updates on air quality issues and trends. Moderator: Sara Giobbi (General Dynamics NASSCO) Panelists: Bob Kard, Jon Adams, Jim Swaney, Rob Reider, Bill Brick, Andy Hamilton (San Diego Air Pollution Control District)Track 3 Solid Waste Management Moderator: Michael Huber (Navy Region South West) Panelists: Ana Carvalho (City of San Diego), Christine Hironaka (CalRecycle), Dr. Eugene Tseng (UCLA)Topic Color Key Air Energy Hazmat Sustainability Water
Wednesday, October 5 10:45am-12pmTrack 1IGP Level 1 & 2—Are You Prepared?Moderator: Ed Othmer (AECOM) Panelists: Ruth Kolb (City of San Diego), Jonathan Meronek (SCS Engineers), CASQA RepresentativeTrack 2 CARB Regulatory Update Panel Proposed PERP and Portable ATCM Revisions, CARB Regulations and Compliance Mobile Sources, Scoping Plan and Other GHG Rules. Moderator: Alfred Dumaual (Navy) Panelists: Randy Opfer (CARB); Joe Gormley (Invited— CARB)Track 3 RCRA Hazwaste Air Standards For RCRA large quantity generators. This seminar will discuss the regulations of volatile hazwaste as well as provide examples of the different types of regulated equipment. The regulations address the storage and transfer of volatile hazwaste. Large quantity generators of RCRA hazwaste are specifically subject to these requirements. Panelists: David McKinley (McKinley Engineering), John Misleh (County of San Diego)
Wednesday, October 5 2:15-3:30pmTrack 1 Water Supply Moderator: Anne Bamford (IEA) Panelists: Dave Ceppos (Center for Collaborative Policy, CSUS), Russ Gibbon (City of San Diego), Maureen Stapleton (San Diego County Water Authority)Track 2 Strategies to Tackle Air Quality Challenges Ozone, Nonattainment, Air Toxics, PM Moderator: TBD Panelists: Philip M. Fine (SCAQMD), Seyed Sadredin (SJVAPCD), Jack Broadbent (BAAQMD)Track 3 Clean Transportation: Solutions & Resources to Meet a Growing Demand for EVs Have you received inquiries from employees requesting electric vehicle charging stations lately? Wondering how you can install EV charging stations at your facility to meet this growing demand? SDG&E launched their new electric vehicle charging stations program, Power Your Drive, that will install 3,500 electric vehicle charging stations at 350 locations, which include workplaces, apartments and condos. The City of Chula is taking advantage of Power Your Drive and will share their insights on how this program is shaping the way they manage their fleets in the future to include more EV. SANDAG will highlight the valuable resources available through Plug-In San Diego for organizations considering installing EV charging infrastructure, including best practices on workplace charging, to resources for fleet manager and guidelines for installing EV charging stations in residential and commercial locations and so much more. If you’re experiencing increased requests for EV charging stations at your facility, you don’t want to miss this session!Moderator: Randy Schika (SDG&E)Panelists: April Bolduc (SDG&E), Barbara Locci (City of ChulaVista), Allison Wood (SANDAG)
Wednesday, October 5 3:45-5:00pmTrack 1Water Conservation TechnologyModerator: Marcia Ferreira (Metropolitan WaterDistrict of Southern California)Panelists: Jim Hessler (Altman Plants); Invited: JimHernandez (Emerald Textiles), Tim Suydam (StoneBrewing)Track 2Sustainable Solutions to Air Quality ProblemsModerator: Jim Dill (Kleinfelder)Panelists: Cara Bandera (BAE Systems), ValerieFanning (University of California San Diego)Track 3 Proposition 65 Update This panel will present the latest on the proposed changes to Proposition 65, The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act. The discussion will include Gov. Brown’s reform proposals and the most recent draft of the proposed safe harbor warning regulations and Prop 65 web site proposal. Moderator: Stephen Marsh (Dentons) Speakers: Anthony Samson (Arnold & Porter LLP)
Thursday, October 6 9:30-10:45amTrack 1 MFG Day Career Panel Students from San Diego high schools and community colleges will be attending a career panel as part of MFG Day. Moderator: TBD Panelists: April McGinley (Continental Maritime of San Diego), Omar Passons (Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Involvement)Track 2 OPENTBD Moderator: Panelists:Track 3Inspector UpdateModerator: Cliff Hanna (General Atomics)Panelists: San Diego Air Pollution Control District,Department of Environmental Health, San DiegoRegional Water Quality Control Board, Poway FireDepartment
Thursday, October 4 11:00am-12:15pmTrack 1Management of WasteModerator: Maya Rohr (Sespe Consulting)Panelists: Christine Brenk (Kleinfelder), MichaelFoster (Kleinfelder)Track 2 Cleaning the Air Through Collaboration Moderator: Massie Hatch (M.S. Hatch Consulting) Panelists: Thomas Jelenić (Pacific Merchant Shipping Association), Renee Moilanen (Port of Long Beach)Track 3 Chemicals of Concern Moderator: TBD Panelists: Bill Allayaud (Environmental Working Group), Meredith Williams (Department of Toxic Substances Control)
Thursday, October 6 8am-4:30pmTrack 4—QISP Certification Workshop Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner Certification This workshop is essential for facilities and individuals responsible for complying with the IGP. Complete the mandatory in-person training to prepare you for the final exam and QISP certification. Topics covered will include: QISP Responsibilities Determining IGP Requirements—NOI, NEC, NONA SWPPP Elements BMPs NAL Triggers SMARTS ERAs—Level 1 and Level 2 Reports Sampling—timing, locations, strategies, and more With special guests from the State Water Board, Laurel Warddrip (Industrial & Construction Storm Water Unit Chief) and Rebecca Greenwood (Industrial Lead) Moderator: Lori Cathcart (Kleinfelder) Panelists: John Gleason (QISP ToR, AECOM), Kathleen Harrison (QISP ToR, Geosyntec Consultants), Cory Jones (QISP ToR, SCS Engineers), Ed Othmer (QISP ToR, AECOM), Sean Porter (QISP ToR, Brown & Caldwell), Kalen Bjurstrom (QISP, Kleinfelder), Travis Meier (QISP, Kleinfelder)$140 IEA Members, $190 General CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FLYER
Thursday, October 6 1-4:30pmTrack 2 1-4:30pm Air Permitting 102 Workshop The Permitting 102 Workshop/Training will present characteristics of air quality permitting processes and notable recent or proposed changes to permitting rules in San Diego, the State of California, and the United States. Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBD Free for Conference Attendees, $99 Separate RegistrationTrack 1&3 1-2:15pm TBD Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBDExhibitorsSilver GoldAdvanced Chemical TransportBio Clean Environmental Services, Inc.Clean HarborsBSI EHS ServicesFiltrexx InternationalLangan Engineering andEnvironmental ServicesRF MacDonald Co.San Diego Air Pollution Control DistrictSan Diego County Water AuthoritySan Diego Gas & ElectricUnivar There is still booth spaceVeolia in the Exhibit Hall—clickYorke Engineering here to learn more
Thursday, October 6 2:15-3:30pmTrack 1 TBD Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBDTrack 3TBDModerator: TBDPanelists: TBD
32nd Environmental Training Symposium and ConferenceEducation•Collaboration•Compliance Finding Common Ground to Protect Our Environment Register here! www.iea-sd.com/conference [email protected] (619) 522-9000
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