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Home Explore AnnieBeeStyleGuide


Published by billings.annem, 2016-12-30 01:17:10

Description: AnnieBeeStyleGuide


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THE PORTRAIT SESSIONSTYLE GUIDE for a stress-free experience

choosing time & dateI AM A NATURAL LIGHT SPECIALIST BECAUSE I BELIEVE THATnatural light, from the sun and its reflections, create photographs that feel fresh,timeless and truest to you. I begin all portrait sessions an hour & twenty minutesb e fore t he s che du le d suns e t dur ing “t he golden hour,” w hen t he lig ht is t hedreamiest. Use a sunset calculator online to determine the scheduled sunset fort he d ate and lo c at ion you’d li ke to do your s ession. Then, just subt ra c t an hou r& twenty minutes to figure out your start time. Remember, the sun sets muchearlier during the colder months of the year and much later during the warmermonths, so make sure to factor that in when choosing your portrait session date,esp e ci a l ly if you’re t a k ing of f work or have e vening pl ans af ter ward. To get t hemost out of your session, please plan a buffer when getting ready so you can arrivea few minutes early to your session and be ready to start on time. I am only able toshoot when natural light is still in the sky, so we’ll want to take advantage of ever yminute we have together before the sun goes down. If you’re wearing two outfits,save your favorite one for the second half, and if you’re wearing one, arrive in that.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 1

QUICK TIP: My weekends fill up fast and far in advance, as does our fall season.You can get a Fast Pass to the front of the line by scheduling mid-week or off-season.

SELECTING THE RIGHT L O C AT I O N THE LOCATION OF YOUR PORTRAIT SESSION IS UP TO you! Like you see throughout this guide, most of our clients choose to showcase the natural beauty of our home state. For most of our sessions, outdoor, open-air environments are always our first choice. I love shooting in wide-open natural spaces because the light is divine, especially during golden hour. There are great options all around the state, so even if you've never seen us photograph in a specific spot before, I am always up for exploring a new spot together!PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 3

think outside the boxTHIS IS THE TIME TO THINK ab out it and che ck ing around. You’ l loutside the box! I encourage you to be surprised with what you come upbrainstorm unique locations that you with. Plus, if something seems out ofmight have special access to that most reach, just remember: you never knowpeople don’t. For example, maybe until you ask! My clients have securedyou, or someone in your personal permission to some pretty amazingor professional network, can secure places in the past. If you get stuck orpermission to a location that would need inspiration, check out my blogotherwise be off-limits, like a beautiful and keep browsing through this guide. Iprivate estate, country club or resort. have some great go-to locations aroundMay b e it’s a fami ly ranch, ups cale hotel town that we can always hit, too. Justor even a boat, airplane hangar or a let me k now w hi ch t y p e of s ess ion you’drooftop view. The sky is literally the love and we’ll go from there!limit! Spend a few minutes thinking ANNIE BEE | 4

DON’T BE AFRAID TODRESS IT UPHAVE YOU THOUGHT AB OUT don’t want to add a new permanentrocking a romantic gown, tulle piece to your collection, a lot ofskirt or flower crown but just our clients love Rent the Runwaynever had an occasion for it? for t heir s ession b ecaus e it’s suchThis is your chance to do it up! an affordable way to feel like aRemember: There is no such thing million bucks. Other clients loveas “too dressed up” when it comes having a great excuse to bring ato your portrait session, so don’t new permanent piece (or two!)be afraid to have some fun! If you into their closet!There’s no such thing as too dressed up.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 5

say yes DRESS TO THEDresses and skirts look most stunning because they really flatterever y female body, especially on camera — which is probablywhy the red carpet is always full of so many dresses and notver y many p antsuits! We re commend avoiding p ants and shor tsfor your session, and saying yes to a dress or two instead.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 7

Long, full-length, flowy dresses and skirts look amazing on camera because theybring extra movement to the photos. Especially when juxtaposed with nature, likethe desert, forest, plains or beach. Consider softer fabrics like chiffon or tulle whichallow for beautiful movement in the images.When consider ing t he lengt h of your dress es or skir ts, it’s als o a go o d ide a to fac tor inwhether or not there will be little ones in your photos. If you have smaller children,we’ll likely have you sitting or crouching on the ground to interact up-close withthem. Cute, shorter cocktail-length dresses photograph beautifully, but if you havelittle ones in your photos, a floor-length dress or skirt, or perhaps a cute midi-skirt,will make moving around with your kids much easier, and look perfect on camera,too.If you’re an expecting mother, we always recommend floor-length gowns or maxidresses. These dresses create the best silhouettes to flatter your figure and reallyhighlight your bump. A lot of our expecting mothers love to incorporate flower crownsor headpieces as well. ANNIE BEE| 8

STATmEakeMa ENTPAIRING AN ACCESSORY OR T WO WITH YOUR OUTFIT CAN REALLYHELP bring some extra dimension to your images, and be a nice tie-in whenyou’re coordinating with a group. Big statement necklaces bring a lot of popto the photos, while the smaller, delicate ones are not be as noticeable on

choosing colorsWHEN CHOOSING COLORS FOR YOUR OUTFITS, WE RECOMMENDselecting softer, lighter tones and more muted shades. By avoidingultra-bright, bold colors, it will help bring all the attention to yourfaces and let the eye focus on the way you feel about each other.The camera loves shades of soft pink and muted blues, mixed withsophisticated light neutrals like heather gray, creams, leather brownand white. That softer color palette fits beautifully into almost allnatural outdoor environments, and especially compliments the desert.

flattering your features IN MY EXPERIENCE, EVERY WOMAN, REGARDLESS OF HER shape has an are a of her b o dy t hat she’s s elf-cons cious ab out, s o recognizing what area that is in advance is key. Choosing flattering silhouettes and colors that complement your natural features is the best way to ensure you’ll love the way you look in your photos.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 11

THREE-QUARTER LENGTH SLEEVES HEELS ELONGATE WOMEN’S LEGScreate an awesome slimming effect on making them look fabulous. Closed-all arms, so be on the lookout for an toes heels in particular look great onoption with a longer length sleeve. camera because they carry out theYou cou ld a ls o br i ng a c ute j acket, line of your leg all the way down toblazer or cardigan along, too. Skinny your toe. If your toes are showingstraps or strapless dresses have the in a peep-toe heel, you might wantopposite effect on arms on camera to schedule a pedicure before yourwith the exception of maternity, so I session so you don’t regret lettingrecommend avoiding those whenever your feet show. These little trickspossible for slimmer-looking arms. make all the difference!QUICK TIPBring a pair of easy-to-kick-off flats to wear when moving fromplace to place in between photos. Your feet will thank you later! ANNIE BEE | 12


GO PRO HAIR & MAKEUPPROFESSIONAL HAIR AND MAKEUP IS ON THE TOP OFmost of our clients’ checklists because it looks amazing oncamera and removes the stress of getting ready on your own.This is t he time to tre at yours elf! Whet her it’s lash extensionsor blown-out hair, professional hair and makeup will giveyou an extra boost of confidence in front of the camera, andit always photographs like a dream. If you’re working with amakeup artist, have her apply your makeup in natural light, ifp ossible, s o t hat it lo oks f resh and not to o he av y. Plus, t hat’sthe type of light we’ll be shooting in, so it’ll give you the bestexpectation of how it will translate on camera. Most of ourclients feel like their professional makeup is “too much” atf irst, since it’s more t han you would we ar on a nor ma l day, orthat they're false lashes look too big, so if you feel that wayat the beginning, don’t worr y! Good makeup artists know howto get it all just right for the camera — and our clients alwayslove the final result. If you need a recommendation for hairand makeup, I work with the best in the business and have ago-to team! They’re sweet as pie, talented as heck, unbelievableprofess i ona ls and wonder f u l p e ople. You’ l l LOVE t hem ! Justlet me know and I'll send you their information. I know they’lltake good care of you! ANNIE BEE | 15

fashion tipsFOR HIMbecause dapper and debonair never go out of style


FOR HIM THE BEST FITLONG, FIT TED PANTS AND CLOSED-TOED SHOES AREthe most sophisticated and masculine looks for men. They drawattention away from his legs and feet and place it where you wantit: on his hands ome face. S o, for your s ession, it’s b est to le avethe shorts, sandals and jeans at home, too, as well as any pantsthat are loose or baggy. Fitted dress pants or fitted colored pantswork best on camera. Solid shades of gray or navy are a strongcompliment to most women’s outf its, w here as pinstr ip es or plaidpatterns tend to distract the eye. I also recommend staying awayfrom graphics and logos. MIX IT UPMany of our guys love to mix a suit coat, blazer or sport coat with adifferent pant color. It adds some extra visual interest, and break upthe color tones. We’re big fans of this fresh take on a timeless classic. FOR HIM

layered looksNEXT T I M E YOU WALK B Ya store like J. Crew, you’llnotice the male mannequinsand models are alwayswearing several layers atonce. Layers on men lookgreat on camera, so evenw hen it’s hot outside, tr ustus w hen we s ay t hat it’sworth an hour or two ofdiscomfort for photos thatwill last you both a lifetime.Adding another layer willbring extra dimensionand visual interest to yourphotos. Blazers, vests andcoats up the level of anylook. If the temperaturepermits, he could evenconsider adding a v-necksweater with a pop of colorfrom a long-sleeved collaredshirt and tie underneath.Don’t be afraid to get a littlecreative with layers! ANNIE BEE | 21

IT’S ALL IN THE DETAILS BROWN LEATHER DRRESS SHOES COMPLIMENT ALMOST EVERY lo ok, w het her he’s we ar ing a f ull suit or a blazer and colored pants. Ties, bowties, pocket squares, colored socks, belts, tie clips, suspenders, vests and watches are sharp compliments to any outfit for men and boys alike. If you bring two outfits to the session, you can start with a traditional necktie and belt, then switch to suspenders and a bow tie for your second look. If t wo l o oks are to o st re ssf u l, no problem ! One w i l l do t he t r ick! You c an st i l l mix and match accessories to compliment both of her dresses without doing a full change during the session. So, either way, it's a win.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 22

HOW TOPREPYOURMAN MOST MEN AREN’ T OVERLY EXCITED TO TAKE PHOTOS FOR T WO hours, b ecaus e t he y don’t have an exp ec t ation of w hat’s to come and w hy it’s s o imp or t ant to you. Take f if teen minutes to educate and emp ower your guy. Tel l him w hy you chos e us and our st y le of photog raphy. Show him your three favorite sessions that we’ve done, explain why you love them and express to him how much it me ans to you. Tr ust me, once he knows it’s important, he’ll light up the camera for you! The most common thing we hear from guys before photo sessions is this: because of a bad experience in the past, they don’t like taking photos or don’t think they’ll be good at it. By the time we’re done, though, they can’t believe how fast it went and just how much fun they had! ANNIE BEE | 23


prepping yourFA M I LY because they won’t be little forever AMY & JORDAN | 40

coordinating THE CREW As you’re coordinating your outfit with your family, keep in mind that your outfits will look the most cohesive on camera when the color palette and w ard rob e pie c e s c o ordinate, but don’t a c tu a l ly “match.” In fa c t, I re com mend t hat you avoid t h in k ing ab out “matching ,” and inste a d t hin k ab out w hat “f it s” together. This will create more visual interest, and allow each personality to shine through. The goal for coordinating a family is to visually break up the colors and shades so that you’re not all wearing the same color on top and bottom. The more we c an mix t hat up, t he b etter. We encourage you to t hin k ab out planning e ach outfit with “dominant colors” and “accent colors” in mind. A dominant color is the color that you see the most in an outfit, while an accent has a smaller pie ce of visual re al est ate. When you’re planning e ach family memb er’s outf it, if you can aim for each person to have a different dominant color, and then tie in and var y t he accent colors, it’s going to lo ok gre at a ll toget her. For example, if you’re wearing a blush dress, soft blue earrings and nude heels (blush being your dominant color), then he could wear a navy coat with a white button-down and gray pants, paired with brown leather shoes and maybe even a blush p o cke t s qu are ( ma k ing nav y his dom inant color). Your d aug hter cou l d wear a soft blue top with a white tulle skirt (making a soft blue her dominant color) while your son wears light beige pants with navy suspenders and a white button down (making white his dominant color). Now each person has their own dominant color while still incorporating a few touches of the others that will pull all the looks together. This will break up the color visually and highlight each personality. Most of our moms choose their dress first, and t hen bui ld t he rest of t he family’s outf its bas ed around t hat. Remember, I recommend selecting those softer, lighter tones and avoiding those ultra-bright, bold colors. The camera loves shades of soft pink and muted blues, mixed with sophisticated light neutrals like heather gray, creams, leather brown and white. Feel free to vary the shades of the colors, too.That softer color palette fits beautifully into a natural environment, and can easily be paired in so many different ways.PORTRAIT STYLE GUIDE | 26


mixing up the piecesIf you have multiple children, don’t feel like you need to put them all inthe same type of outfit. For example, one of your daughters could weara dress and flats, while the other wears a skirt and boots. One of yoursons could wear a bowtie, while the other one wears suspenders. Mixingup the wardrobe pieces will bring a great visual interest to the photos.

PREPPING YOUR LITTLE ONESBefore your session, pack a bag with listeners, like an ice cream cone, forsnacks, water and any small objects example. It also helps if they’re bellies(like toys or lollipops) that might help are full and they’ve has some good restus get t heir attention w hen it’s time beforehand. Once your prepare themfor them to look at the camera. If they physically and mentally, then feel freeare old enoug h to underst and you, it’s to give them (and you!) grace! They’rea go o d ide a to prepare t hem for w hat’s little, and we know that some daysto come before the session starts. don’t a lways go as pl anne d. We’veExplain how much the photos mean to seen it all and will make sure to getyou so they know to be on their best you great photos, regardless of theirbehavior. A lot of families discuss and moods. Our goal is to make this as funpick something fun in advance as a and stress-free as it possibly can betreat after the session if they’re good for you and your family! ANNIE BEE | 29

PACKAGES THE FAMILY & MATERNITY SESSION $375These sessions take place at a location of your choice, typicallybefore sunset. Refer to the \"location\" page in this magazine forfurther inspiration!Includes: 1 hour session online viewing gallery 15 digital images THE NEWBORN SESSION $600Through lifestyle photography, I capture the story of your familybringing home baby and embarking on this new adventure. I alsooffer studio style sessions done in my home in North Phoenix. Forboth style sessions, I provide props, wraps and outfits. I also lovewhen families include sentimental pieces, such as a knit baby blanket.These sessions are photographed within the first 10 days of life whenbaby can easily mold into those tiny poses. Families get to decidewhich type of session they are drawn most towards.Includes: 4 hour newborn session online viewing gallery 25 images PACKAGES

MATERNITY & NEWBORN $800These sessions ensure that you capture both your pregnancy & early days with baby.Includes: 1 hour maternity session & 4 hour newborn session online viewing gallery & 25 digital images from each session THE FIRST YEAR PACKAGE $1,000The first year package includes a newborn, a 6 month, and a one year session.Includes: 4 hour newborn session, 6 month session & first year session 25 digital images from each session

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