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Home Explore In Step 2022 Vol 34 Issue 2

In Step 2022 Vol 34 Issue 2

Published by, 2022-08-09 02:47:15

Description: In Step 2022 Vol 34 Issue 2

Keywords: TCF,INSTEP,Education,Teachers,Educators


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2022 VOLUME 34 ISSUE 2 TEACHERS’ CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MALAYSIA CONNECTING HEARTS AND MINDS “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” – Luke 9:62

Contents 4 13 15 21 23 A Fool The Native Change Guru Yang Snails for God Experience Bahagia Part 1 19 12 (Part 2) 24 Dive Deep My Teaching 5 In Journey Partnership A Call to Serve as a Missional Leader 17 Starting Well, Finishing Well

EDITORIAL Plow On! by Donna Anak Dawi “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back In this issue, we behold God's faithfulness in the this issue, 'A Clear Vision from God' describes how is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” lives of His people through the changing seasons. faith and hope in God and His word bring fruition to – Luke 9:62 We travel with a teacher down memory lane into an our lives. interior school in 'Native Experience' and see how Tempus fugit! We are halfway through 2022 already. God faithfully led him even before he came to know Dear brothers and sisters, what could be the best In the past few months, we have seen and Him. In 'A Fool for God', we read how God equipped motivation for our labour? Left to ourselves, we have experienced many changes. By God's grace, we have and enabled those He called. In 'Missional all the reasons for despair and discouragement. Yet also transitioned from the pandemic to the endemic Leadership', we are challenged by Christ's call to a in Christ, we have a living hope. Come what may, our stage of COVID-19. Many of us might find it quite nobler ambition to be salt and light in the world. On joy shall stay, for He is faithful and sovereign over all! overwhelming to readjust ourselves back to physical top of that, be encouraged to see God's faithful May His diamond-like faithfulness – multifaceted classes, daily commute, and backward Math in guidance and enabling grace for teachers within and and precious – help you to realise His faithfulness in managing our time both at work and at home. As we beyond the four walls of the classrooms in 'Change', your own story and therewith compel you to plow on! continue to put our hands to the plow in these 'Dive Deep', 'My Teaching Journey' and 'Starting Well,  uncertain times, where do we set our gaze on? Do we Finishing Well'. Personally, I am both inspired and look back and compare the challenging time we're challenged by the BM article entitled 'Guru yang “Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on Your living now with the good old days? Or above all, do Bahagia'. It reminds me of Psalm 1 and convicts me faithfulness; we turn our eyes to Jesus, the One who faithfully that a blessed teacher is not one who remains in the Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your endured the cross to die for our sin that we may comfort zone, but someone who readily labours and Name.” share in His glory? bears much fruit! Finally, the concluding article in – Psalm 86:11 Editorial Committee In Step TCF Office IN STEP is a non-profit Christian Unit C10-00-05, Blk C10, newsletter published four times a year by Donna anak Dawi Liew Nyuk Lan Lee Sok Yan Indyrany Kannaiya 2022 VOLUME 34 ISSUE 2 Apt Subang Perdana Goodyear Court 3, the Teachers’ Christian Fellowship Jln Kewajipan, USJ 7, Malaysia (TCF). It is dedicated to Christian 47630 Subang Jaya, educators and issued FREE to TCF Selangor Darul Ehsan members. 03-5888 5626 Views expressed are the writers’ and do not necessarily represent those of TCF. All rights reserved. For reprinting TCFMalaysia purposes, please contact TCF. tcfmalaysia Cover photo by Choo Yew On IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 3

A Fool for God by Tan Ying Kee Can you reject your appointment? adjustments that needed to be made. I would be away road was too narrow. On rainy days, students would be Why do you want to serve in another town and waste from my family and I needed to rent a place to stay. drenched walking to the school from the bus stop or vice money on rental and petrol? Furthermore, I had to fork out quite a lot of money for versa. The facilities were old and lacking because the Why are you so silly to accept the task when the salary is petrol and rental totalling about RM600 each month. In school had been established more than 100 years ago in the same and the increase of RM180 in allowance can't addition, I had to purchase an SUV for my safety as it was 1899. However, I am thankful to the previous principal, Mr even cover your rental and petrol? dangerous to overtake the many lorries on my way to Ho Kum Weng, for his leadership and commitment as he Teluk Intan, especially the ten wheelers on Monday had sourced for funds from the community and various Those were the reactions from friends when I told them mornings at 6 a.m. philanthropists to build the school hall which houses 2 about my appointment to head SMK Horley Methodist, a badminton courts and 6 classrooms and an art and craft mission school in Teluk Intan in September 2015. The However, deep in my heart, I was prepared to accept the room. The new hall was very useful for our weekly school school was located 60 km from my house. challenge. I didn't mind being a fool for Christ. assembly and for the PMR and SPM examinations. When Throughout my career as an educator for more than 30 I first arrived, the weekly school assembly had been held Before this new appointment, I had been a senior years, I had never been posted to a mission school. Now in the open outside the school office. assistant for more than ten years in three different towards the end of my career, I had been given an schools. To head a school in another district was a great opportunity to serve in a Methodist school and I felt that I “Those whom the Lord calls, He will also equip and challenge to me. There were a lot of sacrifices and could contribute and make a difference in the lives of the provide.” Those were the words I remembered when I students and teachers. Furthermore, TCF has always attended the cell church conferences at DUMC many encouraged us, Christian teachers, to rise to the years ago. Indeed, the Lord knows our needs even before challenge to serve as heads of mission schools. In we dare to ask. One of my first tasks was to install the PA addition, my late wife also encouraged me and gave me system and automatic bell. Actually there was an her blessings. automatic bell, but it had not been in use for a long time and needed to be reset. However, for the PA system to When I first stepped into the Horley Methodist school work, there was a need to install 8 more horn speakers in compound, my heart sank. The classrooms, especially in addition to the existing two. To my dismay, the electrical the older blocks were in disrepair and infested with wiring for the speakers would cost a huge sum because termites. The canteen was too small for a secondary the supplier needed to get an electrical contractor to do school with a population of 100 teachers and 1000 the wiring. students. The office and staffroom were small, congested and also infested with termites. One teacher told me that One day, a man came to my office to get a copy of his the school bell had not been rung for more than a year. wife's school leaving certificate. He said that his wife The road leading to the school entrance was so obscure needed the certificate to enrol in a diploma course in New that I had actually missed it on my first day. The school Zealand. I asked the office boy to search for it in the buses couldn't go all the way to the school gate as the termite-infested storeroom and we managed to find the Page 4 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

records which showed that his wife did complete her Due to the size of the canteen, the morning session had remember trying very hard to motivate and challenge the Form 5 in the school many, many years ago. Then, before three recess sessions because of the lack of space for PT3 candidates to score As in Science during my first he left, I casually enquired about his occupation. To my the students to eat. A teacher, Mr Ong Thiam Hock year there. After much hard work put in by the teachers surprise, he told me that he was an electrical contractor connected me to a local contractor who agreed to extend and students, finally a few from that batch of students and he was registered with Tenaga Nasional Berhad. the canteen by 14 feet x 147 feet at a reasonable cost and managed to score As in Science. Every day I would enter Immediately, I asked him to quote the cost of wiring for also brought me to a local supplier to purchase the tiles. at least one class to observe a teacher teaching and at the horn speakers. His quotation turned out to be much Dr Kerk Choon Keng, the chairman of the school Board of the same time collect 20 exercise books for checking. I cheaper than the earlier one quoted by the supplier. So I Governors was very supportive of the project. On the found the SKPM 2010 observation instrument realistic got him to do the job, after getting approval from the other hand, the sports secretary was very worried that the and user friendly. After the observation, I could give the Chairman of the Board of Governors. Indeed the Lord extension would encroach into the school field. I feedback to the teacher concerned on the same day itself, knows and He provides. This electrical contractor came managed to convince him that even with the extension, together with a copy of the form, showing the score and to me. I didn't go to look for him. I marvelled at the Lord's there would still be four feet of space for the linesmen comments. However, I found the new SKPMg2 provision. It wasn't a coincidence that the electrical during a football game and the football game wouldn't be observation forms too detailed and unrealistic and contractor had appeared in my office that day. It was a affected. After the extension, there was enough space for cumbersome to calculate the score with different divine appointment. 20 new canteen tables and 40 benches and the morning weightage for different aspects. I had the pleasure of recess was reduced to two sessions, instead of the witnessing my Form 3, Form 5 and Form 6 students doing Subsequently, the same contractor did other electrical previous three. Mr Ong was indeed a godsend as he well in their PT3, SPM and STPM exams. There were even projects for the school at reasonable costs. The most helped me to get in touch with various people and SPM candidates who managed to score 10As and 11As, significant one was the replacement of the huge electrical organisations in the community. Most of the teachers in and STPM candidates obtaining the maximum 4As. switchboard for the school. One day, I was told that the school were also helpful and cooperative. smoke was coming out of the switchboard that was After 6 months at the school, I decided that the back gate situated in an old bungalow which we used as a library. Apart from improving the infrastructure and facilities, I would become the new entrance because the road at the The ground floor was made of concrete but the first floor also introduced the classroom monitoring system which I entrance couldn't be widened anymore but the road at the was wooden. I inspected the switchboard and found that had learnt from my previous schools. The student affairs it was made by G.E.C. (General Electric Company) in unit compiled a booklet for each class with the name list England in 1945! After the switchboard was replaced, of the students and columns for the teaching periods of many teachers and students were angry with me because each school day. The class monitor had to collect the there was electrical tripping in many classrooms. I had to booklet from the counsellor's office each day and mark explain that the tripping was for their safety and the new the attendance of the students for each period and the switchboard could detect defective electrical fittings and teacher teaching that particular period had to sign to appliances. The right thing to do was to repair or replace verify the attendance. In this way, I could keep track of the faulty electrical appliances. I also asked the the attendance of the students as well as the teachers for contractor to redo the wiring for the various air each teaching period. conditioners and connect them directly to the switchboard according to the correct specification, for the I regularly used the weekly school assembly to motivate safety of the students and teachers. and challenge the students to excel in their studies. I still IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 5

back could be widened to accommodate 3 school buses. and classrooms. New covered parking bays for the some measures to address the shortage of eligible Again the Lord brought various people to help make this a principal and senior assistants were also erected near the Christian heads for mission schools. reality. Some teachers offered to contact officers in new entrance. The principal and senior assistants would Tenaga Nasional and Telekom Malaysia. Amazingly, in take the lead in using the new entrance, so there would Firstly, our churches must actively and intentionally about a week after sending in the written requests, not be excuses for the teachers and students not to do encourage our youths to take up teaching as a career. If workers from both Tenaga Nasional and Telekom so. I wish to thank God for the PTA chairman, Datuk Christians don't apply for courses in the teacher training Malaysia came to relocate the electrical and telephone Supramaniam, who was also a local councillor for his institutes and universities, there will not be Christian posts. After another week, local council workers came to invaluable help in getting the project done speedily. teachers in the future. If there are no Christian teachers, clear the bushes and tar the side of the road. That was Imagine in just 2 weeks, the bushes were cleared and the there won't be Christian heads of schools. Secondly, the very fast. road widened and tarred. I also received lots of advice, various Councils of Education of the respective cooperation and help from Dr Kerk Choon Keng, our denominations need to work with the Boards of After the road widening had been completed, I had one Board of Governors chairman who always gave his Governors and school heads to recommend suitably thousand copies of letters printed to inform the parents support for the various projects in order to make the qualified Christian teachers to be appointed as Heads of and school bus drivers of the change so that they would school a safe and conducive place for the students and Department (Guru Kanan/Ketua Bidang). After holding drop their children off and fetch them at the new teachers. the post of Guru Kanan for some time, the teacher is entrance. I also had to explain to the students and qualified to be promoted to the Senior Assistant post. teachers the reasons for the change and sought their The Lord is indeed Jehovah Jireh. He provided the right Then, he or she qualifies to apply for the NPQEL course. It cooperation to use the new entrance, which entailed people to help me even as He called me to serve Him in is a long process. walking a slightly greater distance to reach the staffroom the school. I would also like to thank Rev Christopher Rao, my school chaplain, who regularly came by to pray Today many Christian teachers have already retired or are for me and with me. I really sensed the Lord's guidance retiring soon. This is reflected in the membership of TCF. and provision as I answered the call to serve as the We are losing out because we don't have a big pool of principal of the school. It is my hope that my sharing new Christian teachers in our schools. Imagine TCF would inspire more Christian teachers to step out of their having a membership of only 18 Christian teachers in the comfort zone and be willing to accept administrative 20-29 age group in 2021. We need the cooperation of posts, and make a difference in the lives of the students pastors, parents and grandparents to motivate our youths and teachers. to seriously consider taking up the teaching profession as a vocation to continue the legacy of providing Recently many of our mission schools have been unable wholesome education and preserving the ethos of our to get Christian heads. This problem started way back in mission schools. Teachers can impact lives and make a 2013 when the new education blueprint was big difference in our society and our nation.  implemented. According to this new blueprint, a headmaster or principal cannot be appointed unless he or Tan Ying Kee retired on 1 March 2018 after 36 years of she has the NPQEL (National Professional Qualification faithful service. for Educational Leaders) Diploma. The Christian community needs to be more intentional and put in place Page 6 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

A Call to Serve as a Missional Leader by Moey Yoke Lai This talk was given by Ms Moey at the 'Leadership Succession in Mission Schools' Zoominar on 30 April 2022 organised by Federation of Christian Mission Schools Malaysia (FCMSM). I have served as a teacher since 1973. All my life, I have been a THE NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY government servant and I waited long before I was promoted to being (RUKUN NEGARA) Senior Assistant and Headmistress. I was very grateful that in each school I was transferred to, I was able to learn from the administrators 1. Belief in God there. Hence I was well honed by the time I became a principal. Thus I am 2. Loyalty to King and Country very familiar with the development of education in our country. When the 3. Supremacy of the Constitution Rukun Negara was established as a guiding philosophy in our nation, I 4. The Rule of Law was very glad that we could subscribe to every statement in it. 5. Good behaviour and morality As we look at the history of education in our country, only 229 or 53% have Christian heads, according to a looming up. This calls for strategic approaches to without a doubt, Mission Schools have led the way to survey done in 2018. By now the percentage will be stem the declining trends. There are too many progress. The missionaries who came from overseas much lower. How do you maintain a Christian ethos Christian teachers applying for early retirement, thus in the early days gave their lives to God in service to in a school if the head is not a Christian? In that depleting the pool from which we can draw potential man and they set such an example of dedication in same year there were a total of 10,187 schools in candidates for headship. What are the reasons for teaching that many of us remember the impact they Malaysia. That makes it 2.25% of schools in the early retirement? left on our lives. They had the highest qualifications country had Christian heads. This is just barely by the world's standards. They taught us not just the above the 2% required for a culture to be changed if The first reason is there is too much administrative subjects of academic knowledge but opened our its people had a new vision, according to Robert N. work thrust onto the shoulders of teachers, who thus minds to God's Word which was lived out in their Bellah, a leading sociologist (in an interview in have much less time for actual teaching. lives each day before our eyes. Thus it was that I Psychology Today In January 1976). came to know Jesus Christ as Lord of my life. How The second is that the compensation in salary is not He has changed my life from that point onwards. I The lands and buildings of these Mission Schools commensurate with the added responsibilities as had always wanted to be a doctor but God turned my belong to the church authorities. We need to reclaim Senior Assistant or Principal in a school. life around and led me into teaching. And I have the use of these properties for Christian mission never regretted following where He led. work. Hence this Zoominar today. We face a very The third is that if you retire early, when you have serious crisis in leadership succession in the reached maximum salary, you are still young enough Today, the scene of education in Malaysia is very headship of Mission Schools. There are many to look for other teaching positions which will give different. We have 428 Mission Schools, of which vacancies in Mission Schools. And many more are you a higher salary. That doubles your income then. IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 7

Whatever the reason, you need to ask yourself the Strategies for lining up your succession 3. For a principal and senior assistant question – Is this what the Lord Jesus will want you Be on the lookout for your successor. Take a keen to do? He who “saw the crowds and had compassion 1. For a young teacher interest in assigning duties for your teachers at the on them because they were distressed and downcast Give your whole heart to teaching. Do not be end of each year. Rotate duties wherever possible so like sheep without a shepherd” weeps today as He distracted with outside issues. Love your students. that every teacher will learn about how a school is watches our young people in schools wandering Treat them like your own children. Be an expert in run. Give praise where praise is due. Learn to affirm around lost without a sense of direction. (Mt 9:36) your own subject. Prepare your lessons well. Look each teacher or staff. Do not be afraid of giving more into every detail. Make your lessons as interesting as duties to Christian teachers. Affirm them when they Jesus, in a passage in Matthew said, “Do not lay up possible. Remember, a student will remember you for do well. When promotion comes to them it will not be for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and life if you treat him well. Never humiliate a student. a surprise to other teachers. Whenever there is rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. Fulfill your co-curricular responsibilities and look out something new to be done, look for a Christian But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where for the welfare of each student involved. Respect teacher to do it. Begin a Christian Fellowship if there neither moth nor rust destroy, and where thieves do your superiors in school. Do not say 'No' to duties is none. Or revive it if it is in some small corner and not break in or steal, for where your treasure is, there being assigned to you. You can learn much from looks like it is dying. will your heart be also.” (Mt 6:19-21). And further on, every challenge thrown at you. Does your school in addressing our anxieties concerning food, drink, have a Christian Fellowship? Join it. If it does not 4. For every educator dressing, life and health, He tells us not to worry have one, look for an opportunity to begin one. Be a Seek for the best for your students, fellow about these things because our Heavenly Father focal point through which you can mentor Christian colleagues, for the school and for our nation. knows that we need them and He said, “But seek students. Yesterday, I saw a notice in a hospital that I was first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all visiting with a friend. “Seek to be the best, not for these things shall be added to you.” (Mt 6:33). 2. For a senior teacher yourself, but for your team!” Be mobile, particularly if Be a help to your administrators. Ask for a change of you are single. We like to remain in the same school If God has called you to be a teacher, fix your eyes co-curricular duty after three or four years at the where we are known and we are familiar with the upon Him and serve Him with all your heart and mind same society or club. Learn everything you can system. If a vacancy arises in another school or and spirit; and He will reward you with His deep joy about how to run a school. Do not be afraid of the another state and you are invited to take up a higher in your heart at the end of each day. He will see to it more difficult duties of looking after the School position there, be prepared to move. Equip yourself that you have enough of your physical needs met Magazine, the Disciplinary Committee, the Time- with every course that is available for you. And now and your family's needs met as well. Take Him at His table Committee. Look out for the younger teachers. the latest is the NPQEL (National Professional word. He has promised to do so. Watch Him open the Help them with academic questions. Encourage Qualification for Educational Leadership) course. windows of heaven and pour forth His blessings them to integrate with the teachers in the school. I After some years of being a new teacher and you upon your life and your family. And run the race until was very fortunate to have had a Principal who have developed your proficiency, ask if you can apply the finishing line and you will receive His “Well done, exposed me to as many societies and duties in for this course. I know some are afraid to do so. They good and faithful servant!” school as possible. fear being transferred to a far away place. Take it in Page 8 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

your stride. Learn about the geography of our when I get to heaven will the Lord ask me, “How Church leaders who are with us today – thank you country and about the various groups of peoples in many distinctions did you get for Additional for coming and showing an interest in how we can our rural areas. What if you are married? If you do not Mathematics?” or will He ask me, “Did you teach My invest in the future leadership of our schools. We have children and you can move, please be Word to your students?” I knelt down that night and need to do more to ensure that there is a team of encouraged by the example of Priscilla and Aquila in asked the Lord to help me teach His Word to my teachers able to take on leadership in our Mission the book of Acts of the Apostles. This couple had students and I have done so to this very day. Schools. If you are speaking at church, please bring moved from Bithynia to Rome to Corinth and then to to the forefront of the minds of church members the Ephesus and finally to Rome again. They were You can be a candle flame in a dark place and you need for young people to consider the teaching tentmakers. Why did they move? To obey God (for will have dispelled the darkness. The history of profession as a career. Hold up the nobility of the the sake of the Gospel) and to help Paul the Apostle. churches being set up in various places in our profession before them and highlight to them the Have you thought of teaching Bible Knowledge to country is littered with stories of how Christian vast opportunities for mission work in schools. In the your students? If you are a graduate, you are an teachers were sent there to teach. Because they survey done in 2018, the total number of students academician. You can pick up the books of the lived as Christians and because they loved the that we had in the national schools was 4,772,995 Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the people there, the Gospel took root in the community students altogether. In a teacher's lifetime, he or she Apostles, read them through and decide to teach a and a church was born. Don't you wish to be part of would have taught a total minimum of 30 students x small group of students the knowledge contained in this glorious history? 5 classes x 35 years = 5,250 students. He would those two books. Don't say that you are too busy. have had in-depth communication with them for 40 Too busy to read God's Word? All of us should 5. For other members of the community – weeks in a whole year. Isn't this a wonderful familiarise ourselves with the knowledge of the BOG/BOM, church leaders, parents opportunity to touch base with young people? Teachings and Life of Jesus Christ in Luke and the Members of Boards of Governors or Boards of Expansion of the Early Church in the book of Acts. Management, you play a vital role in maintaining the Parents, be active in the PIBG or PTA of your What better way to do it than to teach it to some Christian ethos of your schools. May I ask how many children's schools. You can influence the decisions students who wish to know more? You can either times have you visited your schools aside from going made at PIBG meetings for the betterment of the teach them in school after school hours or invite there to attend your board meetings? Do you take an school. I know a parent who suggested that a them to your home and teach them there. Priscilla interest in your teachers and principals? Do you send Christian Fellowship be set up in her child's school and Aquila, tentmakers, taught Apollos the word of season's greetings to them for the festivities that and she was successful in getting it approved. And God more accurately and he became a mighty they celebrate? Do you pray for your schools, your parents, never, never, never discourage your children preacher. principals, teachers and students? Do you highlight if they decide to become teachers. Encourage them the needs of your schools to your churches? Do you and support them. Today's teachers are paid much When I was a young teacher and very enthusiastic contribute to the welfare programme that looks after better than in my day. You will be doing Kingdom about teaching Additional Mathematics, I was so the needs of the marginalized students in the work if you encourage your children to become excited about getting good results in the school? Do you offer to speak at the Christian teachers. If you know of any teacher in a school who examinations. One day, the thought came to me that Fellowship meetings? can be nominated to take on headship or senior IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 9

assistantship in a school, give the name to the men, that they may see your good deeds and praise and stay snug in our neat and tidy Christian school Board of Governors. your Father in heaven.” saltshakers. A Challenge to All Christians Salt and light are two of the commonest household Thirdly, Christian teachers can influence and change necessities. As a young boy, Jesus would have society. Salt and light both change the environment For this part of my talk I am borrowing thoughts from watched His mother Mary rub salt into fish or soak into which they are introduced. When salt is John Stott's book, “The Living Church” printed in fish in salty water. And when evening came he would introduced into meat or fish, bacterial decay is conjunction with the 100th anniversary of his birth. In have seen her light the oil lamp. What did Jesus hindered. When light is switched on, darkness is chapter 8 entitled “Impact: Salt and Light” he asks mean when He said that we are to be salt and light? dispelled. The influence of salt is negative; it hinders the question “What values and standards are going bacterial decay. The influence of light is positive; it to dominate our national culture?” I would like to ask Firstly, Christian teachers are to be radically different illumines darkness. Just so, the influence of the question, “What values and standards will in their approach. Where the normal thing to do is to Christian teachers on society is intended by Jesus to dominate our Mission Schools?” Will Jesus Christ be just teach in class and then leave the students to be both negative in checking the spread of evil and given the honour which is due to His name? God has their own devices, Christian teachers will show positive in promoting the spread of truth and super-exalted Him, in order that every knee should concern for their students and ensure that their goodness, especially of the gospel. bow to Him and every tongue confess Him as 'Lord'. homework is done and that they understand the He will want His values and standards to prevail in subject matter. Christian teachers go beyond the call If a house is dark at night, there is no sense in our schools. Psalm 45:7 tells us He loves of duty. blaming the house for its darkness. That is what righteousness and hates evil. He would like our happens when the sun goes down. The question to Mission Schools to practise righteousness and Secondly, Christian teachers must permeate society. ask is: where is the light? depart from evil. God wants our schools to be more Although spiritually and morally distinct, we are not just, more kind, more participatory, more free. Do we to be socially segregated. 'Let your light shine.' That If meat goes bad and becomes inedible, there is no have a biblical basis for this? is, we must let it penetrate the darkness. Don't light sense in blaming the meat for its decay. That is what your lamp and put it under your bed or in some dark happens when the bacteria are left free to breed. The Yes, in Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus says, cupboard. Put your lamp on a stand and let its light question to ask is: where is the salt? “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its shine out. Let the good news of Jesus Christ, who is saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no the light of the world, spread throughout the school Similarly, if our Mission Schools lose their Christian longer good for anything, except to be thrown out by both your words and your deeds. ethos and become delinquent, like a dark night or and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. stinking fish, it is no use blaming the schools for its A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people Likewise, salt must penetrate the meat. It does no decline. That is what happens when human light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put good if it stays in a saltshaker. Both models of light complacency is left unchecked and unrestrained. it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the and salt illustrate the process of penetration. Too The question to ask is: where are the Christians? house. In the same way, let your light shine before many of us hide away in our dark little cupboards Where is the salt and light of Jesus? Page 10 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

If some of you decide that you want to be the salt Fourthly, Christian teachers must retain their occupation for the children of God. In the Lord's and light of Jesus in our Mission Schools, you must Christian distinctiveness. Salt must retain its Prayer, Jesus has already established what our be prepared for suffering for what you believe in. saltiness. Otherwise, it becomes useless; you cannot priorities should be, namely, God's name, kingdom Suffering is a test of our authenticity. Both even throw it on the compost heap. Light must retain and will. evangelism and social action are costly activities. its brightness. Otherwise, it will never dispel the Both the gospel of Christ and the moral standards of darkness. Just so, we Christian teachers, if we are to Let us ask God to forgive us of our pessimism. Faith Christ are unpopular. So those who defend God's law influence the society in our Mission Schools, we and pessimism are incompatible. We know that the and God's gospel are bound to suffer opposition. must not only permeate it but also refuse to conform gospel has transforming power, and that Christ has to it. We must retain our Christian convictions, and called us to be effective salt and light in the world. Is there still hope for our Mission Schools? Robert N. especially the values, standards and lifestyle of the Bellah, retired sociology professor at the University kingdom of God. Otherwise, we will have no effect Conclusion of California at Berkeley, made this remarkable and make no impact. statement: Let us offer ourselves to God as agents of change. Christ calls us to a nobler ambition. There are only This is the optimism of Edward Everett Hale (1822- “I think we should not underestimate the two options. It is either ourselves and our own 1909), an American unitarian minister and writer, significance of the small group of people who have a material comfort or we seek first God's kingdom and who lived and worked in Boston, Massachusetts, and new vision of a just and gentle world… The quality of His righteousness. (Mt 6:31-34). To become inspired many by his story of 'Ten Times One is Ten': a culture may be changed when 2% of its people absorbed with ourselves and our bodies (food, drink have a new vision.” and clothing) is a hopelessly inadequate pre- I'm only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. Ms Moey was chairman of Federation of Councils of Christian Mission Schools Malaysia, (FCCMSM) from 2017 to 2019. Federation of Christian Mission Schools Malaysia (FCMSM) was formed officially in 2019 and Ms Moey was the first chairman from 2019 to 2021. IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 11

My Teaching Journey by Heidi Chan Unlike many new teachers who waited anxiously for not God's calling for me to be a teacher. Instead of being intimidated by my students, I was news of their first posting, mine was slightly now fearful that they would not pass their SPM different. The school I was posted to had informed In my first application, I wanted to be a Mathematics English the following year. my husband, John Liew, even before I received the teacher. Mathematics is my favourite subject. After I letter. was rejected, I applied to be a Chemistry teacher In one of the conferences held in Singapore, I learnt since I graduated with a Degree in Polymer to just be myself. The speaker used the hedgehog I truly praise the Lord as He always reminds me not Technology. In my third application I chose Science analogy. The hedgehog puts up its spiky armour in to worry but be like the birds of the air. They neither with the thought that Science being a core subject times of danger, which is what it does best. sow nor reap, yet our heavenly Father feeds them would make it easier for me to obtain a place. Each Therefore, when we teach, we use the skills that we every day. year after the DPLI result was announced, are best at. I am very good at handicrafts, therefore I newspapers would inform the public that the schools teach grammar rules using handicrafts as my I had been a relief teacher in different schools for had a great need for English teachers. Half-heartedly teaching tool. My native students are very skillful in about a year after I got married and moved to Baram I chose to be an English teacher in my fourth art and craft. God knew the kind of students I would from Selangor. Normally I'd work for at least 2 application. I was not keen to teach English because be teaching, and He had prepared a teacher who months in any of the Baram schools. With all that it was not my favourite subject. could use the approach that suited them best.  experience, I applied for a Diploma in Education for Postgraduates (DPLI). I got it after my fourth As my major is TESOL, I was assigned to teach Heidi Chan has application. I thanked the Lord Jesus because when I English. In fact, the school policy then was that the been teaching applied for the fourth time, I told Him it would be my same teacher would teach the same subject to the English in the last application. If it failed, then it meant that it was whole form for accountability. I had to teach all the interior of Sarawak four Form 4 classes: 2 science classes and 2 art for the last 14 classes. years. In my first week, I spoke only in English not knowing that the majority of the students could not comprehend what I was teaching. My shock came after their first examination in March. They failed all their Sciences, Modern Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. As for English, only a few students passed. Page 12 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

The Native Experience (Part 2) by Kevin C.K. Chua I opened my eyes. Morning has broken. The I'd get my kids to look for midin (wild ferns), and they After school hours, I spent time preparing lessons in students' cheerful voices echoed at 6.30 a.m. each diligently did so. Sometimes they even brought some the classroom or talking to my chatty headmaster. morning, singing as they walked through the muddy without asking. I was also fortunate that my other Sometimes I watched the kids cut grass with the paths of the jungle into the school's open field, many Iban teacher was a hunter, so occasionally I could fuel-powered grass cutter. That was their co- barefoot, yet eager to learn. Apparently, they all had hear gunshots deep in the jungle, and the next day I curricular activity. In the evening, if there was no rain, shoes, but they kept them for very special occasions would get some cooked wild boar meat, squirrels or I would take my shower outside my house as there as they could not afford to buy new ones. They even python, courtesy of his wife. It's a good thing was no bathroom inside. The bathroom outside was looked neat in their school uniforms. They had worn- that I'm not a fussy eater, or else I'd have died of roofless but surrounded loosely by zinc sheets. out books, and stationery. The school had only three starvation. Actually any villager who passed by could witness classes for Years 3, 4 and 6, with a total enrolment of my skinny naked body. The roofless bathroom was about thirty. The furniture consisted of low wooden In reflection, I'm thankful to God now because back perfect to enjoy a cold bath under the moon and benches and long desks. then He was already looking after me although I stars. I went without bathing for several days each wasn't a believer yet. He put me in a school that was time the main pipe that fed the water to the village For breakfast, I made a cup of hot Milo and ate 120km from Kuching, yet accessible by motorbike and school was blocked. biscuits. I couldn't depend on Cikgu Migin to prepare via another exit which was a mere 5km to the only meals for me daily. So I forced myself to cook a trunk road in the entire state of Sarawak. This same There was Sports Day too when other schools would simple meal; that I did! The first time I cooked dinner road can take you from Kuching right up north to be invited to my school. It was a festival for the on the brand-new kerosene stove, the rice was half- Limbang near Brunei. So every Friday afternoon, I cooked. Nevertheless, I dumped in a can of sardines, rode on my trustworthy Honda Cub for two hours to mixed them up and swallowed every bit. Thankfully I reach my friend, Ben's house in Kuching where I didn't have to visit the outdoor toilet, located 10 stayed till Sunday. I never forgot to bring my metres away from my abode. You can see where raincoat; I wore my black (not yellow) Phua Chu you're going without a flashlight on your way to the Kang boots as I rode in case it rained and the terrain toilet only on moonlit nights. got muddy and slippery. No one stared at me each time I stopped at Serian to get my rations for the In due time, I became such an expert at cooking rice week; in fact, they knew I was a teacher. My weekly that I could go up to class, teach, and 15 minutes rations comprised canned food, eggs and instant later, excuse myself to turn off the heat on the stove. noodles. The Chinese shopkeepers could speak good The rice would be perfectly cooked. For vegetables, English, so it was not a problem for me. IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 13

villagers too as they made merry, drank in the city are Catholics or Protestants. It's langkau (moonshine) and talked loudly till late really different when you see many churches in at night. the city and rural areas, as well as temples and mosques; people are not afraid to profess their I returned to Melaka in 1993, tougher than I was faiths. I felt true warmth there, and I truly felt before. I had more stories to tell those who had like I should have been born there, where missed the experience. I never regretted religious freedom is highly respected and accepting the challenge of teaching in the practised. jungle to natives. It's a place devoid of many As I ponder, now that I'm a Christian, God had basic amenities, and where the flying doctor been watching over me all those 3 years, and comes visiting only when the weather permits. He knew that I would return to Him one day. I A teacher is not a teacher until they have did, 3 decades later.  served in a rural area, for this is where all their teaching skills – and more – are put to the test. Kevin is currently a secondary school teacher in Not long after my return to Melaka, I got word Kolej Yayasan Saad Melaka. that my cousin had a foster son in his home. Guess what? He was my student, Phangkie, Climbing the pole to fix the pulley who managed to excel in UPSR and got a scholarship to study at SMK Munsyi Abdullah in Melaka. It carved a smile on my face, knowing that I had actually made some impact in the lives of my Iban students. I have learnt a lot from my three years in Simunjan. Any prejudices that I've had about Sarawakians were quickly thrown out of the window. The natives, also called the Dayaks, are actually very pleasant people. They are very selfless and amiable. The days of head-hunters are gone as many have become Christians, belonging to the Seventh Day Adventist denomination mostly in rural areas, while those Page 14 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

Change by Michael Hughes COVID-19 really threw a spanner in the works of teachers I am talking about the principles of wanting there were still many who not only learned from their 'normal' life and demonstrates one of the basic to help our children to grow intellectually, morally mistakes – they were able to repeat them over and truths of life, that is, “The only consistent thing we and spiritually. To want to deliver the best lessons over again! have in life is change”. Seems like an oxymoron but we can and do our jobs successfully so that our nevertheless is still true. children can grow and develop despite the handicaps In teaching my classes I was therefore compelled to that face us. The convenience of having a classroom make two new rules so as to help cover up my It has to be said that the vast majority of changes we and interacting face to face without the barrier of numerous errors. The first being rule number 1 that experience come upon us relatively slowly and give masks in communication may not yet be fully the teacher is always right. So when the wrong us some time to adapt, but COVID swept in like a available, but that is no reason why we should answer appeared because I put it in wrong, then it's typhoon and took over all aspects of our daily life abandon the principles of dedication and loyalty to okay – teacher's always right. And to reinforce this and instilled upon us change that none were really our students that I believe most teachers hold most principle, rule number 2 is very similar, which is 'in prepared for. This type of change can really knock us dear. the event of the teacher being found to be wrong, back and for many this change was too difficult to then look at rule number 1'. In this way I was able to cope with and resulted in despair, despondency and I am currently teaching classes of young learners fob off the errors and move on a little embarrassed, wondering if everything would be the same ever who are refugees and I really enjoy the direct but knowing that the children enjoyed the various again. interaction with the children. Having built a rapport faux pas. with the kids, it is important to remember you have a It is easy to look back now at what should have been good relationship with them and this can be carried While we may long for going back to the old ways of done when we first learned of the pandemic and on – even using Zoom. doing things, I would suggest that our experience many decisions were made which were found to be during this time will prepare us for any other things wrong or inadequate; but as we reflect we can also So we were forced into conducting classes in a that may occur in the future. I am not a prophet of remember the resilience and determination to be totally alien way that did not support our principles doom predicting that there will be other disasters, able to overcome this new nightmare and to get on of being efficient and effective. All of us made many but there will be other changes and so our with our lives, despite the negativity and mistakes and bad judgements in our methodology experience of adapting and adopting new inconveniences that were caused. that we totally regret, but please remember that approaches should enable us to meet any future despite the inadequacies and mistakes made – your difficulties with a different attitude to work and see Whilst change may well be inevitable, there are some way of teaching with these mistakes is better than the challenges through and stay faithful to the aspects of life that remain consistent and we should those who refused to try and didn't teach at all. You principles of teaching that we strive for. be determined to uphold these values despite the have all heard the idiom that we can learn from our apparent efforts of change to defeat them. For mistakes and whilst some were able to do just that While initially there were some inadequate lessons IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 15

online, it did force me to adapt my methodology and media. We need to be able to face these challenges us defy the negativity of change and incorporate new so I was able to create a number of activities that I remembering that our Bible tells us that Jesus is the attitudes of seeing these differences as a challenge would do in the classroom such as Pelmanism, word same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 11:8) to develop and grow, both as teachers and followers search and multiple choice activities using and that His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' (2 Cor of our Lord Jesus. Here is another oxymoron: Let our PowerPoint and these games have been quite 1:20). Has God changed His mind about His experience and dedication be a minor miracle in our successful (go to salvation plan for mankind? Didn't He promise to efforts to be the people that God wants us to be. englishteaching/powerpoint-games if you want to never leave us or forsake us? (Deut 31:8). So too in  download some of the activities). these difficult times we need to adapt to lots of new normals and be ready at any time to give a reason for Michael Hughes holds an MA degree in applied In a sense, our experiences as teachers and the the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15) despite the linguistics and TEFL. He took up appointments in COVID pandemic can also be related to our lifelong changes and circumstances. China and Malaysia as a lecturer in linguistics and as journey as a believer in Christ. Again, I do not want to an English teacher. From 2003 to 2016 he was be a prophet of doom, but there may well come a So in the same way that we stay dedicated to helping employed as a teacher trainer on projects sponsored time when our faith and belief will be seriously our pupils – even in the midst of difficulties, so too by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. After a two challenged and we will need to learn to cope with we must stay dedicated to living the way that Christ year appointment at Sunway University as a Senior these difficulties. Our faith is being challenged and has taught, that we may honour him in all that we do Teaching Fellow, he retired from regular employment criticised by cynics, atheists, other religions and and stay faithful. and to this day he is taking on voluntary work secularism much more than ever before in our helping refugees in both face to face and online schools, places of work, on the internet and social COVID and the world would seek to defeat us, but let lessons. Page 16 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

Starting Well, Finishing Well by Lisman Komaladi Therefore, since we are surrounded by 1. Focus on what really matters 2. Persevere in hardship 3. Take small steps such a great cloud of witnesses, let us First, we need to learn to get rid of all The verse also exhorts us not to be The COVID pandemic has taught us throw off everything that hinders and the unnecessary burdens. As the afraid of hardship and suffering in this that life is often uncertain and the sin that so easily entangles. And verse says, “let us throw off everything life journey, as they are part and parcel unpredictable. Gone are the times let us run with perseverance the race that hinders and the sin that so easily of life. Paul tells Timothy: “In fact, when we can plan (travel, events) or marked out for us, fixing our eyes on entangles”. No runner runs the race everyone who wants to live a godly life be fully in control in setting long term Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of carrying a heavy backpack. Travellers in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 goals (career or family planning). faith. For the joy set before him he usually carry just basic essentials as Timothy 3:12, NIV). However, one thing is sure; our Lord endured the cross, scorning its they move around. Similar logic Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of shame, and sat down at the right hand applies here. To start and finish well, As we anticipate hardship, we will be the throne of God, fully sovereign and of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2, we need to let go of any hindrances, better prepared to “run with in control over all things. Knowing this, NIV) such as past hurts, bitterness, perseverance the race marked out for our future is fully secured and we can habitual sins and many others, which us”. Resilience and endurance are trust Him even as we take small steps The above verses are located could slow us or weigh us down. built through adversities and forward. He has paved the path for us immediately after a long list of heroes challenges. Thus, with these, we could till the end, a victorious eternal life of faith (see Hebrews 11), those great It also means that we need to focus persevere till the end. with Him. people of the Bible who have indeed on what really matters. What does started well and finished well. Some of really matter here? Verse 2 clearly Let me end my reflection with an us may be new teachers or just placed says that we must focus on “fixing our insightful prayer by Antoine de Saint- in a new school or institution. To start eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and Exupéry, author of “The Little our teaching profession impressively perfecter of faith”. We need to Prince”. may not be so difficult, but how do we constantly look to Jesus and let Him also finish well like those “great cloud guard, guide, and gear us up. That is of witnesses” (and many senior what matters. We must keep asking teachers who have been there before ourselves: “What really matters in our us)? vocation as a teacher? What hinders or distracts us from looking to Jesus?” Here are three points from my reflection on the above verses. IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 17

Teach Me The Art Of Small Steps As Christian teachers, may this be our prayer wherever we are and whatever our circumstances. Lord, I'm not praying for miracles and visions, Send me the right person at the right moment, Let it be a reminder that even with small steps, divine I'm only asking for strength for my days. who will have enough courage and love beauty and wisdom would follow us as He artfully Teach me the art of small steps. to utter the truth! leads us in each small step that we take.  Make me clever and resourceful, I know that many problems solve themselves, Lisman Komaladi is former General Secretary of FES so that I can find important discoveries and so please teach me patience. Singapore (2008-2020). He now assumes the role of experiences among the diversity of days. Training, Resource, and Graduate Secretary of IFES You know how much we need friendship. East Asia Regional office. Help me use my time better. Make me worthy of this nicest, hardest, riskiest Present me with the sense to be able to judge and most fragile gift of life. whether something is important or not. Give me enough imagination I pray for the power of discipline and moderation, to be able to share with someone not only to run throughout my life, a little bit of warmth, but also to live my days reasonably, in the right place, at the right time, and observe unexpected pleasures and heights. with words or with silence. Save me from the naive belief Spare me the fear of missing out on life. that everything in life has to go smoothly. Do not give me the things I desire, Give me the sober recognition but the things I need. that difficulties, failures, fiascos, and setbacks are given to us by life itself Teach me the art of small steps! to make us grow and mature. Page 18 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

Dive Deep by Ng Si Seng Zero. Anthony (not his real name) had gotten zero for be able to read any book in the library and the exam to the disciplinary teacher. Since then, his behaviour every section of his English paper. Lazy, not questions. He could and would pass his SPM English gradually improved and he became a fine student. bothered, not interested. All these labels came to exam. mind. As I handed the test paper to him, I asked, When Peter was in Form 2, he suddenly became very “Could you understand the questions?” I could see gratitude and joy lighting up his face. rude and disrespectful to me again. When I asked Then, I even taught him to use the new words he him to take out his exercise book to do his “No sir, I cannot read. I cannot understand.” learned to make simple sentences. homework, he refused. Then, I asked him to stand outside the class, he refused too and said, “Why When I asked him why he didn't go for tuition God taught me a very precious lesson through this should I listen to you. Who are you?\" Since he was so classes, he revealed that he had no money for that. incident. Don't judge a person by his or her exam or rude, I had no choice but to send him to the His parents were divorced. His father was working in test results. Always find out what caused him or her disciplinary teacher again. When he came back to Singapore earning $1,000 per month. Apparently, he to fail. Start teaching at the level where the student the classroom, I asked him why he was so was staying with his grandma and uncle. is. Always have faith in God and in our students to disrespectful and rude towards me as I had always succeed. Every student is uniquely created by God. respected him and treated him well. “I am sorry, Mr I was taken aback and sad to hear that. I didn't know They can excel in their special talents. All they need Ng\", Peter replied. “Yesterday, my girlfriend broke off what to say. I felt so sorry for him. He seemed to be to succeed is to have someone believe in them. with me.\" I was shocked to hear that. His bad hopeless academically but I believed that if he had behaviour was indeed the tip of an iceberg. His faith in God and in himself, he could do well in future. When I was a student, my English teacher drew a anger, rudeness and rebelliousness was just a result picture of an iceberg on the blackboard. He then of his broken relationship and not because of our To satisfy my curiosity, I brought in a few Peter and wrote the words 'tip of an iceberg'. He pointed out teacher-student relationship. Jane keyword readers. I asked him to read them. I that the visible part of an iceberg above the water is noticed that he could hardly read Book 1A, so I just 10% of its size while 90% of the iceberg is below Through this incident, the Lord taught me that I must started teaching him to read it page by page until he the surface of the sea. not take my students' rudeness or rebelliousness at finished the whole book. When I tested him, he could face value. Always investigate the reasons for their read the whole book. I was really impressed by this fact when I could see misconduct. Be ready to dive deep down into the sea its reality in one of my students' lives. Peter (not his to know the 90% of the hidden reason for their Then I told him that he could not change his past nor real name) was a hot-tempered and outspoken misconduct. Then, we won't be so angry with them. his family but I strongly believed that he could read person. His attitude got him into trouble one day. Instead, the Lord will give us his compassionate and learn. I believed that if he worked hard and made When he was in Form 1, he was very rude and heart to pray for them, to counsel them and to help full use of the internet, especially Youtube, he would disrespectful to me. Consequently, I had to send him them. Matthew 9:36 says “When he saw the crowds, IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 19

he had compassion on them because they were of my students' academic and behavioural problems. Ng Si Seng, trained in molecular biology and confused and helpless, like sheep without a The more we understand the reasons for their immunology, teaches at SMK Jalan Damai, Bukit shepherd.\" problems, the more we can help them. James 1:5 Mertajam. says \"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask From both of these incidents, the Lord showed me God, who gives generously to all without finding that I need His wisdom to investigate the root cause fault, and it will be given to you.\"  Page 20 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

Guru Yang Bahagia oleh Teoh Jun Yong Menurut Sonja Lyubomirsky, pensyarah psikologi sukarela. Dengan kata lain, saya tidak pandai Syukurlah dan puji Tuhan Yang Maha Besar lagi Universiti California Amerika Syarikat dalam buku “menolak” tugasan yang diberikan oleh pihak Penyayang! Dengan berkat dan rahmat Tuhan, pada beliau “The How of Happiness”, 10 peratus daripada sekolah. Pernah saya dipertanggung-jawabkan akhir tahun persekolahan saya dapat mengecapi rasa gembira bergantung pada keadaan hidup untuk melatih pasukan ping pong, bola keranjang musim menuai. Pasukan ping pong dan pasukan seseorang, manakala 40 peratus daripada dan olahraga. Pada masa yang sama, saya juga bola keranjang menjuarai peringkat daerah dan kegembiraan sebenarnya tertakluk pada kawalan diri ditugaskan untuk melatih peserta pertandingan beberapa orang murid saya terpilih mewakili daerah sendiri. Maka, setiap orang mempunyai pilihan sama syarahan bahasa Melayu serta bercerita dalam ke peringkat negeri. Begitu juga peserta-peserta ada hendak menjadi individu yang gembira atau bahasa Cina, selain perlu melatih pasukan koir pertandingan syarahan dan bercerita membolot sebaliknya. sekolah dan mengajar kelas UPSR. Prinsip hidup keputusan cemerlang baik di peringkat daerah saya ialah jika semua tugasan ini dapat diatur mahupun di peringkat negeri. Bagi diri saya pula, Samalah halnya bagi anda sebagai guru. Anda juga mengikut jadual yang munasabah dan bukan sekali setiap tugasan sebenarnya menjadi motivasi untuk mempunyai pilihan untuk menjadi guru yang bahagia gus, saya rela cuba sedaya upaya demi saya menimba ilmu dan pengalaman yang baharu. ataupun guru yang sedih dan pasif. Kebahagiaan itu menyempurnakan setiap tugasan. merupakan kesejahteraan dari segi Secara keseluruhannya, saya rohani, mental atau emosi yang seorang guru yang bahagia dapat dicirikan dengan emosi yang walaupun saya tidak terlepas positif. Emosi positif ini termasuk daripada mengharungi pahit getir. kepuasan, pencapaian dan rasa Sepanjang perkhidmatan saya gembira yang mendalam. Ertinya, selama 31 tahun ini, boleh dikatakan kalau anda hendak menjadi guru banyak pengalaman manis yang yang gembira, terlebih dahulu anda saya peroleh. Pertama, saya perlulah beremosi positif. berpeluang menjelajahi merata-rata tempat di tanah air. Lima kali saya Ada rakan sejawat yang menggelar diberi peluang menjejak kaki di Pulau saya sebagai guru yang “bodoh”! Borneo, seperti Labuan, Kuching dan Bodoh bukan dari segi mental atau Kota Kinabalu kerana dilantik keupayaan atau kepakaran, tetapi sebagai jurulatih ping pong pasukan atas sebab saya seorang guru yang negeri untuk menyertai Kejohanan sanggup menerima tanggungjawab Kebangsaan MSSM. Dua kali saya tanpa mengira bidang dengan mengunjungi negara Asean, iaitu IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 21

Singapura dan Indonesia semasa dilantik sebagai peluang untuk menjalankan pengajaran di peringkat perubahan sikap dan kemajuan anak-anak murid jurulatih ping pong pasukan Malaysia ke Kejohanan kebangsaan. Andainya bahan pengajaran saya akan dalam pembelajaran mereka. Setiap tahun saya Asean School Games (ASG) pada tahun 2017 dan membawa manfaat kepada pelajar, tidak ada alasan mengajar kelas peperiksaan PT3 dan SPM. Mengajar 2019. Pengalaman manis ini merupakan buah untuk saya menolak. Kini, telah tiga kali saya terlibat kelas peperiksaan sememangnya suatu daripada emosi positif dan hati tabah menerima dalam pengajaran Bahasa Cina menerusi rancangan tanggungjawab yang berat kerana guru mata cabaran. Kata orang tua-tua, hendaklah sentiasa Pecutan SPM dan Menengah Rendah DidikTV. Selain pelajaran harus sedapat-dapatnya mencapai mengukir senyuman saat menyahut cabaran kerana itu, saya diminta untuk membuat tiga episod sasaran prestasi peperiksaan yang telah ditetapkan ada hikmah yang tersembunyi daripada Tuhan di mengenai pengenalan kemahiran permainan ping oleh pihak atasan. Sungguhpun sasaran menjadi sebaliknya. pong dalam Rancangan Kemahiran Sukan DidikTV. hala tuju saya untuk meningkatkan prestasi pelajar, tetapi yang menjadi pegangan saya ialah perubahan Pada tahun 2020 Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Di Kedua, timbulnya kepuasan diri apabila saya melihat sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran harus lebih Rumah (PdPR) dilaksanakan. Tak disangka-sangka saya telah diutamakan. Perubahan sikap yang menerima tawaran untuk berkongsi seterusnya membawa perubahan pengalaman mengajar di DidikTV tingkah laku pasti akan membuahkan saluran NTV7 Malaysia. Sebenarnya, kejayaan yang lebih cemerlang saya ingin menolak tawaran tersebut kepada pelajar kelak. kerana membuat pengajaran dalam siaran televisyen bukan sesuatu yang Akhir kata, saya ingin mengambil mudah. Saya bimbang bahan kesempatan di sini untuk menyeru pengajaran yang saya sediakan semua guru supaya terbuka hati dan kurang bermutu. Saya khuatir akan tidak takut menerima perubahan membuat kesilapan sewaktu serta cabaran sepanjang pengajaran yang disiarkan secara perkhidmatan kita sebagai guru. langsung menerusi televisyen. Anda pasti mengecapi musim Adakah saya sedia menerima menuai pada suatu hari nanti. Masa pandangan negatif daripada murid- dan tenaga yang anda curahkan murid, guru-guru dan ibu bapa? pasti berbaloi dan akan menghasilkan buahnya.  Dua faktor utama telah mendorong saya. Pertama, berpandangan positif Jun Yong memegang jawatan memberikan kekuatan kepada saya Pengerusi “Mandarin-speaking untuk menggalas tanggungjawab ini Christian Teachers” (MCT), TCF kerana bukan setiap kali saya diberi semenjak 2008. Page 22 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2

Snails Part 1 by Myrrh Doe Based on a true story... would later regret. Five minutes was exactly what Tears of a grown man made Emily uneasy. She she needed. She was fine. She is always fine. Putting shifted her position and lowered her gaze. She felt no Emily was full of passion and could not wait to on a fake smile, she walked back into the battle pity for him. He was supposed to be the parent. It change the world as a teacher. Little did she know ground. was his responsibility to instil discipline in his son, that a real school was like a minefield. It stripped Ru Hang, from a young age. Now at eleven, the boy away her masks and tested her to her core. It pushed Emily breathed the chalk tasting air deeply. The her to the edge and demanded that she questioned constant defiance of nine-year-old Albert was was as stubborn as an ox. her calling. Feeling defeated and exhausted, she breaking her multi-layered defences rapidly. His rude He was refusing to do his finally found that the best way to fight those battles and cruel words pierced her heart more than she homework. He even was to be on her knees. would ever admit. She had a history of refused to go home. He rejection which no one on planet earth can was like a stone statue. In this issue, Emily was rudely awakened by raw ever know. Her tongue was tied. Her No words, neither harsh scars of unhealed wounds of her past that were mind went blank. The familiar nor soft would move him. triggered while facing various challenging students. monster called “rage” was rising Defeated and filled with guilt, again. This time, she would she left the father there, alone Chapter one: Control not be able to subdue it. with his son. The tortured wailing of Aaron, a ten-year-old boy, This time, she would filled the air. Emily knitted her brows with irritation. not even try. The torn pages of the exam paper sucked the life out What was the reason this time? Several of her of Emily. She coldly asked the other students to leave colleagues were whispering. Two of them were Chapter two: Wounded Jayden, the ten-year-old boy alone. “You have done quickly moving towards the heart wrenching sound. The blank stare of Sun Fu crushed even her cold your best. Just let him be.” She could never Emily pretended she didn't care. She must not let heart. Those were definitely not the eyes of a child. It understand why he was weeping uncontrollably over others see her true self. She must be always had lost its innocence and curiosity. Any remnant of such an insignificant issue. Perhaps, just perhaps, composed, prim and proper. lustre had been eroded by years of abuse. Her acting out was the only language he knew even when colleague told her that she should not let herself be wanting to express affection.  Just five minutes. That was all Emily needed. Just affected. “He is empty. Everybody has given up on five minutes away from them. As she hurriedly him.” Should she join the crowd and do what is Myrrh Doe is a daughter of God who happens to be stepped out of the 25 children classroom, she felt a expected of her? Just do nothing? The thought of not teaching in SJKC Alor Gajah, Melaka. She loves wave of calmness return to her. Their noise level was trying disturbed her greatly, but for now, there were durian, reading, nature, photography and music. getting on her nerves. She felt breathless and at the another 27 children who needed her attention. verge of releasing her frustration in words that she Illustrations by Justin Nyam IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2 Page 23

IN PARTNERSHIP A Clear Vision From God by Cheli Nadarajah Having a clear vision from God is crucial for our personal Isaiah 54 goes on to talk about the Power of Positive Upon returning to Kuching, God opened the doors for us and ministry growth. We need to see what God sees and Action. We are told to enlarge the place of your tent, to start the Homework Centre ministry where we saw wants us to see. As I meditated on Isaiah 53-55, I see stretch your tent curtains wide, lengthen your cords and hundreds of young people coming to Christ and being how God shows us the Lamb of God offering Himself as strengthen your stakes. All these are action phrases discipled to become disciplers. The Lord moved us to an atonement for our sins to redeem man in Isaiah 53. which then go on to emphasise that we must not hold start the Reading Bus ministry which has grown beyond Then in Isaiah 54 the chapter begins with a call on Israel back because we are told that we will spread out to the Malaysia now. God led us to start a discipleship ministry to sing and rejoice because of the fruitfulness that is right and to the left, our descendants will dispossess called Bethany Ministries for school students and about to follow this redemption. In Isaiah 55 we read nations and will inhabit the desolate cities. university students. All glory to Jesus alone! about the rain and snow which came upon the earth to bring forth a bountiful harvest. In order to see God's vision for us coming to pass in our Isaiah 54 ends with the assurances of the Promise of His lives, we need to consciously take positive actions to put Covenant. God says “Do not be afraid; you will not be put The Power of Sight is revealed in Isaiah 54 where the our faith into action. My wife and I moved back to Kuching to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. barren woman – who never bore a child, who was never in in 1997 after spending some time in New Zealand. Prior to For your Maker is your husband - the Lord Almighty is his labour and pictured as a desolate woman – is told to sing going over to New Zealand, we knew God had called us to name!” and rejoice. This barren, desolate woman is told to burst remain in Sarawak for many more years. Upon returning into songs and to shout for joy! She is told that she will to Malaysia and while waiting for our posting, Mei and I We must learn to put our faith and hope in God and in His have more children than a woman who has a husband. tried calling her family in Ipoh. We could not get through Word. God assures us that, “Though the mountains be and so we went to MOE HQ which was then in Damansara shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for When I first started teaching in 1984, I was a primary and was told that I would be posted to a teachers' training you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be school teacher in SK Lepong Balleh. I remember jogging institute in Semenanjung. I remember telling the officer removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. down Jalan Selirik in Kapit when I saw SMK Kapit from that I wanted to go back to Sarawak and she was the top of the hill. While praying, I sensed God showing surprised and asked why. I told her I had bought a house Let us be open to allow God to show us what He wants us me the school and telling me to have faith to believe that there and wished to return to Sarawak to teach. Both Mei to see for our lives and let us make a conscious effort to one day I would be the principal of a secondary school. I and I were given our letters to return to thought it strange but my child-like faith made me believe Sarawak that afternoon. When we obey by taking positive actions this vision. returned to our friend's house where towards seeing His vision in our lives we were staying, we called Mei's family coming to fruition. Let us hold on to Another instance when God showed me something mind- again and this time we found out that the Word of God and put our faith and boggling was when I was driving home from SK Meranek her mum had had a stroke and was hope in Christ alone.  in Kota Samarahan. God showed me New Zealand and me hospitalised in Ipoh. If we had gotten studying in a university there. I found all these hard to through in the morning before we went On Christ the Solid Rock I stand imagine but they have all come to pass now. We need to to the MOE, we would have surely All other ground is sinking sand! see what God wants us to see! remained in KL or returned to Ipoh. Page 24 IN STEP Vol 34 Issue 2