New Teacher Orientation Technology Resources White Plains City School District 2015-2016
ContentsTechnology Integration ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 ISTE’s Educational Technology Standards........................................................................................................................... 2 Performance Indicators for Students.............................................................................................................................. 2 Performance Indicators for Teachers ............................................................................................................................. 3 Performance Indicators for Administrators .................................................................................................................... 4 Essential Conditions for Technology Integration ................................................................................................................ 5 Additional Technology Literacy Resources and Online Links.............................................................................................. 7Logging into the White Plains Network .................................................................................................................................. 8 Teacher Login Information.................................................................................................................................................. 9 Password Conventions........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Students’ Usernames and Passwords (Teacher Use Only) ............................................................................................... 10Effective Daily Instruction ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Lesson Plan Orbit .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Elementary Workshop Lesson Plan Components ............................................................................................................. 13 Lesson Plan Components – Secondary ............................................................................................................................. 14 Lesson Planning Template - Annotated ............................................................................................................................ 15 Technology Exit Outcomes................................................................................................................................................ 16 Curriculum Mapping with Rubicon Atlas .......................................................................................................................... 18File Management Practices................................................................................................................................................... 20 How to Calculate the Size of Your Home Drive (H:).......................................................................................................... 21 How to Delete Files From the H: Drive ............................................................................................................................. 22Instructional Technology Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 23 District-Specific Instructional Resources........................................................................................................................... 24 Staff Password Keeper .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Student Password Keeper............................................................................................................................................. 26 Take Home Online Resources for White Plains Students and Staff Only ......................................................................... 27 Student eResources ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 Instructional Programs: Student User Access................................................................................................................... 29 Other Instructional Programs ........................................................................................................................................... 31 Additional Software Resources......................................................................................................................................... 32 33 To Access ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Interwrite Workspace ....................................................................................................................................................... 34 The InterWrite Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Interwrite How-To Videos............................................................................................................................................. 35 Downloading Interwrite Software ................................................................................................................................ 35 Schoolwires ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36 How to Login to Schoolwires......................................................................................................................................... 36 How to Create a Basic Web Page.................................................................................................................................. 37 Schoolwires Resources.................................................................................................................................................. 37 Schoolwires Online Help ............................................................................................................................................... 38Access to Resources from Outside the District..................................................................................................................... 40 Remote Access to District Applications ............................................................................................................................ 41 Web-Enabled Email........................................................................................................................................................... 42 Infinite Campus - Student Administration System - ......................................................................................................... 42 To look up a student’s computer network username and password in Infinite Campus:................................................ 42 Additional Online Resources............................................................................................................................................. 44 How to Access IEP Direct .............................................................................................................................................. 44Technical Support ................................................................................................................................................................. 46 How to Locate Desktop Information................................................................................................................................. 47 How to Place a Help Desk Request Using Desktop Information....................................................................................... 47 How to Fill Out the Standard Support Form ..................................................................................................................... 48 How to Use the Remote Support Webpage...................................................................................................................... 49 Available Hardware........................................................................................................................................................... 50Obtaining Instructional Technology Resources for your Classroom..................................................................................... 51 Software Evaluation Form................................................................................................................................................. 52 Software Installation Request Form ................................................................................................................................. 54 App Request & Evaluation Form....................................................................................................................................... 55Policies and Protocols ........................................................................................................................................................... 56 Password Policy................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Email Protocol - Parents................................................................................................................................................ 58 Photo Exclusion Form ................................................................................................................................................... 60 Student Photo Use Memo............................................................................................................................................. 61 Internet User Agreement.................................................................................................................................................. 62 Acceptable Use of District Computer Networks ............................................................................................................... 68 Acceptable Use of District Computer Networks—Rules................................................................................................... 69 Community Relations........................................................................................................................................................ 73 User Agreement with Discovery Education ...................................................................................................................... 76 Microsoft 365 Acceptable Use Policy................................................................................................................................ 81
Instructional Technology Support......................................................................................................................................... 83Instructional Technology Support......................................................................................................................................... 84 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................................. 84 White Plains Building-Level Technology Staff 2015-2016................................................................................................. 86
Technology Integration ISTE’s Educational Technology Standards o ISTE Standards for Students o ISTE Standards for Teachers o ISTE Standards for Administrators Essential Conditions for Technology Integration Additional Technology Literacy Resources and Online Links
ISTE’s Educational Technology StandardsPerformance Indicators for Students: ISTE Standards for StudentsStandards for evaluating the skills and knowledge students need to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly global and digital world.Simply being able to use technology is no longer enough. Today's students need to be able to use technology to analyze, learn and explore. Digital age skills are vital for preparing students to work, live and contribute to the social and civic fabric of their communities. 1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. A. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. B. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression C. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues D. Identify trends and forecast possibilities 2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. A. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats C. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures D. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems 3. Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. A. Plan strategies to guide inquiry B. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media C. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. D. Process data and report results 4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. A. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation B. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project C. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions D. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions 5. Digital citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. A. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology B. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity C. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning D. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship 6. Technology operations and concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. A. Understand and use technology systems B. Select and use applications effectively and productively C. Troubleshoot systems and applications D. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies Standards•S © 2015 International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 2
Performance Indicators for Teachers: ISTE Standards for TeachersEffective teachers model and apply the ISTE Standards for Students (Standards•S) as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. All teachers should meet the following standards and performance indicators. 1.Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. A. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness B. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources C. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes D. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments2. Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessmentsTeachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools andresources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in theStandards•S.A. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativityB. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progressC. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resourcesD. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching3. Model digital age work and learningTeachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.A. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situationsB. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovationC. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formatsd. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibilityTeachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal andethical behavior in their professional practices.A. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sourcesB. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resourcesC. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and informationD. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools5. Engage in professional growth and leadershipTeachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school andprofessional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.A. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learningB. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of othersC. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learningD. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and communityStandards•T © 2015 International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 3
Performance Indicators for Administrators: ISTE Standards for Administrators Standards for evaluating the skills and knowledge school administrators and leaders need to support digital age learning, implement technology and transform the education landscape. Transforming schools into digital age places of learning requires leadership from people who can accept new challenges and embrace new opportunities. Now more than ever, the success of technology integration depends on leaders who can implement systemic reform in our schools. 1. Visionary leadership. Educational Administrators inspire and lead development and implementation of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformation throughout the organization. a. Inspire and facilitate among all stakeholders a shared vision of purposeful change that maximizes use of digital-age resources to meet and exceed learning goals, support effective instructional practice, and maximize performance of district and school leaders b. Engage in an ongoing process to develop, implement, and communicate technology-infused strategic plans aligned with a shared vision c. Advocate on local, state, and national levels for policies, programs, and funding to support implementation of a technology-infused vision and strategic plan2. Digital age learning culture. Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students. a. Ensure instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning b. Model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning c. Provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning resources to meet the individual, diverse needs of all learners d. Ensure effective practice in the study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum e. Promote and participate in local, national, and global learning communities that stimulate innovation, creativity, and digital-age collaboration3. Excellence in professional practice. Educational Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources a. Allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration b. Facilitate and participate in learning communities that stimulate, nurture, and support administrators, faculty, and staff in the study and use of technology c. Promote and model effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders using digital-age tools d. Stay abreast of educational research and emerging trends regarding effective use of technology and encourage evaluation of new technologies for their potential to improve student learning4. Systemic Improvement. Educational Administrators provide digital-age leadership and management to continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources. a. Lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals through the appropriate use of technology and media-rich resources b. Collaborate to establish metrics, collect and analyze data, interpret results, and share findings to improve staff performance and student learning c. Recruit and retain highly competent personnel who use technology creatively and proficiently to advance academic and operational goals d. Establish and leverage strategic partnerships to support systemic improvement e. Establish and maintain a robust infrastructure for technology including integrated, interoperable technology systems to support management, operations, teaching, and learning5. Digital Citizenship. Educational Administrators model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities related to an evolving digital culture. a. ensure equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources to meet the needs of all learners b. promote, model, and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology c. promote and model responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information d. model and facilitate the development of a shared cultural understanding and involvement in global issues through the use of contemporary communication and collaboration toolsStandards•A © 2015 International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 4
Essential Conditions for Technology Integration (International Society for Technology Educators)The ISTE Essential Conditions are the 14 critical elements necessary to effectively leverage technology for learning. They offereducators and school leaders a research-backed framework to guide implementation of the ISTE Standards, tech planning and systemwide change. Condition Resources/Conditions in Place inShared Vision White PlainsImplementation PlanningConsistent and Adequate Funding Building and District Technology PlansEquitable AccessSkilled Personnel Building and District Technology PlansOngoing Professional Learning Procurement ProcessTechnical SupportCurriculum Framework All of the Above, District Focus on Differentiated InstructionStudent-Centered LearningAssessment & Evaluation Technology Personnel (Technicians, Trainers, Administrators, Computer Lead Teachers, ComputerEngaged Communities Teaching Assistants)Support Policies Technology Workshops, District-wide Courses, StaffSupportive External Context Development Center Courses Helpdesk System, Computer Teaching Assistants Curriculum Maps on Atlas, NYS Standards, ISTE Standards, District Online Resources Differentiated Instruction Supported by Professional Development Implementation Process for Professional Development Lesson Plan Requirement Implementation Form Requirement Schoolwires District and Teacher Web Pages, Parent/Community/School Email Same as Above, District-wide and Building Technology Planning Support for Conferences, BOCES Training Opportunities, Links to Online TrainingNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 5
Essential Conditions - International Society for Technology EducatorsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 6
Additional Technology Literacy Resources and Online LinksThe National Education Technology Plan presents a model of 21st century learning powered by technology, with goalsand recommendations in five essential areas.The National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology isprovides by the U.S. Department of Education 2010The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a national organization that advocates for 21st century readiness for everystudent. P21 and its members provide tools and resources that fuse the 3Rs and 4Cs (Critical thinking and problemsolving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity and innovation), and provide links between Core standards and21st century Strategies.Using the Big6 information Literacy process, you will identify information research goals, seek, use, and assemblerelevant, credible information, then to reflect— is the final product effective and was my process efficient.The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has a robust and helpful site, including AASL Standards for the 21stCentury Learner and a bevy of information and links related to Guidelines and Standards. Link to SW BOCES LibrarySystems web page, which that includes alignment of Information Fluency Continuum Standards with Common CoreLearning Standards.Videos about 21st Century K-12 Education: o What is 21st century Education? o 21st Century Education o The Four C’s o A Vision of 21st Century Teachers o Engage Me! o A vision of K- 12 learners 2014 Learner Active Technology Infused Classroom (LATIC) o Reflecting on Learner Active Technology Infused Classrooms o The Learner Active Classroom: Teacher’s Perspective SAMR o The SAMR Model Explained by Students o Ruben Puentedura on Applying the SAMR Model o SAMR in 120 SecondsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 7
Logging into the White Plains Network Teacher Login Information Password Conventions Student Usernames and PasswordsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 8
Teacher Login InformationClick “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” to access the Windows Security Dialog box.Review the Mission Statement, then click OK.Enter your username (usually firstname+lastname)Enter your password: The first time you log on, the default password will be provided to you. You will be prompted tochange this upon first login: Type the default password in the “old password” field. Type your chosen new password in the “new password” field and the “confirm new password” field, then click OKPassword ConventionsSelect a password that is eight or more characters in length and which contains characters from three of these fourqualifiers:1) Uppercase letters (A-Z) Examples:2) Lowercase letters (a-z)3) Numerals (0-9) Use @ in place of Aa4) Special characters (!@#$%^&*) Use 1 in place of Ii or Ll Use ! in place of Ii or Ll Use 0 (zero) in place of Oo No part of your username should be used in your password Avoid obvious passwords & secure passwords You will be prompted to change your password at various intervals during the yearNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 9
Students’ Usernames and Passwords (Teacher Use Only) July 2015This describes the format for students’ usernames and passwords for the computer network.Please let your students know that this is the format for their username:New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 10
Effective Daily Instruction Lesson Plan Orbit Elementary Lesson Plan Components Secondary Lesson Plan Components Annotated Lesson Plan Template Components Technology Exit Outcomes Rubicon AtlasNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 11
Lesson Plan Orbit Click here for the Web-based version of the Lesson Plan Orbit Or Go to S:\TECHNOLOGY\New Teacher Orientation 2015\Lesson Plan orbit_8_2014 folderNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 12
Elementary Workshop Lesson Plan ComponentsUnit: _________________________________ Day #: _____________ FOCUSED MINI LESSON (5-10 minutes ) YOUR PLAN: How will this go?Connect: What will you say and do? What will the children do?How will you begin the mini lesson? “For the last ___ days, we have been learning about…” Connect previous teaching and activate prior knowledgeTeach:How will you teach ONE skill, strategy, or behavior and make it “Today I am going to teach you to..”explicit? Naming “Watch me as I…” Modeling ChartingActive Engagement (Try):How will you ask children to “have a go” at what you’ve taught? “Now it is your turn to…” Actively engage students Match your teaching point Get a quick assessment Kids rehearse for independent practiceLink:How will you end mini lesson by linking it to work students will “Your work today is to...”do in independent practice? Restate teaching point Give directions for independent work INDEPENDENT PRACTICE K-2: 10-25 min Gr 3-5: 25-40 minStudents work independently, in partnerships, or in small Conferences:groups. During independent practice, the teacher confers with 1.individual students and/or conducts a small instructional group. 2. Small Instructional Group: 4. Teaching Point: 5. 1. 6. 2. 3. SHARE (5-7 minutes) Reinforce teaching point by sharing observations about student work and/or asking a few students to briefly share their learning Problem solve and/or preview upcoming mini-lessonBloom’s Taxonomy Reflection: (How does the use of technology enhance the lesson and affect students’ motivation and engagement?)Digital TaxonomyMultiple IntelligencesDifferentiationStrategies Graphing Organization Graphic OrganizersLink to electronic version of Elementary Workshop Lesson Plan ComponentsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 13
Lesson Plan Components – SecondaryTeacher Name: Date:Subject: Lesson Topic/Unit of Study:Grade Level(s): Time Required:Standards to be addressed:REQUIRED MATERIALS:Class Minutes Required:_____ Learning Objective: SWBAT…_____Class Opener/Warm-Up:_____ Direct Instruction: (10-2 Principle)_____ Student Practice/Application:_____ Summary/Closure:_____ Formative Assessment (based on objective):_____ Homework:Adaptations: (for support)Extensions: (for challenge)Technology Integration:Link to electronic version of Secondary Lesson Plan ComponentsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 14
Lesson Planning Template - AnnotatedLearning Objective: SWBAT… What do you want your students to know or be able to do after completing the lesson? What are the habits or skills being developed? How do you plan to communicate the learning objective to the students? What kind of background do the students need to have for this lesson? What are some of the ways that you will make the learning relevant to students?Class Opener/Warm-Up: What will you have students do in the first few minutes of class to “warm up” to your lesson? How will you introduce the lesson? How will you explain to students why the new material they are about to learn is important? How will you relate new knowledge to students’ previous experiences?Direct Instruction: (10-2 Principle) “I do/We do” Presenting new content (“I do”): Teacher explains, demonstrates, models, and thinks out-loud for students. Processing time (“We do”): Students have a brief chance to process information/give it a go with teacher support.Student Practice/Application: “You do” Students practice and apply new content either independently or in groups.Summary/Closure: Key concepts of lesson are reviewed.Formative Assessment (based on objective): How will students make their learning public? How do you plan to provide feedback to the students? How will students be assessed by both the teacher and the students themselves? How will accomplishments be recognized? How do you ensure that you call on all students? How will you collect a “footprint of learning” from every student to determine who met the objective?Homework: What additional activities will the students do for homework? In learning centers? As supplemental activities? How will you make homework meaningful and ensure it previews, supports or extends learning objective? How will you communicate criteria for success (rubric)?Adaptations: Describe the methodologies or practices used to address the individual differences of students. How will differentiated assistance be provided to individual students who require more support to meet the objective?Extensions: How will differentiated assistance be provided to individual students who need an extra challenge?Technology Integration: How will technology be incorporated into the lesson to support and enhance student learning?Link to electronic version of Secondary Lesson Plan Components - AnnotatedNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 15
Technology Exit OutcomesNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 16
New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 17
Curriculum Mapping with Rubicon AtlasFrom the district’s home page,click on Staff Intranet.You will be prompted to sign into Schoolwires.Enter your network usernameand password and click on SignIn.When signed into Schoolwires,scroll down to see the StaffShortcuts on the right sideClick on the Rubicon Atlas link,under Site Shortcuts. This linkwill bring you to the hidden (tothe public) Atlas CurriculumMapping web site.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 18
Note the five tabs across the top:SEARCH provides you with theability to search CurriculumUnits by Keyword, School,Grade, Subject, Teacher, daterange.BROWSE shows all with theability to filter by variousqualifiers.In addition, tabs offer “Analyze,”“References,” and “Info.”Maps show: Time of Implementation Content Skills and Strategies Assessments Resources (including links to documents and web sites o Curriculum mapping is a “work in progress” should NOT be shared with the public o Information from Curriculum maps can be copied and pasted into Lesson Plan templatesNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 19
File Management Practices How-To Information How to Calculate the Size of your Home Drive (H:) How to Delete Files from the H: DriveNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 20
How to Calculate the Size of Your Home Drive (H:) 1. Open your Home Drive (H:) by double clicking on the “My Home Drive” ICON. 2. Then go to Edit, and then click Select All. 3. Then go to File and click on Properties. This will calculate the size of your H: Drive 4. From here (in this example) we know that the H drive is storing 1.79 GIGABYTES of data.Next steps: 1. Delete files that are obsolete or redundant. 2. Move needed files to a flash drive 3. Then repeat the calculation process to make sure your H drive space is NO MORE THAN 250 MB.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 21
How to Delete Files From the H: DriveDouble click on the “MY HOME DRIVE” folder on thedesktopClick on any icon to highlight a file to be deleted. Thenpress the DELETE button and the file or folder will bedeleted.Click Yes when prompted “ Are you sure you want todelete” message comes upNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 22
Instructional Technology Resources District Specific Instructional Resources o Staff Password Keeper o Student Password Keeper Instructional Programs: Student User Access Accessing Using Interwrite Whiteboard Software Using Schoolwires to Build Your Website Additional Software Resources Available HardwareNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 23
District-Specific Instructional ResourcesWe have a webpage that is a gateway to use of the online subscriptions that you and your students can access throughthe district or from any computer connected to the World Wide Web. Use your school sign-in information for single sign-on to all programs.This page can be accessed from the district home page by going to Offices > Instructional Technology & ManagementInformation Systems > Student eResources. You must be signed in to Schoolwires in order to see the usernames andpasswords as displayed below.General Instructional Resources for Students are available by clicking on desktop iconA page geared toward Teachers provides in-depth information and district resources or staff use. This InstructionalTechnology Support page is located under Offices > Instructional Technology & Management Information Systemsand click on “Instructional Technology Support” Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 24
Staff Password KeeperTo access a full list of programs available to teachers, as well as links to their sites and password information, go to theHome page, click on Offices > Instructional Technology. Click on “Staff Password Keeper”. You will be prompted to login to Schoolwires to access this page:New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 25
Student Password KeeperTo keep track of eResources available to students of the White Plains City School District, a “Student Password Keeper”can be generated and provided to students via a request to the Library Media Specialists in each building. SomeeResources are student specific. It resembles the following, with student-specific up-to-date information: Teacher name___________________ Username___________________Password__________________ Username________________Password___________ District: White Plains Username___________________Password__________________ Username___________________Password__________________New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 26
Take Home Online Resources for White Plains Students andStaff OnlyTo maximize student use from ANY location, especially outside of school, please use the Student eResources Page.From the district home page, go to Students/Parents > Student eResources Portal and click on the Student eResourcesbuttonFor easy access to many additional Student eResources, click the LOCK icon to access programs with username andpassword information for student use, as shown here:New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 27
Student eResourcesNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 28
Instructional Programs: Student User Access (White Plains City Schools Only)Purpose: To provide software that can be used as tools to: Develop literacy skills Foster higher level thinking Differentiate instruction Actively involve students in the construction of knowledge************************************************************************************************** Read 180 is a comprehensive system of curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development proven to raise reading achievement for struggling secondary readers. The program uses adaptive technology to individualize instruction for students and provide powerful data for teachers to differentiate their instruction. MATH 180 is a revolutionary math intervention program for the Common Core. Designed for struggling students in grades 6 and up, the program builds students’ confidence and competence in mathematics, while providing teachers with comprehensive support to ensure success. System 44 is a foundational reading and phonics intervention technology program for our most challenged readers in Grades 3–12. The program includes state-of- the-art adaptive reading technology that delivers explicit, research-based reading and phonics instruction as well as engaging, high-interest print materials for student practice in reading, writing, and spelling. SpringBoard is a 6-12 ELA curriculum that is based on research using the Wiggins and McTighe, Understanding by Design model. The curriculum is aligned with the Common Core Learning Standards and provides a road map for college success from middle school through high school.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 29
Achieve 3000 is a web based classroom & individualized learning program that accelerates reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing skills based on students specific levels. It is designed to reach every student at his/her individual level. Rosetta Stone is used to prepare your students to succeed in a highly globalized society – give them a global voice with a new language. Rosetta Stone provides a path students and educators can follow with confidence. Castle Learning Supports classroom instruction and review outside of the classroom through content-related review assignments, practice sessions and benchmark testing. Edgunuity –Features rigorous standard-based instruction and powerful interactive tools that support virtual learning online. Reading A–Z; Vocabulary A-Z & Science A-Z offer thousands of printable teacher materials to teach leveled reading, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, reading fluency, alphabet, and vocabulary. Science A-Z blends science and literacy instruction. Reading A-Z's downloadable books, lessons, worksheets and other resources are designed for use in various reading settings from whole class to small group to individual work whether with core, ESOL, special education, RTI (Response To Intervention), bilingual and other such programs. All materials are research-based, standards-based, and results oriented. Raz Kids provides a resource where students log in to get books and quizzes by their teachers, and students improve their reading skills by Listening for modeled fluency. Reading for practice, Recording their reading, Checking comprehension with quizzes Imagine Learning Provides customized feedback and instruction in student’s primary language; focuses on literacy with an emphasis on comprehension. Assesses performance and adapts instruction. Geared toward English learners, struggling readers, and students with disabilities.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 30
enVisionMath is a program written specifically to address the Common Core State Standards. Dreambox, a math software solution geared toward Elementary and Middle school students, is said to improve student math achievement in a comprehensive way.Other Instructional ProgramsGoals: To provide tools to support teacher and student use of technology to: Enhance learning Differentiate instruction Create learning environment where students are actively involved Assist students, achieve success in learning, communication, and life skillsClick on Start > Programs > Teacher Tools to access a wide range of other instructional programs, including:Timeliner, Grades K-5, makes it easy to create, illustrate,and print timelines. Simply enter events and dates, andTimeliner organizes the events into Chronological order.• Graphics and Multimedia: Extensive graphics library orimport images from the web• Add movies and sounds to create multimedia timelines• Add links to slideshows: Perfect for showcasing studentwork and displaying multimedia.Graph Club Grades K-4: Easy-to-use graphing tool whichcan be used for self-directed exploration, lessons, andpresentations, or creative class projectsDecisions, Decisions 5.0 Grades 5-10:Students make real-world decisions to build real-worldskills: Teamwork, Group decision-making, problemidentification and problem solving, Readingcomprehension, Oral and written communicationKidspiration Grades K-5: Create concept maps, webs, andoutlines with ease. Involves brainstorming, webbing,planning, critical thinking, concept mapping, outlining, andreviewing.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 31
Inspiration Grades K–12: Create concept maps, webs, andoutline. Access galleries for graphics and data; create linksto other multimedia resources and informationCommunity Construction Kit, grades 2-6, enables studentsto design buildings on a computer and turn them into 3-Dpaper cutouts. Students can design their own scaled-downversions of communities from different historical periodsor recreate their own towns. This flexible programcombines the power of technology with the effectivenessof hands-on manipulatives. Integrates History, Geography,Math, Science, and Language Arts.Thinkfinity - Online resources in all content areasprovided by Verizon; former Marco Polo web site.Additional Software Resources o Geometers Sketchpad: Grades 5-12: Develop and constrict geometric figures. o KidPix Deluxe: Grades 1-12 Develop and analyze mathematical concepts by manipulating shapes and numbers. o Neighborhood Map Machine 2.0: Grades 1-5: Create, navigate, and print community maps o Type to Learn: Grades 1-12: Learn and practice typing skills. o Graph Master: Graphing o Terc Investigation; Math Mysteries: Math o Examview: Test generator o CPS: eClicker software o InterWrite: Interactive Whiteboard software o MS Photo Story: Multimedia o Audacity: Multimedia o CyberLink PowerDirector: Multimedia o Adobe Acrobat o InterWrite: Interactive Whiteboard software o Audacity: Multimedia o CyberLink PowerDirector: MultimediaNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 32 provides way to pull together digital resources for instruction.It is a tool for teachers to easily manage and deliver digital (technology)content to students as part of a whole class, small group or to individualstudents. It gives teachers an easy way to collect digital content they want to use as part of a lesson or unitand put it together in one place for students to access or for them to use as part of their lessons. It reducesthe number of programs students must login to with the single sign-on. This program can be used to helpstudents develop technology literacy skills, including typing, file management, netiquette, Internetsearching, etc. To Access Learning.comNavigate to www.learning.comOn the Login Screen, enter your Username, Password & DistrictInitial teacher login information is:Example:Username: firstnamelastname (example: lucyroman)Password:________________District: White PlainsNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 33
Interwrite Workspace Double-click on the Interwrite Starter icon on your desktop or toolbar. Click on the eInstruction Tools icon at the bottom right corner of your desktop and select Workspace... Select Workspace...The (default) Intermediate toolbar will appear on your desktop (in vertical view).New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 34
The InterWrite Toolbar Interwrite How-To Videos Interwrite Tips and Tricks: Downloading Interwrite SoftwareUse the link and instructions on our website to download and install Interwrite software on you (home) computer From thedistrict homepage, go to Offices >Instructional Technology and Management & Information Systems > Interwrite Softwareto download and install Interwrite software on your computerNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 35
Schoolwires How to Login to Schoolwires Start at WPCSD website Homepage. Locate the “Sign In” button on top right corner. Click on “Sign-In.” You will then see the Schoolwires sign in page. Enter your username: This is the same as your network username and also your email address without the suffix “” Enter your password – the same as your network password. Click “Sign In.” After you have been signed in, note that at the top right corner, different buttons will now be displayed including “Site Manager.” Clicking on Site Manager will open to the areas to which you have access within Schoolwires. From here you will be able to create new pages or edit existing pages.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 36
How to Create a Basic Web Page Login to Schoolwires Click on “Site Manager” This will bring you into the Schoolwires section(s) to which you have access. On the Summary tab you will have the option to create a “New Page” by clicking on the New Page button. Schoolwires Resources To view an Interactive Tutorial on creating a new page: o While in your section, click on the “How Do I…?” tab o Clicking on the “How Do I…?” tab provides users with a Search function, Help Articles, Interactive Video Tutorials, and Additional resources. o Click on the “Add a Page” link under the Interactive Video Tutorials. This is a great introduction and starting point. o Search for interactive videos, documents, and Help Cards. Technology Resources Page 37 New Teacher Orientation 2015-16
Schoolwires Online Help Under “Help Articles,” Schoolwires provides very specific, brief information, for example:Schoolwires also provides “Help Cards to guide users through specific actions, usually under the “Additional Resources”section, and also by using the search feature An example of a (2-page) Help Card:New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 38
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Access to Resources from Outside the District Remote Access to District Applications Web-Enabled Email Infinite Campus District and School Web Pages Additional Technology Resources IEP Direct AESOP My Learning Plan Performance Plus Data Warehouse DestinyNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 40
Remote Access to District ApplicationsUse Remote Access for access to district applications, your desktop, and to your files. This uses software called VMWareView to access district applications, your desktop software and files. Using Remote access requires a one-timeinstallation - see the instruction links for step by step instructions.Go to the Home page, click on Offices > Instructional Technology. Click on “Remote Access”. You will be prompted tolog in to Schoolwires to access this page:Go to VM Horizon View Remote Access link: VM View for PC (install instructions) VM View for MAC (install instructions) VM View for Chromebook or using any HTML 5 compliant web browser on a computer. No software to install - recommended for using on a public computer in a library, hotel business center, conference center, etc.Goto: https://deskview.wpcsd.k12.ny.usSelect the HTML access option and follow the promptsSupported browsers: o Chrome 28 or later o Internet Explorer 9 or later o Safari 6 or later o Firefox 21 or later VM View for iPad (doesn't work with iPhone or iPod Touch) Download VMView from Apple App Store after installing, enter server name: username and password is the same as when you log into the district network VM View for Android (works on Android Phones and Tablets) Download VMView from Google Play Store after installing, enter server name: username and password is the same as when you log into the district networkNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 41
Web-Enabled EmailAccess your email from any computer that has internet access. o Open Internet Browser o Go to web address: o Provide your district Username and Password for accessSmart Phone Instructions: Please click on these instructions to access webmail or ifyou need to change settings on your personal smart phone.Infinite Campus - Student Administration System -Use Infinite Campus daily for attendance, working in the gradebook, creating reports, and all other purposesrelated to student information. Use the Icon on your desktop Or, from within or out of district, go to Enter your district Username and Password when promptedTo look up a student’s computer network username and passwordin Infinite Campus: Click Search (or click a student’s name on the teacher roster screen) Select the current school year Type in the student’s last name Click GO Click on the student nameClick the Student Network Account tab Technology Resources Page 42 New Teacher Orientation 2015-16
Example of how the student usernames and passwords are created:New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 43
Additional Online Resources How to Access IEP Direct1. Open your web browser. In the address bar, 4. When you have clicked on the “My Students”type in tab, you can find students listed alphabetically by last name.2. Log in with your username and password 5. Click on the appropriate tab based on theprovided to you from the Office of Special student’s last name. Click on the student’sEducation name to view the full IEP.3. Once logged on, you will be brought to themessage page. Click on “My Students” to viewa student’s IEP. 6. Click on the folder (icon) to view the index. Choose and click on the section of the IEP you would like to view. 7. Remember to logout (yellow tab in the top right of the web page) when you are done with If you don’t log out properly, the student file will “lock up” and no one will be able to access it.New Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 44
Aesop -online service to report absences and request substitute service My Learning Plan -online registration for professional development courses in and out of district IEP Direct Online service for special education student IEPs Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Maps Online curriculum resources system that enables you to search for specific curriculum units by grade, subject, standards, etc. You must login to Schoolwires to see the Atlas icon on the Curriculum page Performance Plus Resource for data driven instuction BOCES Data Warehouse Resources for data driven instuction: Data Reports Resources Destiny District-wide Online Library SystemNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 45
Technical Support How to Locate Desktop Information How to Place a Help Desk Request o How to Fill Out the Standard Support Form o How to Use Remore Online SupportNew Teacher Orientation 2015-16 Technology Resources Page 46