BRAND REPORT 2016HEAD OFFICE: reached Media (Pty) Ltd, 34 Eloff Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.CONTACT: Tel: 011 331 0134, Fax: 086 454 2287 , email: [email protected], website:
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REPORTING PARAMETERSThe reporting period for this brand report is the 12 months starting in November 2015 and ending on 30 November 2016. The report iscompiled to give guidance and to benchmark our services offering . The report also serves as a framework to product programs andservices activities. It is a catalyst servicing and serving as a tool for windows of opportunity in which we hope to maximise our futurebusiness opportunities. This report includes selected operations and service activities of the year under review .reached Media Pty) Ltd. is Africa’s outsourced and contract-based integrated Marketing Communication Solutions Firm. As suchreached Media is a growing firm and in its pursuit, it is gradually moving towards redefining its primary objectives and commitment inline with the fast growing world and in particular in providing a robust integrated solutions offering in the field of digitalisation. Allquestions relating to this brand report can be directed in writing to: [email protected]. Please clearly state that the question isrelated to the brand report 2016.
WELCOME TO THE 2016/17 BRAND PREAMBLEreached Media (Pty) Ltd. Brand Report.The tone for this report is found in Proverbs 19:21 in the Christian Holy Bible Scripture says: “Many arethe plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.”At reached Media (Pty) Ltd. the Christian Holy Bible is more than just a ‘book’ the Christian Holy Bibleis characteristic to our lives. This report reaffirms and recommits us to the work of God the Fatherthrough Jesus Christ and by the leading of the Holy Spirit. By that affirmation, we boldly stand on theScripture and our company creed which states [2 Corinthians 4:2] “But we have renounced the dis-graceful things hidden because of shame; not walking in trickery or adulterating the word of God,but by stating the truth [openly and plainly], we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in thesight of God.The foundation to reached Media (Pty) Ltd. is cemented in the book of Joshua 1:8: This book of thelaw shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may ob-serve and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, andthen you shall deal wisely and have good success.”And the emphasise of this year’s report is written in the book of – Philippian’s 3:12 where Paul says:“Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to layhold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me andmade me His own.In conclusion the Christian Holy Bible is clear and simple for us who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord andSaviour and us who believe that He indeed did die ‘and rise again on the third day’. The Christian Biblesays in Psalm 91:10: “no disaster will come near your tent.” and in Proverbs 3:6: “in all your ways sub-mit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”We indeed submitted our ways of 2016/17 and God the Father through Jesus Christ and by the leadingof the Holy Spirit took 2016/17 and made our pathway straight and He has reassured us in His Wordthat no disaster will come near our tent and truthfully no disaster came near our tent.Thank youWelcome to our 2016/17 Brand Report.
Good day and welcome to At the beginning of this year Ithe second edition of the decided that i was going to part-reached Media (Pty) Ltd. ner the year with knowledge.Brand Report. The word humbled simply meansBefore I begin by saying that unassuming or modest – I don’tI am humbled - I think it’s know if I or our business hasimportant that I understand done anything unassuming or inthe term or better yet I think a modest manner in the yearI want to bring you to my under review. In everything weunderstanding of the term have set targets, reached for‘humbled’ and then see if objectives and strongly attempt-indeed we are humbled. ed to achieve these objectives. At times, of course we did not atI did not want this report to all meet our objectives or targetsbe another copy paste exer- but we diffidently managed tocise that you find in MD’s reinvent and reinvest our com-report’s. I am taking a calcu- mitment.lated guess (please don’tquote me) when I say that The word that I would much ra-the world has become so ther use in this report isvigorous and fast paced that ‘resolution’, each year we sit andeverything seems to have prepare for the year ahead. Wethe ‘microwave attitude’ or place targets for our lives – wethe copy paste tempera- say something like – “I am goingment. It seems to me that at to attend gym this year or Tithesome levels we have stopped better” or whatever the resolu-thinking. We literally just tion that we set for that calen-copy paste someone’s words dar year.from one document to an-other and then pass that off It is equally important to stateas our work. that the word resolution in to- day’s age is used to personifyI have done that in the past personal ambitions characterisedand I am sure many of us by what we want to achieve inhave at one point done it and our career or personal life.I also don’t want to com- Whereas in business we find thatpletely rule it out as some- resolutions are characterised bything that I will not do in the the term ‘strategy’ which pre-future. Especially in today’s scribes the activities and objec-age – especially in the go-go tives that the business intends toage, I mean google age. pursuit. In truth, these words are one and the same and at some levels can be used inter- changeably.
A WORD FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTORI don’t know if we understand fully the throughout the year contained on aver- this year. I have come to know thatcountenance of the word ‘resolution’. age 180 pages each. business is a spirit – he speaks and livesRiver’s Church Pastor - Pastor Andre and has a personality and to succeed IOlivier in one of his recorded sermon’s There are 52.1785714 weeks in a year must be friends with business. Let meonce explained resolutions as such – meaning that I would have had to com- say that I have slowly and confidently(interpreting) “it is a decision that one plete 52.1785714 books throughout the become good friends with business astakes to achieve their objectives - a year. As a Managing Director of a this year has been a most ‘ruffle feath-resolve”. I want to go a step further in growing and emerging business there ering’ year I have ever experience in mythis definition by adding “it is the deci- is an economic dance that one must 15 years of business career. And let mesion that one takes to achieve a thing manage the dance involves a host of add by saying that the indelibleness ofno matter the consequences”. But daily activities blended with personal this year is that I perceive that deepbear in mind that in between every- life. The objectives are that I needed down what we have learnt in 2016 doesthing else life does happen and things to; make sure that the business not have to be taught to us again as itdo crop up and pop in and pop up. thrives; make sure that we meet the is deeply installed in our spirit. objective as set out by our year’s strat-It is why I say how can we make resolu- egy, make sure that we maintain a The books I completed are a true re-tions alone when life is truly God’s for it great business image to both clients, flection of the year under review and Iis God who has given us our lives and it staff, board and executive team, man- have used the number of books as ais Him who truly know what plans He aging my personal life and company yardstick to the year ahead. I am gladhas for us each year. This brand re- bureaucratic agenda’s that crop up to say that I have managed to read twoport’s preamble clearly sets the tone daily. and a half books a month for the last 12for what happened to both ourselves As the year was winding down I was months and that is coming from a manand me personally in 2016 - Proverbs chasing the clock to meet my target – who read little to no books in the past.19:21 says: “Many are the plans in a on 29 December I was juggling booksperson's heart, but it is the LORD's and writing this ephemeral and com- In closing – what we have learnt is thatpurpose that prevails.” When I look at plete our new look and feel as a busi- the power of our lives is in resolutionthe year under review and review our ness. Let me just say that in the bot- and by that, I mean – where there isoriginal intent – I confer. tom of my heart there is a Scripture order there certainly is God the Father that is like the sounding drum in the through Jesus Christ of Nazareth andSo, at the beginning of 2016 I made a deep jungle that guides the inner depth by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Myresolution after attending and listening of my existence through Jesus Christ personal 2016 resolution was another of Pastor Andre Olivier’s my Lord and Saviour and that Scripturepreaching where this time he was talk- is found in Zachariah 4:6 – the Word of As we take you through this report weing about how he wants to write about the Almighty God through Jesus Christ will show you the successes that we20 personal books in his life time and and by the leading of the Holy Spirit have attained – we will also take youread a book a week. says – “It is not by might – nor by pow- through the times where we had to er but by My Spirit”. I think that if we manage our successes where successI took to the challenge of meeting one understand and let the essence of seemed to be falling by the curb.of his assertion – I committed to read- these 12 letter Words really live – we do Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Sav-ing a book a week – books with a mini- thrive. iour we have certainly managed ourmum of 150 pages a pop – there were work and attained too much, muchon odd occasion were I would have I was determined to achieve as much more. Glory be the Jesus Christ.books that had 130 pages - I would say as possible to accomplish the task that Thank youthat the combined books bought we set to achieve at the beginning of
REPORTING PARAMETERSThe reporting period for this brand report is the 12 months starting in November 2015 and ending on 30 November 2016. The report iscompiled to give guidance and to benchmark our services offering . The report also serves as a framework to product programs andservices activities. It is a catalyst servicing and serving as a tool for windows of opportunity in which we hope to maximise our futurebusiness opportunities. This report includes selected operations and service activities of the year under reviewreached Media Pty) Ltd. is Africa’s outsourced and contract-based integrated Marketing Communication Solutions Firm. As suchreached Media is a growing firm and in its pursuit, it is gradually moving towards redefining its primary objectives and commitment inline with the fast growing world and in particular in providing a robust integrated solutions offering in the field of digitalisation. Allquestions relating to this brand report can be directed in writing to: [email protected]. Please clearly state that the question isrelated to the brand report 2016.
THE VISION1. To be a leading & trusted Integrated Marketing Com- munication’s partner globally.2. To build a firm that serves, services and holds true to its founding values and principles.MISSION1. To provide effective integrated communicator solu- tions globally.PROMISEWe have renounced disgraceful ways (secret thoughts, feel-ings, desires and underhandedness, the methods and artsthat men hide through shame); we refuse to deal craftily (topractice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dis-honestly the Word of God, but we state the truth openly(clearly and candidly). And so we commend ourselves in thesight and presence of God to every man’s conscience [II Corin-thians 4:2].
Business Profilereached Media (Pty) Ltd. is Johannesburg’s methods, models and applications so that theyoutsourced and contract-based public and private are in line with their organisational visions andsector integrated marketing communication values. reached Media (Pty) Ltd. ensures thatsolutions firm. We coordinate, manage and assist our clients’ projects are conveyed through effec-public and private sector organisations in tive vehicles of communication, as well as market-developing, maintaining their communication ing that can enhance their key value offering inINCORPORATION PROFILEreached Media (Pty) Ltd. Certificate issued by the Commissioner of Companies & Intellectual Property Commissionon Friday, May 15, 2015 at 13:29.ENTERPRISE INFORMATION 2015 / 149372 / 07 reached Media (Pty) Ltd.Registration Number: 15/05/2015Enterprise Name: 15/05/2015Registration Date: Private CompanyBusiness Start Date: In BusinessEnterprise Type: 4340269887Enterprise Status: Level 1Vat Number: 34 Eloff StreetBBBEE Status: MarshalltownRegistered Address: Johannesburg South Africa, 2057E mail: [email protected]:
GEOGRAPHICAL SPREADreached Media (Pty) Ltd. has a Gauteng wide footprint with the ability to operate far and wide. With ourhead office centrally located in the heart of Johannesburg’s CBD, Gauteng. reached Media (Pty) Ltd. hasconducted activities across much of the nine provinces in South Africa.BENEFICIARIESAs a 100% Christian organisation guided by the Christian Holy Bible, our key focus is in spreading the Wordof God and honouring the Will of God the Father, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth and by the leading ofthe Holy Spirit. We do this by conveying important information to people in need, particularly those inpoor and rural communities. For this reason, reached Media (Pty) Ltd.’s beneficiaries include Churches,Pastors, and spiritually disadvantaged communities with a range of backgrounds, as well as widows, or-phans, the homeless and a host of other needy people across South Africa.
SUSTAINABLE MODELreached Media (Pty) Ltd. is a growing oting around our sales division in order toorganisation that has standardised an op- fund the sustainability of reached Mediaerational and sustainable model in light of (Pty) Ltd. Our team of sales executivesthe current economic times. We see our- work tirelessly in selling our marketingselves as Johannesburg’s outsourced and communication packages. Further to this,contract-based integrated marketing com- we engage the skills of reached Mediamunication solutions firm which involves (Pty) Ltd.’s internal and external staff foritself in supporting and collaborating with actual service delivery activities.other South African businesses in aid ofcontinuously building a free and fair demo- The adaptability of reached Media (Pty)cratic South Africa. Ltd. is due to the perfect mix of our aca- demic team who also give a sense of sus-reached Media (Pty) Ltd.’s income re- tainability for our integrated marketingsources consist of a host of activities, piv- communication solutions services we em-
Let’s talkpositioning
HUMAN RESOURCESreached Media (Pty) Ltd.’s Human Resources framework involves a systematic assess-ment of future requirements in terms of numbers and skill and competency levels, aswell as the formulation and implementation of plans to meet these requirements.reached Media (Pty) Ltd. is a growing business and as such, it is vital to match our humanresources to the firm’s long-term needs, and to maintain an ongoing review of how tomake the best use of current and future human resources. In the process, reached Media(Pty) Ltd. must assess how a well- trained and flexible workforce can best be maintainedSTAFFThe reached Media (Pty) Ltd. job design approach precedes job classifications and focuses more on the actualquality of work presented, the roles of appointees of given jobs and the relationships which exist between the jobholders and others in the firm.When it comes to job content, our requirements are as follows: It must meet the firm’s requirements for opera-tional efficiency and quality service, while satisfying the job holder’s needs, interests and accomplishments.reached Media (Pty) Ltd. has a team of highly intelligent, global-thinking, competent and capable staff. A team ofacademics, graduates and insightful leaders who are specialists in their respective fields. The team’s combinedunique offering is a sophisticated mix of intelligence, excellence and work hard ethic.
TALENTTalent at reached Media (Pty) Ltd. is represented by hard work. Not only do we take in universitygraduates, but we empower them and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed by gettingthem to write about their everyday experiences on the job. We have found that this drives them tobe more aware of their work, thus driving a more focused approach to job delivery which ultimatelytranslates to quality serviced delivery.We also use their experiences as a framework for new and emerging talent. Our talent is constantlygiven tasks which are in line with their job description. As an example of this, we have included anarticle in this report by one of our members, Nontobeko Zuma. This article was featured on ourwebsite and is titled ‘High Speed Project Coordination’. It was written about a project which wascoordinated by Nontobeko when the team travelled to Mpumalanga on an assignment based on‘research for developing a new service’ which included a corporate event. This brilliant article is anexample of how we develop the skills and provide opportunities for our talent.
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