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Published by llhunkeler, 2016-05-17 12:50:09

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Page 70 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” June 2016 My Favorite Lure Color Sorta has no ColorBill Takacs holds a muskie taken on a pearl/white Castaic Trout. Photo: Bill Takacs Largemouth, smallmouth bassby Bill Takacs White is often referred to as part of a tandem for spinnerbaits for largemouth A couple of months ago, Mike Small pearl/white tube jigs took these nice crappies. Photo: Bill Takacs bass. It is a favorite color for spinnerbaitSchoonveld wrote an excellent article for skirts. Besides spinnerbaits though, whiteMIDWEST OUTDOORS extolling the virtues of and shad in the Great Lakes and Northeast For the sake of this article, along with is hardly ever mentioned. Several yearsthe color black for his fishing. This and tullibees in the lakes of the North. white, I will also group bone and pearl or back, white jigs were the craze of the proreminded me of one of my personal Certainly, shiners come to mind along mother of pearl colors. You should not bass tours. White living rubber and whitefavorite colors: white. with the light sides and white bottoms of forget about white, no matter what you pork baits of various shapes were “hot” the common fathead or crappie minnow. fish for. for the boys utilizing the flipping Wander down the aisles of your local technique for the jigs n’ pigs.tackle shop and you will see a virtualrainbow of colors to be found in both hard Will they still catch largemouths orbaits and soft plastics. Most likely, various smallmouths? I would think so.shades of green, yellow, red, orange andblue will dominate the selections along In local waters, especially in Lakewith some fluorescents and natural colors Michigan, white can be deadly forof black, brown, purple and gray. smallmouth bass. White crankbaits, plastic tube baits or grubs can be great, probably But what about white? because of the shad, shiners and alewives White may or may not be offered in that are present here.your favorite crankbait or soft plastic grubor lizard. This color is not often Panfishmentioned as a choice on species, yet itcan be one of the best colors in a variety Remember the famous “pinkie”of conditions and for a variety of fish. crappie jig? It is a white hair jig with a I would venture to say that most bodies pink jig head that is still being madeof water, regardless of location, contain at today, but is a little more difficult to find.least one species of baitfish where white is Or how about the old, plain, whitea dominant color. Think of the varieties of marabou crappie jig? It still catchesshad in the Midwest and South, alewives panfish today. One of my favorites is a 1/16-ounce white with pink head Lindy Visit us at Fuzz-E-Grub. One of the oldest productive white lures has been the 2-inch Berkley Power Grub. Any of these can be just as deadly for the white bass on rivers, lakes for: and reservoirs. Striped bass, hybrids Spend any time where true striped bass or hybrids (wipers) are popular fisheries and you will see some white being used. Long ago, white hair jigs along with some type of white plastic or white pork trailer were used to tempt these terrific battlers, and are still just as effective today. Lake Michigan salmon, trout For the past few years you would have a difficult time trying to find a lure for casting that has been as productive as a 1/8- or 1/4-ounce jig along with a 3-inch White Berkley Power Grub. Whether casting from a shoreline hot spot or an anchored boat, coho fishing with this combo has been great. Tipping with a small piece of squid is optional; enough brown trout have also been taken to tell me that they like the combo too. Chinooks or king salmon have slammed enough mother of pearl spoons and Luhr-Jensen J-Plugs over the years to convince me that white also ranks up there on their lists. It probably has something to do with the alewives that they have preyed upon for most of their lives. Muskies, pike White or pearl has always been a personal favorite color when fishing lakes where shad or cisco are present and a major forage for these toothy critters. More often than not, when casting I will reach for a Lindy White Pepper Tiger Tube, a Pearl Countdown Cobb jerkbait, a Pearl Big Game Tackle twitch bait or a Silver blade/White bucktail, and perhaps with a Mepps Magnum Musky Killer or White Castaic Trout plastic swimbait. MWO Hosted by • How-to videos that pertain to Subscribe to Hall of Fame journalist our region! MidWest Outdoors Louie Stout • Weekly fishing tournament Call 1-800-606-3474 schedules and results! Please have your credit card ready. • Regional and late-breaking outdoors news! Only $14.95 1-year subscription

June 2016 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” Page 71 With a very good spring just about River steelhead facility this spring, Brown trout stocked at the Pastrick Marina. Photo: Joe Rokoszbehind us, we can begin to look forward to yielding 870,00 Chambers Creek eggs andthings transitioning into the early-summer 1 million Ganaraska-strain eggs. Joseph. Shore fishermen are catching Henry’s 12th Annual Coho Derbypatterns along the southern shores of Lake some off the pier too.Michigan. With the warming waters, most Most boats fishing Kenosha have A total of 21 fish were caught in thefish have been moving out to their experienced limited success around the In the “good news department,” the popular event. The winners included in thecomfort zones. To be successful, we must babblers for cohos and chinooks on small Indiana DNR recently stocked 33,000 Rod & Reel Division, an 8.35-poundadjust and adapt to the conditions. crankbaits and 00 dodgers with Eddie Fly brown trout and 67,000 chinook salmon at brown trout caught by Mike Fogarty; in P-Nut flies. Shore fishermen have been the Pastrick Marina in East Chicago. With the Powerline Division, 22.1 pounds total, For nearshore action, I would taking a few steelhead and a lot of suckers the poor fall fishing that we’ve been with four cohos and one brown troutrecommend trying Wisconsin. Shore and on the Pike River. having off Indiana, hopefully this will give caught by Greg Cargile; and in the Bigboat fishing both have been very good off us somewhat of a boost for both shore and Fish category, a 14.6-pound brown troutMilwaukee. Across the state line in Illinois, pier boat fishermen over the next several years. fishermen have been taking cohos on caught by Greg Cargile. MWO Shore fishermen have been doing well nightcrawlers under Cast Away bobbers The Northwest Indiana Steelheaderson brown trout, averaging between 3 and 4 and brown trout on the bottom with dead announced their annual “Skamania Mania,” Kankakee, Illinoispounds. They have been hitting Little Cleo golden roaches. Casting spoons like the which will be held out of Michigan City on (WE CANOE)spoons and the new Berkley Bad Shad off Little Cleo and the Williams Ridge/Back July 5-6. The contest is free and open tothe McKinley Pier. have been working, with power lines the public. All you have to do is catch a (815) 932-2663 picking up both species. Both Government steelhead, either from shore or off a boat, Trollers have been doing best in front and Johnson piers have been producing. and bring it to the weigh-in station located www.reedscanoetrips.comof the Oak Creek power plant for cohos near the Coast Guard Station. Prizes willand brown trout, dragging 3 1/2-inch Off Chicago, the cohos have moved be awarded.Williams HQ spoons and Rapala-style out deep to 175 feet of water. The onlybody baits. perch action has been in the harbors, and The Racine, Wis. “Salmon-A-Rama,” most of the fish have been small. which runs July 9-17, will also have a In Racine, it’s been a mixed bag of Smallmouth bass have begun getting weigh-in station in Michigan City.cohos, brown trout and steelhead off the active with 1/4-ounce. Bait Rigs Tacklepier for shore fishermen. The new Odd’ball jigs (Pearl, Silver) dressed with If you really feel lucky, try entering theWilliams Ridge/Back spoons have been 4-inch Berkley Gulp Ripple Shad (Pearl Hoosier Coho Club’s “30-for-30” contest.doing extremely well for the casters. White) are doing very well along rock The derby, which started April 30, runsAnglers fishing shiner minnows under walls and pilings. The best bite is where through October 30 or until a winner isCast Away bobbers have been doing well the rocks transition with the pilings. duly recognized. To be eligible, the anglerfor the cohos, while spawn sacs on the must be a 2016 “paid member” of thebottom have been best for the trout. Indiana’s cohos also went deep out to Hoosier Coho Club ($20 annual dues). 170 feet of water. After a great early The entry fee is $100 for the contest. The The Root River has been giving up spring close to shore, the fish moved out first fisherman with lake trout that tips thesteelhead from the steelhead facility to the unusually early this year. Boats running scales at 30 pounds wins a cool $3,030—Horlick Dam. A lot of suckers have also out for them are doing best on 00 dodgers that’s a pretty decent prize to shoot for.been mixed in with the steelies. The and P-Nut flies. If you want some closer I’ve always said, “You can’t win if youWisconsin DNR reports 1,293 steelhead shore action, try running out to the Gong don’t play.” For further informationwere passed upriver through the Root and setting up for lake trout. They are out contact the Hoosier Coho Club at there in good numbers. Big perch are being caught in about 50 feet of water on the clay off the Gary Light, but how long they’ll stay out there is anybody’s guess. Smallmouth bass fishing is starting to heat up off the Pastrick Marina and along the rocks in Gary. This action should last throughout the summer. The fish have been taking shad-colored jig/grub combinations, but look for crayfish imitating patterns to be more productive. On the Michigan side, trolling nearshore has been producing some decent cohos and brown trout off St. Stop in and see the new G3s! 219-923-0602 45th & Colfax Griffith, IN 46319

Page 72 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” June 2016 Clear-water Hair Jigs:A Tactic for Spooky Trout Devin Deuter of Greenfield, Wis. with a beautiful 27-inch brown that hit a subtle jig on a flat-calm, bluebird morning.Subtle hair and marabou jigs can save the day in tough conditions. trout and salmon. For our purposes, slim, Between those two colors, you’ll have tied bucktail jigs intended for walleyes or most clear-water situations covered. This spring had a roller coaster of clear and there’s a flat calm, trout are smallmouths are what we are looking for.conditions on Lake Michigan. There were sensitive to everything—too much flash, Kailins and Northland both make an The attraction of the hair jig is alleither wild onshore winds causing high noise or movement screams, It’s a fake! to excellent selection of bucktail jigs if you about the retrieve. As I mentioned, mywaves and murky water or wild offshore them. Take a creature that has incredible don’t tie your own. Marabou jigs are a optimum weight makes the jig slightlywinds or flat calm causing super-clear vision and put it in gin-clear water and little tougher to find, but they are out there heavier than “neutrally buoyant.” Cast thewater—not good news for the Lake you have got to do something special to and designed for larger fish. Marabou jig out and let it slowly get to the bottom.Michigan shore angler. fool them. crappie jigs are very popular too, but Let it sink to a desired depth if you think make sure that they have a heavy enough fish are feeding higher, but in these clear, In a recent column I went over some “Hair jig” describes a simple lead head hook to hold a big brown and not just a calm, sunny days, deep is usually the key.techniques to try to salvage a fishing day jig tipped with some type of natural or crappie.when you are faced with the high winds, synthetic material such as bucktail, fox Whatever you do, don’t “jig” the jig.waves and muddy water. This month I tail and something that really isn’t hair— Most shore casting can be done with Once the jig reaches the bottom, hold thewould like to talk about a time-tested marabou. Even though marabou isn’t jigs in the 1/8- to 3/8-ounce range. For rod at three o’clock and take a couplefinesse system that has taken clear-water “hair,” it falls into the same category and water 10 to 20 feet deep, stick with heads turns of the reel and pause. Do anotherspooky fish for as long as I can remember. fishing style as “true hair.” Each has at 1/4 or 3/8. For water shallower than half-turn, pause and a full-turn pause. YouThis method is the simple hair jig, and it characteristics making it better in certain that, have some lighter weights along. In get the idea; you are swimming the jig,works. conditions. general, you want the hair jig to hover in not jigging it up and down. Use a one-half the water and not just fall like a stone, so turn to two turns at a time. Mid-retrieve Hair jigs have been around for 100 Bucktail jigs are available from a use the lightest jig you can get away with. and allow the jig to fall a few seconds toyears and in different forms. It’s a simple variety of tackle companies. It’s still a If the wind is flat, then stay with a 1/8- or reestablish the depth and continue. Strikeslure that doesn’t wiggle, rattle, or even staple for saltwater anglers and striped o1/4-ounce jig. If the wind picks up a will often come on the pause or once youmake much noise at all in water. It’s an bass fishermen. For the Lake Michigan little, you may need to go a little heavier start reeling after a pause. With the rod atapproach that is stealth-like. But this is shore angler, look for jigs tied sparsely. to stay in control with the jig. Walk a three o’clock, you are in perfect positionwhat makes it perfect in super-clear, Big, bulky ties that may be good for east tightrope here though. Your best to set the hook.super-calm conditions. When the water is coast stripers are way too bulky for our production out of a hair jig in super-clear water is a weight where you can barely For line, nothing heavier than a good, feel there is a jig on the end of the line. I clear 8-pound-test should be used for hair always describe it as, “a jig that is out jigs. There are times when things get there floating in outer space.” A jig weight really spooky that you may want to go that is nearly neutralized by the buoyancy down to 6-pound-test. Splicing in a few of the hair and the drag of the line feet of fluorocarbon leader at the business becomes very natural looking in the water. end never hurts for both durability and visibility. In super-clear water, white is my number one choice. A slight glimmer of It’s very comfortable to fish on a calm, flash is good, but too much is too much. sunny bluebird morning, but it can be one Trim excess tinsel, leaving only a few of the toughest situations to catch Lake strands for a subtle flash. For a second Michigan trout and salmon. Next time you choice, have a few yellow jigs along too. are faced with clear water and high skies, try a hair jig. MWO A beautiful setting, but calm and clear means tough fishing for Lake Michigan trout.

June 2016 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” Page 73Deadsticking: Powerful Trigger for Tough-bite Bass Let a floating crankbait sit for a few seconds before beginning your retrieve.To catch big bass, it is not always necessary to use aggressive retrieves. ever used. But most of these anglers think There is another effective technique it is against everything a plastic worm is my dad taught me many years ago that Iby Jason Houser attract the attention of a big bass, and not intended for, just to throw it out and let it still use today. One day, I was fishing a just a bait that sits there doing nothing. sink to the bottom and then be motionless. pond on our farm for bass and I tossed out When I think of using artificial baits to a floating Rapala. When it hit the water Icatch largemouth bass, the flashiest bait Well, sometimes doing nothing is best. Depending on the situation—like moved my hand to the handle, but dadthat puts out lots of vibration as it swims, Many anglers are not able to wrap their fishing in bass tournaments—you cannot quickly stopped me. As the ripples of thehops, crawls or wiggles through the water heads around the idea of throwing out a use nightcrawlers or any live bait for that lure hitting the water faded away, I wasis what pops in my mind. It only makes live nightcrawler and letting it sit on the matter. Or, maybe you just do not want to given the go-ahead to crank the handlesense to have a lure that does something to bottom doing absolutely nothing. After all, care for live ‘crawlers and prefer to deal just a couple of turns. This was enough to that was one of the first fishing tactics with the less messy plastic worm. cause the bait to make a small twitch forward. The payoff was the water Allowing a bait to sit absolutely still on exploding, as a 3 1/2-pound bass inhaled the bottom, or deadsticking, is not always the lure the second it showed signs of life. going to catch bass. But anglers have to sometimes think outside the box. This is not a deadsticking tactic, but a prime example of how a stationary bait In the spring, cold fronts will cause the can attract the attention of a big bass. Still temperature of the water to drop today, I often wait a few seconds before I dramatically, subsequently causing the begin the retrieve on a surface bait. By bite to slow down. The same can happen doing so I know I have been able to land in the fall when a cold front comes down. fish I otherwise wouldn’t. These are just a couple of examples when deadsticking might be the best answer to Whether you are deadsticking a worm catching bass. on the bottom or a floating bait on the water’s surface, there are no written rules. I prefer a couple of plastics in There will be days when this is the only particular for deadsticking. The first is the option and others where this will not catch Stik-O Worm by Bass Pro Shops. The a fish. But when other tactics are not other is the Zoom Fluke Stick. Just throw catching, what do you have to lose by the worm near cover and let it sit. Through giving these proven tactics a try? trial and error, you will get a feel for how long to let it sit. I’ll leave it 30 to 45 Let your bait sit still and see if a bass seconds before reeling it in and casting to a new spot. doesn’t pick it up for an easy meal. MWO Win big every week Celebrate 30 years of MWO TV by entering our Facebook contest! $15,000 Boat & Motor PackageVisit us on Facebook and you could win fishing gear, vacations, or even a boat & motor from one of these great sponsors:EST. 1985 One lucky winner chosen each Monday thru September 5. Grand prize drawing on September 5, 2016. Enter today! Details at

Page 74 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” June 2016Clarification on rifle law for deer hunting I guess I’m officially an “old timer,” as Free family fishing workshops A late antlerless season was available I can remember when the choice of from December 26 to January 3 in 60 A quick response to the general public weapon for the deer firearms season was The Indiana DNR is once again counties with additional date restrictionson explaining House Enrolled Act (HEA) as simple as a slug gun or muzzleloader. offering Go FishIN with Free Fishing for counties with “A” designated quotas.1231 was made by the Indiana DNR after Days, which includes one day with a free Also, hunters could harvest additional deerquestions arose regarding the new Saving part of a mushroom bonanza workshop teaching families how to fish. beyond the statewide bag limits inlegislation for certain rifles with deer designated deer reduction zones during thehunting this year. Most questions involved Every year we hear about a neighbor or Indiana residents 18 and older may fish deer reduction zone season, which openedcalibers and cartridges allowed under the a relative who strikes it rich hunting morel public waters without requiring a fishing last September and continued throughnew law. mushrooms. They tell us how they came license or a trout stamp. Free Fishing Days January 31. back with sacks full of them and that they are great opportunities to teach families The bill authorizes five calibers, by needed a wheelbarrow. We may find how to fish because adults don’t need a Firearms season was the mostname now, that are “legal” to hunt with and ourselves knee-deep in the outdoor license on those days, and individuals productive, accounting for 72,555 deer, oralso outlines cartridge specifications culinary world’s finest find as well—the under 18 never need a license during the 59 percent of the total harvest. Archeryacceptable in rifles but only on private morel mushroom. event. season accounted for 32,753 deer, or 26property. It also makes pistol-approved percent, followed by the muzzleloadercartridges legal to hunt with in rifles on When faced with a massive amount, The theme of these workshops is season with 10,784 (9 percent), specialboth private and public property. Even with there is no problem getting rid of the “keeping fishing simple.” Families will antlerless firearms season with 5,105 (4legal deer hunting, with the calibers excess. There will be plenty of eager learn important fishing rules and how to percent) and youth season with 2,467 (2capable of taking grizzly bears and buffalo, volunteers willing to help you out by tie a fishing knot, bait a hook, cast safely percent).there are still some “pariah” cartridges that taking a portion of your hard-won morels. and handle a fish. Having basic knowledgeare illegal. and skills will give families confidence to The total number of deer taken with a But what if we had the chance to put a fish as a family on their own. firearm during the deer reduction zone HEA 1231, which was passed earlier few of these gourmet goodies back for our season was incorporated with the firearmsthis spring by the Indiana General own delight? Many gathering societies dry “Families that fish together create season total, while the total taken withAssembly, allows some additional rifle the mushrooms, but the result is usually memories together,” said Clint Kowalik, archery equipment was included in thecartridges to be used only on private land something only fit for incorporating into a DNR Go FishIN coordinator. archery season total.during the firearms season. The new legal mushroom soup. Preserving the delicate,cartridges include, but are not limited to, earthy flavor is what we want. The remaining Free Fishing Days for Harvest exceeded 1,000 deer in 58the .243 Winchester, .30-30 Winchester, 2016 are June 4 and 5. For more counties, 2,000 in 17 counties and over.300 AAC Blackout and .30-06 Slice the morels in two and soak them information on Free Fishing Days or the 3,000 in one county. Harrison County wasSpringfield. Additional requirements under out overnight in saltwater. Rinse well and workshops, see the top producer for the third season, withthe legislation include that rifles must have place them on wax paper on a cookie sheet 3,227 deer taken. Benton County had thea barrel length of at least 16 inches, the in the freezer. Once frozen, place the Hunters can check-in to win fewest deer taken with 90, followed byrifle cartridges must have a cartridge case mushroom pieces into an empty freezer Tipton County with 114.length of at least 1.16 inches, the cartridge container on another sheet of wax paper. Hunters at eight reservoir properties,must fire a bullet with a diameter that is Layer the frozen mushrooms in the who return a completed hunter card at The nine counties after Harrison with.243 inches (or 6 mm) or .308 inches (or container. DNR check-in stations, will be entered to the greatest harvest in descending order7.62 mm), no cartridges with a bullet win prizes. The properties are Salamonie, were: Washington (2,891), Franklindiameter between .243 and .308 are legal Weeks or months later, the mushrooms Mississinewa, Patoka, Brookville, Monroe, (2,890), Switzerland (2,653), Noble(such as the .270 Winchester) and a hunter can be fried and come out almost as fresh Hardy, Cecil M. Harden and Cagles Mill (2,624), Dearborn (2,559), Steubenmay not possess more than 10 such as when first harvested. lakes. (2,523), Lawrence (2,502), Parke (2,390)cartridges while in the field. and Crawford (2,370). Three counties set Prepare a wet dredge to dip the The new Check-In-Win program is an unofficial record harvests in 2015. They Rifles using pistol cartridges allowed in individual mushroom pieces. Add oil and effort to encourage hunters to turn in were Dubois (2,040), Henry (601) andprevious years may be used to hunt deer on butter in a skillet and preheat the pan. hunter cards at the end of their trips. The Lawrence (2,502).both private and public land. Additional Remove the mushrooms from the bucket, cards contain information valuable to the And for the first time, all harvested deercartridges considered “legal” under HEA dip them in a homemade batter and drop DNR, including what animals the hunters were checked in electronically.1231 include, but are not limited to, the them each into the skillet before they harvested and what animals they saw.6mm-06, 6mm BR Remington, 6mm PPC, defrost. Work quickly so the remaining Hunters have harvested approximately6mm Remington, .240 Weatherby, .243 mushrooms do not thaw. Cook until golden “The cards give us trends in hunter use 3.5 million deer during the 64 separateWinchester, .243 Winchester Super Short brown. Save the remaining mushrooms for and in harvests, and are important in hunting seasons in Indiana.Magnum, .30 Carbine, .30 Herrett, .30 another “fresh fry” later on. managing our resource managementRemington AR, .30-06 Springfield, .30-30 units,” said Ginger Murphy, deputy Barn owl webcamWinchester, .30-40 Krag, .300 AAC I have used this method for years, and director for stewardship, DNR Division ofBlackout (.300 Whisper), .300 H&H we have enjoyed “extra” morels for a really State Parks. A show of companionship and survivalMagnum, .300 Remington Short Action special treat year ‘round. is available live before the public in a DNRUltra Magnum, .300 Savage, .300 Hunters should complete a card every webcam, offering a glimpse into the livesWeatherby Magnum, .300 Winchester Bird-suet popsicles time they visit one of the eight properties of a barn owl pair raising chicks. TheMagnum, .300 Winchester Short Magnum, to hunt. Individuals can win a $25 Fish & webcam is located at.300 Remington Ultra Magnum, .308 Like many birder enthusiasts, I Wildlife gift certificate to purchase a The barn owlMarlin, .308 Winchester, 7.62x39mm and feed woodpeckers and suet-eating combo hunting/fishing license, an annual webcam viewing the nest can7.62x54mmR. birds year ‘round. The only entrance pass for state parks, reservoirs accommodate 20 people online at a time. drawback is that the packages of and state forest recreation areas, a $25 lake There are other cartridges meeting the seed and berry-impregnated suet permit for boating access on DNR Barn owls are a rarity and a state-law’s specifications, but some do not. A get gooey and sticky in hot weather. properties, a $25 camping gift card and endangered species. The pair on thepartial list of cartridges not allowed under As a quick fix, I simply put a few more. webcam has been living in a DNR-builtHEA 1231 includes the .270 Winchester, packages in the freezer until I am nest box inside a metal pole barn in.38-55 Winchester, .444 Marlin and .45-70 ready to use them. Frozen hard as a Prize drawings will be held after the southern Indiana since 2009. The owlsGovernment. rock, they are easy to handle and spring turkey, deer firearms and waterfowl have nested every year since then. you no longer have sticky fingers. I seasons. HEA 1231 is scheduled to expire after keep ours next to the tater tots. Barn owls lay their eggs in April, withthe 2020 deer season, at which time the Hunter cards must be completely filled hatching occurring sometime in May. InDNR will submit an impact report to the Freezing suet cakes in summer makes the bird- out, including phone number, mailing 2013, the nest was one of only 18 knowngovernor and General Assembly. suet popsicles easy to handle and less messy. address and email address for those who barn owl nests in the state. The goal of the have one. Winners will be called or webcam is to promote public interest in Again, the new law restricts the number Photo: Jack Spaulding emailed. Hunters of all ages may birds and raise awareness about efforts toof cartridges. Keeping that in mind, what participate, and hunters can enter more support this species.about the coyote hunter carrying a .270 than once during each season.Winchester and a box of 20 shells hunting These owls are known for theiron public land during deer season? The DNR Division of State Parks distinctive heart-shaped face, dark eyes manages recreational areas along the and white to golden-brown feathers. They Unfortunately, it is going to be the reservoirs and permits hunting in were once common in the Midwest, livingindividual deer hunter who will have to designated areas. The prize program does in hollow trees and wooden barns, andcarefully wade through these aspects of the not apply to state fish and wildlife areas. hunting in hayfields, idle grain fields,legislation to make sure he or she stays on pastures and other grasslands for meadowthe right side of the law with their Deer harvest up from last year voles. But many wooden barns are beingselection of weapon. I can only imagine torn down, and few modern farms offer thethe headaches and misunderstandings Indiana’s DNR is intent on managing type of land a barn owl needs for hunting.awaiting our conservation officers charged the deer herd at a constant level. Balancingto uphold this law. the desires of hunters, insurance companies, Indiana DNR’s Wildlife Diversity farmers and the general public makes for a Program has been placing nest boxes for If you have questions, my best advice is tightrope walk for whitetail herd managers. barn owls since 1984. The boxes, like theto call the local conservation officer to Additionally, Indiana’s move toward quality one the webcam owls use, give them a safemake sure your area of hunt, whether buck management has made an impact on place to raise their young. This owl is onepublic or private, and selection of rifle and the trophy aspect for hunters. of more than 750 animal species, includingcartridge are legal. many rare and endangered animals, During the 2015 season, Indiana supported by the Wildlife Diversity hunters harvested 123,664 deer according Program. WDP depends on donations to to data released in April by DNR. The the DNR Nongame Fund, and individuals harvest number reflects a 3 percent may donate by credit card on the DNR increase from the 120,073 deer taken website or you may give all or a portion of during the 2014 season. The antlered deer your state tax return to the fund by harvest was 10 percent higher than the marking the appropriate box on your 2014 harvest, while the antlerless harvest income tax form or when you file was 1 percent lower than in 2014. electronically. Donations may also be made at The overall 2015 deer harvest ranks as the tenth-highest season in Indiana history. Indiana’s trout stream season open The 2015 antlerless deer harvest ranks the eleventh highest. The 2015 season was The 2016 Indiana trout stream season composed of four statewide segments opened in April and runs through including youth (September 26-27), December 31. For trout stream fishing archery (October 1-January 3), firearms (November 14-29) and muzzleloader (December 5-20).

June 2016 MidWest Outdoors Indiana Section “Helping you enjoy the outdoors” Page 75there is a daily bag limit of five fish with a taken from a nest in Whitestone Harbor in The watercraft models. This class will take7-inch minimum size limit. southeastern Alaska on July 22, 1988. INDIANA place in the Bass Pro Shops Movie Theater! Register to win a free GPS Unit More than 22,000 rainbow trout were The Bird Banding Laboratory at the Sportsman’s while in the class! Only those who attendstocked in 17 streams across the state by Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Calendar the class will have the opportunity tolate April. The trout are produced at DNR’s Maryland says the longevity record for a register. At the end of the year we willCurtis Creek Trout Rearing Station in bald eagle is 38 years. draw for the winner!LaGrange County. To complete the stream fishwild/ Third Wednesday of the monthstockings, personnel with hauling trucks The terms “hacked” and “hacking” arefrom four northern Indiana hatcheries borrowed from the sport of falconry and Sponsored by: Coast Guard Safe Boating Class—Joinpitched in to get the job done. describe the process in reintroduction the U.S. Coast Guard for a free seminar programs of releasing a juvenile bald eagle EDUCATION the third Wednesday of every month from Don’t forget—anglers 18 years of age from a “hack” — a human-built elevated 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.! The Coast Guard willand older must have a trout stamp in platform. The goal is to have the eagle Every Tuesday cover Safe Boating Regulations, PFDs,addition to a valid fishing license to fish imprint on the hack site and return as an Open Fly Tying seminar from 6:30 - 9 Vessel Safety Checks, and Distressfor trout. adult to nest. Signals. To register for this class call Scott p.m. at the Bass Pro Shop in Portage. Harvey at 812-218-5500 or email Scott atState’s oldest wild bald eagle rescued Bald eagles were on the state and Come spend time with local fly [email protected]. All classes are federal endangered species list when fishermen/women at the seminar room on free and open to the public. This class is a What’s likely the oldest bald eagle Indiana began its reintroduction program the 2nd floor behind the camo great class for all ages and a terrific forliving in the wild in Indiana was found in 1985. The first successful nesting department. The open fly tying format is those that will be boating with yourwith a dislocated wing when it was rescued occurred in 1991. For the 2016 eagle an excellent opportunity to trade secrets children. The class will take place in thenear Worthington in Greene County in nesting season, there are estimated to be with and learn from the professionals! For Bass Pro Shops Movie Theater inApril. 250 to 300 eagle nesting territories in further information call 219-787-6800. Clarksville, Ind. The Coast Guard will also Indiana. First Wednesday of the month have a Question and Answer session at Along with the bird’s claim to fame of the end of each class.being perhaps Indiana’s “oldest bald Although bald eagles are no longer Basic Functions of GPS at the Bass Pro June 18-19eagle,” it also claims the title of being one listed as endangered, they are protected by Shop in Clarksville, Ind., starting atof the most elusive. state and federal laws. The U.S. Fish and 6:30pm. The expert marine staff will train Free Bowfishing Workshop, Hovey Lake Wildlife Service has established guidelines you to use your GPS. This class will cover FWA, 15010 State Road 69 South, Mt. The rescue of the “elder” eagle was the to avoid disturbing bald eagles, including the basic functions of all GPS units. If you Vernon, Ind. Hours: Saturday at 7 p.m. tofirst time the 28-year-old bird had been staying at least 330 feet from nests. don't own a GPS this is a great way to 12 a.m. The workshop is a joint effortsighted since leaving the hack tower at figure out if it’s for you. Learn to use the between the Division of Fish and WildlifeMonroe Lake in September 1987. Back Recipe for hummingbird success hand held models, car models, and Fisheries staff, the Hoosier Bowfishingthen, it was too young to fly, and the Association, and the Bass UnlimitedDNR’s bald eagle reintroduction program Every year I get a number of inquiries Foundation. Bows, arrows, and otherwas in its infant stages. as to the sugar water recipe for equipment will be provided. This event is hummingbird feeders. It is as simple as the open to all participants 12 and over, both “This bird represents everything we’ve fingers and thumb on your hand. Think of children and parents are encouraged todone in Indiana in eagle restoration,” said the thumb as the sugar and the fingers as attend. The event will begin at 7 p.m. localAllisyn Gillet, the DNR’s nongame bird water. There you have it—one part sugar to time with a quick presentation on aquaticbiologist. four parts water. The recipe is based on invasive and nuisance species, tips and volume and not by weight, so you can use techniques for bowfishing, and safety out A band identifying it as bald eagle C14 various sized containers like small water on the water. The workshop should wrapdetermined the age of the bird. glasses to do the measuring. up around midnight after a one-on-one experience with a professional bowfishing “This is nesting season, so eagles are Leave out the red dye solution. It is not guide and hands-on training out on agoing to generally stay pretty close to their necessary and some bird biologists think it boat. Advance registration is requirednest. I’m thinking this bird was either may be harmful. Once the hummers key in and is limited to 30 participants. Registertrying to breed or had a nest and on the feeder’s location, they don’t need a at the contact information below. Pleaseunfortunately got injured,” Gillet said. colored marker to guide them. register by June 1. For info call Rebecca Pawlak (812) 838-2927 or (812) 789-2724; Property owners about 2 1/2 miles east The water used in making the sugar email: [email protected] Worthington called the Indiana Raptor water solution should be boiled to ensureCenter in Nashville to report the injured cleanliness. The sugar water feeders should EVENTSbird. The licensed rehabilitators found the be drained, cleaned and refilled everyeagle on a riverbank and took it back to the June 4 LaPorte, IN 46350, from 5 - 7 p.m. ThisRaptor Center to give it veterinary care. week to ten days. MWO Gateway to Outdoor Recreation event event is designed to teach familiesThe bird has stabilized under their expert (adults & children) new to shooting; safecare, according to Gillet. Jack Spaulding may be contacted at at Humphrey's Park, State Road 54, Lin- firearm handling and shooting tech- [email protected]. ton, Greene County. Register at the park, niques. Participates will rotate between Last summer, DNR Biologist Cassie 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., to receive refreshments, shotguns and 22-cal. rifle stations on theHudson and friends spotted a 27-year-old goodie bags, maps, displays and more, range. This event is free of charge. Allbald eagle, C43, at Monroe Lake. The then proceed to 15,000 acres of public ammo and firearms will be provided. Youeagle wasn’t injured, and the band was access for outdoor enthusiasts: fishing, may bring your own cased firearm andidentified from photos taken using a hiking, camping, bird watching, etc. Free ammo if you desire. Ear and eye protec-telephoto lens. At the time, it was thought event. Info: 812-699-1601, tion is required. Online Pre-Registrationto be Indiana’s oldest bald eagle in the is required due to limited space so signwild. June 14 and July 20 up quickly. Register with the RED icon at the top right. For info: Ron Lorman (219) John Castrale, a retired DNR nongame Family Fun Night at the Range by the 393-3612; [email protected], or visitbird biologist who worked with the Kingsbury Fish & Wildlife Area and the from the start, said it was Galena River Chapter of the Nationalsurprising to find two bald eagles so old Wild Turkey Federation at the Kingsburystill out there. Fish & Wildlife Area, 5344 S. Hupp Road, “We tracked them after we released SPORTS SHOWSthem, and they have shown up in virtuallyevery state east of the Mississippi, down to June 4 Stout Field National Guard Armory, 3912Texas and up to Alberta, Canada,” Castrale Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show at the W Minnesota, Indianapolis, IN 46241.said. “But as they got older and matured, Hours: Saturday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sundayvirtually all of the records of them were in Indiana State Fairgrounds, in the Exposi- 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Admission $6, children 12Indiana or surrounding states, and maybe tion Hall, 1202 East 38th Street, Indi- & under free; free parking; free coffee.Tennessee. They’ve kind of homed in, anapolis, Marion County. Hours: Friday Vendor tables $50 ea. For info: Tri-Statewhich is what we hoped for and expected.” 2-8 a.m., Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun- Gun & Knife Collectors, (812) 521-9367, day 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Single day and 3-day Even after the wing mends, it is passes available. Discounted rate for July 30-31unlikely C14 would survive in the wild. If children under 12. Info: 317-927-7500,the bird is not in pain, it will be kept in The South Bend Gun Show will becaptivity for the rest of its life. It’s possible June 11-12 and August 6-7 held at St Joseph County 4-H Fair-it would become an education bird, Gillet grounds, 5117 Ironwood Rd., Southsaid, because of its significance as a Lafayette Gun Show at Tippecanoe Bend, Ind., and hosted by Central Indi-symbol of one of the DNR’s most County Fairgrounds,1010 Teal Rd., ana Gunshows of Indiana. All federal,successful restoration efforts. Lafayette, Ind. Hours: Saturday 9 a.m. – state and local firearm ordinances and 5 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Ad- laws must be obeyed. Hours: Saturday 9 Fittingly, a bald eagle serves as the logo mission $5, Children 12 & under: free; a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.for the DNR’s Nongame Fund, which Law Enforcement (with badge) free. Admission $5, children 12 & under: Free.funded the eagle restoration and funds Free Parking. Vendor tables $35 ea. For For info: Central Indiana Gunshows,other nongame programs. Nongame Fund info: Central Indiana Gunshows, (765) (765) 855-3836; email:money comes from donations and no state 855-3836, [email protected], centralin- [email protected]; website: centralindi-tax dollars are used. To donate, see Vendors $35 or write to June 18-19 table.Nongame Fund, 402 W. Washington St.,Indianapolis, IN 46204. Indianapolis Tri-State Gun Show at Patti Reynolds, president and executive Get your Indiana hunting, trapping and fishing licensesdirector of the Indiana Raptor Center, said on-line at possibility of C14 becoming aneducation bird depends on the center’s If you witness a fish or wildlife violation call: Turn In  Poachers 1-800-TIP-IDNR.ability to stabilize the wing and obtain theapproval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Free Listing for your Upcoming Event!Service and the DNR. Send to: MidWest Outdoors, Indiana Outdoor Calendar, DNR records show eagle C14 was 111 Shore Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, Fax: (630) 887-1958,taken from a nest in Lincoln County, Wis., e-mail: [email protected] (Please allow 6 weeks).on May 13, 1987, and arrived at MonroeLake on June 9, 1987. Eagle C43 was

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