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Home Explore Zoom - The Book

Zoom - The Book

Published by infoyouthprojects, 2020-03-27 05:02:23

Description: Book with the poems created by the participants of the youth exchange "Zoom, dig in your sensitivity" coordinated by Associazione Vagamondo and implemented in Bergolo, Italy from the 17th till the 26th of September 2019


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The Book Bergolo, 17th-27th September 

Introduction Words can be informative, connotative and emotive. Uttering a single “yes” can enact significant life changes. Words used literally may inform you about traffic accidents, when the ambulance steals Apple wrist watches from the injured. Do words need to have meaning to be aesthetic? Does Art have to equal meaning + aesthetics? Or can it only be aesthetic? Is aesthetics all about framing – a reframing of the common sense? “This is not a Pipe”. How can we destroy ethically? When is destruction (a) creation? Is a rebuilt piece a new piece? At the close of a long Summer in Europe, a group of young people came to Bergolo. The name invites a rapid tongue and a smooth vocal finish. The town has become a beacon for artists, as sculptures line the pale, cobbled paths. Famous inhabitants – like the 20thCentury painter Gregorio Calvi di Bergolo – cannot quite make up for the dwindling population. More “goodbyes” than “hellos” have been spoken on thresholds of the town for years now. What does a sudden fervour of young blood bring to these ancient hills? The following pages contain words from six countries, formed of many tongues and fed on Bergolo grapes. Our aims concerned sensitives and the movement of poetry. Living together under a common roof,satisfying common appetites required little negotiations, only possible in such a mixing of Nations. A bricolage of emotions. We are a network Nation, a generation who grew up with a Web of connections that began to fern across the globe in the 90s and Noughties. This Webbed reach deepened 1

during our childhoods, until we find ourselves with a sudden plethora of profiles proceeding us. Facebook accounts and smart phone numbers: these would have stunned the strangers that our parents met on similar retreats. Bergolo 2.0. Within such interconnection, it is too easy to feel that such a coming together of people could be replicated. We all (now) share contact with each other - “let’s meet for an anniversary!”. But, But, the ephemerality of our group is as stark as it has ever been. We are just as capable of fading as the dwindling Bergolo locals that dropped from 245 to 77 in just 20 years from 1960. Yet, this ephemerality is often associated with the purest of beauties. Bergolo was the place in which the bounds between strangers were not devalued by appearances: a little Eden, whereby 35 poets experienced the joy to be seen, to be read, to read, and to fully understood. In this tiny town in Northern Italy, a glimpse could hide unimaginable treasures, precious stones through a cave. Eyes so deep cannot be held on a shallow flat-screen. Piles of white papers; hundreds of shapes of iris colour. Our speeches with the mountains, blinded by the fog, made us wiser. We learned how to shine by watching the stars in the moonless nights. In this quiet location, we were the stone thrown in a smooth lake. The salty water by which flowers grow. A whispered conversation no translation is needed for. Teary eyes, lashes touching lashes, my hand, your hand, the thoughts my mind suggested now belong to you, who have become a guardian of all the secrets confessed with unspoken words. Here is our book. Read it at leisure, or read it in haste, or pick one piece and reject the rest, or follow a thread, or forget us and pass it on. 2

Tap-tap-tap ↠ Tap into the unknown A mirror facing a mirror ↠ Access infinity Dig into the underlying spheres ↠ Find preconscious meaning Fall deeper and deeper ↠ Fall asleep Take flight JanMargen 3

Polaridades Inversas. Sobre unas escaleras en Bergolo Hemos empezado a conocernos Apenas sin tocarnos, Tu eco responde a mi eco. Tus manos se entrelazan con las mías Y con mis dedos siento el pulso de tu corazón -Hay amor también en la timidez del tacto- También en la timidez de solo rozar juntos las flores. la sonrisa es también un cantar del cuerpo Sentados, aquí, con el rumor del viento Hemos empezado a conocernos. M. y Federico 4

Vivlio come on! Smell my lines, stare my commas, Touch my words. Sense the story behind. Fill me with notes, Fold my pages, unfold your secrets... It’s up to you, discover me, translate me, convert me, remember me forever or forget me. μαριλια 5

Um livro. Um cheiro. Um som. Um poema? Uma prosa? Um diálogo? Uma pessoa. Uma vida. Paula Rocha 6

Book When I open a book I walk to a different world Where nobody can find me Feel what I never felt before Share tears and laughs Live new adventures But actually I’m in the same place T.C 7


FOREVER IS wake up adjusting the lens, At the feet there was magic of the mountains behind the scenes. a starry night sky staring at me, A fairy caught me a new promising moon in her hand, to be, for she foresee Orion conducting and she told me: the night symphony. `it will all transform to sand, do something now, Daylight, as you still stand`. a land where love And where forever is, love and this is where forever is, it all begins, this is where you may follow it all begins, as it seems, you may follow for it is love as it seems, forever for it is love is. forever Landscape unfolding, is. morning fog covering the valley, Ella Cincan 9

Is it your nature takes away That The sand defines your future? from our bodies The way They you feel probably pave the way The way To reach you give our goals The way And give you love us the weapons The way To you think? achieve them. Or are your thoughts Telmo Cardoso That Eleni Papageorgiou define your destiny? Maybe Evi Cheimona they flow Paulo Barros In our Claudia Seno mind Like the 10 summer breeze That

Maria 11

Human Nature Are you happy with what you are? Are you living the life you dreamed? Are you changing your behavior because of someone? Be what you want to be Be different Be free Be a new phenomenon of nature. T.C 12

ENERGY I am pure energy, you can feed as much as you need from me as I feed myself from divine energy. CHANNEL OF LIGHT – PURITY from the divine I flow, to the divine I go, love is the only thing I know. Ella Cincan 13

Happiness Happiness is found in every sound. Happiness is found when you look around. Happiness is green. Happiness is somewhere, where you have never been. So open your door. And look for more. Maybe somewhere in a wonderful mess. You will find your happiness. Maikel Mõttus/ Melancholic Dandyman 14

Alchemy Ella Cincan To begin, what I’ve done Is change without altering, the Symbol. Water that it looks like water, but it’s not water. What you’ve done you can see, as one normally looks. In terms of altered forms, I kept the illusion of reality. 15

Quanto bom pode ser, quando decides ver a mudança a acontecer. Do sorriso para o choro, mas que tal, do choro para o sorriso? Sentirás o que é preciso? A minha alma a chorar, até o meu coração se aperceber. Sentimentos bonitos a rodear, e com isto digo que, VALE A PENA VIVER! Bons momentos fazem sorrir. Sentir o vento, sentir o sol. Duas emoções diferentes, a deixar almas pendentes. Jéssica Silva 16

Love. Feel. Give. Happiness, joy. You are rich, only when you The sparkle in your eyes love. The sparkle in your heart. Only when you feel. Just do it! Give, feel, love. Only when you give. And you will be surprised. You are full. You have Leave the misery behind, everything, Switch off this candle, This is the meaning. Brighter flames are in front of When the smile appears to the you. other person, The shining that you made, A bigger smile appears to your Your own creation, soul. Your new world... So simple. And as the shining is coming, The simplicity of an emotion. Give, feel, love! A small touch, a small gesture, A hug, a kiss, love. Evi Cheimona To love and be loved. To be in love and the ONE be in love with you. 17

Live with passion Paula Rocha Be free Find love in whatever you Make, Whatever you See, Whatever you Feel. It will be there If you want. Be free to live Be open for new. 18

[Translation] Δεν είναι τίποτα απόλυτο Να σ’ αγαπάνε πολλοί και πολύ, Αλλά να μη Σ' ΑΓΑΠΆΕΙ κανείς.. Να σε στηρίζουν όλοι, Χωρίς να σε “στηρίζουν» αυτοί... Να είσαι αρεστή Χωρίς να αρέσεις. Και τελικά τί; Τί φέρνει την πληρότητα; Όλα στον αέρα... Τίποτα σταθερό... Τίποτα στέρεο... Nothing is absolute. Evi Cheimona Many people love and a lot But no one is in love with you. Everybody are supportive to you, But \"they\" aren't supportive to you. To be liked without being liked to \"them\". And then what? What bring the completeness? All in the air... Nothing solid... Nothing stable... 19


Life is like an open book Every page another story, Some of them are full of glory. With some of them you are feeling sorry. Every page a new emotion Meaningless or strong emotion. Live it, feel it on your own. But don't \"live\" it all alone. Love and pleased and charmed and joyful Are enough for feeling grateful! Evi Cheimona 21

És quem quiseres. Serás o que quiseres. Sê livre. Deixa o amor entrar A Liberdade chega com a fragilidade. Lá encontrarás mais de ti E mais quereres. Vai. Descobre. Acredita. E sente. Paula Rocha 22


Identitate Martha Rus Totul a început când te-ai născut Rolul ți-a fost dat fără a fi întrebat E în mână să-i creezi povestea Poți să te inspiri Da` e mai bine s-o scrii În loc s-o transcrii Poetry is an urge to seek our identity and create our own story of life. It is up to us to live the things we really want and not to be influenced by those around us. 24


Steaua de hartie În închisoarea plina de vise in care trăiești Ești doar un om. Nu știi unde să mergi. Niciodată nu ai știut. În locul în care toată lumea merge în cerc Tu ai ales să privești în sus Spre steaua ta de hârtie care tremura ușor. Și ai început să te desprinzi ușor și să plutești Sa te înalți deasupra șirurilor lungi de oameni. Este frig și întuneric Dar uiți - pentru că întinzând mâna, Aproape îți atingi steaua... Brusc îți amintești că nu ai voie să privești în sus Și ești înapoi în șirul de oameni ce parcurg un cerc perfect. Nu știi unde să mergi - Dar ei știu. 26

[Translation:] The paper star In the prison full of dreams in which you live You are only a human. You don't know where to go. You've never known. In the place where everybody walks in a circle You've chosen to look up At your star of paper that was trembling slightly. And you started to slowly detach from the ground and to float To rise above the long rows of people. It's cold and dark But you forget about that - because when you reach out your hand You can almost touch your star... Suddenly you remember you aren't allowed to look up And you're back in the row of people that walk in a perfect circle. You don't know where to go - But they do. Bristena 27

A book A cage for thoughts, ideas, Feelings and images, Is it not enough that my mind is a cage? Should I transfer those little fragile birds from one cage to another? Or maybe… Just maybe… I am wrong and this is what freedom looks like? Andreea Vodiță 28

Destruição e Liberdade Mensagem perdida, visão esquecida. Vazia escuridão na alma e coração. A minha mente voou para algum lado, mas o corpo continuou no mesmo estado. Uma sensação estranha e de descanso, o corpo numa música enquanto danço. Relaxada, mas sentida continuei numa sensação entorpecida. Aliás, sinto-me introspetiva! Dancei com a mente num vazio sem nunca entender o entendido! Saberei eu, o sentido? 29

[Translation:] Sofia Ribeiro Destroy and Freedom Missed Message, forgotten sight. Empty darkness in soul and heart. My mind flew somewhere, but the body remained in the same state. A strange and resting sensation, the body in a song while dancing. Relaxed but felt I continued to feel numb. In fact, I feel introspective! I danced with my mind in a void never understanding the understood! Will I know the point? 30

Common sense Opinião generalizada acerca de algo, senso comum vence pela sociedade. Meaning Tudo tem um significado, é a essência da vida. Algo que traga objetivos para o ser humano, variados em diferentes perspetivas. Para fazer sentido, é algo que tem que existir. Reframe Reformular algo? Criatividade é o importante para este caso. Fazemos muitas vezes inconscientemente. Destroy Destruir por vezes é como libertar. Libertar sentimentos, libertar emoções, destruindo situações. Rebuild Reconstruir? Oportunidade de começar de melhor forma. Reconstruir pode ser sinónimo de renascer. Após destruição merecemos uma boa forma de reconstrução. Sofia Ribeiro 31

Poetry O poder da poesia? É mais que pura fantasia. É algo grande em emoção, vem da alma e do coração. Libertar todos os sentidos, libertar o corpo numa dança. Numa dança rítmica de palavras, uma música com notas bravas! Sofia Ribeiro 32

Black out -oh, okay! Just ask you hear him, soft like the moon is made of cream. - oh, probably is, so much sweeter than your mouth is. -There’s only one thing to tell you... I don’t know- -oh, how does it look? -if you can’t see, put your glasses. -well, shiny and large like campfire stars. -oh, basically, it’s the only thing left, I think. -there’s a strange light down there, everyone shout- That’s enough… μαριλιαBlind 33

Blind Paula Romero ¿Qué sientes cuándo no ves? -Todo. Encuentras otros significados, otra manera de ser, de conocer... Escuchar el atardecer, con el sabor de esas uvas que pude probar y en todo lo que te pude confiar. No olvidaré la dulzura de la ceguera, me hiciste sentir llena. ¡Por amor al arte! (...) 34

Dusty floor Claudia Seno I can feel the cold. Fingers closer to my hand I can’t understand what I feel. A voice guides this touch. I am confused, but hands don’t think, they talk. They look for each other, they hold each other, they caress each other, nothing can break them apart, now they are one. Words are not needed, two hands are enough. 35

Confusão Andar pela confusão Uma pessoa dá atenção E apos estranha explicação Recebes boa compreensão Em diferentes maneiras expressar Sem nunca saber no que vai dar Alias, a maior parte das vezes sem falar Permitiu belos sentimentos libertar. Paulo 36

Semiotics about us For the relevance and irrelevance of the signified and the signifier Darya? Should you always stay near the sea? Sidar? Can you sleep only in the shadow of a tree? And Alexandra? Is it true you avoid men in order to feel more free? Name · to take a gift for someone you didn’t met yet Darya. Move to the hills, between dars and trees. Sidar. Climb up on a tree to see the sun and feel the wind. Alexandra. Feel free to hug him as you need. Feel free to name you as you need. Despina 37

Mar Paulo Contar-te longamente as perigosas coisas do mar. Contar-te o amor ardente e as ilhas que só há no verbo amar. Contar-te longamente longamente. Amor ardente. Amor ardente. E mar. Contar-te longamente as misteriosas maravilhas do verbo navegar. E mar. Amar: as coisas perigosas. Contar-te longamente que já foi num tempo doce coisa amar. E mar. Contar-te longamente como doi desembarcar nas ilhas misteriosas. Contar-te o mar ardente e o verbo amar. E longamente as coisas perigosas. 38

to all those that like to gaze at the stars at night to be at peace with yourself, look at the stars laying on a blanket, on a field in Septembery Italy it’s a cliché, but it’s all the ways as pretty as you could think then picking peppermint for tea and drinking it from a way-too-small cup at 1 a.m it’s mountains, distant lights, a dark road and talks about UFOs it’s life a random collage of happy moments never what you expected them to be at first but still worth cherishing still real making you smile afterwards as they slowly take their place as memories hopefully for a lifetime Hm 39

yesterday I wrote a letter persino il mio nome, e ho disegnato una per una le lettere sono stato svegliato dal sole di del tuo all'orizzonte, Bergolo, ho scritto la frase ho perso altezza, tu mi hai messo memorizzata nel mio cuscino, i solo piedi per terra, hai preso il mio per vedere se mi aspetti, per respiro e la mia ragione, hai ricordare il tuo viso bruciato, disegnato solchi sulle mie perché abbiamo acceso una guance: fiamma spenta, la cecità è svanita rughe, sorrisi e lacrime; mi hai e io ho perso la paura e la pietà, messo un altro sangue nelle vene, mi ti sei guadagnato il tuo paradiso a hai visto nel riflesso, nell'acqua pezzi, hai mescolato il fuoco con della pozzanghera sul la marciapiede, steso sotto la luna polvere da sparo, e dopo piena l'incendio paradossalmente sono stato in ci sono dei resti, c'è un'eco nel giro per il mondo in dieci giorni, villaggio, ho visto la fine del mondo, il faro c'è la tua voce e la mia che ancora e urlano \"stella\". la riva di Finisterre, e ho davvero perso le risposte, la testa e il nord, Pablo Garcia allora ai tuoi occhi ho perso 40


Af Alva Leonora von der Pahlen 42

My dear, I don’t write love poems I’m not the type that shows love I don’t touch you when I want to I don’t say yes, but I don’t say no either I’ve let for fear too many times My fate in unknown hands So forgive my walls And whisper to me from time to time But don’t wait for an answer Because I don’t write love poems. Andreea Vodiță 43

To Giorgio Claudia Seno Soeo desso me xe vegnù in mente de quanto ben te me fasevi stare. Co te vardavo intensamente tutta ea me vita te riussivi a salvare. No sta assarme qua da soea teo sè ca go paura del buio e che me manca ea paroea. No moearme ea man proprio desso ea strada ea xe ancora longa e mi vojo sempre stare al to passo. Soeo desso me xe vegnù in mente quanto che so sta fortunà de catarte cussì improvvisamente come se el to amore me ghesse ciamà. Credime co te digo che te vojo ben, credime anca quando no teo digo perché sti oci e ste man urla, i urla pi dea me voxe fragie. Soeo desso me xe vegnù in mente che no me vien in mente gnente perché e paroe xe inutii quando che parla el core. 44

Our Vows we've got footsteps united by the but we don't look for anything Mediterranean, they're far away from home else but keep on going, breeze flowing through the hair our boat needs no harbor of crazy people, so we float, in silence, if nobody is there, and the sound of life flowing into who's gonna listen to those your body is the only thing sounds? which reminds me that this is reality the most intimate adventure, and not a dream with only birds and flowers as a piano sounds inside us, witnesses, a discovery sounds amazing, lost in the nature we lose the fog covers us every morning, ourselves for few moments but we won't stop stargazing, in the gap between your breath and as those stars paint the night and mine sky feeling our heartbeats, the fountain has the only water we paint this white paper with the sounds of our thoughts 45

we will wait here, destination, to steal our days, to hide from everyone, to offer to open a window, ourselves to the stars into our deeper selves to throw a coin into the to look in our eyes, fountain, as if this was the last moon, asking for the only wish left, to become sinners, to paint in a canvas the footprints under the rain, to burn our poems, of our story, and toss them in the air, to heal every scar in our chests. to let the wind take them where they belong, Pablo García & A.M. to not shut up ever, to travel, with sun as our 46

today I write this song que no es tu voz, son tus palabras, después he abierto mi párpado, que no son palabras, es tu he dudado si era real, he temido silencio, y tu respirar cuando callas, cuando he soñado con cruzar el lo único que sobra es el tiempo, mediterráneo a nado, he y nombrado planetas, y buscado todo lo que nos envuelve es aire cometas, para explicar tenerte a déjame escuchar tu voz en dos mi lado, luego he rogado y ciudades más, deseado, que pasen las lluvias, primero oírte allí para que veas que que lo digo de verdad, vuelva la niebla y llegue otra vez después hablarte aquí para que la el promesa se haga realidad, mismo septiembre estrellado que volvamos a ver nuestros y he escuchado el ruido del lunares, que gires la bola del universo, he preguntado en mundo, elijas el destino y idiomas que no sé, he escrito tu volemos verso en lengua de signos y ni entre cartas, canciones y aviones aun hacia donde nos sepamos querer. así te pude ver; tuve que entender Pablo García que no es el ruido, es tu voz, 47

I wish we could always hold each other like this And have the same steps Outside and Inside. To have the same shout And If we were to sink Please hold my hand And when we will draw our last breath together I’ll give you my half. If I were to fall All my weights is in one point But I feel no weight. Ø Play tango music for this one Andreea Vodiță 48

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