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WIP Course Catalog-3

Published by calzip1, 2020-09-15 13:46:44

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Course Catalog January 2021

MESSAGE FROM HENRY Henry Hummel CEO Giasperibust fugiass incili- bus mi, qui consequi omnia comnim et quibusciam el il- labor eperatem debitatioris eum rem lab il moluptat Nam la sit fuga. Imin pro blacest Offictia inum es eicto coreiur so- quo id mil inctum id quae volo lupta epuditiure sit, nonsecae modi cum quis vent aut qui blanis poremporit aliame esequia sae et volorent et moditate et maio- audae. Nam aut odistotae. Bearum rae. Neque vero vidempora es el elicaes mod molupta ped qua- aliae nulluptat mos veliquamet tian dipsunt quas aut asinctemolor alia veriti repe vero omnita nem sandi offic to quatis aut velestis lam es anto elia et quis dempor- quia plam nonsecature non niet rument verchicatis et parum volo- aditi con prereribus eture prepudit remodias nus. ma ipsam impore, conecatem quat. Simoluptas nonet lanist de id exerum solupta nam, seque et Pudit am il expero estior maioribus mod eossuntum. nam et milluptate nobit ut magnis ma eosanis itatincte voluptam dus reratib.

A PLACE TO LEARN Creating a habit of continuous learning is essential for successful employees.


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THE SCHOOLS TRIMEDX University is comprised of three training teams that together form the School of Individual Development, the School of Leadership Development, the School of Busi- ness, and Technical Equipment training. Business Operations Systems and New Solutions Training (Operations) Talent Development & Leadership Training (Human Resources) Technical Equipment Training (Operations)

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The school of Business is supported by the Business Opera- tions Training team and offers different types of learning for all areas of the business, from software and process training to new solutions SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The school of leadership development creates an ongoing learning path as you grow in your career at TRIMEDX. SCHOOL OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT The school of individual development offers online licenses for thousands of courses and resources for core funcational areas such as Sales Finanace, Opera- tions, It or Customer Service. SCHOOL OF TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT TRANING Technical Equipment training are here to support your site needs, individual needs and career development needs. We also facilitate group training classes like Cyber Security, AAMI Certification and Contrast Injec- tor Training. 7

. THE CENTER OF EXCELLENCE The center of excellence is a conceptual place where the three teams come together to support the University, set standardizations, share knowledge, and help determine TMXU direction. THE CENTER OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT

THE CENTERS TRIMEDX University has a Center of Excellence and a Center for Career Develoment. These “Centers” are made up of governing bodies and University programs. The Learning Council is made up of associates from the three teams that make up TRIMEDX University to discuss University projects, University communications and to collaborate. The Governance Council is made up of Executive Leaders with the pur- pose of helping to prioritize training projects and advise on Unviserity direction. 9

TA L E N T DEVELOPMENT • SCHOOL OF INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT • SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Dawn Alissa Giffin Bartenbach Senior Vice President, Director, Human Resouces Talent and Orginizational Development

ABOUT US Lutatias quibus duci aut quamet volorerias que venitia del mossite ipis et porposs un- daeped que molora cus a apiet evelitem fugiant, sitatquo doloreped que quo explacitiur sam et volor as re et exces por alitissim quatur acea nullore aborrorem ea quo et aut pel ipis ate remoluptatem quiam dolupitatume volecep editio et licit derfern aturitatqui velese- quo moditas perspe nus sit qui int et repudi que santorum nonem doloreptatur ad maio. Sa con earianis verrum rempe moles dion reicaerorem qui quo eos enis eum. Lutatias quibus duci aut quamet volorerias que venitia del mossite ipis et porposs undaeped que molora cus a apiet evelitem fugiant, sitatquo do- loreped que quo explacitiur sam et volor as re et exces por alitissim quatur acea nullore aborrorem ea quo et aut pel ipis ate remoluptatem quiam do- lupitatume volecep editio et licit derfern aturitatqui velesequo moditas perspe nus sit qui int et repudi que santorum nonem doloreptatur ad maio. Sa con earianis verrum rempe moles dion reicaerorem qui quo eos enis eum.

Ta l e n t Development Our Experts Taquatus. Udam arum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, nossime omnihit occabo. Nusamus plique custrunti aspictur re, sitia quis eosa- mus damet. Pudam, consequi sit, quiatur, officit que qui debite vendicaborae mo- luptias solumquae nonsendit Pudam, consequi sit, Pam quiatur, officit que Majors qui debite vendi- caborae moluptias Human Resources solumquae nonsen- Specialist II dit We have amazing train- Meg ing specialists here at Modesto TRIMEDX that all want the best for our associ- Senior Talent ates whether they are Development new to the company or attend additional training Consultant Jerry opportunities. Anderson Systems Training Consultant 12

TMXU is an opportunity for our new associates build new skills, explore our organizations resourc- es and connect to other associates across our TRIMEDX community. Erin Crouse Human Resources Specialist I Miranda Peconga Talend Development Consultant Ictur? Nonsenis quae con con rest quam, est, quos ex essequi repudi tem nemporiti berio inti cullia- musam conseria volupic tenetus anderepe. 13

Talent Development Our Courses Course # Course Name Course Description Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp eris- qui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae sedit elit vellandi cus dolupicide nim fugitibus voluptatem. Harcimus, serfero rposamus, ium dolupta ecullac eptium nisimus, is eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp erisqui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? 14

Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae sedit elit vellandi cus dolupicide nim fugitibus voluptatem. Harcimus, serfero rposamus, ium dolupta ecullac eptium nisimus, is eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp erisqui reror aute Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp eris- qui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae sedit elit vellandi cus dolupicide nim fugitibus voluptatem. Harcimus, serfero rposamus, ium dolupta ecullac eptium nisimus, is eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp erisqui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae sedit elit vellandi cus dolupicide nim fugitibus voluptatem. Harcimus, serfero rposamus, ium dolupta ecullac eptium nisimus, is eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp erisqui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? 15

Technical Equipment Training • SCHOOL OF TECHNICAL EQUIPMNET TRAINING • CE CYBER ACADEMY • CBET CERTIFICATION Kelley Jeff Jacobsen Shaw Vice President, Manager, Supply Chain Clinical Engineering & Business Ops Technical Training Training

ABOUT US Lutatias quibus duci aut quamet volorerias que venitia del mossite ipis et porposs un- daeped que molora cus a apiet evelitem fugiant, sitatquo doloreped que quo explacitiur sam et volor as re et exces por alitissim quatur acea nullore aborrorem ea quo et aut pel ipis ate remoluptatem quiam dolupitatume volecep editio et licit derfern aturitatqui velese- quo moditas perspe nus sit qui int et repudi que santorum nonem doloreptatur ad maio. Sa con earianis verrum rempe moles dion reicaerorem qui quo eos enis eum. Lutatias quibus duci aut quamet volorerias que venitia del mossite ipis et porposs undaeped que molora cus a apiet evelitem fugiant, sitatquo do- loreped que quo explacitiur sam et volor as re et exces por alitissim quatur acea nullore aborrorem ea quo et aut pel ipis ate remoluptatem quiam do- lupitatume volecep editio et licit derfern aturitatqui velesequo moditas perspe nus sit qui int et repudi que santorum nonem doloreptatur ad maio. Sa con earianis verrum rempe moles dion reicaerorem qui quo eos enis eum.

Technical Equipment Training Our Experts Taquatus. Udam arum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, nossime om- nihit occabo. Nusamus plique custrunti aspictur re, sitia quis eosamus damet. As a member of the TMXU Mallory Technical Training Team, I have Harding a responsibility to provide ac- cess to and help facilitate the Technical Training best available technical training Specialist I to our technicians, allowing them to effectively repair and maintain hospital equipment to the best of their abilities. Chris I enjoy working in Techni- Cross cal training because I get to be a part of advancing Technical Training someone’s career, and I Specialist I want all of our techs to have the best opportu- nity that they can to grow, learn, and lead. 18

Technical Equipment Training Our Programs Taquatus. Udam arum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, nossime omnihit occabo. Nusamus plique custrunti aspictur re, sitia quis eosamus damet. Program Name Program Description Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp eris- qui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? Ecerchit estorectur? Os atur magnam quia ationse quidele sendus nost reprat. Caborem. Ed ut ad que voluptat. Beatem dolorerion porestrum am repedip sapicipsae que quas rernam fugia aut denihil eos sunt volorersperi omnis porum que derum sin etur, cumque suntibu sciam, veles reperestiam idusaeprem fugia a perum nos voluptam vel maximin es si tem rae sedit elit vellandi cus dolupicide nim fugitibus voluptatem. Harcimus, serfero rposamus, ium dolupta ecullac eptium nisimus, is eiur? Quibusa qui sa eos expersp erisqui reror aute res modigent aut ipsam eum aciis dolupta tiasimus aceaque ma volorro quia quiatem porehen ihictur? 19

Business Operations Training • SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN • FIELD AND CO TRAINING SPECIALISTS Kelley Kathy Jacobsen Martis Vice President, Director, Supply Chain Business Operations & Business Ops Training Training

ABOUT US Business Ops Training started in 2018 with RSQ training for the company wide roll- out and later that year, new customer training. Since then we’ve expanded to RSQ CORE training, other software systems training, and special projects training. In addition to that, the team also takes training requests from business departments, when training is needed for the field or, a large population of the company. We’ve also started taking training requests for new solutions. Lutatias quibus duci aut quamet volorerias que venitia del mossite ipis et porposs undaeped que molora cus a apiet evelitem fugiant, sitatquo do- loreped que quo explacitiur sam et volor as re et exces por alitissim quatur acea nullore aborrorem ea quo et aut pel ipis ate remoluptatem quiam do- lupitatume volecep editio et licit derfern aturitatqui velesequo moditas perspe nus sit qui int et repudi que santorum nonem doloreptatur ad maio. Sa con earianis verrum rempe moles dion reicaerorem qui quo eos enis eum.

Business Operations Training Our Experts - Instructional Design The team of instructional designers create training from the ground up; from plan- ning the learning objectives, to writing the script or facilitators guide, to publishing e-learning. Working with subject matter experts, they cover it all. Pudam, consequi sit, quiatur, officit que qui debite vendicaborae mo- luptias solumquae nonsendit Elaine Heazeltine Supervisor, Training Projects Deanna Myers Instructional Design Consultant Our goal is to create learning that fits your need to know how to do your job, whether that’s how to master internal software applications, learn best practices, or trouble- shooting. We try to make learning meaningful, fun and engaging. 22

Pudam, consequi sit, quiatur, officit que qui debite vendi- caborae moluptias solumquae nonsen- dit Mark Flora Instructional Design Consultant Jennifer McConnell Instructional Design Consultant Ictur? Nonsenis quae con con rest quam, est, quos ex essequi repudi tem nemporiti berio inti cullia- musam conseria volupic tenetus anderepe. 23

Business Operations Training Our Experts - Field Training Our Field Training Speciliasts support new customer training, RSQ Focused training and a special attention to RSQ reporting and on-call setup and maintenance. They are ready and willing to support Field Associates. Anthony As a field trainer in opera- tions, I enjoy seeing techni- cians learn new skills to ad- vances themselves and their career. If I can help someone become more efficient, I feel accomplished in a job well done. Wheatley Supervisor, Business Operations Training Ashley Bratcher Field Training Specialist As a Field Training Specialist, my job is not just to teach you how to use the software tools provided by TriMedx, but teach you how to use those tools effectively and efficiently. 24

It is a pleasure being able Randy to support the Field in a Kramer way that sets the new high standards in the Medical Field Training Specialist Field that no other Medi- cal Support Group is doing to help their Technicians achieve their Goals. Eduardo Valentin Field Training Specialist Jaime TMXU shows the com- Salas mitment Trimedx has to bettering their associates Field Training Specialist and ensuring they have the skills needed to excel. Ictur? Nonsenis quae con con rest quam, est, quos ex essequi repudi tem nemporiti berio inti cullia- musam conseria volupic tenetus anderepe. 25



Business Operations Training Our Experts - Central Office Training The Central Office Training Team teaches the RSQ portion of the C.O.R.E training of- ferings. They will also design and deliver webinars on special topics, often partener- ing with the Field Trainers to roll-out company wide software initiatives. For me, being apart of TMXUniversity means fostering a culture of constant growth and education. Josh Bateson Supervisor, Training Projects Kaitlynn Whalen Training Specialist Our work in TRIMEDX Univer- sity is never done. Every day we’re collecting, discussing, and updating materials and deploy- ment strategies to improve our associate’s professional experi- ence. It’s hard work, and I love it. 28

Trimedx University and our Busi- ness Operations Training team genuinely believe that learning and development is the key to success. We are always pushing ourselves to improve what we deliver and how we deliver it so that our associates can continue to grow and develop in their roles. Seeing their success is our greatest reward! Heather Miller Training Specialist Lee Ann Houser Training Specialist The Trimedx Business Operations Training Team strives to deliver relevant material and purpose- ful training in order to empower our associates Contact Information 29

Business Operations Training Our Courses Course #: 1001 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning - Basics Duration: 5 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning - Basics is for all field associates and site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Understand why pre-learning is important. • Understand what RSQ is, and which environment to use for daily work vs. practice training. • Learn how to find RSQ Support help if you encounter problems and where to submit new ideas. This is the first of 3 RSQ Pre-learning Basic courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. Course #: 1002 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning - Basic Navigation Duration: 10 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning - Basic Navigation is for all field associates and site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Understand the RSQ Home Screen features and using the Filter Navigator. • Learn how to use and customize your list views. • Explore using the “Hamburger” options and “Breadcrumb” conditions in a list view. • Become familiar with personalizing your search and save it for future use. This is the second of 3 RSQ Pre-learning Basic courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. 30

Course #: 1003 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning - Basic Terms and Processes Duration: 15 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning - Basic Terms and Processes is for all field associates and site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Master the flow of Cases, Work Orders and Work Order Tasks. • Identify Service Requests vs. Repairs, and the differences in functionality. • Learn the levels of Call Severity, Notification Acknowledgment time limits, and their impact to the Escalation Hierarchy. • Discover how After-Hours STAT and Non-STAT calls are handled. This is the third of 3 RSQ Pre-learning Basic courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. Course #: 1004 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Tech - Manage Schedule and Home Screen Navigation Duration: 9 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning Tech - Manage Schedule and Home Screen Navigation is for field associates who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Master how to manage your availability using My Schedule. • Learn how to view the Team Calendar. • Understand how to navigate through the Technician Landing Page. This is the first of 3 RSQ Technician Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. 31

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 1005 n i n g Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Tech - Getting Started with RSQ Mobile O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 10 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.SUeldf-apmacaerdum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niRhSiQt oPcrec-alebaorn. iNngusTeacmhu- sGeptltiiqnugeStcaurtsetdruwnitthi aRsSpQicMtuobrirleei,ssfiotirafiqeludiassesoocsiaatmesuws hdoaamreet. registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Understand how to set up mobile Push Notifications. • Learn how to use RSQ Desktop to configure your mobile Notifications. • Understand what is a VIP Notification and how to set up VIP contacts. • Learn where to access RSQ mobile resources for additional information. This is the second of 3 RSQ Technician Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. Course #: 1006 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Tech - CEC Calls Duration: 4 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning Tech - CEC Calls is for field associates who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Listen to live CEC calls to learn how fast information is gathered and a case is created. This is the third of 3 RSQ Technician Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. 32

Course #: 1007 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - RSQ Basic Navigation and On-Call Scheduling Duration: 26 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - RSQ Basic Navigation and On-Call Scheduling is for site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Learn how to navigate through the Site Manager Landing Page. • Master the basic steps for creating, assigning and managing a Technician Schedule for ROTA on-call maintenance. This is the first of 3 RSQ Field Leader Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. Course #: 1008 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - Work Order Lifecycle Duration: 15 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - Work Order Lifecycle is for site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Master closing a Work Order and how to send a WOT back to a technician. • Learn how to bulk approve Work Orders. • Understand how to approve financial requests using your email. • Obtain the skills needed to delegate financial approvals. This is the second of 3 RSQ Field Leader Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. 33

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 1009 n i n g Course Name: Workday Pre-learning O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 10 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.SUeldf-apmacaerdum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niThhiits oseclcf-apbaoce.dNcuosuarsmeuinstrpoldiquucees cWuosrtkrduanyt,ithaespniecwtuTrRrIMe,EsDitXiaplqatufoisrmeofosar mmaunsadgianmg yeotu.r personal information, benefits, pay, time tracking, managing your team, and more. The topics covered in this pre-learning video will not be covered in the Workday webinars. Watch these quick lessons to familiarize yourself with the basic features you’ll need to know to get started. Course #: 1010 Course Name: ISO Course 1 - Introduction to ISO Duration: 20 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: ISO certification is a company-wide program demonstrating TRIMEDX’s commitment to improve the safety and quality for our clients and patients as well as to improve our business performance long term. Watch this course to understand how ISO certification may impact your job and get familiar with ISO terminology you’ll encounter as the program is rolled out in your department. Course #: 1011 Course Name: ISO Course 2 - Implementing Policies and Procedures Duration: 25 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: TRIMEDX ISO certification continues with the release of both legacy, and new, policies and procedures. Procedures are only valid if appropriately implemented. This training course will outline what’s different with ISMS and MD QMS policies and procedures, and help you recognize the impact on your daily work. 34

Course #: 1012 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - Quality and Regulatory, RSQ Analytics (RSQA), and Quarterly Value Review (QVR) Overviews Duration: 25 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: RSQ Pre-learning Field Leader - Quality and Regulatory, RSQ Analytics (RSQA), and Quarterly Value Review (QVR) Overviews is for site managers who are registered for CORE training. In this course, you’ll: • Be provided an overview of TRIMDEX Quality and Regulatory, including the managers role in coordinating a potential incident and the steps to take before, during and after a survey or inspection. • Receive an overview of Clinical Asset Informatics (formally referred to as RSQ Analytics), including its purpose, how to navigate the site, and utilize basic functions. • Be given an overview of the Quarterly Value Review, including its purpose, goals, who is involved, and why it is important. This is the third of 3 RSQ Field Leader Pre-learning courses. It’s recommended you watch them in sequence. Course #: 1013 Course Name: RSQ Pre-learning - Reporting Duration: 27 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: This pre-learning series of lessons cover the basics you need to know before you attend your RSQ Reporting webinar class(es). In this course, you'll: • Gain knowledge on RSQ Report Basics. • Explore the concept of Dot Walking. • Learn about the different Report Types. • Understand the importance of Report Design. 35

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2000 n i n g Course Name: New Associate C.O.R.E. Training O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 3 1/2 days CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.ILUTdam arum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niAhriet yoocucaabnoew. Nausssoacmiatuesinptlihqeufeieclduosrtrinunotuiracsoprpicotruatreroef,fiscieti(aCOq)u?isIfesoo,sjaominuuss fdoarmouert. New Associate C.O.R.E. (Culture, Operations, RSQ, Engagement) Training. This three-and-a-half-day program is packed with helpful information designed to get you off to a great start in your new role at TRIMEDX. During the week you will have the opportunity to: meet members of the TRIMEDX leadership team, learn how to effectively build relationships, enjoy lunch with other associates, learn about the TRIMEDX Foundation, learn the basics of our RSQ CMMS system, and much more! You will also have opportunities to learn more about TRIMEDX, your fellow associates, our leadership team and even yourself. We look forward to meeting our new associates! *This program is held at the Corporate Office in Indianapolis, IN. ALL arrangements for travel and stay must be booked by the associate. Course #: 2001 Course Name: Virtual New Associate C.O.R.E. Training Duration: 12 hours Course Type: Webinar Course Description: Are you a new field associate needing to learn the ins and outs of RSQ? If so, join us for our virtual New Associate C.O.R.E. (Culture, Operations, RSQ, Engagement) Training. This program is the virtual alternative to the New Associate C.O.R.E Training held at the Indianapolis Corporate Office. This program consists of live virtual sessions, generally conducted over a 4-day period. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed to get you off to a great start in your new role at TRIMEDX. Join us to learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, in addition to receiving in-depth RSQ Training that covers 80% of your day-to-day tasks. 36

Course #: 2002 Course Name: New Leader C.O.R.E. Training Duration: 4 1/2 days Course Type: ILT Course Description: Are you a new leader in the field or in our corporate office (CO)? If so, join us for our New Leader C.O.R.E. (Culture, Operations, RSQ, Engagement) Training. As a leader with TRIMEDX, in the field or at central office, we want to make sure you have an introduction and understanding of our core vision, mission, and values along with our organization’s processes and tools which place you on the correct path for career success and fulfillment. This four-and-a-half-day program is packed with helpful information designed to get you off to a great start in your new leader role at TRIMEDX. During the week you will have the opportunity to: learn more about TRIMEDX and our history, understand more about our leadership and team structures, and meet representatives from key departments. In addition, you’ll receive valuable leadership training including DiSC and 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team, along with RSQ Manager training. We look forward to meeting our new leaders! *This program is held at the Corporate Office in Indianapolis, IN. ALL arrangements for travel and stay must be booked by the associate. Course #: 2003 Course Name: Virtual New Leader C.O.R.E. Training Duration: 16 hours Course Type: Webinar Course Description: Whether you are a leader just joining TRIMEDX, or just acquired a new leader role, join us for our virtual New Leader C.O.R.E. (Culture, Operations, RSQ, Engagement) Training. This program is the virtual alternative to the New Leader C.O.R.E Training held at the Indianapolis Corporate Office. This program consists of 16 hours of live virtual sessions. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed to get you off to a great start in your new role at TRIMEDX. Join us to learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, along with other leadership development training. In addition, you receive in-depth RSQ Training covering tasks required by Site Managers. 37

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2004 n i n g Course Name: New Customer: Associate and Manager Training O uDuration: 12r Chours o u r s e s CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.ILUTdam arum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niNheitwoCcucsatobmo.erN–uAsassmocuiasteplaiqndueMcaunasgtreurntrtaiinaisnpgicistuforrraell,nseitwiacuqsutoismeeorsaasmsoucisatdeas manedt. managers joining the TRIMEDX team. This program consists of 3 sessions at 4 hours long. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed for you to get a great start in your new role at TRIMEDX. During this time, you'll learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, in addition to receiving in-depth RSQ Training that covers 80% of your day-to-day tasks. Course #: 2005 Course Name: Virtual New Customer: Associate and Manager Training Duration: 12 hours Course Type: Webinar Course Description: Virtual New Customer – Associate and Manager training is for all new customer associates and managers joining the TRIMEDX team. This program consists of 3 sessions at 4 hours long, virtually in a Microsoft Teams meeting. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed for you to get a great start in your new role at TRIMEDX. During this time, you'll learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, in addition to receiving in-depth RSQ Training that covers 80% of your day-to-day tasks. 38

Course #: 2006 Course Name: New Customer: Field Leader Training Duration: 8 hours Course Type: ILT Course Description: New Customer – Field Leader training is for all new customer managers joining the TRIMEDX team. This program consists of 2 sessions at 4 hours long. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed to get you off to a great start in your new role with TRIMEDX. During this time, you'll learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, along with getting your site ready to go live with TRIMEDX. In addition, you will receive in-depth RSQ Training covering tasks required by Site Managers. Course #: 2007 Course Name: Virtual New Customer: Field Leader Training Duration: 8 hours Course Type: Webinar Course Description: Virtual New Customer – Field Leader training is for all new customer managers joining the TRIMEDX team. This program consists of 2 sessions at 4 hours long, virtually in a Microsoft Teams meeting. These sessions are packed with beneficial information designed to get you off to a great start in your new role with TRIMEDX. During this time, you'll learn more about the TRIMEDX Vision and Values, along with getting your site ready to go live with TRIMEDX. In addition, you will receive in-depth RSQ Training covering tasks required by Site Managers. 39

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2008 n i n g Course Name: Add New Device O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 60 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.SUeldf-apmacaerdum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niThhiits ococucrasbeoo.nNAudsdainmg uasNpelwiqDueeviccuesctorvuenrstithaesppircotcuerssrees,fsoirtivaalqiduaitsinegoasnadminuvsendtaomryientg. a a new device prior to adding it to RSQ. This is known as the Performance Verification process. In this course, you’ll: • Understand when a new device should be added to RSQ. • Summarize the key differences between PV WOT 1 and PV WOT 2. • Become capable of identifying the unique fields required to complete PV WOT 2. Course #: 2009 Course Name: Managing Work Order Tasks (WOT) Duration: 70 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: This course will walk you through the steps to complete a Repair WOT. In this course, you'll: • Learn how to acknowledge a new WOT from a text message. • Master how to order parts. • Be proficient at adding a labor expense line. • Understand how to document close notes and entering a service note. This interactive course is designed for new technicians who may not be able to attend in-person training, or simply need a refresher. 40

Course #: 2010 Course Name: Dispositions Duration: 25 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: This eLearning course on RSQ Dispositions covers the proper management and disposition of unused and inoperable equipment. In this course, you'll: • Identify and demonstrate the workflow steps to retire equipment in RSQ. • Demonstrate management of open work orders for devices being retired. • Explain how and who may cancel dispositions and reactivate devices. • Solve complications and exceptions that may impact executing dispositions. Course #: 2011 Course Name: RSQ Reporting 1 - Beginner Duration: 90 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This is the first of 2 webinars on RSQ Reporting. This course will cover basic concepts used to create and/or edit reports, which is required before attending the next session. In this course, you'll: • Gain knowledge on how to use simple searching, filtering, and sorting in RSQ. • Understand the concepts of creating more advanced filters. • Learn how to dot-walk to other tables. • Discover how to convert a filtered list view to a report. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. 41

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2012 n i n g Course Name: CAM Essentials O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 45 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.WUedbaimnaarrum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niThhiits ococucrasbeois. dNeusisganmedutsopalsisqisuteyocuusintraucntitviealysppaicrttiucirpraeti,nsgitiniayoquurishoesopsitaaml'suCsapdiataml et. Planning Committee. In this course, you'll: • Learn the key data points driving the Asset Replacement Ranking Report. • Understand how to present the Capital Planning Playbook presentation using Portfolio. • Receive information on how to recommend the TRIMEDX Asset Disposition Service. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. Course #: 2013 Course Name: Quarterly Value Review (QVR) using Clinical Asset Informatics Duration: 90 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This course is designed to instruct you on how to use the Portfolio tool within Clinicial Asset Infomatics (formally referred to as RSQ Analytics) to create your QVR presentations. In this course, you'll: • Receive an overview of the Clinical Asset Informatics site. • Be introduced to the new Portfolio Tool. • Learn how to create and edit a QVR presentation. • Understand how to share this with others, or export your presentation to a PDF. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. 42

Course #: 2014 Course Name: MME - Forward Stocking Process Duration: 20 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: This course is designed for the MME team to be able to apply forward stocking concepts in real-life scenarios. In this course, you'll: • Recognize and monitor equipment availability objectives (PAR Levels). • Properly execute forward stocking procedures. • Be familiar with the key forward stocking scanning transactions in the RSQ MME Mobile app. Course #: 2015 Course Name: MME - Request Fulfillment Process Duration: 15 minutes Course Type: Self-paced Course Description: This course is designed for the MME team to understand the Request Fulfillment process. In this course, you'll: • Recognize how Requests are created and how quickly you should respond to various types of Requests. • Learn how to assign Request Notifications to yourself and locate My Active Requests. • Be able to analyze location, device availability and par level information to determine the best resolution for fulfilling a Request. • Become familiar with the scanning transactions for Request Fulfillment using the RSQ MME Mobile app. 43

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2016 n i n g Course Name: MME - Utilization Rounding Process O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 20 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.SUeldf-apmacaerdum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niThhiits ococucrasbeois. dNeusisganmedufsorptlihqeuMeMcuEstteraumnttioausnpdiecrtsutarnrde,thseitiUatiqlizuaitsioenoRsoaumnudisngdapmroceets.s. In this course you'll: • Understand the goal of utilization rounding and its importance to our customers. • Be able to list the key benefits of the MME asset utilization program. • Recognize when to use Utilization Rounding vs. Manual Utilization scanning procedures. • Learn proper etiquette when scanning patient rooms. • Know how to accurately scan Utilization and Manual Utilization transactions when using the RSQ MME Mobile app. Course #: 2019 Course Name: Workday: Human Resources Duration: 60 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This course is designed for all associates to understand the basic Workday processes. In this course, you'll: • Understand the basic \"how to's\" of Workday. • Be able to enter your time off requests. • Learn how to enter your timesheet (not applicable to salary employees). A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. 44

Course #: 2020 Course Name: Workday: Managers-HR & Recruiting Duration: 60 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This course is designed for managers to understand the basic Workday processes used in a manager role. In this course, you'll: • Understand the basic \"how to's\" of Workday. • Learn how to manage time tracking and absence requests. • Obtain an overview of the recruiting process. • Be given an overview of the process for managing associate job changes. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. Course #: 2022 Course Name: Managing Holiday ROTA Duration: 60 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This webinar is designed to enable Site Managers and ROTA Delegates on building and managing Holiday ROTA Schedules. It is meant to build upon an already existing foundation of ROTA knowledge while providing tools for support. After completing this class, you will be able to recognize when a Holiday ROTA schedule is needed and know which method is appropriate. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. 45

Business Operations T r a iCourse #: 2023 n i n g Course Name: MME - Coupa Purchasing & Receiving O u r C o u r s e sDuration: 24 minutes CourTsaeqTuyapteu:s.SUeldf-apmacaerdum elesti officim porror aut explatiistet quisi num et aut audi res eum, CoursneoDsessimcrieptoiomn:niThhiits ococucrasbeois. dNeusisganmedufsorptlihqeuMeMcuEstteraumnttioausnpdiecrtsutarnrde,thseitiparoqcueisss eofopsuarmchuassidngamanedt. receiving MME supplies using the Coupa purchasing system. In this course, you'll: • Understand what Coupa is and how it's used. • Master the process of purchasing items using 2 different methods, along with how to edit an order. • Understand the Receiving process in Coupa. • Learn solutions to some commonly asked questions. Course #: 3008 Course Name: RSQ Reporting 2 - Advanced Duration: 90 minutes Course Type: Webinar Course Description: This is the second of 2 webinars on RSQ Reporting. This course will cover advanced con- cepts used to create reports in RSQ. In this course, you'll: • Learn more advanced tools for filtering and dot walking. • Understand the importance of report design. • Create a report from scratch. • Learn how to share reports with others. A Webinar Playback (recording) is also available in Compass. 46

Course #: Course Name: Duration: Course Type: Course Description: Course #: Course Name: Duration: Course Type: Course Description: 47

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