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AR 16-17 final for print

Published by kashmirihazarika, 2017-09-21 03:48:21

Description: AR 16-17 final for print


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Annual Report 2016-17 1. ABOUT THE INSTITUTEExtension Education Institute (EEI) is a regional level institute with the main mandate of providingcapacity building to middle level extension functionaries of the departments and organizations ofagricultural development, particularly in the discipline ofExtension Education. The Department of Agriculture and 1.1. Vision of the InstituteCooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of Achieving excellence as a premierIndia has established four EEIs for four regions of the institute in facilitating capacity building ofcountry: EEI (Southern Region) at Hyderabad, Andhra extension functionaries for sustainablePradesh, EEI (Northern Region) at Nilokheri, Haryana, development of agriculture in NE states ofEEI (Western Region) at Anand, Gujarat, and EEI (NE India.Region) at Jorhat, Assam. EEI (NE Region) was 1.2. Mission of the Instituteestablished in 1987 at Assam Agricultural University  Developing competencies of extension(AAU), Jorhat to cater to the need of capacity building ofthe extension functionaries of the NE states. It functions personnel in providing professionalunder the administrative control of Assam Agricultural extension service to farming community.University (AAU), Jorhat on the basis of annualMemorandum of Understanding between DAC, MoA,  Enhancing effectiveness of extensionGOI, New Delhi and AAU, Jorhat. The DAC, MoA, GOIprovides the fund for the institute under its non-plan systems in planning, implementation,budget head. The operational area of EEI (NE Region) monitoring and evaluation of programmescovers nine states which include, Arunachal Pradesh, and projects for sustainable agriculturalAssam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, development.Sikkim, Tripura and West Bengal.  Developing and improving approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques relating to training and extension education.The EEI Management Committee is the apex body of theinstitute. The Vice Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University is the Chairperson of the committee, andthe Director, EEI is the Member Secretary. The Management Committee meeting is generally held once ortwice in a year to review the performance of the institute, and to make policy decisions for its effectivefunctioning. The Director of the Institute is responsible for managing its programmes and day-to-daymanagement and administration. The Director works under the administrative control of the Vice Chancellor,AAU. EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 1

Annual Report 2016-17 1.3. Mandate of the Institute  To develop competencies of middle level extension functionaries of client departments and organizations on application of advanced concepts, approaches, methodologies, tools and technologies of agricultural extension.  To build capacity of extension personnel for efficient dissemination of frontline agricultural technologies.  To facilitate extension systems and personnel in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development programmes and projects.  To provide demand driven consultancy services to agriculture and allied departments in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development programmes and to address issues relating to extension management.  To carry out action research in agricultural extension and training in order to bring improvement in approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques of training and extension education.1.4. The Training Planning Process Organizing training programmes on need based areas of capacity building of the concernedextension functionaries in the field of ‘Extension Education’ has been the main activity of the institute.However, since 2006-07, the institute started to organize a few of training courses per year on frontlineagricultural technologies based on the identified training needs. The district, sub-division and block level extension officers of the departments of Agriculture,Horticulture, Soil conservation, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Fishery and Sericulture are the coretarget groups of EEI's training courses. Trainers of KVKs and SAMETIs are the secondary group ofintended trainees. The extension functionaries of NGOs are also invited to participate in some of thetraining courses. The institute sometimes organizes courses for field functionaries in order to meet specialtraining needs of client departments. EEI ( NE Region) identifies the training needs of its client departments every year in order to prepareits annual training calendar. The process starts during the month of January and completes within themonth of March. EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 2

Annual Report 2016-17It comprises of 6 steps:Step 1: Compilation of training needs obtained from the participants of the training programmes of previousyear.Step 2: Preparation of ‘Annual Training Need Assessment Questionnaire’ by utilizing information obtainedthrough a number of ways:a) Priority areas of on-going programmes/projects/schemes of agricultural development in the north-eastern statesb) Area of Training Needs of the participants of the current year’s training programmes of theinstitute. A Proforma is used to obtain training needs of each participant on the last day of eachtraining programme of the institutec) Task -analysis of intended targeted participantsd) Suggestion of the EEI Management Committee and the Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India, New DelhiStep 3: Obtaining areas of the training needs of the extension functionaries of various cadres of the relevantdepartments and organizations by mailing the questionnaires to the administrative heads.Step 4: Finalization of thrust areas and themes of capacity building in the Annual Training Planning Workshopfor MANAGE, EEIs and SAMETIs’ organized by MANAGE, Hyderabad.Step 5: Updating of the training needs obtained as stated above in the Regional Workshop which is organizedevery year.Step 6: Submission of proposed Annual Training Calendar to the Directorate of Extension, DAC, MoA, GOI forobtaining approval. The Annual Training Calendar of EEI (NE Region) includes two types of training programmes:a) On-campus programmes: The programmes are organized at the institute. These programmes areusually organized for extension functionaries of the client states.b) Off-campus programmes: The programmes are organized in any of the client states other than Assam.The idea of organizing an Off-Campus course is to develop KAS of a group of officers of one or moredepartments of a particular client state on a need based training area. In addition to the scheduled courses of annual training calendar, the institute has been conductingadditional courses catering to the emerging needs of client departments. The institute is having competentfaculty to take up consultancy service on agricultural extension management, planning, monitoring andevaluation of development projects, and to plan and implement capacity-building projects in the clientstates. In addition to training programmes, the institute proposes research studies as per direction ofcompetent authority. EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 3

Annual Report 2016-17 2. PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED DURING 2016-17 The salient aspects of different types of programme conducted by the institute in the current year i.e.2016- 17 are:2.1. Summary of the training programmes conducted during 2016-172.2. On-campus programmes conducted during 2016-172.3. Off- campus programmes conducted during 2016-172.4. State-wise distribution of participants in the training programmes during 2016-172.5. State-wise distribution of participants in the training programmes during 2016-172.6. Department / Discipline-wise distribution of participants in training programmes during 2016-172.7. Gender distribution of participants during 2016-172.8. Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM)2.9. Research Studies2.1. Summary of the programmes conducted during 2016-17The institute conducted 27 programmes during2016-17 out of which 8 were On-Campus training 105 102.01programmes, 17 Off-Campus programmes, and 1 100Regional workshop. A total of 873 extension 92.63functionaries participated in the programmes. The 95targeted number of participants was 910 and thus, 90the percentage of seat utilization in the programmes 85 Off- campusof the year was 95.93 per cent. The percentage of seat On campusutilization in ‘On’ and ‘Off’ campus programmes isgiven in Fig 1. Fig.1: Percentage of seat utilization in ‘On’ and ‘Off’ campus training programmes during 2016-17 Table 2.1: Summary of the programmes conducted during 2016-17SN Type of Nos. of Programmes No. of participants Percentage of SeatProgramme Target Conducted Target Attended utilization(Approx)1 On campus 8 8 240 245 102.082 Off- campus 19 17 570 528 92.633 Regional 1 1 100 100 100WorkshopTotal 28 26 910 873 95.93 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 4

Annual Report 2016-172.2. On-campus programmes conducted during 2016-17 During 2016-17, the institute conducted 8 numbers of On-Campus training programmes in which 245 personnelparticipated while the targeted number of participants was240. The details of the On-campus training programmesconducted during 2016-17 are shown in the Table 2.2.Table 2.2: On-campus training programmes conducted during 2016-17SN Course Title Duration No of No. of Percentage of targeted participants Seat utilization participants attended1 Workshop on Preparation of Training 10-14th May, 30 42 140Modules For Skill Development on 2016Agricultural Technologies2 Orientation on Flagship Programmes 6-10th June, 30 28 93.33and Initiatives of GOI for Agricultural 2016Development and Farmers Welfare3 Communication and Extension 29th Aug.-1st 30 28 93.33Methodology for KVK Scientists Sept. 20164 Interpersonal Communication and Use 8-12th Aug., 30 28 93.33of Social Media in Agricultural 2016Extension5 Agricultural Marketing Extension and 20-24th 30 28 93.33Agro-tourism Sept.,20166 Sustainable Water Management for 15-19th Nov. 30 30 100boosting productivity in Hilly Terrain 20167 Workshop on Sericulture 6-8th Feb., 30 35 116.7Development in NE States 20178 Extension Strategies and Gender 21-25th 30 26 86.67Friendly Technologies for March, 2017Mainstreaming Gender Total 240 245 102.1 Table 2.2 shows that the overall percentage of seatutilization was 102.1 per cent in On-campus courses. Incase of 2 numbers of courses, the percentage of seatutilizations were more than 100 percent. In 6 numbers ofcourses the percentage of seat utilization ranged from 80to 100 percent . EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 5

Annual Report 2016-172.3. Off-campus programmes conducted during 2016-17The institute conducted 17 numbers of Off-campuscourses during the year 2016-17 covering 9 states viz.Assam, Tripura, Nagaland, Sikkim, West Bengal, ArunachalPradesh, Manipur, Mizoram and Meghalaya. As shown inthe Table 2.3, the participation of officers in all the 17nos. of off-campus programmes was encouraging. Thetotal number of participants in the 17 off-campuscourses were 528 while targeted number of participantswas 510, and thus, the overall percentage of seat-utilization was 103.53 percent.Table 2.3: Off-campus training programmes conducted during 2016-17SN Course Title Duration States No. of No. of Percentage participants of seat1. Workshop on preparation of (4 days) Tripura targeted participants attended utilization 24-27th May, 30 31 103.33training modules for skill 2016 30 100 30 100development on agricultural 29 96.667technologies 30 1002. Workshop on planning and 14-17th June, MAMETI, 30 30 100preparation for organic farming in 2016 Meghalay 35 116.67Meghalaya a 37 123.333. Workshop on preparation of 28th June-1st SAMETI, 30training modules for skill July, 2016 Assamdevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies4. Attitude competency and social 9-12th Aug, T-SAMETI, 30value orientation for Agriculture 2016 TripuraExtension5. Workshop on preparation of 17-20th SAMETI, 30training modules for skill Aug.,2016 Sikkimdevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies6. Workshop on preparation of 30th Aug.-2nd SAMETI, 30training modules for skill Sept., 2016 Nagalanddevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies7. Workshop on preparation of 6-9th Sept., MAMETI, 30training modules for skill 2016 Mizoramdevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies8. Workshop on preparation of 27th Sept.-1st SAMETI, 30training modules for skill Oct. 2016 Arunachaldevelopment on agricultural Pradeshtechnologies EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 6

9. Workshop on preparation of 18-21st SAMETI, Annual Report 2016-17 training modules for skill Oct.,2016 Manipur development on agricultural 30 30 100 technologies 25-28th SAMETI, Oct.,2016 Sikkim 30 30 10010. Managerial skills development for 30 32 106.67 extension personnel 8-11th SAMETI, Nov.,2016 West 30 30 10011. Workshop on preparation of Bengal 30 30 100 training modules for skill 30 34 113.33 development on agricultural 6-9th Dec., MAMETI, 30 30 100 technologies 2016 Mizoram 30 30 100 30 30 10012. Soft skills for enhancing 13-16th Dec, SAMETI, 510 528 103.53 interpersonal effectiveness in agricultural extension13. Management games for trainers 2016 Nagaland14. Methods and tools of monitoring 22nd -25th SAMETI,and evaluation of projects Jan., 2017 Arunachal Pradesh15. Advances in Training methods and 14-17th Feb. SAMETI,training management 2017 West Bengal16. Workshop on Promotion of 20-23rd T-SAMETI,Specialty Agriculture in Tripura Feb.2017 Tripura17. Advances in Training methods and 7-10th SAMETI,training management March.,2017 Assam Total2.4. Regional Workshop at Shillong, Meghalaya, Feb. 24-25, 2017 The Regional Workshop on “Implementation of Central Sector Schemes and Training Planning for NEstates” was organized by Extension Education Institute (NE Region), AAU, Jorhat in collaboration with theMAMETI, Meghalaya during February, 24-25, 2017 at Shillong. A total of 100 number of Senior and middlelevel officers of departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Veterinary and Fishery from 9 NE statesparticipated in the workshop. The states include Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,Sikkim, Nagaland, West Bengal and Tripura. The workshop pertains to broadly two distinctive purposes. The main purpose has been to provide aforum of face to face deliberation between senior level officers of the Directorate of Extension (DOE),Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Govt. of Indiaand the senior level officers of the concerned departments to assess the status, progress, achievements,issues and future plans relating to implementation of the Central Sector Schemes in the NE states. Provisioning deliberation on needs and issues of capacity building of extension functionaries wasanother purpose of the workshop which has been an integral part of annual training planning process of EEI EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 7

Annual Report 2016-17(NE-Region) and SAMETIs of NE states. The distinctive objectives of the workshop were delineated ashereunder: 1. To deliberate on implementation of Central Sector Schemes of Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India in NE states in order to work out action points for the concerned departments concerned for future progress. 2. To identify training needs of Extension Functionaries of the land based departments for 2017-18 and to spell out relevant organizations/institutions for addressing those. 3. To deliberate on critical issues to be addressed in NE-Region for streamlining agricultural extension. At the outset, Shri. R. Langstieh, Jt. Director ofAgriculture (R&T) - Cum- SNO, ATMA, Govt. of Meghalayaextended a warm welcome to the participants. He expressthat the department had put sincere effort in order toensure standard boarding and lodging of the participants,specially to the guests coming from the states other thanMeghalaya. He also requested the participants not tohesitate asking any service or enquiry. Shri. Langstiehappreciated the approach of organizing this regionalworkshop annually in different NE states, and expressed satisfaction in hosting it in Shillong, Meghalaya. EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 8

Annual Report 2016-17 Dr. Pradip Neog, Director, EEI (NE Region), AAU, Jorhat briefed the participants regarding the objectives and relevance of the Workshop. He also stated that EEI(NE Region) is the pioneer in organizing this workshop so as to facilitate focused discussions on various aspects particularly crucial for effective and efficient implementation of the ‘Central Sector Extension Schemes’ in NE States. He highlighted that the workshop has been organizing as a mega annual event of EEI (NE Region) indifferent states of its jurisdiction, and in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, and SAMETI.Director, EEI (NE Region) expressed thankfulness and appreciation to the Department of Agriculture, Govt.of Meghalaya, and MAMETI, Meghalaya for their warm hospitality to the participants and also for arrangingquality logistics systematically with sincere effort. Dr. Virendra Singh, Addl. Commissioner, DAC&FW , MoA&FW, GOI emphasized the importance ofthe workshop, and appreciated the effort of organizing the same. He stated that DAC&FW , MoA&FW, GOIhas been patronizing this workshop with keen interest, as it has been contributing significantly in addressingspecific issues relating to implantation of the Central SectorSchemes in this region, and also towards systematic trainingPlanning of EEI and SAMETIs of 9 states. Dr Singh’s speechhighlighted the following points: NE Region possessestremendous potentialities of agricultural development forits rich biodiversity with lots of distinctive flora and fauna,and various agro-ecological situations. Organic farming,Specialty horticulture, and Sericulture have been the mainfocus. The region also has high potential for development ofinland fisheries, and ornamental fish culture. Opportunity for growth of animal husbandry sector is alsoimmense. However, the vast potentialities are yet to be tapped sufficiently. Keeping this in view, theMinistry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has been putting especial attention to this region. A couple ofmega projects such as Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalayan Areas, Watershed DevelopmentProject in Shifting Cultivation Areas, National Bamboo Mission, National Project on Organic Farming,Paramparagot Krishi Vikash Yojana have been launched in recent years. Moreover, special provisions havebeen made in majority of the important schemes of the Ministry. So we are hopeful that agricultural growthin NE states will be accelerated to a great extent in coming years with the effective extension and training EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 9

Annual Report 2016-17support. May the farming community gain the needed benefit through the concerted effort of all inconvergence. He wished and hoped that this workshop contributed worthily towards that development. Dr. C. O. Rangad, Retd. Director of Horticulture, Govt. of Meghalaya in his address as the Guest of Honour highlighted the need of capacity building of agricultural extension functionaries on interpersonal communication, relationship management and rapport building so as to work effectively with rural people for agricultural development. He elucidated the need of facilitating farmers for owning the development schemes of the departments and organization. The Chief Guest in the Inaugural session, Shri. P. S. Kumar, IAS, Commissioner & Secy.,Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Meghalayahighlighted the significance and critical issues relating toextension service for agricultural development inMeghalaya. He urged upon the application of innovativeextension approaches appropriate as per socio-economicand socio-cultural parameters. He wished that all thestakeholders of the workshop would put sincere efforts sothat the purposes of organizing it get achievedsatisfactorily. Dr. Virendra Singh, Additional Commissioner, representing Dept. of Agriculture Co-operation &Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (M o A & F W), Govt. of India,initiated the first technical session with a presentation on ‘Review of Central Sector/ Sponsored Schemes inNE Region’. During his presentation, he illustrated the financial progress, physical achievement, deploymentof manpower, Constitution of Farmers Advisory Committees, ATMA-KVK Convergence Mechanism madeunder the scheme ATMA etc. Dr. Singh also elaborated the progress under the PMKSY in NE States. In the second and third technical sessions, state wise presentation and discussion was held onstatus of implementation of major Schemes and Programmes in their respective states. The presentationwas made by 8 representatives of the 8 participating states. Each presentation was followed by threadbarediscussion of relevant aspects and issues. The proceedings of the workshop has been prepared and sent toall concerned. The fourth technical session of the workshop was on Innovative Extension Approaches -implementation of ACABC, PGDAEM, and DAESI with reference to NE states. Smt Priya C. Kareemulla, EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 10

Annual Report 2016-17Consultant, MANAGE, Hyderabad, presented the status of ACABC, PGDAEM and DASEI in the countryfocusing on North East states. She illustrated salient aspects of the guidelines of ACABC and PGDAEMscheme, and highlighted the crucial issues and action points to be taken up by the state departments,SAMETIs and EEI for better implementation of the schemes in the region. Smt. Priya also presented a fewsuccess stories of Agri-entrepreneurs across the country and Northeast states. In technical session- V of the workshop was on ‘’Report on Training Needs and discussion onproposed Academic Calendar by EEI and identification oftraining needs by SAMETIs”. Dr. A.K. Bhattacharyya,Professor, EEI (NE Region) presented a brief report onthe status of ‘Training Need Areas’ of extensionfunctionaries for 2017-18 on various fields. The statusreport had been prepared based on the responsesobtained from relevant departments and organizationsthrough mailed questionnaires prepared for the purpose. In the concluding remark, Ms. S. Mihsil, Director,SAMETI extended her thanks to Dr. Virendra Singh, Addl. Commissioner, DAC&FW , MoA&FW, GOI; MrsPriya C. Kareemulla, Consultant, MANAGE, Hyderabad all the delegates coming from various states of NorthEast and wished a happy & safe return journey back to their respective places. It was proposed by officers representing SAMETI- Manipur, Imphal to organize the next year’sRegional Workshop in Imphal, Manipur. The proposal was seconded by Director, EEI which was tentativelyaccepted by Dr. Virendra Singh, Addl. Commissioner, DAC&FW , MoA&FW, GOI who expressed that thesame shall be conveyed to the competent authorities and shall be finalized in due course. The proposal waswelcomed by the house.2.5. State-wise distribution of participants in training programmes and workshops during 2016-17 The distribution of participants across the states is shown in Fig.2. The state-wise distribution of data ispresented at Appendix I (Table 2). From the figure, it could be seen that Assam is having the highestnumbers (227) of participants followed by Meghalaya (114), Tripura (97), Arunachal Pradesh (89), Mizoram(83), Sikkim (75), Nagaland (73), West Bengal (65) and Manipur (50). EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 11

Annual Report 2016-17 Target Attended250 227200 138 83 89 83 83 83 75 83 73 83 83 161 114 113 65 50 97150100 500 Assam Meghalaya Tripura Arunachal Mizoram Sikkim Nagaland West Manipur Pradesh BengalFig.2: State-wise distribution of participants in training programmes and workshops during 2016-17 2.6. Department / Discipline wise distribution of participants in programmes during 2016 -17 The distribution of participants across departments/discipline is shown in (Fig.3).It can be seen from the fig. that the majority (417) of the participants was from ATMA/SAMETI, while 330were from Agriculture and Horticulture department. There were 23 participants from Animal Husbandry, 55from fishery and 48 from Sericulture. The details of department/discipline wise distribution of participants,is given at Appendix II (Table 3). 400 349 350 300 250 194 200 150 113 100 90 77 50 30 20 0 Fig. 3: Discipline wise distribution of participants in programmes during 2016 -17 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 12

Annual Report 2016-172.7. Gender distribution of participants during 2016-17The gender distribution of participants Femaleduring 2016-17 is given in Fig.5 and the 32.41%detailed distribution data is presented at (283)Table: 4 (Appendix III). Efforts were beingmade to enhance women participation. MaleDuring 2016-17, women participation was 67.58%283 (32.41%) as against male participation (590)which was 590 (67.58%). Fig.5. Gender distribution of participants during 2016-172.8. Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM)EEI (NE Region) has been implementing Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management(PGDAEM) as study centre for the state of Assam since 2010-11 and for the state of Nagaland since 2011-12in collaboration with SAMETI, Assam and SAMETI, Nagaland. The table below, presents brief statement ofthis programme of distant mode of learning on Extension Education implemented by MANAGE, Hyderabadsince 2007-08. From the year 2012 to 2015, a total of 261 candidates successfully completed the PGDAEMProgramme from the states of Assam and Nagaland. The status of PGDAEM in the states of Assam andNagaland are given below. Table.2.8: Status of PGDAEM in the states of Assam and NagalandState Year No. of candidates No. of candidates enrolled successfully completed Assam 2012-13 1st semester 59 59Nagaland 2013-14 2nd semester 54 54 2014-15 1st semester 18 18 2nd semester 18 18 2015-16 1st semester 08 08 2012-13 2nd semester 08 08 2013-14 1st semester 13 13 2014-15 2nd semester 13 13 2015-16 1st semester 15 15 2nd semester 15 15 1st semester 13 13 2nd semester 13 13 1st semester 21 17 2nd semester 21 17 1st semester 7 7 2nd semester 7 7 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 13

Annual Report 2016-172.9. Research StudiesThe following 2 numbers of research studies have been conducted during 2016-17.Research report of each of the studies have been prepared and printed. Executive summary of ResearchStudies completed during 2016-17 are as follows: Research study 1: Documentation of Inspiring Agricultural Extension initiatives in NE StatesObjectives:  To compile success stories of selected entrepreneurs attaining significant achievements through ATMA Scheme  To identify factors contributing to achievements of achiever entrepreneurs  To obtain opinions of achiever entrepreneurs and extension functionaries relating to better implementation of ATMA Scheme.Methodology in nutshell: The information relating to the stories has been collected jointly by the faculties of EEI (NE Region) and all the line departments of the Nine states. Data collection on success stories was an integral part of Off-campus training programmes of EEI (NE Region) conducted in the states during the year 2016-17.Output of the study: This compilation presents success stories relating to outstanding achievements in various sectors of agricultural development in 9 states of NE Region, India. The success stories of the compilation are spreading over seven sectors including, Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Poultry, Piggery, Fishery and Sericulture, and covering both farmers and farm women. Research study 2: A study of factors pertaining to application of learning of Training Programme Conducted by EEI (NE Region) SchemeObjectives:The study was carried out with the following objectives  To determine the extent of application of learning of EEI Training Programmes in back at work situation of participants  To identify the factors relating to application of learning of EEI Training Programmes in back at work situation by the participants EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 14

Annual Report 2016-17Methodology in nutshell: The study was conducted during the training programmes of the year 2016-17 including both On-Campus and Off-Campus programmes. A questionnaire was distributed to each of the participants at theend of the programmes and they were asked to send the filled-up questionnaires after one month. Thisproforma was included in the questionnaire. A total of 180 filled up questionnaire were obtained and thedata was analyzed with the help of statistical tools like frequency, mean and percentage and ranking.Salient Findings:  Out of 160 respondents, 41 per cent of the respondents felt that their knowledge gained from the training programmes were applied to a high extent while 59 per cent of them felt that the knowledge gained during the training programmes have been applied to a moderate extent.  69 per cent of the respondents opined that the trainings were very useful in their job situations while 31 per cent of them felt that the trainings were moderately useful.  27 per cent of the respondents felt that the extent of scope of application is high while 67 per cent of them felt that there is moderate scope in applying the learnings after the training programmes.  Majority of the respondents (83 per cent) mentioned that they were satisfied with their jobs with an average level of job satisfaction while 17 per cent of them felt that they are not satisfied with their jobs.  It was encouraging to find that a huge majority (95 per cent) of the respondents had high level of motivation after the training programmes scoring above and average of 7 on a scale of 1 to 10.  The respondents opined that among the 21 factors relating to work culture , Delegation of authority and responsibility from superiors constituted the first rank (13.13 per cent) followed by Support from superiors/authorities in second rank (11.88 per cent).  Availability of infrastructure (39.38 per cent) and availability of fund for works (29.38 per cent) also ranked first and second respectively in relation to factors related to availability of resources to apply their learning in their job situation.  5 major factors were identified as constraints against application of learning in the respondents’ job situation. Out of these factors, Lack of clarity of instruction/guidelines and action plan, and Lack of delegation of responsibility and authority were given highest priority as major constraints in performing their works back at their work place. 3. Collaboration of the institute with other institutes during 2016-17 The Institute has been continuing its collaboration with SAMETIs and MANAGE. The Off-campustraining programmes have been conducted in collaboration with nine SAMETIs of the nine states under itsjurisdiction. Director, EEI attended Academic Committee meeting of MANAGE, and SAMETI, Assam as a EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 15

Annual Report 2016-17member. The technical support of experts from AAU obtained as and when needed.. EEI and theDepartment of Extension Education, CA, AAU have been executing majority of the events and activitiesthrough joint effort. EEI has also availed the opportunities of extending hands in training programmes ofthe Directorate of Extension Education, AAU. The “Regional Workshop on Implementation of Central SectorSchemes and Training Planning for NE Region” has been organized with highly satisfactory standard incollaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Govt of Meghalaya, and MAMETI, Shillong. Further, asstated earlier, the institute provided technical support to SAMETI-Assam, and SAMETI-Nagaland inconducting PGDAEM programmes. EEI faculties rendered service as Resource person in trainingprogrammes of SAMETIs of Assam and Nagaland as and when requested. Faculties of EEI are also involvedas external examiners in Undergraduate and Post graduate degree programmes in CAU, Imphal, includingCollege of Post Graduate studies (CPGS) at Barapani, Meghalaya, SASRD, Nagaland University and BCKVV,Kalyani, West Bengal. EEI faculties are also serving as resource persons in IIPC-Jorhat campus, DRDA, Jorhatand also rendering their expertise in Research Advisory committee of Regional Muga Research Station, CSB,Jorhat. Collaboration of other institutes has been made by inviting their faculties as Resource Persons whichincludes institutes like Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA),Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT), Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute (FMTT)and Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP). 4. OTHER ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES 2016-17The faculties of EEI (NE Region) were involved in the following academic activities during 2016-17.1. Guidance to Post Graduate students a. 3 (three) Ph.D students b. 4 (four) M.Sc. Students2. Teaching Post Graduate Courses a. 1(one) M.Sc. (Agri) course of the discipline Extension Education b. 2(two) B.Sc. (Agri) Courses of the discipline Extension Education 5. Visit of Mrs. Neeraj Suneja, DAC&FW, MoA&FW, GOI, New Delhi Mrs. Neeraj Suneja, Director( Administration), Directorate of Extension, Department of Agriculture,Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi visited the institute on 10th February, 2017.During her visit she addressed the faculties and staff of EEI (NE Region) highlighting the positive aspectsand distinctive successes achieved by institute, and encouraged all cadres to keep up the spirit and EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 16

Annual Report 2016-17sincerity. She also specified a few areas of improvement and urged upon the faculties and staff to workhard on those so that the institute serves towards agricultural development and farmers’ welfare better.Mrs. Neeraj Suneja also made detailed observation of the infrastructure and facilities available with theinstitute, and identified a few repairable works to be carried out urgently. Further, referring to thediscussion took place in last Review Meeting of EEIs held at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi on 12th Jan, 2017under the chairmanship of Join Secy. (Extension), DAC&FW, MoA&FW, Mrs. Suneja stressed up hiring amedium vehicle on monthly hiring basis for convenience of the functioning of the institute. She also meethonorable vice chancellor, AAU and requested to take up action on both the issues. Later, Director, EEI putup proposals and honorable Vice chancellor has approved both, and the institute has already taken upexecution. 6. PROPOSED PROGRAMMES, 2017-18 EEI (NE Region) has identified the training needs of its client departments for the academic year2017-18 by following the steps mentioned below:Step-1: Compilation of the training needs obtained from the participants of the training programmes ofprevious years.Step-2: Preparation and mailing of ‘Annual Training Need Assessment Questionnaire’ to the clientdepartments and organizations in order to obtain training needs of trust areas.Step 3: Compilation of training needs obtained from the above mentioned steps and updated in the RegionalWorkshop on Implementation of Central Sector Schemes and Training Planning for NE States held on Feb’ 24-25, 2017.Step 4: Finalization of thrust areas and themes of capacity building in the Annual Training Planning Workshopfor MANAGE, EEIs and SAMETIs’ organized by MANAGE, Hyderabad held on January, 2017.Step 5: The finalization of academic calendar for 2017-18 of EEI (NE Region) was done in the AcademicCommittee meeting during 24-25th Feb. 2017. The summary of proposed programmes to be conducted by EEI, Jorhat is listed in the Table 4.Table 5. Summary of proposed programmes to be conducted by EEI, Jorhat during 2017-18SN Type of Programme NumberA Off Campus and On-Campus Training Programmes1 On-campus Training Programme 92 Off-campus Training Programme 193 Regional Workshop on Implementation of Central Sector Schemes and 1Training Planning for EEI(NE Region) and SAMETIs of NE StatesTotal Training/ Workshop programme 29 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 17

B Other Programmes Annual Report 2016-173 Research study4 PGDAEM contact class ( Assam and Nagaland) 15 PGDAEM Examination ( Assam ) 4Total programmes 2 366.1. Proposed Academic Calendar for the year 2017-18 The following programmes will be conducted during 2017-18.A. On Campus ProgrammesSN Programmes Dates, Duration Venue1. Skill development for m-Extension and e-Extension 9-12th May, 2017 EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat2. Methods and Skills for Community Organization and 16-19th May, EEI(NE Region) Entrepreneurship Development 2017 AAU, Jorhat3. Principles and practices of Market-led extension and 20-23rd June, EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat export of Agricultural Products 2017 EEI(NE Region)4. Gender friendly tools and practices, and extension 25-28th July, AAU, Jorhat approaches for mainstreaming farm women 2017 EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat5. Soft Skills for Interpersonal Effectiveness of Extension 8-11th Aug., EEI(NE Region) Personnel 2017 AAU, Jorhat6. Workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture and Disaster 5-8th Sept.,2017 EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat Management in NE States EEI(NE Region)7. Management Games and Interactive Training Tools 14-17th AAU, Jorhat Nov.,2017 EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat8. Training Methods and Training Management Skills 12-15th Dec, 20179. Managerial Skills and Leadership Development 6-9th Feb., 201810. Regional Workshop on Implementation of Central Sector Date to be Schemes and Training Planning of EEI (NE Region) and decided SAMETIs of NE States B. Off- Campus Programmes Dates, Duration VenueSN Programmes1. Communication and Training Skills for Efficient 23-26th May, SAMETI, Manipur Extension Service 20172. Training Methods and Training Management Skills3. Designing and management of skill development 6-9th June, 2017 SAMETI, Sikkim training programmes 13-16th June, MAMETI, Mizoram4. Water Management Technologies and Extension 2017 Approaches5. Designing and Management of Skill Development 27-30th June, 2017 SAMETI, Assam Training Programmes 11-14th July, 2017 T-SAMETI, Tripura6. Training on Organic Farming and INM7. Organic Farming Techniques and Organic Certification 18-21st July, 2017 SAMETI, Nagaland 1-4th Aug., 2017 SAMETI, Arunachal8. Precision Farming and its Relevance to Commercialization of Horticultural Crops 22-25th Aug, 2017 Pradesh SAMETI, West Bengal EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 18

Annual Report 2016-179. Training Methods and Training Management Skills 29 Aug. -1st Sept., SAMETI, Nagaland 201710. Extension Skills for Implementation of Major 12-15th Sept., 2017 MAMETI,Agricultural Development Schemes Meghalaya11. Training on Organic Farming and INM 19-22nd Sept., 2017 MAMETI, Mizoram12. Managerial Skills and Leadership Development 24-27th Oct., 2017 SAMETI, Arunachal Pradesh13. Workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture and Disaster 7-10th Nov.,2017 SAMETI, AssamManagement in Assam14. Management Games and Interactive Training Tools 21-24th Nov.,2017 SAMETI, Sikkim15. Methods and Skills for Community Organization and 28 Nov-1st Dec., MAMETI,Entrepreneurship Development 2017 Meghalaya16. ICT in Extension particularly use of apps, social media & 5-8th Dec., 2017 SAMETI, AssamLow cost Videography17. Workshop on Export Orientation in Agriculture & allied 9-12th Jan., 2018 SAMETI, Westsectors and Supply Chain Management for FPOs Bengal18. Leadership and Team Building for Extension Personnel 13-16th Feb. 2018 SAMETI, Manipur19. Methods and Skills for Community Organization and 21-24th Feb. 2018 SAMETI, TripuraEntrepreneurship Development6.2. PGDAEM Programmes The following PGDAEM programmes will be conducted during 2017-18Table 5.1 PGDAEM programmes to be conducted during 2017-18 Dates& Duration (Tentative) Dates to be decidedSN Programme Dates to be decided 1. Contact classes of PGDAEM 1st Semester for Assam Dates to be decided2. Contact classes of PGDAEM 1st Semester for Nagaland Dates to be decided3. PGDAEM Examination 1ST Semester, Assam Dates to be decided4. Contact classes of PGDAEM 2nd Semester for Assam5. Contact classes of PGDAEM 2nd Semester for Nagaland6.3. Proposed Research study The following research study has been proposed for 2017-18Research Title: A study on quality of skill development programmes conducted by selected KVKsof NE statesObjectives:  To study the quality and effectiveness of skill development programmes conducted by KVKs of NE states  To identify the issues and possible suggestions related to implementation of skill development programmes conducted by KVKs of NE states EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 19

Annual Report 2016-177. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE INSTITUTE, 2016-17A summary of the budget allocation and expenditures during 2016-17 is given hereunder:Statement of expenditure, 2016-17 Allocation (Rs. in Lakh) SN Head of Expenditure 85.00 Expenditure 1 Pay & Allowances 8.00 2 Travelling Expenses 50.00 80.61 3 Training Cost 29.76 7.65 4 Operational Cost 172.76 41.12 Total recurring 29.76 159.14Status of Present Financial position (Rs. in Lakh) Opening balance on 01-04-2016 Rs. 35.46 Fund received during 2016-17 Rs. 143.54 Total fund received Rs. 179.00 Expenditure up to 31.03.2017 Rs. 159.14 Balance as on 31.03.2017 Rs. 19.86 8. HIGHLIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION During last 27 years i.e. 1989 to 2016, EEI (NE Region) AAU, Jorhat conducted 479 number oftraining programmes in which a total of 11261 extension functionaries of NE states participated. Thesalient aspects of performance of the institute during last 10 years are presented under the following heads:8.1 Theme-wise distribution of Training Programmes8.2. No. of training programmes in the last 10 years8.3. Trends of participation during last 10 years8.4. Trend of percentage of seat utilization during last 10 years8.1 Theme-wise Distribution of Training Programmes A total of 479 numbers of training programmes were conducted in the last 27 years. The theme wisedistributions of training programmes were enlisted in the table given below. EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 20

Table 8.1. Theme wise distribution of training programmes Annual Report 2016-17SN Theme of the training programme Numbers of training1 Extension Methodology (EM) programme2 Interpersonal Skills: Communication skills and motivational skills (IS) 303 Training , Human Resource Development & Institutional Capacity Building 644 Managerial Skills 685 Gender Mainstreaming : Household and Nutritional Security 696 Agricultural Technologies (AT) 147 Agricultural Extension Policy, Reforms and Processes 898 Agricultural Knowledge Management, ICT and Mass Media 889 Agri-business: Agri-Entrepreneurship and Public Private Partnership 2810 Agricultural Marketing, Supply Chain Management 20 9 Total 4798.2. No. of training programmes during last 10 years The number of training programmes conducted in the last 10 years is given in Fig 6 (Table 1, Appendix I).30 26 27 2625 22 21 23 24 2220 14 15151050 Fig.6: No. of Training Programmes in the last 10 years EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 21

Annual Report 2016-178.3. Trends of participation during last 10 years The trend of participation in the last 10 years is given in Fig. 7 (Table 1, Appendix I).1000 912 873 900 852 800 700 705 723 761 600 616 570500400 280 2733002001000 Fig.7: Number of participants during last 10 years8.4. Trends of percentage of seat utilization during last 10 years The figure below shows the percentage of seat utilization in the training programmes of EEI(NE Region) AAU, Jorhat in the last 10 years.120 98 100.2 103.6 100.13100 94 93 95.93 80 71 71.5 72 78 60 40 20 0 Fig.8: Trends of seat utilization (%) during last 10 years EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 22

Annual Report 2016-17 APPENDIX – I Table 1: Summary of Training Programmes in the last 10 yearsSN Year On Campus Off Campus Total no. No. of of Training Participants1. 2006-2007 9 5 14 2602. 2007-2008 10 5 15 2803. 2008-2009 13 1 14 2734. 2009-2010 18 4 22 5705. 2010-2011 17 4 21 6166. 2011-2012 18 5 23 7057. 2012-2013 15 9 24 7238. 2013-2014 13 13 26 8529. 2014-2015 9 18 27 91210. 2015-2016 8 14 22 66711. 2016-2017 9 17 26 873 Table 2: State-wise distribution of Participants in the Programmes during 2016-17S N States Total No. of No. of No. of Total no. of Target Participants Participants Participants Participants1 Assam in Regional2 Tripura 161 in in Off - Workshop 2273 Arunachal 138 On Campus Campus 114 9 97 Pradesh 113 158 60 24 Mizoram 83 5 90 2 895 Sikkim 83 16 71 836 Nagaland 83 2 757 West 16 65 3 73 83 12 60 2 Bengal 83 11 60 1 658 Manipur 83 2 62 509 Meghalaya 910 2 873 18 30 77 TOTAL 7 30 100 245 528 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 23

Annual Report 2016-17 Appendix IITable 3: Discipline/Department wise distribution of participants in the programmes during 2016-17SN Programmes KVK/ ATMA/ Agri Horti AH & Fishery Seri Total ICAR/ SAME vety SAU TI1 Workshop on Preparation of 11 14 10 3 9 3 3 42 Training Modules For Skill Development on Agricultural Technologies2 Workshop on preparation of 2 4 24 0 0 3 0 31 training modules for skill development on agricultural technologies3 Orientation on Flagship 5 13 13 1 0 1 0 28Programmes and Initiatives of GOIfor Agricultural Development andFarmers Welfare4 Workshop on planning and 2 8 17 5 0 0 0 30preparation for organic farming inMeghalaya5 Workshop on preparation of 5 16 7 0 4 2 1 30training modules for skill 0 1 0 35development on agricultural 2 1 0 28 0 4 0 28technologies 1 4 0 29 0 0 0 306 Workshop on preparation of 6 24 9 1 0 0 0 30training modules for skill 2 18 0 37development on agricultural 0 2 0 28technologies 2 0 2 307 Communication and Extension 28 0 16 9Methodology for KVK Scientists8 Interpersonal Communication and 2 16 7 1Use of Social Media in AgriculturalExtension9 Attitude competency and social 2 4 20 0value orientation for AgricultureExtension10 Workshop on preparation of 1 22 6 2training modules for skilldevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies11 Workshop on preparation of 0 26 4 0training modules for skilldevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies12 Workshop on preparation of 0 9 80 training modules for skilldevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies13 Agricultural Marketing Extension 1 17 7 2and Agro-tourism14 Workshop on preparation of 0 23 3 0training modules for skilldevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 24

Annual Report 2016-1715 Managerial skills development for 0 22 4 0 0 4 0 30 extension personnel16 Workshop on preparation of 9 19 9 0 0 4 0 32 training modules for skilldevelopment on agriculturaltechnologies17 Sustainable Water Management for 3 27 2 1 0 0 0 30 boosting productivity in Hilly Terrain18 Soft skills for enhancing 3 21 6 2 0 0 1 30 interpersonal effectiveness inagricultural extension19 Management games for trainers 0 28 2 0 0 0 0 3020 Regional Workshop on 16 29 60 10 1 0 0 100 Implementation of Central SectorSchemes and Training Planning ofEEI(NE Region) and SAMETIs of NEStates21 Methods and tools of monitoring 0 8 22 0 0 4 0 34 and evaluation of projects22 Advances in Training methods and 0 29 1 0 0 0 0 30 training management23 Workshop on Sericulture 17 1 4 0 0 0 30 35Development in NE States24 Advances in Training methods and 3 25 4 1 0 0 0 30 training management25 Workshop on Promotion of 2 6 23 0 0 1 0 30 Specialty Agriculture in Tripura26 Extension Strategies and Gender 11 6 2 2 2 3 11 26 Friendly Technologies forMainstreaming Gender Total 113 349 194 77 90 20 30 873 Percentage (%) 12.94 39.98 22.2 8.82 10.30 2.29 3.4 100 23 APPENDIX IIITable 4: Gender distribution of participants in the programmes during 2016-17SN Programmes Gender Total Male Female1. Workshop on Preparation of Training Modules For Skill Development 35 7 42 on Agricultural Technologies2. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 28 3 31 on agricultural technologies3. Orientation on Flagship Programmes and Initiatives of GOI for 25 3 28 Agricultural Development and Farmers Welfare4. Workshop on planning and preparation for organic farming in 14 16 30 Meghalaya5. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 27 3 30 on agricultural technologies6. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 24 11 35 on agricultural technologies7. Communication and Extension Methodology for KVK Scientists 15 13 28 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 25

Annual Report 2016-178. Interpersonal Communication and Use of Social Media in 20 8 28 Agricultural Extension 24 5 299. Attitude competency and social value orientation for Agriculture Extension 18 12 3010. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 13 17 30 on agricultural technologies 21 16 3711. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 17 11 28 on agricultural technologies 15 15 30 14 16 3012. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 31 1 32 on agricultural technologies 18 12 3013. Agricultural Marketing Extension and Agro-tourism14. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 19 11 30 14 16 30 on agricultural technologies 62 38 10015. Managerial skills development for extension personnel 25 9 3416. Workshop on preparation of training modules for skill development 19 11 30 26 9 35 on agricultural technologies 30 0 3017. Sustainable Water Management for boosting productivity in Hilly 24 6 30 12 14 26 Terrain18. Soft skills for enhancing interpersonal effectiveness in agricultural 590 283 873 extension 67.58 32.42 10019. Management games for trainers20. Regional Workshop on Implementation of Central Sector Schemes and Training Planning of EEI(NE Region) and SAMETIs of NE States21. Methods and tools of monitoring and evaluation of projects22. Advances in Training methods and training management23. Workshop on Sericulture Development in NE States24. Advances in Training methods and training management25. Workshop on Promotion of Specialty Agriculture in Tripura26. Extension Strategies and Gender Friendly Technologies for Mainstreaming Gender Total Percentage (%) APPENDIX IVTable 5: Subject matter wise distribution of Training on Extension Management during 1989 to 2016SN Subject matter No. of Training No. of programme participants1. Communication skills and extension teaching methods 502. Training methods and training programme management 62 9713. Teamwork and managerial skill development 54 12474. Recent initiatives & On-going schemes, Prog., Supports of DAC,GOI 3 11295. PRA methods and participatory planning 22 3886. Formation, promotion and management of CIG/SHG/NGO 30 5027. Preparation and use of audio-visual aids 12 6838. Farming situation based extension (FSBE) 11 1709. Entrepreneurship development 11 10510. Farm journalism and Mass media production and use 5 17411. Leadership development 11 11312. Motivation techniques and Extension Management 4 25613. IT application in Agricultural Extension and Cyber Extension 514. Public Private Partnership 10 83 114 234 EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 26

Annual Report 2016-1715. Market led extension 8 23316. Gender Sensitization and Empowerment of women 10 28417. Planning, monitoring and evaluation of project 13 26218. Behavioral skills development 11 29419. Climate change in context to agriculture 4 15220. Participatory Watershed Development 11 20321. Management of IPM programme 3 6922. Extension Reform 40 142723. Rice Hispa control in Jorhat District 4 8724. Zonal Workshop Improvement 4 5725. Cluster Training Improvement 5 8626. Capacity building of Field Management Committees in Assam 5 150 1 1627. Action Research 3 8928. Plant Variety Protection and Farmer’s Rights 1 2829. Nutrition Education and Agriculture Interface for rural health 4 7530. Process documentation and Record keeping 6 18631. Advanced Technologies in Organic Farming 3 5532. Information &Communication Technology (ICT) 436 9922A TOTALTable 6: Discipline wise distribution of training programme on technological aspects during 1989 to 2016SN Subject matter No. of Training No. of programme participants1 Agricultural Technology2 Animal husbandry and Vety 33 10583 Horticultural technology 8 2254 Sericulture Technology 1 21B TOTAL 1 35 43 1339Grand Total (A+B) : 479 : 11261Total number of training programmeTotal number of participants EEI(NE Region), AAU, Jorhat 27

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