Memorials Donor Trees Plaques Donor Walls Individual Letters Designers of Vision Creators and Crafters of Timeless Quality Innovative Industry Leaders Established 1920
485-10 2 1.800.922.7377
485-2 Windswept Model 485-10 1000 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The base and branches are hand carved oak. Optional oak and brass rocks recognize large donations. Model 485-2 200 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The base and branches are hand carved oak. Model 485-26 300 - 2” x 4” aluminum leaves mounted to a 6’ x 10’ laminated copper background. The hand carved base is mahogany. Mahogany and aluminum rocks recognize large donors. Model 485-27 800 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” and 2”x 4” brass leaves mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base and branches are hand carved oak. Brass letters title the tree. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. Windswept bases are available in wood, sculptured cast bronze or aluminum. For additional tree designs visit our website. 485-26 485-27 Standard leaves are available in brass, aluminum, copper and in a variety of sizes to differentiate donor levels. 3
498-2 4 1.800.922.7377
Doves Model 498-2 300 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The prismatic base is mahogany. Optional mahogany and brass rocks and brass doves recognize large donations. Model 498-10 250 - 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The prismatic bases are oxidized bronze. Optional rocks, doves and apples recognize various donor levels. Model 498-13 350 - 1 ½”x 3 ½” brass leaves mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The prismatic base is cherry. Optional rocks and doves recognize large donors. 498-10 Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. Prismatic bases are available in wood, cast bronze or aluminum. For additional tree designs visit our website. 498-13 Brass and copper leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. 5
450-3 6 1.800.922.7377
450-11 Grove Model 450-3 500 - 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves affixed to flush 3/8” acrylic leaves. The bases and branches are sculptured cast bronze with a hand rubbed oxidized finish. Optional bronze and brass rocks and acorns recognize large donations. 450-11 500 - 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves, 3 hand carved mahogany bases, branches and rocks are mounted on an 87” x 210” x 3/8” clear acrylic background. Model 450-12 225 - 2” x 4” brass, aluminum, and copper leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. Base and branches are smooth, rounded mahogany. Optional apples, butterflies and rocks recognize large donations. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. Grove bases are available in wood, cast bronze or aluminum. For additional tree designs visit our website. 450-12 Sculptured bronze acorn with brass plate. 7
470-15 470-12 470-1 470-16 8 1.800.922.7377
Scatter Leaf Model 470-15 The bases, fabricated from multiple layers of angled oak, anchor this 500 - 2” x 4” leaf design. Oak branches and bronze and brass acorns are dispersed through the acrylic mounted brass, aluminum and copper leaves. Model 470-12 500 - 2” x 4” brass leaves mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The layered base and branches are hand carved cherry. Optional apples and rocks recognize large donations. Model 470-1 80 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The layered base and branches are hand carved mahogany. Optional brass and mahogany rocks recognize large donations. Model 470-16 500 - 1 ½” x 4” brass oval leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic ovals. The multi-elevational, hand finished base and branches are solid oak. Model 470-5 500 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The layered base and branches are hand carved mahogany. Optional brass and mahogany rocks recognize large donors. 470-5 IN HONOR OF THE 65TH BIRTHDAY OF HOWARD SAMUELS BY HIS LOVING FAMILY Modern mahogany rock with brass sublimated plate. 9
490-1 490-4 10 1.800.922.7377
367-10 Model 490-1 250 - 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The base and branches are hand carved, smooth oak. Model 490-4 300 - 2” x 4” aluminum leaves mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base and branches are hand carved, smooth golden oak. Model 367-10 350 - 1 1/2” x 3 1/2” aluminum leaves are mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base is sculptured aluminum. Optional rocks and doves recognize large donors. Aluminum letters title the tree. Model 367-8 100 - 2” x 4” and 150 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” brass, aluminum and copper leaves are mounted to multi-elevational clear Plexiglas islands. The hand finished base and branches are sculptured bronze. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. Leaves are available in brass, aluminum and copper to differentiate donor levels. For additional tree designs visit our website. 367-8 Doves available in a variety of materials and sizes. 11
The Petal Quardruple Bases The Heart 12 1.800.922.7377
Apples Figures Quadruple Bases 150 - multiple size copper and aluminum ovals are affixed to 3/8” acrylic ovals. The walnut bases overlap each other. Copper and walnut plaques recognize large donations. The Petal 325 - 1 ½” x 4” brass oval leaves are mounted to multi-elevational black and clear acrylic islands. The base, with printed dedication text, is walnut. The silhouette of the child is black Komatex. Optional rocks recognize large donors. The Heart 100 - 2” x 4” brass leaves are affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The multi-elevational base is walnut. Optional rocks recognize large donations. Apples 56 multiple size brass, aluminum and copper apples are mounted to a floating acrylic island. The base is hand carved oak. Benefactor and Patrons are printed on apples sitting in oak crates. Figures 350 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” brass, aluminum and copper leaves mounted on multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base figures are oak. Large donors are recognized on doves Model 436-10 2500 brass boy and girl profile shaped leaves mounted to walnut islands. Carved walnut education themes are scattered throughout the tree. The base and branches are hand carved walnut. Boy/Girl Profile Brass plate 436-10 Custom hand carved wood accessories. 13
525-1 525-2 525-3 500-1 500-2 500-3 14 1.800.922.7377
527-1 527-2 Economical Growth Leaves on acrylic islands. 525-1 100 - 1 ½” x 4” leaves mounted to center acrylic island 525-2 Addition of 2 - 50 leaf side islands 525-3 Addition of 100 leaf top island Sculptured oxidized bronze base. 500-1 100 - 1 ½” x 4” leaves mounted to center acrylic island 500-2 Addition of 2 - 50 leaf side islands 500-3 Addition of 100 leaf top island Sculptured oxidized bronze base with bronze dedication stone. Optional bronze rocks with brass plates recognize large donations. 527-1 102 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” leaves mounted to 3 acrylic islands 527-2 Addition of 148 leaves on 5 additional islands 527-3 Addition of 103 leaves on 4 additional islands Hand carved oak base, optional doves and rocks. Leaves are available in brass, aluminum and copper to differentiate donor levels. For additional tree designs visit our website. 527-3 Sculptured cast bronze base and dedication stone from Model 500. 15
Tree of Hope Model 439 Tree of Giving Model 439 Tree of Prayer 16 1.800.922.7377
Tree of Love Model 438 Hope and Love Tree of Hope Model 439 500 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. A patron saint serves as the centerpiece of this unique donor tree. Optional bronze and brass rocks recognize large donations. Tree of Giving Model 437 600- 2” x 4” brass, aluminum, copper and green leaves are mounted on multi-elevational acrylic islands. A 70” wood corpus is the focal point of the design. Optional rocks recognize large donations. Tree of Prayer 54- 2” x 4” brass, aluminum, and copper leaves with 4 brass rays are mounted on acrylic islands. A 70” wood corpus is the focal point of the design. 2 brass and acrylic plaques recognize small donors; optional rocks recognize large donations. Tree of Love Model 438 Various sized brass leaves, recognizing different levels of giving, mounted to walnut paneling. Brass rays emanate from the wood cross. Good Shepherd Model 480-2 800 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” brass leaves mounted to acrylic islands. The Good Shepherd base and branches are sculptured, oxidized bronze. The Holy Family base can be substituted for the Good Shepherd base. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. For additional tree designs visit our website. Good Shepherd Model 480-2 Sculptured bronze rock with brass plate. Sculptured bronze Holy Family base. 17
Model 410 Window Tree Digital Graphic Heritage 18 1.800.922.7377
Model 410 Leaves in various sizes mounted to acrylic islands. The base, with the organization’s logo and branches are hand carved oak. Oak and brass rocks recognize large donations. Window Tree The Window Tree is a unique donor recognition tree with brass, aluminum and copper leaves affixed to a glass window. The base and branches are anodized aluminum. Digital Graphic 26” x 54” clear acrylic panel with vinyl graphic image of brass leaves with black copy and color logo base, laminated to the back of the acrylic. Brass button rosettes cover the mounting hardware. Heritage 300 - 2” x 4” brass leaves are mounted to a wood paneled wall. The base and branches are hand carved oak. Optional oak and brass rocks recognize large donors Model 473 106 brass oak leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. Base and branches are ¾” stained mahogany veneer. Optional acorns and rocks recognize large donors. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. Bases are available in wood, cast bronze or aluminum. For additional tree designs visit our website. IN HONOR OF MY BELOVED SON JEFF BARRY RICHARDS CHARLOTTE MARCIA RICHARDSON DECEMBER 31, 2001 Acrylic acorn with brass plate. Model 473 Sculptured bronze apple with brass plate. Brass Oak leaf. 19
Pine Grove 455-4 450-14 The Cedar 20 1.800.922.7377
455-4 200 - 2” x 4” green leaves are affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. Large donors are recognized on apples and butterflies. The base and branches are sculptured bronze. Acrylic flowers anchor the design. Pine Grove 450 - 1 ½” x 4” green oval leaves are mounted to multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base and branches are hand carved mahogany. Optional rocks and pine cones recognize large donors. An acrylic plaque has descriptive text. 450-14 785 - 1 ½” x 3 ½” brass, aluminum and copper leaves are affixed to 3/8” flush acrylic leaves. The hand carved bases and branches are mahogany. Aluminum letters title the wall. The Cedar 225 brass oval leaves are mounted to 3/4” veneer cedar islands. The base and branches are solid hand carved cedar. Brass and cedar rocks recognize large donors. Model 455-1 50 - 3” x 6” and 100 - 2” x 4” aluminum leaves, are mounted on risers to a paneled wall. The base and branches are sculptured, cast aluminum. Individual aluminum letters on risers title the tree. Sculptured walnut rock with brass plate. 455-1 21
407-1 Interlocking Branches Custom Base Exteriors 22 1.800.922.7377
Roots Model 407-1 400 - 2” x 4” brass leaves mounted to interlocking, multi-elevational acrylic islands. The tree base and branches are Corian with satin brass highlights. Optional Corian and brass rocks recognize large donations. Interlocking Branches 352 - 1” x 3”, 1 ½’ x 3 ½” and 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves are mounted on multi-elevational acrylic islands. The base and branches are flat cut mahogany. Exteriors Acrylic leaves, doves, dedication plaques, rocks, dark brown aluminum letters, base and branches are mounted to clear acrylic panels. All materials are rated for exterior use. Roots 50 - 2” x 4” copper leaves, 20 aluminum butterflies and 36 brass doves are affixed to acrylic backers. The base with dedication text is mahogany. The Farm 175 - 1” x 3”, 1 ½” x 3 ½” and 2” x 4” brass, aluminum and copper leaves are affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. 2 sizes of apples and rocks recognize larger donations. The base is flat mahogany. The horsed and fences are Komatex. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. For additional tree designs visit our website. The Farm Acrylic apple with brass plate. 23
Model 950 Model 950 150 - 2” x 4” aluminum leaves on multi-elevational Plexiglas islands. The base and branches are ¾” cherry. Aluminum letters title the wall. Changeable photographs frame the tree. Nesting 150 - 2” x 4” gold acrylic leaves are affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. The base and branch are brown Corian. Individual letters title the tree. All materials are rated for outdoor use. People Brass, aluminum and copper leaves mounted to acrylic islands with images of people, birds and tree trunk printed on the backs of multi-elevational acrylic shapes. The Pines 112 - 3 ½” x 7” acrylic plates are mounted on multi-elevational acrylic shapes with graphics printed on the backs. 7 rocks recognize large donors. Outdoor Free Standing 100 - 2” x 4” brass, steel and copper metallic acrylic leaves are affixed to an ivoy Durabond background. The base and branches are Deep Mink Corian. Nesting People 24 1.800.922.7377
Exteriors These are examples of exterior installations. With modifications in materials and design any of our trees can be installed outdoors. The Pines Outdoor Free Standing 25
Model 440-2 500 - 1 ½” x 4” aluminum leaves mounted directly to a vinyl covered, wood wall. Black anodized aluminum branches and optional rocks recognize large donations. Aspen Forest 175 - 2” x 4” brass leaves affixed to 3/8” acrylic leaves. Hand stained birch trunks float above a rolling green berm. Trees can be custom designed for any wall size. For additional tree designs visit our website. 440-2 In Honor of our Beloved Mother Sandy Rachel Tannenbaum “The character of your children today Is the result of what you put into their hearts yesterday.” Thank you Mom Andrea, Michael & Leslie Black modern rock with white copy. IN HONOR OF MY BELOVED SON JASON SAMUEL RICHARDS CHARLOTTE MARCIA RICHARDSON DECEMBER 31, 2001 Aluminum oval leaf. Aspen Forest 26 1.800.922.7377
1 2 IN HONOR OF Name of Donor Accessories 5 THE 65TH BIRTHDAY OF In Honor of 9 6 1 - Bronze rock with brass plate HOWARD SAMUELS Name of Recipient Name of Donor BY HIS LOVING FAMILY 2 - Wood rock with brass plate In Honor of 4 3 3 - Modern wood rock with brass plate Name of Recipient IN HONOR OF MY BELOVED SON 7 JEFF BARRY RICHARDS Name of Donor 10 CHARLOTTE MARCIA RICHARDSON Name of Donor 4 - BronzeNamdIneoHonof nRooerrcoipsfietnot ne In Honor of DECEMBER 31, 2001 5 - Bronze apple with brass plate Name of Recipient Name of Donor 6 - Bronze acorn with brass plate 11 8In Honor of 7 - Acrylic apple with brass plate Name of Recipient 8 - Acrylic acorn with brass plate Name of Donor In Honor of 9 - AcryNlicamdoeveowf Dithocnooprper plate In Honor of Name of Recipient 10 - ANluammineumofbRuettceirpflyient 12 11 - Acrylic pomegranate with oxidized brass plate 12 - Brass squirrel 13 - Individual title letters Available in a variety of fonts, sizes and finishes Additional accessories available. 13 27
W & E Baum’s ninety-seven years of experience helping organizations Our experienced artisans and graphic designers work together in a variety honor their donors assures you the highest quality and service. Setting of mediums creating unique recognition walls, giving trees, memorials, the standards in our industry for three generations, W & E Baum has plaques and awards. concentrated upon innovative design and superior fabrication of the The extended family at W & E Baum is pleased to offer you exceptional symbols of generosity. quality and aesthetic composition. We look forward to translating your Organizations across the country and abroad use our products to vision into a glowing reality. acknowledge gifts, reward achievements, memorialize loved ones and Please contact us for more information about our custom designs or visit promote fundraising endeavors. our website at Designers and Manufacturers 89 Bannard Street Freehold, NJ 07728 1.800.922.7377 Fax 732.866.8978 [email protected]
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