Wireless HD Video & Wireless EthernetTransmitter and Receiver for LiveMedia Broadcast
New: Wireless VidOlink Tally andControlThe newly released VidOlink Tally & Control systemdelivers spectacular performance. While you aremoving your HD SDI or HDMI video signals over aVidOlink Reacher or VidOlink Ranger, add this unit forthe extra features of tally and camera controlfunctions like RB Gain, Iris, A Iris mode, M Ped, Gain,Shutter, Bars, CC Filter select, ND Filter select, AWB,ABB, etc.The VidOlink Tally & Control has options for Sony,Panasonic, Ikegami, Thomson and Hitachi cameras.Brackets are available to secure the unit. Additonally,data can also be sent down our RF over fiber SMPTEunits so with just one cable you can have RF, Dataand power to your receive point.
Wireless VidOlink Reacher, 5GHz, Zero Latency Link,up to 2000 Ft. LOSSend broadcast-grade HDMI & HDSDI uncompressed videoover the 5 GHz band. The VidOlink Reacher is our newestbroadcast-grade HDMI and HD-SDI wireless videotransmission link. The VidOlink Reacher is capable ofreaching up to 2000 feet with zero latency and nocompression.The transmitter is very compact and lightweight ensuringexceptional maneuverability. This makes the unit ideal forvideo assist and on-set monitoring, news and sportsbroadcasts, UAV, military, corporate and other applicationsin which typical wireless systems either fall short on distanceor are too high on price.
Wireless VidOlink Ranger, COFDM Link, up to 1 Mile LOSThe VidOlink Ranger is available in 2GHz, 5.8GHz, and 7GHzbands with mounts for Anton Bauer, V-lock and, Hot-Shoe.The VidOlink Ranger is a highly portable broadcast gradeMPEG 4 COFDM HD wireless camera transmission linkcapable of providing high-quality at distances up to 2-milesline of sight.Demanding videographers choose the VidOlink Rangerwhen they require the highest quality video withoutbreakup or pixilation. The VidOlink Ranger comes in aportable package and is designed to give the operator theability to set up quickly and cover wide areas with longrange wireless transmission.
VidOvation Enterprise IPTV is a turnkeyflexible and scalable Enterprise IPTV solutionthat empowers organizations to incorporatelive TV programs, live internal videobroadcast and video-on-demand toincrease the efficiency of training andcommunications. VidOvation Enterprise IPTVdelivers digital television programming toemployee's PC's, TV's, Smartphones andTablets, allows scheduled recording viaprogram guide on PC's, and provides suchrecorded content for on-demand time-shiftviewing.
VidOvation Enterprise IPTVThe VidOvation Enterprise IPTV system fullyintegrates with the DirecTV COM2000Satellite for Enterprise, the Dish NetworkSmartBox, Cable Television and more. Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is a system through which television services are delivered using the Internet protocol suite over a packet-switched enterprise network , instead of being delivered through traditional RF coax. IPTV is very cost- effective, flexible, and highly interactive
Encompassing wireless video, bonded cellular,video streaming, video networking, IPTV, and fiberoptic communications systems, VidOvation solutionsimprove video transmissions by removing thefrustrations of dropouts, latency, interference, noise,and security issues.VidOvation excels in helping its clients integratecustom solutions into existing infrastructure, with theability to meet almost any application or budget.The company applies proven expertise on thecomplete project lifecycle — from project consultingand management to engineering and design, towarranty and support.
In-house Enterprise IPTV Video NetworkingVidOvation In-house Enterprise IPTV videonetworking systems deliver a flexible andscalable distribution of video and livetelevision over your enterprise, corporate, orfacility network. We are the only vendorcapable of additionally streaming tocomputer desktops, smartphones, tablets,displays, Smart TVs and set-top boxes.
Video NetworkingThe system supports Live TV content fromDirecTV, Dish Networks, Satellite, Cable andmore. VidOvation TV allows businesses orfacilities to have their internal TV channels tocommunicate, train and guide employees,including appropriate instructions duringcritical emergency situations. We ensurepowerful and easy-to-use functions, high-quality video, reliable and well-managedoperations, and unparalleled scalability andextensibility.
For more information visit our website:www.vidovation.com
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