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Home Explore AMC gearbox overhaul

AMC gearbox overhaul

Published by jez.hattosh-nemeth, 2020-11-03 14:39:03

Description: AMC gearbox overhaul


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Norton gearbox NORTON AMC gearbox overhaul with Norton specialist Mick Hemmings. Words: Brian Crichton. Pictures: Rod Sloane. T his sturiippddown and rebuild fbetautuuK box Iis poosset. 1962. 1bc leettttCelr' N alonce is$ ..... was donec on iaI gearbox fr'room a Il15C'd Cloor boxes made: prriiooIr' 1to0 UtJw daatlee.. 1965 7S5O0cc Norton Atlas a:annd ocann 1lbke code: is SsulmmIppeed 1to0 thec geaarrbox sheUll btc: usced as a guilde (for (four·-speed Nonon (secce diagram). gearboxes f&rom 1956 oonwards. Recletvant mooddedls lIncdluudce lthee. 600cc Model 195., On gearboxes us5etd for thbe Norton S5O00Occc W , and 3SOcc Moddedl 50 which arec all single cylinder modeIls; tbhec 8501 Commando thbe number 1ls5 sstaumnpced 0o0n tbhce 7S5OOcc<c:: Commnuando, AAlt1la.s, Ranger,. NIS, gearbox !sheUll aKcIr'IoJ$s5S thbe lop lug (pilc 1). GIS MaltCChhIleess (whhich was NonnOoRn powettreed),. dthie 65O0cac: Mercury, Manxman, u:This lug Iis of nnaatrlr'OoWweOr' wikdltlh dtluwni earrlliice:r n.65O0SS., tbhee660000cc Model 77. M(o)d(kc:Il99, thce: types. Thus., I.( for e:nxr:ounpplelc:., ryoou are tlhe SOOcc Mode!l 88 aond Moddedl 7. wbhldl arrce: owner of a Nonoon 650SS and WwiÎMshl 1IO0 fit a all rwtin cyliinndder modcllss. gearbox from a Commando ryoouu must fil lTbhee gcnarrbboox used lfOor thhiuli featruure Iis ssct:aumnppeed with t!hhee IidectnlliffiiacLaliiOon codee: tbhce spacer washeer 100 lthIlee lIedft:t sSkidkc: orf thbe NA 1262222. Thhee: llCe: lnlecrs NA deennOoItCe: that tbhe lug. Wkhb 0o(Ilthbe s5paCcttt Iis 0O. t12Z99l1nn. 1Thke: ClASSIC MECHANICS narrower lug withb w~aesbrer dduwnlg~e was lintrodtutceed on the Commando 1to0 make l11t cCals5lcl:el\"r to 'wiggle' llIIlee gearlbxoux: OtU of lIts moalulnoting plaltces. 15

STRIP- VYou can use tbce llaatlear spring In c:oonn/Juunnc-· nnce..'eCdd a 'Whln BSF 5so0cCkkCetIltOo lIOoOo56Ccn mthe main·- Itlion witbh !the NA lkdlc:kksstabrrrI shaft whlich is shaallIt: nUull. DOWN longer lthan ec:aarrlliier typecsl. ThhLis uprr:aUle • Usce t~bc chalin method (piec 1J~5)) 1to0 modlification IiSs reccommce:nnddeed by MH, but hold mth~c ddrrii\\v\"e~ ssprocckkecct iIn orrddettr ltoolloaosen • H:a.ving rne::mmoovved lthe gper:bubooxx frrom it's exppemnsliYve bettc:awuse you :aa1lso nececd tmhce tbhce sprockeclt nul. Prce:-·DomhinualOlofr' mruodcels lIhhc: frn.umnc drain tmhee: 0111 via 1tJ1lle drain plug latte~r IInn~erf and QOUUlteer Cco(Jvvears. u.ssec '\\AilIl xX 1V,/4.1in0 duiln, mooddcdls alfttetrt ttuuve~ -MMI x \"\" Iin chftlal.In. FiIrstc: undo thbec sprocckkCeit a3.1l the booIn:toom oo fdml<e: gcearbox shhcc:U (piC 2)). • To (camnQo\\\"'Ce thbec gearbox maJfnnsshhaafftt. nUl lIOocCkkpplale .ssccrrecw (pilc 155). Now remoyvec thce luagrCge': sproocckkCeIt nut using a 1'lW.1in Wh!iIt·' • Removce t~he IdOcckksst:tlarn1 1IeC-\".'ttt. TThhtt~C' Iis y)'o0o0 need 1to0 devli.sste\" a mcethod 10 hold tmhe worth socketl or Nornton box spanner (olld no neeta'dl 1to0 trtemmQovce lthbceggeoart IIccvvetrt. ltt's uU5sCe:- part no: NM I122009933, nne~w pan no : 067624). ful 10 lceav\"e iIt on as 221n1 aid IQ pulling tlhbcc: shaft. MH uses old dUutlch centr«c: grip- ( T11h11is5 a1l!sio f6it\"t1si mthe enginoec sump p lug) . NOotle pc«dIlIn tmhe vice 10 hold lthe staufft (pilC 14)}_ Itha3ti thlis I1s5 a lIecft thuand thhrreo:ldd, Ilce y)'Oou have oOuUteltrt cC:oOvVeUr\" 0o1H1'. • AAn alteermnalte method 1Is$ 10 select gecar 100 truurmn mthe onutl clockwisce to ftrecec: iIL Thlis Iis Ithe oOnnly)' leflt h3and lthI1rrce::!I.d usecd in the MIIC • RReemmoo\\v~e tmhe outer cover 5~0'ew5. with a sccrrCeVwod-drirviveer :aannd tbhct...'1'fl u.,sc arnt old gèearrbbooxx.. On removfing tmhe sprocckkCeti nOoIlee! Thce:sse :aarce: usually 'cheeesscdhlCea2d' tyyppee:. In lthalt tbhecre IiSs 1a1 spacer withiln thec o01U1 .sseeaaJ.I1In mthiISs lnsruannccec a previloous owncr had (fitntced chain round lthe drive spprockelt, lockecd by the gcea.rrbox shceJll AAll1enl$eCfn'CW~5.. thce vice as in plc 15.. You probably need ClASSIC MECHANICS • Rcemo\\'c tmhe oOuter cover. IIrf It's stuck, somceone 10 hold mthe bolx' 100 SSttea~dyy 1II while you undo tbhce Sshhallft nutl. 0D0o not bec as thibs oOn~e was lthhaannkk:s 10 ussee: of RRewd ltermnptlecd ItQo grip lthbec shaft In dthIe IjlaIws 0of' a vice o r you will damagec lmIle spUllnacs.. You HI-efr~metelttlcte:, U~Soe:a 5$Oft ·-fbaecec<:d! hammer 1to0 ol2pp it f(ree. • 1T1h1eC OUtler cover cc.o.'OnlfCl\\eS5 ;a!way CcoOmOl·' plete with .I.'lultcchhecl assce:mmbbly. At !this poilnr wce :aldvIiSse mthe pProQvviStsIlon of thrcece Utr'.lly)'s$ 10 sscqpnarr.lIII: componcennltSs from II: outer covveer,, 2: Inner cover, 3: gearbox s5hell. Albsoo, it Iis waornth nukJlng YyOoUurt own nnOold and ddiba·- grams during 5sUtripdown Iin ordecr 100 make nrc:--:iaSsSsCcfmTlbblly less of a mystery, cespeoc:iIa:dJJly ilf )y\"oOuU fRind ryoou canOllOtl pUI lthhec: box badde: ItOoggeeththcar thhce: sa;umnce dayr. TIhlils iSs IIIkkdy 100 Ibxe lthe cCa2sSe an)y'Wwoaly)' slin«ce you will not Ikmnow whkic:h pMarUu Ihua.\\,'c 100 bce: rcnce:wwetd until the box tuw.s: betetn lt2akkOml apaart. • Takte: QouUtI thhee: gccaarrccht:&ttnng~c rnautcmhet., (plc 3) thcen hairpin spring (ppi'Cc 4), and then thbec ggeaar cchhaanng~e shaafft (pic 5). • NNOoIte~:!tbhaa1t thbettre Iis :al larrggee: msh1imm//'wWaasshhcr lIOr tbhe gcear change shaft (and quadrant) and ouotlear cCoQvvaa (plc 6). • lUJ5Ct\"' a ~~li6J1n WWhhlifrWwbornth s5QocCkkCcci 1to0 remrnove the rtwo bol1t\"l!li rre~tanllnlnngg the 8gCea3\"r- cth1a3nnge S~loopp pll2Ute (ppilC 7)).. RRccrmnov~e thbce gearec:hh:amnge relturn spring and {innsspee!l I(I fIOor WweealTr as show In plc 8. Thlis OfIe In good condition., • RcemmOo\\\\''Ce tmhe small nUl :amnd bolil hold·- ing tbhec cdluuttcch aIICcluu:uullng arm and roUller (pplc 9). Inspeeclt. IICf dd tlhheur are woarmn, lIce 1O1:2a1l- soeslted, rreennew~.. NOIle mttu:nt mthere is a bush which goc!$ within dtblct: rolle«r (plc 10). • ICf )''0O1.u1 arec changling getuarbbooxxces OoTr components note mthe foollOowwing: tmhe cdluutlcch :aaaauua:lullng arm has a dllttrrCal'CCflI anglec than the anrmn for :aa diaphragm dUutlcch. TTIhlUuSs Ijff)y'oOUo wish 1tO0 uprr:al.le b)y' IBlritling a dbh.p- hragm dcluuttceh y)'ou wUillI recquilre dthie matling malinosshhaa.ft (from thbec Comm2anfKdloo) which Is ltoonnggear :amnd thwas a ddrrcdlip grooovvcc·., VYou :adlso neecd thbec duttcch :a;JccttuW:uldlnng arm ftrom tmhe Comm2lUl\\ldo. • To rrecmmoO~'\\'C mthe clUutlch body Iloedk: ring you should strkicttJly ssppcoakldinng use tbhce spec.- lIaIl tooli (av:adillablce from Mk:kk Hemmlngs) or)'yOo\\uI could maakkee: up an apprroopprritaute peg spannerr, or simply U55CC' a punch. The loedke ring pkturced (plc 1ti1)) w~as burred caUusSling tbhce speecdilal.l 100011 1to0 .sslip. Soa 1itI h:aad ItQo be looscened by using :aa punch. • 1T1h1ee dUuilcmh body ocann now bec remmoovveedd. lInsilde 1IS$ :aa b:ai.Ul.l bcearing (pilc 122) whilch !b>ee:ars ag:aailnstl tl1b1ce clutch pushrod once sidec and thce cliUutlch aIIc.cttuualIt.tllnng arm thec other. 1l1b1ec slize orftIhec bearilng Is Immppoor\"taann!I. I11t shoulld bec O.5ln diameter. • Use a ssccrre~wddrriivvc.c.'rf 1t0o leevv/.e.Tr Ithce kIkckkstarnt rceturn spring &froom Itt\"lIIi locaatiing doowwedl (pice 13) and rcermnovec Ithec spring. On the !l:attltat 'NA' gecarbox Imhe spring iIsS much SstlroOnngger lthan on cearliCeTr 'N' gcarboxlltC'S5.. '166

lIUl • Now rtetnmOovvee: tthhe~ Inner coovvear r~ttaeinded was stmill servilcecable butl tbhce: spring ha2d byyaa 1to0t0aall ooCl seven nulrSs, (fBive witmhin thbce casec and two ouuttsslidd~e)).. UU5sCe: a VYOdOn Whilt- beeccoomm~e shonce:nnce:dd. P1iec 21 shows 1I1t again5stl :aI nne~w on~c whlich was filnted durfing Wwo(lrnthh socckkCeIt_ For mthe outsilde boalts you trdl)ulUldd. Free lecnogth oCf IaJ onecww.spring iIsS will nttd a 5sp2aJnltn1er (plec 16) because ooCf lIA iInch. AIt the saamm~e ltiimmc~ 1II was de«eklJdced lack ooCl dclceaannnc::e~ fCoor a soocc:JkcCctL_ toe filt IaJ onew plaIwli pin. • Support thbcc= 1Iddcckksstta2rlt sYhlaft whille up- • COlhe«ck thhcc=: tWwQo 1kdlcckst2arnt ssblWafi:t Sstoppes: piing oftf lthe ilnrun'lecr COOO\\\\\"\"CCI!', If n«eCce$sSsaIr')y',I witmh a soolli hIawmnmm~err (piec 17). WWhhUil~e easiong off tbhce cover watch lCoorr the gceaarrcd:hlaannggec qltWW1I.- (pic 22). These rmMa)r' h2ave bbetetnn daamm:tgecd rantl roller (pie 188) whJlch maayr f\"aalll out. as mthce= sihua.ft bMaInlgs agaInst them when atl ~movec mthe roller and pl.aKcCe 1itI in )y'our thce ltOop and bolttlom of Iddcs!tan lever Inner cover componceontis tr.aly._ tr'.alvcl. Chceck both fuor burrilng atl COnntf:alCctl • EE:aI.sce: o01f1f' tthhe~ lJddckswunt shaaft whUile sup- arrceIaSs and flor loose rfivets.!.. 1~bosc plCelUured porting thhce= .sspprriing 1I0~0d0deedd plaIwl (pliC 19)). wweett'C(' stuiilli iIn BgOooOdd cCoOnfdIdititIloon, thankfully, Take OUtI thhee: commppoonneennltSs (ppilCc 2ZO0) bdng beccaauu.ssc tb.bcc: Sstlops Cc:UaInnnOol I~x: puurrc:dbwa.sced scepart.:lallddyy_. YVoou h2ave~: 10 buy a commpplleeclC~ .. __ ___________________.J..~m<~~~~,\",::w:W~'I~~':~:~.:w~~e:u:.:~..!~mm~~~~~~ccoo<:<:~~~m<<!~:!1P~OW:::~I~ ~~~~~~~~~:::~~:~:::::::::::=~=~~~~~~~~!~._~bmun<a:7~:~~~C:O~:~~~I'~ cardd''uullnolt 1to0 Ioossc:ca:mnyyooflmthemm12a!n1ddInnssppetetl ClASSIC MECHANICS 17

• Ch«k thc:: Idckswt .sh2ft foorr cracks as \".,'..'.'. scan• Rewmloov~c tbhce gear5 and 5seclector forks. rotalte' on brroonz~e bushees (plec 311). 1Tbhcc::$sce: gears should bhce= :aI sliding ftit over thce ldlown In plc 23_. IAt. end such :a&slI this Piec 28 shows one of Ithe two ffo'orrkkss recsting bushes and IXx:' able t[o0 spin wlith no resils· means a n~e.wsh5ahfatft is necceessssaury. HUere tbh(e: In iltS rdeelevv:&anit gc:aar groo(ow\\'e. R.a:mnoovec craanncec.t. 1Tbce bushes.should hbe frqe)p1b:.cced as:al sshhaaffit is rdallttllvvedly weak becCa2uusse of lack of n~uttcterr of coouunncc:., mectal. rcenWuinilng gcears and shaffttss.. • MM~eau.o;rurcc thee diameter oftthhte: klclktstlalrnt • I1fI1Ia2yshluafit frounh gear Iis a linulke lilglhul shaaJf\\t: bosss.. l11t rcevolvcc=:s a2g3aiirn\\.'s1lI a bush and w• 1Tbhce: ItWwOo selector foorrkb5 are the same, 0o0n tmhe shaft It mlaty bce ncecac:sssaa.ry tOo frreece: It thils once: htuad feclit nratthhccr loosce indicatling by tuappppling tmhe shtuaft Wwiitmh a soft fmatet ham·- WwcCa2rf of thhee: boss and bush. IAt. necw sha:uft and mthuws intteerrcehhamnggcnablce. It Iis dcesirnalble was measurced a2nd found to Ibxe 1.1I 23in In mer (Pplc 32))., Noute: tmhati there Is a small dli:aumneter. 1bbce$shhaaJf\\t: remmoovvce:d w\\VaUs only one thbal tmhceyr should bhce= rceplaced., if smliUll .sert- fnlaange on lIayshafti foouunh (plic 333))., TThhi.i~s thou less ((lke 1. 12222in) and 50 it Ww2:.u5 vilceecable, Iin theilr ornigglina!l pll:laCc'CeSs Ir'alltthher fraces tlhle layshaft bce:a:lrriing iIn the gcarbocx dcecdkdlced tOo fIilt :aa mne,.oww bush onl)y'. shell., than hbe swappppcc::<dl Oov\\'ecr. So nOotle whiceh onnCe' • AIt. norte of cautio n. Mick lHieemmmmininggos came 0o0u1l ffiirtst. Check mth:alt tmhe (foarkk5s are • Now remove the m:l.ltilnnSshaft prl'allyyilng rcecoommmmce:nds UusSiing only gce:nnuuilne Nonon ~Sttra.lilgghtul ( piCe 29) anud thalt the tips oOrf Omle thatl Ilet Iis lin good crooondd/lOllon, sslJnna~: MIli trqe)p1la:accecmmee:nt puartSu. Thhearce arec many patl- fOoOrkOs are 0n0o(t wormn and show signs olf iInforrmnus us they arct: very dli1ffficult ltOo obtain [teUrInl cooppileas on thce: market Wwhhiich MMicldk Ihwas cexcecsssshi'\\C'e' ovemrhce:atiIng whicbh arnt bhe (pplc 34~), fmound 100 bce: of Inferior qualirty. ILn his c:aauused by lI:alcek of ao illl • uUssee:al sotf!t: hb;aumnmmear tOo disloddggce: the WwoOrdMs: '\"\"11bbce..1y' are absolute nJlbbish and Sshhould nUOl Ixx: ussetd from aa ssaaffeett)y' poin!t off • Remo vce: gecaarns nra::nrraultnlnilnng 0o0n shafts ClASSIC MECHHAANNIICQE: vliecww.\"~ Anyyoonnee: who has c~:\\'cr 5sulfffct:trced a (piec 30). notling thatl frreee spinning gCeatrSs gce:aartbox locek-·up knnQow5s exacltly whiu.ut he mm.\"..\".,.'' CLUSTER • Now wce caon move on (to0 the removwa.l of thce gcear cluu.sstter and other componcenLtSs witbh!in lmilte: gearbox Sshheelll. • Recmnlo\\v'ec the bouom geatr' layshafi (plc 24) and iInspcect the teeth for WeC-MU, Otllee: engagemenot hoollcas (beling polinnltce:d 100 In lthec plec). and tbhec Ir'alltlcchhet Itc'ecrthn on tuhue: iInner clrrccuummIfecrreenn~~ which cc.nngaag~t witmh lthec'Wart mechanism (pile 2 5)., • AIll gcdalBn should h~e closell}y' Inspeclted (for crnacclkdlng and piltling :aannd WweolTr o n the protrudilng 'dogs' and the s5ilOotus in geaurs with whlich they mmaaltel:... All geeaurs Iin thhee: box pilctured 1w\\-c'ar'et' foound [rQo ~bc in good o rdeer. If you anr;e: in doubl abooUuIt wwecaur consult youor dealer. Whoe'rce: a gearr's mceshing ltecelh arce .w....ormn ltis malting gear Sshould also hbe reeppll:aced even tho ugh I1I mmaay syho~w' no sign ofwwear. • WWhhcen r~emmoovviinngg gears nOotle whilch way)' round they fit for ffuultUur~c rredfcerreenncccc:,. W\\Vii!m.h !t.hhils gearbox iJt Iis easy 100 repplbacce .s5oOmm~e of !lh.hee ge::aun5- thbec: wrong \"wWaay mround :amnd theon fiind lthbee gearchlwanlge will 00001( WwoO\"\"'- • WII!t.h recspac:c:lt 1to0 thbec abboo\\vle~ p:lul'a2gg.n.pphh, rrcn:lmlo(v)c~: fim geart m.a.aI.ninsshhaafft nOodling thal Ithe longer DIh.:In.aggec is outboard (piec 26)-. • Remmoovee !th.hee: gear SsddeclOf splndlJteo usilng 3n S8mm .ssppaannnner, -~MMiilllliimmeeltlr'eCS$??\" WwCc' heart you askk.. Yees Ithat'S right._Even lthough MUB hbelUlccvvcos onoly in 'Chrrilstlian' mceaa.surec:-· meenntSu he haa.s fmound thluat an Bmm oojpXe..-nn·- ender filtSs bcesstt'(pic 27),. • QCheedck; thluatl tbhe spiinnddlke ii.s nolt warped by holding liat :aagg:aaii.n1lsSI a SstUra'aIlgghl edggce: s$uOcch as a $1.««::11 rule, or by roUling on a sheet ofl \"

sllCe'Ce'Vvec: gear pilnion whlich Iis alllll5lO0 maaiinnssht:uLlft c~ase lthhce: sheUll shbould be rcpplbacce:d. fournth (plc 35) :amnd rcemovce tbhce: plinlioon • RRcc:mmoovev:ec:acmamptpalaeticnldnednetnptlpulnugncpt (ppiiCc ( pilc }~6)).. Ilrf mthe m:lûionshaft lbxeaarring iIs l~oose: 39)., Notue: tWhaIt mthis should nle\"v\\'er be ion illIS housing i1t1 willl Ibilill oOuUt when the re:mmoo\\'c:d uniless doIing a complete ggcaIr· sltete\\v'ce pinoilon iIs rcemovecd., This iInnddlClc'oaIlces orbox Sstmrip. OChle«ckk tbhce: s5pprinog antdi ltip f plunger for wce:ar (ppiiec: 400)). Thessee: r:alTreCly Wwce:alTr in mthe housing. • RRcc:mmOo\\-v\"Ce mthee spacer from mthec cenrutre of ggihl''Ce t.rroQuubbIlee. thhce: mainsshhaatfl:t oU sce:aIl (pilec 377)). This • Rcc:mo\\,'Cc mthee: camppllaalCte' using !Vy.,,!ln soc· spaacc:ettr, mcentJloonced ce:aarrlliler, iIs vecry Impor· ketl or ring spanner (Ppic 4 1), and check ltanml It agg::adinstl Ithe :sspprorocckke:c1t. mthce: c:unpllaatlcc: cdrirccuummfcf:errce:nce and In ner Lever out mthee: m:tllnnshafl 0 11 secal and dis- tracks (for wweaarr (ppiiec 42), caurdd. • Racnmdo\\n'CcOO:' legeatmhr:dadul1tabbnoogmtech quadrant (plic • Olllc.:ck mlhe gcearbox shheeUll fror slggrto'Jl of 43) Cc:l~lmlIpplhaltfec amndl crnacclkding as pointèed 100 iIn plic 38. This oonec qu:a.drant have rubber Q,.rings hto,lIulsecd in was fine. ODUutI Iilt's nol uncommono 100 fiond tmhe shell whilch should be replacle:d ( piCe crn.Icckkltnng Cc:a2uussce:d by thec Ib:y.)s'$hhaaft bea:uring \"4\"))., ,..JJ...... ..~~'c~xx~~<,n,\"::!!lnn~~gg~~pp~~,~,~ca::oo::uu:~\",,,~~oo::nn~~,m~~\".e~!~s~~h,e:e~u~U~..~~II!~r( ~\"\"~,,~I~!,~!\"\":~!m\"~~,ee_=_-~-=~==~==~~:~!=~=:==::::::::~:~::~:~::~:;:::~~::;::;:~:~!.~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.\".\"....._._._._._._._._._._._._ CLASSIiC MECHHAANN1ICS

...... rr---C-:-::=I:~~.~E:::~A~~~N--:~=I::N:~~~G-::~:----~-hb-Oo'l'd-'s-' t\"-h'-<c--sS-hha:~flftts-s-('-O0-O0 rr-ii~gg-ki·dI~l'y-Y-a\"n\"~'d -o-\"\"n-' r'-e-\"-s\"ul'-l' ----\"c':h\"':\"''t'\"I--=n-c~abn--<b(=-o'''c:-'a'u'~\"l'--O-o-rruu.b-oo--nn t''b:''c'-'g\"_-e-a':r'h~'o'\"x,~ C L E A N I N G in sh2aft bbrruakbagge~. shddJl bcec:laIuSsc(: orflthceecxxccecssssppl:b&yy. 1II1''S5 wornth Thce layshll:ldlf't beattrilng Is known 100 bhe 1:&. notilng héurte: dthr.aiIt a .w...'ider ddrri\\i-v1e!' cmhaalin than • 1Tbhcc: slurfipdown is compllete apaart f'rrom weealkk: poimnt in tbhec AMMtCC gearbox, and :5100 a !srulnnddantdJ should nOOoIt hbeè: fituted bbtttt:laU~~ ImhilS mthe rne::mm0OVV'11lI of bceaaJr:iinnggs. AIt thii5s SSttaaggee! :aalll high qualit)'Tufnol boring(shown on thbe right in plc 46) was sc.lected, c\\'en though 1000 ocann rub :aaggialillr.uslt !mhe gearbox shhce:Ull. componCOf'UllS$ sbhOould Ix ccl1ca~nccdd In trce:alldl·. • PFurther upraltling on pret'-<C:oommando lnlcI;:::SsSs for tree--aa..c..o;s;embly. SUtrictly spct::adkdlng you gcarboXxct3s c:aan bhe carried oOOuIt. by fthiltlling Ib:tneer Commando ls;CccCoOnnd gecaarns. Thce:sec should IIIlSkC h.ligghh..ffllaashpolnml SOh'cnoL Milck prefcenrs: petrol for cdleeaannling :amnd Iis vvc.a:ry mffiUuSsIt bhe flitnted :aa.s a pair. bLaUtetrt (Mk 3) acann:::(ful 10 Ith..hoorroouugghly dry cCoOmOplpoonncemmss Commm:alOndo ge:alrrSs !~tU iIdentilflied by !t,.hh(e: aftcc:rrw:ard$s. Thce geaarrbboOlx( being .ssttrrlippppce:d groovwe..'1sI iIn !their dogs (lmOp ppamir In pllCc 48)). Ihuad a &fair armoOouMnIl offsslluuddg~c In 1it1, iInnddliccaattJing lthat thbec oU had n00o1t bttn resguu1lar1ly clhwa'nIggeedd. MMildd:: changes thbec: gearbox oil I1n0 his prriiVvlUatcd:ly o-wwnneed ec:vvecry 1,000 mmillelesnannd would recommecnd nolt a1llloowwtlng thce cdhuanng~e ptutiod 1to0 go beyoand 2000 miilleds. lHie r~ecmoemmnedndss ignoring t!hce fillier 1Ic<::vVcdl plluug. and nruIling tfrrom dry Wwiith ac:axcactJtly onet pint o(f EP90 aoi!l. His prder- encec is fror SSheelll SpiimTlu: 90. \"at £18,50 induding VAT it Is much dearcr They are betuter lfOor tnumnced c:nnggiinnce:s bc:<ca:a.ullS5C The marks you aC2nR .ssce:et on tUhIet: geaurbboox thbec: te«etlhh mcesh oOvVetrt a wilder aredal 100 thban the £L2.92 Sstlancdlaarndl type, or .£t112 spread lthec loaad. 1T1hKe: Commando geoarrs arne: shell iIn piec 44 wecrcc'. made b)y' thce rollelet'\"r bce:aarriing. bifgggge«r In ovce:rraa1ll dia2nmlCc:ltec:r, hbcc:n:nceec: thce: neeendt m:linsslt:mllld spring on a F~etuhhecrrbboc:dI frraame. 1l0a chaannggee: tmhem iIn pairs. 1Tlhtcey mmeaMh moorree: lTbhiSs doesn'l hhap~pen on InlOon·FFcc,:aatlhhecrrbbcc:d 1Tbhc Tufnol bce:airing features a fDlexiibbllce: deceply)' witlh each Olther., Lthltuus t.hhcc:tr'e ils5 no problecm witlh shaft·to-shaftit dlimmeennsslOioOn$s. mOodOecll$<. nrauthhetrt tmhaann steel ccaag~c. llltlL.!sl allows fDlexing The prevlioous ownneetr' had aJllowed pallOmt REBUILD of( thbce lbayysshhaflt witbh much raedjuucccedd poas- 100 spUilli on the gce:aarrbox shcell. This \"w\":aISs • Ft:.ssssccnntlil:adlly the rcevemrs;ce o(f mthe strip- ,ssibUililItYy of( mtbec cagce bbre~aldgng up, t~he nfI'1lll2.iln down, lthe rc'b.buuilld wiltl takee longer than cdlecaanncc=:d up bly' Wwiire brushing and MMlick caaUuSsl.e\" of ILaayysshhafit b~ei:uningg f:dtillurct. mthe Slripdown. lIff recpbcecd p2atntSs do nOolt recommends dcleeaannling with thinnenrs: 1la0 appear 1l0a (fihl togcethcer do 1n\\o01l fIOorrcec mte:m. gmreaa.sscc: out of tmhe coalsSttiinngs!. He :allbso 1TlItlOoulIggh not cO\\·'crcd t~ype .ssiimmiillar 1la0 tmhce: orriiggiinnaaJl, tbhce: rceplacecnm\\ent mainshafti bbeaarr-· makd a practJkc:e aoffPpUultting aWWlollY)' 1t1o,>o0t1s$ and Ing is high quaUlity Itype: cosUting .£t118.4B8. deanJing dOown bhils .w...morlkdbxe:nch Iin rce.adli· nCc!siSs f(or bearing recncc:ww:d :a.mnd rcc.·assce:mnlbl)y' TIhlee: nne~w hbce:alrilngs shouold hbe read)y' for oflhe box. linnSSenrtiloo while the Sshhecll Is stJilIl wa:urm. Mick has m:a:ldde up hiiS own ltooli f(or pres· BEARINNG \"\" ~:~~~ squarel)' (piC 47). REMOVAL LLook for dthtce: ~reason why., Soame olf thce: • TIIlltt: home DIY mechlwantlic aC2nR eJilthhetrt putl thbec: sshbedllllin lthte: oven lfOur an hour or s5o0 rcebuilld wWoOrfk is 'fiddddll)y\"' bult no undue force 1to0 bee2a1t It,. Oofr\" use a blow 10OJ«'C:h (plec 45) ltoa 15 nccessary. Tlbhee: following rce:bbuuUUd poainItS are:- edtihthc:e:r Imppoorftt:aunlIt or useful !tJips. • lFifltrsl 6fi1l t!hhee quadr:aunut witmh necw O·rtlng Iin gCea:2rtbbox shcellLl • Refnit tbhec campl:a.ltee: with oncew O·rltng lIn t.ihlte! shheeilJl, bUIl do nOIl )y'CeIl lI1ilt reltalinilng bolt., Fitl iIndenl plungetr' 6Bnngg<e'rt 1lllghLl, TIhle cCa2mJ1plpilaatte cCa2Rn now bce -Utimoeod- as In plc 49 Thhee: DIY me«c::b:ha:untiec could f(oIllow lhliSs wJirmh lthhee: plungac pressing against Ifo'ouurthb exaammppllce: or usce:al socckkce:t witbh caarree.. Usec the ' lIop) gCe:a2rt Indce:nt 00 tLhltec Cc.:a2mJ1lppl:aatlee: and the b2ad: f:atcce, s5a0 ltoa sppeeaUk., o(f tbhce SsoOcCkkeetl 1l0a ltop of( the quuaaddrnantl arm l1e~v'edI witbh tbhce prrCeSs!si againnSstl tIh~e bce:uing. :alnd ncever try t1O0 .sshhed:11I stlud a25s shown iIn pilc S5O0 WUJUStIra.tltCc:S press a lbxeaaring home by pultting pPJr\"etSsSsUurce. bhow tbhce: c:aurnpLlaaltCe and quadrantl meslhl on litS innMnnr nr.ea«e; omnl)y'. Pretsss against thhee: toggeetthhetrt. Wee: used ::iaI sp:a!.re qu:aaddrranot 1r0a \"\"'\" '\"wann lhc asc:s SO Wl lhc: maJn and beaarriinng as a wholec or :atgainMsIt tlhhee: Oo uUtele:r smhow mt.hibs iIn case )'«Otfr\"e~: wondering I(f \"n'Ce<c. therne: should be ltWv-'O quaddrraanntt$s., lay)'s5tlWufti hbearings can . be Ikmnockecd oOuUtL. :adlways recplaces ~bei.nnngSs' as a manllce:r You 1mIllaI)r' have 10 r.-ecbheoat lthe shecll soommee:· • Now fit thbe iInner covvear 1l0a thhee- .ssbheelll. what 1tO0 gel the ncc:w hbe:atring5s 1l0a ftit. VYoou wWill neeeadl 1la0 move thbce quadr.atnlt down 0o{l cQo>Uufr'SsCe., MIler heaUling,. tth~e b~cn::&ui'ngls usu· MAnoottbheer usecful tip Iisll 1IQ0 wwrnap tbhec ncew In order ltoa fit tlhhe~ Iinner couvioe'er Oovv~err Ilt. all)'' ( oOuUtL. lf nol lthen a ligghhlll:aap usilng an bc:amri.ngs iin pl:atSstJic b>;lglgsi and pUuIl lthce:mm Iin 'l11ere's noa need 10 do tJhle Iinner coveer up., :atppprwopprrib:utcly siZUe'd SsoOcCIckectl, (for ecxuammppllee, aa!sI )y'ooWur\" frreeezer 1la0 shhrrlink them. Thhee: iIdea iIs 1IQ0 check ltblu:It alt tbhce top a.nnd a driifftt: shoukldI ftree tbhee:m. Or Sslimmppl)y' whack Oncec fBinuecdd,, double cdhue:ck th;auI mthee:yl' anre:: botutom o(f lIttSs tr.alvvce:l tmhee. quadranit does hJit thce: r~.ASing againllS5l :at bloacdk: of wood ltoa squarcel)y' home. 1TlhtIi5s Iis ImppoofnCaUnllt, sincec, if the Inner cCoOvVetrt. lJJsscc: a screcwddrrihv·CeCr' 1to0 shocckk: thce hbearings tfreeee. Ilf hce:autJing -wwiltth a move thbe quadr.atnt up and down. At thec shwtthheqy arree: slightl)y' askecw shafis and bearriinnggss: blow ltorch plba)y' thbe Ofla:tmce: oveetr' thhce: whhoollee: wUilJl be ounnddeur .ssttrree5s5 caauusslinng pprreetnruUtluurtee bOoOtttoomm 0o(f itSs Utt\"a:lvloc'dl ( plie 5SI ) gCe:a2rt is of thhce: c:aassiing 1l0a unifornmnll)y' heat ILt. Concen-· wc:aur of tbhee: becarlinngg.s'i and posssiibbllee: sh:aafft sdcle«c:rt.eodo. ThIletn cCoOuUnnlt tbhee: dcllicckks for nceu· tr.altling lthtc: fDbammce: around t!he hbeoarriinng aonil)y' brrco:akkaagge, plus absorption of(ettnlggiinnee: poowwCeS\"r trnaIl., second. tmhird:and founh (tlop) gee-a.ur5s may rcesullt In d!lstonion of( t.hhee shheellll. IAt. 10 0ovveerrccoommee: mthe addiLtiioornuatJl rceslissttaannccce:. aa.s~ )y'OoUu levvce:r thbec quadr.aunllt upwaa.nlts. Onnccee: sJimplec: WwOalyy 100 tetll when tbhce: shce1lIl iISs hot • If lthec aOild bce:aar.riinngs wcerree: looosse:e: In thbeirt )y\"o0u0 hl:alvve~ eCs$t:lablilsslhtoeod thbec cl.\"oOrtrre'ecCt tUimiIng ec:nnoouoggh 1la0 fEnr:«e tbhce: hbeeaarriinngps is 1l0a splil on housimngs thbecn mthe usec of lLoocctitlttce: Bcearing (gecaarrlinngg)) oo(fcarmnplate 1to0 quadr.atnIt, Itilgbhttce:n iILt. UngcentlJlcemanly)'?? Iln mthat acassee: sprinklec At iIs :alddvisable 10 !hloaIld mthe oulter nr.tccee. If quadrr.:atnLt. carmnplatce and plunger bolt$s. some water 0o0n iILt. Ilf 1I1 ev:aappooratedslOInSsltantliy)' tbhe wear In ltIhlfe: housing iIs quit,e pro- Keeep lthe Inner cover on whilllee: )y'0o1u1 do thbils lhc:n thbec: shhce:1llI iIss Ww:WarlmD eCnllOouUggh. nouncoedo tihle n usec loOcctlitlce Quilck Mcet:aml. to limit quadrant Utr\".:llvedl and mthuuss prce.vvecnt • On tbhce: subj«e:c1l of repl:aaceecmecnt bear· TIhle bce:aarriing ouUtlcetr nraectC:!>5 should nOIl Ibxc' al· Imhee: camplate tfrom bedinng trurmnced whUee)y'ou inngps M.kic:k says therec arce lthhnr:e.\"cC: oppUliooon.s: lowed 1to0 mrolaallec: wfithln tbhedlr housings. I(f tUlgghlten Ithe boilltSs. s5uWndXabnrd.I baallli raaccee: rollleetr', and high qUuaalJiitly mthis ha2ppens t.hhecy aC2nR RmlOov\\'ec (fmroOml silde 10 • Irf)'yOoUu Intemnd 1lO0 fit rcoarsrseelSu and wibsh baa1lIl race. Hee: recoommmmce:nndd!si thce laauueet'\"r skid1ec. oovvce:rrhhee~altt, and caUauSsl.e\" Ccrra.tcclkdinng of tmhee: tOo rae.waJn tmhee: onoce-·down t:hhreece.·.up pattcermn at optdioon, arguilng tmhat tbhce: roollllear coonnvvecrnsion sheU., mce:nnttJJoonecd eCa:2rtlUieer. AAlISSo tbhce: driivvee: thce: gear lever, MH camn suppl)y' :at rcevvtetSrsCcd '\" CLlAASSSSIC MECHANICS

• acammppLl.:al.tlce 1to0 fbaccilllJ1l2ltec tbhls't. bly Dnce:cd an extension 1t0o get enoullgh ecxplaiined ecarllite:r to carry thils. YVOoIuI c:aan • RManlovec inner coov\\'ct and filt sslette\\v-'Ct:: Ict:vuea:rgagc=t: 1t0o ltigtu en thbet: nUllL UUse Loocett:lttct: on uUsSe(: thet: dullttCch body Ir'ddalI.ilnlinog ril0n8g1to0 hold gea2rt pinlion. YVoou wil!l moslt Ukkf:d:ly neced 10 the loodctab sccnu::w. thee: nae.w.. bc::auriinngglIn tlhIleé heeauleed cQovVear whille gcttnIltly lIa2p iI1t home witllhl Cca'.urcdfuuIl u~se olfltlhle • FAit dtraain plug wihllhl fibr«t: Wwa2sShher and )y'OoUu Uudddde tbhce onecw kIdicksslW2rt bush, if! mainshaft. Wlithb mthat doonnee: priimmee: main and Looccttiillee: as a pJ>rfeCcCallu1tlI1O1Onn.. necessary. laysMlWft bearr:iings witllhl olil • Turn cam.ppll2autte: 10 noe.umua!l position, Ilec: • Assemblie Ikdickstlartt mrauc.b:bct:t asseomnbly • Fit oil s$Cc2a.I OoVvf~t' s51h1a:lfft oo (r s leeecv\\'te: geart sshh2a1l1lo0wWtC:SS1l groove. ThlSs is~ mOSt impon:amnl witmh nocew spring and pawil pin. TThhes~eCC'OOml'· (plcc: SS II). Thce ncew sna!l beling fitute:d here and ssuurtpprlisslingly Ignorced In .SsOomte: manullaall.s.. poonnCe':nfltts mUusSt be lin good coornKdIition oOfr\" ltIhle h:al!si a mte:laIl outlerccaage ilnnsslla~dd oo fmthe mooree: • NOW re foi t lthIlee gte.'a2fr dusIter uIIssiing nnc~w IpUawl and Sgcc:aur cano be damagecd., and tmhe common alll rubber 1t)y'ppCe. Now fit tbhe bronzuc: bushes and makilng sure gecaarns arec pawl .alone CooOsSt.t!s.i£A4. essentilal $sppaecer (plic S52). the r1igght Ww2aYy round as mmecntni~~ Iin mthe • Fit sthuanf:t assecmbly ibnlltOo laysbha2ffit: fBirstl • 1Tbhce sprockcel., Id't hand thrcead frectlain·- Ssutrtipdown prooccce:ss. Lubrlicatle ;aill panrus lIibh- gor and roo1l2IlCe until the pawJl 1is$ atl ssiJaI: ing nut and Ilocckktt.aab c:aan be fiuneedd. lThhec eerraallly withb geeaarbroh:o&x: oUil durilng assecmbly. o''cdlooce::k (pplicc: S4) so ItIhl:aul IIt cc::IIeu~s the SstloppSs opportUunniity was taken 100 rrtq:Jpllace~e mthe • I1I IS aa11sso a2dvl5Smablke 10 LoctiItle the when the iInner COOll'ec:r iISs fiintteedd. woarmn 19·ItOooOlth sprockelt witbh a 21H-1ooooth .ssdeeJcectoor spindle. Do tmhis by applying • fFiil tmhe geo:rtnc:hhaannge qUuadrnaonlt rolUler. sprockelt (or moIr'Ce: redlaxxeecd1 crulisIing at LoctiIlte 100 tmhCe' mthret:alds iIn tbheesshhdd1J (pilc 53). Thils must bbCe' doonnCe' befoore mthee iIMnnear cover lower 1~'C\\'5. SprockkeeltSs &from 160-24 t«eetlh IIf( you appl y LoccId!Ltce (lO0 tbhec threads on tmhe Iis fitntCe'dd.. are avaaJilable (foor\"r tbhlis gc:a:arrbboox. spindle iItI can gel wiped a1Jo0ng mthee: spindIle • Fitl Inner cover using a n~ew gaskkCeL • lIf tbhce: sprocket nUl thuas a chamfCe'rewd and so bind mthe s5Ce!l1eec=ttoor foOrkOs., Coal both skliecs of( tbhce gasket witmh g.rrecassce:. eddggee: !thils shouJld DmUale agg:ailn5stl thbe dish of • BBedf0o«re' thhee: iInnnnce:r cover c:aan bbCe' fiunce:d This bedlpps mthe gasket 1to0 seaJl, and a1lso the sprocc.kkeeLt. 1bbcc: nUutl needs 1to0 bte: dligthut.- tmhCe' malinshaft bearing It conmtains should avoids S~ttiicckkiinng and posssiibbllce: ltearling of tbhCe' -J \"._.__~\"\".~\"\".\",\"~~,nx.~.~\"_C~_LL~_~YY_OO~.UU~.ww_~UW··~'~pp~.rr~oo.OO..oo._._._._.~.~n_~c_~~_cs_~~_.~~.__u_u~.~~~._mm~_Ce_~\"..~\"..\"m~_Ce_~hh_~~e.~a.tu~i'_nn~8;g~.mm_~ee.~~m.~..d._._._._.~~~..~.~.._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._... .. enedSsoOtlhhaalllloocckkttaabbaililgnswiltmh onnCe'of\"tmhe bhee: rtc'placed plus thhee: Ikdicksta:urt bush iIf gaskcet should you need 100 rcemovvee: tbhce: ClASSIC MECHANICS 21

.. ~~ rr--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~I • Whecn refi ul1ing the nOuUtts which secure • nBefrOofrCe Ithe o uttce::r ,(\":o'Ovvc:e:r can be fitnted • Oncec thbec: aOUu lIaet-' cover hhaa..'~i blx.t'Ctnn filtltee<d! Ithe inner cover MMidid adds washer almnd doouubbl<le\" check thait the gear selectIion reepllaacce~s tJhue: (rwo (C:Xx:ltet:rior mnuiltSs witlhl slualin-· 1l(e\"vVetr' tible 1W0 select $SeCC\"COond gcear works. leOstSs sstte«d1trypes of smaller diameter. These and make suuree ttbhe~ ho le~ iIn the quadrant look better Itbhan oOrriiginal and allIow mthe UU$See roller polinltSs outwarrddSs ( pic 633)).. Fit new • Now filt the IinspectiiOon cover and gas. gasskkce:t grrceaas<se.-d both slideess.. lInsecn a suiClbIlc kkeL This cover givces acccl$s$s 1to0 fit tlblec of aa ¥M161inn .ssoocckkce:t Ir'a2tther than opte.\"nf-1e.ennddecd spmner. Torqouce .ssetting o f 1JO0-· IS5ft·lb. screeww to tbhe ccce..· o f the gearrcdhllalnge cdluuttecbh cablie.. NNoote thal iI1l hbas a trilny sspplinndd1le (plic 644)). This a1llIQoWwSs yroou 1IO0 move breaatthhec;fr hole. MMaake surec thi!b; is I • ICf tLhhce: Iinner cover Is rce:llucCtlaanlt t1o0 fil COovvers withb thbe Norton Ilée..g-gecnnd In rcclitledr tmlle gearCduhtannggce: mechanism housed wimthi n :a.ur-ee av:alilIlablie from MH. sS\"n\"u,g~ly,. Ilighhttlly 1t:atp wi dlhl soRft rfacee: hammer. the oOuUteet\"r cover. • To improve geaarrbboo.x breathing on Ir mis d~oemn ',l do tbhec tur:ilck remove mthe • Now you ocann anenmlplf 1t0o fit thce outer prree-Mk3 Commando gearboxes MH rret(c:-. cCOov\\'cer and chae:c1ki: thait main aond layshafts covvetr'.. The .aan Is 1tO0 1lo0c0a0tee tbhe p in on mthe ommends drilling tmhe iInnnner cCoOv\\'eCrf to arec properly hommee:. rattcchhCe't :al..S..sSeemmbly iInltOo the quadrant ro ller acecept a main jet or the Mk \"33 breathber • The mailnshafti nut shouJldd be ltoorrqqUuI.c...dJ (pic 655)),. Thils looks $stralightforwwaartd in thhCc' ( piCe 66). Obvfiously this should be donDee\" \"'_\"'=<Is.100 7Oft·lb. lIil's adv\\'isabJlce 10 UuSsCe Locltlte on picture, bUUlilLt camn bhe a re<a'3Jlfliddle. It Iis aIlso during tmhe striiJpXdIoowwn st:alge ilrf d esired. obe_ important 1t0o make sure thbee:: dcluuttch acetuat· Ing I1cL..'V'Vecr doesn 't gel in thee: w:ay. 1T'0o pre· • Now you can put thbe k eunkle o00n. Ilf • When refitting thbce dutuc::h mcechanism, youu are srtucek fror pp::uu1us tbhen get In it Is iImpoolrUuDnl ltOo gce:t correct alliggonmmCeOntl vcenot lthis ussee: the dcluurtch pushrod tOo push tloOuch wilth NOorMtooQn ssppeeddaalJllsstt. Mlck wimth the cdlUinlch caablce: for smooth duUticdhl back the clutch mechaannism soa thatl tbhe HHe~mmglnsgs Motoorrccyycdtes at 36-42 action. actuating lever is lifted. Yo u mayr aIlso find iJt nCct':C:ce:ssarty tOo Sslip the gcear lever o n tOo WdllingtooQn SSttreeelt., NNoonnhhaammpptrooQn • Toa do LtJhlils ftit Ihllec: outer cover lalIn1d NNIl 3lAAS. TTedl 0604-38S505. make iIt ce2aSsier to wriigggle thee OouUtleerr cover mark t!hee: innecr cover wwiimth a feillt JpXe\"n 1w0 CLASSIC MECHANICS homee. show thbec: ecunrtry 2an1glgllee: of the d UutIcdht c:a.blec (pic 55)).. Now remove LtIhle ouler covecr and fit !the clutch body and ball lhxe-aring so mthat thhee:ssllOotl fo r tbhce actuating arm is in linee: witlh mthe mark on thbec Inner <(:.'oQv\\e'crt (pic 56). • Tighten the dcluutlCch bOoddy witmh tbhec spoctaI tool. Yo u maayr find lthat you oceecd to use aa punch fort finaJl tigihltening. ussce: one onl)y' Ilfrreeaally necessary. • To check alUignnmen t replace outer cover. and pass aa scribe or ssimillaar throuogh !.hee: d utch acabble entry in thee:: oOUotue:rr covecr (pliec s577). • You fmfi:aly netce::d seevvce::rt:Ja.Il lalUueemmplS5 10 get this alignment spot 0o0n., but It wiJll Ibxe wonh mthe ltTroOuuble [to0 av\\'Ooid ssttiiJfff dUlch a<tcetion. • TOo redfiilt kilckstraarnt spring turn the kickstraarnt shaft sSOo thail th e spring locating hole is ialt 12 o'dock. Inseernt the spring ltang iIn ltOo thliSs hole, thecn lturmn thbe shaft dockkwwiiss(e: unnruUl It is against Ilts SstlOop. G.rrip tbhe U--ssce:ccttilon pan orf the.spring withb long nocse pUliecrs .lo.nd pull thee spring round full dLirrcelec and loocoatele:: ilt againslt illtSs dowel. • COomponents housed wlitlh thbe oo uuttet\"t CcOov\\\"er oClnJ1 now Ibxe. assembIled. Innssca:rt get:ar· ¥I\"change spring and tOPp pLalte. Ussce:: .::aI !>At!' WhilltWwOOnnh .ssooccket 1to0 ligh ten thbe two hbOolitl:S; \"\"\",,,,,,.SstCt!:Cuutrddy., nOoIt rforgettling thbee: shakceproof washcrs. • Fit nne~w aO-·riinnggss 10 Itbhe kickstlart hous- log (plc 58)) and 100 gecarchangce $shaft (PpiiCc 59). Inslue:ad ofr ().rings MH offers :.:aI conversion tOo 0o U11 seaalls.. ThiSs reqUuirees machining ofr tbhce: outer cover. • Fiitl gcearchange .sshluafit assembly to oOuulter cCOov\\'eCr not Cfoorrgcettling larrggee: diameter shlomo waasshhce::r. Ussling aa sccreewwddriver eennsstu1rrte\" Ithe peg o n thbe asscembly locaanlee!s! bectween tbhee twwOo et'2anrs1 of twbe maaJin gCe-'.Auf'change slipring (piec GO).. • FAit gecarchanoge hairp in sppring with Sstur:aailgghtl leg uppermoOSsIt (plc 6 1). Ilf you filt tbhlis thbe wrong w ay round )y'Oou won',t bhe able 1to0 see:lect ggCe.'allJr\"s$. Insce:rnt gce:aarrccbhaannggce: ra2tchbelt amfteer o iUliing shaafit maakking sure haallf moon quadranit is poi/nting towards thee teethb (Ppice 62). 22

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