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Business, Government and Law Postgraduate

Get A World Class Education At UC

Featured inside About our Faculty Message from the Dean Postgraduate Study Options WIL Partnerships Degrees offered

About our Faculty The Faculty of Business and Government was initially established in 2008 and merged with the Faculty of Law in 2012 to become the Faculty of Business Government & Law. We are unique as a Faculty in that we were the first Faculty in any Australian University to combine the three disciplines of Business, Government and Law. So why is this im- portant? Business, Government & Law are the primary institutions that shape our complex world. Interaction be- tween these three institutions, and their impact on society, forms the major intellectual focus of our Faculty. Being in the Nation’s Capital, our degrees focus on nation building and service to government and the wider Australian com- munity within a global and sustainable context. We are the home to over 3500 students, including undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degree by research stu- dents located in the Canberra Law School, the Canberra Business School, the Canberra School of Politics, Economics & Society and the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis. Within the Faculty, we are committed to providing an outstanding student experience, where teaching and learning is delivered by exceptional teachers and researchers in sectors where our students enjoy the best employment out- comes in the ACT following graduation. We pride ourselves on providing students with an exceptional learning experience in a supportive environment where employers, industry, government and professionals are integrated into the curriculum. Located in the nation’s capital and, representing the major employment sectors within the ACT, a UC degree in business, government, law, policy/political science, economics, management, tourism and justice studies, will give you the advantage you are looking for!

DID YOU KNOW? The Faculty of Business, Government and Law

…. offers the only Bachelor of Politics and International Relations in Australia, as well as a Bachelor of Economic and Social Policy with majors in Sociology and Economic Policy. …. provides opportunities for our postgraduate students can undertake units with our global partners in Bhutan, Ningbo and Shanghai. …. has for every one of our awards a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component for Internships, Industry or Research Pro- jects and students have the opportunity of completing internships in international destinations. …. develops, promotes and leads international experience for students through the New Colombo Plan mobility grants. the leading provider of graduate programmes in public administration, public policy and finance for the Common- wealth. … .presently receives funding for eight Australian Research Council (ARC) research projects on critical governance prob- lems in Australia ...through NATSEM provides authoritative commentary on the Australian budget and via STINMOD+ is one of the leading policy modelling organisations in Australia ...conducts authoritative applied research on different aspects of social inclusion with a particular emphasis on modelling wellbeing and innovation in policy intervention .....publishes one of Australia’s leading public policy blogs – The Policy Space ( home to the BroadAgenda blog which explores the many diverse aspects of gender equality - and its myriad challenges, constraints and constructs - in a fresh, new way (

Our Schools

THE CANBERRA BUSINESS SCHOOL Business is changing faster than ever before, which means business graduates need to be prepared for the changes they will face in their careers. The Canberra Business School seeks to produce work-ready business graduates by transforming critical thinking into practical solutions. We transform work, business and society through excellent teaching, research and engagement.   The Canberra Business School is a leader in educating business professionals for the future through innovative teaching and diverse modes of experiential learning. We do this by:   ·       being student-centred, and focused on relevant work-integrated learning opportunities;   ·       engaging with organisations in The ACT and surrounds;   ·       integrating research-led teaching;   ·       conducting practical and industry-relevant research   One of the guiding principles of the Canberra Business School is our engagement with business, government and not-for- profit professionals and organisations within Canberra, nationally and internationally. Through our industry engagement, our students receive practical business education that gives them the edge in the employment market. According to the Quality in Learning and Teaching (QILT) data, our graduate employability outcomes exceed the national average, compared to outcomes from other universities for full-time employment, overall employment and median salaries for graduates.

THE CANBERRA SCHOOL OF POLITICS, ECONOMICS & SOCIETY       The Canberra School of Politics, Economics & Society offers the only Bachelor of Politics and International Relations in Australia, as well as a Bachelor of Economic and Social Policy with majors in Sociology and Economic Policy. These courses provide students with a strong foundation in the social sciences to prepare them for careers across government, business, and civil society. Students in these courses can extend their studies through an honours year, which includes both course work and thesis components.   Our location in the nation’s capital provides us with strong networks in government and policy-relevant businesses and we draw on these connections to keep our teaching offerings fresh and relevant to today’s students.     Our research analyses the big questions that confront contemporary society and informs public debate. 

Michael Walsh is a Sociologist and Program Director of the Bachelor of Social and Economic Policy. Michael teachers and researches in the School of Politics, Economics and Society, within the Faculty of Business, Government and Law. Michael’s research agenda pursues sociological themes that harnesses theoretical and practical issues related to com- munication technologies, exploring how people make sense of the world through the meaning they generate through their experiences and uses of technology, from a variety of methodological perspectives. Specifical- ly, Michael’s most recent projects include examining the visual dimen- sions of identity and performance strategies on social networking sites like Instagram, investigating the tactics Twitter users adapt in navi- gating incivility online, and another project that studies the visual di- mensions of sharing tourism experiences through digital photography. Michael is now embarking on a new project that investigates the role of streaming platforms—such as Spotify—as they relate to music consump- tion. Michael also regularly engages with the media and has published articles and commentary with ABC TV, ABC Radio, The Conversation, The Guardian and The Canberra Times amongst others. Assistant Professor Michael Walsh Canberra School of Politics, Economics & Society

CANBERRA LAW SCHOOL      Canberra Law School is a dynamic, professionally focused law school dedicated to the student experience.  We are ranked among Australia’s top law schools for generic skills development and graduate employment outcomes. Our research is innovative, impactful and world-class.  Our courses are designed to equip you with the academic skills needed for a successful career in the legal profes- sion or related field. Our team of highly experienced staff are committed to supporting you to become work-ready now and into the future. As you study with us, our extensive links with law firms, industry, government and non-government agencies and community partners, provide you with opportunities to complete internships and gain real-world experience. Inter- national exchanges, a vibrant mooting program, and an active law student society enable you to distinguish yourself as an accomplished Canberra Law School graduate.    Our research at the Canberra Law School is published in leading international and Australian journals and is widely recognised. We collaborate with industry, law firms, government and non-government agencies and the community, on research innovation and law reform.


Graduate Certificate in Creative Business Are you a creative thinker without solid business acumen? This course has been specifically designed for those with inspired minds, who might lack the knowledge required commercialise their passion. You’ll have the opportunity to learn with like-minded peers, whilst focusing on the common challenges present with- in creative businesses. Explore topics such as everyday operational requirements, business planning and other tools and skills required to support continual operations. This course combines theoretical instructions with case studies, group exercises and individual project work. Learn how to take control of the business aspects of the creative work you do, to help sustain

The Graduate Certificate in Government Law is a program tailored for public sector law professionals and consultants. Further your career opportunities within the legal sector by investing in your skill set. This course addresses issues at the core of legal practice within the public sector. The program offers advanced insight into government contracting and procurement, data management law, public sector workplace law and professional practice in government. Enhance your understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing professional legal practice in government whilst learning to navigate the legislation that regulates legal practice in government. This course has been designed in close consultation with members of the Australian Government Lawyers Network, the ACT Law Society Government Law Committee, IP Australia and the Canberra Law School. What’s in it for you? • Gain an enhanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing professional legal practice in government. • Learn to navigate legislation that regulates legal practice in government. • Develop a broader network of contacts and peers in the sector. • Better position your self for promotion or career progression.

Graduate Certificate in Accounting The Graduate Certificate in Accounting is a program designed for students who may have an overseas accounting qualification and are required to undertake 4 units (12cp) to meet the requirements of the award. Students entering this award must have their qualifications assessed by either CPA Australia or Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand to identify the unit set required to meet accreditation requirements. As an individual award, the Graduate Certificate in Accounting does not meet accreditation requirements for the accounting professional bodies. This course will equip students with discipline specific knowledge and technical and practical skills in accounting and related disciplines. Student will be able to exercise initiative and professional judgement to solve accounting and/or related business problems in diverse contexts using social, ethical, economic, regulatory and global perspectives.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has sur- vived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, re- maining essentially unchanged.

Graduate Certificate in Business If the idea of one day developing the knowledge and skills to confidently navigate complex global business environments excites you, then UC’s Graduate Certificate in Business is the perfect next step from which to launch your international business career. This highly flexible course will help you develop exceptional business decision-making skills covering a diverse range of management subjects including business and management, deci- sion making, political and legal frameworks, and the management of people. This course has been specifically designed to prepare you for a range of business management positions in both the government and private sectors by teaching you the business skills to be able to adapt seamlessly to any business environment. Make it your business to know all things busi- ness from the ground up with a respected qualification from UC. WIL is an integral part of the UC journey and This approach gives you an invaluable opportuni- ty to meet and build strong networking relationships with industry professionals and greatly improves your employability after graduation.

Career Outcomes • General manager • Business owner • CEO • Analyst • Management consultant • Entrepreneur • Arts administrator • Council representative • Business administration manager • Project manager • Program manager

Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Finance The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Finance for the Australian Public Sector program delivered by the Insti- tute for Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA) at the University of Canberra. The program is available to APS employ- ees at EL1, EL2 and SES Band 1 levels, as well as Policy Officers at APS 6. This program is designed for future APS lead- ers and is aimed at developing the management and policy skills needed to meet the governance challenges of the 21st century. In particular, it focuses on providing participants with the skills, strategies and tools to develop the high- est quality policy proposals. The program co-designed by IGPA, the Department of Finance, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Treas- ury, and the Department of Education and Training. It deepens participants’ understanding of public policy practices in Australia, tools of policy analysis, as well as the processes and skills required for effective budgeting and financial management in Australia. Its first three deliveries have included 160 participants from 20 Commonwealth agencies. Teaching staff on the program are drawn from IGPA’s world-leading academic staff, as well as current and former practitioners from the APS and beyond. Participant Entry Requirements The Graduate Certificate is open to current APS employees at SES Band 1, EL1, and EL2 levels (or equivalent), as well as to Policy Officers at APS 6. As the course is an accredited Graduate Certificate, participants require either a bache- lor’s degree, or proof of sufficient work experience

The program comprises of interactive IGPA exceeded my expectations by lectures, problem-solving workshops providing an enjoyable learning and case studies. There is strong experience and wide-ranging subject emphasis on collaborative learning experts. underpinned by research-based evidence and practical tools. The Very positive overall. Lots of knowledge program comprises of four units. Each imparted; stories shared of good exam- unit includes assessments that give ples of policy and innovation; high profile participants an opportunity to apply speakers providing valuable insights; their learning to real policy or good balance of theory and practice. management issues from their work- Exceeded expectations place. Fabulous... lots of interesting topics and new ways of thinking. The course was positive and so were the people. Fantastic introduction to policy; very insightful, interesting and helpful. Outstanding and professional presentation. Provided access to some very high quali- ty presentations that I would never have access to. It was really useful to have all of this key info and theory pulled togeth- er in a relevant and current way.

Graduate Certificate Program Units A graduate certificate will typically take 6 months full time to complete, or part-time equivalent. It comprises of core units that will comprehensively introduce key concepts and skills in a particular field. Graduate Certificate in Government Law Data Management Law Public Sector Workplace Law Graduate Certificate in Accounting Professional Practice in Government Choose 12 credit points Government and Corp Contracting Accounting Systems & Practices Auditing Business Finance Business Law Contemporary Issues in Accounting Economics for Managers Management Accounting Managing Government Finance Business and Government Internship BGL Research Project Research Methods Entrepreneurship Business Decision Making BGL Industry Project Corporate Accounting Law of Business Associations Quantitative Methods in Commerce Revenue Law Accounting and Decision Support System

Graduate Certificate in Creative Business Graduate Certificate in Business Human Behaviour in Organisations Institutions of Law and Government Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Business and Management in Context Finance Business Decision Making Public Policy—Design and Analysis Economic Policy Analysis - the Australian Budgetary Framework Managing Government Finances Leading, Managing and Implementing Change


Graduate Diploma in Accounting The Graduate Diploma in Accounting is a program is designed for students who may have an overseas accounting qualification and are required to undertake a number of 8 units (24cp) to meet the requirements of the award. Students entering this award must have their qualifications assessed by either CPA Australia or Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand to identify the unit set required to meet accreditation requirements. As an individual award, the Graduate Diploma in Accounting does not meet accreditation requirements for the accounting professional bodies.

Graduate Diploma in Business Become a business leader of any business. Take your leadership skills and experience to the next level and discover how to manage more effectively across a wide range of complex, global and ever- changing business environments with UC’s Graduate Diploma in Business. Highly flexible and engaging, this course explores a variety of business disciplines including accounting and finance, marketing, management, human resources, economics, and international business. This course will help you develop your strategic problem-solving skills and show you how to use creativity, critical analysis, research and theory to solve real world business problems in a logical and comprehensive way. This course offers mainstream, evening and weekend study options designed specifically to enable both full or part time study to enable you to manage your existing professional commitments.

Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies The Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies (GDLS) is a post-graduate law program designed for those who have already completed or are close to completing a bachelor's degree in another discipline. It will allow professionals who have already completed a degree in another discipline to try post-graduate legal studies and will allow them to transi- tion into the Juris Doctor (JD). It will also allow UC undergraduate students who are completing a degree in another discipline to begin adding post-graduate level law units towards the end of their studies, operating as a vertical pathway into the JD. The JD is a master's level law degree which has professional accreditation with the Supreme Court of the ACT and the State of New South Wales. Students graduating from a GDLS will be able to demonstrate foundational legal knowledge and skills at post- graduate level, enhancing their employment opportunities. The units in the GDLS are also introductory, foundational units in the JD. With an emphasis on practical legal problem-solving, the JD units are designed to ground legal education in the broader social and economic context and support students' development as socially responsible and ethical professionals With small class sizes and highly qualified and experienced staff, students will be encouraged to develop their advocacy abilities and legal skills, while understanding their connections to the theory and history of law. Students who transition to a JD will apply their talents in the real world, with opportunities to complete a law internship and/or international study through linkages with law firms, government and non-government agencies and overseas Universities.

Graduate Diploma Program Units Expanding on the graduate certificate, a graduate diploma cultivates an advanced understanding and proficiencies in a specific area. This qualification can often give you the necessary leap into the next stage of your career. In most cases, the graduate diploma can be credited and used as a pathway into further postgraduate study. A graduate diploma will typically take 1 year full time to complete, or part-time equivalent. Graduate Diploma in Accounting Accounting Systems & Practices Auditing Business Finance Business Law Contemporary Issues in Accounting Economics for Managers Management Accounting Managing Government Finance Business and Government Internship BGL Research Project Research Methods Entrepreneurship Business Decision Making BGL Industry Project Corporate Accounting Law of Business Associations Quantitative Methods in Commerce Revenue Law Accounting and Decision Support System

Graduate Diploma in Business Economics for Managers Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies Institutions of Law and Government Business and Management in Context Entrepreneurship Business Decision Making Foundations of Law and Justice Dispute Management Lawyers and Professional Responsibility Contract Law Torts Law Criminal Law and Procedure Constitutional Law

Our Research Institute THE INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNANCE AND POLICY ANALYSIS (IGPA) The Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the Faculty of Business, Government and Law was established in 2014 to conduct world leading research and education in governance and policy analysis to deepen theory, advance knowledge and improve practice, in a way that is of significance to scholars and practitioners in Australia and beyond. In a short period of time it has achieved remarkable synergies in research, education and public engagement that pro- vide fertile conditions for innovation in research-led education for the professions. The Institute consists of five re- search groups: • Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance • Centre for Change Governance ( • National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) • 50/50 by 2030 Foundation • Democracy 2025

CENTRE FOR DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE The Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance is the world-leading research centre specialising on how democracies can be transformed to become more inclusive and sensitive to good reasons and considerations. It is glob- ally recognised for its work on innovative normative political theory and empirical research, particularly in the fields of environmental politics, global governance, critical policy analysis, and deeply divided societies. Over a five-year period, the Centre has published nine books, over a hundred journal articles and book chapters, hosted five international work- shops and conferences and hosted over 60 visitors from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. The Centre runs masterclasses on democratic innovations, a biennial Deliberative Democracy Summer School, and an interdisciplinary PhD programme. Visit or @DelDemUCan for more infor- mation about the Centre. 

Nicole Curato is a prize-winning sociologist based at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Govern- ance. Her work examines how democratic politics can unfold in the aftermath of tragedies, focusing on com- munities in the Philippines affected by disasters, armed conflict, and urban crime. Her latest book Democracy in a Time of Misery: From Spectacular Tragedy to Delibera- tive Action (2019, Oxford University Press) outlines pos- sibilities for the poorest and most vulnerable communi- ties to transform everyday experiences of suffering to democratic innovations that give them voice and visibil- ity in a highly unequal society. Nicole connects her aca- demic work to a public audience through television pro- grammes she conceptualises and hosts for CNN Philip- pines, op-eds in international publications including the New York Times and Al Jazeera, regular appearances in international media, and creative formats like podcasts and short films for iFlix. Associate Professor Nicole Curato Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance

CENTRE FOR CHANGE GOVERNANCE The Centre for Change Governance (CCG) is a multidisciplinary research centre that seeks to achieve transformative governance in the context of an uncertain democratic future. Governance refers to the ways in which societies organise to identify and best manage their collective problems. Change governance captures the rapidity and extent of change in the challenges confronting democracy, government, and society more generally; and the equally rapid and extensive ways in which the institutions and processes of governance must now respond. In governance terms, these are very difficult and unsettling times. Decreasing trust in politics, politicians and institutions such as the media (and partly reflected in the rise of populism), together with increased globalisation, digitalisation, profession- alisation, individualisation and mediatisation, makes governing well much more challenging than previously. Indeed, these changes contribute to a crisis of democracy. CCG focuses on these issues, drawing upon a range of disciplines to understand the problems, and then to engage with government and society to address them. As such, the re- search we undertake and our engagement with the Australian Public Service, the institutions of government and governance more generally, is important to Australia’s future. CCG incorporates expertise in political science, public policy, public administration, environmental regulation and governance, natural resource management, democratic participation, political communication, online engagement and political participation, and big data analysis. This allows us to comprehensively address these contemporary governance problems comprehensively. CCG members are committed to bridging theory and practice and delivering research outcomes with impact; before we can solve a problem, we need to specify it accurately. Accordingly, CCG aims to lead research that is responsive to the views and needs of end users – government agencies, parliamentari- ans, civil society and industry – but that is framed and driven by our core agenda, interests and experience in a way that allows us to identify how these problems can be successfully addressed.

My research is concerned with foreign influence and propaganda operations in Australia and the United States. I have published research outlining the strategies utilized by Russian and PRC influence opera- tions and the manner in which these operations under- mine democratic practice in countries like Australia and the United States. This research uses a mixture of small N tracing of connections between foreign state and nonstate actors through to domestic media outlets and actors as well as computational social science methods to identify patterns of communications across hundreds of millions of cases. In 2019, along with two colleagues, I produced a report funded by Australian Defence Science and Technology which showed that the PRC had an interest in seeing the de- feat of the incumbent coalition government. My work has been covered extensively in the media and I have been asked to present this work to the Australian parliament as well. Associate Professor Michael Jensen Research Area: Foreign Influence and Propaganda

50/50 BY 2030 FOUNDATION The 50/50 by 2030 Foundation is a gender equality ‘innovation hub’ launched by IGPA in 2017. Unique in both vision and approach, our aim is to ensure that by the year 2030, men and women will be equally represented in leadership and key decision-making roles at all levels of government and public administration throughout Australia, and across our region. Backed by world class research expertise, and home to some of the nation’s most respected gender scholars, equality advocates and industry practioners, the 50/50 Foundation is rapidly becoming the ‘go-to’ centre for project collabora- tion, program design and media commentary. Our media platform, BroadAgenda produces a daily output of solid, well informed research analysis, commentary, interviews and news. We have published articles from over 250 contributors from around the world and across disciplines. Our energetic and rapid response to the coronavirus pandemic resulted in a pre-lockdown conference featuring the nation’s leading gender experts on workplace equality, sex discrimination, human rights and public leadership. This was followed by the launch of the Snap-Forward Feminist Policy Network – a collaborative policy think-tank.

As a journalist and tv news presenter in Canberra I was always impressed by the ‘big vision’ and bold thinking at IGPA, so when the opportunity arose to establish the 50/50 Foundation at the University of Canberra, it was a no-brainer! Right from the outset our razor sharp focus has been on impact, so it was fantastic to see the University of Canberra named 20th in the world for ‘Impact in Gender Equality’ when measured against the UN’s SDG’s in the World University mpact Rankings 2020. This is an outstanding achievement for us! Right now, this is the most exciting place to be for anyone with a passion for policy reform and citizen action. Virginia Haussegger AM Chair of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation: Chief Editor BroadAgenda  

NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC MODELLING For over 20 years NATSEM has been one of Australia’s leading economic and social policy research centres, and is regarded as one of the world’s foremost centres of excellence for microsimulation, economic modelling and policy evaluation. NATSEM undertakes independent and impartial research, and aims to be a key contributor to social and economic policy debate and analysis Australia-wide and throughout the world through expert economic modelling of the highest quality, while also supplying research services to commercial, government and not-for-profit clients. Through its research NATSEM is an active contributor to social and economic policy debate and its research re- ceives extensive media and public attention. NATSEM’s work covers the areas of Tax/Transfer policy modelling, small area policy modelling for urban and re- gional areas, modelling disadvantage and policies to reduce disadvantage, modelling labour force including child- care, and modelling health conditions and costs.

The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling has maintained the STINMOD microsimulation model since 1994. This tool comprehensively models the tax and transfer system in Australia and includes all personal taxations and federally administered wel- fare payments (other than the National Disability Insurance Scheme). In 2018, STINMOD+ online was released to enable mem- bers of the public to estimate their family’s tax liability and welfare payments. In April 2020, in the wake of the Australian Government’s record stimulus package in response to COVID19, NATSEM updated this online model. As a result, all Australians can access accurate, up-to-date and personally tailored information about their changing financial entitlements. This is one example of how NATSEM research provides leadership for the nation. Professor Brenton Prosser, Director, NATSEM


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