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Home Explore Induction Guide 2020

Induction Guide 2020

Published by nilima.mathai, 2019-12-24 05:20:11

Description: Induction Guide 2020


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WELCOME Welcome to the Faculty of Business, Government & Law. We are home to over 3500 students, including undergraduate, post- graduate and higher degree by research students located in the Canberra Law School, the Canberra Business School, the Canberra School of Politics, Economics & Society and the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis.


HOW DO I SEARCH FOR STAFF CONTACT DETAILS? All staff contact details can be found by searching on the UC Staff Directory. HOW DO I SEND INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL MAIL? Mail bags are provided in each building for staff to leave outgoing business mail. Mail is delivered and collected regularly. For any personal mail needs, there is a Post Office located in Building 1 near the Refectory. WHERE DO I FIND INFORMATION ON PARKING AND PAYMENT OPTIONS ? Pay parking is enforced on campus from 8-5.30pm Monday to Friday. Parking is free outside these times. Staff parking permits are available either annually or by semester. Most staff choose to park in the parking bays in front of Building 11. Parking Rates: Parking Permits: WHERE CAN I SOURCE STATIONERY ? Stationery is available through the BGL Administration Team at the Reception.