Dictators for Dummies By: Alix Ward
So You Wanna Be a Dictator? A dictator is usually a person exercising absolute power unrestricted control in a government, without a hereditary successor. Hitler Youth North Korea Media Censorship A group of children led by Adolf Hitler Inforced by Kim Jong-un In Germany (1933-1945) In North Korea (2011-Now)
Tips & Tricks to Getting Power Sometimes, to get what you want and to get people to understand that YOU are what’s best for them, you just have to bend the rules a little and get rid of competition. Now luckily, this can be very helpful when it comes to you becoming a dictator because you can become the only person that your target demographic see as the “Good guy”, or you can be the ONLY guy, whichever works for you. Putin (Russia 2000-Present) 19 Year Stalin (Russia 1922-1952) Great Purge Rule Example: Example: “when an autocratic leader starts losing “An estimated death toll was hard to determine, power, one of these three things usually for in those times people simply disappeared and results: A new autocratic group takes over, the NKVD covered their tracks well. The official creating a new but still authoritarian regime. number stands 1,548,366 detained persons, of The original regime hangs on, but someone whom 681,692 were shot – an average of 1,000 from the incumbent group replaces the executions a day. Various historians claim that the outgoing leader. real number of victims could be twice as much.” Democratically elected leaders replace the incumbent group altogether. None of these is yet likely in Russia.”
Tips & Tricks to Getting Power To help yourself rise to power you can use propaganda, propaganda can simply be defined as “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person” However, you can use propaganda can be used to benefit you becoming a dictator because it can help you seem like a better/the best candidate or choice for the people/group you are trying to dictate. Hitler Germany (1933-1945) Jong-un North Korea Nazi Propaganda saying (give or (2005-Now) take I don’t know German) North Korea Propaganda “hard labor, we serve” saying “Let Us Pass Down A United Country To The Next Generation!”
How to Keep Your Power - Step 1 To censor information, you can eliminate other places in the world from your country and you can choose what your people see about your military wins, political news, etc. How do dictators use this to keep their power? People cant question you or your power if they have nothing to compare your authority to Stalin Russia (1922-1952) Editing photos of pollution and editing his competition out of important photos Xi Jinping China (2012-Present) Strict and severe social media censorship
How to Keep Your Power - Step 2 Now as weird as it may sound, brainwashing can be helpful when it comes to dictatorship. First, you use censorship to convince your people to believe your ways are the best for them and your country and then you continue this method so they don’t question you and try to get rid of you. Hitler Germany Xi Jinping China (2012-Present) (1933-1945) Strict and severe social media Deported censorship freethinkers [they could also be assassinated]
How to Keep Your Power - Step 3 what does it mean to ‘repress opposition’? To repress opposition is to get rid of/eliminate competition what methods do dictators use to do this? Either assassination or the destruction of freedom of speech and the right of protest How does this help dictators keep their power? If they have no opposition there is no one to go against them and their views (they as in the dictator) Bashar al-Assad Syria (2000-Present) Hitler Since the Ba’th Germany party took (1933-1945) control in the German 1960s, there National have been Socialists many limits on burning books free speech to prevent and punish any and all opposition to the central government.
How to Keep Your Power - Step 4 Some dictators have secret military or police to help them enforce brainwashing or censorship. Said officers were used to watch people and take care of anyone who opposed the dictator. These police and military forces help because they essentially get rid of all or mostly all opposition .
How to Keep Your Power - Step 5 Not only can dictators use propaganda to GAIN power, they can also use it to KEEP power. As mentioned before, propaganda can simply be defined as “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person” How can dictators use propaganda to keep their power? Most dictators use propaganda to keep their followers/audience focused on them and their ideas over anyone else’s (them being the dictator) Hitler Germany Jong-un North (1933-1945) Korea (2005-Now) Nazi Propaganda saying North Korea (give or take I don’t know Propaganda saying German) “hard labor, we “Let Us Pass Down serve” A United Country To The Next Generation!”
How to Keep Your Power - Step 6 ● What methods do dictators use to control the internet / social media? They block certain websites and apps from being able to be used and downloaded in their country ● How does this help dictators keep their power? If you make your country focus on the right now and what’s happening in front of them instead of what 0ther countries are doing, they won’t be able to compare to anything else Xi Jinping China (2012-Present) Strict and severe social media censorship
How to Keep Your Power - Step 7 What is Nationalism? Nationalism can simply be put as a deep love and understanding for your country What is genocide? Genocide is normally defined as the intent to entirely wipe out, usually with murder, an entire ethnicity, race, religion, etc. What is ethnic conflict? Ethnic conflict is a conflict between ethnic groups How can these concepts help dictators keep their power? Nationalism can help your people realise how great their country is and how great their leader is for making it stronger. Genocide is helpful because if you are busy eliminating a section of your population, steadfastly deny your involvement, while pandering to Western stereotypes by blaming the violence on “ancient ethnic hatreds.”
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