旅游胜地与景点 | 47 花园和公园花园和公园马来西亚森林研究协会(FRIM)马来西亚森林研究协会于1920年在吉隆坡西北16公里外的甲洞(Kepong)一片486公顷的场地成立。为了研究和持续性管理马来西亚的热带雨林而设,公众也可以享受这座森林科学公园。在众多吸引人的东西之中还包括了MNS-Shell-FRIM的自然界教育中心,这里教育参与者成为关心自然生态的地球人; 20分钟的林冠之旅,一系列位处树冠的吊桥提供了壮观的城市和风景视野;在瀑布和茂盛的热带雨林之中令人惊喜的森林徒步之旅。 Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong +603-6279 7000 林冠之旅:RM 5 每日8:00至18:30。林冠之旅:星期二至星期六,有需要可提前预约。 www.frim.gov.my 乘搭KTM Komuter到Kepong Sentral站。从那里短程打的可抵达FRIM。甲洞首都公园 (Kepong Metropolitan Park)周末时要在甲洞找到这个占地90公顷的公园是一件非常容易的事,只需寻找布满风筝的天空就可以了。甲洞首都公园设于1991年,而且近来放风筝的活动还复兴起来了。它的设备已经大大地被提升了,其中包括500米之前警告你以避免交通阻塞的告示牌、周末时环绕湖滨周长的电车和为了方便钓鱼热爱友以及自行车骑士和跑步者使用而特别准备的湖边小径。周末时嘉年华似的氛围充满了食物、风筝和尽是货物的玩具档口在放风筝区入口处附近的路边摆卖。 Jalan Kepong, Taman Kepong 从黑风洞交通圈朝向Kepong驾驶并直走。寻找写着Taman Metropolitan的指示牌,然后再前进大约500米, 该公园就在你的左手边。
48 | 旅游胜地与景点 花园和公园蝴蝶公园 (The Butterfly Park) 拥有超过6000只蝴蝶,游客可以在蝴蝶公园学习超过 120种不同种类的蝴蝶。这个公园是蝴蝶自然栖息地的 真实重现。走在公园里就像走在有着多种种类异乎寻 常、鲜艳的植物树木的马来西亚热带雨林之中,让游 客有机会近距离接触这些细致的生物。公园里的特别 品种包括了巨大壮丽的Raja Brooke、锯蛱蝶、Yellow Tip、达摩凤蝶等等。蝴蝶公园里也设有蝴蝶繁殖地。 何不去参观那里的昆虫博物馆并在那里的纪念品商店 买个小小的纪念品回家? +603-2693 4799 每日09:00至18:00(最后准许入场17:45) RM 15.00(成人)、RM 8.00(儿童)飞禽公园 (The Bird Park) 逃到吉隆坡市中心的热带天堂并在那里探索世界上 最大的自由飞翔鸟舍 – 一些世界上最美丽的鸟类的 家。占地大约20英亩,吉隆坡飞禽公园是超过3000只 鸟类的家,当中有着超过200种不同的品种。游客可以 在公园里逛逛;参与每日的飞禽表演和喂食活动以喂 食鸵鸟、老鹰和犀鸟。 千万别错过在鸟舍里近距离看 鸳鸯、鹰隼、犀鸟和火烈鸟。 +603-2272 1010 每日09:00至18:00(柜台于17:45关闭) 成人 RM 42.00(*大马卡MyKad持有者RM 15.00) 儿童 RM20.00(*大马卡MyKid持有者RM 6.00) 鹿园 (The Deer Park) 这个公园尽是荫凉的树木、小溪和池塘,共占地2 公顷。和湖滨公园坐落在同一个地带,这里是来 自荷兰的斑点鹿的家。在探索这美丽的自然公园 的同时,游客可以享受喂食这些驯良又温柔的动 物。在这里,游客还可以看到鼠鹿这种不仅仅是 世界上最小的有蹄动物,而且还是古老的本地马 来民间故事里有名的动物。深受人们喜爱,名为 Sang Kancil,在著名故事里鼠鹿因为它的才智而 备受尊敬。 920 Jalan Lembah, Taman Tasik Perdana +603-2693 0191 +603-2693 2875(鹿园) 每日09:00至18:00 在星期六和公共假期时收费RM 1.00(平日则免费) 湖滨公园可以从2个入口到达,其一从位于Jalan Perdana的国家回教堂,其二从位于Jalan Parlimen的 国家纪念碑。但是打的是去那里的最佳方法。
旅游胜地与景点 | 49 花园和公园 东协雕刻品花园(ASEANS culpture Garden) 在这个特别的美化公园里,游客可以 欣赏到大量的获奖雕刻品 – 木雕、 铁雕、大理石雕和竹雕。展览作品全 部都是来自东协区最好的艺匠的熟练 技巧雕刻完成品。这个花园坐落在国 家纪念碑不远处,同在湖滨公园的范 围里面。 每日09:00至18:30胡姬花园 (The Orchid Garden)胡姬花爱好者的天堂。胡姬花园里有上千种国际和本地品种的美丽胡姬花。仅仅在马来西亚已有超过800种类罕见和异乎寻常的胡姬花。访客可在胡姬花市集购买以抱走他们心爱的胡姬花。该市集在每个星期日的10:00至18:00摆卖。 大红花花园 (The Hibiscus Garden) 大红花(木槿花)或本地人称为Bunga Raya的花是马来西 亚的国花。在这个成梯形的美化环境里,大红花花园壮观 的展示了这多元品种及颜色鲜艳的花,给予欣赏各种品种 木槿花的最佳景观。这花园就在胡姬花园隔壁,靠近湖滨 公园。 920 Jalan Lembah, Taman Tasik Perdana 湖滨公园可以从2个入口到达,其一从位于Jalan Perdana的国家 回教堂,其二从位于Jalan Parlimen的国家纪念碑。但是打的是去 那里的最佳方法。凤梨山森林保留地 (Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve)在1906年公报政府,这个森林保留地是吉隆坡市中心最古老和唯一的低原龙脑香森林。分布在一个10.5公顷的地区,凤梨山森林保留地从吉隆坡塔的斜坡上开始纳入。在保留地里有三条自然小径,名为Arboretum Trail,Penarahan Trail和雄伟的、有着几世纪岁数的Jelutong 树向你打招呼的Jelutong Trail。在那里的其他设备包括了一个游乐场、休息和扎营地以及一条跑步跑道。 Lot 240, Jalan Raja Chulan +603-2026 4741 免费 每日07:00至19:00 打的是去那里的最佳方法。 www.forestry.gov.my
50 | 旅游胜地与景点 吉隆坡以外:布特拉再也 » Photo Courtesy of TOURISM MALAYSIA布特拉再也 (Putrajaya)坐落在吉隆坡以南大约45分钟车程的地方,布特拉再也是马来西亚联邦政府新的行政管理中心。作为一个就像吉隆坡市一样的联邦直辖区,随着政府为了舒缓和减少吉隆坡市里的过度拥挤和交通堵塞的计划,很多重要的政府办公室被重新安置到布特拉再也。分布在占地11320英亩(46 平方公里)的大型油棕园和橡胶园,自1995年建立以来,那整个地区已经过大规模的发展。建立一个新的联邦政府行政管理中心这个概念在1980年代末第一次由当时的马来西亚首相马哈迪医生提出来。坐落在多媒体超级走廊(MSC)以及吉隆坡、赛柏再也和吉隆坡国际机场之间,布特拉再也是一个多媒体科技的资讯网络基地。作为布特拉再也的主要交通设施方针的一部分,整个城市里的交通工具使用率的其中70巴仙是公共交通工具。一旦完成之后,城市里的单轨火车将在指定的车站接载居民到他们的办公室,余下的30巴仙则是私人交通工具。在多个布特拉再也有趣的景点和吸引人的东西之中,布特拉再也湖是一个位于布特拉再也中心区650公顷的人工湖泊,为休闲而设计并为城市制造一个天然的冷却系统。根据当代的阿拉伯风格,布特拉再也的建筑风格和建筑物都是清爽时髦式的,它们在与周围美丽的地理环境相融合时创造了独特的宏伟氛围。布特拉再也的主要大桥连接了政府区域和混合发展区域,而衔接布特拉广场(Putra Square)和林荫大道(Boulevard)的则是布特拉桥(Jambatan Putra)。全长435米,这座巨大的三层式大桥提供了马路、单轨火车和行人的通道。此外,该桥的主要支撑柱子也容纳着多家餐厅。在布特拉再也总共有9座桥,每座桥都独具特色。除了首相办公室之外,这里也有很多让游客享受湖边迷人风景的休息地区包括了那令人赞赏的水上布特拉回教堂(Masjid Putra)。
旅游胜地与景点 | 51 吉隆坡以外:布特拉再也 植物公园 (Botanical Garden) 被设计成一个国家级教育及研究马来西亚植物分类学的保护区,植物公园坐落在区 域1以北的地方。开放给公众,这个公园拥有一个湖边咖啡厅、探险者小径、树冠 桥、花园和很多其他吸引人的植物。在它附近的是布特拉再也海鲜餐厅(Putrajaya Seafood Restaurant)(+603-8889 5008,每日11:30至14:30(午餐),14:30 至18:00(下午茶)和18:00至22:30(晚餐)), 这家餐厅让你在植物公园茂盛 的林荫之中享用度假胜地式的餐点。坐落在区域1最高点,布特拉将相公园(Taman Putra Perdana)是其中一个欣赏布特拉再也全景最好的地方。布特拉再也湖滨俱乐部 (Kelab Tasik Putrajaya)布特拉再也湖滨俱乐部(No.2 , Jalan P8, Precinct 8; 每日10:00至22:00;+603-8889 5008)是其中一个马来西亚最新的船艇俱乐部,坐落在城市中心宁静的布特拉再也湖湖边。 现在被公认为国内其中一个首要的水上运动设备,布特拉再也湖滨俱乐部全年营业包括了公共假期期间。俱乐部里的设备包括了风帆、皮筏、独木舟、划艇、全面服务的餐厅及咖啡厅和一个游泳池。俱乐部会籍包括了超过一千个来自个人和企业的会员。坐落在区域8的湖边,俯视首相办公室和高耸的布特拉再也回教堂,该俱乐部为会员提供了一些优质的设备。除了餐厅给予引人注意的风景之外,该俱乐部也有着优质的水上运动器材和船艇以供消遣。在餐厅服务以外,该俱乐部还时常主办正式和社交式的活动。 Jalan Alamanda, Precinct 1, Putrajaya +603-8888 8882 每日10:00至22:00 http://www.alamanda.com.my/ 乘搭机场快铁(KLIA Express)到布特拉再也( Putrajaya)站,再从那里乘搭300 或302号NadiPutra支线 巴士到Alamanda。 布特拉回教堂 (Putra Mosque) 面对风景美丽的布特拉再也湖,布特拉回教堂是布特拉再也最独特的地标以及 其中一座世界上最新式的回教堂。它合并了萨非王朝时期的波斯回教式建筑风 格和其他回教徒文化衍生出来的各种元素。这座回教堂综合性建筑可以容纳 10000个参加礼拜的人。来礼拜的人也可以聚集在在祈祷大厅前面那用萨那铺 成的庭院。该回教堂综合性建筑可以用来举行会谈、研究班和专题讨论会。 阿拉曼达购物中心 (Alamanda Shopping Centre) 包括了其他在布特拉再也的吸引人事物,阿拉曼达购物中心是一个购物天堂!以它的 标语“生活得更加容易”,阿拉曼达购物中心有着超过150个各式各样的租户。被塑 造成布特拉再也市中心的购物绿洲,阿拉曼达提供了优秀的购物、用餐、娱乐和休 闲。除了它了不起的设计和周围的美化环境,阿拉曼达有着更多的东西!这间生活方 式的购物广场也包含了家乐福和百盛为主要租户,连同了 各种类的餐厅以及商店以满足你的娱乐和休闲需要。这里也有免费无线宽频上网、自动提款机中心、马来西亚邮政局、保龄球场、健身中心和Cineplex戏院。阿拉曼达购物中心以马来西亚第一个在购物中心里以电动步道连接零售商店和提供直接通道进入阿拉曼达的停车场为特色。 Jalan Alamanda, Precinct 1, Putrajaya +603-8888 8882 每日10:00至22:00 http://www.alamanda.com.my/ 乘搭机场快铁(KLIA Express)到布特拉再也( Putrajaya)站,再从那里乘搭300或302号NadiPutra支线 巴士到Alamanda。
52 | 旅游胜地与景点 吉隆坡一日游吉隆坡一日游当你只能在吉隆坡逗留一天,你该做些什么呢?根据吉隆坡指南教你的去做其实是非常充足的。7.00 am:起床!假如你喜欢一些常见的中餐,就在茨厂街众多摊子之一吃早餐;或者你想知道拉茶(Teh Tarik)是什么味道,则前往在印度回教堂附近最靠近的嘛嘛档喝一杯。看着人们忙碌地做生意或者准备上班。8.00 am:当你吃完早餐之后…打的到湖滨公园走一走。蝴蝶、飞禽和鹿是给动物爱好者的;胡姬和大红花花园则是给植物爱好者的。通常在9.30 am左右,天气会开始变热了,那就是时候出发前往下一个目的地。9.30 am:我们来了,城中城!你第一件非做不可的事是排队领取免费入场票去参观天桥(SkyBridge)以让你鸟瞰吉隆坡的景色。你可以打的,但是城中城可用轻快铁(LRT)抵达。拿到入场票之后,看看FilharmonikPetronas大厅 – 马来西亚Philharmonic管弦乐团的家。你也可以去看看都位于附近的国油科学馆和水族馆。12.30 pm:谁要吃午餐?众多的小餐馆、餐厅、咖啡厅和熟食店就在武吉免登路(JalanBukit Bintang )等着你或者在免登大道(Bintang Walk)营业的全世界各国美食。吃完午餐之后,这区里最好的购物场所就在面前,最新的高级服装和饰品、电子产品、生活方式以及室内装饰品可供选择。这一路上的冷气购物中心也暂缓了热昏人的太阳。3.30 pm:老城的味道购物血拼完之后,是时候去看看吉隆坡的景色和满足摄影的爱好。从嘉美克回教堂(Masjid Jamek)沿路走下去到旧高等法庭建筑物。转角,苏丹阿都沙末大厦就在你的左边,而独立草场则在右边对面。6.30 pm:艺术及手工艺品你可步行或者乘搭LRT到中央艺术坊(Central Market),吉隆坡里的艺术及手工艺品中心。花一些时间在这里挑选纪念品买回家并沉溺在你周围的丰富马来西亚文化。 7.30 pm:唐人街晚餐时间到了,夜晚伊始时是到茨厂街的最佳时间。这里的各式中餐真是美味。作一个真正大马人的体验,尝试在夜市或市集里讨价还价以用最好的价格来买饰品、手表、皮夹和包包。9.00 pm:照亮吉隆坡不是被白白称作“灯光花园城市”,吉隆坡的生气勃勃的夜生活可在Jalan Sultan Ismail和Jalan P.Ramlee沿路或者JalanDoraisamy的Asian Heritage Row见到。打的是去那里的最佳方法,然后沿路走下去直到你找到一家适合你的口味的酒吧、夜俱或酒馆。过后,你可以享受这里的夜生活了。12.00 am:夜宵时间虽然过了睡眠时间,是的,现在是凌晨了,大马人就是爱和朋友们呆在路边的嘛嘛档和很多24小时营业店铺,他们和你都是被多选择宠坏了。
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CULTURE | 73 CULTURE Art Galleries & Museums ............... 74 Art Galleries & Museums, Pewtersmithing ............... 75 Performing Arts ................... 76CultureCulture in Kuala Lumpur takes on various forms from both traditional to modern andcontemporary culture. This section celebrates all forms of culture, including art, theatre anddance, music and even films with our selection of cinemas around KL and its surrounding areas.Art critics will simply love the collection of various art galleries throughout town, regardlessof taste. In fact, we delve into traditional art as well with the featuring of museumswhich offer a glimpse into the local lifestyle and harmonious blend of Malaysian culture.For performing arts, KL – The Guide’s scoop on music and dance sees a combination of bothdance troupes and a few orchestras which have been representative of Malaysian prowess inthe arts. Speaking of arts, the performing arts is nicely rounded up with a few theatre and liveperformance groups as well as famous locations which hold performances throughout the yearsuch as Panggung Bandaraya, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) and Istana Budaya.For those who love delving into culture, this time around we discover the art of pewtersmithing, whereyou can craft your own piece of pewter and take it back with you as a momento of your time spent inKL and its surroundings.
74 | CULTURE ART GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Art Galleries & MuseumsWith a great host of various art galleries in and around town, KL shows up with plenty of art galleries to visit,whether your tastes may run from abstract and contemporary art or towards more classic interpretations of theOld Masters and baroque. Adding another layer to art in KL is the local art and cultural heritage, which manifestsitself in vibrant prints, vivacious works of traditional artforms and a celebration of common themes unique toMalaysia. Soak in the various genres and types of art around town.Pucuk Rebung Museum Gallery For those who wish to see fine pieces of antiques fabrics, contemporary art, metalwork, jewellery, porcelein, pottery and other historical artefacts, Pucuk Rebung Museum Gallery would be the most ideal place you are looking for. Located at Level 3, Ampang Mall of Suria KLCC, the gallery houses an extensive collection of art and artefacts from the ancient Malay world, some of which date back to the 12th century, despite its limited space, approximately 3800 square feet only. Gallery Lot 302 A, Level 3, Ampang Mall, KLCC +603-2382 0769 /1109 10:30 to 20:30 Sun – Thurs; 10:30 to 21:30 Fri – Sat Free admission [email protected] TangsiThis contemporary art gallery which features both local and international artists is housed in the former offices of LokeChow Kit, one of Kuala Lumpur’s millionaire tin-miners. It is annexed to the PAM Center (Malaysian Association of Architects)and overlooks the Royal Selangor Club and Dataran Merdeka.PAM Centre, 4-6 Jalan Tangsi,off Jalan Parlimen+603-2691 0805/6/[email protected] National Art Gallery The National Art Gallery, or Balai Seni Lukis Negara, is housed in a trademark blue-tiled pyramid-shaped contemporary building. Tracing its beginnings from a 4-piece donated display at the Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first House of Parliament, in 1958, Balai Seni Lukis Negara is now one of South East Asia’s most established art museums with over 2500 pieces of artwork in their permanent collection. The current location became the permanent home of the National Art Gallery on the in 1998, 40 years after its inception.No 2 Jalan Temerloh off Jalan Razak+603-4025 4990www.artgallery.gov.my10:00 to 18:00 daily, 09:00 to 17:00 daily during Ramadhan (fasting) month, closed on first 2 days of HariRaya Aidilfitri and first day of Hari Raya AidiladhaFree admissionRoyal Police Museum No. 5 Jalan Perdana +603-2272 5689/5690/2473The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) Museum takes you 4740on a history of policing from the earliest days of the Free admissionMelaka Sultanate right through the current police force, 10:00 to 18:00 (Tues-Sun),with the 2000-odd collection of artefacts, information Closed on Mondays and Fridaysand displays which show Malaysian law enforcement between 12:30-14:30at work. A taxi is the best way to get there.Art House Gallery Galleriizu Carter Art-Related GalleryLot 3.303, 1st Floor, Annexe Building, Shangri-La Hotel Annexe, UBN Shopping 1, Jalan Inai, Off Jalan ImbiCentral Market, No 10 Jalan Hang Arcade, Jalan Sultan Ismail/Jalan P. +603-242 2743 / 242 7109Kasturi Ramlee +603-242 6857+603-388 6868 (Leonard) +603-2031 5266 www.carter.com.my10:30 to 20:30 daily +603-2031 5277Kebun Mimpi Gallery NN Gallery Sdn. Bhd. Gallery @ Starhill118, Jalan Cenderai 1, Bangsar 53A & 56 Jalan Sulaiman 1, Taman 4th Floor, Starhill Centre,Jalan Bukit+603-2092 4959 Ampang Hilir, Ampang Bintang12:00 to 20:00 (closed on +603-4270 6588 +603-2143 3323Mondays and Public Holidays) www.nngallery.com.my 11:00 to 20:00
CULTURE | 75 ART GALLERIES & MUSEUMS, PEWTERSMITHINGNational Museum Islamic Arts MuseumPerhaps Malaysia’s most treasured museum is located near Visitors can begin to gain an appreciation for the beautyLake Gardens and houses some of the nation’s most importanthistoric heritage. Visitors can take a walk down memory lane of Islamic art and the great civilization that provided theas they make their way through the museum’s four maingalleries: Gallery A (Culture Exhibitions), Gallery B (Faces of foundation for the exhibits in this museum. Galleries in theMalaysia), Gallery C (Nature) and Gallery D (subcategorizedto Weapons, Music and Ceramic). The galleries will take you museum have their own individual theme, with exhibits andback through the nation’s development over the past fewdecades, as visitors get the chance to relive Malaysian history. priceless treasures such as Islamic manuscripts, metalworkSpecial thematic exhibitions are also held from time to time. and textiles, ceramics & glassware, arms, armours and Jalan Damansara +603-2282 6255 coins. Among the featured displays included are some +603-2282 6434 09:00 to 18:00 daily beautiful replicas of famous buildings like the Taj Mahal in RM 2.00 (adults); Free (children below 12 years old) www.museum.gov.my/ India, the Amir Timur Mausoleum in Uzbekistan and the www.jmm.gov.my Take the Putra LRT, the KTM Komuter train or the Masjid Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, these exhibits are found Monorail to KL SentralStation. From there, take a taxi the short distance to the museum. in the Islamic Architecture Gallery. Jalan Lembah Perdana +603-2274 2020 +603-2274 0529 10:00 to 18:00 RM 12.00 (adults), RM 6.00 (students with ID and senior citizens aged 55 and above), and free for children below 6 years old www.iamm.org.my Take the KTM Komuter train to the old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station.The museum is a 10min walk away overlooking the National Mosque.PewtersmithingPewtersmithingThe craft of making pewter includes both the smelting of tin with copper and antimonyto create the highly malleable alloy of pewter and the crafting of the alloy into variousforms of either sheet or moulded pewter. One of Malaysia’s trademarkproducts, pewter has long been a favoured material to make hollowareitems due to its lightweight and pliable nature. For tourists, there couldn’tbe a better souvenir to take back home then a piece of highly-craftedMalaysian pewter. Tumasek Pewter Although Tumasek Pewter does not have its own pewtersmithing school, it does offer visitors a good glimpse of the various pewter items which have been crafted for their purpose to marry traditional value with contemporary relevance. Many of their lines have filled the niche for contemporary-designed items within the pewter industry worldwide. Lot 16, Jalan Kuang Bulan, Taman Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur. +603-6274 1225 +603-6276 7145 [email protected] www.tumasek.com Royal Selangor Visitor Center Royal Selangor is a brand synonymous with finely-crafted pewterware throughout Malaysia and is the world’s largest pewter company. The many homeware and gift items produced stand testament to Royal Selangor’s high standards of craftsmanhip. Within the 40,000 square feet Visitor Centre, one is allowed to soak in history in the Heritage Zone, have a hands-on experience in the Experiental Zone and see modern translations of it in the Contemporary Zone. In fact, for those wanting a deeper hands-on experience, a fun half hour of pewtersmithing is available by appointment at their School of Hard Knocks.4, Jalan Usahawan 6, Setapak Jaya visitorcentre.royalselangor.com+603-4145 6122 From the Wangsa Maju Station on the Kelana Jaya09:00 to 17:00 daily including public holidays Line, take a short taxi ride to the Visitor’s Centre.
76 | CULTURE PERFORMING ARTS Performing ArtsKuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPac)Since its establishment, this non-profit centre has playedhost to many interesting shows and has been a crucialplatform towards developing Malaysia’s standard ofperforming arts. Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan +603-4047 9000 / 9010 www.klpac.com Take the KTM Komuter or STAR LRT to Sentul Station. From here, taxis are the best choice of transportation to the centre. National Theatre More famously known as Istana Budaya, this prominent landmark is home to both local and foreign art and cultural performances. Some world-famous musicals such as Mama Mia, Phantom of the Opera and the award-winning, Puteri Gunung Ledang – The Musical, have been performed here. Jalan Tun Razak (Located nearby Lake Titiwangsa) +603-4026 5555 / 5558 www.istanabudaya.gov.my Take the Star LRT to Titiwangsa Station. From here, taxis are the best choice of transportation to the theatre.Temple of Fine ArtsFounded by His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi in 1981, The Temple ofFine Arts’ name is synonymous with the instruction and presentation of classicalIndian dance and music among which include the bharatanatyam, odissi, kuchipudiand kathak dances and both north and south Indian music instruments such as theveena, sitar, tabla, mrdangam and flute among others. Newly moved to a 5-storeybuilding in 2008, they have expanded their repertoire to cover, contemporary andtraditional malay dance, western piano and drama. The complex also houses theAnnalakshmi vegetarian restaurant, Lavanya arts and Hamsa Vahini travel andtours services which engage the local community where they are at. 114 - 116, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields +603-2274 3709 www.tfa.org.my. Sutra Dance Theatre Amphi-Sutra, Sutra Dance Theatre, 12 Persiaran Titiwangsa 3 +603-4022 9669 +603-4023 2548 www.sutradancetheatre.com Music / Dance Ground Floor Tower 2, PETRONAS Twin Towers +603-2051 7007PETRONAS Philharmonic Orchestra 10:00 to 18:00 (Mon – Sat), to 21:00 (duringMalaysian Philharmonic Orchestra is Malaysia’s first classical music concert nights); 12:00 to concert time for Sundayhall, housed within the PETRONAS Twin Towers. Equipped with the performances; Closed on Public Holidayslatest facilities and astonishing acoustics, this concert hall is the www.malaysianphilharmonic.compride of the nation. A host of world-renowned classical artists and Take the Putra LRT to KLCC Station.orchestras, as well as international jazz artists has performed heresince its establishment in 1998.Dama OrchestaThis award-winning troupe is famous for bringing their unique blend of Chinese-English music to the fore of theMalaysian arts’ scene. Their productions see Chinese classical music and evergreen pieces melding seamlessly withEnglish lyrics, they have been busy representing Malaysia to international musical events since its inception in 1994.Locally, they hold concerts and their recordings are available during their concerts or at their head office. M-2-10 Plaza Damas, 60 Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas +603-6201 9108 09:30 to 18:00 weekdays www.damaorchestra.com
SHOPPING | 77 SHOPPING Golden Triangle / Jalan Ampang ...................78 Around KL / Highlights ................ 79 Highlights / Bazaars, Flea Markets & Night Markets .............. 80SHOPPINGKuala Lumpur offers such a mind-boggling array of things that it would be hard not to break thebank while shopping here. From exclusive, international, high-street fashion brands to localflea markets and bazaars, it is not surprising to find KL as one of Southeast Asia’s premiershoping destinations. If you’re looking for cheap and good bargains, you’ve come to the rightplace, it all depends on how many credit cards you carry and how far those flat, comfortableshoes of yours can take you!Whether it is one-off-a-kind traditional goods or hi-tech gadgets and gizmos you arelooking for, KL offers the best that Malaysia has to offer. The exciting experience of bargainhunting and haggling at the many open-air bazaars and night markets or pasar malams isunique to this part of the world, with the most famous haunts being Chinatown, Little Indiaand Central Market.Walk down memory lane, in this case Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, as we visit the oldestshopping canton in town. Right before checking out Mid Valley City, a new city centre built onthe strength of its’ shopping complexes, Mid Valley and The Gardens. Finally, we end our tourof duty in Mont’ Kiara, Sri Hartamas and Subang Jaya.Hard-core sales lovers will love the fact that Malaysia is on sale three times a year! With discountson anything you are looking for, the heat is on to the check-out line as Malaysia has gotshopping well and truly covered!
78 | SHOPPING GOLDEN TRIANGLEGolden TrianglePavilion Kuala LumpurPavilion is home to some of the world’s most luxurious fashion brands and designer labels. Divided into 7 uniquesections each with its own unique theme; Bintang Circle, Connection, Couture, Gourmet, Emporium,Home and Seventh Heaven, Pavilion definitely one of the more glamorous places to go shopping at anytime of the year. Jalan Bukit Bintang +603-2716 1088 10:00 to 22:00 daily www.pavilion-kl.com Take the Monorail to Bukit Bintang Station. Pavilion Kuala Lumpur is located in Jalan Bukit Bintang, just the opposite of JW Marriott and the Westin Hotels. Lot 10 50, Jalan Sultan Ismail +603-2141 0500 10:00 to 21:30 daily www.ytlcommunity.com/lot10/ index.asp Take the Monorail to Bukit Bintang Station. The complex is just a short walk away.Bukit Bintang Plaza Starhill Gallery KL Plaza 111, Jalan Bukit Bintang 181, Jalan Bukit Bintang Jalan Bukit Bintang +603-2148 7411 +603-2782 3855 +603-2141 7288 10.00 to 22:00 daily 10:00 to 22:00 daily 10:00 to 21:00 daily www.starhillgallery.com Take the Monorail to Bukit Bintang Take the Monorail to Bukit Bintang Station. The complex is literally Take the Monorail to Bukit Bintang Station, the complex is a short walk just around the corner. Station, Starhill Gallery is just around away the corner.Low Yat Plaza Off Jalan Bukit BintangLong maintaining its reputation as THE place for IT goods, Low Yat +603-2148 3651Plaza features an almost entire retail mix of IT-related products from top 10:00 to 22:00 dailyinternational brands as well as local brands. This IT mall distinguishes www.plazalowyat.comitself from the rest by offering a greater range and variety of a single Take the Monorail to Imbi Station orproduct brought about by the inter-chained stores within its seven Bukit Bintang Station. Low Yat Plaza is afloors. In fact, the already competitive prices are bargainable and the short walk away.installation services provided adds value to the buyer’s purchase.Jalan AmpangAmpang Park Shopping CentreOne of the first shopping centres to be built in Kuala Lumpur – boasting the firstescalator. Ampang Park refuses to step aside despite all the new and trendy shopping mallsnearby, and continues to be busy day and night. With a very good selection of local andwestern restaurants, the shopping centre is very popular during lunch and dinner. Jalan Ampang +603-2161 7006 10:00 to 22:00 daily Take the Putra LRT to Ampang Park Station (underground), and take the escalator up to street level– the shopping mall is literally at the top of the escalator on your right.Avenue K Ampang Point Shopping Centre 156, Jalan Ampang Jalan Mamanda 3, +603-2168 7888 +603-4252 1781 10:00 to 22:00 daily 10:00 to 22:00 daily Take the Putra LRT to KLCC Station (underground) – walk through www.ampangpoint.com.mythe connecting tunnel and take the escalator up to the ground Take the Kelana Jaya Line to the Jelatek Station.floor. Alternatively, you can get down at the Ampang Park Station From there, it is a short taxi ride away(underground) – take the escalator up to street level and walk alongJalan Ampang towards Suria KLCC; Avenue K is on your right. Great Eastern Mall 303 Jalan Ampang +603-4259 8888 10:00 to 22:00 daily www.greateasternmall.com.my
SHOPPING | 79 AROUND KL / HIGHLIGHTSAround KLThe Weld Kota Raya The Mall 76, Jalan Raja Chulan Jalan Tan Cheng Lock Jalan Putra +603-2161 8422 +603-2072 2562 +603-4042 7122 10:00 to 22:00 daily 10:00 to 22:00 daily Take the Monorail to Raja Chulan 10:00 to 22:00 daily Take the Sentul line and getStation. From there, cross to the Take the Putra LRT to Pasar Seni down at PWTC Station. The Mallopposite side of the road (facing Station. From there, turn right and is adjacent to the LRT station,towards Menara Promet) and walk walk along Jalan Tan Cheng Lock and next to Legend Hotel.with the flow of the traffic down until you reach to a traffic light. Kotaalong Jalan Sultan Ismail. Once you’ve Raya is to your left across the road.reached the Mercedes Benz showroom,turn left into Jalan P. Ramlee and walkup a slight incline, until you see TheWeld on your left.Jalan Tunku Abdul RahmanThe former Batu Road now named after the first King of Malaysia, is more fondly known as Jalan TARamong the locals. Right in the heart of KL’s business district, this is KL’s oldest shopping canton, famousfor its many textile merchants, boutiques, departmental stores and shopping arcades in pre-warbuildings on both sides of the road. The various traders, retailers, wholesalers and hawkers ply theirtrade, selling everything from local produce to food while the weekly Saturday night market is from 5pm -10 pm. Among the more established merchants are: P. Lal Store Kuala Lumpur’s oldest established retail store, P.Lal Store, was founded by Prabhulal G. Doshi in 1929 when he migrated to Malaysia from India. Also known as Lals: The House of Imports, it is famous for offering the lowest fixed price on branded fine clothing and set the standard for imported winter wear. Wisma Lal Doshi, 135 Jalan TAR +603-2694 2694 10:00 to 22:00 daily http://www.plal.com/
80 | SHOPPING HIGHLIGHTS / BAZAARS, FLEA MARKETS & NIGHT MARKETS Maju Junction Pertama Complex 190, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman +603-2698 2111 11:00 to 21:00 daily +603-2691 6599 www.sogokl.com.my 10:00 to 22:00 daily www.udamall.com Take the Sentul line to the Take the STAR LRT to the Bandaraya Bandaraya Station and cross the road Station, and using the pedestrian bridge, via the pedestrian bridge to Sogo. take the short walk across to Sogo. Pertama Complex is located just next to Sogo Department Store. Sogo Departmental Store190, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman The SOGO story began over 160 years ago, when Ihei Sogo+603-2698 2111 established a small drapery business in Osaka, Japan.11:00 to 21:00 daily His reputation soared as an honest and sincere businessman. And today Sogo has stores all over the world – including Kuala Lumpur. Located in the heart of the Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman shopping district – one of the best known shopping areas in KL, Malaysia’s largest department store opened its doors in 1994. With over 50,000 sq feet of retail space covering seven floors. Sogo is literally a one-stop retailer, with everything from exclusive fashion brands, home furnishing, women’s wear, cosmetics, fine china and crystals. Sogo also offers a really great selection of food from its food court and restaurants. Sogo KL is an absolute must visit shopping destination.www.sogokl.com.myTake the Sentul line to the Bandaraya Station and cross the road via the pedestrian bridge to SogoCampbell Complex Semua House Plaza City House Jalan Dang Wangi Jalan Bunus 6 Jalan Munshi Abdullah +603-2698 1366 +603-2693 5899 +603-2694 5842 From Sogo’s main entrance, cross Jalan TAR atthe traffic lights and walk along Jalan Dang Wangi.Campbell Complex is on your right.Bazaars, Flea Markets & Night markets
ACCOMMODATION | 81 ACCOMMODATION KL City Centre: 5-Star Hotels, 4-Star Hotels ....... 82 KL City Centre: 4-Star Hotels, 3-Star Hotels/Budget Hotels, Around KL: 5-Star Hotels ......... 84 Beyond KL ........ 85ACCOMMODATIONThe variety and quality of KL hotels and accommodation is on the rise as travellers of all budgetsand preferences choose from backpacker’s lodge and bed and breakfast inns all the wayto luxurious 5-star hotels ready to wait on you, hand and foot. The wide range of facilities andservices are able to meet business or leisure demands, satisfying even the most demandingof guests.Among the common services available in the 5-star, 4-star, 3-star and budget hotels arespas, fitness centres, swimming pools and internet access. For a memorable time in ‘TheGarden City of Lights’, we have listed a full spectrum of accommodation options for you tochoose from.If budget is a main concern, rest assured that the collection of moderate hotels, budget hotelsand even hostels available in KL enable you to save some money for other expenses. KL – TheGuide brings you on a tour of Budget Travel in ‘The Hostel Experience’.However, if you have been craving for a full-service pampering then luxurious, 5-star hotelsare more in tune with your desires what with Mandarin Oriental (adjacent to the PETRONASTwin Towers), Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Centre (beside BerjayaTimes Square shopping mall) just a stone’s throw away from the city’s main attractions.
82 | ACCOMMODATION KL CITY CENTRE: 5-STAR HOTELS, 4-STAR HOTELS5-Star Hotels Jalan Imbi-Jalan Bukit BintangGrand Millennium Kuala Lumpur The Westin Kuala Lumpur JW Marriott Hotel 160, Jalan Bukit Bintang 199, Jalan Bukit Bintang 183, Jalan Bukit Bintang +603-2117 4888 +603-2731 8333 +603-2715 9000 +603-2142 1441 +603-2731 8000 +603-2715 7010 www.millenniumhotels.com/my/ [email protected] [email protected] millenniumkualalumpur www.westin.com/kualalumpur www.ytlcommunity.com/ jwmarriottkl The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur No. 168, Jalan Imbi +603- 2142 8000 +603- 2143 8080 www.ritzcalton.com Jalan Raja Chulan-Jalan Sultan IsmailGrand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur Hotel Istana Jalan Sultan Ismail Jalan Sultan Ismail 73, Jalan Raja Chulan +603-2142 5588 +603-2161 7777 +603-2141 9988 +603-2141 5524 +603-2161 9020 +603-2144 0111 www.kualalumpur. [email protected] [email protected] parkroyalhotels.com www.equatorial.com www.hotelistana.comThe Imperial Hotel Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel Jalan Sultan Ismail Jalan Sultan Ismail +603-2717 9900 +603-2148 2322 +603-2717 9999 +603-2144 2157 reservations.imperial [email protected] @luxurycollections.com www.crowneplaza.com www.luxurycollection.com Jalan AmpangHotel Nikko The Zon All Suite Residences Prince Hotel & Residence Kuala Lumpur 165, Jalan Ampang 161 D, Jalan Ampang +603-2161 1111 +603-2164 8000 No.4 Jalan Conlay +603-2161 1122 +603-2164 1000 +603-2170 8888 [email protected] www.zonhotels.com.my +603-2170 8999 www.hotelnikko.com.my reservations@ princehotelkl.com.myTraders Hotel Hotel Maya Kuala Lumpur City Centre 138 Jalan Ampang +603-2332 9888 +603-2711 8866 +603-2332 2666 +603-2711 9966 [email protected] www.hotelmaya.com.my www.shangri-la.com/kualalumpur/ traders/en [email protected] Hotels Federal Hotel The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur 35, Jalan Bukit Bintang 17-21, Jalan Bukit Bintang +603-2148 9166 +603-2143 9898 +603-2148 2877 +603-2142 1807 [email protected] www.royalebintanghotel.net www.federal.com.myConcorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur Coronade Hotel 2, Jalan Sultan Ismail 172, Jalan Imbi Jalan Walter Grenier +603-2144 2200 +603-2715 1000 +603-2148 6888 +603-2144 1628 +603-2715 5000 +603-2142 5359 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.concorde.net/kl www.dorsettregency.com.my www.coronade.com
84 | ACCOMMODATION KL CITY CENTRE: 4-STAR HOTELS, 3-STAR/BUDGET HOTELS AROUND KL: 5-STAR HOTELS 4-Star Hotels Novotel Hydro Majestic KL Impiana KLCC Hotel & SpaMeliá Kuala Lumpur 2 Jalan Kia Peng 13, Jalan Pinang +603-2147 0888 +603-2147 1111 16, Jalan Imbi +603-2147 0889 +603-2147 1100 +603-2142 8333 [email protected] [email protected] +603-2142 6623 www.novotel-asia.com www.impiana.com/klcc.html [email protected] www.meliakualalumpur.solmelia.com 3-Star/Budget HotelsCapitol Hotel Agora Hotel Jalan Bulan, Off Jalan Bukit Bintang 106-110, Jalan Bukit Bintang +603-2143 7000 +603-2142 8133 +603-2143 0000 +603-2142 7815 www.capitol.com.my www.agorahotel.netCorona Inn Tune Hotels 22, Jalan Tong Shin, Off Jalan Bukit Bintang No. 316, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman +603-7962 5888 +603-2144 3888 +603-2691 3301 +603-2144 0715 / 0716 www.tunehotels.com www.coronainn.com.myAround KL Jalan Ampang5-Star HotelsLe Meridien Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Hilton Hotel 2, Jalan Stesen Sentral, Kuala Lumpur Sentral 3, Jalan Stesen Sentral, Kuala Lumpur Sentral +603-2263 7888 +603-2264 2264 +603-2263 7222 +603-2264 2266 [email protected] [email protected] www.lemeridien.com www.hilton.com.myAncasa Hotel 4-Star Hotels Holiday Villa Apartment Suites Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock Grand Seasons Hotel 225, Jalan Ampang +603-2026 6060 +603-2179 9000 +603-2026 8322 72, Jalan Pahang +603-2179 9100 [email protected] +603-2697 8888 [email protected] www.ancasa-hotel.com +603-2691 3333 www.holidayvilla.com.my [email protected] www.grandseasonshotel.com 3-Star / Budget HotelsGrand Centrepoint Hotel Hotel China Town Inn Mandarin Court Hotel 316, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman 52-54 Jalan Petaling 55 Jalan Maharajalela +603-2693 3988 / 2694 1588 +603-2070 4008 +603-2273 9933 +603-2694 3688 +603-2078 4033 +603-2273 9833 www.ubb.com.my/hotel www.chinatowninn.com www.mandarincourthotel.com.my
ACCOMMODATION| 85 Beyond KLBeyond KL: Cyberjaya / Seri Kembangan / KLIACyberview Lodge Resort & Spa Palace of The Golden Horses Concorde Inn Kuala Lumpur International Airport Persiaran Multimedia, Cyberjaya Jalan Kuda Emas, The MINES Resort +603-8312 7000 City, Seri Kembangan Jalan KLIA 1/60, KLIA, Sepang +603-8312 7001 +603-8943 2333 +603-8783 3118 www.cyberview-lodge.com +603-8943 2666 +603-8783 1211 www.palaceofthegoldenhorses.com.my www.concorde.net/sepang
ENTERTAINMENT | 91 ENTERTAINMENT Nightlife LISTINGS Jalan Raja Chulan/Jalan Imbi/Jalan Bukit Bintang... 92 Jalan Ampang/Jalan Sultan Ismail ...... 92 Jalan P. Ramlee ...... 93 CLUBBIN’ IN SUBURBIA Bangsar, Sri Hartamas/Mont Kiara ......... 93 Around KL......... 94 HIGHLIGHTS Party Around Town/Beyond KL ......... 94ENTERTAINMENTEntertainment in Malaysia is as diverse as the people, with every state having a unique localform of entertainment. While there is clubbing, watching movies, theatre and concerts in KualaLumpur, there also is playing congkak, wau or watching wayang kulit performances for the EastCoast states of Peninsular Malaysia.More than just the pulsating disco lights, KL offers a vast array of theatres, musical plays,concerts, cultural performances and musical showcases which suits every taste andpreference. Powered by trendy yuppies with a penchant for culture, the entertainment scene inKL appeals to all visitors and is a sure-fire way to explore the perfect party spot or just a placeto chill. Meanwhile in Highlights: Party Around KL, a fusion of entertainment elements likemusic, fashion and art are slowly but surely taking ground.KL-The Guide covers new ground in our Performing Arts & Cinemas pages for those lookingfor a culture exchange which include the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and the GaleriPetronas, a reknowed art gallery both at the PETRONAS Twin Towers and traditional danceget a review in the Temple of Fine Arts in Brickfields.
92 | ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFENightlifeThe entertainment scene in Kuala Lumpur tends to be very happening especially at night. Dubbed theGarden City of Lights, the party life here in KL can be very adventurous. For those seeking a goodtime partying, try the clubs at Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan P. Ramlee. You can find the manymusic genres available and club themes to suit your dance grooves. Club hopping is also popular amongthe locals, so be sure to hit a few clubs in one night!With the nightclub listing, KL – The Guide recommends more than a handful of clubs to which anyvisitor to KL should go partying. Check out our recommendations on clubs you shouldn’t miss! LISTINGSJalan Raja Chulan/Jalan Imbi/Jalan Bukit BintangBangkok Jazz Thai Bistro Qba La Bodega Chulan Square within The Westin Hotel Jalan Tengkat Tong Shin +603-2145 8708 +603-2731 8333 +603-2142 6368 www.seacuisine.com.my www.westindining.com.my/ www.bodega.com.my restaurants/qba.aspClub de Vegas Salsa Havana Club Pulse +603-2141 3888 Federal Hotel Kuala Lumpur Grand Millenium Hotel www.clubdevegas.com.my +603-2145 2890/016-317 5385 +603-2117 4888 www.federal.com.my www.millenniumhotels.comMinnal Fun & Family Club Kuala Lumpur Funtheque Little Havana Federal Hotel Kuala Lumpur +603-2144 3892 Off Changkat Bukit Bintang +603-2145 2890 www.captainscabin.com.my +603-2144 7170 www.federal.com.my www.mylittlehavanakl.com Jalan Ampang/Jalan Sultan IsmailZouk – Mainroom, Velvet Underground, Ruums Bar & Club Finnegan’s 3 The Loft & Terrace Bar opposite within Life Centre Building Changkat Bukit BintangGrand Maya Hotel +603-2145 1930 +603-2162 8163 www.finneganspubs.com +603-2171 1997 www.ruumsclub.com www.zoukclub.com.myThe Cotton Club The Marketplace Bently’s PubJazzaurant 4A Lorong Yap Kwan Seng +603-2166 0750 Hotel Nikko, 1st Floor, 165, Maju Junction Mall +603-2166 0752 Jalan Ampang, www.marketplacekl.com Kuala Lumpur. +603-2772 8588 www.cottonclub.com.my +603-2782 6268/2161 1111 www.hotelnikko.com.myUrbanattic The Apartment Alexis Ampang Downtown G-46 CapSquare,No. 7, +603-4260 2288Persiaran Capsquare, Lot G48 & 139, G & 1st www.alexis.com.myOff Jalan Ampang, Capital Square, Floor, Suria KLCC50100 Kuala Lumpur +603-2166 2257 +603-2693 3808 www.atheapartment.com [email protected]
ENTERTAINMENT | 93 NIGHTLIFELuna Bar Jalan P. Ramlee Aloha 33rd Floor, Pacific Regency HotelApartments, Menara Pan Global next to Rum Jungle +603-2711 7266 +603-2026 2211 www.alohakl.com www.pacific-regency.com RetroOblique next to Grand Modesto’s next to Grand Modesto’s +603-2713 2333 +603-2713 2333 www.modestos.com.my www.modestos.com.my Thai Club & BistroPoppy – Restaurant,Bar & Garden Jalan Perak +603-2163 8388 +603-2141 8888 (rest)/ www.thaiclubkl.com.my +603-2170 6666 (off) www.poppy-collection.com Beach Club CaféSkybar next to Emporium Grand Café 33rd Floor, Traders Hotel, KLCC +603-2332 9911 +603-2166 9919 www.skybar.com.myClubbin’ in SurburbiaThe main clubbing area of Bangsar Baru showcases the fashion, the class and the glamour of theneighbourhood as it is filled with bars, clubs and pubs of all shapes and sizes, each with their ownunique theme. The entertainment avenues are as diverse as the outlets themsleves, all you have tobring is your enthusiasm to party! At the back of the hill which Bangsar lies is another clubbing areaknown as Sri Hartamas and Mont Kiara. Over here the outlets cater to the trendy expatriatecrowd and the growing republic of young clubbers. Come here for nightlife that may mellow orfunky depending on your mood. Whatever your style, you can be sure it matches your taste! BangsarTelawi Street Bistro Club 11:15 Absolute Chemistry Jalan Telawi 2 Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru Jalan Telawi 2, Bangsar Baru +603-2282 7242 +603-2284 6721 +603-2284 1310 www.telawi.com.my Illusions Bar FlamThe Attic Jalan Telawi 3 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru Jalan Bangkung, Bukit Bandaraya www.flams.com The Social www.attickl.com Modesto’s Bangsar Jalan Telawi 3Alexis The Bar Upstairs +603-2282 2260 Jalan Telawi 3 www.thesocial.com.my Jalan Telawi 3 www.modestos.com.my +603-2284 2880 Club18@Bangsar Avenue www.alexis.com.my Finnegan’s 1 Jalan Liku, Off Jalan RiongChili’s Grill & Bar Jalan Telawi 5 +603-2282 2018 +603-2284 9024 within Bangsar Shopping Centre www.finneganspubs.com +603-2092 2023 www.chilis.comFinnegan’s 2 Sri Hartamas / Mont Kiara RAW KL Jalan 27/70A (near RHB Bank) Supper Club J-OG-9 Solaris Mont Kiara, +603-2300 0538 Jalan Solaris 2, Mont Kiara www.finneganspubs.com Lot PT 4512 (PT 48672), Jalan +603-6203 6869 25/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas www.rawkl.comModesto’s Sri Hartamas +603 – 6203 5566 Little Bali off Jalan Bukit Kiara www.supperclubkl.com +603-6201 7898 same row as Souled Out www.modestos.com.my Backyard Pub Café, Desa Sri HartamasDiva Matrix Pub & Cafe Jalan Sri Hartamas +603-2300 7718 +603-6201 0318 Plaza Crystaville 2, Jalan www.backyardpub.com Souled Out22A/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas,Kuala Lumpur. Flagz Restaurant & Pub Desa Sri Hartamas +603-2300 1955 +603-6203 1817 Desa Sri Hartamas – Corner www.souledout.com.my lot after the pet shop +603-2300 6650 www.finneganspubs.com
94 | ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFE / HIGHLIGHTSCarl’s Bar Around KL The Bar S wiss-Inn Hotel, Jalan Palate Palette Restaurant & Carcosa Seri Negara, Taman Tasik Sultan, Kuala Lumpur. Bar Perdana, Persiaran Mahameru, Kuala +603-2072 3333 Lumpur. http://www.swissgarden. J alan Mesui,com/hotels/sikl/ Off Jalan Nagasari +603-2295 0888 +603-2142 2148 www.ghmhotels.comThe Borneo Baruk Club www.palatepalette.com Seven Ate Nine Jalan Kia Peng No Black Tie +603-2148 0015 The Ascott, Jalan Pinang www.bbc.net.my Jalan Mesui +603-2162 7789 +603-2142 3737 www.sevenatenine.com www.noblacktie.com.my HIGHLIGHTS: Party Around TownMusic & Fashion are Always the PassionBelieve it or not KL’s pulse beats with the latest blend of throwing fashion and art into the mix of music anddance, creating and award-winning cocktail of night time entertainment. Leading the way are the following:Cloth & ClefMaking headway in the heart of the city is Cloth & Clef, which is all that it claims to be andmore. Housed in a double storey refurbished pre-war bungalow, the ground floor is an artgallery with limited edition streetwear and accessories while the upstairs is home to localand international DJs, aspiring public talents, stand-up comedians and theme parties.Creativity is in the air as this platform for creativity comes alive! 30 Changkat Bukit Bintang (012) 304 5235 [email protected] Centro KL Pronounced Chen’ tro, this fusion of restaurant, bar and club lounge is right in KL’s latest hangout spot of KL Sentral. Opened from 11 am, nights are filled with a great variety of music, from R&B to house and the house band plays during the dinner hours. Definitely a great place to chill out with friends over the weekend or anytime a break is called for! Unit No. G-5 & 1, Lot 77, Seksyen 70, Sooka Sentral, KL Sentral 03-2785 1811 [email protected] the boutique feel of the merged five heritage salons and the modern DJconsole and elevated runway podiums within is Maison, the house of a clubbingrepublic which grooves to a diversity of sounds. The theme nights which run fromWednesdays to Sundays feature everything, from pop to metal, urban to soul andanything in between, so you’ll be sure to enjoy it whether dancing and grooving tothe music’s your thing or just hanging out at the courtyard with your favourite drinkin hand.8 Jalan Yap Ah Shak+603 2698 [email protected] Bar Celona Beyond KL The Scarlet L ot OB 3 G 10-OB G 13, Oasis Euphoria by Ministry of Sound Lot 1-02, 1-03, 1-03A & Boulevard 3 Sunway Pyramid, 1-08, 1st Floor, Cineleisure No 3 Jalan PJS 11/15, Bandar Sunway Lagoon Resort, Damanasara, Sunway Persiaraan Lagoon, Bandar Sunway, Mutiara Damansara +603-5621 8858 +603-7495 1786/+603-7495 1788 03-7722 5733 www.euphoria.com.my www.barcelonakl.com http://thescarlet.com.myThe Pub Café Flam The Sanctuary H oliday Inn Glenmarie, Sunway Pyramid, Bandar Sunway the Curve, Mutiara Damansara 1, Jalan Usahawan U1/8, +603-7492 0068 +603-7710 5033 Seksyen U1, Shah Alam. www.flam.com +603-7803 1000 ext: 7376 www.holidayinn.com/glenmarie
FOOD | 87 FOOD Local Traditional Cuisine Malay/Chinese/Indian ............ 88 Nyonya/Mamak/Local Hawker Food Areas ....... 89 International Delights Middle Eastern/Western/French/Italian/Mediterranean ...........90 >> Photo Courtesy of Tony Roma’sFOODYou know you’ve struck cuisine gold when you land in Kuala Lumpur and discover an array of bothlocal and international food awaiting you. Between the many homegrown estalishmentsand the international chain outlets vying for your tastebuds, you only need to know where tolook, for the best morsels to satisfy whatever food cravings you might have.Those wanting a slice of local cuisine must not miss the local Malay, Chinese and Indiancuisine, along with local hybrid interpretations of Nyonya and Mamak food. The greatdiversity of food highlights KL’s position as the local food hub of Malaysia, with delicacies suchas Otak-Otak from Johore, Asam Laksa and Char Kuay Teow from Penang, Kolo Meefrom Sarawak and Nasi Dagang from Terengganu finding themsleves next to each other.As Islam is the national religion, many eateries in KL display the Halal logo on their premises,assuring Muslim visitors that the food and beverage prepared within are in accordance tothe Islamic law. Any uncertainties may be addressed by enquiring the wait staff or managementwithin. Also, for practicing vegetarians, KL–The Guide has a list of eateries specialising invegetarian cuisine for your dining pleasure.Meanwhile, those hankering for a more cosmopolitan menu will not be disappointed eitherwith the amount of Western, Mediterranean, Italian, French and Middle Eastern availableand the creative Fusion interpretations in tow. Other Asian fare such as Japanese, Korean,Taiwanese, Indo-Chinese, Thai and Indonesian cuisine makes it possible for a tantalizingfeast all in one place – KL.
88 | FOOD LOCAL TRADITIONAL CUISINEMalay Bijan Awarded a Best Restaurant award by Tourism Malaysia in 2004, Bijan offers a fantastic selection of authentic, traditional Malay Food, using traditional recipes handed down over the generations, yet creatively complemented with a twist of modern presentation. Favourites consist of typical Malay delicacies such as Beef and Chicken Satay, Fried Popiah (Springroll), Stuffed Tauhu (Beancurd) and Rusuk Panggang (Baked ribs). And for dessert, the must-have Chocolate Durian Cake is an out-of-this-world combination of creamy durian – the king of fruits, sandwiched between moist chocolate cake and coated in chocolate. 3, Jalan Ceylon +603-2031 3575 Lunch: 12:00 to 14:30 Dinner: 18:30 to 22:30 (Mon-Sat), 16:30 to 22:30 (Sun) daily www.bijanrestaurant.com Saloma Bistro & The Seri Melayu Restaurant Santai Restaurant & Café Theatre Restaurant 1, Jalan Conlay 10 Persiaran Zaaba, Taman Tun Dr Ismail 139, Jalan Ampang +603-2145 1833 +603-7728 8173 +603-2161 0122 Lunch: 12:00 to 15:00 daily; 12:00 to 22:00 (Mon-Thurs); 14:00 to 22:00 11:00 to Midnight daily Dinner: 18:30 to 23:00 daily (Fri); 08:00 to 22:00 (Sat & Sun) (Closed on www.serimelayu.com alternate Mondays)ChineseChynnaSince 2004, Chef Lam’s Cantonese delights served with mixed with a touch of Shanghai theatrics hasbeen served in a replica of a Tang Dynasty ancestral hall and the open dim sum kitchen and bar simplyentices spectatorship. Among the more interesting features include: aresident herbalist who recommends healthy herbal dishes and the bestwine-food pairings, a tea-master from Beijing who pours welcome teafrom a teapot with a metre-long spout, traditional Chinese musicianswho entertain you while dining and a calligrapher who presents yourpersonalized menu as a farewell gift. Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Level 5, 3 Jalan Stesen Sentral, KL +603-2264 2515 +603-2264 2593 12:00 to 14:30 (Mon-Fri), 11:00 to 14:30 (Weekend); Dinner: 18:30 to 22:30 daily www.kl-studio.com/chynna.htmlTai Zi Heen Yut Kee Hakka No.4 Jalan Conlay, 35, Jalan Dang Wangi 6, Jalan Kia Peng +603-2170 3259 +603-2698 8108 +603-2143 1907/1908 12:00 to 14:30, 18:30 to 22:30 08:00 to 17:00 daily (Closed on Mondays) Lunch: 12:00 to 15:00 daily; [email protected] Dinner: 18:00 to 23:00 dailyIndian Bombay PalaceBanana Leaf Rice 215, Jalan Tun Razak (next to the Japanese embassy)This dish is the preserve of Southern Indian Chettinand cuisine as warmly cooked +603-2145 4241 / 7220rice is spooned out in generous quantities onto cleaned banana leaves, filling the Lunch: 12:00 to 14:30;air with the distinctive aroma from the banana leaf. Then helpings of various types Dinner: 18:30 to 22:30 dailyof curries and vegetables are ladled by the side. If you are a regular meat-eaterthen you may order your preferred meat dish from their jewel case otherwise,this would be a vegetarian dish. After all the side dishes have been added on, aspecial selection of condiments can be chosen to accompany the dish, they wouldinclude fried condiments like deep fried vegetables, homemade potato chips andSri Paandi’s (PJ) Restaurant 37, Jalan 11/4, Section 11, PJ 08:00 to 23:00 daily From the Jalan Utara-Jalan Timur exit on the Federal Highway heading towards KL (the one with Menara AmBank on your right), turn left into Jalan Utara and keep to the right. At the first set of traffic lights turn right into Jalan Bukit 11/2. Continue going straight till you see Sek. Ren. Sultan Alam Shah 1 & 2 on your right and begin keeping to your right. At the following junction, or the fourth junction from Jalan Utara, turn right and the restaurant is right in front of you. It is the one on the right.
FOOD | 89 LOCAL TRADITIONAL CUISINENyonya (A mixture of Chinese and Malay Cuisine)Top Hat Little Penang Café Aunty Nat 7, Jalan Kia Peng 1st Floor, Mid Valley Megamall 4, Lorong Yap Kwan Seng +603-2142 8611 +603-2282 0215 +603-2168 8126 12:00 to Midnight 10:00 to 22:00 daily 12:00 to 23:00 daily www.top-hat-restaurants.com Madam Kwan’s Famous for its spicy Nyonya dishes like Nasi Bojari (coloured rice with fried chicken, beef rendang and assam prawns) and Nasi Lemak (coconut milk rice served with a variety of dishes and condiments) as well as it’s desserts, like Air Batu Campur (ABC) (shaved ice with nuts, red beans, creamed corn, rose syrup and condensed milk), it is advisable to book ahead to avoid disappointment. Other outlets in the Klang Valley include: Pavilion KL, Bangsar Baru and Mid Valley Megamall . 4th Floor, Suria KLCC +603-2026 2297 11:30 to MidnightMamak (Indian - Muslim Cuisine)Pelita Nasi KandarWith a fantastic location to boast about, Pelita is located just a short walk away No. 149, Jalan Ampangfrom the PETRONAS Twin Towers. Open 24 hours everyday. Pelita serves excellent +603-2162 5532Nasi Kandar (plain white rice with a selection of dishes). Make sure your rice is 24 hoursmixed with a few choices of curry for the ultimate taste of nasi kandar. www.pelita.com.myAl-Esfan Lotus Steven’s Corner Berjaya Plaza, Jalan Imbi No. 79, Lebuh Ampang 31-39, Jalan Pandan Indah 1/22, Pandan Indah 24 hours +603-2026 1689 +603-9274 9018 24 hours www.stevenscorner.com.myLocal Hawker Food AreasJalan Alor, Kuala LumpurThis busy street is jam-packed with rows of hawker stalls and restaurants on each side of the road conjuringup all kinds of wonderful local food. From delicious local favourites like char kuew teow (fried flat noodles),hokkien mee (fried noodles soaked in dark sauce) all the way to bak kut teh (stewed pork). Essentiallymore of an area that caters for non-halal food, this area is a must-go to place for people who want to eat awide assortment of food, with a very small price tag. And don’t expect luxury furnishings – Jalan Alor is theultimate road side dining experience!Petaling Street, Kuala LumpurKL’s Chinatown is not only famous for shopping, but it is also a good place to find a wide choice of cheap,local fares. There are many Chinese hawker food stalls in the area, and many bak kut teh outlets as well.Why not sample the hawker stalls or roadside restaurants here in readiness to enjoy more of the bustlingatmosphere in Petaling Street.SS 2, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Jalan Imbi, Kuala LumpurPossibly the most famous food area in Petaling The Jalan Imbi area is yet another food paradise rightJaya, SS 2 is an absolute haven for local food. smack in the middle of KL city centre. Featuring aFrom the classiest cafés and restaurants to simple wide array of local hawker delights like chicken rice,road side mamak stalls, SS 2 always holds the beef noodles, bak kut teh, fried noodles, and lots ofpromise of great food. The area becomes very desserts, patrons can sample many types of foodbusy at night, as the locals arrive to eat their spread over one meal. There are also Vietnamese andfavourite lok lok (little snacks boiled in plain water Chinese cuisines served in the restaurants within thisand dipped in sauces) or the more usual hawker area.fare of baked fish, soup noodles and fried food. Ifyou’re trying this area for the first time, SS 2 willnot disappoint.
90 | FOOD INTERNATIONAL DELIGHTSMiddle EasternNaab RestaurantA luxurious, fine-dining Iranian restaurant located opposite of Lot 10, at the heart of the Golden Triangle, isa great place to mix business with pleasure. Patrons may dine in style as the dining area, ballroom, meeting rooms arefully-equipped and a ir-conditioned w ith the comfort o f private dining r oom f acilities. Noted a s one o f the biggestIranian dining centre in Malaysia and South East Asia, nothing beats a carefree experience of dining and alfrescoin the heart of Kuala Lumpur.No.130, Jalan Bukit Bintang 12:00 to midnight daily+603-2143 3949 www.naabrestaurant.com+603-2141 5694Restaurant Bukhara 1st Floor, Suria KLCC +603-2168 8220Named after a fabled city along the famed Silk Road in the Middle East, Bukhara 11:00 to 23:00 dailyis a very posh-looking restaurant which f eatures tantalizing culinary delights f rom www.bukhara.com.myEastern China, the Middle East and Turkistan down t o the Indian sub-continent,Persia and Arabia. Well-located on the 1st Floor of Suria KLCC, Restaurant Bukharais spacious and well-lit, with very classy décor.Sahara Tent Restaurant Saray Al Marjan Restaurant Fortuna Hotel, 87 Jalan Berangan, 60, Jalan Doraisamy, Lot 415, Level 4, Suria KLCC Off Jalan Bukit Bintang Asia Heritage Row +603-2168 8557 +603-2144 8310 +603-2694 9724 +603-2168 8598 12:00 to 02:00 daily +603-2694 9754 10:00 to 22:00 daily [email protected] Lunch: 12:00 to 15:00; www.saharatent.com Dinner: 18:00 to 23:00WesternAmerican Chili’s Carmen’s TGI Friday’s Ground Floor, Bangsar Ground Floor, Wisma Lim Foo Yong, GF Life Centre, Jalan Sultan Ismail Shopping Centre Jalan Raja Chulan +603-2163 7761 +603-2092 2023 +603-2143 4567 11:00 to Midnight daily 11:00 to Midnight (Mon-Fri); 12:00 to 02:00 daily www.fridays.com.my 08:00 to Midnight (Sat & Sun)San Francisco Steakhouse Victoria’s Station The Ship Roadhouse Grill Lot 136, 1st Floor, Suria KLCC 243 Jalan Ampang Jalan Bukit Bintang Jalan Ampang +603-2382 0329 +603-4257 3388 +603-2144 3605 +603-4251 8890 12:00 to Midnight daily 11:00 to 00:00 daily 12:00 to 03:00 daily 11:30 to 23:30 daily www.ttrb.com.my www.victoriastation.com.my www.theship.com.myFrenchLa Bodega Tapas Ba Bistro de Paris Etoile Bistro 16 Jalan Telawi 2, Bangsar 18-1, Jalan P. Ramlee Hotel Equatorial, +603-2287 8318 +603-2141 8005 Jalan Sultan Ismail 12:00 to 01:00; +603-2141 1282 +603-2160 5532 Happy Hours: 15:00 to 19:00 [email protected] 08:00 to 23:00 (Sun-Thurs); www.bodega.com.my/ www.poppy-collection.com 08:00 to 01:00 (Fri & Sat) labodega www.equatorial.com/kul/ItalianPiccolo Mondo Ciccio Ristorante Bar The Grand Modesto’s Pizzeria (Italian) Ground Floor, Wisma Peladang, Jalan P. Ramlee Jalan Bukit Bintang 15 Changkat Bukit Bintang +603-2713 2333 +603-2144 7808 603-2141 8605 www.modestos.com.my 11:00 to 01:00 (Sun-Thurs); 17:00 to 00:00 daily 11:00 to 04:00 (Fri-Sat) www.piccolomondo.com.my www.ciccio.com.myMediterraneanJarrod & RawlinsThis English & Mediterranean pub, restaurant, café and delicatessen all rolled up in one is famousfor its cold cuts and meats, imported cheeses, fine wines and both Mediterraneanand British specialities. Besides the Ampwalk branch, they have branches in CapSquareCentre, 1 Utama, Desa Sri Hartamas and Damansara Heights. Lot G08B, Ground Floor, The Ampwalk, [email protected], Jalan Ampang www.jarrod-rawlins.com 03- 2166 0708 03- 2166 7708
RECREATION & ACTIVITIES | 95 RECREATION & ACTIVITIES Motorsport ............... 96 Motorsport / Go-Karts ............... 97 Theme Parks ............ 98-100 >> Photo Courtesy of Skytrex AdventureRECREATION & ACTIVITIESWhether it’s walking or jogging to keep fit in one of the many parks surrounding the city or takingpart in many of the other sports and recreational activities available – there’s something foreveryone to enjoy regardless of their age. The Klang Valley is a haven for sports enthusisasts andthose seeking recreational holidays – be it indoor or an outdoor activity – Kuala Lumpur and theKlang Valley offers many types of sporting and recreational activities.This time around, the heat is on as the Sepang F1 GP draws closer and the many fans of motosportsindulge in their passion on vacation with our focus on go-karting and all-terrain-vehicles (ATV)racing in the different locations featured. However, if you can’t stand the heat then head for somesplashing good times in with the likes of Sunway Lagoon, Desa Water Park and Wet WorldShah Alam.Others on an active rest will find adrenaline-pumping action with indoor Rock Climbing or wagingoutdoor warfare with Paintball while those longing for a good down time will regain their healthand vitality at the many spas and wellness centres in and around town. Families with young childrenare spoilt for choice with visits to the National Zoo, Aquaria – Southeast Asia’s largest indooraquarium, the Firefly Park Resort in Kuala Selangor – the only site in the region to catchfireflies or just enjoy fun rides at Cosmo’s World Theme Park.
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