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بروفايل الدولية العريقة copy

Published by Hololkm Co, 2020-04-08 04:40:32

Description: بروفايل الدولية العريقة copy


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??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 1 15/08/41 10:45:52 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 2 15/08/41 10:46:02 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 3 15/08/41 10:46:13 C M Y Partner for Quality Construction CM MY CY CMY Performance Excelence K Since 2006 AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 4 15/08/41 10:46:26 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K DR. IBRAHIM ALI ALBILTAGY AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 5 15/08/41 10:46:37 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 6 15/08/41 10:46:51TOAFBCLOENTENT Introduction 1.1 Introduction C 1.2 CBoamnkpsaRneyfIenrfeonrmceation M 1.3 Vision, Mission & Values Y 11..45 CCCooommmpppaaannnyyy ORMreaggnaipsntoirzwaatetiioronRn.Iensfoourmrcaetsion CM 1.6 Company Activities MY 111...897 CCCooommmpppaaannnyyy SCSletiaernvnditcsaerds CY 1.10 Company Equipment CMY 11..1121 K Safety & Quality Policy 2.1 Safety Policy 2.2 Quality Policy Projects Completion & appreciation Letters 3.1 Project Completion Letters 3.2 Projects appreciation letters Completed & Current Projects 4.1 Civil Completed projects 444...342 EEClliveeicclttCrroour––reMMneet ccphhroaajnneiiccctaasll CCuomrrepnlet tperdojpercotsjects Projects under study 5.1 Electro – Mechanical & Civil projects under study AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.


??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 8 15/08/41 10:47:17 tInhe20K0i6n,gAdLomDAoWf LSIaAuHdiAALr-aAbRiaE. QWAithforthCeonrasptriudcgtiroonw&thDoefvebluospinmeesnstiwn athseesKtainbglidsohmed oinf Saudi Arabia especially in the contracting sector, to avail its experience for public service through various business activities given its vast experience as well as its high- ly-qualified personnel. C M Y AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA for Construction & Development is a private firm that has a CM deep¬ rooted expertise in general contracting since 1996. Our journey began in Egypt MY in 1996. A er success in Egypt, we decided to convey our vast experience to the Saudi CY Market. CMY K AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA for Construction & Development work in a safe and different manner with due environmental awareness the management and safety personal take health and safety at work as a matter of considerable significance AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA insure that all statutory and regulatory and contractual obliga- tion in respect to health & safety are fulfilled by making a conscious effort to integrate all reasonably practicable safety measures into project planning. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 9 15/08/41 10:47:31 C M Y Company Name CM Office Location AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA for Construction & Development KSA, Jeddah Al fisalia District, Rihant aljazera St. MY P.O. Box 2180 Jeddah 23442 CY 26622667 Tel: No.CMY K Fax: 26390007 E-mail: [email protected] Zakat Certificates 1030326372 VAT Number 310188986600003 Service Investment License 112030063742 Chamber of commerce 109787 Ministry of Commerce and Investment 4030161214 Classification of Contactors 14948 AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 10 15/08/41 10:47:46 Contracting - Mechanical Mechanical: Central Air Conditioning & Ventilation Systems Water Supply &Plumbing Systems. Fire Protection Systems Compressed Air, Low Pressure Gas & Vacuum Networks Electrical Low Voltage Distribution Networks Medium Voltage Distribution Networks C Low Current Systems M Building Management System Y Supply, Erection and Maintenance of diesel CM MY Generating sets with Medium and High-Speed ranges CY MANUFACTURING: CMY Fabrication of duct work system K Manufacturing of attenuators. OPERATION AND MAINTENACE Operation and maintenance of all Electro - mechanical Systems with Highly Response Establishment In 2006, AJ-Dawliya Al Areqa was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Office Address JDer.dIdbarahh-imAl-AMli AadlbiniltaahgRy oad - Adex Plaza 6th Floor Office 604 GM. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

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??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 23 15/08/41 10:50:58 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 24 15/08/41 10:51:15 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 25 15/08/41 10:51:31 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ACcotmivpiatnieys AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 26 15/08/41 10:51:45 AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA team of engineers and technicians are highly quali ed and capable of reaching clients requirements in all of Civil, Electro Mechanical works as designing and execution specially design-built projects, activities are summarized as follows: A) Civil work: Contracting 1- Construction and dismantling of large structures, such as bridges; 2- Transportation, lifting and placing of tunnel elements and caissons; 3- Lock door lifting and installation; 4- Concrete barrage construction. C B) Mechanical: M 1- Central air conditioning & Ventilation systems. Y 2- Water supply & plumbing systems. CM 3- Fire protection systems. MY 4- Compressed air, low pressure Gas & Vacuum networks. CY C) Electrical: CMY 1- Low voltage distribution networks. K 2- Medium voltage distribution networks. 3- Low current systems. 4- Building management system. D) Supply, Erection and maintenance of diesel generating sets with medium and high-speed ranges. E) Manufacturing: 1- Fabrication of duct work system. 2- Manufacturing of attenuators. F) Operation and Maintenance: Operation and maintenance of all electro- mechanical system with highly response. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 27 15/08/41 10:52:00 Manufacturing Another lock former machine is designed to turn out standard Pitts- burgh lock former longitudinal duct connection for 14 to 18 gauge AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA has signed an agree- galvanized sheet metal there is a backup lock former machine for producing standard Pittsburgh lock for 18 to 22 gauge galvanized ment with trox brothers ltd. U.K to manufacture sheet metal. attenuators locally as per trox standers. Lock former machine produce the \"S\" and \"C\" clips for joining And we established a sheet metal fabrication work- section of duct work Another machine produces standing \"S\" clew shop as a step on manufacture activity construc- for joining wide sections of duct. tion plan. Fiberglass interior duct lining for thermal and sound insulation appli- It is fully equipped with the latest and most cation is handled by automatic machines that cut the duct liner to advanced machinery for producing highly quality size, apply the adhesive and weld the pins so that positive fastening and finishing of sheet metal at a high rate of is guarantee. production. The standard used in sheet metal fabrication shop and the field is We have two different lock former machines according to the sheet metal & air conditioning contractors nation- specially designed for commercial and industrial al association Inc. (SMACNA) which is the American standard as duct work to turn out perfectly formed button well as the British standard DW-141. A power machine can gang C punch snap lock male and female connections for notch sheet metal hydraulically receive \"S\" and drive connections. M 20to 26 gauge galvanized sheet. Y The stiffen ductwork against vibration and \"bellying\" we use a beading CM machine up to 16 gauge galvanized sheet metal. MY When round duct is required, we can roll flat sheet to any diameter. CY The shop is supported with machines such as brakes band saw drill presses, CMY spot welders, welding equipment, circular. K Carbon Radom blade cut off saw and many other miscellaneous items equipment's for an efficient duct fabrication shop. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 28 15/08/41 10:52:16 Operation & maintenance The operation & maintenance section is operated separately from the project section we believe that maintenance is an essential element therefore we have focused on maintenance complete HAVC systems and has built a qualified technical maintenance team to repair and maintain various types of heating ventilating and air conditioning system in the most efficient manner. The company has also technical team to carry out the opera- tion and maintenance of all electrical & plumping systems utiliz- ing mobile service units fully equipped with tools and spare C parts are dispatched upon customer request. M Spare parts also reserved for preven- Y tive maintenance in all fields men- CM tioned above. MY Our maintenance contracts vary CY and we leave it to the client to CMY choose the type of contact that suits K his needs either annual periodical or maintenance upon request. Air conditioning equipment and spare parts stocked in sufficient quan- tities that providing a variable level of project installation capability and meeting the maintenance service requirements. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 29 15/08/41 10:52:34 PSaurctcneesrss C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.


??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 31 15/08/41 10:53:11 SCtoamnpdaanryds C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 32 15/08/41 10:53:28 National standards 1- Saudi standard. 2- ARAMCO standard codes. 3- Ministry of defense & aviation code. 4- Royal commission standard. 5- Civil Aviation standard. C International standards M 1- SMACNA – Sheet metal and air conditional Y CM contracting national association. MY 2- NFPA – National fire protection association. CY 3- ASTM – American society for testing and material. CMY K 4- DIN – Deutsches institute for normung e.v. 5- NEMA – National electrical manufacturers association. 6- ANSI – American national standards institute. 7- NEC – National electrical code. 8- IEC – international electrical commission. 9- IEEE – institute of electrical commission. 10- EMC – electro-Magnetic compatibility association. 11- UL – underwriters laboratories 12- OSHA – occupational safety and health act. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV. AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA team has applied successfully the following standards: SCtoamnpdaanryds

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 33 15/08/41 10:53:44 Our service offered are as follows: Contracting C Superstructures Construction M Renovation of Commercial, Industrial, Y Privet villas and Residential Buildings CM Finishing Works MY Dams & Related Concrete CY Earth & Concrete dams CMY Towers K Water & Fuel reservoirs Site Development AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV. Surveying Earthmoving Grading Various types of safety measures SCeormvipcaensy

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 34 15/08/41 10:53:59 List of our trucks heavy Vehicle Name Model Manufacture Quantity equipment & light vehicle Mobile Crane 30 ton Cat 5 Excavator Wheels Hyundai 6 Excavator Catina Cat 7 Loader E960 Cat 5 Back hole JCB JCB 8 Bobcat Cat Cat 5 Truck Long Chasee Dyana 5 Pick-up Dmax Isuzu 4 Bus 28 person Castor 15 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ECqoumippamneynt AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 35 15/08/41 10:54:11 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K It is the Health, safety and environment (HSE) policy of to maintain a safe and secure work environment against any risk or exposure to personal harm, property damage or adverse effects to the environment. As such, it is the duty and the right of every personnel employed and engaged by AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA to exercise a (Stop of work) intervention whenever any employee, person(s) or groups assets or local environment are at risk or when there is perceived risk to the life, health or safety of the individuals within the work environment the management of AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA is fully supportive of this decisions of an employee which is taken in the diligent execution of this policy (Stop work) shall be applied if any situation arises due to an unsafe action or behavior or omission or non – action of any party involved in the operation and if such situation were permitted to continue may potentially lead to the occurrence of an incident which may lead to personal injury or damage to company asset any member of AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA irrespective of his/her position/seniority/discipline has the right and duty to apply the (Stop of work) policy if in his/her opinion or judgment such activity is deemed to be an unsafe or risky behavior there shall be no blame or fault put on any employee calling for a (Stop of work) order even if upon investigation the (Stop of work) order was deemed unnecessary the stop of work must be applied in good faith timing is a critical factor there should not any delay in calling for a stop of work order if the need arises work that has ceased due to a stop of work shall not be resumed until all safety aspects are cleared to the satisfaction of the employee who initiated the stop of work order or to the satisfaction whose work activities necessitated the initiation of the stop of work order as with other company policies accountability for non-compliance will follow established. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 36 15/08/41 10:54:24 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA aim to: QUALITY POLICY 1- Satisfy the need of its customer by providing reliable, timely and cost effective services which are undertaken to high professional standard and integrity. WE ARE COMMITTED TO 2- Provide services which are always carried out in accordance with stated standardized method and ACHIEVE CUSTOMER customers’ requirements. SATISFACTION BY 3- Ensure that its reputation for quality of its services is continually enhanced. ADOPTING CONTIUAL To achieve those aims: 1- AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA has developed and is implementing and effective continually improved IMPROVEMENT METHODS quality management system complying these procedures are subject to schedule audits and to an overall AND REVIEWING annual review. 2- AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA personnel are committed to familiarize themselves with quality system PERIODICALLY THE EFFEC- documentation and implementation policies and procedure in their work. TIVENESS OF THE QUALITY 3- The top management and employees of AL DAWLIAH AL- AREQA are strongly committed to ensure MANAGEMNT SYSTEM. compliance to the full adherence to Al-Dawliya quality policy. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 37 15/08/41 10:54:36 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

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??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 39 15/08/41 10:55:00 C M PCROOMJPEACNTYS Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 40 15/08/41 10:55:13Civil projects Storm water open channels Jeddah Amanah South & east Jeddah Excavation replacement of soil, gravel i nstallation,shutting, steel fixing and concrete finishing for open channels and box culvert. 75,000,000 SR Al-khalidiyah-02 C S/S 132/13.8 KV M Y Saudi electrical Company CM Najran MY All civil work and earth work CY 130,000,000 SR CMY K Muhaiyel S/S 380/132/13.8 KV Saudi electrical Company Muhaiyel – Aser Workmanship for almost out door items) all gantry foundation –GIB footing – Reactors Fire walla –all ducts – tanks – walkways) total work 132 k.v building / control building finishing 150,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 41 15/08/41 10:55:19 Muhaiyel King abdulaziz Al-Shamiah Civil projects HSa/ySa3t8A0/l-1s3a2fw/1a3.8 KV university warehouse hSoatuedlsi eVleicllatrical Company King Abdul-Aziz university Saudi bin laden group JvCi7Sn1MWwcRaehi0lol5eoa,odalalu0on0abnidgs0lkhsr,ktkch0thaaa0awrrm0out,uhtni0Soya0rlctkaa0eer,rbyist0y0nnmlisuo0Fgs)–fSiiih0nolrrtRdAeroiuEpSoaisntlnRw-aeanfgBdodrdalaarwfilslafintaahoinnoilsamri–dhsnkahion1–2lilns3Ggdtvg2IiouBll2kacu.6fvtstoshdob–ootuittnoiaeldgrlniintk–esgm–/s) Jeddah Makkah 32 Villas as staff housing villas, Design at bin laden area. complete work for civil and finishing total civil work & electro mechanic 44,000,000 SR 30,000,000 SR C M Y CM MY CY CMY K AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 42 15/08/41 10:55:30 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Civil projects Al-Shoqiq Expansion of Gizan Gizan power plant CPS-02 medical city Saudi electrical company Saudi electrical Company Saudi Electrical Company Al-Shoqiq Gizan Gizan Earth work and asphalt work Expantion of gantry area make All out door foundation and f in all out door new duck bank, trenches and inishing of S/S and inside 80,000,000 SR gantry foundation in live power station building floor painting 20,000,000 SR 18,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 43 15/08/41 10:55:32 Roikba Civil projects S/S 132/13.8 kv. C M Saudi Electrical Company Y Najran CM All out door with asphalt MY CY 21,000,000 SR CMY K Al-Qaid S/S 132/110/13.8 kv. AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV. Saudi electrical Company Hail-Alqaid Total civil work with boundry wall and pre-cast items.1 68,000,000 SR Jizan Economic City Saudi electrical Company Jizan All civil work 4,200,000 SR

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 44 15/08/41 10:55:40 Civil projects Najran Remote End National Grid Najran All out door with asphalt 9,600.000 SR Belgran 1 C 32kv substation M Y National Grid CM Belgrn MY All civil work CY CMY 39,000,000 SR K Hyundai prince Fawaz 380 kv BSP Saudi electrical Company Jeddah prince fawaz district All civil work 250,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 45 15/08/41 10:55:43Civil projects Establishment, maintenance and protection of the service of the two holy cities of the floods and environmental factors Copasa Company & Company OTHL Al Haramain Train service road Medina – Jeddah) Work of retaining walls, concrete slabs, rockworks, and construction of dirt and asphalt roads and concrete roads. 94,000,000 SR C M Y National guard CM family compound MY CY Aramco CMY Thuwal K All finishing work for 200 Villas 150,000,000 SR Alesayi Group Factory No. 2 Mohammed Abdulrahman Farhat Jeddah All civil work 30,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 46 15/08/41 10:55:51 Electro- Mechanical projects Kindg Abdulaziz international Airport Saudi Bin Laden Group Jeddah Electromechanical works 73,000,000 SR King Saud University For Heath C King Saud University M Y Jeddah CM Complete electromechanical MY (A/C – Plumping – Firefighting) CY work for hazardous bullding CMY K 10,839.000 SR Standardized Project For MOI. Ministry of interior Makkah Supply and installation of total electromechanical work at one building for civil defence 5,536,280 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 47 15/08/41 10:55:54 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K General Security Al-Haram Al-Sharief Edsas Tower building in MENNA (Al-Shamiyah) Makkah Jabal Edsas Co. Ltd Ministry of Hajj Saudi Bin Ladin Group Jeddah Makkah Makkah All Electrical & Mechanical works. Supply and installation of electrical Supply and installation for A/C duct light power for the bullding and plumping work at basement 12,000,000 SR 6,447,699 SR 15,338,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV. Electro-Mechanical projects

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 48 15/08/41 10:55:59 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Electro-Mechanical projects Manual Mall Junior Tower Jizan Refinerw & Terminal Al Binaa Al Muammar Co. Ltd Al Binaa Al Muammar co. Ltd. Copasa Company & Company OTHL Jeddah Jeddah (ARAMCO) Electrical works and mechanical Electrical works and mechanical Jizan works. works. Electromechanical works 21,000,000 16,000,000 SR 30,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 49 15/08/41 10:56:02 C Farsi 8 Tower M Y Zaki Farsi Group CM Jeddah MY All civil and Electromechanical works CY CMY 320,000,000 SR K Construction of a new Duba seaport 132/13.8 kv substation National Grid Saudi Arabia Duba Construction of a new Duba seaport (Substation Portion) 65,000,000 SR AL-DAWLIAH AL-ARIQAH FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEV.

??????? ??????? ??????? copy.pdf 50 15/08/41 10:56:05 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rawabi Al-Hijaz Fakieh Farms compound Fakieh Ministry of housing Taief Jeddah All civil and Electromechanical All civil work works 500,000,000 SR 224,000,000 SR ON GOING Projects

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