Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 2022 - 2026 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 1
Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 JCA Framework Overview - Print & eBook................................................................................................................... 4 Servicing Costs................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Book Supply & Delivery..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Additional Features and Services.................................................................................................................................. 7 Print Book Supply............................................................................................................................................................... 8 eBooks................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Reading List and Discovery Tools................................................................................................................................ 11 Financial Management Integration............................................................................................................................. 11 EDI and API........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Finance............................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Library Book Processing - Shelf Ready....................................................................................................................... 13 Orders to Individuals....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Catalogue Records.......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Returns................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Customer Testimonials................................................................................................................................................... 15 Contact Information......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Senior Management Team............................................................................................................................................. 16 Regional Account Managers......................................................................................................................................... 17 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 3
Introduction Welcome to Browns Books Browns Books is a UK family owned and run business and is part of The Little Group. The Little Group offers the most comprehensive range of physical & digital services available for books and entertainment products and has the largest stock holding outside of the US in our UK based warehouses. Trading for over 40 years from Hull in East Yorkshire, Browns Books is a long established and respected book and DVD supplier to educational institutions – from early years all the way through to higher education along with specialist, medical and governmental libraries. Browns Books originally began in the 1800s from the bookshop premises in the heart of Hull’s city centre. The shop was a very much loved independent bookstore which traded for decades from the George Street site. In 1982 the business was purchased by the Little family who continued to expand, including the acquisition of Gardners Books in Eastbourne in 1986. In 2006 Books for Students was acquired and the company re-branded to Browns Books for Students. The following years saw the rapid growth in technology from the internet to trading via EDI and APIs. To this day we continue to evolve and develop to provide the tools and services our customers need to maximise efficiencies. 2020 saw the next chapter where we reverted back to our original name of Browns Books as we continued to significantly grow in all of areas of the academic sector. In July 2021 Browns Books moved from the original premises in Hull’s city centre to a brand new purpose-built facility just 8 miles from the previous location. Our new home is an exciting and much needed investment to allow us to enhance our offering and capacity for our customers with a truly unrivalled service. The new site includes a dedicated educational and academic showroom (perfect for customer visits), events opportunities, and fantastic facilities for our staff along with significant room for growth. To this day, members of the Little family continue to direct and lead Browns Books with the family culture and values very much present throughout the whole business. Our separate user guides describe our websites and functionality in detail. Please contact our Customer Care team or our Regional Account Managers for any further information on any of our services. A separate user guide is available for our eBook platform VLeBooks. 4 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
JCA Framework Overview - Print & eBook Browns Books are delighted to be awarded, approved supplier on 9 Lots of the Joint Consortia Agreement. Enabling Browns Books to deliver a whole solution to JCA members for print, standing orders, eBooks, eTextbooks and multimedia for library and all departments across all institutions. We are committed to maximising our relationships, continuingly improving and developing our service and solutions to enhance customer workflows and student experi- ence. Browns Books are dedicated to ensuring our customers receive value for money, and therefore offer our customers alternative discount packages. Customers can choose from a variable or flat rate discount. If you are unsure which discount package would offer you best value for money, Browns Books are able to run a price comparison for custom- ers. This comparison can be carried out using titles that have been previously bought by the customer to ensure that the comparison is as accurate as possible. Lot No. Lot Details Result Discounts Lot 1 English language print Highest Scoring Variable Rate books for library stock Bidder Books – up to 40% / Alternative Media – up to 30% Lot 2 Print books published in Highest Scoring Flat Rate foreign languages or in Bidder Books 21.3% / Alternative Media 15% countries where English is not the first language Variable Rate Books – up to 40% / Alternative Media – up to 30% Flat Rate Books 21.3% / Alternative Media 15% Lot 3 Standing Orders 3rd Highest Scoring Variable up to 20% Bidder Flat 5% Lot 4.1 Individual title, DDA or Highest Scoring Variable up to 30% package purchase for Bidder access on aggregator’s own platform, primarily UK languages– Browns were the highest scoring bidder Lot 4.2 Individual title, package or 3rd Highest Scoring Variable up to 30% EBA purchase for access Bidder on a third-party platform Multi-publisher EBA for ac- Highest Scoring Variable up to 30% Lot 4.3 cess via aggregator’s own Bidder Variable up to 30% platform Variable Rate Lot 4.4 Subscriptions for library 3rd Highest Scoring Books – up to 40% / Alternative Media – up to 30% access Bidder Flat Rate Lot 6 English language print Highest Scoring Books 21.3% / Alternative Media 15% books for institution depart- Bidder ment purchase (primarily non-library) Lot 7 Sales to individuals Highest Scoring Variable rate Bidder Books – up to 30% / Alternative Media – up to 20% Out of Print – capped 20% handling fee *Some special order foreign language material may carry a handling charge (capped at 20%) Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 5
Servicing Costs Customer To Provide Browns To Provide 30p Hardback - Dust Jacket Sleeve 5p 55p Paperback - Laminate 5p 30p 10p 45p Paperback - Plastic Wallet 5p 10p Paperback - Soft Laminate 190 Microns 5p 10p 10p 10p Date Label 5p 10p Barcode 5p 10p 25p Class Label 12p Loan Status Label 10p Ownership Stamp 10p RFID (Insert & Program) 5p Tattle Tape Coloured Spots AR Label Grid Stamp (per stamp) Shelf Ready - Metadata cost - Lot 1, 2 & 6 £1.50 Free of charge RDA Catalogue Record NAG (Standard) CIP Catalogue Record POA Bespoke Catalogue Record Shelf Ready - Metadata cost - Lot 3 £1.75 RDA Catalogue Record (NAG Standard) Free of charge CIP Catalogue Record Bespoke Catalogue Record POA Metadata cost – All eBook lots Free of charge RDA Catalogue Record (NAG Standard) Free of charge CIP Catalogue Record Bespoke Catalogue Record POA 6 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
Book Supply & Delivery Browns Books will deliver your books to you in a timely manner whilst of course, being conscious of the environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint. Library Processed Books Library processed books are delivered free of charge. For in-stock items, delivery should be within 5 working days providing the value to release is a minimum of £50.00. This takes into account any open order not just those in a specific batch. If the value is below £50.00, we will monitor daily and as soon as the £50.00 threshold is reached the books are released to our offices for processing. We will not hold onto any books longer than 21 days and therefore despatch after this time. This allows us to avoid sending small parcels daily, thus reducing our environmental impact. Should you have any urgent requests then please contact the Customer Care team. We are always willing to be flexible and understand that sometimes, items may be needed quickly. Non Processed Books For in-stock books that do not require library processing, next working day delivery is free of charge if the order value is a minimum of £50.00 and the order is placed before 4pm. If the order value is under £50.00 there is an option to pay a £3.95 Premium Delivery charge or choose standard free of charge delivery. Books are then held until there is £50.00 in value to release. As with serviced items, we will not hold onto any books after 21 days and items will release with no delivery charge. This takes into account any open order not just those in a specific batch. As ever, should you have any urgent requests, please contact the Customer Care team. For all non-stock books, we will record them until they become available and release in accordance with the above release criteria. Parcel tracking is available through our website A Shipping Notification can be emailed on the day of despatch detailing items shipped, items not immediately available and a tracking reference. Sales to Individuals All orders over the value of £50 will receive free standard delivery. Any order under the value of £50 holds a £3.95 delivery charge. Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 7
Additional Features and Services Showroom Browns Books new purpose built facility houses a large showroom and events space, allowing our customers to browse titles before purchasing and also a great space to network. Selection Support We have a team of expert advisors who are vastly experienced in helping customers with the selection of specific stock based on your criteria. We can select titles up to a predetermined value which encompasses various subjects or indeed just one subject. We collate this information on your online account in baskets with selected titles that fulfil your requested criteria. You can view the selection and have the option to update the quantity of each title required or take out titles that may have already been purchased or that are not suitable, prior to order placement. Using this service can not only help save you valuable time & effort, but also help you get the most from your budget. Book Award and Collections The Browns Books website provides information on literary prize winners, contains topical collections, best-selling titles and newly published titles all listed in a dedicated area on our website’s home page. This ensures that users have access to the most up to date information and the newest titles easily to hand. Ideal for building collections to support reading for pleasure, teaching courses and promoting current topical subjects. Promotions We regularly have special offers and promotions with many of the academic publishers providing even higher discounts. All promotions can be viewed on our website. This can help maximise your budget and enable you to plan for the academic year. Summer & Autumn promotions are just 2 of the highlights! Audio-visual material Our website has over 40,000 DVDs and CDs listed with JCA discounts available, ideal for media studies / extended library provision. The Book Bus Did you know that we have our very own Book Bus that tours the UK visiting schools, colleges and universities? The bus is stocked with specific institutional material where staff and students can be involved in viewing titles to add to the library stock. Scanners are provided to create selections for the acquisitions team to review and decide whether or not to purchase. 8 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
Print Book Supply Browns Books have the largest stock holding in the UK in our warehouses, with 800,000 titles and 20 million volumes of books. We believe that our buying capacity and strong links to publishers, allow us to pass on the best price to our customers. Browns’ are particularly proud of the fact we are completely transparent and our website is open and visible for our standard price and real time stock levels. However, to see your specific discounted prices you will need to log in. You can set up an account with access to your terms, which can be activated within minutes, and you can immediately order with no spending commitments. Prices and discounts are subject to publisher change. On the rare occasion where a price has been increased, we will contact you to advise. You then have the choice to accept the price increase or to cancel the order. We can supply any UK book in print at highly competitive terms, providing our customers with access to an all encompassing solution for print resources. Not only do we supply UK print titles, but we can also source titles from overseas too, along with titles listed as out of print and hard to find material. Even if it is not on our website we will endeavour to acquire the content for you. If a title is not in stock, when you place an order this will then trigger an order to the publisher and then keep recorded on backorder. We will regularly monitor such orders and chase up where required whilst keeping you updated through our website and an email report. Stock items are clearly visible on our website along with additional information for non-stocked items such as an estimated due date or an expected time-scale for delivery. Outstanding Lines Report Emailed monthly detailing all outstanding items including a report code and estimated delivery date. Cancelled Lines Report Emailed weekly detailing any titles which have become unavailable and have been cancelled, a full history of all orders placed, both supplied and open are visible on our website. Standing Orders Our Standing Orders service provides a complete and dependable supply of series and annuals and therefore taking the responsibility and time consuming leg work away from you to manage such titles. Our dedicated team monitor the series publications through our supplier to ensure the orders are fulfilled. Examples of such titles are below; • Yearbooks and annuals • Directories • Proceedings • Book series • Title Updates On set up the team will liaise directly with you on your specific requirements, including alternate editions if required, library book processing and delivery / invoicing requirements. We will also do our very best to apply discounts to your purchases where available. Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 9
Out of Print Browns Books can supply you with out-of-print titles. Our team will investigate your request to find the best match against your buying profile including price limits & format preferences. Any books that are sourced can be supplied fully processed. The benefits of outsourcing such requests are to save you time and money – from credit card payments, sourcing, acquiring, book processing and the administering of the monthly credit card statement. We can work with you on how best to incorporate the Out-of-Print service in to your own work-flows. For more information on how we can assist with the more difficult to obtain titles, please contact our Customer Care team and we will be more than happy to help and discuss your specific requirements. eBooks The VLE platform is a Browns Books product, developed, hosted, and maintained by Browns Books, and offered to its academic customers by Browns Books. Content available for the VLeBooks platform covers all sectors form Early Years up to Higher Education and Textbooks through to fiction. With over 2.1 million titles to choose from we are confident that customers can find titles that are needed. Browns Books offer a range of eBook licences. This allows us to leverage lower prices and aggregate content not otherwise available to the UK library market. We offer unique content due to the licences we make available, for example, reading for leisure material and children’s titles used by teacher training courses. We provide access to a wide range of eTextbooks under a library model, which is cheaper for the institution than purchasing individual copies. This range is constantly increasing (OUP on boarded this summer). By first trialling through the ‘price on application’ model we have managed to secure fixed library pricing for a range of eTextbooks that weren’t previously available for sale. Accessibility VLeBooks has achieved a gold-rated ASPIRE accessibility score of 100%. This recognises our commitment to contin- ually improving content and communication in order to provide full transparency to end users. Authentication Authentication to VLeBooks can be set up very quickly by contacting our Customer Care department. Browns Books have a vast number of ways to authenticate, including but not limited to: • Open Athens • IP • Shibboleth • Ezproxy • Office 365 • Google Apps • Moodle 10 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
Demand Driven Acquisitions Access to DDA is available to authorised users via the VLeBooks Administration area. Within the DDA area there are menus to create and manage the budget, inclusive/excluded content and profile rules. In addition to a comprehensive reporting area and menus to manage user messages and access request prompts, if required, to gather additional data on user activity. To support reading list activity profiles can be created, purchasing triggers defined, licence rules set etc without a content list being assigned. Users can utilise the Add to DDA tool conveniently located on the Browns Books buying screen to add a title into a specific textbook programme, as an alternative to purchasing. Icons display to show it a title is within a DDA profile and the option to remove a title is possible. This can be title by title or en-masse using the content management tool. If required, MARC records are provided instantly by email or FTP for titles added which can be profiled to customer requirements. For personal copies, individual links are provided according to the process agreed with the library for the user to seamlessly continue reading the title. Institutions have the option to make a deposit for a DDA profile or to pay on purchase. DDA invoices are provided separately from routine eBook purchases. Further information on this service can be found in our DDA user guide, or you can contact our Customer Care de- partment to arrange a demonstration. Evidence Based Acquisitions Browns Books provide access to set packages which publishers make available and advertise these through the Browns Books platform, detailing the content, publisher, licence, term, cost etc. Where publishers are flexible with the content and licences included in an EBA package, the library can utilise our EBA Content Selection tool within VLe- Books admin. This area details all the EBA and DDA content profiles held at the institution, their name, selection type, status, title count and match, creation date and last update date. The full EBA title list is visible through here. With this feature, the institution can import lists for de-duplication/exclusion from the profile. They can also import a list to check for EBA eligibility. Alternatively, users can create a content list by defining: • Selection name • Min pages • Min/max price • Published since • Dewey/LC classification/NLM • Country of publication • Publisher • Language • Readership level If allowed by the publisher, the institution can define the licence to be included within the EBA from the models available for the list of titles. This provides greater flexibility and helps to manage the cost of the EBA. The choice of licence is often driven by the purpose of the EBA. The ownership option at the end of the EBA will be determined by the licences the library chooses to include within the package. MARC records are provided in line with the collection going live, any bespoke requirements, and the provision of dele- tion records at the end of the project. MARC can be supplied by email or FTP. Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 11
Subscriptions Browns Books are working with a small number of publishers offering subscriptions which include, monographs, reference titles, text books, course books, or sections of them, or materials or collections or packages. Subscription titles/packages will be purchased and invoiced by Browns Books and content will be available via a 3rd party platform. eTextbooks Although Browns Books are not a supplier on Lot 5, we do offer a vast range of eTextbooks. These titles can be purchased through Lot 1 of the agreement. If institutions are being title is bulk, please speak to one of our Customer Care Advisors who may be able to secure additional terms for the institution. Reading List and Discovery Tools Browns Books provides regular data feeds to third party providers and discovery services such as ESBCO, EBSCO KB, KB Plus, Ex-Libris, JISC, OCLC, SFX, Summon and Proquest. Please contact us for further information, or to confirm if your service is supported. We also operate a price and availability service via Talis Aspire, for buyers, you can link to the Browns Books website for each title to check price and availability. We also offer a Bookshop API for Talis Aspire so that Students can check prices and place orders directly with Browns Books. To configure either of these services, please contact Financial Management Integration Browns Books pro-actively work with current customers to identify their Finance Management / eProcurement systems and progress integration to suit the customer. We have all the necessary IT capabilities and support to integrate with further procurement systems requested by customers in a timely manner with full testing and absorbing any associated costs to fulfil. We have a wealth of experience providing a punchout catalogue to a number of authorities, which covers an extensive number of establishments. We work with Parabalis, PECOS, Civica, Compleat, Integra and Oracle iProcurement. We can work with other systems subject to testing. We can provide access to our online catalogue via punchout and also accept resulting purchase orders in cXML format, email or hard copy if required. Electronic invoicing is currently being set up for individual customers, where we would require a sample file, or XML DTD to look at getting this set up for customers. Please contact our Customer Care Team for more information or to get set up. 12 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
EDI and API Browns Books were awarded with BIC Technology Excellence in Libraries Award (TEiLA) for the period March 2021 – February 2022. This is awarded for our efforts and achievements in deploying beneficial technological developments and adhering to industry standards. This award covers the areas of bibliographic information supply and usage, electronic communication with suppliers, Radio Frequency ID solutions and systems integration and automation. All designed to improve customer service and operational efficiency at a lower cost. We can accept orders in various ways: Email, telephone and post. We also support punch-out ordering systems as well as via our website and through Li- brary Management Systems by integrating using EDI and APIs. EDI and API functionality ensures that library & acquisitions teams can partner with us as effectively as possible. The use of electronic data feeds reduces the requirement for manual input and helps to minimise human error. We work with all LMS providers and offer a range of functionality from EOD (embedded order data) ordering all the way through to fulfilment messages. Our EDI capabilities include the following: • EOD • Ordering • Marc responses • Invoices • Fulfilment records • Reporting The Browns Books website is tailored to your requirements and for EOD, the ordering process is populated with your purchase order codes such as fund, location and stock category. Marc responses can also be supplied directly from our website. Please contact your Regional Account Manager or the Customer Care team for further information about EDI and APIs. Setting up of EDI and API integration with Browns requires minimal effort. Once the relevant LMS information is sent to our Customer Care team, including details of your fund codes or API key, we will take care of the rest and provide you with regular updates on the progress of your set up. Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 13
Finance The invoices we supply can be fully customised to meet the needs of each institution’s requirements. Invoices or Delivery Notes can be enclosed in all consignments in the agreed format prior to account set-up, and invoices can be automatically emailed. These invoices can also be downloaded as a PDF from our website. EDI invoices can also be provided directly into the Library Management System. Standard Invoice: details ISBN, title, author, qty, RRP, discount etc. Bibliographic Invoice: information that shows on all standard invoices and includes publisher, publication date and edition. Multi Location Invoice: information that shows on all Standard Invoices and includes Location, Loan type and Budget Code. There are no charges for any customised invoicing requirements or copy invoices. Email invoices are sent out automatically at the moment the invoice is generated, rather than when an order is despatched. As such, these invoices will be received much sooner than the books themselves. Payment of the invoices can be made via BACs, Corporate Purchasing Cards, Credit Card or Cheque. Credit terms are 30 days. Personal Order/Sales to individuals can pay via credit/debit card or via PayPal. Library Book Processing - Shelf Ready Browns Books offers specific shelf ready services which are designed to provide substantial savings to your budget and to ensure that books are delivered as quickly as possible. We provide a whole host of servicing elements which can be tailored to meet your library processing specification along with automated data exchange of Marc records, invoices and fulfilments. Whether it’s just a protective cover for your books, or a few servicing items such as stamping, date labels, loan types, RFID fitted and programmed and barcodes – we can provide this. A Shelf Ready form is provided for you to complete with your specification. We will work with you to produce a detailed set of guidelines and instructions to ensure that every book meets your exact requirements. Further details of all aspects of library processing we offer are available on request by contacting our Customer Care team or your Regional Account Manager. Orders to Individuals Browns Books offer a solution for individuals to purchase material for personal use. We also have the facility to create an institution a bespoke page on our website, allowing them to promote titles that students and staff will find of benefit. The page can be updated a regular interval. Browns Books have also worked with Talis to integrate our solution into the reading list software which allows students and staff to purchase titles using an approved framework supplier. 14 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
Catalogue Records Our team of experienced cataloguers will ensure that ANY book has a catalogue record at the point of ordering (rather than despatch). This ensures that we not only have the record ready for when the book is supplied, therefore avoiding any delays, we also have a record available for the next order that is placed. Browns Books can supply MARC21 Records via FTP or Email. The bibliographic records we supply to customers are compliant with the NAG Quality of Shelf Ready Metadata report in that they meet the following essential criteria outlined by the report, with one or two exceptions: 1. Title(s) – including authorised Title Heading(s) (if applicable) 24X 2. Creator(s) – including authorised Name Heading(s) 1XX/7XX 3. Subjects – including authorised Subject Headings 65X 4. Resource-type, format & pub. data (Control Fields) LDR/006/007/008 5. ISBNs 020 6. Edition data (if applicable) 250 7. Publication/Imprint data 264 8. Physical description (pagination etc.) data 3XX 9. Series – including authorised Series Heading(s) (if applicable) 490/830 10. Electronic access URL – for e-book 856 11. Item classmark (LC/DDC/UDC as specified by library) 050/082/080 12. EOD – order info 9XX NB: We would not normally provide UDC class marks and not all control fields would necessarily be included in every record provided e.g. we would usually provide the 008 field rather than the 006 field unless it was already included in records sourced by us from external suppliers. Where possible/relevant we also include the five desirable criteria identified by respondents in the NAG report in the records we supply. The majority of these are recorded in 5xx fields in the MARC record, and add extra descriptive detail about the book, e-book or e-textbook to assist the user with resource-identification and selection i.e. 500, 505 and 520 fields. The 010 field containing the Library of Congress Control Number or the 015 fields containing the National Bibliography Number are frequently contained in records that are supplied to us. Browns Books offers different levels of records: RDA Catalogue Record Highest quality of records which will always be AACR2 Level 2 or RDA CIP Catalogue Record standard – compliant with NAG Metadata Standards Bespoke Record Records will be a mix of enhanced records and CIP (pre-publication) records. Records are not provided where we hold a lower quality record on our system Tailored to the institutions cataloguing requirements – additional lines may be added Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 15
Returns There will be occasions where books will need to be returned. Please contact the Customer Care team in the first instance to raise return requests. Be aware that, notification of your desire to return items must be received by Browns within 30 days of the date of invoicing. Defective titles / Processing errors – we will arrange for the books to be collected by courier, replacements ordered (where required) and credits raised. Again, Browns must be notified within 30 days. Shortages - all shortages must be reported within 7 days. Ordered in error – if the books are not serviced then we will contact the publisher to request a return. Where accepted we can arrange a courier collection for a flat fee, or you can arrange for the items to be returned to Browns Books at your own cost. Once the credit is received from the publisher we will credit your invoice. Please notify us at the soonest possible time as items may not be returnable. Customer Testimonials “When we looked at their website, it was far more user friendly than our current supplier. It shows prices, new editions and release dates of upcoming titles/editions clearly; it is very easy to navigate and to search for specific titles and has the facility to create and save shopping baskets, which we felt would not only help to manage site specific orders, but potentially budgets as well.” The Manchester College So far, Browns Books have exemplified customer service. They have taken an approach that is better than many of our other suppliers in terms of accountability and communication. Their success in this area is one of the key things that has ameliorated any potential frustrations during their development and growth. University of York ‘We are a busy College Library which switched to using Browns Books for Students as our main supplier in 2020. We have had absolutely first class customer service from them from day one when they went above and beyond in transferring all our existing ebooks over to their platform (VLe at no charge. We have continued to use Browns Books for all our e-book and hard copy book orders since. Their supply is very efficient and the invoicing and account management is very easy. In terms of their e-book platform (VLeBooks) it is not only from a library management point of view but also from students that we have had very positive feedback with our own students saying how easy, clear and accessible they have found Brown’s ebook platform. As a Library Manager I would not hesitate to recommend them as a supplier and we are sure that our students as the end users would say the same based on accessibility, ease of use and speed of supply when they make requests for new material. We very pleased with the helpful friendly service they provide. Thank you Browns Books! Mysercough College, Lancashire 16 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
Contact Information Browns Books 5 Redcliff Road Melton East Yorkshire HU14 3RS Tel: +44 (0) 1482 384660 Email: If you would like any further information on any of our services, or would like to set up an account, please contact one of our team in house. The website also provides a live on-line CHAT function which is available during office hours. The chat icon is visible at the bottom right of the screen and can be accessed from any page of the website. Our offices are open from 08.30 until 17.00 Monday to Friday We have one of the largest Customer Care operations of more than 20 dedicated staff who can support with your en- quiries, and our five nationwide Regional Account Managers who would be more than happy to come and meet with you to discuss your bespoke requirements. All of our teams are connected through our central communication system and calls can be seamlessly forwarded onto the right contact regardless of where they are located. All emails are received into a central CRM system where they are then sent onto the most appropriate contact to deal with your enquiry. Our CRM system allows us to monitor the volume of work and to ensure that you are responded to in a timely and efficient manner. The Browns Books team of Customer Care Advisors and Regional Account Managers all have the skills and technol- ogy to provide you with on-line demonstrations of our platforms to you and your colleagues. Ideal for quick and easy support and also where it is not possible for us to visit you. Senior Management Team Yvette Stafford - Managing Director Ashley Stafford - Commercial Director Claire Smith – Sales Manager Nic Hales - Marketing Manager Steve Berrieman - IT & Product Manager Jordan Gardner - Accounts & Finance Manager Amy Watson - HR & Operations Manager Julie Devitt - Contract Manager Claudia Mody - Content & Collections Co-Ordinator Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide 17
Regional Account Managers Our team of Regional Account Managers have many years’ experience of working in the library supply industry and are always available to help with any queries you may have. Sally Allen East, South, East Midlands & Home Claire Smith Counties Susan May London & South East Stephen Mitchell North West, Wales, Yorkshire, South West Keith Stanley & Northern Ireland Garry Barber North East & Scotland West Midlands, Hereford & Worcester Hull, York, Darlington & Teesside 18 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide +44 1482 384660 V1.3.4 20 Joint Consortia Agreement Framework Overview Guide
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