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Home Explore DDA Setup Guide

DDA Setup Guide

Published by Browns Books, 2023-01-31 14:10:07

Description: DDA Setup Guide


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Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) Setup Guide DDA Setup Guide 1

Contents Demand Driven Acquisition Setup................................................................................................................................. 3 Access Request Prompts................................................................................................................................................. 4 Email/Message Notifications......................................................................................................................................... 5 Budget Administration...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Exclusion of Already Purchased Content..................................................................................................................... 7 Content Selections............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Adding/Removing Single Titles...................................................................................................................................... 9 Creating a DDA Profile.................................................................................................................................................... 10 DDA Reports...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Shortcuts ctrl+shift+3 Cycle through single page, ctrl+shift+f Toggle sidebar double page, cover page view ctrl+shift+q Cycle page background colour ctrl+shift+4 Bookmark this page f1Link to Help document ctrl+shift+5 Go to next bookmark ctrl+shift+f1 Allowance summary ctrl+shift+6 Zoom to fit to page ctrl+shift+f2 Table of contents. Use the arrow ctrl+shift+7 Zoom to fit to width keys to navigate chapters sub-headings and ctrl+shift+8 Rotate current page sections. ctrl+shift+p Print dialog ctrl+shift+f3 Search ctrl+shift+k Copy text from current page ctrl+shift+f4 Thumbs ctrl+shift+e Export annotations ctrl+shift+f5 Dictionary ctrl+shift+s Show annotation share code popup ctrl+shift+f6 Annotations menu ctrl+shift+y Import annotation share code ctrl+shift+[ Readaloud start / pause ctrl+shift+z Zoom in ctrl+shift+] Readaloud restart current page ctrl+shift+x Zoom out ctrl+shift+@ Readaloud dialogue popup 2 DDA Setup Guide

Demand Driven Acquisition Setup In order to set up Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA), you first need to speak to your VLeBooks account manager, who will enable DDA on your account and discuss your work flows along with preferred payment terms, either payment on account (credit terms) or by pre-payment. Your account manager will also discuss the following options with you, which will help you with the smooth-running of your account, and ensure that invoices and lists are created/updated at a frequency that suits your needs. You will need to select from: Invoicing Frequency – Daily, Weekly, Monthly Order Confirmation Frequency – Immediate, Daily, Weekly, Never List Update Frequency – Immediate, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Never Default Location Code for invoicing – One of your Library or Location codes. On your Account Settings page on the Browns Books website, once logged in, you will see a section dedicated to DDA. Enable DDA - this flag is your control of whether DDA is active on your account. If for any reason you wish to stop all DDA activity, disable this flag and save the screen. Maximum DDA Spend - you can set an overall cap for your DDA spend, which, even with budgeted amounts totalling more than this, the maximum DDA spend will stop DDA purchases if the total spend crosses this value. Academic Year Budget Start - the value is determined across an entire year, and you are able to set the start date of your Academic year using the Academic Year Budget Start. This is used for reporting and to enforce your Maximum DDA Spend. Email Alert Recipients - important DDA reports and notifications will be sent to addresses entered into this box, multiple recipients can be separated by a semi-colon. DDA Setup Guide 3

Unavailable DDA Items Report – subscribes to receive a report which details which items previously selected no longer form part of a DDA profile, for example when a book no longer has the specific license, or whose license price is above your profile limit. Max Daily Access Requests Per Student - you are also able to cap the maximum number of access requests a student can make in any given day. Max Rental Weeks - you can put a cap on the maximum rental length across the platform. Before we start making selections, there are some things to set up first to manage the student experience of DDA, to ensure you are able to collect any data from them as required, and that any messaging to your students has been set up. Access Request Prompts As a buyer you may wish to ask certain questions of students as they make a DDA request, and you can set these up in the ‘Access Request Prompts’ menu. If you do not select any information to obtain, no prompt will be given to the student, and the DDA request will be fulfilled seamlessly. Request Student’s Name and Request Student’s Email, and Request Student’s Library Card Number are simple fields, which when enabled will request the information. The remainder of fields are to set up multiple choice answers. As an example, if you enable ‘Request Reason for Access’ a box will appear for you to create the answers. Each answer should be on a new line, and each line will create one line in the drop-down on VLeBooks. On the ‘Free Text’ questions, you will also be asked for the text of the question, as well as the choices for the answer. 4 DDA Setup Guide

Email/Message Notifications Although VLeBooks provides standard text for each response, you may wish to customise the responses to your students for common scenarios, such as a DDA request being approved, a DDA request being rejected, when a request ends in a full purchase being made of the title. Using this screen you can add in custom text for each of the messages listed: On-Hold Notification – this is the response given when a DDA request does not get fulfilled immediately, for example a Budget has expired, or on the rare occurrence there is a network issue, or similar transient problem preventing a successful request. Rejected Notification – sent to the student when a DDA request is rejected, either because a license was no longer available, the price had increased over your threshold or the rental price was too high etc. Items that fall outside the profile will usually be removed quickly, but this message helps cover other eventualities. Approved Notification – Sent on the approval of a DDA request to confirm to the student it has been successful and in the event of a rental, how long the book is available to them for. Full Purchase Notification – Sent to the student when a DDA request results in a full purchase taking place for the title, and you are able to let them know it is available in your collection going forward. Budget Administration DDA Setup Guide 5

To begin setting up your first DDA profiles, first we need to set up a Budget to control the spend and ensure sales are reported under the correct Fund codes. On the ‘Budget Administration’ screen, click the ‘Add New Budget’ button: Set the Description, and the Fund Code (Which will be used on invoices), and tick the ‘Is Active’ box to enable this budget. Press Save, and you will see the ‘Funds Management’ panel appear. To set a target spend, press the ‘Set Budget Total’ button, and key in the intended value. Note, if you are a Pre-Pay customer, who prefers to pay a lump sum up front for DDA purchases, you will also be prompted for a Purchase Order number, and an invoice will be raised for your chosen value. 6 DDA Setup Guide

Exclusion of Already Purchased Content By default, DDA will not allow the selection or purchase of titles which are already owned by you in VLeBooks. In order to ensure that you can exclude titles owned with other providers, we support the upload of lists to be Globally Excluded from DDA selections. To create a new exclusion list, navigate to ‘Content Selections’ and select ‘Add EAN File Upload’ or ‘Add Cut and Paste’. Content Selections To upload from a file of EANs, export a suitable CSV or TXT file of content, confirm whether the file has a column header, confirm the column that the EAN appears in, and select the file to upload. Tick the box marked ‘Global Exclude’, and save the screen. To upload from a Cut and Pasted list, the process is similar, however rather than uploading a file, you can simply paste a list of EAN’s into the box, and save the screen. DDA Setup Guide 7

Once you have successfully set up your Budgets, it is time to select some content for your DDA profile, and we support 3 types of content selection: Search Criteria – Use our search form to build a list of content using parameters to filter out unsuitable content, i.e.: Minimum Pages – A control to set the minimum number of pages a book has to ensure a worthwhile purchase. The control is commonly used to remove items that may be described as a pamphlet etc. Minimum Price/Maximum Price – a control to set the minimum and maximum price for a book to be included in the selection. Published Since – A control to set the date all content should be published since, so that older content can be easily removed. Classification – First you are able to choose which classifications to choose by Dewey range or Library of Congress Classification. Once your chosen scheme has been selected, you will be able to select ‘Edit Dewey Classification’ or ‘Edit LC Classification’ to be given a selection tree to include/excluded specific subject areas. 8 DDA Setup Guide

Country of Publication – The dropdown allows a choice of: All Countries – books will be included regardless of the country of publication. Only These Countries – Allows selection of countries to be included in the profile. Not These Countries – Allows selection of countries to be excluded from the profile. Language – the dropdown gives a allows a choice of: All Languages – books will be included regardless of the language. Only These Languages – Allows selection of languages to be included in the profile. Not These Languages – Allows selection of languages to be excluded from the profile. Readership – the dropdown gives a allows a choice of: All Readership Levels – books will be included regardless of the readership level. Only These Readership Levels – Allows selection of readership levels to be included in the profile. Not These Readership Levels – Allows selection of readership levels to be excluded from the profile. When you have completed your criteria, press Save and go back to the Content Selections menu. On this page you will be able to see your new Content Selection and a count of the titles which have been matched against it. If you have made changes, or chose to re-match titles manually, you can use the ‘Re-Match’ to match the latest titles. ‘View’ allows you to browse the list of selected titles, as a visual check that suitable content has been selected. ‘Edit’ allows the user to make changes to their content selection to change or refine the criteria used. Adding/Removing Single Titles To add eBooks on a title-by-title basis to your DDA selections, there is a DDA tab on the main product page on the Browns Books website (located underneath the jacket image). Select which existing DDA profile you wish to add the title to, along with your preferred licence model from the dropdown menus. Tick to receive a MARC record and enter your email address for confirmation. Select ‘add to DDA’ for the title to be added to your DDA profile. To remove a title, simply visit the product page and navigate to the DDA tab as detailed above. Click ‘Remove from DDA’ and you will be presented with a pop-out box to enter your email and tick to receive the MARC record deletion file. DDA Setup Guide 9

Creating a DDA Profile Now we have a Budget and a list of content available, we can create our first DDA profile, click the DDA Profiles menu, and the select ‘New DDA Profile’. Give your DDA Profile a name, and select the Budget you wish to spend from – this will specify which fund is invoiced/ decremented when a DDA rental/purchase takes place. You can also set the ‘Status’ of the profile which allows you to work on the setup without the profile being live, and withdraw a profile easily: Under Construction – you can work on the profile, but it is not live Active – the DDA Profile is live Withdrawn – the DDA Profile has been withdrawn, and is not currently active. In the ‘Rentals’ section, you can choose the rules which dictate how rentals are made, prior to a purchase, or whether the DDA profile is purchase only. To set the profile to be purchase only and not attempt to create a Rental/Short Term Loan, tick the ‘first request triggers purchase’ box. To specify that the profile will first purchase a given number of rentals, use the drop down control against ‘Number of access requests to trigger purchase’ and select your desired setting. Example, if you set the drop down to 3rd Rental Request, the system will facilitate the first 2 rentals, and on the 3rd request, automatically purchase the title. You are also able to fix the maximum rental period, to 1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks, to maintain control of rental costs, and set a maximum price for a rental to be approved. In the License Purchases section, you have full control of the licenses which will be purchased, and which licenses are preferred to be purchased. Use the right arrow to move license types into the ‘Included’ box, which allows them to be purchased by a profile. You are also able to move each license up and down in the ‘included’ box, to ensure your preferred license appears at the top, and any less preferable licenses are moved down the list (So will be purchased last). You do not have to include all license types, and any license type not included, will not be purchased as part of this profile. In the Max Purchase Price, you can set another override to ensure that no license can be purchased that is greater than this value, and you are also able to set a value for the minimum number of credits a license should have in order to qualify for purchase. Finally, in order to make a decision on which license to choose in the event of a multi-user license is to be purchased, please make a selection in the ‘Multi User License Preferences’. Cheapest – will select the cheapest multi-user license (i.e. usually the least number of users) Most Users – Will select the license with the most users (and usually the best value per license). 10 DDA Setup Guide

The final stage is to select which Content Selections will be included in your DDA Profile. Using the Arrow controls, select the Content Selection you have created, and use the right arrow to move it to the ‘Included’ box. This means that the titles in this list will be available to this DDA profile to rent/purchase. Note, you will also notice that beneath the ‘Exclude’ box, that our Global Exclusion list has been excluded automatically. Should you have other lists you wish to exclude on a profile-by-profile basis, these can be moved into the Exclude box to prevent them being selected by this DDA profile. For example this can be useful when wishing to exclude a particular range of titles, or particular series of books which cannot be easily excluded from a search profile. When you are happy with your settings, change the status flag to ‘Active’ and the titles should then be matched pushed to VLeBooks for students to access, and you should see the Profile appear in the Active Section of the screen. When you are working with multiple profiles, you can reorder the Active profiles so that your preferred profile is at the top, this order is used to determine which profile settings are used in the event that the same title is included in more than one profile. The Profile nearest to the top will be used in preference to any other profile with the same title. DDA Setup Guide 11

DDA Reports Financial Expenditure – a report to detail all DDA spend, for both rental and purchases. Filterable by the DDA profile, a specific EAN and date range. Gives a line level and summary costs for each item of spend during that period. Enables an analysis of the data collected by your Access Request Prompts, and allows the report to be filtered by the question asked, so that responses can be analysed. Can be filtered by EAN, the specific DDA profile and by date range. DDA Usage Report – an analysis of the usage of titles which have been rented or purchased by your DDA profiles, to give you a count of the number of times a title has been read online or downloaded, including the initial loan. Very useful to check the content that is being purchased is continuing to be used by other students. DDA Comparison Report – compares traditionally purchased titles with your DDA purchases to show usage trends between the two, for example total spend, number of days used per title, number of usage days per £1000 spent etc. Very useful to compare the different elements of your electronic collection. DDA Economy Report – created to give you an average cost analysis per access, which can help you shape your profile options and keep an overview of how effective your profiles are being compared to costs. 12 DDA Setup Guide

NOTES DDA Setup Guide 13 [email protected] +44 1482 384660 V1.1.0

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