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Home Explore Medical Terminology Review (7)

Medical Terminology Review (7)

Published by Natalia Pastor-Navarro, 2020-08-22 18:59:42

Description: Medical Terminology Review (7)


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R​ eview of Body    Systems   ​By: Natalia   Pastor-Navarro  2A Stubblefield     

Table of Contents     Integumentary System (pg 2 )  Musculoskeletal System (pg 6)   Nervous System  Special Senses System   Cardiovascular System   Respiratory System  Digestive System  Urinary System  Reproductive System   

Integumentary System Key Terms​- Derm/o- skin Derm/a - skin Kerat/o- hard, horn-shaped tissue; cornea Xer/o- dry Xanth/o - yellow Erythr/o - red Pedicu/o- louse(singular) , lice (singular) Onych/o - nail Myc/o - fungus Pil/o - hair; hair follicle Lip/o - fat Albin/o - white Rhytid- wrinkle Functions​- The Integumentary system consists of hair, skin, and nails. Its main function is to act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world. Functions of the Skin- Protection- covers body and acts as a physical barrier Body temperature maintenance - perspiration (regulate body internal temperature) Excretion - during perspiration sweat glands flush small amounts of waste products Perception of stimuli - skin contains a large number of nerve endings and receptors that detect stimuli related to temperature, touch, pressure, and pain

Vocabulary-​ 1.)Gland- cell, or a group of cells that secretes select substances within or out of the body 2.)S​ ebaceous glands - located in the dermal layer of the skin over the entire body except palms and soles. Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum, which contains lipids. 3.) Epidermis- forms the outermost layer of skin and is made up of keratin ( a fibrous water repellent protein). 4.) Dermis lies directly below the epidermis. The dermis is made up of connective tissue, blood and lymphatic tissue, nerve fibers, fair follicles, and sebaceous and sweat glands. 5.) Collagen- a fibrous protein found in skin, bone, cartilage, and tendons. 6.) subcutaneous layer - is the deepest layer of the skin and below the dermis. This layer connects the skin to surface muscles. 7.) Lipid- a group of organic compounds that consists of fat, are greasy to touch, and are insoluble. Lipids liberate the skin and minimize water loss. 8.) Melanin- is responsible for the skin pigmentation or color. 9.)Hair follicles - are tiny secretory cavities where hair grows. 10.) Basal layer - makes up the deepest layer of the epidermis. The layer is constantly growing and multiplying, with younger cells pushing old cells to the surface. Careers Oncologist​-​ A​ n oncologist a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat tumors. An oncologist often treats skin cancer like melanoma and basal cell cancer. Plastic Surgeon-​ A plastic surgeon is a medical practitioner who performs surgery to reconstruct or repair parts of the body by the transfer of tissue.

Diseases + Disorder​ - 1. Acne - i​nflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands that produces pimples on the skin 2. Keloid- An abnormally raised, thickened scar 3. Albinism- An inherited condition that prevents the normal production of melanin, resulting in extremely pale skin and white hair 4. Psoriasis- chronic disease marked by itch, erythematous skin with silvery patches. 5. Tinea- skin infection caused by fungus 6. Ulcer- A open sore/ erosion of the skin lining of the mucous membrane

Musculoskeletal System​- Functions​ - Muscular System- The function of the muscular system is to hold body parts in position and make movement possible(makes 85% of heart for body). It also provides a protective covering for internal organs and aids blood flow through the veins as blood returns to the heart. Skeletal System​- The functions of the Skeletal System are ● Support - provides structure and shape for the body, protection ● Protection - surrounds and protects the internal organs ● Mineral storage - calcium and phosphorus ● Blood cell formation - red blood cells are manufactured in bone marrow ● Anchoring and movement - the bones of skeletal system act as levers for muscular action Key Terms-​ My/o- muscle Myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord Oste/o- bone Cost/o- rib Crani/o- skull -pexy - surgical fixation Chondr/o - cartilage Arthr/o - joint -plegia - paralysis Kinesi/o - movement

Vocabulary​ - Elasticity​-​ the ability of skeletal muscles fibers to resume their resting length when a stretching force in removed Smooth muscle​ ​- Smooth muscle is also called visceral muscle. Smooth muscle is a type of involuntary muscle meaning that it’s not controlled by conscious thoughts. Smooth muscle surrounds internal organs. Automaticity -​ the ability of a muscle to contract without the involvement of a nerve supply. Automaticity is a property of visceral, smooth, and cardiac muscle. Cortical bone​ - Cortical bone is also known as compact bone and is very dense, hard, and strong. Cortical bone lies under the periosteum (outer membrane) and contains the medullary cavity. Axial skeleton ​- is made up of the bones in the skull, thoracic cage, and the vertebral column. Appendicular Skeleton​ ​- is made up of the shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, upper extremities, and lower extremities. Synovial joints​ -​ contain a membrane that secretes synovial fluid. Synarthroses joints -​ are immovable joints ex : cranium Skeletal muscle -​ is also called striated muscle which is voluntary muscle that is attached to bone. Skeletal muscle can be contracted or relaxed through conscious control. Cardiac muscle -​ ​ is also called myocardial muscle and is found only around the heart. Like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle is unconsciously controlled. Tendons ​-​ connect muscles to bones. Disease/disorder-​ Ankylosis-​ a stiff joint caused by adhesion, or abnormal fusion of two bones into one Kyphosis- abnormal, outward curvature of the thoracic spine, humpback Osteosarcoma​- malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue and affects the bone. Osteosarcoma affects more males. Atrophy​ - wasting away or shrinkage of muscle size Tetany​ - a state of sustained muscular contraction Tremor ​- an involuntary, repetitive shaking or quivering of parts of the body.

Healthcare careers-​ Orthopedic surgeon-​ Orthopedic surgeons are devoted to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the  bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Sports medicine Physichians​ - A sports medicine physician treats and prevents sport-releated injuries of the bones, joints, and muscles. These healthcare professionals are qualified to diagnose and treat patients, prescribe medication and therapy.

Citations- Stanhope, Linda, and Kimberly Turnbull. ​Introduction to Medical Terminology.​ Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 2017.