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Home Explore Navigating Pregnancy and Reproductive Choices Information and Support for Decision Making

Navigating Pregnancy and Reproductive Choices Information and Support for Decision Making

Published by madelinejamieson96, 2023-07-20 12:04:10

Description: Our comprehensive guide provides valuable information and support for individuals facing pregnancy and reproductive choices. Explore pregnancy estimation tools, learn about available options, and gain insights to make informed decisions. We offer resources to assist you in navigating this important journey with confidence and support.

Keywords: pregnancy,pregnancy calculator,womens health,pregnancy health


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Navigating Pregnancy and Reproductive Choices: Information and Support for Decision Making

Pregnancy Contents The Abortion Method Calculator According to It's a summary of what we'll discuss today. Pregnancy Length The Types of Pregnancy Tests Available Today Urine test Ultrasound Blood test

Pregnancy Calculator Whether you choose to keep the pregnancy or terminate it, knowing how far along you are in pregnancy is crucial. The number of weeks of gestation will influence which abortion methods are available to you. This will let you understand if the pregnancy is progressing normally, especially if you want to carry it full-term. Remember that from the first day of your last menstruation, a pregnancy typically lasts 38 to 42 weeks. Counting the weeks and days since the first day of your last menstrual cycle is the simplest technique to determine how many weeks are left in your pregnancy.

In order to determine when the egg was released from the ovary and fertilized, start counting on the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Avoid making some of the typical errors listed below when calculating: Starting your calculations from the day you last got intimate sexually Counting from the day you believe you got pregnant Choose the first day of your most recent menstruation if you need help counting the weeks of your pregnancy Think back to what you were doing when you last had your period if you don't monitor it or can't recall the last time you did. You were where? With whom were you? You may find that this aids in your memory of the day of your most recent period.

The Types of Pregnancy Tests Available Today Here are some of the ways you can check the pregnancy status: Urine test Ultrasound Blood test

1. Urine test This easy pregnancy test looks for pregnancy hormones in the urine and is quite popular. This test is carried out at least two weeks following unprotected intercourse in order to prevent a \"false negative.\" It has several advantages such as low cost and the ability to perform it alone at home. But it is impossible to determine how old the pregnancy is with this method.

2. Blood test When it comes to blood tests for pregnancy checks, there are two options to consider. Qualitative (which identifies the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG in the blood) and quantitative (which quantifies the hormone's concentration). If quantitative, it may be able to estimate the approximate age of the pregnancy. It can also detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test. But this test is more expensive and needs a doctor's prescription.

3. Ultrasound Considering a lab test, the ultrasound pregnancy test is only appropriate if the pregnancy has progressed for at least four weeks or longer. If you are unsure about when you last had a period, it may be especially useful. Estimating gestational age is very accurate, and it can be used to detect ectopic pregnancy or other non-viable pregnancies. However, an ultrasound must be done by a medical professional. Also, it is more expensive than a blood and urine test.

The Abortion Method According to Pregnancy Length Your pregnancy's gestational age will largely determine which of the many safe abortion options you select. Because there is some overlap in the gestational ages for various abortion methods, the choice may also be influenced by geography, equipment accessibility, and provider preference. If the pregnancy is up to 13 weeks you can utilize medical abortion (MA, often known as pill abortion). If the pregnancy is until 14 weeks gestation, manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), a type of uterine aspiration, is possible. If the pregnancy is till 15 weeks gestation, Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA), a type of uterine aspiration, is sufficient. After 14 weeks of gestation, dilation and evacuation (D&E) techniques can end a pregnancy. Pregnancies over 16 weeks of pregnancy are usually the ones for whom an induction abortion is employed. Uterine aspiration (MVA/EVA) and dilation and evacuation (D&E) techniques have essentially replaced the dilation and curettage (D&C) method of abortion.

About AbortionPrivacy is an online pharmacy offering safe and secure pregnancy termination. Our website continues the inheritance of all these dedicated years of selling abortion pills on the online platform. The website has been construed in the year 2018 and afterquite a lot of thought so that you are well informed about medical abortion, our services, products, and more. Abortionprivacy is also listed on some of the reputable websites such as PlanC, Ms. Magazine,, Public News Services, etc. You can find us on social sites such as Twitter, pinterest.

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