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Home Explore St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema EOTC Monastery

St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema EOTC Monastery

Published by talemayehu911, 2023-06-19 21:32:39

Description: Gateway to Heaven St. John the Baptist and
St. Arsema the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo
Monastery in California Booklet


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GETEWAY TO HAVEN 20 23 MONASTERY St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema EOTC Monastery

Gateway to Heaven St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Monastery in California On behalf of the Gateway to Heaven St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo (EOT) Monastery, the Archdio- cese of Northern California, Nevada and Arizona would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your hard work, generous donation, time and knowledge that you invested towards the purchase of 3700 acres land for the Monastery. Our Lord Jesus Christ on Mathew 6:20 said “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not breakthrough nor steal”. This is exactly what you and your family accomplished with your hard work and generosity accordingly. When the Archdiocese embarked on this great journey to establish the first EOT Monastery in the Western United Sates, we did not have the necessary funding to execute the project. What we had was something greater. We had individuals like you, dedicated EOT faith followers, that are willing to go above and beyond to support the spread of our faith and strengthen our Church’s presence in the United States. Knowing this gave us the courage to start this blessed journey and we were not disappointed! In fact, we were overjoyed by the love and support fellow believers like you showed towards this blessed monastery in California.

TABLE OF CONTENT Project Introduction 03 Project location 04 Conseptual Idea 05 Our Target 09 Master Plan Zoning 10 Traditional School Education (Abnet Temhert Bet) 26 Implementation Plan 27

PROJECT INTRODUCTION Gateway to heaven St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema EOTC Monastery The Gateway to heaven St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema Monastery covers 1500 hectare. The proposed landscape is organized into four major design functional groups named as spiritual, educational, social and economic zones. Each zone has sub-func- tional zones. The spiritual zone includes the church, festivity plazas and monk residenc- es. The educational zone is comprised with theology colleges, boarding school, research center and Abinet class. The rehabilitation and nursing home, library and museum and seminarian programs are under the social zones and the economic zone Page No - 03

Project Location The site is located in North America, California State at 69300 vineyard canyon road, San Miguel.The property was a private possession used as dairy farm. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church then bought the place to build a monastery for the Orthodox community where it can be a shade for those who seek spiritual rest and a place healing a broken soul. Page No - 04

One approach to designing a pilgrim- age site could involve examining the various stages involved in a tradi- tional pilgrimage, such as prepara- tion, journey, arrival, and depar- ture.Each of these stages could be represented through different archi- tectural elements and features within the site. Overall, the design of a pilgrimage site could be a powerful vehicle for exploring the intersection of archi- tecture and spirituality, and creating a space that reflects and celebrates the beliefs and traditions of the people who visit it. Page No - 05

CHRISTIAN PILGRIMAGE & SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Pilgrims from all over the world The Camino de Santiago, also The Hebrew Bible instructs all Jews travel to Rome and Saint Peter known as the Way of St. James, is a to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem Square to see the Pope during his renowned pilgrimage of medieval three times a year. But the city is Papal audiences and attend liturgi- origin that sees pilgrims journey to holy to more than just Jews: Chris- cal events celebrated by the Pope. the Cathedral of Santiago de tian pilgrims began coming to Easter and Christmas Papal Compostela in Galicia in the north- Jerusalem and the Holy Land Masses are particular special dates west of Spain. Legend has it that within centuries of Jesus' death, for pilgrims and the square can the remains of the Apostle St. and the Al Aksa Mosque, located host up to 300,000 people. James the Great were buried in the inside the walls of the Old City, is Cathedral and discovered by a considered the third holiest site in shepherd in the 9th century. Islam after Mecca and Medina. Page No - 06 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA JERUSALEM, ISRAEL ROME, ITALY

ETHIOPIA PILGRIMAGE & SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Lalibela is known for its monolithic The Axum Tsion church is a signifi- In Gondar, Timkat is celebrated rock-cut churches that were carved cant symbol of the Ethiopian with great enthusiasm and devo- out of solid rock in the 12th century. Orthodox Church and is considered tion. The celebration begins on the These churches are a UNESCO to be one of the oldest Christian eve of Timkat, known as Ketera, World Heritage site and attract churches in the world. It is also with colorful processions of people thousands of visitors every year. believed to house the Ark of the carrying illuminated crosses and During the Christmas season, Covenant, which was brought to chanting hymns. The priests dress these churches become even more Ethiopia by Menelik I, the son of in brightly colored robes and carry significant as they host colorful Queen Sheba and King Solomon. sacred items, including replica New and elaborate religious ceremo- Testamet Ark. nies. LALIBELA AXUM TSION Page No - 07 GONDAR

TIMKAT (ጥምቀት) MESKEL (መስቀል) Significance: Celebrates the Significance: Discovery of the True baptism of Jesus in the River Cross by the Roman Empress Jordan. This festival is best known Helena in the fourth century for its ritual reenactment of baptism Celebrations: People gather and burn a torch natively called chibo in Celebrations: The Tabot, which is every locales otherwise rarely seen by the laity, represents the manifestation of Date: 27 September 28 September Jesus as the Messiah when he came (leap year) to the Jordan for baptism. Date: 19 January 20 January (leap year) The Meskel and Timket festivals are an integral part of Ethiopian culture and heritage. Pilgrimages to various monasteries and churches are a common practice during these festivals, and the celebrations are an opportunity for people to reaffirm their faith and come together as a community. Page No - 08

OUR TARGET male and 50.4 % are female with the median age at 30 years. In 2014 Approximately 251,000 Ethiopian born immi- US Census data from 2016 indicates that Ethiopian born grants and their children where live in the United States. immigrants constitute the United States second largest According to the above date in 2023 we expect 525,000 African immigrant group after Nigeria. Approximately Ethiopian immigrants live in the United States. 305,800 Ethiopian immigrants live in the United States. Of the 305,800 Ethiopian immigrants, approximately 49.6% are Page No - 09

MASTER PLAN ZONING 01 Spiritual zone : will be the focal point of the 02 Educational zone: will offer a variety of pilgrimage, with the church and monk learning opportunities, including a residences at the heart of the zone. The summer camp for students, a boarding event plaza will provide a gathering place school for children, and a theology for festivals and other events, and the college for those pursuing a higher pilgrimage centers will offer lodging and education in religious studies. Seminars services for visitors. The cemetery will and research centers will also be available provide a serene and peaceful space for for those interested in furthering their visitors to pay their respects to loved ones. knowledge. 03 Economic zone: will focus on agriculture 04 Social zone: will offer a range of services and commerce, with farms and agricultural for different age groups, including a centers produce fresh produce for the local museum for cultural and historical community. Commercial centers will offer a displays, a library for research and educa- variety of services to visitors and residents tion, a rehabilitation center for those in alike, and a designated residential area will need of physical therapy, and a nursing create a thriving community within the home and elderly center for the elderly zone. population. Page No - 10

Monk Ethiopian Orthodox festive Residence pilgrimage and education based monastery master plan Event Plaza Boarding School, EOTC design will celebrate and Model School preserve Ethiopian culture Rehabilit at ion and traditions while provid- and E lderly and Theology Collage ing a comprehensive spiritual and educational experience Retirement Center Church for visitors, students, and residents. Research Factory Cent er Wheelhouse Resident ial Page No - 11

FIGURE GROUND GREEN NETWORK ROAD NETWORK The monastery's master plan aims to transform the site into a major pilgrimage destination, attracting visitors from all over the region. One of the main elements of the plan is the construction of a boulevard road passing through the monastery, with ample parking facilities and a structured flow of traffic to ensure ease of access. Page No - 12

The educational aspect of the monastery will start from a boarding school designed for young a comfortable and relaxing living envi- ronment for students as they pursue their studies. At the same time, the focus will be on theology and seminary education to develop scholars who can contribute to society and their respective religious traditions. Page No - 13

Page No - 14 This functional building is designed include intenerated space of museum, library, seminary and research and publication center. The museum will be display for EOTC sister churches’ spiritual icons, idols artifacts and other instances of the orthodox religion. It also depicts and displays teachings of a number of saints and major religious convictions.

The rehabilitation center provides a unique and The monastery offers a tranquil and serene envi- peaceful setting for individuals seeking to over- ronment, where residents can focus on their recov- come addiction or other personal struggles. The ery without any distractions or negative influences. center utilizes a holistic approach to rehabilitation, Daily prayer services and religious teachings are combining traditional medical practices with spiri- also incorporated into the program, providing a sense of purpose and connection tual and emotional healing. to a higher power. Page No - 15



EVENT PLAZA Page No - 18

EVENT PLAZA Page No - 19


The independent residential area in the monastery is a unique concept that com- bines the peacefulness of living in a monastery with modern-day conve- niences. It is designed to provide a com- fortable and serene living environment, while also incorporating commercial functions such as restaurants, shops, and offices. Each unit will be designed to accommodate residents, visitors, and guests who seek a serene environment away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The residential area is composed of commercial functions that cater to the needs and wants of the residents. Page No - 21

MONK RESIDENCE Ethiopian Orthodox Church monastery are centered around prayer and religious devotion. Monks in Ethiopian monasteries typically follow strict schedules that include numerous prayer sessions throughout the day and night. In addition to prayer, monks are also engage in daily duties such as farming, cooking, and caring for the monastery. Page No - 22

Monastic communities have been engaged in daily duties, cultivating various plants and vegetables for both sustenance and aesthetic purposes. In addition to providing fresh produce for the community, gardening and farming are seen as spiritually enriching activi- ties that connect the individual to the natural world and the divine. Ethiopian traditional handicrafts, such as weaving, pottery, and metalworking, are also included as monastic activities. Monks and nuns may create these crafts as a means of generating income for their community or as a form of spiritual practice and expression. These handi- crafts reflect the cultural and artistic traditions of Ethiopia . Page No - 23

The master plan includes a boarding In the economic section Dairy farming, In summary, the festive and educa- school for younger students, where bee keeping and honey production, tion-based monastery master plan will they will receive a comprehensive poultry farm, crop farm, vine yard and provide a comprehensive education for education to prepare them for further winery production, olive garden and students from boarding school to study in theology and seminary. The olive oil production and Incense farm higher education in theology and semi- boarding school's curriculum will are comprised. nary. It will create a positive living include both secular and religious experience for students, with excellent subjects, with a focus on developing The rehabilitation center in the monas- facilities and resources to support their well-rounded individuals who can tery provides a unique and peaceful academic and personal growth. With make meaningful contributions to setting for individuals seeking to the strong focus on theology and semi- society. overcome addiction or other personal nary education, the monastery will struggles. The center is run by a team produce knowledgeable scholars who The monastery master plan will also of experienced professionals holistic can make meaningful contributions to include housing facilities for students, approach that integrates spiritual their faith communities and society as teachers, and staff. The residences will practices, meditation, therapy, and a whole. be luxurious and comfortable, community support. designed to provide an ideal living environment for students as they immerse themselves in their studies. Page No - 24

1. Dairy Farming: Many monasteries 4. Crop Farm: Monasteries usually have Monastic communities have been have dairy farms where they raise gardens and farmlands where they grow engaged in horticulture for centuries, cows, goats, and sheep for milk, crops such as fruits, vegetables, and cultivating various plants and vegeta- cheese, and other dairy products. They grains. These crops are used for the the bles for both sustenance and aesthetic may sell the dairy products locally or monastery and can also be sold in local purposes. In addition to providing use them for their own consumption. markets for additional revenue. fresh produce for the community, The milk can also be used to produce 5. Vineyard and Winery Production: gardening and farming are seen as butter, cream, and yogurt. Vineyard and winery production are also spiritually enriching activities that 2. Beekeeping and Honey Production: popular economic activities in many connect the individual to the natural Beekeeping is a popular economic monasteries. The grapes are grown to world and the divine. activity in many monasteries. The bees produce wine, which can be sold or used Ethiopian traditional handicrafts, such are kept to produce honey, which is during religious ceremonies. as weaving, pottery, and metalworking, then sold or used by the monks them- 6. Olive Garden and Olive Oil Production: are also included as monastic activi- selves. Beeswax can also be used to Many monasteries have olive gardens ties. Monks and nuns may create these make candles and other products. and produce their own olive oil. The crafts as a means of generating income 3. Poultry Farm: Many monasteries olive oil is used for cooking and can also for their community or as a form of raise chickens, geese and ducks for be sold for additional revenue. spiritual practice and expression. These their meat and eggs. These products 7. Incense Farm: Incense is used in handicrafts reflect the cultural and can be sold locally or used for the religious ceremonies and is often artistic traditions of Ethiopia. needs of the monastery. produced by monasteries. The monas- tery may grow the plants needed to produce incense, or they may work with local suppliers to obtain the necessary materials Page No - 25

TRADITIONAL SCHOOL EDUCATION (ABNET TEMHERT BET) Is commonly called \"kolo education\" B. For church services The disciples who participate in the model education. • Produce generation of successors Summer Camp are Orthodox children A Model means an image or an exam- • Preserve the history and tradition and youth of school age who have full ple. One example is fatherhood. There- • Universal service for the church interest and motivation to learn and fore, model education means education • produce a generation with spiritual life who have lived in California and neigh- to be an example or role model. boring dioceses in the United States. In Ethiopia, we call them Model Educa- In order for this exemplary teaching not These children/youths live far away tion Assembly Houses: to be weakened, the Holy Church is from their motherland so that they can required to redeem the time and do a grow up knowing their culture, history 1. Reading House strong job. Our fathers, who are more and religion, and God has allowed them 2. Melody House concerned about the church of tomor- to become deacons and priests. This 3. House of worship row, understand the weakening of summer camp program will greatly 4. Singing and music hall model education and are contributing help them. 5. Poetry house as much as they can to save education. 6. Establish a house The way the lesson is given 7. Book house It is a great demonstration that the The model education will be given in 8. Craft house newly founded Monastery in the United physical presence in chair classes and Why is this education useful? States of America is implementing this in connection with chair classes online, exemplary teaching as the main plan of taking into account the age and mother A. for the country the monastery, with the idea of our tongue of the students, using the • To produce a good citizen who knows blessed father Abune Teofilos. technological results of the times, the culture and history well delivering the education in a simple • For literature, music and architecture For this purpose, he is planning to open way to everyone, regardless of country, as well as for universal artistic devel- a model educational institution in the language, race, color. opment long term, for this year a SUMMER CAMP program is designed for interest- Page No - 26 ed Christians in the United States.

የትኩረት መስኮች የትኩረት መስኮች መግለጫ ስራቴጂያዊ ውጤት መንፈሳዊ ህይወቱ የጎለበተ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቶችን ገዳሙ የሚስጠውን መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቶች (የቅዳሴ፣ ምዕመን ማስፋፋት የኪዳን፣ የስብከተ ወንጌል፣ የጉዞ መርሓ ግብሮችን እና የመሳሰሉትን) በማስፋፋት የምዕመኑን መንፈሳዊ ህይወት የተፈጠሩ የተቀላጠፈ አገልግሎት የመንፈሳዊና ማኅበራዊ እንዲጎለብት ማድረግ፡፡ መስጫ ተቋማት አገልግሎት መስጫ ተቋሟትን መገንባት መንፈሳዊና ማኅበራዊ አገልግሎት መስጫ ተቋማትን የህክምና ማዕከል፣ መንፈሳዊ ኮሌጅ፣የአብነት ትምህርት ቤት የዕውቀት ማዕከላትን መገንባት፤ በገዳሙ ውስጥ የትምህርት ተቋሟትንና ላይብረሪ በመገንባት በእውቀት የተገነባ ትውልድ የእውቀት ማበልፀጊያ ማዕከል መሆንን ያካትታል፡፡ የሀብት አቅሙ የተገነባ ገዳም የልማት ሥራዎችን ማስፋፋት ገዳሙን በልማት ሥራዎችን( የክብት እርባታ፤የበግና የፍየል Page No - 27 እርብታ፤ የንብ እርባታ፤የወይን ተክል፤ የወይራ ዘይት፤የሽመና ሥራ፤የልብስ ስፌት፤ የቅርጻ ቅርጽ ማዕከል፤የእርሻ ሥራ፤የአፓርታማ ግንባታ፤ ግንባታዎችን በማከናወን ገዳሙ በገቢ ራሱን ማስቻል፡፡

Page No - 28

SATOR ARCHITECTE & ENGINEERS Ejigayehu Dibaba Building [email protected] +251 913 72 58 70 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia +251 910 12 34 19

Geteway to Haven St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema EOTC Monastery Phone: +1 310 621 45 88 Email: offi[email protected] Mailing address: P. O.Box 694 Paso Robles, CA 93447-9347 Website: Address: Saint John The Baptist and St. Arsema Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Monastery in California 69300 Vineyard Canyon Road. San Miguel, CA 93451-9757

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