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IBPL Quarterly Newsletter - BUZZ

Published by ibplcoms, 2020-10-15 09:34:48

Description: Q3, 2020
Issued on : 15-09-2020


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Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Issued on : 15/09/2020 Message from the Managing Director As we advance towards new normal, I am happy to see that this Q3 newsletter showcases our gradual transition to usual activities and achievements. IBPL’s resilient team fought Covid-19 well and I want to believe that odds are behind us now. Business is rebounding and so is our employee engagement across all functions in a ‘connected’ way. In Q3, associates of IBPL had the opportunity to experience several engagement activities. Refreshers on IBPL policy, CoBC and safety took place for all. Some had the opportunity to learn more with LinkedIn Learning. We introduced ‘growth star of the quarter’ recognition program and have even successfully conducted mid-year review for our associates. We renewed our market focus by SPEED execution, rack and cooler execution, pharmacy drive, large PET (1000 ml) drive in the rural and side by side eCommerce utilization. Our recent tactical move to introduce 250ml PET in 6 pack with affordable shrink wrap design targeting home consumption is gaining traction and we are hopeful of good market response. We have launched Life@Coke engagements and I would like to thank you all for a 100% response rate and your feedback in the Global Employee Insight Survey. As part of it, leadership and employee experience learning sessions took place for relevant groups. Life@Coke inspires us to “be well”, “be connected”, “be rewarded”, “be developed”, “be valued” and “be inspired”. As we navigate through this tough time for business and mankind, I would emphasize more on being connected. I would reiterate the saying that we are powerful when we work as part of a winning team – championing communication, connection, and collaboration. We are STRONGER when we are TOGETHER. Let’s BEAT, HIT and MEET. Beat every expectations of the market, hit early and take advantage of being proactive and meet the expectations set upon you. All the best and happy reading ahead. Tapas Kumar Mondal

Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Page : 02 PLANT TEAM BREAKS 3 RECORDS IN Q3 Successful physical verification of Cold Drinks Equipment (CDE) Once in every four years Cold Drinks Equipment existing in the market needs to be verified with Fixed Asset Register to comply with the Standard Practice & Procedure (SPP) of fixed asset. IBPL started CDE physical verification for the first time (by third party) and will be conducted regularly. This verification was a success with 98.08% assets traced back to right place, the rest (1.92% ) are ongoing due to pandemic situation.

Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Page : 03 Q3 Operation at a glance Operation in new form with SPEED execution SPEED (Selling with Pride Executing Every Day) is a new activation the operations team is utilizing to brush up the core responsibilities in the market and it’s execution. The execution is also focusing on to skill up and develop our frontline workforce. 582 people from sales force have been of 15 modules 7 is done. There's 6-7% increase on average in our strike rate in last 3 months, that maybe attributable to Speed execution afforces. Home consumption thriving with 6 pack IBPL introduced six pack packaging in a move to make home consumption more convenient. Now the consumers will have the convenience to take home this affordable bundle pack. The stylish shrink wrap branding looks beautiful and the market feedback is encouraging.

Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Page : 04 NEW ASSET BAILMENT AGREEMENT IBPL Legal team has introduced a new template as well as medium for the agreement of Asset Bailment. The new template will be efficient during execution at market and save time. It is also a promising cost efficient medium for the agreement. Savings (as of today) - 49,19,700 BDT ($58000) THE NEW TEMPLATE WILL PROVIDE Execution friendly template for Asset Bailment Agreement Eliminate errors Codified Template that might take + Precise place at the time of Information + execution Easy apprehend Only need to fill-up the particular information in the table

Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Page : 05 Successful Implementation of Natural Gas Connection Project !! After several years of focused efforts by the project team supported by the CLT, the natural gas connectivity project streamed into success by powering the boilers on 3rd of October 2020. Congratulations to all involved for the success and making a potential impact on cost optimization. Our Covid-19 preparation and safety measures can serve as the model for others quoted by the DC, Mymensingh in the visitor book during his visit to our plant on 24th September 2020 on a short notice. Congratulations to our plant team and all involved. It’s a proud moment for all of us.

Disclaimer: This is an associates’ corner and contents shared by associates reflect their own opinion. dnoyeLif&eat Coke Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 B Page : 06 সারািদেনর কমেশেষ স ায় হঠাৎ ফান বেজ উঠেলা, নারায়ণগে কমরত সহকম মাঃ শাহ্ Helping others আলম রাি (MDO) এর। ফান িরিসভ to \"Be Well\" করেতই এক কার কা াভরা ের বলেত করেলা তার িবপেদর কথা, তার সহধিমণী Misbahur Rahman Sagor, Executive - Sales আ েন দ হেয় ায় শরীেরর অেনকাংশ পুেড় গেছ। ডান হাত পুেরাটাই পুেড় গেছ। মাটকথা সবটাকা একসােথ কের আমরা ঢাকা মিডেকল বান ইউিনেট িগেয় পুেরা টাকা সহকম রাি র ভয়ানক এক িচ িবপদ অব ায় ত হােত েজ িদেয় িকছটা ি অনুভব কির। মিডেকেল ভিত করার জন পরামশ িদলাম এবং যতটকু সা না িদেল মনেক শ থাকেত যিদও এটা িছেলা খুবই সামন , তবুও এটা পারেব ততটকু সা না দয়ার চ া করলাম। অেনক। এত ঝড়ঝাপটার মােঝ রাি তার বুঝেত পারলাম িচিকৎসা অেনক ব য়বহল হেব, কাজেক এতটকু অবেহলা কেরিন স তার যটা ওর একার পে ব য় করা স ব না। সহকম রা িমেল পরামশ কির িকভােব রাি েক িতিদেনর কাজ িতিদন শষ কের রােত সাহায করা যায়, মােসর তখন ায় শেষর হাসপাতােল থেক সকােল আবার স ক সমেয় িদেক, সবার পেকটই মাটামু খািল খািল DB পেয় থেক মােকেট িগেয় তার িতিদেনর অব া, এর মােঝও সবাই সহকম র িত টােগট পূরন কেরেছ।সিত ই অক নীয় িছেলা সহানুভিত ও ভােলাবাসা দিখেয় সাহায কেরেছ। তার কােজর িত স ান ও দািয় শীলতা। সবটাকা একসােথ কের আমরা ঢাকা মিডেকল বান ইউিনেট িগেয় পুেরা টাকা সহকম রাি র সহেযািগতা করার মানিসকতা থাকেল ু হােত েজ িদেয় িকছটা ি অনুভব কির। েচ ায় অেনক িকছ স ব হয়। Team Royals And Team Gold Miners (MDO) তােদর ক ন সময় ত কা েয় উঠার জন সৃ কতার কােছ াথনা করেছ। from TSetlolirnyg Habiba Islam, Manager - Admin & Security I learnt a great deal on emotional intelligence from a course available in LinkedIn Learning. Emotional intelligence is much more important than IQ for leaders as we advance in our career; and it can help us strengthen team building skill, productivity, morale and more. I also learn that emotional intelligence can build better leaders and believe that this learning would help me grow well in the company with empathy and cross-cultural team spirits.”

Lif&eat Coke Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 Page : 07 dnoye B A Licensed VAT Consultant at IBPL Sushanta Howlader, Finance Controller, has NEW JOINERS achieved the certification of a Licensed VAT Consultant by by National Board of Revenue in September 2020. He is also a licensed VAT Agent. Congratulations to Sushanta on his achievement. liWttellecoomnees! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW PARENTS Faiza Islam Choya Tasfia Akter MOHAMMAD FOYSAL KABIR Daughter of Daughter of Executive - Sales Mst. Fatema Akter Mst. Rona Akter & Md. & Md. Reazul Islam S. M. ABDUL AWAL PAVEL Born on 06-07-2020 Rubel Born on 21-08-2020 Officer - Finance Muhammad Zayan Nusair Obaidur Rahman Shahriar Son of Mst. Amily Akter Son of Zahida Huq & Md. Habibur Rahman Chaiti & Hasan Shahriar Born on 05-08-2020 Born on 07-09-2020 Hiya Akter Daughter of Mukta Akter & Sabbir Hossain Born on 25-09-2020

Lif&eat Coke dnoye Volume 6, Quarter 3, 2020 B Page : 08 What are you READING ?? There are love stories which come complete with utopic endings. There are some others where either of the girl or the guy dies & the author banks on our tears & emotions to make it a sleeper hit, & then comes ‘ শেষর কিবতা’! A love story so refined in its taste, & mature in its outlook that it makes one stagger & hold on to it for a long time. The novel recounts the love story of Amit Ray, a barrister educated at Review by : Oxford, whose virulent intellectualism reveals itself in its opposition to all forms of tradition. He meets Labanno in a car accident & the romance Munmun Farhana, builds up in the misty hills of Shillong. Amit's iconoclastism meets Executive - Legal Affairs Labanno's sincere simplicity through a series of dialogues & poems that they write for each other. No sooner had their romance advanced to a marriage engagement than it was found that another, Ketaki, the love of Amit's youth, who still holds a torch for him & wears the ring he gave her during their studies in Oxford. The lovers decide to marry other suitors, without the air of tragedy. Amit discovers that life is dynamic & can accommodate love within & outside marriage bonds. In the novel, Labonno’s sacrifice, & Amit’s reactions toward her decisions represent the pride, and platonic love. Soumyendu Sen Sarma, Director- Finance got to brush up his painting skills during this pandemic time.

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