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Home Explore School welcome guide

School welcome guide

Published by O'Bello Studios, 2021-09-07 00:25:57

Description: School welcome guide


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LLEAH. YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER Who says school portraits have to b Whether traditional or unique we will bring fun to school portraits. with photography in the late the '90s and have been shooting eve

OUR PROCESS 1CAPTURE YOUR CHILD'S PORTRIATSWe come to your child's school, daycare or team location and capture 3 poses. 2IMAGE PROCESSING After Capturing your child's portraits, images are hand processed which can take 2-3 weeks depending on the size of the school, daycare, or team. 3GALLERY After we hand edit your child's portraits we provide you with a personal password-protected gallery. For ease of ordering multiply children of a family are in one gallery. You can process your portrait order form directly from your gallery. 4ORDERING & DELIVERY Orders are open for the 2 weeks following receipt of your gallery. Due to the volume nature of schools, daycares, and teams, we process all orders for each location at once. After the order is placed portraits are delivered to the school within 2-3 weeks based on lab turnaround. Orders may be submitted after this time however they may experience extended delivery times.

(3) 8x10's (2) 8x10's (6) 5x7's (4) 5x7's (12) 3x5's (8) 3x5's (48) Wallets (24) Wallets Hi-Res Digital File Hi-Res Digital File (1) 8x10's (1) 8x10's (2) 5x7's (2) 5x7's (6) 3x5's (4) 3x5's (16) Wallets (8) Wallets (1) 5x7's Hi-Res Digital File (2) 3x5's (Single Pose Image File) (8) Wallets

You will receive the following of every pose: Hi-Res Digital File Personal Use Print Release (2) 8x10's (4) 5x7's (8) 3x5's (24) Wallets You will receive the following of every pose: Hi-Res Digital File Personal Use Print Release (1) 8x10's (2) 5x7's (4) 3x5's (28) Wallets Includes 1 High Res Digital file for each pose taken with Personal Use License.

School Date:Portrait days are pretty hectic. So here are a few tips to make sure all goes well. We shoot similar to a mini session. 3 poses over a 10-15 minutes time frame per child. No Rush snap and on your way. We want you to love your portraits. Times:TIPS: Send 1 or 2 outfits separate of normal school outfits to ensure outfit stays perfect for portraits.

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