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Home Explore End Time News english MARCH 2022 Final

End Time News english MARCH 2022 Final

Published by bobencleetus, 2022-03-30 13:50:46

Description: End Time News english MARCH 2022 Final


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MARCH 2022 4 51 16 9 Iranian Christians Acquitted including a preacher arrested in a forgery case LATEST NEWS dered a review of their convictions in November. The watchdog group noted the nine men were ar- rested in early 2019 and were sentenced later in October of the same year. Five had remained in prison since that time due to the high bail placed by the court. The four others began serving their sentences in June of 2020. Even though the nine were released while await- ing review by the appeals court, one is already back in prison serving a separate sentence related to his Christian faith, while two others have been charged with \"propaganda against the state,\" ac- cording to Article 18. The appeals court judges said in their ruling, there was \"insufficient evidence\" the Christians had Nine Iranian Christian converts who The Chiunueuse gov- FULL STORY ON - 09 were held in prison for \"acting against ernment is ready FULL STORY ON - 09 national security\" and \"promoting Zi- to issue online li- onist Christianity\" have been acquit- censes for reli- ted by a Tehran appeals court. gious activities Persecution watchdog Article 18 re- ports the ruling by Branch 34 of the What Is Driving Tehran Court of Appeal, comes after an Iranian Supreme Court judge or- Cover Story Persecution in India? The literal meaning of Sangh Parivar is Hindutva, meaning “Hinduness.” It seeks to establish a theocratic “Family of Organizations,” a term used Hindu-majority state where religious minorities, including Chris- to refer to the web of Hindu nationalist tians and Muslims, are relegated to second-class status. It is a organizations operating in India with a single agenda: to make India a Hindu society where Hinduism is protected and promoted. nation. The establishment of this state would be a complete rejection of India’s founding principle: The various groups under Sangh Parivar religious freedom and equal protection for all religious groups. are adherents of a single ideology called While the Sangh Parivar has a single agenda, the establishment of India as a Hindu nation, each member of the Sangh Parivar has a unique and complementary role. These various groups pursue different lines of influence, mutually cooperating and support- ing each other’s activities. Over the years, ICC has documented how the most prominent Sangh Parivar groups have worked together to the detriment of India’s religious minorities. FULL STORY ON -12

2Editorial Rev. Manuel Joseph Th.M. Sub-editor, End-Time News Sing Unto the Lord a New Song! The first song was heard at The Old Testament is for the earth (Job 38:7). Moses and the the creation as pregnant with God’s revelation on children of Israel sang a song after angels sang singing praises as delineated in the their deliverance from the Egyptians praises when ways He wanted His people to at the Red Sea (Exodus 15:1-19). The the Lord laid the worship Him! He wanted them to congregation itself sang and the song foundation for come to His presence with singing. they sang was given at the time they The first song was heard at the sang it. Afterwards, Miriam the the earth creation as angels sang praises prophetess led the women in dancing when the Lord laid the foundation and singing the same song (20-21). FULL STORY ON - 06 EDITORIAL BOARD MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD CHIEF EDITOR Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Pastor Asokan Eranakulam Baiju Yacob Edavila USA CO-ORDINATORS M.Jacob Trivandrum SUB EDITORS John Francis (Dallas) Br.Syam USA Manuel Joseph 125 Daniel Jacob Sis.Saritha Wheat land,6920.S. manin st Sis.Simi Oklahoma EDITORS box zip code-73097 Sis.Lesley Yacob PH-(405) 745-786(H) Pastor A Anilkumar Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Rev. Joseph Chacko REPORTERS Sis.Sherly Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes.

3DEVOTION They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9) The human beings, Pr. Shibu Thomas, USA sometimes, do not understand each other. At times, they are THE EARTH WILL BE FILLED WITH not conscious of who they are. THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD They have neglected the knowledge of God while those fear God have good protect us. The wisdom will keep gathering in a hurry all the understanding. The word of God us safe. Come running to the knowledge of the world. If you will make the simple wise. fountain of God, the source of all read through Isaiah 11: 6-9, Concentrate your heart in the knowledge. May the Lord fill us (read the verses), you can see presence of the Lord forsaking the with His knowledge and wisdom! the changes and the specialties vulgar thoughts. Open your mouth Covet earnestly for a change, and as to what happens when the to speak with grace forsaking the receive it praFyUinLgL iSnTtOeRaYrsO. N - 08 world is covered by the despicable. As the Bible says, “if Prayer – Dear omniscient God, may knowledge of God. “In that any of you lacks wisdom, you the whole world be filled with your day the wolf that devours will should ask God, who gives knowledge. Help me Lord to be live together with the lamb. generously to all without finding filled with it daily! Amen! The leopard will lie down with fault, and it will be given to you”. the baby goat. The calf and the (James 1: 5). Our discernment will yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all. The cow will graze near the bear. The cub and the calf will lie down together. The lion will eat hay like a cow. The baby will play safely near the hole of a cobra. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes without harm. Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain” (Isaiah 11: 6-9). When the human race is filled with the knowledge of God, the hatred and the bitterness that we see around, and the cries of tension between the people will come to an end. How can we acquire this knowledge? The answer is obvious, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and

4Bible Study E-TRACTS EDUCATION AND Jessy Saju TRAINING The word ‘education’ has its root They are declared “brilliant” based on what they have memorised and reproduced on the answer sheets! This is where you see the dire need in the Latin word ‘educare,’ which means ‘to bring for value-based education. out.’ Education is to bring out all that is good, the in a language that is ‘strange’ to them! for value-based education. abilities, the skills, etc. in a No one is bothered if it is aligned What is the ultimate value? Love- person. to the child’s aptitude? They are made Love human beings; love nature. Today, the education sector is to bite more than they can chew! It is love sustains life. Love prompts governed by ‘something’ that They are declared “brilliant” based on us to share the joy and sorrow of undermines this idea and is what they have memorised and others. It urges us to extend our based on competition. Sacred reproduced on the answer sheets! This merciful hands to others. values have is where you see the dire need disappeared from schools and FULL STORY ON - 05 colleges. Children are doomed to learn

5 BIBLE STUDY FULL STORY ON - 04 tongue at least till the 4th standard. songs. When we went to the classes From 5th grade, they could be after singing the hymns, reading, Do children get ‘love’ from books? initiated into a foreign language. English listening and reflecting on the Word Never. So, the first thing we was not taught till 4th grade of God; we had a feeling of being have to write on their hearts the as they insisted that the basics should filled with Jesus. alphabet of love. be taught in mother tongue. Due Let us observe Jesus, the ultimate 4. EDUCATION AND TRAINING importance was given to the teaching, teacher for a moment. John the 28 preaching and meditation of Baptist introduces him as “...the lamb Family - The Heaven on Earth the Word of God. Importance was of God, which taketh away the My schooling was in Baker given to leading a value-based life. sin of the world.” Jesus asked the Memorial School, Kottayam, Everyone had to bring the hymn book disciples who flocked after him, founded which contained hundreds of “What by British missionaries of the Church Mission Society (CMS). Even FULL STORY ON - 08 today, it continues to be an honoured institution. I was benefitted because CMS missionaries chose Meenachil Taluk in Kerala as their centre of activities in India. I continued my education in CMS College which was also established by those missionaries. Those missionaries could have started an English Medium School. But, they believed that every kid should be taught in the mother FULL STORY ON - 09

6Meditation FULL STORY ON -02 Barak and Deborah, who were not Levites, sang a song at the destruction of the Canaanites in Judges 5. They composed the song and led the victorious Israelites in singing it. In I Samuel 18: 6-7, we read that the women sang a song of triumph celebrating Saul’s and David’s slaying the Philistines. In the above references we see women too involved in singing and worshipping. Since the temple came into concluded that ceremony with a song, Philippi, the only thing they could existence, music became more the Psalms 113 to 118. Undoubtedly, do was to sing praises (Acts 16). prominent and had its own fixed singing was a part of congregational Paul himself once said that he will order in a worship. David, who worship in the first century church, for sing with the spirit and with organized the work in the temple, Paul admonishes the saints in Ephesus understanding (1 Corinthians 14: also appointed professional and in Colossae to sing by the power 15). James gives inspired personal musicians for the worship of God. of the Spirit and with the grace in the advice to the saints when he He and the musicians wrote the heart—and to one another instructs them to sing Psalms when Psalms to be used in worship in (Ephesians. 5:19; Colossians. 3:16). they are happy (Jam. 5:13). the temple. In the accounts in Chronicles, which give the Singing was not only the part of the Singing is a beautiful expression of statistics of the Temple ministries, corporate worship, it was also a our worship and adoration of our 4,000 of the 36,000 Levites segment in personal prayers. When God. Let us do our utmost to make chosen by David for Temple Paul and Silas were imprisoned at it more pleasing to our master and service were musicians (I more edifying to each other. Chronicles. 15:16; 23:5). Along with the singers in the temple, every individual child of God sang these psalms daily and in various occasions. Psalms 120-134 are examples as the men travelling to Jerusalem and on their way back sang them as a custom. With enormous amount of data that I can cite from the Old Testament, it is imperative to say that singing was a major element in Israel’s worship and the Lord was pleased with the singing and singers. The New Testament also attests to the fact that singing is an important ministry in the church! Jesus, apostles and the inspired men taught this and became fitting examples. When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He

7Fullstory FULL STORY ON - 01 FULL STORY ON - 01 Magazine in a recent interview that many Christians had already begun to acted against national security. The China – The Chinese government officially prepare before the measures came ruling also mentioned the Christians' placed a ban on unauthorized online reli- into effect. Other people like very bold lawyers' explanation that they had gious activities. Any religious group seek- evangelists, they just say, “Oh, you only \"worshipped in the house-church ing to conduct religious activities online know, are you kidding me?” This is part in accordance with the teachings of cannot do so without obtaining a license of the history of the persecuted church Christianity\" and that Christians are issued by the government. in China. And are we just expecting taught to live in \"obedience, submis- With Jiangsu province’s recent announce- things to get better? And this is just a sion, and support of the authorities.\" ment that the Internet religious informa- norm. So, let’s not compromise. The U.S. and Iran are close to an agree- tion service license examination will be While the Chinese Communist Party ment to revive the 2015 nuclear ac- launched in mid-March, all provinces in officials say the measures are designed cord, but officials from both countries China have successively begun the licens- to protect the country’s national secu- say the negotiations could fail if sev- ing work. rity and social stability, the true inten- eral key issues aren't resolved first. Even before the Administrative Measures tion is to tighten the party’s grip on Negotiators in Vienna have spent for Internet Religious Information Ser- religion. months trying to restore the Iranian vices, the legal basis for such ban came nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 into force on March 1, the Ethnic and Re- to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear ligious Affairs Committee of Zhejiang bomb. The accord, signed between Province announced on Feb. 28 that the You are cordially invited to Germany, China, Britain, France, Iran, licensing of internet religious information send submissions to The Russia, and the United States, lifted services in the whole province would start End Time News magazine, most international sanctions on as soon as March comes. including articles, short Tehran in exchange for restrictions on Its notice reads, “The legal person organi- stories, poems, cartoons, its nuclear program. zation or unincorporated organization etc. If you would like to President Trump had abandoned the that intends to engage in Internet reli- contribute, please contact deal saying it was only a good deal for gious information service shall apply to us at our email address : Iran that didn't really stop them from the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commit- [email protected] getting nuclear weapons one day. tee of Zhejiang Province, which will make Diplomats say they are close to reviv- a decision of approval or disapproval ing deYporuesasrieocnoardnidalfleyainrvwitiethd ltoovseeanndd joy- ing the accord. within 20 days from the date of accept- ful wsuobrsmhiisps.ioHnoswtoevTehre, aEnndy hTiimghehNoepwess for \"We are very close to an agreement,\" ing the application.” pmoasgitaivzienec,hianncgluediinngtharetiIcslleasm, sihcoRret pstuobrileics',s chief British negotiator Stephanie Al- Zhejiang province also plans to hold the vipcoioemuss,4c0ar-tpolounssy, etacr. Ihf yisotuorwyouolfdvliikoeletont Qaq said on Twitter late Thursday. “Zhejiang Internet religious information acbounsteribisutqeu, ipteleasneoctohnetramct autsteart,oruerqeumirianilg \"Now we have to take a few final examiner training course” to effectively fa- us all to take anaedndorermsso:us leap of faith. steps.\" U.S. State Department Deputy cilitate the applicants’ work and improve Mayhathrveepsetirnsgescouutlesmd igsesitotnh@e fgrmeeadil.ocmomthey Spokeswoman Jalina Porter agreed. the examination ability of religious infor- deserve,\" she concluded. But did Iran only release the Christians mation examiners. to appear they allow religious free- Following Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, dom inside the Islamic regime? Shaanxi, and Guangdong provinces all is- As The Hudson Institute's Lela Gilbert sued similar notice with regards to the li- noted in a February op-ed for censing work, according to China Christian Newsweek, \"Negotiators claim that Daily. progress on a nuclear deal is becom- Pastor Bob Fu from China Aid told World ing 'more and more difficult.' And while those nuclear talks drag on in- \"One tactic was releasing nine incarcer- terminably, the regime's abuse of re- ated Christians, after which the court qui- ligious minorities continues, and in etly reversed their decisions days later. A some cases, it increases unabated.\" February 2022 article was headlined \"Unsurprisingly, as the Iran nuclear 'Christian Converts Absolved by Supreme talks drag on, the regime has tried to Court Now Face 'Propaganda' Charges'.\" put on a kinder, gentler face for its \"Young Iranian lives are being transformed Western debaters,\" Gilbert wrote. by newly found Christian beliefs, eclips-

8Bible Study FULL STORY ON - 05 do you seek?” They asked him ‘Busy’ is buzzword! Even when they and millions of rupees... but in the respectfully, “Where do you live?” are free, they do not have time to end, we will only have money, and “Come and see,” replied Jesus. spend with their kids. Children return not our children. So, when we had They spent the rest of the day from their schools with loads of our children, we decided that we with him. Then they said, “We stories to share with the parents. will work only till noon, even if we have Mostly the parents shows no interest are tempted with huge sums of found the Messiah, which is, being in listening to them. The lack of money to work the whole day. The interpreted, the Christ.” A day or communication is the curse of the day. afternoons will be devoted for our a They become more close to their toys children, to spent time with them night’s stay with Jesus changed as the parents have no time to when they are back from school.” their lives. We see the picture of a converse with them. Parents ‘avoid’ the If we are there to comfort a crying true kids with the help of technology; child, we will not have to shed teacher here! by giving them video games, smart tears for them in later life. Gurukul way of schooling does phones, Ipad, and what not. Children today learn to use smart not exist anymore. The disciples My friend Dr. Gita told me: “It is possible phones and tablets at a very staying with the teacher; obeying for us to earn millions him; imitating his life; and in turn being transformed like the teacher... and one day the disciple becoming like the teacher. That is the real meaning of education. This method is not practical today. Times have changed. Parents are employed. They leave their kids with servants or in day-care centres. FULL STORY ON - 10

Sparkling Wisdom! 9 young age. It has become their Sparkling Wisdom! craze and they are glued to it. So, they 1.“Joy is the infallible proof of the presence of do not know how to play in the yard. God.”—Madeleine L’engle. They have no outdoor life! I am very fond of my nephew 2. “For prayer is nothing else than being on Adam. He is in Singapore. When he terms of friendship with God.”—Saint Teresa came on a vacation with his parents, of Ávila he literally he became my world. When it was time for him to return, 3. “Some of God’s greatest gifts are I kissed him with tears in my eyes unanswered prayers.”—Garth Brooks and asked, “When will I see you again my dear boy? 4. “To be a Christian means to forgive the Pat came the reply, “Don’t cry Jessy inexcusable, because God has forgiven the ammachi. Get on Skype, and inexcusable in you.”—C.S. Lewis we can chat any time, na?” He was just three then! 5. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the One day we got a phone call. “This reward of this faith is to see what you call is to confirm your order for believe.”—Saint Augustine a bed.” Bed? We were shocked. Then we realised that our three- 6. “I’m not perfect. I’m never going to be. And yearold ‘little naughty’ was behind that’s the great thing about living the the order! He had entered a Christian life and trying to live by faith, is commercial you’re trying to get better every day. You’re website and went on clicking ‘Next’ trying to improve.”—Tim Tebow until he ordered a bed successfully. Education and Training 7. “Faith is deliberate confidence in the FU3L0L STORY ON - 05 character of God whose ways you may not Family - The Heaven on Earth understand at the time.”—Oswald This is the world today! Chambers Recently I watched a video presentation of a Muslim priest. He 8. “Life is God’s novel. Let him write it.”—Isaac clearly taught the society about Bashevis Singer family life! A few lines from the video: 9. “If you can see it, you can achieve it. God ‘A house is made up of just four helps those who helps themselves. Power is walls. But a home is made with four in the act of humility.”—Patricia Amis people. Switch off your phones after 9 pm. Wi-Fi is the curse today! 10. “However many blessings Turn it off too. Turn off TV, internet, we expect from God, His and computers. Everyone in the infinite liberality will always family should share the day’s exceed all our wishes and happenings. Let there be warmth. our thoughts.”—John Kiss Calvin the little ones and let them play sitting in your lap. Tell them how you Abigail Thyvilayil John missed them and how much you love them.’ Thus went his message. FULL STORY ON - 10

10Bible Study FULL STORY ON - 09 family prayer; instead we asked them to be hospitable and entertain to join us for our prayer that guests, they are too tired after the How true! day. We had our family prayer as usual; day’s This sharing should happen with Bible reading, reflection and work. The one thing they want after children and between the spouses. prayers. Every day, everyone prays on finishing their ‘pending jobs’ at Talk to each other. Talk to the the basis of the revelation or home is to rest. So, they try to avoid elderly parents at home. Computer counsel they received. This family guests from their busy lives. and phone have devoured human prayer was the foundation of the It is a divine commandment to show beings ability to talk, along with spiritual growth and unity of our family. “hospitality.” Give the best their time. The divine gift of Many a time, the thoughts part of your meal to the guests. Let conversation is lost. Family prayer shared by our children have opened the children grow up seeing this. has our eyes. They have corrected Then, they will learn and be inspired disappeared. We need these back. us many times. They have the freedom to love and respect others. There should be the warmth of love to do it. If they said, “Dad, If our homes are the replicas of and prayer in a family. that was wrong,” or “Mom, you heaven, our visitors will feel its Once a team from Power Vision TV shouldn’t have said that,” we humbled warmth. How beautiful were the interviewed our family for ourselves to listen to them. days of God’s great servants like their program named ‘Kudumba Moothampakkal Kochukunju Geetham.’ Our kids were 17, 12 and We live in a world where showing Upadesi (a well-known preacher in 10 years old. When asked about hospitality has Kerala in early twentieth century), their ambition in life, they all said hit rock bottom. What motivates the who had a plaque on the wall that they wanted to be in ‘the Lord’s working read, “There is food and ministry.’ They knew that was the couples most today? First and accommodation ready for everyone best foremost, to earn the who pass occupation in this world. We did not maximum, working even two shifts a by!” We should be ready to offer at answer their question about our day, if needed. Even if they wish least a glass of water to those who comewtwo

11DEVOTION Lot,the man who chose disaster Pr.Bijo Mathew Panathur attracted.Therefore beauty of land, Here we see God rained down fire and fertility,and source of water were attracting burning sulphur from the sky. Lot had to When the herdsmen of both factors here. run from the city throwing all what he embraced. Indeed he chose disaster,he Abraham and Lot had conflicts between Eve was attracted to the forbidden lost everything! Our selection is them, they decided to separate each fruit and sinned.Easu also thrown to important..Naomi chose Moab at the other.So Lot had a long look and he chose attraction by the red stew and lost his time of famine,but finally it becomes big a place near to Sodom,the fertile plains birthright. Attraction to the world will cause trouble to her.Life becomes full of of Jordan valley. Our selection is you huge loss. bitterness and sorrowful. prominent. Nobody misleaded him in to Lot moved his tents to a place “near that choice,but he himself selected the Sodom”.The seat of Lot was at the entrance Therefore let us ask God at the junction land.He saw the landscape was of the city, watching all sinful acts.People of of our choice in life and receive right beautiful,wellwatered,green pastures Sodom were sinners before God.But on the signal from Almighty to move in to the for livestock,fine land for crops. He saw other side of his choice was a giggling great sections. all good nothing bad.He was monster,the JUDGEMENT.

12News FULL STORY ON - 01 Biden says the US will welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees These two groups sum up the ideology and persecution methods of Sangh The United States will ac- reinstate sanctions he previously lifted Parivar: cept up to 100,000 refu- against various entities in Russia, with The RSS is an ideological founder of the gees fleeing the Russian them being expanded as the ground war Hindutva movement and was founded invasion of Ukraine, Presi- began. in 1925. The RSS, however, claims they dent Joe Biden said Thurs- “We have purposefully designed these are simply a cultural organization, work- day as European nations sanctions to maximize the long-term im- ing to protect Hindu culture from West- welcome millions who pact on Russia and to minimize the im- ern influence. have been displaced by the pact on the United States and our allies,” As a member of the Sangh Parivar, the war. Biden said at the time. RSS fuels a religiously intolerant narra- “This is not something that Many of these measures are set to take tive that portrays all non-Indic faiths, Poland or Romania or Ger- effect on Saturday but do not include gas like Christianity and Islam, as foreign and oil imports made between Russia and threatening. many should carry on their own,” Biden said and the U.S., as well as European nations. The RSS demonizes Christians and other during a news briefing in Brussels, Belgium. On Thursday, the White House an- religious minorities through these hate- “This is an international responsibility.” nounced that the U.S., along with the EU ful narratives, instigating violence in the In a Fact Sheet released Thursday, the Biden were going to add additional sanctions streets. The RSS also uses these narra- administration said that in addition to ac- on various figures in Russia, including tives to advocate for laws and policies cepting Ukrainians after already taking in measures aimed at several Russian that discriminate against religious mi- thousands of evacuees from Afghanistan, the elites, members of Russia's Legislature, norities. There are more than 6 million U.S. will give $1 billion in humanitarian aid the Duma, and defense companies. members of the RSS across India in over to European countries that are taking in and \"Our sanctions on Russia are unprec- 50,000 locations. These members meet caring for an estimated 3 million war refu- edented — in no other circumstance daily and dedicate part of their meet- gees. have we moved so swiftly and in such a ings to martial arts training. Many mem- “While we expect many Ukrainians will coordinated fashion to impose devastat- bers eventually use this training against choose to remain in Europe close to family ing costs on any other country,\" stated religious minorities. and their homes in Ukraine, today, the United the White House. The BJP is the political wing of the States is announcing plans to welcome up to Sangh Parivar. Using the hateful narra- 100,000 Ukrainians and others fleeing tives established by the RSS and the Russia’s aggression through the full range millions of RSS members across India, of legal pathways, including the U.S. Refu- the BJP uses political victories to es- gee Admissions Program,” the Biden admin- tablish India as a Hindu nation. istration said. BJP politicians often use hate speeches “In particular, we are working to expand and against Christians for political gain. develop new programs with a focus on wel- These speeches help spread the hate- coming Ukrainians who have family members ful narratives established by the RSS in the United States.” and instigate violence against Chris- The administration went on to note that the tians in the streets. BJP politicians then “United States and the European Union are use political support garnered by these also coordinating closely to ensure that these narratives to pass laws that discrimi- efforts, and other forms of humanitarian ad- nate against Christians. mission or transfers, are complementary and provide much-needed support to Ukraine’s neighbors.” Bethany Christian Services, a global non- profit centered on providing aid to children and their families, released a statement on Thursday celebrating the announcement. In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. has taken various measures to aid the invaded Eastern European nation and punish Russia for its aggression. Last month, Biden announced that he would


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