ELECTRONIC CAPSTONE EXAMPLE HYBRID DRIVE IN CARD INTRODUCTION Throughout history, man seeks to facilitate and improve transport, primarilyhimself and then raw materials and other necessary things. The 19th century represents amilestone in the development of modern transport by the invention of an internalcombustion engine (ICE). With this invention, a new automotive industry is emerging, whichis rapidly an essential economic factor of virtually all developed countries. However, in spiteof the opinion of most people that electric and hybrid vehicles are a thing of the past, orsomething that has just been a forerunner in our industry and everyday life, that thought isnot entirely correct. Electric vehicles appeared in parallel with vehicles with internalcombustion. Namely, one of the main means of transport of that time were trams whichwere by themselves electric vehicles and the inventors in the past wanted to use such anelectric drive to run the vehicle as the electric tram technology was highly developed. At thebeginning of the 20th century, the internal combustion engines almost discharged electricvehicles from the scene. The biggest reasons for this are the speed and power of suchvehicles, and finally the introduction of the electric starter of such engines, whichcontributes most to the enjoyment of driving with such vehicles. The energy crisis in thesecond half of the 20th century leads to reinvestment and research into electric vehicles. Themain disadvantage of electric vehicles was the range of the vehicles themselves. As a kind ofcompromise of these drawbacks comes the invention of a hybrid propulsion vehicle, which isa compound of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine. The hybrid drive of acar is the name that indicates the launch of a car by several different energy sources,primarily electric motors (accumulators) and internal combustion engines, and combine thebenefits of both sources depending on the type of driving or mode of operation. Therequirements can be varied, so the combination of two engines can meet the samerequirements, such as more economical fuel consumption, greater power requirements, oreven additional auxiliary power for electronic devices inside the car. One of the mostimportant differences between hybrid propulsion cars and electric cars themselves is intheir batteries and charging and discharging battery. In hybrid cars, it is more important tohave faster battery charging and discharge than to achieve high power, such as electric cars.Battery capacity is lower in hybrid than in electric cars, although hybrid car technology isalmost entirely developed and could combine classic cars in the future with classic cars in 1
ELECTRONIC CAPSTONE EXAMPLE HYBRID DRIVE IN CARDthe future. The complete propulsion of a hybrid car consists of internal combustion engine,electric generator, electric motor, power split device (PSD), battery packs. Electromotor - The electric motor represents the biggest difference between hybridand classic cars. Today's electric motors offer a number of benefits to customers such asreduced fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, fast and quiet engine engagement,braking power storage, improved driving dynamics thanks to acceleration regulation and thelike. The controller depends on the selected motor. The controller is a device that controls theoperation of the motor, without it the electric motor is practically unusable. The choice ofcontrollers is just as important as the choice of the engine. Even the best engine with apoorly-adjusted controller will not yield good results. A circuit connecting a classic motorwith an electric motor and a car's transmission is known as power split device (PSD). PSD isactually a device that separates and unites drive aggregates. The internal combustion engineis connected with planetary gear lever. Turning to operation, the motor tends to rotate theouter gear connected to the transmission and the center gear connected to the MG1generator (motor / generator 1). The distribution of motor power on the vehicle and MG1generator usually amounts to 72:28%. This relationship is solved by the number of teeth onthe outer gear. In other words, the engine will provide 72% of its power on the vehicle and28% on the generator. This relationship may change depending on the driving mode. Whendriving at a steady pace at no greater load, the engine will use less power to run the vehicle,and more to generate electricity. The computer will always take into account the power ofthe generated currents so that the engine load on the generator is balanced. While the vehicleis idle, the engine still rotates the carrier with planets that are clamped on the outer gear androtate the sun (center) (or the generator). When the vehicle is powered by an electric motorMG2 (motor / generator 2) connected directly to the outer gear, the planets rotate aroundtheir shafts on a bracket connected to a gasoline or diesel engine that is not working at thistime. In this situation, the satellites will rotate the sun (center), and with it the generator willturn off the sun-generator. This would mean that we have an electric motor drive situationunrelated to the vehicles’ idle motor. Driving with an electric motor is more suitable for lesserspeeds, so by increasing the speed (at 60 km / h), the computer loads the generator and thesituation in the planetary gear changes. After charging the central gear of the sun, thesatellites will no longer be able to rotate it lightly, but will snap on the carrier that is 2
ELECTRONIC CAPSTONE EXAMPLE HYBRID DRIVE IN CARDconnected to the vehicle's engine. In the impossibility of turning the sun, the satellites willrotate together with the big gear, launch the satellite carrier, and on the motor vehicle. Themotor vehicle will run the vehicle together with the electric motor or separately whenstarting. Most hybrids are fitted with variable transmissions. When driving a car using an electric motor, we do not use a classic gearbox (manualor automatic). The large planetary gear wheel is directly connected to the differential andthe speed of the electric motor dictates the speed of the vehicle. Both generators / motorsare connected via an inverter. They regulate the current flow from MG1 directly to the MG2or battery, as well as the current flow from the battery to the MG2 or from the battery in thevehicle slowdown. The inverter and converter combined as a whole control the power and charging ofelectric circuits in hybrid cars. Batteries provide direct current (DC) and must betransformed into AC power needed by the engine to operate with the car electronics itself. Acommon hybrid and electric car is to use a relatively low AC voltage of around 210V to makethem smaller and thus provide greater space in the car. Hybrids generally use a high ACvoltage generator of about 650 V and it is precisely the task of the inverter and the converterthat these different types of voltage and current within the car are harmonized and that thewhole system works as a whole. The inverter has the task of inverting high-voltage DC powerfrom the battery into a three-phase alternating current of the required motorWe can say that the controller is the \"brain\" of a hybrid car. It is present in virtually allautomotive activities, from regenerative braking, charging, starting, etc. The process ofcontroller operation starts by collecting and processing the necessary data from other carsystems, then based on them deciding on further action and finally establishing connectionwith the appropriate set of systems required to perform the desired activity. Likewise, thecontroller monitors all the converter and inverter activity to balance the power requirementsof most fourteen volt electrical components and high voltages. Energy storage systems (batteries) are essential for electric vehicles such as hybridcars (HEVs), plug-in hybrid cars (PHEVs) and all electric cars (EVs). Energy storage is themain reason for the slow development of electric cars. At the beginning of the developmentof electric cars, lead batteries were used, but because of the relatively poor characteristicsof such batteries, new lithium-based batteries appeared on the market. The principle ofbattery operation is based on the fact that ionized elements of a chemical electrode are 3
ELECTRONIC CAPSTONE EXAMPLE HYBRID DRIVE IN CARDeasily attracted to combining with other molecules by emitting electrons (energy) in thatprocess. These elements are driven through the electrolyte and the separator against theopposite electrodes. Anode ions (negative electrodes) release electrons; positive ions cometo the anode and receive electrons, the released electrons travel through the circuit,generating a charge flow in the opposite direction from the ion ions. During charging, thecurrent has an opposite sign and goes back to the battery, reversing the whole process.REFERENCESPesaran, A., Gonder, J., & Keyser, M. (2009). Ultracapacitor Applications and Evaluation forHybrid Electric Vehicles, In: 7th Annual Advanced Capacitor World Summit Conference,National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Hotel Torrey Pines La Jolla, CA; 2009.Tie, S. F., & Tan, C. W. (2013). A Review of Energy Sources and Energy Management Systemin Electric Vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 20, 82-102.Emadi, A., Young, J. L., & Rajashekara, K. (2008). Power Electronics and Motor Drives inElectric, Hybrid Electric, and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Industrial Electronics, IEEETransactions on 2008, 55(6): 2237–45. 4
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