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Home Explore Travelling Guide Book 406-02,14 (1)

Travelling Guide Book 406-02,14 (1)

Published by Guset User, 2022-02-08 09:14:41

Description: Travelling Guide Book นี้เป็นงานส่วนหนึ่งของวิชา E31211 English for Communication

Keywords: #Travelling #Guide Book #Chill out #Nice trip


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VACATION in thialand.... Enjoy your holidays and adventures MAE HONG SON in different places around in thailand. BAN RAK THAI LETS GO!


Ban rak thai HISTORY OF PLACE Historically Ban Rak Thai is a Thai- Chinese village founded by former Kuo Min Tang soldiers (The Nationalists) who migrated from Yunnan Province, China, after the Communist takeover of China.


Ban rak thai HISTORY OF PLACE Today the place is still heavily influenced by the old Chinese. There are many signs in Chinese, buildings are Chinese-style and much of the population speaks a heavily accented version of Mandarin Chinese.


Ban rak thai WHAT IS THE BEST THING THERE ? Ban Rak Thai is also well known for its tea products. The village is surrounded by lush and aromatic tea plantations thanks to the mountainous landscape and cool climate. Every year in February an annual Tea Tasting Festival is held at Ban Rak Thai.

thailand Mae hong son spain france HOW TO GO TO BAN RAK THAI australia Tour buss, train or plane to Chiang Mai. Then continue with the van at the arcade When arriving in Mae Hong Son 1. By our car/rental car Turn on the GPS and drive carefully because the road is quite rough and dangerous.

thailand Mae hong son Germany Newzealand HOW TO GO TO BAN RAK THAI Mexico Tour buss, train or plane to Chiang Mai. Then continue with the van at the arcade When arriving in Mae Hong Son 2. Bus From the city of Mae Hong Son By two rows of Mae Hong Son - Baan Rak Thai (Mae Wa), the car is in behind the market.

A map of the village

Recommended accommodation Accommodation : Lee Wine Rak Thai Resort Contact phone number : 0825566699 Facebook page : Leewinerukthai Resort

Recommended accommodation Accommodation : Wojia I Family 我家Contact phone number : 0918508585 Facebook page : Wojia

Recommended accommodation Accommodation : Yunanrak Thai Resort Contact phone number : 0879080157 Facebook page : Yunan Rak Thai Resort

Recommended accommodation Accommodation name : Kung Fu Camp Tea Plantation Contact number : 0642279482 Facebook page : Kung Fu Tea Plantation Camp

928.7 KM. BAN RAK THAU WHY SHOULD YOU VISIT BAN RAK THAI? Because of its remote location, Ban Rak Thai is so calm and peaceful without seeing a lot of tourists. Most people visit this place as part of their day tour to a few attractions in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai. If you just want to relax and do nothing then this sleepy village is the place for you.

BAN RAK THAU WHY SHOULD YOU VISIT BAN RAK THAI? Along the lakeshore are some cafes and restaurants offering a fantastic panoramic view of the lake. As Ban Rak Thai is well known for its tea products, sip a cup of tea at one of the tea houses there offering a variety of homegrown tea leaves. The restaurant here also serves Yunnan-style Chinese food as well as locally brewed fruit wine.

BAN RAK THAU WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS TRIP? -Chill out -mountain village -The place wonderful -delicious tea -nature and peace -Relax -great weather -Chinese-Thai culture -Best place -Nice view -Nice trip

BAN RAK THAU WHAT ARE THE TEN PHRASES FOR THE TRIP? 1) Escape and Breathe the air of new places. 2) Wander often, wonder always. 3) Travel is not reward for working, it's educated for living.

BAN RAK THAU WHAT ARE THE TEN PHRASES FOR THE TRIP? 3) Because every pictures tell a story. 4) It’s not about the destination, but the journey.

BAN RAK THAU WHAT ARE THE TEN PHRASES FOR THE TRIP? 6. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 7. Shank’s pony/Shanks’s mare 8. have a good trip. 9. Book in advance 10. Once in a lifetime.


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