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Home Explore Social Studies Unit 3 Test Review A

Social Studies Unit 3 Test Review A

Published by BRANDON JONES, 2020-09-18 07:48:51

Description: Social Studies Unit 3 Test Review A


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Exploration and Colonization Study Guide

Early Exploration and Settlement French Exploration and Settlement

Spanish Exploration Dutch Exploration and and Settlement Settlement

English Colonies Plymouth Part 1 Jamestown Plymouth Part 2

Geographic Factors that Influence Research Skills- Primary and Secondary Settlement Sources

● The king and queen of Spain agreed ● Early French explorations focused on to pay for Columbus’s trips because what is now Canada. they thought he would find gold and spices. ● Areas claimed by France were called New France. ● Columbus thought he had reached Asia ● A city that still reflects much of the French culture is New Orleans. ● Reasons for exploring were to spread Christianity, find gold, and find new ● Knights, soldiers, and explorers of the lands. Spanish Empire were called Conquistadores. ● A colony was a settlement ruled by the country that established it. ● Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztec empire. ● Countries that sent explorers to the New World were Great Britain, ● Pizarro conquered the Inca empire. Netherlands, France, Portugal, and ● The oldest inhabited Spanish Spain. settlement is St. Augustine. ● Two main reasons countries colonized in America were religious reasons and ● The first attempt at a permanent economic reasons. English settlement was Roanoke. ● Massachusetts was settled for ● The first permanent English religious freedom. settlement was Jamestown. ● The Puritans settled Plymouth in ● Jamestown was important because it Massachusetts. gave England a foothold in the competition for the New World. ● The name of the ship that carried Pilgrims to the New World was the ● Plymouth was settled by a group Mayflower. called the Pilgrims. ● Jamestown was settled for economic reasons. ● A major Dutch settlement was New York

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