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Home Explore Modern Fitness Magazine | Fall 2017

Modern Fitness Magazine | Fall 2017

Published by Modern Fitness Magazine, 2017-09-12 21:03:31

Description: Modern Fitness Magazine | Fall 2017

Keywords: fitness,health,wellness,modern,modern fitness


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Single-arm The single-Pulldown X arm pulldown has the added benefit of aTARGET: LATS, slightly greater range ofMIDDLE BACK motion. Control the weightUse a D-handle or rope back to the start on every rep,attachment and grasp the allowing for a full stretch atattachment with one hand the top. You can change theand take a seat on the floor travel path of your elbowso your arm is overhead. to alter the muscularUse your non-working armfor stability. Allow for a good emphasis.stretch before depressingyour scapula and pullingthe weight forcefully downtoward your side. Drive yourelbow down as far as possibleand squeeze both shoulderblades together for a countbefore returning to the startposition. There S Single-arm are multiple Negative Dip start positions for the Meadows row. You TARGET: CHEST, TRICEPS, should feel free to adjust OBLIQUES yours in order to achieve Sit in a dip machine with the the proper range of seat belt fastened and load the motion or just for a plate selector with a weight di erent feel after that you can handle for about you’ve mastered 10 reps. Press the weight down one position. with both hands. Once you reach full extension, removeS Meadows Row one hand and control the weight back up using the other hand. AtTARGET: BACK, TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS the top, grasp both handles andLoad a landmine or corner a loaded barbell and set yourself up at the press the weight down again.weighted end with your shoulders (roughly) facing the pivot point of Complete all reps for one side,the bar. Reach down and grasp the fat end of the bar, your non-work- rest one minute, then hand resting on the inside of the same-side knee. Keeping yourback flat and head neutral as you would in a single-arm row, engageyour lat to pull the weight up toward your ribs.

This move targets your pecs and lats in nearly equal mea- sure. The key is to keep the line of pull toward your back pocket, rather than your front pocket as you would with conventional flyes. S Single-arm Back UNILATERAL TRAINING TIPS Pocket Flye Use these guidelines when programming these nine moves into your TARGET: CHEST, BACK existing workout routine. In a cable apparatus, attach a D- handle and set it to shoulder level OPLACEMENT To take clean & press, how- ing is fatiguing—even or higher. Grasp the handle with one advantage of additional ever, is a power-oriented more than bilateral exer- hand and step away from the pulley force generation, do movement and reps cise. To keep good form, directly across toward the opposite these moves first or sec- should be kept lower and ensure that one pulley so that you are directly on the ond in your routine for the (2–6 reps) to maximize side’s tired muscles don’t midline of the cable station. With your associated body parts. bar speed on each set. impact the other side, be arm slightly bent—as you would ex- OWEIGHT Most of these Because of the intense sure to rest at least one ecuting a normal flye—inhale deeply exercises can and should isolation, leaning lateral minute after finishing one and contract your working side chest be trained in whatever raises should be kept in side before moving on to and back muscles to pull the handle rep range you’re focusing standard hypertrophy the other. You can rest down and slightly back toward your on in your training. The ranges (8–15 reps). 1–2 minutes after finish- back pocket. Hold the contraction for single-arm landmine OREST Unilateral train- a count and return slowly to the start. ing both sides.O52 SHOT ON LOCATION AT GLOBAL FITNESS INC., GARDENA, CA

HMB® used in BETABOL™ separates itself from other supplements with a growing body of researchshowing not only that HMB® works to improve the results of an exercise program, but is also safe. Infact, the study of HMB® safety has been just as extensive as the study of the e ects of HMB® on im-proving strength and performance. In the last 2 decades, about 50 human studies, 20 review articles,and 2 meta-analyses have been published as peer-reviewed papers, the scientific gold standard.HMB®, a metabolite of L-Leucine, has been researched on its ability to increase muscle protein andstrength while decreasing muscle breakdown and recovery time. BETABOL™ is an advanced trainingformula containing the human studied amount of Patented HMB® (when taken twice daily).For a location near you, visit WWW.EVOCHEMNUTRITION.COM†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Kung PaoTaco BoatsBy: Darci BosINGREDIENTS: DIRECTIONS: Heat coconut oil in skillet and add onion. 1 TBS coconut oil Sauté onion until translucent. Add ground ½ cup white onion, diced turkey to skillet and cook until partially 1lb. ground turkey browned. Add soy sauce, honey, Sriracha 3 TBS low sodium soy sauce sauce, peanut butter powder, garlic, sesame 1 TBS honey oil, vinegar, red pepper flakes, and water 1 TBS sriracha sauce chestnuts to turkey. Let simmer for 10 min- 1 TBS peanut butter powder (optional) utes or until turkey is cooked and sauce 1 TSP minced garlic has been reduced. 1 TSP sesame oil 2 TSP rice wine vinegar While turkey is cooking, place sweet bell 1 TSP crushed red pepper flakes peppers in a skillet over high heat until ½ cup canned water chestnuts—diced blackened on all sides. Once finished, dice 3 of each sweet baby bell peppers (red, yellow, orange) and toss mixture with lime juice. Set aside. Juice from 1 lime Fill full romaine leaf with turkey mixture 4 romaine lettuce leaves and top with peppers, green onions, and ¼ cup green onions, chopped peanuts (optional). ¼ cup peanuts (optional) Spring 2017 | | 55

Fit Foods Peanut Butter INGREDIENTS: Dark 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed Chocolate ½ cup crunchy natural peanut butter Brownies 1 egg-optional (for a more cake like texture) ¼ cup sucanat (can substitute with honey or agave) By: Darci Bos 2 TSP vanilla extract ½ TSP salt DIRECTIONS: ¼ TSP baking soda Pre-heat oven to 350°. Grease an 8؆x 8؆ pan or ¼ TSP baking powder use parchment paper instead. Add chickpeas 2 TBSP cocoa powder to food processor and blend for a minute or ½ to 1 cup dark chocolate chips so. Add in all other ingredients and mix until well incorporated—scraping sides as you go. INGREDIENTS: Stir in chocolate chips, reserve some for 2 baked sweet potatoes sprinkling on top if you’d like. Pour mixture 6 eggs into pan, spreading evenly. Bake for 15–20 1 TSP of cinnamon minutes. Keep an eye on them. 1 TSP nutmeg ¼ cup maple toasted coconut chips Makes 9 large brownies or a 1 TBS coconut oil dozen smaller brownies.56 Sweet Maple Coconut Skinny Muffins By: Priscilla Carey DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 375°. Coat muffin tins with oil or non-stick spray. Add all ingredients into blender, except coconut oil and coconut chips. Blend approximately 30 seconds or until creamy. Pour the sticky mixture into the muffin tins filling 3⁄4 full. Top each muffin with coconut chips. Bake for 25 minutes or until eggs are cooked. Drizzle a little honey or maple syrup on the muffins for a sweeter taste.

INGREDIENTS: Deep Dish 7g coconut flour 17g vanilla whey Chocolate 4g light butter Chip 14g mini chocolate chips Cookie 15g liquid egg whites 1⁄2 TSP baking powder By: Cait Robertson 75g unsweetened applesauce 1⁄2 TSP vanilla extract DIRECTIONS: Stevia to taste (optional) Melt butter in mixing bowl. Add vanilla extract, vanilla whey, coconut flour, baking powder and stir. Add stevia to taste,INGREDIENTS: applesauce, egg whites, and stir until mixture is completely 1⁄4 cup flax meal homogeneous. Pour mixture into sprayed single serve 1 cup almond flour ramekin. Distribute chocolate chips evenly on top of mix- 10 eggs ture. Mini chocolate chips work best for maximum surface 2 TBS butter area to hit the taste buds. Bake for 10–20 minutes at 350° 2 TBS coconut oil and check with a toothpick to see when done. I know that is 1⁄4 TSP sage a weird baking time, ovens can vary significantly so I recom- 1⁄4 TSP onion powder mend checking on the deep dish cookie frequently between 1⁄4 TSP garlic powder that 10–20 minute window. You’ll want it just slightly gooey 1 TSP maple extract in the middle, but totally baked around the outside. 1 TSP butter extract 11⁄4 lbs. lean sausage ENJOY your deep dish chocolate chip cookie with NO GUILT! Keto Sausage Pancake Bake By: Madyson Foy DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350°. Cook the sausages until golden brown. While the sausage is cooking, mix together the eggs, melted coconut oil, melted butter, maple syrup, garlic powder, onion powder, sage, butter extract, maple extract, flax meal, and almond flour. Mix the sausage into the pancake mix. Lay parchment paper into a pan and spray the paper lightly with butter. Drizzle the bake with Walden Farms maple syrup and bake for 45 minutes. NUTRITION FACTS: Calories: 293 • Fat: 23g • Carb: 3.7g • Protein: 18.7g Spring 2017 | | 57

Fit Foods Too Late To hydrate? by: Steph Skeba Ĩ Guest author Steph Skeba, a Here are four rules I recommend for registered dietitian, coach, and improving hydration and performance: CPT. Steph has competed in 1. Drink ’til your pee doesn’t stink! There is no greater Ironman Triathlons, Marathons and Crossfit competitions. indicator of poor hydration than urine. If your post She is a nutrition contributor workout #1 looks like iced tea, you need to hydrate to TEAM KILL CLIFF. early and often. 2. Chug your mug! Coffee is great. I love it, but have you Most athletes and people looking to work out and ever gotten to noon and realized all you’ve had to drink get fit fall short on optimal performance in is java? Before downing in your morning Joe, down terms of hydration. That can lead to cramping, some water from the same mug. That ensures you start decreased performance, and early fatigue. In the day with some needed hydration. sports that require concentration, it is actually the mind 3. Electrolytes to get right! When you sweat you lose that can be impacted first by dehydration (hence, the more than water, you use electrolytes that are essential to dreaded mental mistake in the fourth quarter of a critical regulating hydration at the cellular level. Potassium, game). There is a lot that can work against being optimally magnesium, sodium and other electrolytes help regulate hydrated. Too much coffee, too much alcohol, and too hydration and work in combination with plenty of water. little water are the obvious ones. 4. Don’t drink your calories! Ok, this is not really about However, a big part of the problem is the timing of hydration, but far too often in the pursuit of hydration, hydration. Too many of my clients try to chug water before people slam high-sugar sports drinks or juices. Unless a workout or drink a lot during a workout thinking they you are training for radical endurance, most people are getting properly hydrated. Wrong! It’s like cramming don’t need the excess added sugars (and even for elite minutes before a’re going to fail. endurance athletes, there are better sources of carbohy- The reality is that if you are sipping on a water bottle drates). Instead look for low-calorie options that do the right before or during a workout it is likely too little too trick. Unflavored coconut water, electrolyte tablets, late. Water during a workout is important for workouts fruits, and vegetables are all great options to up your lasting over an hour. However, that tiny bottle during your electrolytes without guzzling extra calories. KILL CLIFF spin class isn’t going to have as much of an impact as Clean Hydration & Recovery Drinks are naturally sweet- your hydration habits in the other 23 hours a day. When ened with just 15–20 calories and contain electrolytes you head to the gym, the hydration you start with is the and B-vitamins. No sugar, non-GMO, and no artificial hydration you are stuck with. Drinking during a workout flavors. They are a refreshing and delicious way to is mostly maintenance. rehydrate and recover post workouts.O Instead, for optimal hydration I recommend athletes and gym enthusiasts re-hydrate starting right after their İ Mat Fraser – 2016 CrossFit Games champion re-hydrates post workout. workout. Hydrating properly is essential to recovering for the next day's performance. If you start the work of hydra- tion after training, you will be ready to go again tomorrow.58

Fit Foods A grocery store is a place we hold with such Outsmart The positive connotation,supermarket but it is the largest enabler you will ever Supermarket tips that will encounter and truthfully contribute to making your does not want you to healthy lifestyle a success. succeed. In preparation for this article I did photo by: Ron Perron some research and was so surprised at what I discovered.Ĩ by: Holly Barker

Now, I am applying it to Here’s how... my grocery store visits, it all makes sense and has 1 Stay away from the aisles definitely enabled me in and shop the perimeter.the past to make choices I might not have if I had This is where the fresh, whole food items are kept. Fresh, whole known better. With that foods are the ingredients that lead us to live our healthiest lifestyle.said, and my new knowl- edge retained, I want to Keep these key tips in mind forward this on to you • Purchase items without an ingredient label or with very few and help you succeed in ingredients on the back. the aisles of the grocery store to ultimately live • Purchase items that are as close from farm to table as possi- ble. This can be tough for us in the winter months, but now your healthiest life! that spring and summer are here we can take advantage of The strategy begins the the true fruits of our provinces labor. moment you enter the grocery store. We are so • Plan a trip to the store every 3–4 days. Do not feel the needsuppressed to the millions to buy pre-packaged foods just so that you can limit yourof messages we get every grocery shopping to one day a week. The convenience ofday, buy this, choose that, grabbing fresh food as you need them is much better for your wear this, drink that, go healthy lifestyle and will expose you to fresher, try that! It’s amazing what we are exposed to • Avoid canned, packaged or preserved foods or items that use daily, but the ability to a lot of additives to elongate shelf life.make the proper decisions #1 outsmart wrap-up: comes down to the Avoid the ‘end cap’ trap. The end caps of aisles are filled withknowledge that we have to be consumer smart! ‘deal’ items that are there to lure you in and lead you through the aisles to purchase items you don’t need. This method leaves more of your money at the store while increasing the companies’ profits. These items are the profit items for companies but are typically not nutrient dense or conducive to your goals of living your healthiest lifestyle. 2 Eat before you shop and be prepared for the drive home. If you are a typical “snacker” as you shop, after you shop and on the way home from shopping, prepare for your snack habit in advance and don’t leave it to the baking section of your grocery store. Mindless snacking will add to your daily calories without even registering as a meal and signaling satiation to your appetite... you will still head home to have supper regardless of the snack habit.

Fit Foods Make certain to remain steadfast and can all be created from whole foods prepared by you. It doesn’t mean hours of slaving in the kitchen. • Have a mini meal before shopping. Allow your- It just takes a bit of preparation and a little planning. self to purchase what you need instead of what the grocery store is teasing you to buy; the Save the cost of having them package it for you packaged goods that sound so good, the baked and use it to buy food storage containers and a goods that smell so good, and whatever else cooler bag that you can take with you for the day. that may trigger the emotional senses. This makes staying on track much easier. • Keep your shopping to the point and avoid • As you put the groceries away, make it a family shopping with influencers that will randomly affair to prepare your groceries in servings so that grab goodies and add to the cart. everyone can grab and go throughout the day. • Have a snack option for the drive home ready. • When cooking, cook multiple servings and use This can be a serving of nuts, veggies or a pro- different flavor profiles to create multiple meal tein shake. If you feel the need for hand to options with the same ingredients. mouth, make sure it’s something that will help you succeed and not hinder your success. #3 outsmart wrap-up: #2 outsmart wrap-up: Paying for an added process to make your life ‘easier’ allows the store to create value and increase Grocery stores are set up strategically to welcome the price of the item. Convenience products usually you. They usually start your experience with a display have added ingredients used to preserve the items of fresh flowers near the entrance and stimulate the longer, but typically these are unnecessary ingredients eyes with the produce section. As if that’s not enough, that do not aid in your lifestyle choices. situated perfectly are the sights and smells of the bak- ery. We first shop with our eyes and now are stimu- 4 Abandon your routine. Become lated by smell to purchase everything in sight. By inspired and try new things. eating before you shop, you will not be enticed to purchase items out of hunger and emotion. • Try new fruits and veggies that you have never tried before. Expand your pallet and imple- 3 Leave the processing, season- ment new flavors to the dinner table. A lot of ing and packaging for home. the time we stick to foods we are comfortable with. When implementing a new flavor, we savor No matter how much the store suggests that it is the taste more and tend to not overindulge on not convenient to cut your own veggies, separate your that food as much as we would on something servings or make your own snacking choices, trust we are accustomed to eating regularly. yourself. You can create a snack out of any healthy option you are eating. The more color, the better, and • Make the right choices for everyone in the have fun with it! Try something new and mix things family if you are shopping for more than just that you normally wouldn’t. Create your own yogurt yourself. Do not justify your reasoning to buy a cups, overnight oats, veggie mixes, mini quiches, pan- temptation item your husband or children cakes or fruit and nut mixes. The options are limitless love. Again, this is not a diet or sacrifice, it is a lifestyle and the whole family can benefit from62

your newly acquired knowledge. We all know, body only needs, and can only process, certain if it is not there, the urge to consume it goes amounts before that ‘healthy’ food is held on away. Making healthy choices for your family as excess weight. does not mean punishment or sacrifice. By in- • Added ingredients – to whole foods? Is fresh troducing new items into the mix you enhance the same as frozen or canned? This is in-line the culinary awareness and the ability to adapt with the convenience factor. Watch out for to new situations, new cultures, new tastes and pre-cooked, pre-prepared, pre-packaged con- appreciation for the taste of fresh ingredients. venient items. The pre-cooked chicken breast that you are buying as a handy snack in place#4 outsmart wrap-up: of the raw chicken breast? Look out for the added oils, salts and who knows what. Sud- Grocery stores are set up typically for you to ex- denly that innocent snack is filled with unnec-perience the store counter clockwise taking you in a essary ingredients and has a nutrient profiledirection to make purchasing choices differently as totally different from the real spending more. The exit is typically only accessi- • Calorie Free – Companies can list anythingble once you have journeyed through the entire that is <5 calories as “Calorie Free”. Howeverstore. Shop with a list and buy only what you need, if your serving size is the bag and the bag isnot what the store suggests. When you want to try 10 servings that can add up to 40-50 caloriessomething different, purchase raw ingredients and of a ‘calorie free’ snack.create a new recipe at home. • Fat-Free – And I repeat: Manufacturers can list anything <.5g fat as “Fat-Free” However if5 Be label smart. your serving size is the bag and the bag is 10 servings that can add up. Also, by cutting the If you are living your healthiest lifestyle and doing fat, there may be added sugar so watch outa lot of your own food prepping, creating and process- for that as at home, most of your food items will not have #5 outsmart wrap-up:labels and if they do, the labels should be short, Check the labels carefully and pay no attentionprecise, and legible. If you are enticed by a new to the exterior of the box/packaging. This is whereproduct and want to try it out for fun, be aware of you are being decieved and told what to buy. Flip thethe hidden tricks behind a label. item over and do your research. Follow steps 1–4 and you will rock your label every time. • Sugar Added – Sugar is seldom labeled as such on the back of a product. It hides in many Remember, we can choose to eat whatever we forms and has many aliases that may not seem want, buy whatever we want and indulging must be so bad when you are purchasing a product. done in moderation. Make sure that you have fun with Beware of common ingredient names that are living healthy and aligning your goals with your simply just sugar (fructose, sucrose, glucose, actions. Practicing these methods and tips will help lactose, concentrated fruit juice, beet sugar, make the process more rewarding. It may not be easy, corn syrup)...the list goes on and on. it can be frustrating, but know that there is a beauti- ful path through your journey and that the reward of • Ingredient list order of importance – The main living healthy is far superior to being duped into or ingredients are listed first and tapered off as told what, when, where and how to live your life.O the weight decreases in the ingredient list. This is a way that the product manufacturers can Spring 2017 | | 63 hide sugar abundance. There may be multiple forms used allowing them to list it later in the label, but when all summed up, the sugar content is larger than it seems. • Sodium – Sodium is in foods naturally and a bit of added sodium is ok, but it is easy to over-consume and may be out of control if you are doubling or tripling some serving sizes of seasonings and sauces. • Serving sizes – Ensure that you are serving size smart. Even healthy items can work against you if you eat too many of them. Our

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MODERN FITNESS MAGAZINEBUNNYAZZOPARDI Age is but a number. Bunny Azzopardi is 46 years young, a wife, and a mother to 3 boys. Read on to find out how this self-proclaimed Nutella connoisseur got her start in the fitness industry.PHOTOS BY PAUL BUCETA Spring 2017 | | 69

In The Spotlight IT WAS ALL A DARE. Roughly 5 years ago, Bunny Azzopardi was ‘dared’ to enter a fitness competition. While she did go on to compete in 7 shows, she preferred fitness modeling over the stage. Since then, Bunny has graced the cover of several magazines but her greatest rewards are affirmations from others who felt inspired by her and shared their journey to make their own change, both physically and mentally. We had the chance to chat with Bunny and ask her a few questions. Read on to get to know her better. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What is your favorite kind of cookie? What color would you be and why? Homemade chocolate chip or peanut butter. Unfortunately, my other A new brighter shade of yellow, repre- hobby is baking. senting sunshine and positive vibes. You can never have too much of that. Can you dance? If so, what’s your go-to move? What do you think about when you are alone in your car? Haha. I’m dying! I don’t really get the chance to dance very much anymore. Between the kids, business, and just So if anything I’m ticking off my boys regular day to day errands, I’m usually and dabbing in the car. just trying to figure out my time schedule to get everything done. What or who got you started with training? If you were a brand, what would be your motto? There was a girl at the gym where I trained who was on me for about a My personal motto: #liveoutloud! You year to compete. I honestly just only get one shot at this life and you thought “if only she knew me.” I have have to love it. never been the person to stand in front of any kind of audience. I was If you were a box of cereal, what petrified of that. Then my oldest son would you be and why? was training for a big jujitsu tourna- ment and I wanted to support him. Lol. Nutella puffs because you know So I put my fears to the side and actu- how I am with Nutella. Why has ally trained for/and did it. Ironically, nobody done this yet? we both won. You’re singing in the shower, what song? I can’t say. My playlist may be a bit “hood”.70

In The Spotlight Where does your motivation come from? My motivation comes from my family and my past. I’ve always had to be a fighter. That mentality sticks with you. We just don’t quit. What is something that no one know about a bikini/fitness competition? For me, I think it’s that my legs are shaking from being so nervous. Every time I’d ask my family or friends if they could tell, they couldn’t. What is your training routine like? Can you give us an overview? I have a few different routines that I follow. Just for switching it up. But basically, I work one body part each day with 20 minutes of cardio after each session. I can’t lie though, I’m not consistent with the cardio part. “But just like anything else, if you really want it, YOU’LL MAKE IT HAPPEN.” What are your favorite exercise moves or What kind of music gets you moving? workout routine? Do you have a favorite song? Leg day is definitely my favorite. It’s always It’s funny maybe because of some of my pic- been the hardest area for me, so I love seeing tures but people assume I’m a “Rock and the changes. Squats and lunges! I could do Roller”. Although I do listen to everything but them everyday. my playlist is pure gangsta rap, reggae, and hip What kind of cardio do you enjoy hop. I’m convinced it helps with cardio. best and why? What advice would you give to someone Ugh. I honestly think I have ADD because the who is new to working out and doesn’t only way I enjoy cardio is if I’m running out- know where to start? side. Otherwise I’m just bored and would I’m a huge believer in hiring a trainer. I worked rather be lifting weights. out for years, but never saw the changes I did What are the contents of your refrigerator? until I hired a trainer. It was a huge step for Mostly veggies, eggs and chicken. And a lot me. We’re not rich; money can be tight with of spinach. 3 kids, tuition, and a mortgage. But just like anything else, if you really want it, you’ll What are some of your favorite foods? make it happen. ...Besides Nutella? If you could share one fitness tip that My oatmeal in the morning. Even if it’s cheat has helped you in your journey, what day I have to have my oatmeal. I love veggies would it be? too. I have a hard time with meat though. I’ve never been a big meat-eater. Believe! You have to believe in yourself first and foremost. Like I said previously, I never in What is your greatest achievement in a million years planned to step on a stage in the fitness industry so far? front of a bunch of people. Fast forward, I Definitely the people that I’ve inspired. There’s ended up competing about 7 times. O no greater reward than receiving a message from someone that says I’ve inspired them to believe that at our age anything is still ab- solutely achievable.72

In The Spotlight‘‘I lay helpless on the floor, desperately trying to move my body. It was then I realized ’’that I had hit rock bottom. written and shared by: Sofia Prorok

That moment comes back to me in a spinning body to take a shot at the goal. I reached my arm up blur–like the sensation you have when you exit a to block the shot but was greeted with an alarming rollercoaster. I remember feeling the coolness of jolt as the ball curved directly into my face. I sunk the floor tiles against my back as I looked up at under the water for a split second, and surfaced tothe bathroom ceiling. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut the world spinning. Initially, it felt like someone hadand force my hands and feet to move. I strained to just been hammering at the sides of my head. Thegrab for something, anything, but all was still. It was hammering continued to worsen as the day crept on.quiet all around me but my head was filled withnoise. Confusion and fear surged through my aching Every bright light felt like a knife slicing throughbrain as I tried desperately to call for help. I knew my brain. Loud noises and constant conversationwhat I wanted to say. I knew how loud I wanted to exhausted my senses and became a source of irritation.say it. I knew how to move my mouth to make it all My body felt heavy and lethargic. I was told to stay inhappen. But nothing happened. For the first time in my dorm room bed with the lights off, with as littlemy life, I felt utterly helpless and completely hopeless. movement as possible. As a woman that has been active her entire life, this was a nightmare. As long as I can remember, I have loved beingactive. I love the feeling of breathing in the fresh air Many are unaware as to what a concussion is. It ison a run, and listening to the rhythm of my shoes on not just a headache or a migraine. It often occurs whenthe pavement. I love diving into a pool and being your brain gets jolted–perhaps from a water polo ballwelcomed by the peace of the underwater silence. I to the head? In severe cases, there may be a risk oflove the competition and the crowds. I love that it internal bleeding. Healing the brain is like healing aonly comes from dedication, determination, early broken bone, you must immobilize it for a predeter-morning trainings, and continu- mined period of time to aid in the healing pushing yourself toward agoal. I love water polo. I love I returned to school withinthe sound of the whistle, the a few weeks, but things werespeed of the game, and the not the same. I struggled tosound of the ball hitting the retain information in myback of the net. classes that had once come so easily. I was easily irritated, I started playing water polo constantly groggy, and not thewhen I was a freshman in high same person I had been justschool in Naperville, Illinois. I 3-weeks prior. In one semester,had been swimming since I was I dropped from being an hon-three-years-old and playing soc- ors student, to struggling tocer from the age of five. Water polo seemed to com- pass my classes. My GPAbine both into one. I begged my parents to let me plunged, along with my morale. My only outlet wasjoin the local club team so I could practice my skills water the off-season. By sophomore year, I was traveling I suffered my second concussion the followingwith the club team to California to compete in the March, again during practice. This time, a teammateJunior Olympics tournament. During my senior year accidentally elbowed me in the side of the head asin high school, I received an offer to play for Azusa we were both agressively swimming toward the ball.Pacific University located in Azusa, California. I was only out for a week this time. However, be- fore returning to play, the team’s Athletic Trainer and Becoming a collegiate athlete had been a dream of Sport’s Medicine doctor informed me it was impera-mine since early childhood. I would fantasize about tive that, because I had suffered two concussions inbeing on the University of North Carolina soccer such a short time, I needed to avoid any further headteam or running track for a Big Ten school. To have trauma. If I were to receive one more concussion, Ithe opportunity to play a sport I love for a college in would have to walk away from water polo. I knewCalifornia seemed like a dream come true. water polo was not as important as my physical well-being... but I could not give up this sport. During my first year at APU, I suffered my first The following summer, I trained harder thanconcussion in the middle of a water polo practice. I ever. My swimming times improved, my strength andremember shifting my body back and forth, as I fol- endurance increased, and I was refining skills that Ilowed the ball around the pool. My legs reacted with had struggled with for years.a snap, as I saw my teammate twist and raise her Spring 2017 | | 75

In The Spotlight on the strength and support of my therapists, my family, and close friends, who encouraged me even Then, it happened. It was one day before the when I was bitter, and short on hope. anniversary of my first concussion. With only five minutes left of practice, I positioned myself in the In May 2016, I graduated from APU on time with middle of the cage as a defender. The sun was a Bachelor’s degree in Allied Health and a minor in sparkling off the water and hitting my eyes in a way Psychology. I am now preparing to go into the same that made it difficult to see my teammates or the career field that got me back on my feet and across ball. I struggled to follow the ball. Exactly like the the graduation stage; I am currently working toward first time, my legs reacted with a snap, the ball curved, becoming a Physical Therapist. and I was struck in the head. As I sunk under water, I could feel a twisting and hammering sensation creep I no longer suffer from headaches or migraines. up in my brain, and I heard ringing in my ears. I can walk without dizziness, and I have more control over my slurred words. By the grace of God, I am It was over. I knew it immediately. I attempted more active than ever. to compose myself and finish the practice, but I was completely disoriented. I could only swim around in I currently train in California under Raw Perform- circles. I reached for the wall, for anything to grab ance Athletics and Crossfit West Covina as a compet- onto. My heart sank as my world began to spin out itive Crossfit athlete. My training consists of Olympic of control. lifting, aerobic training, and metabolic conditioning. Typically, my training days are composed of two, 2–3 That following weekend, I lay helpless on the hour sessions. I am stronger than I was during my floor, desperately trying to move my body. It was water polo days, both physically and mentally. I buy then I realized that I had hit rock bottom. all my nutrition and supplements from Creative Caveman, and the amazing folks at Nutrishop. My mom recommended that I return home to Illinois, for rehab. I spent hours at Marianjoy Reha- As I reflect on the past few years, I am thankful bilitation Center, learning how to read again, how to for the incredible journey and the challenges that speak without slurring my words, how to avoid dizzy brought me to this point. I am beyond grateful for spells, and how to deal with the pain of losing my the opportunity I have to pursue my higher education identity as an athlete. as I participate in one of the most challenging, yet truly gratifying, sports in the world. If I have learned I was told I would probably not graduate from anything from hitting my rock-bottom, it is that life college on time. I was told that I would never be is a journey filled with hills and valleys. Have faith, active again. I was told that my headaches, and the have hope, and never give up!O constant dizziness would be with me for life. But I was also told that there was hope. I relied SOFI PROROK TODAY76

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In The Spotlight ALICE MATOS’LABELLAMAFIA “You can only perform from strength. One cannot build performance on weakness, let alone on something one cannot do at all.” In both life and business, Alice Matos is a dazzling embodiment of this truism. As a fitness model and fashion entrepreneur, this young Brazilian CEO has built a dynamic business on strength and swagger. …and it’s on a rocket ship trajectory! continued on page 80 Ī78

PHOTOS BY LUIS GUSTAVOSpring 2017 | | 79

In The Spotlight ALICE MATOS IS JUST GETTING STARTED. LabellaMafia hit the streets in 2007. Back then, Alice was racking up titles as a fitness competitor, includ- ing 2nd place IFBB Bikini Champion in Catarina, Brazil. As a competitor, Alice wanted fitness apparel for hardcore urban ladies like herself. LabellaMafia would be an urban gym crossover, designed for the “Fitness is anywhere” mindset of hardworking women. These are the driven career women from Berlin to Rio, and L.A. to Miami, who still find the time for health and fitness. What really sets LabellaMafia apart is its product development. Alice personally tests and approves each design. From how they fit to how they look, Alice wants each LabellaMafia design to make women feel powerful and confident. What’s Alice’s favorite product? Leggings because What’s the secret to LabellaMafia’s success? of the versatility. They’re perfect for a house party, These days, Alice has the perfect beach body. But in the gym, and great with a pair of high top sneakers. the beginning of her career, she never imagined she would become a fitness icon. “I did not want to lose What’s in style? Prints that are bold and in your my femininity,” Alice says. “But I decided to take my face. Perfect for the modern woman who needs to chances and favorable genetics for bodybuilding. go to work, hit the gym, and look good doing all And now I love the physique that I gained from it!” of it. And guys, don’t feel left out. In 2015, Alice Now, Alice balances robust physical fitness, with debuted “LaMafia”, a strong male companion line what she calls a modern, “athletic femininity.” to the mafia girls.80

Alice would eventually blend her enthusiasm for fitness, with her disci-plined work ethic. “Find something you like,” she says, “and make itroutine.” Six years after stepping onto the IFBB scene, LabellaMafia hasbecome an international sensation. And Alice Matos is just gettingstarted. LabellaMafia is set to make big moves across the globe. Alicehas recently teamed up with FitPlan to bring her training techniquesto millions of users. Alice still competes and is likely hitting a fitnessexpo in your neighborhood. Her burning intensity, and trademarkstyle are sure to make her a household name.Alice Matos is a story of empowerment, and shows just how fara driven female businesswoman can go. Fitness and businesshave never looked so good together! OFollow Alice Matos and LabellaMafia onsocial media where you will be treated tothose delicate, taught abs, and insightsinto her rigorous daily Spring 2017 | | 81

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Swolemate by: Amber Peradate actionIT’S DATE NIGHT in a society that seems to revolve around food, it’s no surprise that the suggested evening out will be spent scouring the menu. Afterward, of course, the two of you finally decide on which restaurant you fancy. Appetizers are a must, dinner is a necessity, and how could you possibly skip dessert? Subsequently and nonchalantly unbuttoning the top button of your pants and wishing you would’ve chosen the leggings over jeans (leggings totally count as pants!) the macro-remorse might just kick in. So, why not switch up your typical dinner dates? Step away from the breadsticks and getmoving with your special person.Here are a few date ideas to burn some calories and strengthen your relationship: 1 Batting cages >> Go get ’em slugger! This date is inex- pensive and a great way to show off your little league skills. 2 Theme park >> Disneyland, Magic Mountain, the local carnival, a county fair, whichever venue you chose, you are guaranteed to put in some walking miles just steer clear of the funnel cake and churros! 3 Outdoor concert >> Throw on your dancing shoes and get moving to live music! 4 Take a coffee walk >> Explore the local coffee shops in your neighborhood or nearby town. 5 Go bowling >> Grab your bowling shoes and stay away from the gutters. Did you know if you weigh 150 lbs., you can burn approx. 105 calories in 30 minutes while bowling? 6 Have a go at kayaking >> With the warmer weather, kayaking is a great way to spend some quality time together and get outdoors with your date. Find a place that offers rentals if you do not own a kayak. 7 Take a dance class >> Train those two left feet and get down on the dance floor. Anything from ballroom dancing to salsa lessons. It’s all fun cardio mixed with music and plenty of laughter. 8 Take a hike >> Dating can be expensive but hiking is free! Being together on a hike reveals so many benefits from cardio to spiritual discoveries to the beauty that surrounds us. Enjoy your time together and remove any lingering stress. 9 Consider a fitness class >> Get your heart pumping with the one you love being with.10 Basketball >> Shoot some hoops with your boo, remem- ber all is fair in love and basketball.1 1 Hot Yoga >> Is it hot in here or is it just you? This date idea is intimate, sensual, inexpensive and great for the body and soul.12 Bike riding >> No matter what pace your relationship is progressing, biking together is a great way to keep things moving in the right direction.O Spring 2017 | | 85

Social Life by: Wan Song, CMO of MyGymPals IN 2015, University of Pennsylvania conducted a and squat, you will be that much closer to achieving study on the benefits of working out with a a healthier life. Besides, it’s fun to share the cheat partner or set of partners. The findings? “Social day with your pal over pizza or cheat food, then burn influence from anonymous online peers was far it off together at the gym! more successful than promotional messages in in- creasing the physical activity of study participants.” 3. COMPETITION There is something called the Köhler effect. We When my partner and I founded MyGymPals, we did it on the premise that motivation is one of the don’t want to be the weak link, so we push ourselves main challenges people are faced with when exercis- a bit more to maintain the pace of the group. ing. Some day, we are pumped up and excited to hit Healthy competition and I stress healthy, will keep the gym or go on a run. Other days, we are just going you motivated when the routine of exercise is not through the paces wondering if the pain and time showing improvements. Adding on an additional are worth it. The health benefits should outweigh plate on the bar or an extra mile on the track, your the psychological (even emotional) burdens, but weekly or monthly goals will steadily increase. Just often than not, it takes a larger toll if the motivation don’t push yourself too hard or too quickly. is lacking. People often quit the gym within 6 months of getting a membership, all because of the lack of 4. SAFETY steady motivation. Safety is a big concern when exercising. Injury Here is our list as to why a workout pal or team can take us out if we are using improper or unhealthy will take you to the next level in your fitness goals techniques. With a pal (as well as the supervision of and keep you exercising: a trainer), you will be able to spot one another and gain the growth safely, especially if performing a new 1. SOCIAL exercise or equipment. Safety first! We are social creatures, often attracted to like- 5. FUN minded people who share similar goals. We all want to Exercising is good for you, but it should be fun. be part of a community. The social benefits of a work- out pal will keep your motivation, as you will most We prepare our mind and body when about to do a likely go to the gym on a regular basis. The flipside? set of squats, fearing the aches and pain the next day You will also be motivating your pal at the same time! or two. You set the bar on your shoulders, checking to see if you are in proper position. 1, 2, 3…10. It’s 2. ACCOUNTABLE painful and tiring, but nothing comes easy. You hear Apps are extremely popular, especially exercise “great job!” to your side. You look over and it’s your workout partner. Yeah, you wrecked that set and apps made by fitness coaches and personalities, your pal is there to cheer you on. That warm feeling? fitness apparel companies, etc. They track your Accomplishment! You are not alone, nor is your pal activities, share them on FB, yet lack something— who is about to do the same. accountability. With a pal, you will be accountable to one another, making sure that with each step, lift, Be there for one another, and have fun doing it!O86

Social Life 5 WAYS YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS CAN SCULPT YOUR FITNESS. COURTESY OF INBODY USA In the pursuit of optimal health and body If your primary goal is to focus on how to become composition, many are well aware of the traditional more physically strong, it may seem irrelevant or be- foundations of fitness: the ideal diet and exercise yond the scope of physical fitness and body composi- plan. It may appear that this approach would be the tion to consider the role of your thoughts, emotions, simplest and most straightforward way to create op- and social environment. However, many scholars find timal health and body composition. However, new that health behaviors are inextricably linked with research finds support for a more holistic perspective psychological, emotional, and social factors. on health and fitness, one that goes beyond the stan- dard model of health as merely a matter of biology. For those that have experienced the immobiliz- ing consequences of psychological hardships like What perspective? Your social networks - and depression or anxiety, the relationship between psy- not just your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; chology and health may be more tangible. But, is it we're talking about your old-school social network, possible that your friends and social networks can too: you, in real life, connected to other people, also transform your overall physical health? you know? This alternative perspective is known as The answer is: YES. the biopsychosocial model, and it takes into account the role of psychological, emotional, and In fact, decades of research demonstrate the social variables in determining health. This research many ways that your social environment can influ- suggests that there is no such thing as total body ence your physical health. In other words, despite health in an unhealthy psychological, emotional, your greatest intentions for leading a healthy or social environment. continued on page 90 Ī88 Available For a location near you, visit exclusively at

Social Life Ĩ continued from page 88 lifestyle, engaging in an optimal exercise program and curating a well-balanced diet of whole foods, failure to consider the influence of your social environments may be sabotaging your fitness success. Researchers studying the relationship between social interactions, social networks, and physical health have found that your immediate friends, family, colleagues, role models, and social support networks all have the power to significantly encourage or thwart fitness progress. How can this be? Here are five ways that your social networks can sculpt your overall fitness. 11. Friends, family, and colleagues can set the bar for health goals and behaviors. Unbeknownst to you, many of your personal health goals and accomplishments are based on and meas- ured in comparison to the health goals and accomplishments of others. This natural tendency to com- pare yourself to others may be more apparent with the influx of social media, where it is now possible to “follow” the lives of major athletes and competitors. Similarly, your personal health goals and behaviors are also influenced by “perceived norms” or what you assume to be the typical health habits of your friends and colleagues. Perhaps you have noticed that when a close friend in your social network begins to make serious progress and physical changes, you are reminded of the success that is possible for your own goals and you may be encouraged to refocus on your goals and make greater strides towards wellness. As such, your social networks and fitness exemplars can become an inspiration to level up on your personal fitness goals. Of course, this tendency for self-comparison can be detrimental if you set unrealistic fitness goals based on others. This merely demonstrates the power of social comparison in shaping how you view yourself. However, when executed with caution to set realistic goals, social comparison can be a great way to natu- rally motivate yourself and become inspired by those around you. 22. Social support protects the body from negative consequences of stress. As stated in an earlier blog post, stress threatens healthy body composition by releasing cortisol, which can re- duce levels of testosterone and growth hormone, thereby inhibiting muscle building and impacting fat levels. Cortisol is released in the body as a response to importance of self-care to buffer against the negative- stress, and studies find that the body is particu- effects of stress on the body. Maybe you have found larly likely to release excessive cortisol in the face that you intuitively want reach out to friends and of social or evaluative stress, like during a job interview or an unfamiliar social family during stressful times, but chances are, context. Whereas stress is a natural you probably did not realize the protective response to environmental threats, power that these social bonds have for shared by all animals, social stress your health. Often, people underes- can place a major strain on the timate the importance of these so- human body. Some experiences cial connections; and when life like rejection, social isolation, gets hectic, it is easy to prioritize exclusion, or loneliness can be work and other obligations over physically weakening. social bonding time. Another reason why social sup- However, this research suggests port can be very crucial in times that taking some time to meet a of stress is that stress is linked with friend or call a loved one can be just weight gain in adults. Due largely to the as important as hitting the gym to pro- release of cortisol, high levels of stress can tect against muscle loss or increased abdomi- prompt fluctuations in weight and increased ab- nal fat, as these social interactions are protective dominal fat. Taken together, these studies reveal against the weakening effect of stress on the body. continued on page 92 Ī90

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Ĩ continued from page 90 33. Fitness behaviors (or lack thereof) can be contagious. Decades of research find that the likelihood that you will begin and sustain engaging in health behaviors can be predicted by how prominent those behaviors are in your social network. Even when it comes to major health outcomes like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and smoking behaviors, social networks can predict your personal health behavior. Perhaps you can identify a time in your own life when you have experienced the power of social conta- gion, by unconsciously adopting the behaviors of others. For example, imagine that you start drinking lavish, high-calorie blended coffee beverages every day at work simply because the majority of your colleagues do the same, and the daily “coffee run” has become a social tradition your office. Or you take to joining your close friends at social gatherings for their regular smoke breaks, because the experience of chatting outdoors with friends is enjoyable. The good news is that you can also use the power of social contagion to your favor, as healthy behaviors can also be contagious in social situations. For example, you are more likely to start running every morn- ing if you have a running partner, or to abstain from alcohol if your friends host alcohol-free gatherings. 44. Close social networks make it easier to stick to health goals. Studies find that people placed in tightly knit, supportive social networks are much more likely to stick to their health goals, compared to people placed in groups that are less interconnected. This study finds that a sense of personal connection is crucial to determining the power of a social network. Taken together, this research suggests that it’s not just important to find a social network of people that share similar health goals and help to motivate you, but social connection is key. The persuasive power of a social network is more robust when your social networks provide close bonds among a cohesive group of members. 55. The presence of other people makes goals appear more attainable. Finally, studies demonstrate that the presence of another person can influence perceptions of how diffi- cult a physical task appears. This phenomenon has been examined across multiple studies, in a number of contexts, but the classic study asks people to estimate the steepness of a hill. This study examined two groups of either single individuals or individuals accompanied by a friend. Each individual was asked to visually assess, by making a visual assessment, how difficult they thought a par- ticular challenge would be–in this study, the steepness of a hill. Surprisingly (or perhaps not), participants who were accompanied by a friend tended to report that the hill appeared to be less steep and daunting, compared to those who faced the hill alone. This study suggests that pairing up with someone while doing physically strenuous tasks can help lessen the burden and make goals feel more attainable. So, next time you are facing that laborious cardio session or the most strenuous part of your workout, remember that the dreaded part of your physical exercise can become more approachable when you have a friend by your side. These new insights empower you to take on a more holistic view, using the influence of your social net- works to ultimately facilitate greater success in the pursuit of optimal fitness and body composition. O92

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