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Home Explore 2015 HOME CELL MANUAL


Published by ejogheneta, 2015-05-28 19:56:28

Description: 2015 HOME CELL MANUAL


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STUDY ONETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: WHAT IT MEANS TO SERVE THE LORD; LOVING HIMText: Deut. 6: 5; Matt. 22: 37 – 39Aim: To help us understand how we can serve God through our absolute love for Him.IntroductionIt is important to know that service to God begins first with our love for Him. This impliesserving Him with all our heart, soul and all of our might (Deut. 6: 5); that is to say Godbecomes our first and topmost priority in everything without exceptions. Loving God impliesbeing our intimate friend of His, which entails our knowing Him (1John 2: 3). We cannot beintimate with God if we do not know Him; knowing Him entails daily digging into thescriptures.Questions for Discussion1. Why should we love Him? John 15: 13, 1 John 4: 192. How do we express our love for him? (a.) Worshipping Him Luke 4:8 (b.) Obeying HimJohn 14: 15 (c.) Loving others. Rom 13:9 (d.) Loving not the world 1 John 2:15-173. Is it possible for us to love God?ConclusionAs believers, we must make it a compulsory life style to learn how to love God witheverything we have (life, will, finance, time, intellect, etc.) and we should be ready to obey Hiscommandments no matter what it may cost us. It is only at this point that our true service toHim can be ascertained.Memory Verse - Matt. 22: 37 :“Jesus said unto him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,and with all your mind” (NKJV) 1

STUDY TWOTheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: WHAT IT MEANS TO SERVE THE LORD: WORSHIP/ADORATIONText: Psalm 96: 9 – 12; Matt 4: 10Aim: To teach believers, the true essence of worship and how we can do it effectively untoGod as a service.IntroductionIn Christianity, serving God with our worship is very essential. This is because man wascreated to worship God. The true meaning therefore can be found in the original Greek wordPROSKUNA meaning worship is expressed by words or bowing down, profound submissive,respect or adoration. There are certain misconceptions about what true worship should looklike. Some believes worship is confined to the walls of a church or an acrobatic display of ouroutward components but actually it is not. True worship begins from our heart (John 4: 20), itflows from the inward to the outward, (John 4:13) which must necessarily start with adorationfor who God is to us; and not because of what He has done for us. When we learn to worshipGod without conditions, then we can claim to be offering such worship as a sweet smellingservice unto Him.Questions for Discussions1. What do you understand as true worship?2. Is there any pattern, time and place for worship? John 4: 20 – 233. What are the benefits of worshiping God?4. Have you ever experienced true worship? If yes, can you share your experience?ConclusionAs a believer, we should inculcate the habit of worshipping God at all times, places and in allconditions or situations as it will enhance our services to God, our relationship with Him. Itwill also guarantee us a better life on earth. It is also important to note that God takes delightin such services and honors anyone who dares to offer this kind to Him.Memory Verse : John 4: 24“God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (KJV) 2

STUDY THREETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: WHAT IT MEANS TO SERVE THE LORD; GIVING OF SELFText: Rom. 12; 1 – 2; Mark 8: 34 – 38Aim: To teach Christians how to serve the Lord selflessly and passionately.IntroductionSacrifice is an inevitable medium that shows human service to God. It entails freely releasingof oneself to God as a form of reverence for Him (Rom12:1). Jesus thought His disciples todeny themselves and taking up their cross if they must follow him. Denying themselves meansletting go of that which ordinarily gives them pleasure, so as to serve the Lord effectively.Giving of our self is not just restricted to our relationships with God alone but it also affectsour day to day walk with our fellow neighbors. Every act of Giving attracts a reward (Luke6:38), and positions our life to be better than the way they use to be. It is therefore pertinent,that we give of our time, talents, and treasures willingly without murmuring as a form ofservice whether as a direct act to God or as an indirect act through men.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. What do you understand as “giving of self” as a medium of serving God.2. How can we express this virtue in our lives, churches and society today as a Christian? Givepractical examples.3. Are there any benefits attached to this kind of self service? John 12: 24, Luke 6: 38ConclusionChristian service will not be complete if giving of self is excluded. We find true fulfillmentwhen we learn to lay down our all for the service of the Lord, He helps us preserve them andprevent them from condemnation.Memory Verse: Rom. 12: 1“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as aliving sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service” (KJV) 3

STUDY FOURTheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: KINDS OF FEAR; HEALTHY FEAR/POSITIVE FEARText: Prov. 1:7; Psa. 19: 9; 111: 10; Eccl 12:13Aim: To give us a better understanding of what it means to fear God and how it differs fromthat of the world.IntroductionBy Healthy fear here, it is not the same as that which is caused by perceiving danger but it is inreverence to God, a form of respect of Him and what he represents in our lives. As Christiansthe bible admonishes us to fear God as sign of our allegiance and submission to him. On theother hand, the bible discourages every other kind of fear that is that which comes as a resultof threats or dangers perception (2 Tim. 1: 6) It important for us believers to have this healthyfear in our hearts as it brings about prolonging our days on earth, satisfaction (Prov. 15: 16),riches (Prov. 22:4), wisdom (Prov. 1:7) and many others.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS1. What is the source of healthy fear?2. What are the characteristics of healthy fear? (a.) Clean/Pure Psa. 19: 9 (b.) Endures foreverPsa. 19: 9 (c.) Prosperous life; Eccl. 8: 12 (d.) Freedom from sin Prov. 8: 133. Give practical examples of how we can exhibit the healthy fear in lives and homes asChristians.ConclusionOur fear for God is an indication of wisdom. When we learn to fear God for who He is, Hereveals Himself better and us, that way we can become His friends with whom he canfellowship which constantly.Memory Verse - Eccl. 12: 13:“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God, and keep his commandment forthis is the whole duty of man”(KJV) 4

STUDY FIVETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: KINDS OF FEAR; CONSEQUENCES OF HEALTHY FEAR (JOSEPH)Text: Gen. 39: 1 – 9; 41:41Aim: This study aim to show the profit of living a life that fears God, using Joseph as a casestudy.IntroductionThe life of Joseph gives a vivid picture of the benefits of having the fear of the Lord (healthyfear). The word consequences implies the word of an action, here we shall consider the resultsof healthy fear or the fear of God. Joseph as a young man who had the fear of God in his heart(Gen. 39: 9) and consequently he became one of the greatest rulers in history. His work stillstands as a wonder (Joseph Pyramid) till date. Joseph feared God, despite his situation andpredicament as a slave and for that God honoured with wisdom (Gen. 41: 25), honour (Gen.41: 41), fame and recognition (Acts 7: 13) was placed ahead of his brethren (1 Chron. 5: 2) AsChristians, we should learn from the life of Joseph who though was in a strange land did notforget his God nor compromised his faith as a result of fear.Question for Discussion1. How do we demonstrate our fear for God in our present day just like Joseph?2. Outline some tests and trials that we Christians face in our society today and how do weovercome them?3. Is it possible for us as Christians to live a life of healthy fear of God just as Joseph did in histime?ConclusionAs Christians, the life of Joseph should be a practical example that we can stand for Godanywhere, anytime no matter what we stand to lose or gain. This is mandatory if we mustamount to anything in life. This is because true success can only be found in God meaning thatany man who cannot fear God cannot succeed in life.Memory Verse : Prov. 1: 7“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom andinstruction” (KJV) 5

STUDY SIXTheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: KINDS OF FEAR; UNHEALTHY FEAR/NEGATIVE FEARText: Psalm 91: 3, 2 Tim. 1: 17Aim: This is to help us Christians to identify unhealthy fear and to prevent us from beingenslaved by such.IntroductionUnhealthy fear is that which is caused by the perception of danger or threats of the unknownwhich aims at keeping man under perpetual slavery. This kind of fear is not from God. WhenGod created man, He created Him to dominate and rule (Gen. 1:26-28). The bible teaches us aschildren of God not to be anxious or fear for anything because our new lives as believers donot make provisions for such. Unhealthy fear usually springs out as a result of man notknowing their place in God (Dan. 11: 32). This void of ignorance makes man to fear man,(Ezek. 3: 9), death (Heb. 2: 15), fear end (Prov. 1: 33), fear the enemy (Psa. 118: 6) whichconsequently will bring about total bondage. However, when we now discover our true naturein Christ, our fears and worries becomes encourage to us why we should serve God better(Psa. 23: 4 – 5); knowing that he is always with us and ready to meet our needs at every pointin time.Questions for Discussions1. Using your personal experience what do you understand by unhealthy fear?2. Discuss the differences in healthy fear and unhealthy fear.3. How do we overcome unhealthy fear? (a.) By studying the word of God Prov. 30: 5 (b.) ByPraying James 5: 13 (c.) Confessing our faith Rev. 12: 11 (d.) By encouraging one anotherRom. 14: 19, Luke 22: 32 (e.) Singing hymns and spiritual songs Col. 3: 16ConclusionAs believers we should know our place in God and do not allow the devil to enslave throughunhealthy fear. For God hath not giving us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of asound mind.Memory Verse : Psa. 23: 4“Yea, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil; For Youare with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (KJV) 6

STUDY SEVENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: CONSEQUENCES OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: SPIRITUAL BLINDNESSTEXT: Gen. 13: 1-13, Matt. 26: 69-75AIM: To teach us that when we don’t have healthy fear for God we are bound to make some life-time and serious mistakes because we are spiritually blind and insensitive.INTRODUCTIONTo be spiritually blind is to lose sight of God. It is to be insensitive in the vision of who God isand what God is doing or about to do. It also simply means you no more see in the spiritualagain.From the passage read; Gen. 13: 1-13, we have seen an example of one who is spirituallyblind. Note the following; Lot was Abraham’s nephew, Abraham was the one in charge whoGod was directing, Abraham was blessed so also Lot. At this time there ensued a lot ofdisagreements between Lot’s and Abraham’s herdsmen and finally in vs 8-10 note whathappened; the two parted ways and Lot being insensitive chose FIRST before his uncle. Takenote of where he chose. Can you ask what led him to accept choosing first and choosing thatlocation?QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. In Gen. 13: 10-12, how can you describe the action of Lot and what do you see that motivated his choice/action?2. What is spiritual blindness? What can you say about Peter in Matt. 26: 69-75? Was he spiritually blind? Explain.3. Read 1 Cor. 2: 13-15 and explain those things that can make someone to be spiritually blind.CONCLUSIONWhen you have no grip of God’s control and directives you are bound to lose sight of him,thereby making costly mistakes. Fear can blindfold a man when its not handled properly.Therefore eschew unhealthy fear to see well spiritually.MEMORY VERSE: Matt. 6: 23“But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within youis darkness, how great is that darkness” 7

STUDY EIGHTTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: CONSEQUENCES OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: SPIRITUAL WEAKNESSTEXT: Gen. 3: 1-7, Rom. 1: 21-28AIM: To teach us that spiritual weakness is a product of unhealthy fearINTRODUCTIONIn Genesis chapters 1 and 2, God created things and were confirmed by himself as good.Thereafter, he created Adam and Eve and gave them “the very best” to have and to hold. Inthese, God gave them simple instructions to abide by in order to enjoy his benevolence untoeternity but the enemy the devil deceived them.Read Gen 3: 6, 7. You will discover that the woman and man didn’t utter a word but actedupon what the devil had directed them against the God’s master-plan for them. What do youthink would have made a man who regularly had fellowship with God to obey the enemy inthis manner? Watch out brethren, fear can kill, it can make a “spiritual giant” a “Tom-boy”,who do not know when to take real decision.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Why do men do despicable things today like idolatry, lesbian and gale relationships and the like today? Read Rom. 1: 21-28 to point them out.2. a) What is spiritual weakness in the light of Eph. 4: 18-19? b) Read James 4: 8 and Gal. 5: 17 and explain other causes of spiritual blindness.3. How do I overcome spiritual weakness? Explain. James 4: 7-8, Rom. 7: 24-25CONCLUSIONWhen a man isn’t spiritually connected he is spiritually disconnected. He is bound to answer toanything that comes to him and goes to any direction because he doesn’t have the “strength” tomake his/her own choice or say otherwise. He/she is weak. Stop being a spiritual weakling.MEMORY VERSE: Rom. 1: 21“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, buttheir thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened”. 8

STUDY NINETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: CONSEQUENCES OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: SEPERATION FROM GODTEXT: Gen. 3: 8-24AIM: That unhealthy fear is capable of making one do those things that will cause a separation between one and one’s God.INTRODUCTIONMan was originally created perfect, and was placed in perfect place; the Garden of Eden,where Adam and Eve enjoyed daily fellowship with God. There existed a perfect harmonybetween God and man, so they enjoyed a close relationship with each other.This cordial relationship and harmony became broken by the seed the enemy planted in theirhearts; the seed of fear that caused them to doubt God. Consequently, when they heard thevoice of God they both hid themselves from God; there was an emotional and spiritualseparation already. See vs 23 which is a very pathetic state where God banished him, (Adamwho ones had a close friendship with God) out of the place of perfection into the place ofchaos and suffering.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. a) What do you understand from the incidence in Gen. 3: 8 in relation with the topic of discussion? b) Why the question in Gen. 3: 9? 2. Read Isaiah 59: 1-2 and Rom. 8: 35 and mention those things that can cause us to be separated from God. 3. How can someone know that he/she has been separated from God? Recommend ways out.CONCLUSIONWhatsoever you are doing will either bring you closer to God or farther from God. Watch it;your ways, your deeds, for it is dangerous to be separated from God, because you can’t do italone and you don’t know when he is returning to take his own back home.MEMORY VERSE - Rom. 8: 35“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution orfamine or nakedness or danger or sword? 9

THEME: STUDY TENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTEXT:AIM: CONSEQUENCES OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: LOSS OF DIVINE IMMUNITY 1 Samuel 28: 1-25 To teach that when someone is ruled by an unhealthy fear one is bound to lose ones divine immunityINTRODUCTIONImmunity is defined to mean resistance to a specific thing, the state of being insusceptible tosomething. It implies that you have the ability to resist what is contrary to your original make-up that was geared towards your harm. It encompasses the entirety of existence; biological,spiritual, political etc. When one loses ones immunity one becomes susceptible to attacks;anything can now attack, it means what you used to overcome before losing the immunity willnow begin to overcome you.In Isaiah 28: 1-25, because of the fear of the enemy Saul lost confidence in the Lord God andwent ahead to consult mediums and withes. Note; he Saul had earlier chased them away fromthe land, but at the trying time he went back to his vomit. The result of his action was losing ofGod’s immunity/protection, the immunity he had always enjoyed all the years past. It isdangerous to lose your God given protection.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. According to the passage read, why did Saul consult mediums? Are there cases today that have made us do the same thing that Saul did? Discuss. 2. a) Explain your understanding of Isaiah 28 vs 5-6. According to vs 6, what do you think he should have done? b.) what are those things that can bring about loss of divine immunity? Isaiah 59: 1-15. 3. Can a lost divine immunity be restored? Discuss. 1 Sam. 22:23, Isaiah 1: 18CONCLUSIONIt is dangerous to lose one’s divine immunity because the devil is a roaring lion seeking whomto devour. The devil will not take chances at all because that opportunity is what he is waitingfor all day long. He will strike dangerously. So, just work/walk in God by faith daily.MEMORY VERSE - 1 Sam. 28: 19 “The LORD will hand over both Israel and you to thePhilistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The LORD will also hand overthe army of Israel to the Philistines”. 10

THEME: STUDY ELEVENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR: WHY IT IS A NECESSITY –TEXT: HE IS OUR CREATORAIM: Gen. 1: 1-31, Jer. 29: 11 To remind us of our origin; that we started from the mind of God, and to teach us that he is our creator. So, we don’t have any other to serve but God alone.INTRODUCTIONThe service unto God is not a thing of choice most especially when we want life eternal. It is arequirement to ascend to him, in his place of worship and holiness. God requires of us servicein whole-heartedness without fear. From creation, you can see the emphasis on “HumanBeing”, in verse 26 “Then God said let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and letthem rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all theearth...”God has good plan for each and every one of us. His plans are faithful, he will fulfill them.Having such a great God is an opportunity given to us as his children to serve him withoutfear. Choose no other name, for God is God.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. In the light of the topic, bring out the messages of God’s creation in Gen. 1: 26.2. What are the consequences of not serving God? Exodus 20: 5, Deut. 6: 15,Ezekiel 36: 53. Is it possible for someone to be in church, yet not serving God? If it is true, what are those things that one can be doing but are no service to God?CONCLUSIONWe are called into true service unto God. We were nothing but ordinary clay when God pickedus up, molded and breathe life into us. He created us in his image and likeness. So, we’llbecome rebels when we don’t return worship and service, whole-heartedly to God. Service isa compulsory requirement in the worship of God, it flows from inside-out. It is different fromeye-service that we see all around us today.MEMORY VERSE - Gen. 1: 27 “So God created man in his image, in the image of God hecreated him; male and female he created them”. 11

STUDY TWELVETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: WHY IT IS A NECESSITY – HE FIRST LOVES US.TEXT: 1 Jn. 4:10-14AIM: To show believers that Love is the basis of our Serving God.INTRODUCTIONGod is love. Serving Him is a product of a Love relationship and not a duty. It’s a loverelationship established by God and wants from us, hence all His benevolence is expression ofHis Love. The amazing thing about it all is that He first Love us; and He loves us lavishly (1Jn. 3:1).“We love because He first loved us” (1 Jn.4:19). Here John states as a fact what ought to be afact. “We Christians do not fear, but love. Yet this is no credit to us. After God’s love in givingHis Son for us, it would be monstrous not to love”.God’s love to us is prior to our love to Him; His love is from everlasting, as well as toeverlasting.The love God therefore wants from us is to be a reflection of his love for us; that is whatmakes our service unto Him not to be burdensome. Infact no act of service in this kingdomthat is born out of love is ever acceptable to Him.DISCUSSION GUIDE1. How did God love us from the following passages? Jn. 3:16; Rom 5:8; Jn. 15:3.2. Highlight the characteristics of the God’s kind of love as stated in 1 Cor. 13:4-8; 1 Jn. 4:10; Rm. 5:10.3. Explain the consequences of serving God without love. Jn. 12:6; Mt. 27:3 – 5, 26:69 – 75; 1 Cor. 13:1-3.CONCLUSIONUntil we come to know and accept God’s love for us, we will not be able to love Him andothers, and we can’t serve Him acceptably.MEMORY VERSE - 1 Cor. 13:3 “I may give away everything I have to help others, and Imay even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing by doing all this if Idon’t have love” (ERV). 12

STUDY THIRTEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: WHY IT IS A NECESSITY – HE SAVED AND REDEEMED US.TEXT: 2Cor.5:14 – 21; Eph. 1:3 – 7.AIM: To show believers that we are saved to serve Him.INTRODUCTION:All men were completely lost after the fall. We were without Christ, estranged from allbenefits, provisions and promises of this kingdom. We were without hope, useless to God andall headed to eternal destruction till God met us in Christ and paid for our redemption. (Eph.2:11-12, 1 Pet. 2:24-25). Christ paid the ultimate price for our salvation unconditionallythereby making it possible for us to receive; eternal life, forgiveness of sin (Eph. 1:7), a rightrelationship with God; peace with God (Col.1:18 – 20); the Holy Spirit indwells us, andadoption into God’s family (Gal.4:4 – 7). Therefore the only natural response from every oneof us is to offer Him our lives in a no – holds – back service as an appreciation for saving us.DISCUSSION GUIDE:1. Describe how God recovered us from destruction. Rom 5:6-11.2. Quoting relevant Bible passages a. Highlight the benefits of our redemption? b. According to 1 Cor.6:19 – 20, what is our present status?3. How does God expects us to live now that we are saved? 2 Cor. 5:14-15, Rom 12:1-11; 1 Pt. 1:22.CONCLUSION The privilege we have to serve God is only an appreciation for the work of redemptionHe did for us. So in whatever capacity we find ourselves serving Him is just because He savedus and not because we are able.MEMORY VERSE - 2 Cor. 5:15“And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him whodied for them and was raised again” (NIV) 13

THEME: STUDY FOURTEENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTEXT: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – NEW BIRTHAIM: John 3:1 – 17 To show believers that being born again is the first pre-requisite to serving God.INTRODUCTIONEvery average human being in his/her ordinary state is dead, lost and not useful to God andHis kingdom. So the very first qualification for any one to serve the Lord acceptably andwithout fear is the born-again experience. At the fall, man lost the ability to reach God letalone being His representative. For any man to get back to Him and even be His servant, hemust be born anew by the word and Spirit of Christ (Jn. 3:5).Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh (the natural reality of all men) and those in the fleshcannot please God (Rom. 8:8), hence all would-be-servants of God must be re-born by Him.DISCUSSION GUIDE:1. What does it mean to be born again? Jn. 3:5, 16.2. How can one be born anew? Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:8 – 10.3. a. Highlight the dangers of not being born again. Jn. 3:18, 36; 1Jn.5:12; Lk.13:3, 5 b. What are the benefits of being born-again? 1Jn. 5:4 – 5; 11 – 12; Jn. 3:16CONCLUSIONWhat first qualifies anyone to serve God is not ability, but New birth. One that is not so borncan only be given to church and religious activities and not serving God because the naturehe/she carries is not compatible with that of God. So, effective and acceptable service in thiskingdom begins after one is being born-again.MEMORY VERSE - John. 3:5“Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, hecannot enter the kingdom of God” (ESV) 14

THEME: STUDY FIFTEENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTEXT:AIM: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD 2 Tim. 3:16 – 17; Hos. 4:6 To show believers the constitution of effective service.INTRODUCTIONJust as it applies in every structured organization God has provided us with an enduring guideto help us serve Him well. Every service out of this code of conduct is not acceptable to Him.The word of God remains the only guide that show us how God wants us to serve Him. Everydoctrine not founded on God’s word leads people astray no matter what they put into servingHim.Ignorance of the word is not an excuse for us to render any how service unto God and it alsodoes not shield us from the consequence(s) of such. (Lk. 12:48)DISCUSSION GUIDE:1. From 2 Tim. 3:16 – 17; i. State what the word of God is profitable for vs. 16 ii. What is the word of God meant to do in the life of a servant of God? Vs.172. From the following; Ps. 119:130, Isa. 66:2; James 1:21 – 25; 1 Pet. 2:1 – 3, how can we get the best from God’s word?3. Highlight the dangers of not having the knowledge of God’s word. Hos.4:6; Isa.5:13; Ps. 49:20CONCLUSIONThe word of God, not our instinct or what any man says is the sure bet to an effective serviceunto God. It’s by studying to know that we can benefit from it. Only a firm determination toknow and follow provides the deliverance we need from the danger of ones ignorance of theword.MEMORY VERSE: Hosea 6:3“Let us try to know the LORD. He will come to us as surely as the day dawns, as surely as thespring rains that water the earth.” (GNB) 15

STUDY SIXTEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – POTENCY OF FAITH.TEXT: Heb. 11:1 – 3, 6; Acts 4:13 – 20.AIM: To show believers that without faith, it’s not possible to serve God without fear.INTRODUCTIONWe serve a God that is not visible to the physical eyes and whose operations and moves can’tbe subjected to human logic and scrutiny. His ways are beyond the ways of men, hence theneed for faith in serving Him. It’s only by faith that we walk (2 Cor.5:7) and stand (2 Cor.1:24b) in this kingdom. Infact, it’s not possible to please Him without faith. (Heb. 11:6)An acceptable service to God requires faith i.e. an obedient walk with God not comparing Hisways with our logical reasonings or when we don’t physically understand His ways. The basisof a genuine faith is God’s word. Ignorance of His word, therefore equals a weak or no faith atall. In the face of so many challenges facing Christians The world over – (The IslamicExtremists) and the Boko Haram threats in our Nation in particular, it takes the potency offaith to serve the LORD fearlessly. (Acts 4:19, 20)DISCUSSION GUIDE:1. Explain what faith is from the following – Heb. 11:1, Jn. 2:5.2. a. why is faith necessary in serving God? Isa. 55:8 – 9, Heb. 11:6 b. How does faith comes? Rom. 10:173. Explain the potency of faith as evidenced in the characters from the following passages; Dan. 6:10; 21 – 28; 3:16 – 18, 25 – 30; Acts 12:5 - 11.CONCLUSIONAnything done out of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23b) our walk in this kingdom is essentially a faithwalk; an acceptable service therefore is that which is not subjected to logic and human sense.MEMORY VERSE - Hebrew. 11:6“Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is realand that He rewards those who truly want to find Him.” (NCV) 16

STUDY SEVENTEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – CONSTANT & UNBROKEN RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. (e.g. Enoch and Abraham).TEXT: Gen. 5:21 – 24; 12:7 – 8AIM: To show that a constant & unbroken relationship is vital in our service of God.INTRODUCTIONServing God (working for God) must of necessity begin by a walk with God. In other word,there is no how we can serve the God we don’t have a relationship with. “As I see my Fatherworking so I work …” (Jn. 5:19), Jesus established this pattern of service for us. God owns thework and set the pattern and way by which His work must be done, it’s only as we walk withHim that we know and follow this pattern of service.From the text, we saw that “Enoch walked with God (Had an unbroken relationship with God);then he was no more because God took him away.” And for Abraham, because of hisunbroken relationship with God, even in the midst of unbelievers, he kept on building Alters tothe LORD – Fearless Service. May our relationship with God be renewed as we study.DISCUSSION GUIDE1. Describe how a man can walk (establish a relationship) with God. Amos 3:3, Gen. 12:7b, 8b; 13:3 – 42. Explain the practicality of a walk with God according to Mk. 1:35, Ps. 91:1, Joshua 1:83. Explain the connection between a relationship with God and serving God – Jn. 5:19 – 20, 30; Jn. 15:1 - 6CONCLUSIONAn effective service of God, thrives on a functional partnership – an unbroken and constantfellowship with God. He wants to work in and with us, but this is only possible as we walkwith Him.MEMORY VERSE: Amos 3:3“Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” (NIV) 17

STUDY EIGHTEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – EFFICACY OF THE HOLY SPIRITTEXT: John 14:16; Romans 8:9AIM: To help the Church understand that the Holy Spirit is a necessary requirement for fearless service unto the Lord.INTRODUCTION:Serving the Lord in a war-and-trouble-ridden generation like ours can become a hugenightmare if the Spirit of God does not help us. The power to serve God comes only from theHoly Spirit (Act 1:8). The presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian can be likenedto the availability of petrol in a motor car. Once it finishes, the car ceases to move. The HolySpirit is a driving force, a propeller, an energizer, a stimulator, etc. Many people today inNigeria and elsewhere are living in fear of death and torture because of the gospel but the spiritof God has been a great source of hope to believers everywhere. John 14:16.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Can anyone serve the Lord faithfully without the Holy Spirit? Matt 26:34, 56, 69-75; John 16:7-11; Romans 8:6-9 2. What does the Holy Spirit do to enhance our service unto God? Romans 8:11, 26; Gal 5:22-23, Acts 4:31; 1Cor. 2:10. 3. What is the danger of remaining a churchgoer without the Holy Spirit?CONCLUSIONServing God is a spiritual matter hence carnal people cannot comprehend the wave of the HolySpirit. 1 Cor. 2:12-14.MEMORY VERSE: Rom. 8:16“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (NKJV) 18

STUDY NINETEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – EFFECTIVE PRAYINGTEXT: James 5:17; Acts 12:1-5; 1Thes. 5:17AIM: To teach Christians that fearless service to God requires effective prayer life.INTRODUCTIONThe requirement of prayer cannot be overemphasized in the life of a Christian because it is thelife line with which a man connects with God. It is commonly sung that Jesus started withprayers and ended with prayers. This explains that prayer has no alternative. The bible againsays that Elijah was a man like us but he prayed earnestly that rain should not fall and it wasso. The church prayed fervently for Peter’s release and Peter was released. Apart from biblestories, we have our own personal testimonies of how God demonstrates His power throughprayers. A prayerless Christian, we always say, is a powerless Christian.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What makes prayer effective? 1Thes. 5:17; 1Tim 2:8; 2Tim 1:3; James 5:14-15,16; James 4:1-3 2. What is the benefit of an effective prayer life? 1John 5:14; 2Thes. 3:1.3. What is the reason for the increasing number of prayer houses today? Is it a sign of a praying generation?CONCLUSIONWe understand the mind of God through prayer. If you call on him, he will answer you.Remember that the effective prayer of the righteous avails much.MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:12“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (ESV) 19

STUDY TWENTYTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – DIVINE BOLDNESS AND COURAGETEXT: Numbers 13:21-33; Deut. 31:6AIM: To learn that service unto God does not admit of fear, rather it requires boldness and courage.INTRODUCTIONThe God we serve is Almighty in all respect, He does not make friends with fearful people butcommands every of his children to be courageous. Joshua 1:9.When we are filled with fear for whatever reason we demonstrate that we do not know God. Itshows that we show lack of faith in his ability and we limit God’s power. (2Tim 1:7). Theboldness or courage which comes from God is divine. Some people are afraid of life; some areafraid of marrying, of starting a new business, visiting their village, coming out for testimonyetc. Others are afraid of everything, fearing fear itself. No one can serve God with fear for Godhas already provided the requisite courage for our spiritual worship.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What is divine boldness or courage? How is it different from acts of bravery or boldness supplied by intoxicant? Joshua 1:9; Prov. 20:1; Acts 2:14-15, 4:13 2. Why do so many Christians live in fear today? 3. How can a Christian build courage and boldness in serving God in spite of opposition and challenges of life? Joshua 1:7-8; Prov. 28:1; 1Chron. 28:20; Rom 10:17.CONCLUSIONThe spirit of fear is the spirit of bondage (Rom 8:15). This comes from the devil to preventGod’s people from boldly coming unto his throne of grace. If we rely on him we shall be asbold as lion.MEMORY VERSE: 2 Tim 1:7“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”(NKJV) 20

STUDY TWENTY-ONETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – RIGHTEOUS LIVINGTEXT: Heb. 12:14; Gen. 6:9; Job 1:1AIM: To teach us that we cannot render any meaningful service to God without fear if we do not live a holy life.INTRODUCTION:Living right or righteousness is the platform on which God relates with his people. His eyesare too pure to behold iniquity. Heb. 1:13; Ps 11:7. God will never compromise his standard ofrighteousness because of any man (Matt 5:20). There is therefore a demand on all of us to livea holy life. This is the only qualification which admits us to heaven. He says the prayer of thewicked is like an abomination before him, but ‘He blesses the righteous and with favour hesurrounds him as with a shield.’ Ps. 5:2QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What does righteous living entail? I John 2:29; Gen 15:6; James 1:27; Titus 2 :12; 1Tim. 5:10 2. What are the benefits of righteousness? Ps 106:3, 112:4-8, 7:9; Job 36:7; Ps. 7:9. 3. How does righteous living help Christians to render service fearlessly? 1Pet 3:14; Ps 14:5; 1John 4:18CONCLUSION:Our God is a righteous and prefect God, if we are truly his children we must make effort toresemble Him. Matt 5:48MEMORY VERSE: Matt 5:20“For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes andPharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” 21

STUDY TWENTY-TWOTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GODTEXT: Rom 8:14; Gal 5:18AIM: To teach Christians that being led by the Spirit of God is a fundamental requirement for service unto God without fear.INTRODUCTION:God is Spirit and so, it is practically impossible to worship Him in the flesh. John 4:24. Noman can understand the moves of God except through his spirit which reveals the mind ofGod. Anyone who is still be led by his whims and caprices is not of God. This is because acarnal man does not understand the language or the things of the Spirit. (1Cor. 2:14). A manwho does not submit to the Spirit of God is not one of His sons. If the Spirit of God is leadingyou, your will becomes secondary and God’s will primary in your life.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? Gal 5:16, 25; Act 9:31; Rom 8:1, Acts 5:32 2. What are the things which can hinder us from being led by the Holy Spirit? 1John 2:16; 2 Peter 2:10; Titus 3:3; Gal 5:19 3. What are the benefits of being led by the Spirit?CONCLUSION:We cannot do the will of God except we are led by His Spirit. When our will runs contrary tohis will, the Spirit through our obedience allows God’s will to prevail over our life.MEMORY VERSE: Rom 8:5“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but thosewho live according to the spirit, the things of the Spirit.” (NKJV). 22

STUDY TWENTY-THREETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT – PANTING AFTER GODTEXT: Psalms 42: 1-2AIM: To help believers understand that our new nature given to us by God in Christ Jesus, yearns after Him.INTRODUCTIONTo pant means to long for, to yearn for and to have a strong desire for something. It alsomeans to thirst for- a thirst or strong desire for something that satisfies ones soul. This is thecry of every faithful believer. A willingness to please the one who loves us and gave His lifefor us.David in our text here equates his thirst for God to that of a deer panting for streams of water.At conversion, the nature God gave us is restless until we have pleased Him. For those whowill truly serve the LORD fearlessly must be men and women who diligently thirst after thisGod. May the Lord help us see the need to pant after Him as we study.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. What does it mean to pant after God? (support your answer with relevant examples and bible passages).2. “Men who served the Lord fearlessly are men who pant after God”. Discuss.3. From the following passages, explain how panting after God enabled the persons concerned serve God fearlessly? Dan. 6: 10; 1: 8, 11-14, Acts 2: 42-43, 46; 4: 22-31.CONCLUSIONOne of the things that happen to every child of God after the new birth experience is the strongdesire to know more of God. The Holy Spirit enables us to tarry in His presence in prayers anddiligent search of the scriptures. This inevitably leads to serving the Lord fearlessly.MEMORY VERSEIsaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mountup with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”. 23

STUDY TWENTY-FOURTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – READINESS TO BEAR THE CROSS DAILY.TEXT: Mt. 10:38; Lk. 14:27.AIM: To help Christians understand the place of cross bearing in fearless service.INTRODUCTION: The cross was the most painful and humiliating form of execution of theRoman era. Thus, to bear One’s cross daily as figuratively used in our text means willingnessto undergo suffering, trial, punishment and to expose oneself to reproach and death for thesake of Christ (Mk.8:34; 10:21; Lk.9:23); it means to expect painful situations everydaybecause of allegiance to Christ. Following Jesus Christ could be easy when life runs smoothly.Our true commitment to Him however is revealed during trial. Jesus assured us that trials willcome to His followers (Jn.16:33) True discipleship demands sacrifice – it may lead to loss offriends, family, reputation, career, opportunities, e.t.c. Those who will serve the Lordfearlessly and courageously must be ready to face any of the above. May the Lord count usworthy in Jesus Name. Amen.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Why should a Christian bear the cross daily? Mt.10:24 - 252. What is the possible danger of failing to bear one’s cross daily? Mt.16:25a; 1Jn.2:23a; 2Pl.2:1; Lk.9:26.3. What is our consolation in bearing the cross daily as we fearlessly serve the LORD? Cf. Mt.16:25b; Jn.12:25b, 26.CONCLUSIONServing the LORD without fear entails the willingness or readiness to bear the cross daily.Peter and John were ready for anything when they declared, “Judge for yourselves whether itis right in Gods’ sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about whatwe have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19, 20). Daniel was ready to damn the consequence of theKing’s decree when he resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine… (Dan.18)MEMORY VERSE: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may havepeace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV) 24

STUDY TWENTY-FIVETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – HEARING FROM THE LORDTEXT: Acts 18:1 – 11AIM: To teach believers that hearing from the LORD will enable us serve Him better, even in the midst of tribulations.INTRODUCTIONOne of the greatest benefits of our salvation has to be that of hearing God speak to uspersonally. There can be no intimate relationship with our heavenly father without it. We sawfrom our text (Acts 18:9 – 10) how hearing from the Lord helped Paul in settling down andteaching the word of God with-out fear in Corinth.Instead of going through life blindly; we should seek the wisdom of God to guide and protectus. Learning to clearly distinguish God’s voice is invaluable, but, as easy as it is for us tospeak to Him, the average Christian has a hard time hearing His voice. This is not the way theLord intended it to be. The Lord constantly speak to us and give us His direction John 10:3 –5. Believers who will serve God fearlessly must be one who hears from Him and consistentlycommunicate with Him.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Can God speak? If yes! List some common ways God speak to us. Rom. 4:17; John 12:28; Rom.10:17; Gal.4:22 – 23, 29.2. How can we Discern God’s voice? Prov.14:15; 2Cor.11:3; Acts 18:9 – 10; 2 Tim.3:13 – 17; Rm.12:2; James 1:5 – 8, 15; Rom.10:17.3. What are the dangers one can encounter in life if he does/can not hear from God.CONCLUSIONMost people are imploring God to speak, when it’s our hearing that needs to be adjusted.Taking this faith-stance that God is speaking and then learning to listen and obey willtransform your relationship with the Lord.MEMORY VERSE: Romans 10:17“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. (NIV) 25

STUDY TWENTY-SIXTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS – INTEGRITYTEXT: Mt. 5:37; Job 27:1 - 6AIM: To teach believers that as many who will serve God fearlessly must be men and women of integrity.INTRODUCTIONThe word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete. Inthis context, integrity is the inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such ashonesty and consistency of character. Integrity also means doing the right thing at all timesand in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching.Believers who will serve God fearlessly must be men and women who are consistentlycommitted in their walk with God. They must not be people of double – standard (Mt. 5:37;Dan. 1:8; Job 27:6). May the Lord show us mercy.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. In your own word as a believer, what do you understand by the word integrity?2. Quoting relevant Bible passage(s) why should Christians be men and women of integrity?3. How can integrity enhance our witnessing for Christ today? 1Kings 18:38 – 39; Acts 5:12 - 16.CONCLUSIONIntegrity is one major virtue that separates us from the people of this world, it brings respectand makes people listen to us whenever we speak. It is a necessity for every believer to be menand women of integrity.We should consistently be committed in our walk with God (i.e. standing always for what isright, “let your ‘yes’ be yes and your ‘No’ be no at all times). When this is attained in ourlives, it is then we can boldly and fearlessly testify/serve our God.MEMORY VERSE: Job 27:3 – 4.As long as my life is still whole within me, and the breath of God is in my nostrils, my lipsshall not speak untruth, nor shall my tongue utter deceit. 26

STUDY TWENTY-SEVENTOPIC: REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR: LOOKING UNTO JESUSTEXT: HEB 12:1-6AIM: To assure and teach us that consistent and steadfast focus on Christ Jesus will grant us a solid enablement to serve the LORD without an iota of fear in a permissive world.INTRODUCTIONIt would be impossible for a mortal man to serve God faithfully and satisfactorily without adefinite, consistent and permanent focus on Christ Jesus. In John 15:5, the Lord Jesusemphatically told us that “apart from him (i.e. Jesus Christ) we can do nothing”. Thatpresupposes that apart from Christ Himself, the fear of the world will consume us and ourservices .The writer to the Hebrew’s enjoins us to fix our eyes on Jesus because He alone is theauthor and perfecter of our faith. May the good Lord endue us with the needed courage toserve Him fearlessly in this sinful world as we faithfully look unto Him.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. What does it mean to look unto Jesus from the following scriptures: 1Pt 2:21-25;Gal 2:20-21; Act4:18-22.2. Identify some definite factors that could hinder a believer from looking unto Jesus.See Matt 13:1-7&18-22, Jer 17:5&6.3. Highlight some of the benefits of consistent focus on Christ Jesus .Support your contributions with relevant scriptures.CONCLUSIONServing the LORD without fear requires a daily and constant focus on Christ Jesus the authorand Perfecter of our faith .We could swerve and derail the moment we turn our gaze fromHim. Since the devil himself knows this ,he does everything possible to distract our attentionand focus from him. Let’s be wise as we continue the heavenly race.MEMORY VERSE: (Heb 12:2).“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set beforehim endure the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. 27

STUDY TWENTY-EIGHTTHEME: Serving the Lord without FearTOPIC: Absolute devotion of our time.TEXT: John 9:1-5AIM: To remind us of the need to consistently devote our time for the advancement of God’s workINTRODUCTIONOur LORD and Savior Jesus Christ taught us by His action that time ultimately belongs to Godand must also be spent primarily with Him and in His own way. In Eph.5:16, the Apostle Pauladmonished believers to make adequate use of their time. “Making the most of the time,because the days are evil”. In other words, the time we have at our disposal is basically meantto faithfully serve the LORD as Jesus Himself exemplified by His action. “As long as it isday, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no-one can work”Jn.9:4. May the good LORD help us through this study to absolutely devote our time to God’sfaithful service.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. Read the following passages carefully and discuss how Jesus devoted His time to God’s service. (Mk.1:35-37; 4:34-36; Jn.9:1-7; Lk.6:12 & 13.2. Discuss some biblical measures from the following passages that can help us to devote our time to the services of the LORD – Mk.1:38 & 39; Act 2:42-47; 6:3 & 4; 13:1-3.3. Highlight some of the negative consequences of not devoting our life and time to the services of the LORD. See: Gen.4:6-12; II Sam.11:1-5; Judges 18:1 & 2.CONCLUSIONThe LORD Jesus absolutely devoted His life and time for the salvation of mankind. Hegraciously gave us all that we might have life and eternal hope. He expects us to devote ourtotality to Him. Our lives and time would only be meaningful, useful and fulfilled when wefaithfully devote them to His Service.MEMORY VERSE: John 9:4“As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me. Night is coming, whenno-one can work”. 28

THEME: STUDY TWENTY-NINETOPIC: Serving the Lord without fear:-TEXT: Faithful Use of our Gift and Talents.AIM: Mtt.25:14-30 To remind us that the gifts and talents at our disposal are God’s endowment which must be faithfully use for His own service.INTRODUCTIONGift and talents are divine provisions/potentials. God, the gracious, faithful and generousprovider expects us to use His provisions in our lives for the promotion of His work. In ourstudy text, the last of the three stewards failed woefully in this direction. He said “… ‘I wasafraid (ungodly fear) and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is whatbelongs to you” (Matt.25:25). The unfaithful use of his God’s given gift/talent broughtjudgment and condemnation to him. May the Holy Spirit grant us deeper insight andrevelation that will help us to use our gift and talent in God’s own way.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1a. What are gifts and talents? See Matt.25:1 & 2. (1b) What in your own understanding made the first and second servants to faithfully use their talents? See Matt.25:16-232a. What in your own opinion prompted the third Steward to act the way he did? – Matt.25:24-25(2b) Was he justified by his excuses and actions?3. State and discuss the reward of anyone who fails to faithfully use his/her gift and talents for services of God – Matt. 25:26-30.CONCLUSIONThe LORD does not delight in any one who wastes, abuses or misuses His divine gifts andtalents. The gift and talents the LORD places at our disposal are meant for the upliftment ofHis work and humanity. Let us endeavour through this study to plead for forgiveness in anyway we might have abused or misused God’s gift and talents in our lives. Remember, theLORD will definitely demand a strict account from us all on how we manage what He hasbestowed on us.MEMORY VERSE: Matt.25:23“His Master replied, well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a fewthings; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!” 29

STUDY THIRTYTHEME: Serving the Lord without fear:-TOPIC: Steadfastness in the face of temptation and adversity.TEXT: Job 1:1-22; 2:7-10AIM: To encourage us to remain steadfast no matter the level of temptation and adversity we are confronted with in life.INTRODUCTIONTemptation and adversity are issues we do not ordinarily bargain for in life. However, theyconfront our faith on a daily basis and in diverse ways. Jesus Christ, the Foundation and theAuthor of our faith was faced with so many temptation and adversity during his earthlyministry (Read Matt.1:1-11; 19:1ff; Jn.8:48, 52-58; Mk. 15:16-20) yet He was without sin(Heb.4:14-16). Job in our study text was faced with what could be considered as muchadversity in the Old Testament dispensation. He stood his ground; he remained steadfast andfaithful to God in all his tribulations and adversity. His steadfastness and faithfulness to Godeventually earned him enduring blessings and commendation. We shall look deeper into thisas we pray God to help us learn from his steadfastness.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1a. Why in your own understanding of Scriptures did Job remain steadfast in the face of temptation and adversity? See Rev.2:10; Job 1: & 8 and verses 20-22; 2:9 & 101b. Is it possible to demonstrate the steadfastness similar to that of Job among Christian today? Support your responses with relevant Scriptures.2. Identify and discuss some of the basic benefits of steadfastness in the services of God. See Job 42:14-17; II Tim.4:6-8; Heb.1:93a. Discuss what could have been responsible for Job’s wife to encourage her own husband (the man she claimed to love so dearly) to curse God and die in the face of adversity? – Job 2:9 & 10. (3b) Do we still have women and men who have similar attitude like that of Job’s wife in our contemporary Churches?CONCLUSIONSteadfastness is a divine virtue Christ’s bequeathed to the Church (See Jn.17:6 & 17).Whoever lacks it cannot offer an acceptable service unto the LORD. Job faithfully exhibited itin the face of all his challenges. Paul demonstrated it in his services to God (see II Tim.4:6-8).Let us pray the Lord to strengthen us in steadfastness.MEMORY VERSE: Job 1:22 “In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing” 30

STUDY THIRTY-ONETHEME: Serving the Lord without fearTOPIC: Complete Obedience.TEXT: Philippians 2:4-11AIM: To remind us that complete obedience is essential and mandatory in the services of God.INTRODUCTIONObedience is a Primary virtue in the Service of God. The Lord Jesus consistentlydemonstrated this to the Father Almighty. It is for us to learn and do same. In our text, wewere specifically told that Jesus’ obedience to the Father Almighty was complete even at thepoint of death. It simply shows us that all He (Jesus) did in the name of the Father werealways done in strict obedience. Many in our generation are serving the LORD but not incomplete obedience. Moses as great as he was in history, brought his own life and destiny toan abrupt end by an act of disobedience (Number 20:1-14; cp Num. 27:12; 14). The LordJesus taught us complete obedience in all things. Let us examine his life style closely andwalk in His obedience. The LORD to whom our primary services are rendered hatesdisobedience.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Explain what complete obedience entails from these passages: Gen. 22:1-3; Phil.2:5-8; Mtt.26:38-39 & 42; Acts 5:27-29 cp Mk. 16:15-18.2. “Thou shall not commit adultery” Exod.20:14. “But among you there must not be evena hint of sexual immorality or of any kind of impurity…” Eph.5:3. How would the Holy Godrate our services if we fail to obey the above instructions (Commands)?3. Why was the LORD Jesus focused in His act of obedience to the Father? Pleaserespond from these passages: Jn.14:15; verses 23 & 24; 15:9-11.CONCLUSIONEvery service done in the name of the LORD without complete obedience to His will,command and instructions are vanity. The LORD rewards services done only in completeobedience. Examine your life and services whether they are in obedience to His will.MEMORY VERSE: Phil.2:8“And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death– even death on a cross”. 31

THEME: STUDY THIRTY-TWOTOPIC: Serving the Lord without fear:TEXT: Necessary requirements: Contentment.AIM: 1Tim6:6-9 To teach Christians that there is both earthly and heavenly benefit in godly contentment.INTRODUCTIONContentment, which is being satisfied and happy in one's situation, is a virtue everyChristian should possess. This must reflect in a persons mind, soul and body. St. Paul inhis letter to young Timothy, was led to admonish him on godly contentment as againstthe teachings of some in Timothy's days, who were greedy and lack understanding.As long as the earth remains, we cannot all be equal. Brethren, whatever stage you findyourself in life, appreciate God who made it so. When we lack godly contentment, wegive birth to ungodly acts, which will not bring glory to God.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What is contentment in your own opinion and how can one practice contentment inthis world of enticement?2. Who is Gehazi in the Bible? How would you describe the action of Gehazi in 2Kings5:20-24?3. Are there rewards for those who practice and those who do not practice contentment?Discuss. 2Tim. 6:6CONCLUSIONThe lack of contentment has driven many in our society today into ungodly practicessuch as ritual killings and involvement in the occult. The lack of contentment results ingreed, and greed produces insatiable desires which in turn lead to death. Be careful, bewarned.MEMORY VERSE: 2Timothy 6:6\" But godliness with contentment is great gain.\" 32

STUDY THIRTY-THREETHEME: Serving the Lord without fearTOPIC: Necessary requirements – Godly association and friendliness.TEXT : 2Cor. 6:14AIM: To teach us that the kind of people we associate with and are friends tomatter a lot in our service to GodINTRODUCTIONOur people say, 'show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.' In fact, friendships dohave a way of influencing the behavioral pattern of people they associate with. Every Christianmust be careful who they keep as friends, else they can be corrupted and become vile. Paulknew the influence friendship and the association we keep has on a person, so he admonishedfollowers of Christ not to be mismatched with people who are not followers of Christ.In our society today, we see Christian girls getting engaged to Muslim men, in the name of \"Ilove him and he will repent some day.\" Birds of the same feathers should flock together, notthe other way round. Make godly friends and yield good fruits for heavenly reward.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. How does the association we keep a necessary requirement in serving God. Discuss?2. a) Discuss. A Christian who associate with people of other religion (Islam, AfricanTraditional Religion ATR, Ekanker, Grail message, Ogboni fraternity etc) and go to partieswith them? (2b) Can there be any Christlike spiritual and moral values from such association?3. Do you think you would be a good friend and a godly associate, if every one in the worldwished you were their friend. Discuss?CONCLUSIONYou remember Brother Judas Iscariot? How he was influenced negatively when he joinedleague with the Pharisees within those few moment he left the Master’s presence. And SimonPeter, though he fell when he denied the master, but because he didn't let go his good friendsand associates, he was saved.MEMORY VERSE: Prov. 27:17 \"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.\" 33

STUDY THIRTY-FOURTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: MORDECAI/ ESTHERTEXT: Esther 4:10-17AIM: That Christians should trust God and serve him even in the face of the worse opposition.INTRODUCTIONThe lyrics of the hymn, \"I have decided to follow Jesus\" are based on the last words of a manin Assam, north-east India, who along with his family was converted to Christianity in themiddle of the 19th century. Called to renounce his faith by the village chief, the convertdeclared, \"I have decided to follow Jesus.\" In response to threats to his family, he continued,\"Though no one joins me, still I will follow.\" His wife was killed, and he wasexecuted while singing, \" The cross before me, the world behind me.\" This display of faith isreported to have led to the conversion of the chief and others in the village. (Storyparaphrased).It is required of Christ servants that they serve him without taking into account their lives, asthe story above illustrates. We are to serve God fearlessly. Mordecai did, Queen Esther didwhen she said, \"...I will go...and if I perish, I perish.\"DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. How would you describe Esther's boldness in saving her people in relation to serving Godfearlessly?2. If your faith is brought under trail, will you be able to stand for Jesus Christ?3. Share your experience of how you fearlessly defended the faith of Christ in the face ofpersecution?CONCLUSIONIt has been said and it still remains a fact, that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of thegospel. The faith of Christians thrives in the face of fierce persecution. The true believer ofChrist is known to be very bold and fearless when their faitMEMORY VERSE: Esther 4: 16. “ Go gather all the Jews that are present in Shu-shan, andfast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens willfast likewise; and so will I go in unto the King, which is not according to the law: and if Iperish, I perish”. 34

STUDY THIRTY-FIVETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR.TOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: SHADRACH, MESHACH AND ABEDNEGO.TEXT: Daniel 3:8-23AIM: That Christians should be confident that God is able to save those who are His.INTRODUCTIONThe early church was hated by the society and government of the Roman Empire for variousreasons, such as the refusal of Christians to sacrifice to the gods. The Empire went throughmany phases of demanding that the Christians sacrifice — which meant denying their faith orbe killed. The earliest attacks claimed the lives of many of the apostles. Polycarp an earlydisciple of Christ was about 86 years when he was burnt alive.The three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown intoNebuchadnezzar's fire, which was of no effect in their body because God chose to deliverthem.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. How does the boldness of these three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego challengeyour faith in Christ?2. Discuss the challenges of Boko Haram and serving God fearlessly in Nigeria. Where doyou stand in this matter?3. What does it cost a Christian to serve God fearlessly like Shadrach, Meshach andAbednego?CONCLUSIONBishop Polycarp said that it is unthinkable for him to repent from what is good and turn towhat is evil. \"I will be glad though to be changed from evil to righteousness.\" The knowledgeof Christ a Christian has stirs up a fierce faith within him that the whole kingdom of darknesscannot contend with. It was with zeal men of old served, and were willing to throw away theirearthly bodies to gain an eternal one.MEMORY VERSE: Daniel 3:17-18 “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver usfrom the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O King. But if not, beit known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden imagewhich thou hast set up”. 35

STUDY THIRTY-SIXTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR.TOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: DANIELTEXT: DANIEL 6:10-24AIM: Christians should know that the fear of the Lord gives life and liberty, and man's fear brings pain.INTRODUCTIONThe threats of kings and presidents are nothing before a man with fearless faith in God. Danielwas one of such men in his days. In the tenth verse of Daniel chapter six, we were told thatDaniel, knowing that the document has been signed into law, deliberately went home, openedhis windows and prayed thrice as was his custom. What a divine audacity! Oh that men andwomen in this generation will weird such mantle of authority.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Why in your opinion made Daniel to respond to the decree of the king in such a manner?Daniel 6:3-5.2. Are there still people in our days with such fearlessness like Daniel? Mention them anddiscuss what distinguished them?3. What will qualify one to serve God with such fearless faith like Daniel? Heb. 11:32-33.CONCLUSIONThere is no question on whether God can save those who through faith commit their lives tohim. He can save them over and over again. The question is, are you willing to lay down yourlife for him to raise it again?MEMORY VERSE: Daniel 6: 10”Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windowsbeing open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, andprayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime”. 36

STUDY THIRTY-SEVENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: JOSEPHTEXT: Genesis 39: 6-19AIM: To teach us that there are divine benefits if we are persecuted because of our faith in God.INTRODUCTIONJoseph resisted the temptation of Potiphar’s wife by fleeing from her consistent seduction anddemand to sleep with her. This would have been an opportunity to some persons to have sleptwith the wife of their boss. To some, it is a hard temptation that one cannot resist but, Josephwho knows his God and his demand resolved not to do this great wickedness and sin againstGod. Joseph saw it as a great wickedness and sin against God. What do some people see thisopportunity for? It takes a man with the fear of God to resist this kind of temptation. Thetemporary pleasure of today might turn the great snare of tomorrow. It is not all pleasures thatis pleasing even in the sight of the LORD.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Why did Joseph refused Potiphar’s wife? Gen. 39: 8 2. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that that the testing of your faith develops perseverance” (James 1: 2-3). How would you relate this with Joseph’s imprisonment and later became a Vice President in Egypt? 3. Why did Joseph think that sleeping with Portiphar’s wife was “ a great wickedness and sin against God” and not against his master?CONCLUSSIONThe story of Joseph reveals the loyalty that Joseph showed towards his God and because of hisdetermination to fulfill his destiny and a propelling force (the grace and power of the mandateof God over his life, which he saw and understood early enough) enabled him to withstand thepushing and the demand of Mrs Portiphar. Joseph was dogged and grounded in his God. So, hehas no one to fear but God.MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 1: 10“My son, if sinners enticed you, do not give in to them” 37

THEME: STUDY THIRTY-EIGHTTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: PETERTEXT: AFTER PENTECOST/JOHNAIM: Acts 4: 18-22 To recognize the power of the Holy Spirit in serving God without fear.INTRODUCTION:We may sometimes be afraid to share our faith in Christ because people may feeluncomfortable or reject us. Peter and John’s zeal for the Lord was so strong that they could notkeep quiet, even when they were threatened. If your courage to witness for God has weakened,pray that your boldness may increase. The work for God is not flesh and blood, it is spiritual.For enabling grace is the sustenance to effective ministry. Peter and John received boldness toface even the authority after the Holy Spirit has taken over their lives. It takes the man of faithto declare what Peter and John declared in vs 18-20. You are afraid and fearful about theDISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What gave Peter and John the boldness to address the council fearlessly? Acts 4: 8-10, 18-20 2. “Faith is evidential; substance to show for”. If this is true, can it be an element of our dependence on God? Discuss. Heb. 11: 1, Acts 4: 21-22. 3. “A changed life convinces people of Christ’s power”. How would you relate this statement to the action of Peter and John before the council?CONCLUSSIONTo gain boldness, we can pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to give us courage in order towitness to others.MEMORY VERSE: Matt. 10: 23“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before myFather in heaven”. 38

THEME: STUDY THIRTY-NINETOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY:TEXT: JOSHUA/CALEBAIM: Numbers 14: 6-10 To teach us that we should believe in God’s word and His promises and be saved.INTRODUCTIONBoth Joshua and Caleb opposed the majority opinion of the Spies. Joshua and Caleb basedtheir report on a firm commitment to God and full confidence in his promise to Israel. Theyrefused to accept the overwhelming decision of other spies, even at the risk of their lives(Number 14: 6-10). Faithful believers must be willing to stand on God’s word even if themajority is against them, (2Tim. 1: 15). The slogan “majority win the vote” does not counthere, most especially when the majority’s opinion is not in line with the plan of God. So, onthis ground, it takes the man who knows his God and understands his calling to maintain hisfaith. Joshua and Caleb were not deter by what they saw physically, but they were moved bywhat God told them; that they will overcome and that any place they match their foot that theyshall have as their possession.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. “The fruit of unbelief, like the root itself, is negative and destructive”. How true is this statement as it relates to Numbers 13: 33?2. What brought about the Israelites spreading bad report concerning the land they explored?3. Read Numbers 14: 1-9 and bring out the important lessons you learnt from the action of Israelites and those of Joshua and Caleb.CONCLUSSIONAt the heart of Israel’s rebellion was unbelief, which grew out of their failure to rememberGod’s past faithfulness, to trust him as their Lord and to believe Him according to His word.MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 125: 1“They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abidethfor ever.” 39

STUDY FORTYTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: JOHN THE BAPTISTTEXT: Matthew 14: 1-12AIM: To teach us that death should not deter us from the true worship or hinder our confession and testimony of who Jesus is.INTRODUCTIONHerod Antipas was one of the three rulers over the four districts of Palestine. Philip, Herod’shalf brother was another of Palestine’s three rulers. Philip’s wife; Heridias left Philip to livewith Herod Antipas. John the Baptist condemned the two for living immorally. John theBaptist criticism of high authority earned him being beheaded even though Herod did not wantto kill him, but to avoid being embarrassed before his guests. How easy it is to give in to thecrowd and to let ourselves be pressured into doing wrong.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Is the Church of today bold enough to confront the government of evil deeds? 2. “But Peter and John replied; we rather obey you other than God? Judge yourselves” Acts 4: 19. How would you relate this to Herod’s action of beheading John the Baptist? 3. What was John the Baptist wrong-doing that led to his death? Are Church leaders telling their congregations the truth they need to know today?CONCLUSSIONDetermine to do what is right, no matter how embarrassing or painful it may be.MEMORY VERSE: John 8: 32“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. 40

STUDY FORTY-ONETOPIC: BIBLICAL FIGURE OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: THE UNFAITHFUL SERVANTTEXT: Matthew 25:18 – 25AIM: To critically analyse the fear envisaged by the unfaithful servant with a view toavoid same today.INTRODUCTIONThe parable of the unfaithful servant is a practical example of unhealthy fear. A careful look atour text reveals that the action of the unfaithful servant does not depict respect or tremblingwith ‘fear’. We rather saw from the text that he (the unfaithful servant) portrayed a high degreeof arrogance “you reap where you did not sow’’. Unhealthy fear could be deceitful at a facevalue; it could be mistaken for respect or timidity whereas it is actually a display ofwickedness and rebellion as was found in the speech of the unfaithful servant.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Describe in your words the phrase ‘’ According to their ability’’. vs 15. 2. “I was afraid’’ what kind of fear is this? vs 25 3. Do you subscribe to the school of thought that his action was predicated by the small amount he was entrusted with?CONCLUSIONIt is obvious that the fear of the unfaithful servant is unjustifiable, from all indications he justwanted to be unfaithful and he was made to suffer the consequence of his actions. We musttherefore be guided by the Holy Spirit not our feelings.MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 25:29For everyone who has will be given more and he will have an abundance. Whoever does nothave, even what he has will be taken from him. 41

TOPIC: STUDY FORTY-TWOTEXT: BIBLICAL FIGURE OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: PILATEAIM: Matthew 27:19 – 26 To consider critically if unhealthy fear could be justify by pressure.INTRODUCTIONPilate as another example of unhealthy fear has no little lessons to teach believers of today.Outstanding among other lessons is the grave consequences of bowing to ungodly pressures.Have you found yourself becoming the enemy of your friend’s enemy even though he/she didoffend you directly? That was exactly what Pilate did; he disregarded the wife’s dream. Evenwhen he (Pilate) asked to know what He (Jesus) has done no cogent reason(s) was givenexcept that he should be crucified. It is therefore obvious that Pilate crucified Christ out of fearof losing favour of the people.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. How would you rate the action of Pilate’s wife in verse: 19 and what lessons are there for us today?2. Have you been under pressure to take a wrong decision in the past? Share personal experience with the group.3. How would you justify Pilate’s claim of innocence in verse 24CONCLUSIONPilate’s display of intimidation cause the life of Jesus; although it has been ordainedthat he was going to die for the sins of humanity. We must be careful not to succumbto ungodly pressures.MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 27: 24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere,but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in frontof the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is yourresponsibility!” 42

STUDY FORTY-THREETOPIC: BIBLICAL FIGURE OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: PETER, BEFORE PENTECOSTTEXT: Matthew 26:69 – 75AIM: To examine the personality and disposition of Apostle Peter in some givensituations and consider how the findings could be of help to us today.INTRODUCTIONThe account in our text portrays the picture of Apostle Peter before the Pentecostexperience. The experience of Peter unveils the difference between lip service andpractical Christianity. Peter had earlier boasted that nothing will make him deny hisMaster, however his action turned out a far cry to his initial confession. Apparently,he did because of the fear of death, thus his love for his Master was swallowed up bythe sting of death. Now that’s Peter, for some believers, food and little threat fromthe enemy overwhelms our love for God.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. a. Describe the Peter in verse 33-35, 74 and Act 2:36-37. b. How would you describe Peter’s attempt to follow Jesus to a reasonable extent before his denials.2. Describe the boldness of Peter in John 18:10 and the timidity displayed in Matthew 26:35.3. What kind of fear is responsible for our non-challant attitude towards keeping our Baptismal, Confirmation, Marital vows e.t.c and how do we overcome this.CONCLUSIONMaking vows, boasting and other religious Commitment without the backing of theHoly Spirit amount futility. Peter apparently meant to do something, at least he cutoff the ear of a Soldier before he became timid. Let us therefore, ask God for thepower of the Holy Spirit to be able to stand against the attacks of the enemy.MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 26:75Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the cock crows, you willdisown me three times,” And he went outside and wept bitterly. 43

STUDY FORTY-FOURTOPIC: BIBLICAL FIGURE OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: AARONTEXT: Exodus 32:21 – 24AIM: To examine the ungodly compromise of Aaron, its grave consequences vis – a –vis the lessons it poses for today’s church.INTRODUCTIONAaron who was supposed to be the deputy leader of the Israelite nation became avictim of unhealthy fear because of ‘suppose’ pressure from the Israelites. Mosesopenly rebuked Aaron and accused him of leading Israel to sin, thus the pressurefrom the people was played down upon and Aaron was accused of being the cause ofIsraelite stumbling.In comparison with the case of Pilate we had earlier discussed, Moses and Aaron’scase is more of a clear case of treason, conspiracy and rebellion.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. How would you score the ‘Patience’ and ‘Endurance’ of Aaron in this ordeal?2. How should Church leaders respond to pressures from the congregation especially those targeted at the church authority?3. Do you consider the defense of Aaron in verse 22-24 strong enough to excuse him?CONCLUSIONAaron’s Inability to control the pressure from the Israelites made him a victim ofrebellion and conspiracy. This is a great lesson for leaders, no matter the pressureshold on to that which is right.MEMORY VERSE: Exodus 32: 26So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the LORD, cometo me. And all the Levites rallied to him. 44

STUDY FOURTY- FIVETOPIC: BENEFITS OF FEARLESS SERVICE: ETERNAL LIFETEXT: Revelation 7:9 – 19AIM: To highlight to benefits of fearless service with special emphasis on EternalLife.INTRODUCTIONThe benefits of fearless service to God are too numerous to enumerate, however thepeak of it is eternal life promised to us by the Father. It is therefore very dangerousto offend the Father because of intimidations from the world ‘’what shall it profit aman if he gains the whole world and lost his own soul’’ Mark 8:36 it is our love for theLord that will improve our fearless service to him. It is also that same love that will berewarded ‘’for eyes have not seen…. for those who love the Lord. 1 Cor. 2:9QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. Why do some Christian place more value on immediate reward than eternal life?2. Read 1Cor. 2:9 and discus the function of love in relation to the gift of eternal life from the Father.1 Cor. 2:93. Discuss with the group your personal view about death, rapture, and eternal life.CONCLUSIONNothing can be compared to eternal life, we must therefore cast away all that willmake us miss our final blissful home.MEMORY VERSE: Mark 8:36What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul. 45

STUDY FORTY-SIXTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR.TOPIC : BENEFITS OF FEARLESS SERVICE : DIVINE PROMOTION.TEXT: Daniel 3 : 26 - 30.AIM : The aim of this study is to teach us to be bold, courageous and faithful toour God in the face of numerous adversities or intimidations as He is able to save , heal,and divinely promote us, as surely our tests and trials will result to our testimony.INTRODUCTIONThe three young Hebrew slaves - Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego resisted the kingwhen he wanted them to bow down and worship the idol - the graven image he made,they vehemently refused, disobeying the king's decree and ready to face the deathsentence of being thrown into the fiery furnace. They declared to the king that theirGod will save them, but should He decide not to save them, they are ready to die in thefiery furnace than worship the graven image. What a determination and faith in theirGod. When they were eventually thrown into the fiery furnace, God was present withthem in the furnace as the fourth Man, seen and confirmed also by the king and thepeople, eventually the fire did not burn them and they came out safe from the furnace -our God is a miracle working God. Alleluia! The king then reversed the decree makingit mandatory for all and sundry to worship only their God in the whole of his kingdomas their God was and is the real God and also promoted them.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. What is divine promotion? Discourse any personal experience you have had?2. What challenges do you face in the discharge of a fearless service in an unfair,unjust, corrupt, and an oppressive society like our Country Nigeria and proffer solutionsfor them?3. Should we struggle or influence our promotion like the people of the World or theunbelievers, like the Nigerian parlance; ' if you cannot beat them, then join them’?CONCLUSIONDivine Promotion is God's given promotion, earned through fearless service orrighteousness and should be pursued as it is progressively continuous unto Eternity.MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 75: 6 - 7 ; “For promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West , nor from the South. But God is the Judge; He putteth down one,and setteth up another”. 46

STUDY FORTY-SEVENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR.TOPIC: BENEFITS OF FEARLESS SERVICE: DIVINE PROTECTION.TEXT: Psalm 105: 15; 91 : 14.AIM: ` The aim of this study is to emphasize the fact that when we renderfearless service, divine protection is guaranteed for us and we should not entertain anykind of fear in the face of numerous challenges or oppositions.INTRODUCTION:When we love the Lord and obey Him in all things, we have a relationship with Him and willbe able to render fearless service. As His children - born again and Holy Ghost filled, John 3 :3 , we are then His servants or prophets and will be totally protected as in Psalm 105 : 15 ;'Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm' , therefore, nobody can do us any harmand Psalm 91 : 14 guarantees us of God's rescue and protection. This means that even if we arecaptured, kidnapped, about to be drowned in the sea, burn by fire, or stranded in any form, Godhas guaranteed our safety and protection, that we should not entertain any fear. Davidexperienced these divine protection over the Beer, Lion and Goliath , so also was Daniel in theden of Lions, and Shedrach , Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. The Archbishopand the Bishop of Maiduguri exhibited this type of fearless service when he remained almostalone in his Diocese, even when most of his Priests had fled from the danger of Boko Haram’sattack and is still there and protected. God said, I will make my Ministers a flaming fire andwill hedge them with a hedge of fire. Child of God, our protection is already guaranteed.Therefore, we should not fear, as our God is Emmanuel - meaning; God with us.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. What is divine protection and give example of your personal experience of God's divineprotection over your life or someone else?2. Discourse Psalm 105 : 15 in the face of false accusations , mudslinging , back biting,petitions in the Christian families and churches.3. Should we keep our faith in divine protection over Ebola virus and continue with ourprevious method of administration of Holy Communion of using common cup or change to thenew method as a precautionary measure to check the spread of this diseases?CONCLUSION :When rendering fearless service there is bound to be challenges or attacks from the enemies ofprogress or light , but God Almighty has promised or assured us of His protection and victoryover them that we don't have to be discouraged and abandon the good work we are doing.MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 121: 7The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life. 47

STUDY FORTY-EIGHTTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEAR.TOPIC: BENEFITS OF FEARLESS SERVICE: GREAT DELIVERANCE.TEXT: Ex. 14; 23: 26; 15: 9-12; Acts 12: 7 - 11; Ps. 91: 1.AIM: The aim of this study is to teach us that great deliverance awaits us fromall the obstacles and challenges the agents of Satan want to put on our way, as long aswe render fearless service.INTRODUCTION: As long as we continue to render fearless service, our God willpursue our pursuers, fight our battles and give us victory over all our enemies. Thiswas the case when the Egyptians pursued the Jews into the wilderness and weredrowned in the Red Sea while the Jews through the strong hand of deliverance of ourmighty God crossed the Sea on dry land. Also when Herod put Peter in the prisonawaiting trial and execution, God miraculously delivered him from the prison andgranted him freedom. So it is with us when we render fearless service, we are deliveredfrom all the attacks of our enemies.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. Why do the agents of darkness always want to hinder the work of the children of Godwho render fearless service?2. Enumerate the types of afflictions the enemies might want to put on us or on ourways to hinder us?3. What will be our attitude if our deliverance is delayed or fail to come and give anexample of a personal experience? Daniel 3: 16 - 18. Esther 4 : 16.CONCLUSIONWe should be determined to render fearless service at all cost, bearing in mind that nomatter the problems the enemies are putting on our ways we will be delivered from allof them.MEMORY VERSE: Obadiah 1:17;“But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess hisinheritance”. 48

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