God is calling on you today to get rid of any foreign god,ungodly behaviour, immorality and all kinds of evilthat may abound in your home because the God ofBethel is willing to make your household His home inorder to radiate His glory through your home.PRAYER POINTS1. Let us pray for Christian homes that the fire of revival would sweep across turning them to the homes of righteousness and holiness.2. Every idol or anything idolatry in your home, uproot and destroy it by fire in Jesus name.3. Let every father and mother begin to plead the blood of Jesus over their homes for total cleansing.4. Children begin to pray for parents who are unbelievers in their homes, asking God to encounter them for repentance.5. Ephphatha 2015, whatever that represents foreign gods in my home that is a hindrance to my blessings, may they receive fire today. FOR READING AND MEDITATION Hosea 4:12-19; Psalm 115; I Corinth. 5:1-12 42
DAY 22 THE TERROR OF GOD “Then they set out, and the terror of God fell upon the towns all around them so that no one pursued them.” Gen. 35:5When the household of Jacob hid the call to repentance and cleansed themselves of every pagan influences, this singular attitudepaved the way for the God of Bethel to Tabernacle withthem. All along Jacob and his household could notmaximize the presence of God because of the foreigngods. The foreign gods became a great hindrance tothe God of Bethel in their lives.As we have stated earlier, too many Christiansparading things that points clearly to foreign gods,hence their conversion is not thorough yet. No onewho have experienced this God of Bethel still findpleasure in these foreign gods. It is pertinent toexamine yourself whether the things associated withthese gods can be found in your life?It is a dangerous thing for any Christian to return to hisvomit no matter the coloration it may assume. Heshould be able to know in the power of the Holy Spiritthat such things will not only defile the body, but willactually kill the body, soul and spirit.Whenever we turn to the Lord, the Lord would also turnto us and we begin to soar in His glory. Because Jacoband his household turned whole-heartedly to the Godof Bethel, we are told that the God of Bethel obliethem 43
His presence. As a result the terror of God spread overtheir enemies who would have risen against them ontheir way. The secret of enjoying the presence of God inour lives is to get rid of anything ungodly in our livesand around us because God of Bethel is holy of a purereyes who does not behold iniquity. It is only then Histerror can fall on all those after your life.PRAYER POINTS:1. Dear heavenly Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit help us to live for you daily in Jesus name, Amen.2. Dearly Holy Spirit inspire all those who have been born of water and spirit to thirst for righteousness and holiness on daily basis.3. Lord Jesus Christ grant us the privilege of Holy Spirit filled baptism daily in Jesus name.4. Heavenly Father enemies abound every where fighting your elect, may your terror descend on them today in Jesus name.5. Ephphatha 2015, Let God arise and let our enemies be scattered while victory is ours. FOR READING AND MEDITATION II Kings 6:8-23; Psalm 59; Romans 8:1-8 44
DAY 23 GROWING UNTO A NATION “And God said to him, I am God Almighty, be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and Kings will come from your body.” Gen. 35:11In this Ephphatha 2015, God of Bethel is prepared to do all that is contained in the verse quoted above in the lives of those who are prepared to hid His callto return to Bethel. Many were called in the time past,but were never serious with the calling. Those whotook it seriously then, have testimony to share. If youhave been following the meditations, you too ought tohave received your own calling to your Bethel and yourBethel experience should be fresh now.When Jacob hid the call to return to Bethel, it wasanother opportunity of renewal of covenant blessingsupon his life. I perceive God of Bethel is waiting for youbecause it is your turn for fresh dews of blessings fromabove. At Bethel, God restated His earlier promise inorder to cement His relationship with him. Godreiterated His plan of fruitfulness and increase uponJacob's life. This same promise is there for you in yourwalk with God in this programme. The Almighty Godshall cause you to be fruitful in every aspect of your life;this increase becomes your identity. Your increase willlead you to becoming a nation. God did not stop there;he said a community of nations will come from you,leading to multiples of kings emanating from yourbody. If we careful look at Israel today, every of thispromise had been fulfilled and the fulfillment is on- 45
going. The scripture says, if we hear His voice, weshould not disobey. Hid His voice today and it will bewell with you.PRAYER POINTS:1. Heavenly Father, you are the Almighty God, help me never to ignore your calling in Jesus name.2. Almighty God, you have promised us fruitfulness and increase in our lives. Bestow this grace on your people in Jesus name.3. Thank you Father for the grace of growing into a nation. We plead that you have mercy upon Nigeria that we be properly governed.4. Lord Jesus Christ make us kings over our generation as we reflect your glory.5. Ephphatha 2015, fruitfulness and increase will follow me all the days of my life. FOR READING AND MEDITATION Genesis 35:11-15, Psalm 1; Romans 8:9-20 46
DAY 24 FAITH AT WORK “According to your faith will it be done to you” Matthew 9:29The God of Bethel in Christ Jesus is doing great things in our age; He desires all should experience His love towards mankind. Since thebeginning of this Holy Convocation, I believe you havehad a divine encounter leading to a testimony. If yourown is yet to manifest, rise up now and tell God thatyou cannot go empty handed and in His mercy heshould not pass you by.Like the two blind men who would not give Jesus abreathing space until their plea is attended to; ”Havemercy on us, son of David!” was their earnest cry. Weare told that when he had gone indoors, they were stillafter him because they knew that the solution to theirproblems lies with him. It is the same faith some of uswould need to exercise while the programme last, sothat we can receive our desired miracles.Jesus ask them, Do you believe that I am able to dothis? Yes they replied. Watch out when Jesus ask youthe same question because anyone who comes to himmust believe that he exists and that he rewardsthose who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6).Jesus without hesitation said; “according to yourfaith will it be done to you.” Immediately their sightwas restored. He can heal you now and you can bedelivered. It is your season for you to come out of every 47
form of blindness that may have held you. Followingthat miracle was a demon-possessed man who couldnot speak. When Jesus had spoken, the man wasdelivered. This programme cannot pass you by, tell it toGod in faith and you will be one of those thanking Godfor this programme.PRAYER POINTS:1. As this programme comes to an end, let us pray that every participant will be blessed.2. Pray that the Lord would empower your faith, turning it to a living faith for greater manifestation.3. Plead with the Lord to touch His people one more time and make the difference in our lives.4. Pray and call upon God for total freedom for all who are in satanic bondage in any area of their lives, pray for total cleansing.5. Ephphatha 2015, I shall not be left out in His divine arrangements. FOR READING AN MEDITATION Malachi 3:1-5; Psalm 54; Matthew 9:29-34 48
DAY 25 KEEP FAITH WITH HIM “And will not Gd bring about justice for hischosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? Luke 18:7Our text for this meditation is drawn from Luke 18:1-8, the story of the persistent widow. The widow who refused to give up until the judgelistened to her plea and gave her the right judgment.Our Lord gave this parable to teach us the patience andperseverance we need to exercise while we wait fordivine intervention. Our heavenly Father is not a manwho is limited from all side. God is omnipotent,omnipresent and omni-science, He works at His owntime and pace. Thus He knows the right time for ourlong awaited miracle.My desire is to see God doing it for you in thisprogramme. We need not give up but to submit to Godand when He chooses to bless us. The last day of anyprogramme is crucial, hence we must be watchful lestthe enemies rob you of your harvest that may be ripealready. Specifically, God had already arrange peoplefor each day of the meeting. It might interest you thatsome may be after the programme. The importantthing is that you completed it victoriously.The Widow never gave up; she believed that her heartdesire would be met. It is the same faith that the God ofBethel wants you to exercise. Indeed, the judge said tohimself, 'even though I don't fear God or care aboutme, yet because the widow keeps bordering me, I 49
will see that she gets justice.' Our Lord concludedby saying God will see that we too get justice andquickly. That settles the matter.PRAYER POINTS:1. At this stage, let us pray to the Lord to grant us grace to persevere as we look unto Him.2. Let us rise in prayer against any Satan induced delay. Pray that no power will hold back your angel.3. Let us pray God to quicken our helpers this season, those the Lord has positioned to help us.4. Thank God who is ever ready to hear our petition. Plead the blood of Jesus to present you clean.5. Ephphatha 2015, my blessings, miracles, testimonies, breakthrough will never be delayed. FOR READING AND MEDITATION Habbakuk 1:-15; Psalm 149, Luke 18:1-8 50
DAY 26 TIME TO GET UP “ThenJesus said to him, Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” John 5:8By the pool of Bethesda were many disabled people; some were blind, lame, paralyzed and other kinds of ailments. Among them was a manwho had been invalid for thirty-eight years. They wereall waiting for one single chance after an angel wouldhave come to stir the water. This man in the course ofhis life was attacked by the enemies and for thirty-eightyears, the enemy rendered him useless and held himdown without anybody to help him to avail himself ofthe opportunity of entering the pool for his healing.The man had all his hope in the pool but one who isgreater than the pool spotted him for his story tochange. Not only that this Holy Convocation is a poolfor miracles, the one who is greater has been in theprogramme to attend to your case. Jesus asked theman, do you want to get well? One of the reasons forthis question is to release his mind from a fixedposition.God's healing power is not limited to any special thing.If your mind has been fixed on a particular thing sincethe beginning and your miracle is yet to manifest,Jesus’ question is also directed at you so that you canfree yourself. As you do this, Jesus Christ is alsosaying to you “Get Up! Pick up your mat and walk.” Theimplication is that your problem is over, your story haschanged for good, and you are free from the jaws of 51
your enemies. Just as the man got up and he wascured, may you be cured of any problem that may haveheld you and be released for greater manifestation.PRAYER POINTS:1. Heavenly Father thank you for every opportunity you have made available to bless us.2. Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit help us to free our minds from wherever they are fixed that our faith will be on you.3. Lord Jesus as the invalid heard your powerful word and he was healed, grant that as we hear you we may be healed.4. My Father, my Father, every hindrance to our miracles and testimonies in this programme, may they receive fire and thunder in Jesus name.5. Ephphatha 2015, I receive grace over and above every limitation and keep me valid for my generation. Note: O Lord, take away this Shame. FOR READING AND MEDITATION Haggai 1:1-11; Psalm 40 John 5:1-9 52
DAY 27 THE SNARE IS BROKEN “We have escaped like a bird…the snare has been broken…and we have escaped.Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaimed it; the snare is broken, therefore you have escaped. For all those who have passionate about this HolyConvocation, the Psalmist has come to you with amessage of hope and assurance that the snare isbroken. It is the Lord's declaration over your life. Thesituation you found yourself before the programme gotunder way, has changed. I can feel a positional shiftand a change to a place of your dream. If God said it,what is the doubt that I see in you? Your case issettled. It was the same Psalmist who said; “The Lordis upright, he is my Rock, and there is nowickedness in Him. (Psalm 92:15).The case of the Psalmist was worse than what you mayhave been passing through. Men attacked Him; theiranger was a design to swallow him. When temptationcame; it was like a flood which attempted to engulf himwith a furious torrent aimed at sweeping him away.The ranging waters not withstanding, the Lord was onhis side and every effort of the enemies became futile.You may think the enemies have succeeded,Ephphatha is assuring you that you are not consumedrather the snare is broken and you have escaped. Yourtestimony is ready because they cannot stop you. YourGod, the God of Bethel has counted you among thefavoured ones. If God said it, I believe it and that settlethe case. 53
PRAYER POINTS:1. Tell the Lord to deal with every spirit of unbelief and doubts inside of you.2. Begin to ask the Holy Spirit to release His fire on you and be consumed by it so that the best will come out of you.3. Lord thank you for the strength that comes through the Holy Spirit. Breathe on me the breath of God for kingdom expansion.4. Life is full of running and walking. Lord by your strength will I prevail on daily basis.5. Ephphatha 2015, my Father and my God, cause me to soar like eagles in every area of my life that those who look down on me will look up to me. FOR READING AND MEDITATION Isaiah 40:21-31; Psalm 122; Romans 6:1-14 56