A Green Strategyfor Cap-Pelé and Beaubassin-est
Table of contents 3Green Strategy backgrounder 4Nine basic guidelines 5How does the Green Strategy work? 6 7Areas for action 8 9The Coast 10Water and rivers 11Forests, soil and open spaces 12Energy, transportation and air quality 13Tourism and economic development 14Construction and land development Arts, recreation and quality of life 15Community awareness and commitment Municipal government and waste management 15Putting the strategy into action Participants and references Une Stratégie Verte pour Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est
Green Strategy BackgrounderCap-Pelé and Beaubassin-est have decided to work between villages and parishes, combined with uniquecollaboratively on a Green Strategy. The economy of both socio-economic situations, creates sizable communication-communities rests on the same land and sea resources, as related challenges and makes it more difficult to helpdo the health and well-being of their citizens. They have one another.to share the rivers, the sea and the air as these resourcesdo not always follow the municipal borders. However, the collaborative spirit that inspired this project speaks volumes about the citizens’ willingness to executeThis timely decision was made because Cap-Pelé and this project successfully.Beaubassin-est recognize the need to discuss importantissues, such as the rise of sea level, the restoration of The Green Strategy is a planning tool. It sets out sustainablesalmon rivers and the safety of our drinking water. development practices that aim to strike a balance between economic development, maintaining the citizens’ qualityThe two communities have a combined population of of life and preserving the environment. If this balance is8,700 that lives on 315km2. The resulting distance achieved, future generations will be able to enjoy and benefit from the same natural resources we have today.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 3
Nine basic guidelinesThese guidelines encompass the values expressed by 5. Energy efficiency is a standard and the renewablethe general public during public consultations as well energy sources are used to generate electricity andas certain essential elements of sustainable community heating whenever possible.development. 6. Citizens have sustainable transportation optionsIn Cap-Pelé and Beaubassin-est: such as public transportation, a carpool system and a network of paths and trails for cyclists and pedestrians.1. Citizens acknowledge the need to protect theenvironment in order to protect their own health 7. Water and air polluting sources must be reducedand prosperity as well as maintain the beauty of the and waste production kept to a minimum by reusinglandscape and the quality of life it entails. and recycling.2. Land and sea based resources must be exploited 8. Citizens participate actively in governing theirsustainably. municipalities and take their future into their own hands by supporting and contributing to the Green3. Decision-making and territorial development must Strategy’s implementation.be carried out in ways that benefit the community asmuch as possible while having minimum impact on 9. Arts, as well as historic and cultural heritage, arethe environment. recognized as an important part of the development and the progress of both communities.4. Preference is given to local food, products and services. A vision for the future Proud of their heritage, the citizens of Cap-Pelé and Beaubassin-est work together and actively participate in the development of economic, cultural, recreational and ecotourism based opportunities for their region. But not at any cost!People are aware that their community’s prosperity relies on the health of the environment and depends onthe responsible exploitation of ocean and land-based resources. With this in mind, they are pursuing the road to excellence in the matter of energy efficiency and are ready to overcome future challenges.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 4
How does the The 9 areas for actionGreen Strategy work? 1. The Coast 2. Water and riversThe Green Strategy is a reference work on which 3. Forests, soil and open spacescitizens, administrators and elected officials can rely asthey progressively change their development methods 4. Energy, transportation and air qualityand everyday actions by taking long-term impacts intoconsideration. This philosophy isn’t new; for example, 5. Tourism and economic developmenta certain Micmac tradition dictates that we shouldalways consider the impact of our actions on the next 6. Construction and territorialseven generations. developmentIn other words, the ultimate goal of sustainable 7. Arts, recreation and quality of lifedevelopment is to strike a balance between oureconomic, social and ecological needs, for the survival 8. Community awareness andof future generations and to help our communities commitmentovercome imminent challenges such as higher energy 9. Municipal government andcosts, climate change and the state of our drinking water. waste managementThe Green Strategy consists of 26 goals and identifies89 actions to fulfill them. These are divided in 9 areasfor action that represent the different characteristics ofboth communities:The next section is an overview of each of these areas aswell as the related goals.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 5
The Coast Storm surges and coastal erosion have always left their mark on our communities. People feared the sea as wellHistory...our story as respected it. Today, despite its changing dynamics, the coast is highly-coveted in the residential development sector.The sea...the word alone has a great significance for eachof us. The sea represents the prosperity of our coastal Climate change only re-enforces our need to take acommunities; as it continues to feed our imagination, it sustainable approach in all our coastal activities. Somealso enhances our quality of life. predict that in a few decades, the sea level will have risen by one meter.It was the “Lobster Rush”, from 1880 to 1900, that jump-started the economy at Cap Pelé’s “Corner”. Back in The sea remains extremely important for the fishingthose days, people went fishing in schooners and it industry, the factories and the recreation and tourismseemed like 12 and 16 lbs lobsters were never going to sectors, which further strengthens the need to protect ourrun out. In 1891, the 58 lobster factories in the county coastal ecosystems from excessive developmentproduced 974,000 cans of lobster. But even in the early and pollution.1900s the hauls were decreasing, reminding us thatlobster is a depletable resource.The goals of the Strategy1 Conserve and rehabilitate fragile coastal ecosystems such as salt marshes, beaches and dunes.2 Reduce the volume and frequency of various polluting substances dumped at sea by working collaboratively with citizens and local industries.3 Adapt new coastal developments so climate change and sea level rise are taken into consideration.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 6
Water and riversHistory...our story worked, used the river to generate the energy required to saw wood.Watercourses are a precious resource in our region.Water runs in the veins of all our lands. The Tedish, The Kinnear mill and others like it unfortunately had aKouchibouguac, Kinnear and Aboujagane rivers are the significant impact on the salmon population, as theyfour main watercourses that link our communities to the often dumped sawdust and river-driving waste insea. Square Lake, Poucette Lake and Niles Lake, as well as surrounding watercourses. The resulting consequencesstreams and marshlands, complete the freshwater system. remind us how fragile bodies of water are and how important they are for both the local fauna and theThese environments are home to various plants and economy of our communities.animals that have always drawn hunters, fishermen,hikers and nature lovers alike. Fishermen no longer go out with harpoons to catch eel and salmon; but groups of citizens are working actively toThey have also played an important role in the economic restore these watercourses to their natural state in hopedevelopment of the region. As early as 1870, the Kinnear that one day, our rivers will once again overflow with fish.mill, where most of the people living in Cormier-VillageThe goals of the Strategy4 Promote drinking water conservation so that citizens, municipalities and businesses avoid wasting water.5 Reduce dumping of polluting substances in watercourses and groundwater.6 Encourage the restoration and preservation of aquatic habitats, rivers, streams and marshes.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 7
Forest, soil andopen spaces History...our story Not only do forests have an economic significance, they also play an essential ecologic role that is easilyThe logging industry has also played an important overlooked. Forests form a vital part of our lives;role in the development of our communities and still they retain and purify water, purify air by absorbingcontributes to our local economy. Thanks to our forests, greenhouse gases, and provide a safe haven for manywe can go hunting, fishing, hiking, bird watching and plants and animals.pick medicinal plants. Other popular activities, such asgoing for a ride in a skidoo or a four wheeler, wouldn’t Nevertheless, we still see less-than-desirable forestbe possible without our forests. They also provide our harvesting practices like large-scale clear cutting andfirewood and famous maple syrup. felling on riverbanks. This has a major impact on the biodiversity and sustainability of the forest resource, asIn 1896, the two mills in Haute-Aboujagane were well as on the habitat it provides to flora and fauna alike.already sawing 4 million logs of wood that were drivento the coast and then hauled hauled in the water by By taking a sustainable development approach, we alsospan of horses to Pointe du Chêne, where they were acknowledge the need to find better farming practicesloaded on ships. and improve existing resource extraction processes.The goals of the Strategy 7 Promote sustainable forest management practices to woodlot owners and encourage the resto- ration of poor forest regions as well as the planting of trees alongside roads and around houses. 8 Create a network of greenways and open areas to conserve our region’s ecosystems and offer recreational opportunities. 9 Promote sustainable farming practices and the preservation of arable lands.10 Propose better quarrying practices and better harvesting of other land-based resources.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 8
Energy, transportationand air qualityHistory...our story Possible actions include taking new approaches in transportation, using renewable energy sources likeResidential construction has evolved a lot over the years. the wind or the sun, making houses and buildings moreMethods and practices have become more practical energy-efficient, and reducing overall consumption.and efficient. Although we have all heard stories abouthow the water froze in the house, or how you needed at In 1850, Paul Léger already had a windmill in Trois-least 12 cords of wood to heat a home, those incidents Ruisseau: the Hypolite flour mill. And at the beginningare now a thing of the past. Today, energy efficiency is a of the 20th century, wind energy was used to help boatsstandard, for economical reasons and for the benefit of filled with goods get to the Shemogue haven.our planet. It is simply a matter of being creative to find new waysFor many, this is only the beginning; we still have a to overcome our present challenges so we can livelong way to go. With the rarity of oil, the climbing of more sustainably.energy costs, climate change and other air pollutingphenomena, we have to take it to the next level.The goals of the Strategy11 Use more renewable sources of energy such as solar, geothermic, and wind energy while making new and old buildings more energy-efficient.12 Develop a public transport and/or carpooling system as well as a network of paths and trails for cyclists and pedestrians throughout the region.13 Reduce air pollution caused by inefficient vehicles and heating systems.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 9
Tourism and economicdevelopmentHistory...our story beaches draw many visitors each year as well as seasonal residents, drawn by our coastal regions.”Buy local” may be on everybody’s lips today, but it The tourism industry is vital to our local economy.was a given not so long ago, when the local economydepended on internal trade relations. Fishing, To boost local sales and promote the tourist industry,processing, local businesses, saw and flour mills as well eco-friendly activities, based on our amazing nature,as farming supported the local economy. Globalisation, could be created for all seasons. The chance tohowever, has changed our consumption habits. participate in educational activities on local farms would further attract tourists who have an interest inToday, we must once again take local products at their our agricultural region. Add our many local, culturaljust value by raising awareness of the importance of characteristics and tourists can enjoy a unique travelmaking our purchases closer to home. destination throughout the year.It isn’t until the 1920s that tourists, mostly from Without a doubt, everybody benefits when we value ourMoncton and the United States, started to contribute communities and reduce the impact of our activities.significantly to the economy of the region. Now, ourThe goals of the Strategy14 Create a sustainable regional economy by promoting local products and services.15 Diversify the range of year-round tourist activities by focusing on agricultural, artistic and culinary sectors as well as outdoor activities.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 10
Construction and territorialdevelopmentHistory...our story In consequence, we became completely dependant on cars and large agricultural lands and woodlots were used.There’s a reason why our villages used to consist ofhouses built around the church, the post office, the Today, some residential development methods refocus ongeneral store and other businesses: it was just easier that keeping houses closer together to preserve the naturalway. Although some did build their houses farther away surroundings. Building materials and methods thatto have easier access to fields and wood, in those days, consume less water and energy with a reduced impactthe state of the roads and the means of transportation on the environment are also available.available usually led to closely-knit communities. The new tendency to use local construction materialAfter World War II, cars became more popular, as did the follows the concept of Joseph Boudreau’s house, builtcreation of neighborhoods eventually leading to that of in Boudreau Office in 1789 with rocks from surroundingsuburbs. Communities started spreading out on larger fields and axe-squared wood.territories; roads and houses were built further awayfrom that essential center. In North America and elsewhere, green neighbourhoods are appearing, where people lead eco-friendly lives.The goals of the Strategy16 Promote the use of eco-friendly material and practices in residential, commercial and industrial renovation and construction projects.17 Encourage the development of closely-knit communities that respect the natural lay-out of the surrounding landscape while valuing that traditional community core.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 11
Arts, recreation andquality of lifeHistory...our story as does the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe.Horse races, hockey games played on frozen lakes, strollsin the forest and fishing week-ends…our activities have Natural, cultural and artistic diversity all contribute toalways revolved around the nature surrounding us. our rich Acadian culture and are essential to our quality of life. Our economic and leisure activities depend onOur landscapes are also a source of inspiration for our that diversity. It goes without saying that our heritagelocal artists, with the sea on one side and green scenery must be protected at all costs and must stay at the hearton the other. Nature itself has an impact on our health, of our priorities.The goals of the Strategy18 Promote arts in the community as well as make artistic and cultural events more accessible to citizens.19 Promote an active lifestyle and places where it is possible to do outside activities.20 Make the citizens aware of the connections between our health and the environment.21 Designate publicly accessible areas alongside lakes, rivers and coastal areas.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 12
Community awarenessand commitmentHistory...our story This same commitment is vital to successfully materialize the vision we have for our communities.The future of our communities lies first and foremostin the hands of the citizens and depends on their level The implementation of the Green Strategy and all theof commitment and leadership. Our long standing actions it stipulates will require everyone’s participation.traditions of hosting “frolics” and helping each other Students, members of community and environmentalout in our work and construction projects either rallies groups, seniors, leisure clubs and municipal councillorsus together towards a common cause or simply lets us will all have to work as one to make this vision reality.celebrate our heritage and the beauty of our region.The goals of the Strategy22 Promote sustainable community development through demonstrations, public awareness cam- paigns and educational programs.23 Provide opportunities for citizens to participate in projects and activities related to the sustain- able development of the region.24 Support community activities and gathering places and facilitate opportunities where people can strengthen relationships within the community.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 13
Municipal governmentand waste managementHistory...our story waste each year. Recycling programs do exist, but not all products are reusable.Historically, Acadians have always recycled out ofnecessity. Old clothes were used to hook rugs, and Each citizen and municipality has a role to play when itcotton flour bags were turned into material to make comes to participating in the wet/dry sorting system.underwear. Not a single glass bottle or household Backyard composting and choosing products with lessobject was thrown out unless it was absolutely useless. packaging are just some of the ways we can reduce theOur ancestors also devoted a lot of time to composting. quantity of waste destined for dumps and landfills.Manure, lobster shells and leftover fish made goodfertilizers for the fields. There are several other practices that municipalities can adopt to effectively reduce their environmental footprintOn average, a Canadian home produces 383 kg of and provide leadership in waste management.The goals of the Strategy25 Reduce the impact the CRBe and Cap-Pelé administrations have on the environment by adopting exemplary practices.26 Reduce the volume of solid waste produced in the region through recycling and composting.A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 14
Putting the strategy into action References The Green Strategy also has two appendixes. Historical information was provided throughAppendix A lists all of the recomended actions for interviews with Mr. Ronnie-Gilles Leblanc and Mr.achieving the strategy’s objectives. Régis Brun and extracted from the following books.Appendix B explains the steps for the strategy’s Brun, R. and LeBlanc, R.-G. (2005)implementation as well as the roles and responsabilities Histoire de Cap-Pelé 1804-2003of each stakeholder. Le passé d’une communauté dynamique en AcadieBoth documents are available at the Beaubassin-est and Régis Brun and Ronnie-Gilles LeBlanc (Eds.) 472 p.Cap-Pelé town halls. They can also be downloaded at the Brun, R., LeBlanc, B. and Robichaud, A. (1988)following website: www.beaubassinest.ca/plan.cfm Les Bâtiments Anciens de la Mer Rouge Michel Henri (Ed.) Beaubassin Planning CommissionSteering Committee members involved and Commission d’aménagement Beaubassin andin the creation of the plan La Société Historique de la Mer Rouge. 172 p.Brun R. Brun, R. (1988) La ruée vers le homard des MaritimesAnnik Cormier (Administrative Assistant, Cap-Pelé) Michel Henri (Ed.) 95 p.Stéphane Dallaire (General Director, Cap-Pelé)Sébastien Doiron (Beaubassin Planning Commission) The Green StrategyLouis LeBlanc (Councillor, CRBe) MascotChristine LeBlanc (Registrar, CRBe) LapinoFrédéric Paillard (Department of Environment)Mathieu Saulnier (Citizen, Cap-Pelé) le lapin écoloDan Stote (Citizen, CRBe) Illustrated byJulien Bourgeois (Vision H20) Étienne BélangerCoordination: Mathieu D’Astous Grade 2Writing: Mathieu D’Astous and Gilles Martin École Donat RobichaudGraphic design: Charles LeGresleyIllustrations: Julie BoulianneMarch 2010A Green Strategy for Cap-Pelé et Beaubassin-est Page 15
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