Quarterly report AOpcrtiol b- eJrutnoeD, 2e0c1e9mber, 2019 PEACEBUILDING AND CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION IN NORTH EAST INDIA In order to contribute towards “Communities living in North history and theoretical foundations of peace and conflict East India with focus in 19 conflict districts of Assam, studies and practices around. The focus of course was on Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura have mutual respect, clarifying basic concepts of peace, conflict, and peace reduced violence, built confidence and trust in each other building, understanding types and dynamics and context of and live in unity”, the following activities were implemented the conflict using different resources from around the by the peace partners. world. Through the course, participants had the opportunities to share their knowledge and experiences of Observation of international non violence & human the local conflict situations and deepen their analysis and rights day understanding by using conceptual foundation and analytical skills. The International Day of Non Violence was observed on 2nd Training on peace building, rights and governance for October 2019 at Seva Kendra Silchar with the participation shg members of 107 persons. There were three sessions on idea of Training for 35 SHG members was conducted at Ahimsa, human trafficking and climate change. The aims of JirsongAsong, Diphu on 18-19th October 2019. Through the sessions were to create awareness among the people this training, participants gained an awareness of the so that they can take precaution and action. potential role that each of this women can play as peace promoters in their life and villages, their groups being a Another program was organized with the participation of 79 space for critical reflection on the concepts of peace and parents to observe Human Rights Day on 8th December peace building. A better understanding of the concept 2019 at NEDSF, Guwahati. The participants were enthused peace building and insight into concepts and various as they ask questions to the resource person. approaches to conflict transformation tailored to their specific peace building needs knowledge of practical tools Workshop to develop me tools and training on peace to contribute to the process of conflict transformation. building skills Training for youth on peace building, conflict transformation and role of youth in media As part of the capacity building of the staff, a workshop cum Training for 35 (14 males & 21 females) youth was training was organized on 20-26th October, 2019 at Social Forum, Guwahati. 11 females & 12 males' staff attended organized at Jirsong Asong, Diphu on 5-6th November the program. The first part consisted of learning about 2019.The 3 topics covered were namely: i) Peace building; Theory of Change (TOC) and then defining it as par the ii) Conflict transformation skills iii) and Role of media. The project goal and objectives. Baseline survey form was also training introduced participants to various aspects of peace developed in order to collect baseline information from the building processes, its concepts and different approaches. people. The second part consisted of learning about brief Conflict transformation focuses on how to analyze the causes, actors, and dynamics of conflict. In doing so, participants covered: Problem solving: process and skills 02
Quarterly report April - June, 2019 Quarterly report October to December, 2019 and; Presentation and feedback skills. In media, the Seminar on role of religion in conflict and peace participants were introduced to the various aspects and processes in the northeast uses of media by the youth for different purposes. Capacity building of school peace club members on A well attended good quality seminar was organized by peer mediation NESRC on November 15-16, on the “Role of Religion in Conflict and Peace Processes in the Northeast.” More than The programs were organized on 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 25, 26 and 30th November 2019 at Holy Cross School, 80 persons registered for it and its keynote Depacherra, Twikarmaw, Panisagar, Kumarghat, address was given by Prof. Shiv Kathalcherra, Montfort School Champaknagar, Dukli, Don Vishvanathan, a well known sociologist and Bosco School Mandai, Nandannagar, Baijalbari, St. Andre writer based in New Delhi. The valedictory School Budhjungnagar, Janthum English Medium School, address was given by another well known Synod School Lefunga, Notre Dame School Mohrpara, Holy scholar of history Prof. David Reid Syiemlieh, Cross Convent School Dharmanagar, St. Arnold School formerly of NEHU, then vice-chancellor of the Gandacherra and Ambassa, TripuraThe peace staff Arunachal University and then chairman of conducted the trainings with the peace club members in the the Union Public Service Commission. Both of target schools. The peace club members learnt the them did a review of the situation and of the meaning of Mediation and the importance of Mediation. present status in India and NEI. How Mediation can be used as an effective means of dispute resolution for any dispute not requiring a judicial or Consultative workshop with local peace third party determination. They were given builders practical experience through group exercises. Capacity building for women peace club Peace Channel organised a consultative members on communication skills workshop with 32 NGO's, CBO's, Community The trainings were organized on 11, 12, 15, 16, and religious leaders on 31st October 2019 at NEISSR, 17 and 19thOctober 2019 at Belbari, Burburia, Conference hall. The main purpose of organizing the Twikarmaw, Baijalbari, Borkathal and programme was to pray for peace and have dialogue on Durjoynagar, Tripura. The women learnt the the current political situation about the ongoing Indo-Naga importance of communication skills in bringing Peace talks in the hope for a fruitful and positive solution. peace in the society. They also got the The program had a good impact as it provided an open opportunity to discuss the information, ideas, platform for all religious leaders to share their thoughts and attitudes, opinions, feelings and experiences views on the current situation in the society and has between individuals, groups or societies through blended all religion together as one under the banner of communication skills. peace to build a peaceful society. Training on peace education for teacher On 2/11/2019, 15 teachers were animated with the importance of peace education at Libemo Memorial 023
Quarterly report AOpcrtiol b- eJrutnoeD, 2e0c1e9mber, 2019 Peace seminar in colleges School, Wokha. The participants found it very useful as it The topics were on effective communication in peace will help them in implementing their learning into practice. building and how to address coping mechanism on stress They shared that one orientation program for all the schools among youths. Participants learnt about communication in a year need to be imparted. 94% of the participants skills and methods of coping stress mechanism. The learned and agreed to put in practice not only in their programs were organized on 11/8, 11/11 2019at CCpur professional field but wherever they live towards a better Govt. College and Rengkai Govt. HrSec School, society. CCPurwith the participation of 64 males and 70 females. North East India peace award conferred to Fr. Dr. C. P. Anto Publications: The 7th North East India Peace Award 2019 was being conferred to Fr.Dr.C.P.Anto on 7th December 2019 at Christ 1. Walter Fernandes (ed). Power and Powerlessness: School, Nongsder, Umiam, Shillong, and Meghalaya. The Mainstream Media and the Northeast. It brings together North East Peace Award is an initiative of Christ School some papers presented at the seminar on the role of the International, Meghalaya and KKLL Foundation, Guwahati, media held on May 29-30, 2018. Assam since 2012. The main purpose of presenting this award is to bring to limelight the works and achievements of 2. Walter Fernandes, Kusumika Ghosh, Jasmine the grassroots personalities in North East. The main Mushahary, GarrolLotha, NungchimCasimirTijaansha. objective of the North East India Peace Award (NEIPA) is to Landscape of Conflicts and Peace in the Northeast: The motivate the youth and bring a positive change in the Role of Religion. It is the completely revised report of the mindset of people to create a better North East, India. study on the role of religion done during 2018-19. Inter-school peace club meet The program was organized at UDTWA Hall, Ukhrul on 10/2/19 with the participation of 62 males and 103 females. The objective was to encourage interaction and sharing of experiences between peace club members. Peace Club members from different schools interact and share their experiences, engaged in competitions and learning on climate change for peace. Community based seminar on responsible parenthood The objective was to discuss on issues related to childcare and parenting, to aware parents on child rights issues, suicide and parenting goals. Parents shared and discussed good and practical practices on childcare. They found it relevant and practical. The programs were organized on 10/12/19 at DCC Hall, Chandel, and Vashimtang, Ukhrul. There were 30 men and 38 women. 024
Quarterly report April - June, 2019 Quarterly report October to December, 2019 ENHANCING COMMUNITY ACTION FOR WATER, SANITATION NUTRITION Introduction participants to familiarize and understand the Goal, Objectives and the activities of the project. The group Access to safe drinking-water, sanitation and nutrition discussed on the project implementing areas (villages), services is a fundamental element of healthy communities project personnel and their responsibilities to execute the and has an important positive impact on one's health. project well. Dr. Lincoln facilitated discussions at the Under nutrition is a major cause of disease and death, sessions and guided the group to create a strategic plan affecting billions of people worldwide, especially women for the baseline survey and the questionnaires to be and children in impoverished communities. Under nutrition prepared for it. Group exercises were given to analyze the is directly caused by inadequate dietary intake and/or questions and come into a conclusion for the disease and indirectly related to many factors, including questionnaires. Another topic highlighted was on providing contaminated drinking-water and poor sanitation. Although basic Primary Health Care to various affected population at notable progress has been made on improving access to partner level to promote the well being of all, particularly and decreasing under nutrition, there is still significant work mothers and children. Then the groups were made that remains, especially in addressing the needs among the according to Diocese level to Plan and discuss on the very poor and vulnerable populations. Identifying this activities of their specific health Programme which are problem NSDSSS has taken up this new project and reach going to implement in their villages. The following are the out to the impoverished communities. activities planned by partners:- The Health Project Enhanced Community action for Water, SHILLONG–Cancer, DIPHU –Disability, AISWAL- Sanitation, Nutrition and promotion of Primary Health Care Abdominal and Breast cancer GUWAHATi - Oral and (Health Phase 1V) aims at Improving Nutritional status of throat Cancer, MIAO-Abuses of Alcohol, IMPHAL- Pregnant Women Lactating mothers and children under 5 HIV/AIDS, SILCHAR –Cancer. The second day sessions years of age and enhanced health, reduced diseases were very educative and informative on data collection and through better Water and sanitation and managing specific documentation on project monitoring and evaluation. The health programs by partners to remote villages in Northeast resource person was Prof. Dr. Sarim Rehman. He India, Project reaches out 7 Dioceses 15 Districts and 31 facilitated the discussions with various teaching techniques Health centers and 254 villages. There are five key groups to implement the project and to see the project are in this project. The focal beneficiaries are pregnant development. It was enabling the skills of health personnel, women, lactating mother and children under 5years. The and for performing a rigorous analysis of completed goals, other two groups are adolescent (boys and girls) and objectives and activities to determine whether the project women /mothers at household level are considered change has produced planned results, delivered expected benefits, agents who will contribute towards the sustainability of and made desired change and impact in the life of our rural knowledge and skills at the household and community communities. Each group presented their selected priority level. The project is expected to reach all Sunday schools, for project planning. Participants presented some of the high schools, AWC, Health centers, Village (VHND and challenges come across while implementing a project in home visits) the programs will be helped by AWW, ASHA, the field. Meeting ended with a brief overview of High school teachers and health project personnel forthcoming events in relation to the project. Project Orientation The project Launching and orientation to the health the project on “Enhanced Community Action for Water Sanitation and Nutrition, and Promotion of Primary Health care” was held on 17th to 19thOctober 2019 at Ramsai Hall, NEDSSS . The directors, co-coordinators, supervisors and accountants from seven partner level and regional staff were present for two day health Programme. The first session was introducing the health project to the 052
Quarterly report AOpcrtiol b- eJrutnoeD, 2e0c1e9mber, 2019 ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION, RESOURCE & TRAINING CENTRE (ALERT) The project Alternative Livelihood Education Research demonstration. Training (ALERT) implemented by North East Diocesan w SHGs had clear concept through Social Service Society is working with women, youth & communities of different villages under Khetri, Demoria demonstration.. Block, Assam. Its objective is to enhance their future Formation of Self Help Group (SHG) prosperity by increasing their ability to successfully manage Formation of Self Help Group (SHG) was organized their own livelihood options and improve their food security. in Benganabari in the name Mayna Moti Milijuli. It also aims on empowering marginalized women so that The objective was to make them understand the they can generate their own income and become important of forming Self Help. In total 10 members empowered in all aspects (social, economical, political). participated in the training. The program was Through this undergoing project, the villages under Khetri facilitated by Ms. Pushpa Rana Project coordinator, blocks have empowered on sustainable livelihood and North East Diocesan Social Service society created a space for common platform of mutual trust and (NEDSSS), Kharguli Guwahati. support. The Self Help Groups started having regular Field Visit meetings and saving a small amount of money among their Weekly monitoring was conducted to villages of members. Benganabari, Shakargoo, Bahtola, Gulab & Solona Khetri to encourage and help them in maintaining minutes of the Training on Candle Making meeting and assessed them in conducting regular A training program on Candle making for the SHG members meetings. Some of the SHGs members have started to was organized on 23rd & 24th October 2019 at Demoria borrow small loans from their SHGs which help them Block, Khetri. A total of 42 SHG members including overcome their dependency on traditional money lenders NEDSSS staff members from Guwahati, youth's participants for petty credit needs. The SHG also allows women to set from the local area participated in the training. The training up small business to earn some income. Formation of focused on imparting knowledge on basic concepts of SHGs gave a platform for women to discuss social issues, Candle making. Sr. Rita, Sr. Usha, Mrs. Ullupi, & Mrs. awareness on govt. schemes, widow pension, old age Kalpana from Morigaon, Assam were the resource persons. pension & awareness on health & hygiene. The SHGs Different types of candles such as Christmas trees, spiral encourage them to work together to become self sufficient colour candle, rose candle and normal white candle were and make difference in their life. practically demonstrated and taught to the participants. Children's Day celebration Children's day was observed on 14th November, at Result Namghar's courtyard Lahorighat, Khetri. 17 participants from local area of govt. school, including 3 interns from w 42 SHGs were benefitted in candle making training. w Participants equally engaged in practical 062
Quarterly report April - June, 2019 Quarterly report October to December, 2019 Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), 1 intern from IGNOU Training on Christian’s Values and 1 staff from NEDSSS participated. It was focused to understand children's right mainly in education & their vital Training on Evangelization conducted for the touring roles in society. Drawing competition was conducted among sisters from 23rd to 25th November at NEDSSS. 49 sisters the children and the best drawing was given price with bull from different dioceses participated in this training. The pen, eraser & pencil. Children took part in the competition main goal of the training was to equip the sisters with with great enthusiasm. innovative ideas in evangelization, understanding local cultures and value systems in the light of Gospel values. Vermi Compost Training Fr. Devassy Pudussery from Imphal Diocese and Bishop Thomas Menamparambil from Guwahati motivated the One day Vermi Compost making training was organized by participants through sharing of their faith life, Gospel North East Diocesan Social Service Society, Guwahati on stories, and the relevance of Christian faith today and our 21st November, 2019. It was conducted at NEDSSS’s response. The participants were encouraged and benefited from the sharing of resource persons and motivated to do our ministries more effectively. extention centre, Khetri. Around 17 women from different Training on Jackfruit processing SHGs benefited from the training. The training was facilitated by Ms. Pushpa Rana. She highlighted the importance of vermi composting and its benefits in agriculture field and nutrition Kitchen Garden. She also highlighted how vermi compost making would help the farmers economically. It could create sustainable livelihood, low skill jobs at local level, Low capital investment, require simple technologies for making vermin it. Practical method for less developed agricultural regions. She also urged the SHGs to invest on this type of activity and create a micro enterprise of vermi compost manure. One Vermi bed has been set up in Khetri with 3 KGs of Earth worms with a species name “Eisenia Fetida” commonly known as Tiger worm, Manure worm, branding worm. Result w Five different SHGs members were benefited with the training. w They learned to recycle the kitchen waste in composting w It is a simple tecnique and affordable' expressd by one of the particpant. w They could differentiate vermi manure from pesticide manure. 072
Quarterly report AOpcrtiol b- eJrutnoeD, 2e0c1e9mber, 2019 CHILDREN FOR EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT AND RIGHTS (CHEER) NEDSF from 24th to 25th November, 2019. The objective of the training was to inculcate among the children self- confidence, leadership skills and functional trainings related to Children's Parliament. There were three sessions; one session on leadership, child rights and environmental awareness. The training enabled children to develop self- confidence, to be more determine to become leaders in their own villages to be the change makers. Become aware of their rights and entitlements. The training highlighted to the children the burning Daily tuition provided to the children issues on climate change and deteriorating situation of our planet and how children can create impact toward the 800 students are daily attending the evening tuition centres. effort of building a better environment. Apart from training These children are taught 3 hours daily. Apart from tuition, it was also a platform to showcase their talents as the Children's Parliaments (CP) are formed in all the centers children were given opportunities to perform skits, dance, and meetings are conducted once in a month. Through sing song and poem recitation etc. There were 57 meetings the CPs are able to identify the issues and take participants from eight different project villages of Sonitpur up concrete actions to rectify the issues such as training for district, Tezpur. the weaker CP members, making dustbin in the school premises and for the villages etc. CP members take Children's Day Celebration initiatives to plan the activities for the important days like Independence Day celebration, Gandhi Jayanti, Children's On 14th November, members of Children's Parliament of day etc. They mobilized the villagers for this type of Bridge School Tezpur, took initiatives to celebrate important meetings. Games, dance, quiz competition were Children's Day. It was celebrated with great solemnity, conducted by different CPs in the villages. The CP children belonging to different schools come together to members encouraged the children to be regular in the celebrate the occasion. They performed dance, songs and evening classes and meetings and regular students were poems were recited in honor of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru recognized and rewarded during the meetings. Study tour On 23th November, NEDSSS in collaboration with Tezpur Social Service Society organized a study tour for the children and teachers of Bridge school under CHEER project Tezpur. The children visited Science Centre, Planetarium, Zoo and other historical places in Guwahati. Most of the children are from remote villages of Tezpur and it was a great learning experienced for the children. Residential Training Two day residential leadership training was conducted at 082
Quarterly report April - June, 2019 Quarterly report October to December, 2019 the first Prime Minister of the Country. As a sign of respect the children also decorated Nehru poster with garland of flowers and rich tribute was paid to him. An initiative to make plastic free village In order to make their villages' Plastic free zone, Children's Parliament of Tezpur Bridge School, during their meeting has taken a resolution to say 'No to Plastic' in their respective villages. The children have taken an initiativeS such as cleanliness drive awareness rally, paper bag making and poster campaign etc. in the villages. REGIONAL FORUM ACCOMPANIMENT SUPPORT FOR MAINSTREAMING KSPS IN ALL PARTNER ORGANISATIONS IN NORTH EAST INDIA The project “Regional Forum Accompaniment support for enhanced their knowledge about the concept of Caritas mainstreaming KSPs in all partner organisations in North five years strategic Plan and result to achieve based on the East India” is implemented in 16 Diocesan Social Service core Social values. Society of North East India. In the first phase of the project implementation, NEDSSS has learnt and experienced the The strategic plan embodies the positive and proactive potentials and gaps of different partners' organization in the response of Caritas India. It addresses how it responds to implementation of the strategic Plan. In Current phase of the project, NEDSSS has chosen all the sixteen dioceses to effectively implement the project and come out with specific outcomes. NEDSSS will give special handholding support to draw the desire outcome of the project from Micro level to Macro. The current phase of the project 2019-2020, four Diocesan partners NGOs were selected to give more priority inputs to draw specific result even though the others twelve will be included in the implementation of the project. And therefore, to further strengthen the institution on the core social values and the Key strategic Pillars of Caritas India, a training program was organised at the office of Diocesan Social Service Society, Imphal for the director and key staff of the organization. The training inputs 029
Quarterly report October to December, 2019 greatest possible impact towards the pro-poor transformation of the society. poverty to various forms and intensities prevailing in the country. The four key strategic pillars are presented in the Giving community form of, Caring for the poor and needy is one of the divine purposes Animation Empowerment of humanity. This mission motivates the individuals in mobilizing resources in the form of donations from Means “an awakening and action-oriented process aimed individuals, families and communities and making them at social transformation affecting, at general level, all partners in the process of bringing change and people and at specific level the poor. It initiates dynamics development. in a person and in the community to struggle for empowerment to bring about change among themselves, The principle of Social values Includes: in the situation of poverty, marginalization and to affirm their dignity as persons to create a more just society. 1. Human Dignity 2. Community and the Common Good Dialogue 3. Rights and responsibilities 4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Dialogue invites people to develop new shared 5. Participation perspectives and ways to seeing and acting. The dialogue 6. Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers here means the dialogue of life with more involvement in 7. Stewardship of Creation the humanness of the persons for the wholeness and 8. Solidarity wellbeing of those who are broken, deprived of dignity and 9. Role of Government rights. The strategic actions are 10. Promotion of Peace i. Dialogue with poor ii. Dialogue with duty bearers iii. Dialogue with nature Volunteerism The skills, knowledge, experiences and other forms of resources of the volunteer community help to achieve the SELF-EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEIURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (SEED) Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development income and access to resources. Through this programme as a response to recognize Women as a Food producers, organization will closely work with NGOs and Govt.org and as income earnings farmers, as health and Nutrition care seek necessary support in the implementation and providers and as nutritionally vulnerable population and sustainability of the project. seeks to improve the quality of life of the lower income families of three district in Sonitpur, Karbi Anglong and Major activities Kamrup (Metro) district, of North East, India. w Project orientation meeting at village level. The project is based on SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: No Hunger, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 5: w Formation and strengthening of women Gender Equality, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic, SDG entrepreneurship groups (WEGs). 10: Reduce Inequality, SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production w Monitoring and evaluation. Goals w Workshop to identify profitable and sustainable farm and off-farm related activities. To empower the Women with Entrepreneurship skills and help them to learn the ways and means to improve their w Customized training on profitable and sustainable farm and off-farm related activities. w Identification of sources for technological inputs and 1002
Quarterly report April - June, 2019 Quarterly report October to December, 2019 financial assistance and training on the same. w Women have decided to take-up their entrepreneurship w Interface meeting with bankers and governments line activities. departments. w 200 hundred women were participate in the orientation w Training on promotion of rural employment, marketing programme from 20 villages of Tezpur, Sonitpur district Assam. skills and financial literacy. w Awareness creation seminars on gender Sensivity. Village level orientation meeting at Diphu Village level orientation meeting at Tezpur From 9th to 11th December organized project orientation workshop in Diphu of Karbi Anglong district with the support from Jirsong Asong. The meeting was organized in 20 selected villages with 200 women to familiarize the women with the objectives of Self-Employment and entrepreneurship development. Majority of the participants belongs to Schedule Tribes and the concept of entrepreneurship and Self Employment was new for many of the members. They are very much interested in sustainable livelihood through which they can make a small difference in family and community level. The women also Conducted Project orientation workshop from 3rd to 7th expressed their desire to take up entrepreneurship December 2019, in Sonitpur district with the help of staff individually and collectively with constant support from the from Tezpur Social Service Society. The meeting was organization. organized in 20 selected villages with 200 women to familiarize the concept and objectives of the proposed Outcome project: Ms. Lily Maxima Ekka project Coordinator from the NEDSSS was the facilitator for the program. She oriented w Women from 20 villages were present in the orientation the participants the important and scope of programme. entrepreneurship that can be started in rural areas as a groups and individual. w They were motivated to take up their own entrepreneurship business to generate their own Observations income. w All the women's are wage labours working in the Tea w Learned the importance of entrepreneurship promoting Garden. to sustainable livelihood w Some Women are reluctant to give time. w Difficult to get them during day time as they are working in Tea garden for survival w Women need more encouragement and support for sustainable livelihood as 'entrepreneurship'. Outcome w All the participants understood and aware about the Self- Employment and Entrepreneurship. w Women are very much excited to get trainings from different departments and know more about their own economic status. 0112
Quarterly report October to December, 2019 Activities conducted and people reach out ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Date Name of the State Event taking Target Male Female Activities place group Educating and mobilizing citizen to promote healthy and sustainable development Protect our Manip DSSS, Imphal Civil society 50 40 3- species role of civil ur organization Earth day celebration Oct society Guwahati, 80 2 Seven NEDSSS Religious 30 20 Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on organization State 30 25 this day worldwide events are held to demonstrate support Children 30 15 for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, 29- Motivational talk 35 20 and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network Oct Children 40 0 and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. The 30 30 organization that leads Earth Day worldwide has chosen 14- Environmental Assam Amchong Children 40 40 the theme for 2019 as “Protect Our Species”, including Nov Education 365 192 creating support for a global effort to eliminate primarily Children single-use plastics along with global regulation for the 14- Environmental Assam Kaliamari Women disposal of plastics. Nov Education SHGs NEDSSS in collaboration with Earth Day Network India has 14- Environmental Assam Sonabil Children initiated to fight for environmental problems in the seven Nov Education Parliament states of North East India. Aiming at large scale coverage in Public the entire states of North East India, NEDSSS has 14- Environmental Assam Tangtang networked with 16 diocesan Partners NGOs, North East Nov Education Catholic Women commission, Schools, universities, SHGs, Youth and community people. 21- Organic Assam Khetri Nov Beginning in 2016 and continuing till 2020-Earth Day 25- Plastic pollution Assam NEDSSS Network Focus on five Global Campaigns Nov 1. Trees 4 Earth: Planting 7.8 billion trees by 2020. 8- Right to clean air Assam Guwahati, One for every person on Earth Dec NEDSSS 2. Global Climate Literacy: Growing stewardship TOTAL for environment and enabling education decision making 3. End Plastic Pollution: Reducing plastic use and managing plastic waste 4. Endangered Species: Protecting species from extinction 5. Climate Change: Coming together to solve the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. 102
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