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Home Explore SCS New Protocols Handbook Supplement | 08.03.20

SCS New Protocols Handbook Supplement | 08.03.20

Published by salliegrace, 2020-08-04 16:45:58

Description: SCS New Protocols Handbook Supplement | 08.03.20


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2020-21 New Protocols  Handbook Supplement 

2020-21 New Protocols Handbook Supplement SCS has prepared for the coming school year by consulting with and learning from a wide array of sources, including medical and educational experts locally and nationally. In addition to advice from professionals within our community, we’ve drawn on resources and guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Tarrant County Health Department, the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and Texas Private School Association (TPSA). We have strived to mitigate the risks in order to provide each student with the benefit of an exceptional Christ-centered education. SCS has therefore made a tremendous investment in transforming our campuses and practices as follows. We will regularly and carefully review our policies and procedures to adjust to new information, challenges, and opportunities. Rolling Start CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS Wednesday and Thursday, August 12 and 13 Families will receive phone calls from their children's teacher, on Friday, August 7, to schedule a 45- minute conference on August 12 and 13. Friday, August 14th This will be a unique opportunity (optional) for students to practice arrival, dismissal, and navigating the building with their teacher. While this is not required, it may provide a level of comfort for students and families prior to the first day of classes on the Chisholm Trail Campus. Schedule for Friday, August 14th Grades 5 and 6: Arrive at 8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Students will go directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child at the entry near the staff parking lot, across from the big playground. Please return to campus between 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. using the carpool lane or back awning. Grades 3 and 4: Arrive at 9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Students will go directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child at the entry near the staff parking lot, across from the big playground. Please return to campus between 10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. using the carpool lane or back awning. Grades 1 and 2: Arrive at 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Students will go directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child at the playground awning area. Please return to campus between 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. using the carpool lane or back awning.

Kindergarten: Arrive at 1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Students will go directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child at the playground awning area. Please return to campus between 2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. using the carpool lane or back awning. Pre-K: Arrive at 1:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Students will go directly to their classrooms. Parents may drop off their child at the playground awning area. Please return to campus between 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. using the carpool lane or back awning. Walk-Up Area A.M.: Parents who desire to walk their children to an entry door can do so at the cafeteria entrance only after parking their vehicle in a designated parking spot (not the cafeteria roundabout). Staff will be available to assist. Walk-Up Area P.M.: A parent may walk up to the gym at the front of the property. Students will be waiting in the gym for their name to be called. Each student will meet his/her parent with the assistance of staff at the gym front entry door. LAKESIDE CAMPUS Wednesday, August 12 8:00 a.m. - Noon - 7th and 8th Grades 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - 10th and 11th Grades Thursday, August 13 8:00 a.m. - Noon - 9th Grade 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - 12th Grade Friday, August 14 - First Day of Scheduled Classes “A” Day schedule 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday, August 17 “B” Day schedule 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Health Assessment and Parent Support TEA and other organizations do not recommend school officials check temperatures of every student coming onto campus, so we place the responsibility of that daily wellness check on every family. Teachers may spot-check students’ temperatures during lunch or at some point during the school day. Students exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home. Student Arrival CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS There will be staggered arrival times as follows: 1. 7:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: All households with only a single child at the CTC campus (approximately 175 students) will arrive. Pre-K, K, 1 and 2 will travel back to the playground awning area. Please have your child ready to unload as quickly as possible. Staff will be available to assist during this time. Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will take a right turn after going down the hill and will use the entry near the staff parking lot, across from the big playground. Staff will be monitoring and supervising the process as students exit their cars at the same time. 2. 8:05 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.: All households with two or more children at the CTC campus will arrive. Pre-K, K, 1, and 2 will travel back to the playground awning area. Please have your child ready to unload as quickly as possible. Staff will be available to assist during this time. Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will take a right turn after going down the hill and will use the entry near the staff parking lot, across from the big playground. Staff will be monitoring and supervising the process as students exit their cars at the same time. Walk-Up Area A.M.: Parents who desire to walk their children to an entry door can do so at the cafeteria entrance only after parking their vehicle in a designated parking spot (not the cafeteria round-about). Staff will be available to assist. Children will not be allowed in the building prior to 7:50 a.m.; however, Before Care services are available in the morning from 7:00 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. LAKESIDE CAMPUS A socially distanced waiting area will be provided from 7:15 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. in the gym. Students will sit in spaces marked six feet apart in the bleachers. Arriving students will be allowed to go directly to classrooms anytime from 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and students in waiting areas will complete a staggered dismissal during this time.

Student Dismissal CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS In order to prevent large groups of students at one time, there will be a staggered dismissal in three waves. 1. Pre-K Dismissal 2:45 p.m.: Staff will walk the students out and help Pre-K students load into cars at 2:45 p.m. Parents can wait in their vehicles in the drive-through lane near the awning. If Pre-K parents would like to walk up to receive their children at the 2:45 p.m. dismissal, they will need to wait on the back patio adjacent to the small playground. 2. 3:45 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.: All households with only a single child at the CTC campus will be allowed to enter the carpool lane and stay in a single file line. Staff members will be on duty and directing and facilitating dismissal. 3. 4:00 p.m. - 4:10 p.m.: All households with two or more students at the CTC campus will be allowed to enter the carpool lane and stay in a single file line. Staff members will be on duty and directing and facilitating dismissal. Walk-Up Area P.M.: A parent may walk up to the gym at the front of the property. Students will be waiting in the gym for their name to be called. Each student will meet his/her parent with the assistance of staff at the gym front entry door. LAKESIDE CAMPUS In order to prevent large groups of students leaving at one time, there will be a staggered dismissal in three waves. Pick up for 7th grade will be in front of the Hawkins Building and 8th grade pick up will be in front of the Drury fountain. 4. 7th Grade and 9th Grade: M/W/F - 3:30 p.m., T/Th - 3:00 p.m. 5. 8th Grade and 11th Grade: M/W/F - 3:35 p.m., T/Th - 3:05 p.m. 6. 10th Grade and 12th Grade: M/W/F - 3:40 p.m., T/Th - 3:10 p.m.

Extended Day Program The Extended Day Program is an integral piece for many SCS families and students. Our before and after care students will stay in cohorts by grade level when leaving the classroom and in transitions. CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS Snacks and activities will be served individually and not shared. Stuffed animals or toys will not be allowed from home. Arrival for Before Care ● Curbside drop off will be implemented to minimize the number of individuals entering the school. Parents will be greeted curbside and students will be walked into the cafeteria by staff. Students will stay in cohorts by grade level while in before care and when walking to their classrooms. Dismissal for After Care ● Whenever possible, student pick-up and drop-off will occur outside. ● Curbside pick up will be implemented to minimize the number of individuals entering the school. ● Pre-K and Kindergarten parents will be able to enter by the gym (2:45 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.) and wait by the glass exit door at the front of the building (marked with signage) and their children will be brought to them. ● Grades 1-6 aftercare students will be dismissed from the cafeteria. Parents will remain in their vehicle and staff will bring the students outside to the parent’s vehicle. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., Pre-K and Kindergarten, while staying in their cohort group, will join others in the cafeteria and be dismissed from the cafeteria. *Pre-K students who attend after care and are picked up in the carpool line will stay together in a designated Pre-K room. LAKESIDE CAMPUS A socially distanced waiting area will be provided from 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. in the gym. Students will sit on marked spaces six feet apart in the bleachers.

Passing Periods, Recess, and Social Distancing In order to protect student and staff during “high traffic” periods of time, BOTH CAMPUSES have added the following measures: ● While on campus, staff, students, and visitors are required to maintain six feet of social distancing space between each other at all times. Transitions in all areas require walking on the right side of the hallway, sidewalk, or Boardwalk and avoid grouping, even while outside. ● Signage has been added to the floors, indicating foot-traffic patterns in hallways and will facilitate queuing at six-foot social distances in areas where students may briefly have to wait in lines. ● Academic schedules have been adjusted to increase the use of cohorts and limit close contact. ● Water fountains have been disabled, allowing students to use the bottle filling function only. CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS ● Since classrooms have been assigned based on numbers of students in each course on the Chisholm Trail Campus, teachers will change classrooms, such that, at times, students may not have to leave the room for their next classes. Students will have several brain breaks through the day to ensure adequate movement for our students of all ages. ● Several enrichments such as library, art, world language, and counseling lessons will come to classrooms, in order to limit travel for each cohort. Students will still go to physical education twice a week, as well as music, science lab, and computer while remaining in their cohort group. ● Lockers will only be used for coats, lunches, and band instruments. All books and supplies will be stored in the classroom desk. There will be no decorating lockers for this school year because we do not want students to congregate together and be in close contact. ● Each class will have recess time in a designated area with their cohort group, which includes covered and uncovered places around campus. Teachers will ensure that students have several breaks and the opportunity for outdoor learning as much as possible. LAKESIDE CAMPUS ● Hallways and the Boardwalk will be directionally divided and stairways will be designated as “one way” to avoid close student contact upon passing. ● The revision of the Lakeside Campus to an \"A Day/B Day\" schedule reduces the number of passing periods per day. ● Student lockers will be issued by request in a check-out system and will only be allowed to be used before/after school and at lunch to prevent hallway congestion.

Dining All students are encouraged to bring their own food with them to campus. Meals will be consumed in the classrooms and that procedure will be continually revisited. While many students prefer to bring their lunch from home, please remember that no microwaves will be available for heating up lunches, and food delivery will not be accepted. CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS ● Students must order their lunch a day ahead of time with their classroom teacher, in accordance with the usual CTC process. ● Students in Grade 2 and below who order food through the school's vendor will have their meals delivered to the classrooms. Students in Grades 3 - 6, who order food through the school's vendor, will retrieve their meals from the cafeteria, while maintaining social distance in line. ● While 3rd through 6th graders are in the cafeteria, there will be snacks for purchase. ● Parents will not be allowed to eat lunch in person with their child this year, although Zoom parent lunches can be periodically arranged especially for a special birthday event. LAKESIDE CAMPUS ● On the Lakeside Campus, lunches must be ordered ahead of time through the FACTS system. The deadline for ordering lunches is Thursday at midnight for the following week. ● Those students ordering food will have their orders delivered to one of two locations, identified by the student’s schedule. These delivery locations will occur at the Snelson Gym and near the entrance to the Hawkins building. Face Coverings Southwest Christian School will follow local and statewide recommendations regarding face coverings for students and staff. As of July 28, the recommendations are: 1. All students will wear face coverings as they enter any school building and during transitions, indoors or outdoors, between classes or locations. 2. Pre-K - 3: Once established in class, students may remove their masks, if they can maintain a safe distance away from others who are not in transition, when directed by the teacher. 3. Grades 4 - 12: Students will be required to wear face coverings while indoors unless they are eating or actively exercising, and can maintain social distancing.

Exception for Lakeside Campus: Students attending class in the gymnasium or Black Box Theatre who can maintain social distancing and are supervised by a teacher (i.e. P.E. or acting class) are considered to be actively exercising, even when they are awaiting a specific period of movement. That is, while receiving instruction, they may remove the face covering if they can maintain social distance AND have the expressed permission of the teacher. ● Outdoors, students may remove their face coverings when they are able to maintain a social distancing environment, as directed by a supervising teacher, coach, or staff member. ● Teacher-directed brain breaks, or activities and recess, are classified as actively exercising. ● The school will regularly review and adjust any protocol based on new information and recommendations locally and nationally. ● Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth. Students are free to choose any masks, neck gaiters, or other coverings provided those coverings are not a distraction or deemed inappropriate in the final determination of SCS faculty and staff. SCS branded face coverings are only available through SCS PTO. Activities, Chapels, and Events Indoor large-group gatherings and events will be very limited. Group activities may be reimagined to take place outdoors, within larger meeting spaces, or will occur in a virtual space. ● Chapels will be realigned for smaller groups, both in content and location. Students will watch by video from their classrooms and parents will be able to watch from home. The theme for this year's chapel is “Love Does,” based on 1 Corinthians 16:14, \"Let all that you do be done in love.\" CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS ● All after-school clubs have been postponed until further notice. ● All field trips have been canceled until further notice. ● Each classroom will continue to have a topic that aligns with the schoolwide theme. Chapel by each cohort will be recorded and shown via SmartBoard in classrooms. ● Student birthdays are important to us! We invite parents to send ONLY pre- packaged items on the day of your child's birthday or half birthday (for those with summer birthdays). These treats should be brought to the classroom by your child. The teacher will find time in the day for a mini-celebration for your child and will extend a Zoom invitation so you can participate and watch the event in the classroom.

LAKESIDE CAMPUS ● After-school clubs will be conducted via Zoom if at all possible. Smaller clubs may take place on campus in a socially distanced setting. ● Pep rallies, when allowed, will take place outside in the stadium and students will be socially distanced in bleachers. ● High School Retreat has been combined with Minimester and will take place during the week before spring break. ● Minimester travel opportunities will not be offered for this school year. Trips for 7th and 8th grades are still being planned for the spring of 2021. Campus Visitors ● Parents and visitors will not be allowed in the buildings during the school day except by appointment. ● All visitors, at all times, will be screened for symptoms, including a temperature check and a brief questionnaire. ● While on campus, all visitors will adhere to our health precautions, and areas they visit will receive increased attention in our sanitation protocols. ● Parent volunteers, food deliveries, and social visits have been temporarily suspended in order to reduce the amount of exposure on both campuses. ● We encourage parent-teacher conferences to be held via Zoom as a primary way of meeting with parents. Safety and Cleaning Guidelines ● Regular times will be designated for handwashing and access to hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the day, with a specific focus on arrival to school, entering the classroom, and before meals. ● New, intensified cleaning protocols are in place for classrooms, restrooms, and other shared spaces. ● Frequently touched surfaces (such as restrooms and doorknobs) will be cleaned throughout the day with an EPA-approved disinfectant. ● Limitations will be placed on the number of people who can be in restrooms and other shared spaces at the same time. ● Classroom airflow has been increased by modifying the run times of HVAC units at each campus. ● Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization has been added on all HVAC units to improve indoor air quality. Bipolar ionization technology emits charged particles that attach to and deactivate harmful substances like bacteria, allergens, mold, and viruses.

● Cleaning and sanitizing have been increased before, during, and after the school day. ● Hand sanitizer dispensers have been positioned by the doors at all classrooms, restrooms, and community spaces. CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS ● At selected times, teachers will check the temperatures of students. If at any time there is a concern regarding a student, it will be privately handled by the teacher and the nurse to evaluate the situation, as to not single out and embarrass the student. ● Students will, when developmentally appropriate, participate in wiping down their desks and materials and supplies a couple of times a day (before and after lunch) and at the end of the day. Technology devices, items used in centers, and any other items that need to be sanitized regularly will be a high priority. ● Students will be reminded to wash hands frequently. The CDC recommends washing hands for 20 seconds and we will encourage our elementary students to sing \"Happy Birthday\" twice (and other fun songs for the 20 second time period) when washing their hands after bathroom use. Additionally, students going in and out of the bathrooms will be monitored to ensure a limited number of students enter at one time. ● Supplies will no longer be shared. Students' supplies (scissors, crayons, markers, etc.) will stay at their desks during class. Chromebooks are assigned to students and will not be shared in grades 3 - 6. iPads will be cleaned and sanitized after each use specifically in grades Pre-K - 2. ● For K - 6th-grade technology class once a week, students will use an iMac desktop machine that is cleaned following each class. Students will also be given thin, non- latex gloves to wear during tech class. As in years past, students will always wash their hands before coming to the technology lab. ● iPads that are part of the CTC shared cart system (Science, Library, Classrooms) will be cleaned following each use before being returned to a cart. This is also standard procedure for iPads as Centers in grades Pre-K - 2. Mental Health Support Southwest Christian School offers a comprehensive school counseling program using a Christ-centered worldview to address the emotional needs of students. ● School counselors are available to assist students, families, and staff with a wide range of personal concerns including social-emotional, behavioral, mental health, and family. ● The SCS school counseling department follows the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs. The four components of the school counseling program are Responsive Services, Guidance Curriculum, Individual Planning, and System Support.

Contacts: CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS - Stephanie Mills - [email protected] LAKESIDE CAMPUS - Nicole Caylor - [email protected]

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