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Home Explore 2021-2022 Uniform Guide

2021-2022 Uniform Guide

Published by salliegrace, 2020-06-05 11:18:00

Description: 2021-2022 Uniform Guide


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TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 Uniform Basic Information 03 CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - 6th) Boys 04 Girls 05-06 Spirit Dress (Fridays) 07 Outerwear Options 08 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (7TH - 12TH) Boys 09 Boys Formal Dress (Wednesday) 10 Girls 11-12 Girls Formal Dress (Wednesday) 13 Spirit Dress (Fridays) 14 Outerwear 15 General Rules Appearance Grooming Physical Education Dress Code Senior Friday Dress Code - 2nd semester Also used for other grades when approved to be out of uniform Uniform or Dress Code Violations

INFORMATION 03 FLYNN O’HARA UNIFORMS 1125 Oakland Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76103 817.292.KIDS (5437) Toll Free: 800.441.4122 SHOP ONLINE: EMBROIDERY SCS Patch Seal Optional on uniform blazer (detachable) SCS Logo Required on all polo shirts and outerwear approved to be worn during class hours.

CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS UNIFORM OVERVIEW 04 BOYS • Solid navy pants or shorts • Light blue or white polo with logo or oxford-style shirt (Must be tucked in) • Black or brown belt GIRLS • Solid navy pants or shorts • Plaid skirt, skort, or jumper • White polo with logo or oxford-style shirt (May be worn untucked) SPIRIT DAY (FRIDAY) • Any SCS shirt with uniform bottom (Must be tucked in) • SCS issued pep dress, jerseys, and hooded sweatshirts allowed Only current logos on all clothing items. CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6)

LAKESIDE CAMPUS UNIFORM OVERVIEW 05 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADE 7 - 12) BOYS • Solid khaki pants or shorts • White polo with logo (May be worn untucked) • White oxford shirt (Must be tucked in) • Black or brown belt (Must be worn when shirt is tucked in) GIRLS • Solid khaki pants, shorts, skirt, skort, or jumper • Plaid skirt, skort, or jumper • White polo with logo (May be worn untucked) • White oxford-style shirt (Must be tucked in) FORMAL DAY (WEDNESDAY) BOYS • White oxford-style shirt (tucked in) with tie and khaki pants GIRLS • White oxford-style shirt with plaid or solid khaki skirt, skort, or jumper SPIRIT DAY (FRIDAY) • Any SCS shirt with uniform bottom or jeans (May be untucked) Only current logos on all clothing items. Please note that 2020-21 will be the last school year Lakeside students are allowed to wear any type of hoodie during classroom school hours. Starting in the 2021-22 school year, hoodies purchased through athletics may only be worn during athletic activities. Both SCS campuses will allow the approved sweatshirt and jacket featured in the outerwear sections of the uniform guide to be worn during classroom hours.

BOYS - CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS 04 CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6) PANTS Navy - Flat Front or Pleated (No cargo pants, denim material or extra zippers) Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo SHORTS Navy - Flat Front or Pleated (No cargo pants, denim material or extra zippers) Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo POLO SHIRT Light Blue or White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (Must be tucked in) Interlock Light Blue; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester; Logo Required OXFORD SHIRT Light Blue or White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (Must be tucked in) Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#8061); No Logo ANKLE, MID-CALF OR NO-SHOW SOCKS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No patterns or accent colors) SHOES *Athletic Shoes preferred daily. • Athletic, sneaker-style shoes that can be worn in PE and at recess • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishment (i.e. charms) or make sounds • Shoes may be any color and have any color of laces • Leather or leather-like shoes in solid brown, black, or navy • Shoes may be worn on non-PE days only. LEATHER BELT Solid Brown or Black - Braided or Flat Fashion (No ornamentation of any kind) Required for Boys in Grades 2 - 6 GROOMING • Students’ hair should be clean, neat, of a natural color and well-groomed • Hairstyles should not, based on a decision and opinion of the campus administration, cause a disruption of the educational environment

GIRLS - CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS 05 PANTS CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6) Navy - Flat Front or Pleated (No cargo pants, denim material or extra zippers) Twill; 60% Combed Cotton/40% Polyester; No Logo SHORTS Navy - Flat Front or Pleated (No cargo pants, denim material or extra zippers) Dark Modesty Shorts - required under jumper and skirt Twill; 60% Combed Cotton/40% Polyester; No Logo JUMPER, SKIRT & SKORT Drop Waist Plaid Jumper - All Plaid Skort - All Plaid Skirt - Grades 4-6 All plaid items must use Bank Miller 64P 100% Polyester Plaid. Plaid Jumper is the “SCS Jumper” A+ pattern with added belt, back darts, with skirt 12 pleats each measuring 3¼-inch each. Skirt is 3¼-inch pleat (standard 10 pleats on size 10 skirt with # of pleats adjusted with the size of the skirt); Preferably adjustable waist or may be converted to hipster-but must have standard pleats. (SA#1143); No Logo on Plaid Items *Girl’s skirt/jumper length must come at least 1 inch below the student’s fingertips when shoulders are relaxed. OXFORD SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#9461); No Logo POLO SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Interlock Light Blue; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester; Logo Required

CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6) GIRLS - CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (CONTINUED) 06 PETER PAN BLOUSE WITH OR WITHOUT PIPING White with Plaid Piping - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Broadcloth; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton (SA#9366); No Logo POPLIN BLOUSE White Three-quarter Length Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Poplin; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton (SA#9257); No Logo ANKLE, KNEE-HIGH OR NO-SHOW SOCKS, TIGHTS & LEGGINGS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No patterns, embellishments or accent colors) SHOES *Athletic Shoes preferred daily. • Athletic, sneaker-style shoes that can be worn in PE and at recess. • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishment (i.e. charms) or make sounds • Shoes may be any color and have any color of laces • Leather or leather-like shoes in solid brown, black, or navy • Shoes may be worn on non-PE days only. • No boots. LEATHER BELT Solid Brown or Black - Braided or Flat Fashion (No ornamentation of any kind) BOWS, HEADBANDS & HAIR ACCESSORIES School Plaid, Solid Navy, Solid Black or Solid White (No other colors or adornments allowed) GROOMING • Students’ hair should be clean, neat, of a natural color and well-groomed • Hairstyles should not, based on a decision and opinion of the campus administration, cause a disruption of the educational environment

OPTIONAL SPIRIT DRESS CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS - FRIDAYS 07 CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6) If opting out of uniform dress on Fridays, the following guidelines must be followed. If wearing uniform dress on Fridays, students must comply with Monday-Thursday uniform requirements. PANTS & SHORTS Uniform only SPIRIT SHIRTS SCS issued only (Must be tucked in) PEP DRESSES SCS approved only ATHLETIC JERSEYS SCS issued only (Must be tucked in) HOODIES SCS Athletic teams, Booster Club or PTO issued only (Fridays only) BOWS, HEADBANDS & HAIR ACCESSORIES If in spirit dress, girls may coordinate a matching, conservative accessory with their spirit attire. If opting out of spirit dress (remaining in uniform dress), all regular uniform requirements remain in place.

CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS (PRE-K - GRADE 6) OUTERWEAR - CHISHOLM TRAIL CAMPUS 08 V-NECK LONG SLEEVE SWEATER (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Navy Logo required V-NECK SWEATER VEST (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Navy Logo required CARDIGAN SWEATER (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Navy Logo required MICRO FIBER FLEECE (Must be purchased from SCS PTO) Navy Logo required SWEATSHIRT (Must be purchased from SCS PTO) Gray Logo required J A C K E T/ C O AT During the school day while indoors, students may only wear approved uniform and outerwear pieces. Other outerwear may be worn to and from school and during recess, but will not be in uniform compliance during school hours. During cold weather, undergarments such as long-sleeve t-shirts, dry-fit shirts, turtle necks, and leggings may be worn underneath uniforms but must be white, black, gray, or navy with no pattern.

BOYS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS 09 PANTS Khaki - Color matching approved swatch Flat Front or pleated (No cargo pants, denim material or extra zippers) Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo SHORTS Approved khaki swatch Khaki - Color matching approved swatch Flat Front or pleated (No cargo shorts, denim material or extra zippers) Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo POLO SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Interlock White; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester; Logo Required OXFORD SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (Must be tucked in) Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#8061); No Logo ANKLE, MID-CALF OR NO-SHOW SOCKS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No accent colors) SHOES LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) • Black or Brown Leather or Leather-like Shoes • Athletic-style and canvas shoes (May be any color and have any color laces) • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishments (charms) or make sounds ZIP STYLE, HAND TIE OR BOW TIE SCS Design (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) LEATHER BELT Solid Brown or Black - Braided or Flat Fashion (No ornamentation of any kind)

LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) BOYS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS FORMAL DRESS (WEDNESDAYS) 10 PANTS Khaki - Color matching approved swatch Flat Front or Pleated Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo OXFORD SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#8061); No Logo ANKLE, MID-CALF OR NO SHOW SOCKS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No accent colors) SHOES • Black or Brown Leather or Leather-like Shoes • Athletic-style and canvas shoes (May be any color and have any color laces) • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishments (charms) or make sounds ZIP STYLE, HAND TIE OR BOW TIE SCS Design (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) LEATHER BELT Solid Brown or Black (Braided or Flat Fashion - no ornamentation of any kind) B L A Z E R optional Navy SCS Patch Seal (optional) *Hoodies may not be worn on formal days. Only outerwear without a hood and/or front pockets will be allowed.

GIRLS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS 11 PANTS Approved khaki swatch Khaki - Color matching approved swatch Flat Front or Pleated Twill; 60% Combed Cotton/40% Polyester; No Logo SHORTS Khaki - Color matching approved swatch (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Twill; 60% Combed Cotton/40% Polyester; No Logo JUMPER & SKIRT LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) Plaid Skirt | Khaki Skirt Drop Waist Khaki Jumper Logo Required All Plaid items must use Bank Miller 64P 100% Polyester Plaid. Jumper is the “SCS Jumper” A+ pattern with lined bodice, back darts, with skirt 12 pleats, each measuring 3¼-inch. 3¼-inch pleat (standard 10 pleats on size 10 skirt with # of pleats adjusted with the size of the skirt). May be converted to hipster-but must have standard pleats (SA#1143); No Logo on Plaid Items *Modesty in regards to student dress is important. Shorts and skirt/jumper length must come at least 1 inch below the student’s fingertips when shoulders are relaxed. Any female student whose skirt is too short, will be issued a demerit and given a pair of leggings to wear for the day. The student will also be billed for the leggings through FACTS. SCS expects families to support the school’s guidelines in regards to all dress code policies. OXFORD SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (Must be tucked in) Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#9461); No Logo POPLIN BLOUSE White - Three-quarter Length Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Poplin; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton (SA#9257); No Logo

GIRLS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS (CONTINUED) 12 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) POLO SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Interlock White; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester; Logo Required ANKLE, KNEE-HIGH OR NO-SHOW SOCKS, TIGHTS & LEGGINGS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No patterns) SHOES • Black or Brown Leather or Leather-like Shoes • Athletic-style and canvas shoes (May be any color and have any color laces) • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishments (charms) or make sounds • Shoes cannot have wheels, lights, loose embellishments (charms) or make sounds • Black or brown leather or leather-like sandals with a back-strap (No excessive accents or ornamentation) LEATHER BELT Solid Brown or Black - Braided or Flat Fashion (No ornamentation of any kind) ZIP STYLE, HAND TIE OR BOW TIE SCS Design (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms)

GIRLS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS FORMAL DRESS (WEDNESDAYS)13 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) PANTS Khaki - Color matching approved swatch Flat Front or Pleated Twill; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton; No Logo JUMPER & SKIRT Plaid Skirt | Khaki Skirt Drop Waist Khaki Jumper Logo Required All Plaid items must use Bank Miller 64P 100% Polyester Plaid. Jumper is the “SCS Jumper” A+ pattern with lined bodice, back darts, with skirt 12 pleats, each measuring 3¼-inch. 3¼-inch pleat (standard 10 pleats on size 10 skirt with # of pleats adjusted with the size of the skirt). May be converted to hipster-but must have standard pleats (SA#1143); No Logo on Plaid Items OXFORD SHIRT White - Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve (Must be tucked in) Oxford Cloth; 60% Cotton/40% Polyester (SA#9461); No Logo POPLIN BLOUSE White - Three-quarter Length Sleeve (May be worn untucked) Poplin; 65% Polyester/35% Cotton (SA#9257); No Logo ANKLE, KNEE-HIGH OR NO-SHOW SOCKS, TIGHTS & LEGGINGS Solid Navy, Solid Black, Solid Gray or Solid White (No patterns) SHOES See page 12 of the guide. ZIP STYLE, HAND TIE OR BOW TIE optional SCS Design (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) B L A Z E R optional Navy SCS Patch Seal (optional) *Hoodies may not be worn on formal days. Only outerwear without a hood and/or front pockets will be allowed.

SPIRIT DRESS - LAKESIDE CAMPUS (FRIDAYS) 14 PANTS Jeans (No rips, tears or holes) SHIRTS SCS-issued only (May be worn untucked) OUTERWEAR Same as normal school day See page 15 of the guide. SHOES Same as normal school day See page 9 of the guide. LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12)

OUTERWEAR - LAKESIDE CAMPUS 15 V-NECK LONG SLEEVE SWEATER (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) Uniforms) Navy Logo required V-NECK SWEATER VEST (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Navy Logo required CARDIGAN SWEATER (Must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms) Navy Logo required CHARLES RIVER JACKET (Must be purchased from SCS PTO) Navy Logo required SWEATSHIRT (Must be purchased from SCS PTO) Gray Logo required B L A Z E R optional Navy SCS Patch Seal (optional) Please note that 2020-21 will be the last school year Lakeside students are allowed to wear any type of hoodie during classroom school hours. Starting in the 2021-22 school year, hoodies purchased through athletics may only be worn during athletic activities. Both SCS campuses will allow the approved sweatshirt and jacket featured in the outerwear sections of the uniform guide to be worn during classroom hours. During cold weather, undergarments such as long-sleeve t-shirts, dry-fit shirts, turtle necks, and leggings may be worn underneath uniforms but must be white, black, gray, or navy with no pattern.

GENERAL RULES - LAKESIDE CAMPUS 16 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) APPEARANCE • No flip flops, athletic sandals, or house shoes • Western boots are acceptable only with pants • Dresses, skirts and shorts must be one inch below the fingertips when arms are extended with relaxed shoulders • No excessively tight clothing • No torn or frayed edges • No revealing necklines • Undergarments or non-uniform clothing layers must not be visible at any time • No bare midriffs • Shirts with tails must be tucked in at all times • Jewelry and makeup should not be distracting; earrings are allowed for girls only • No body piercing or visible tattoos • Caps are not allowed, except during athletic events/practices at each coach’s discretion • Caps are not permitted indoors • Hoodie-style sweatshirts may not be worn on formal days GROOMING • Students’ hair should be clean, neat, of a natural color and well-groomed • Hairstyles should not, based on a decision and opinion of the campus administration, cause a disruption of the educational environment • Boys may have facial hair that is clean and neat • Boys are not allowed to wear make-up or nail polish WHEN UNIFORMS ARE WORN • All SCS students are required to wear the designated uniform to school each day, unless it is a designated “Out of Uniform” or “Spirit Day” • Formal wear is to be worn on all school field trips and/or other school trips where SCS students travel away from the SCS campus • If a student does not have on the appropriate dress for a field trip, he or she will forfeit the right to go on the field trip

GENERAL RULES - LAKESIDE CAMPUS 17 LAKESIDE CAMPUS (GRADES 7-12) PHYSICAL EDUCATION DRESS CODE • Instructors/coaches provide guidance on appropriate dress as determined by the Athletic Department • Students should maintain modest standards for dress at all times GAME DAY/PERFORMANCE DRESS CODE • Athletes/Performers may wear attire approved in advance by sponsors working in concert with the school principal SENIOR FRIDAY DRESS CODE - 2ND SEMESTER Senior dress code is an option for seniors on Friday. This option is available in addition to the regular Friday spirit day dress code. The dress code follows business-casual guidelines and is consistent with regular SCS dress code guidelines regarding skirt length, necklines, and sleeves on shirts. • Dress pants with a belt, if there are belt loops • Denim jeans without holes, tears or fringes • Business-casual shirts or blouses with sleeves • Business-casual skirts or dresses (No shorter than 3 inches above the front and back of the knee) • Guys can wear dress shorts • Shirts with tails must be tucked in at all times • College shirts and small logos (such as polo) are acceptable • No shirts big lettering or logos/no inappropriate sayings • Please note, Senior Friday dress code does not include leisure wear UNIFORM OR DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS A uniform or dress code infraction is defined as any item(s), style, or type of apparel that does not appear in the section describing SCS required uniforms or dress code. Violation of the rules will be handled on an individual basis and in the following manner: • When a student is out of uniform, the parents will be notified and will be required to bring the appropriate clothing in order for the student to return to class • Subsequent violations can result in further disciplinary action • If a student does not have on the appropriate dress for a field trip, he or she will forfeit the right to go on the field trip • Dress code violations result in demerits (See demerit policy in SCS Student Handbook)


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