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Published by pontip_67, 2018-03-18 00:22:44

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Learn aboutAgile ModelwithAR e-Book How to : 1. Download AurasmaApp 2. Scan QR Code with Line or search “WipadaDD” 3. Scan picture Create by Wipada Chaiwchan Management Information System SSRU

สอื่ การเรียนรู้ AR (e-Book) 1การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศด้วย Agile ModelWhat is Agile? Agile development methodology attempts to provide many opportunities to assess the direction of a project throughout the development life cycle. Agile methods break tasks into small increments with minimal planning and do not directly involve long-term planning. Iterations are short time frames that typically last from one to four weeks.This video describe about overall of Agile Model

ส่ือการเรียนรู้ AR (e-Book) 2การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศดว้ ย Agile ModelWhat is Scrum? Scrum is an agile framework for managing work with anemphasis on software development. It is designed for teamsof three to nine developers who break their work into actionsthat can be completed within time boxed iterations,called sprints (typically two-weeks) and track progress andre-plan in 15-minute stand-up meetings, called daily scrums.

สอื่ การเรียนรู้ AR (e-Book)การพฒั นาระบบสารสนเทศดว้ ย Agile Model Review your knowledge and practice

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