St. Mary’s School 162 Washington Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-5515 HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat, Sun Closed Call Now for More Information! Well-Rounded Elementary Education: • Small class size for personal attentionDeveloping the love of learning! • Italian language learning St. Mary’s School nurtures and educates • Excellent teachers prepare and empowerchildren age 3 to Grade 5 and develops a studentsstrong, academic, faith-filled foundation • Warm, nurturing community of familiesfor our students to become compassionate, • After School Program (2:30 pm - 6:00 pm)responsible Catholic citizens. The purpose of St. Mary’s School is to provide A focus on high academic standards, opportunities for every child to develop his/herreligious education, and the celebration of potential: intellectually, spiritually, socially,community values nurtures a positive and and emotionally, in a secure, caring, andproductive approach to successfully meet the stimulating environment. Call today for a tourchallenges of modern life. or more information!Staf Inspections LLC/Pillar To Post Home Inspections 38 Frost Street Arlington, MA 02474 617-828-6800 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: For bookings call 781-488-8650. I am pleased to provide our local real destroying insect investigations. Myestate professionals and home buyers combined 35+ years of experience in theand sellers with a variety of home building--including building products andinspection services for new or old homes, material--construction, and remodelingcondominiums, townhouses, duplexes, industries, allows me to provideand quads. My services are available inspection services of unmatched quality,throughout the home buying and selling precision, integrity, and professionalism.process, including: pre-listing home I understand that our customers trust usinspections, pre-listing consultation, pre- to inform and educate them about whatoffer consultation, and accepted offer we see and find and this is a trust I holdhome inspections, with additional options in the highest regard.of 48-hour radon testing, and wood-Winchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 51
Stage Music Center 50 Cross Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-570-2556 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Sun 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Our vision is to provide a supportive environment • Ensemble/String Chamber.for students of all ages and levels, from absolute • Year-round recitals to showcase our students’beginners to more experienced musicians. Our musicschool opened in Winchester in 2015, and since then accomplishments.we have also welcomed students from surrounding Our talented and experienced faculty have builtcommunities. strong relationships with students and guided them toWe offer: reach their musical goals as well as prepared them for• Musical instruments private lessons: piano, guitar, year-round recitals. Scholarship opportunities are available for students bass, violin, clarinet, cello, viola, flute, saxophone, with that extra drive to better their skills and willingness and drums, for children, teenagers, and adults. to follow a practice routine.• Voice/singing private lessons for children, teenagers, Please contact us for any information. We are open and adults. all year long! Come In & Play!• In-home music lessons if students are not able to come to our school. $50 discount for• Early childhood music programming for babies, new students toddlers, and young children. Music and movement activities, singing, listening, dancing, and playing simple instruments. Tereza Maria Pupeza Skin Care 10 Converse Place Winchester, MA 01890 781-570-2192 HOURS OF OPERATION: By Appointment Tereza Maria Pupeza Skin Care + completed the Medical Aesthetician programMassage is a customized full service day spa at Catherine Hinds to further her professionalconveniently located just north of Boston in career. Tereza’s European and AmericanWinchester, MA. We offer quality skin care, experience (more than 24 years) allow her tohair removal, and massage therapy by highly provide the finest customized unforgettableskilled, licensed professionals. experiences with her treatments. We are truly the last spa you will ever Call to book an appointment or visit www.visit! Tereza Maria Pupeza Skin Care + for secureMassage is committed to providing high- online booking from any computer or mobilequality treatments, products, and service--we device.will do everything we can to exceed yourexpectations. 2011 Beauty Awards Recipient Tereza’s education began in Romania, STUFF Magazine - Best Facial in Bostonwhere she received her first diploma. She later52
The McLaren Real Estate Team 48 Mt Vernon Street, Suite 302 Winchester, MA 01890 617-605-8348 HOURS OF OPERATION: We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to help you with your real estate needs! In every detail of your buying & selling perfect home, we look to find them the perfect See our ad on page 3experience, my team upholds the highest setting that suits their everyday needs.level of integrity, energy, hard work, & “white As an effort to give back to our amazingglove” service. Each of us has expertise in real clients we make it our mission to supportestate, luxury branding, & investment finance. charities & small businesses in the towns weWe maintain a strong understanding of the service. We use 90% of our marketing dollars toever-changing marketplace from Winchester sponsor local events & organizations that maketo Boston & can help you navigate through a difference in our clients’ lives. Once you workeven the craziest deals with little-to-no stress. with The McLaren Team, you become part ofWe build strong, long-lasting relationships and our growing family of buyers and sellers! Yourwork tirelessly to bring ease to this busy time happiness is how we measure our success. Wein your lives. We work 99% through personal are confident we can show you how real estatereferral. We don’t look to just find people the can be done differently!The Nolan Group - Ameriprise Financial See our ad on page 3 Carolyn L. Nolan 48 Mount Vernon St., Suite 300 Winchester, MA 01890 781-604-3001 [email protected] Carolyn.L.Nolan HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat, Sun Closed The Nolan Group is a boutique franchise of Our team is ready to help you pursue yourAmeriprise, offering tailored financial planning financial goals. We are hands-on and client-services to our clients. We develop robust focused, developing a personalized approachfinancial strategies to help you pursue your to put your dreams within reach. Our role isgoals starting today, while we plan towards your to orchestrate the bigger picture, working indreams for tomorrow. concert with your legal and outside financial For every financial plan I build, my approach professionals to make everything work togetherstarts with my clients. Getting to know my clients brilliantly.personally is paramount in my practice, because What to expect from The Nolan Group:every person’s goals and dreams are as unique • A personalized approach to identify youras that individual. Backed with the strength of financial goalsthe Ameriprise network, I have a robust set of • Advice tailored to your investmentfinancial planning tools at my disposal. I have objectivesover 13 years of experience in the business and • An assessment of the solutions, risks,love every day of work! benefits, and costsWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 53
See our ad on page 79 W. Allan Wilde & Son Insurance Agency, Inc. 887 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-1400 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat, Sun By Appointment For over 80 years, three successive service, rapid claims responses, evening and generations of the Wilde Insurance family have weekend appointment availability, and rapid considered your family as part of ours. We email responses. continue to carry on the tradition of offering We offer great insurance packages with the a high level of personal and commercial best premium options on the market today, insurance services in a rapidly changing world. and are involved in streamlining and resolving Our staff is dedicated to making insurance your claims as efficiently as possible. If you are easier for you to understand. facing higher premiums because of younger We know it is a hectic and very busy world, so drivers or spiraling homeowner premiums, we strive to make the insurance part easier for please call or email us now. you. We do our best to protect you and yours Contact us for a review of your insurance by offering creative policy coverage solutions, portfolio. We will be happy to help. informative renewal options, free registry Waterfield Sotheby's International Realty 48 Mt. Vernon Street, Suite One Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-7900 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat, Sun 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Now more than ever, home buyers was built on a 260-year reputation of and sellers need strategic insight, exceptional quality and service. Our marketing savvy, and candid advice association with this premier brand and from an experienced real estate partner. international network of select real estate How our associates help their clients companies provides us with extensive to successfully navigate the world of and unique resources for our clients. real estate is truly what differentiates Dedicated to service excellence and Waterfield Sotheby’s International Realty armed with local expertise of Greater from other brokerages. Boston real estate, our real estate agents Founded in 2006, our firm is enable clients in all price ranges to buy distinguished by its affiliation with and sell with confidence and to achieve Sotheby’s International Realty®, which their real estate goals. 54
Whittaker General Contracting 3 Fletcher Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-0498 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Sat By Appointment Sun Closed Whittaker General Contracting insured. We specialize in all your See our ad on page 2is a Winchester-based remodeling remodeling needs:company, providing the Greater Custom HomesBoston area quality craftsmanship for Remodelingover 18 years. Renovations We work closely with homeowners, Additions, Kitchens & Morearchitects, designers, and Your home is your biggestsubcontractors to get the job done investment so nothing but the bestright, providing quality at a price you will do. Please visit our website atcan afford. to view We are reliable, licensed, and some of our work. WinCAM 32 Swanton Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-2050 HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Thur 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm Fri 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sat 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Sun Closed Weekday mornings by appointment.WinCAM is the hub for creative individuals We provide television studio and fielddoing remarkable things in Winchester. equipment for member use as well as freeYou’re the star. We’re here to educate and training from our expert staff to educatesupport you as you bring your digital media and support member productions.project to life. We’ve built WinCAM with the supportWinCAM is a non-profit, membership- of dedicated volunteers through grassrootsbased corporation, committed to providing efforts. Our strength comes from peoplean electronic forum for the free exchange of just like you who take interest in the cultureinformation and ideas, and a showcase to and activities of Winchester. WinCAM is forreflect the talents, skills, interests, concerns, and about the Town of Winchester. Join usand diversity of the Winchester community. today and get in on the fun!Winchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 55
Winchester Art & Frame 755 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-1447 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Sun Closed Winchester Art & Frame carries both fine stretching, shrink wrapping, and installation. and decorative art, provides framing services There are over 3,000 frame samples from with emphasis on design and conservation, which to select. We make the framing experience and provides restoration services. We also carry painless by working with you through the several lines of photo frames, easels, and gifts design and selection process of mats, glazing, such as hand-blown glass, pottery, albums, and other appropriate materials and processes, leaded glass boxes, hand-turned wood pieces, and with emphasis on the protection and long-term semiprecious jewelry. preservation of your art. The gallery currently contains the art of more We have been in business in Winchester for 30 than 85 artists, including original watercolors, oils, years. Our staff totals well over 100 years of framing and photography, giclees, hand-colored etchings, experience. Dave, a Certified Picture Framer (CPF), serigraphs, lithographs, needlework, mixed media, is a longtime board member and past president and antique art and maps. Ancillary services of the New England Professional Picture Framers include deacidification, dry mounting, blocking, Association and is an international judge.Learn more about us on page 4 Winchester Chamber of Commerce 25 Waterfield Road Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-8870 [email protected] The Winchester Chamber of Commerce’s W.O.W.” events are yet another great way for mission is to promote all of our local businesses professional women to network or just meet 365 days a year. We serve as a UNIFIED voice for others with similar interests. One of our most over 300 members and work daily to help them popular new initiatives is the “BYOC: Buy Your operate in an environment that is beneficial to Own Coffee” gatherings: an informal meet and all--whether you have a storefront in the center, greet held at various local restaurants throughout a business in your home, or a service that the year to mix and mingle with fellow members. provides help to the residents of Winchester. The Winchester Chamber of Commerce is the Various initiatives keep our office incredibly only organization in town that exists to truly busy. With the help of numerous volunteers, serve the business community. We welcome all our town beautification projects help keep the to join us to learn more about how we can be town looking its best. Our website contains a a resource to you and your business. We look valuable online directory to support the current forward to seeing you! Please email us at info@ membership as well as help new members connect. Our latest “Women of Winchester/ 56
Winchester Co-operative Bank See our ad on page 5 19 Church Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-3620 HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Wed 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Thur, Fri 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Sat 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Sun Closed Winchester Co-operative Bank is an and services. All of them can be easilyindependent, mutual co-operative bank accessed at our main office, by telephone, orfounded in Winchester in 1893. Our mission online at our secure website. While we areis to be a safe, secure depository for our proud to provide many convenient accesscustomers, and to provide the highest channels to accomplish your banking, we stilllevel of personal service in the process. In look forward to seeing you in person in theaddition, we understand and fully embrace branch. We offer free coffee every day and freeour responsibility to the community. With that donuts on Saturdays. In the impersonal worldin mind we take an active role in supporting in which we all live today, we are proud to saymany worthwhile programs, providing both that we still place a great importance on face-financial and human resources. to-face personal banking. Our emphasis is on We offer a full range of affordable products creating trusted banking relationships. Winchester Community Music School 407 Highland Avenue Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-2950 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Thur 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Fri 9:00 am - 7:30 pm Sat 8:00 am - 5:00 pm See our ad on page 13 Sun Closed Summer hours vary. Winchester Community Music School brings • master classes, jam sessions, musicmusic to life for aspiring and experienced appreciation, theory, music therapy,musicians, age 2 to 102. We work with songwriting, and composition classes.students of all interests and abilities from • a professional recording studio.more than 30 communities. • a relaxing environment for studying, working,WCMS has something for everyone including: or conversation with fellow musicians.• group and private lessons with teachers With over 35 years of music educationskilled in specific ages and levels. excellence and an exceptional faculty, WCMS• Dalcroze Eurhythmics and other creative offers programs to meet every musician’sprograms for preschool- and elementary- needs, as well as financial aid to ensureaged children. music lessons are accessible to all. We• ensembles in classical, jazz, rock, and blues. welcome you to explore our offerings online• financial aid available. at or give us a call• year-round concerts for the community. at 781-721-2950. Winchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 57
Winchester Farmers Market Community Hub 83 Church Street, Unit 10 Winchester, MA 01890 781-856-0761 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Sun Closed Sat 9:30 am - 1:30 pm June to the end of October Held on the Town Common between Laraway Road, Church Street, and Waterfield Road, our outdoor market begins the second Saturday in June. Supporting locally grown and produced foods and goods. Great local music and art. Enjoyment for the whole family. Special events scheduled for 2017: August 5 - Local Iron Chef Competition August 19 - Art In The Park, Hosted by the Winchester Cultural Council September 9 - Winchester Community Music School Day at the Market September 16 - International Day, Co-hosted with the Winchester Multicultural Network September 23 - Ability Awareness Day, Hosted by the Disability Access Commission September 30 - Community Organizations Fair November 18 - Indoor Farmers Market at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 478 Main St and sponsored by the Winchester Cooperative Bank and Craft Beer Cellars We will have a similar schedule of special events in following years. Winchester Hospital 41 Highland Avenue Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-9000 HOURS OF OPERATION: Open 24 hours/seven days a week.See our ad on page 13 Winchester Hospital, a member of Lahey Health, region, including Boston Children’s Hospital, Tufts has a long history of excellence marked by 100+ Medical Center, and BIDMC. years of experience. Winchester Hospital is the Winchester Hospital has a number of clinical first hospital in Mass. to earn Magnet recognition, locations in addition to the main campus at 41 the American Nurses Association’s highest honor Highland Avenue in Winchester. There is the Family for nursing excellence, three times. As a leading Medical Center in Wilmington and Baldwin Park provider of comprehensive health care services, our II in Woburn, each housing a walk-in urgent care 229-bed facility provides care in general, bariatric, center; Unicorn Park in Woburn, where the Center and vascular surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, for Healthy Living, Imaging Center, and Breast pulmonary medicine, oncology, radiation oncology, Care Center are located; Riverside Associates in gastroenterology, urology, gynecologic urology, Medford, which houses our Wound Healing Center rehabilitation, pain management, obstetrics/ and diabetes and weight management programs; gynecology, pediatrics, and a Level IIB Special Care and our state-of-the-art Center for Cancer Care Nursery. Winchester Hospital has clinical affiliations and ambulatory surgery center located at 620 with several nationally recognized hospitals in the Washington St. in Winchester. 58
Winchester Multicultural Network 63 Shore Road, Suite 22 Mailing address: P.O. Box 346 Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-7100 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Please call for office hours. We Educate, Advocate, and Respond - The Mission of collaborates with town government, local schools,the Winchester Multicultural Network is to: faith communities, and civic organizations to further• Promote the recognition, understanding, and our mission and support efforts to achieve social justice. appreciation of diversity Its focus includes issues of race, gender, ethnicity,• Advocate for each and every person’s civil rights religion, ideology, socio-economic status, health, sexual• Confront intolerance orientation, gender identity and expression, age, and differing abilities as well as international newcomers’ The Winchester Multicultural Network, founded in experiences as they encounter a different culture and1991, has worked to build an inclusive community language.through advocating for human rights, confrontingintolerance, and promoting the recognition, The WMCN pursues education, advocacy, andunderstanding, and appreciation of the diversity and response around human rights and social justice, andsimilarities that enrich our town. celebrates an inclusive community every day. The Network offers multicultural training workshops Network programs are free, thanks to the financialand forums, provides advocacy and support to generosity of Winchester residents, organizations, andwitnesses and targets of bias and discrimination, faith communities. Contributions are always welcome!arranges activities for international residents, and Winchester Orthodontics PC 33 Thompson Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-8180 [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Fri 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Sat, Sun Closed Our practice was founded by Dr. William of Boston that specializes in adult andL. Wilson in the 1940s at our previous child orthodontics. We strive to providelocation on Dix Street in Winchester the highest quality care combined with theand has grown with the addition of Dr. highest quality service. We offer a wideRobert C. Wilson in 1976 and Dr. Robert range of esthetic options for orthodonticW. Wilson in 2006. In 2013 we moved to treatment, including conventional metala new state-of-the-art office located at 33 braces, clear braces, Invisalign, and clearThompson Street in Winchester, where aligner therapy (invisible braces).we plan to continue our 70-year family Please feel free to stop by or call us totradition for years to come. discuss how we can help you achieve the Winchester Orthodontics is a father/son smile that you have always dreamed of!orthodontic practice located just outsideWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 59
Winchester Savings Bank 661 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-2130 www.winchestersavings.comSee our ad on page 40 HOURS OF OPERATION: DRIVE-UP HOURS: Mon - Wed 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon - Wed 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Thur, Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Thur - Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Sat 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Sun Closed We are proud to be a local bank Providing access to these services with a strong financial foundation, a and to products that offer both value tradition of exceptional service, and and convenience like CardValet, a legacy of community involvement Mobile Deposit, online mortgage and support. For more than 140 applications, and uChoose Debit Card years, Winchester Savings Bank has Rewards builds on our core values kept your money safe and provided of strength, service, and community. a friendly, open atmosphere to We are here to serve you and work customers who look for guidance closely with you to help you make in financing a home, saving for the smart financial choices by exploring future, and growing a business. all of your options. Wine Country ~ Liquors, Wine & Beer 741 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-1045 HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon - Fri 9:30 am - 10:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 10:00 am Sun 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wine Country, a family operated wine shop champagnes from regions around the world, as located in Winchester, MA, opened in 2004. well as a large selection of great wines for under From day one, our neighborhood-friendly pricing $15. Our search for the finest wines provides you policy and consistently excellent service has with the best selection imaginable. made Wine Country one of the finest and most We have a diverse selection of domestic dependable shops in the area. and imported finely crafted beers, constantly Wine Country has over 900 wines on hand, changing in include seasonal brews and new each carefully selected. We are constantly discoveries, as well as an intriguing assortment searching for the new, unique wine of surprising of premium spirits, including single malt scotch, value to meet almost any taste, budget, or cognacs, bourbons, tequila, imported vodka and occasion. We maintain a vast selection consisting brandies and other imported liqueurs available of red, white, dessert, sparkling wines, and to suit any occasion or taste. 60
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890ACCOUNTANTS ARCHITECTSBarrett & Scibelli, LLC (see pg. 17) b Architecture Studio (see pg. 16)8 Winchester Place, Suite 201 750 Main Street781-570-2273 Suite 781-756-0515 www.barchstudio.comMacArthur & McCoy, PC611 Main Street, Suite 204 Harrison Mulhern Architects781-721-1234 P.O. Box 781-729-3700 www.hmarchitects.comO’Connor & Drew P.C.(see pg. 43)27 Church Street Leaf Design Associates, Inc. 781-729-4949 (see pg. 37) 5 Winslow Road 781-721-6541Walsh & Co. Houzz.com632A Main Street781-721-0295 Stirling/Brown One Mount Vernon Street 781-721-1310Winchester Tax Associates LLC www.stirlingbrown.com48 Mount Vernon Street, Suite 301781-604-2500 William Sloan Associates, Architects 551 Main StreetANTIQUES 781-729-2910 www.williamsloan.comAcquiring Design10 Mystic EN KA EXCHANGE RESALE SHOP Read about us on Page 29 1037 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-6146Selling gently used clothing & jewelry for Women, Men, Juniors & Children Store Hours: Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday: 10am-4pm Friday: 10am-1pm Please consider donating your gently worn items. Call for details. The En Ka Society, Community Service for over 100 years!Winchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 61
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORY Unless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890 ART Gosselin & Kyriakidis P.C. 1026 Main Street Art 2 Sue Clark 781-782-6000 159 Horn Pond Brook Road 781-570-9087 Kolberg Law PC 8 Winchester Place, Suite 205 Rubini Art 617-737-7800 22 Park Street 617-543-6351 Law Offices of Richard Mucci (see pg. 37) Studio on the Common 63 Shore Road 22 Church Street Suite 23 781-721-1023 781-729-3999 ATTORNEYS AT LAW / Murray & Quill, P.C. (see pg. 42) LEGAL SERVICES 165 Washington Street 781-729-5115 Ashton Law PC 28 Church Street 781-756-6600 Parker & Associates 10 Converse Place, Suite 201 781-729-0005 Crowley and Cummings, LLC (see pg. 26) 48 Mt. Vernon Street Smith Duggan Buell & Rufo LLP (see pg. 14) Suite 205 55 Old Bedford Road 781-583-8495 Lincoln, MA 01773 617-228-4456 www.smithduggan.comRead about us on Page 33 508.472.7926 • Going away for the winter? • Parent’s home unoccupied? • Home vacant waiting to sell? • Rental home unoccupied waiting We are licensed, bonded and insured for a renter? • Temporarily relocating out of Frank Fantasia state for a job? Owner If you want peace of mind give “The House Watchers” a try. 62
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890AUTO SALES & SERVICE Winchester Co-operative Bank (see pgs. 5,57)Bavarian Performance Group 19 Church Street1034 Main Street 781-729-3620781-205-2709 Winchester Savings Bank Bonnell Motors, Inc. (see pg. 19) (see pgs. 40,60)353 Cambridge Street (Route 3) 661 Main Street781-729-9700 www.winchestersavings.comBAKED GOODS – BREADS, CAKES, BOOKSTORECOOKIES, MUFFINS Book Ends (see pg. 20)Gingerbread Construction Co. 559 Main Street(see pg. 7) 781-721-5933562 Washington Street BUSINESS SERVICES / INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORLa Patisserie30 Church Street CS Consulting781-729-9441 6 Lawson 617-943-7808 CAR WASHBlue Hills Bank48 Mt. Vernon Street Shield System Car Wash (see pg. 50)Suite 303 783 Main Street781-640-0319 www.shieldcarwash.comCentury Bank - M Long CHILDREN’S EDUCATION & ACTIVITIES522 Main Street781-756-3480 Acera 5 Lowell Ave 781-729-3489Northmark Bank pg. 43)26 Mount Vernon Street Ballet Arts Centre of Winchester (see pg. 16)781-721-9100 50 Cross 781-729-8556 www.bacw.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 63
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890Boston Education Advocates Leathers College Consulting Group4 Evans Street 17 Swan RoadWoburn, MA 01801 Schools for Children 8 Winchester Place, Suite 202Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services 781-641-598526 Grove StreetWayland, MA 01778 Shelby Meyerhoff Creative781-863-8600 42 Winford 617-875-5268 ShelbyMeyerhoff.comCreative Corner School (see pg. 25) St. Mary’s School 11 Sheridan Circle (see pg. 51)781-721-5566 162 Washington 781-729-5515 www.stmaryswinchester.orgCultural Care Au Pair (see pgs. 26,80) United Methodist29 Damon Road Nursery SchoolMedford, MA 02155 34 Dix Street781-395-8624 unitedmethodistnurseryschool.orgKaren Bernard School of Dance Winchester Cooperative Nursery School7 McKay Avenue 478 Main Street781-729-6400 781-729-2003 www.winchestercoop.orgKids’ Corner (see pgs. 11,36) Winchester Cooperative Theatre263 Main Street P.O. Box 443Lower Level CHIROPRACTORSKidstock! Theater Winchester Family Chiropractic(see pg. 36) 10 Converse PlaceAdjacent to the Nextdoor Theater 781-721-333650 Cross Street www.mcgarrychiro.com781-729-5.KIDwww.kidstocktheater.com64
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890CIVIC MEMBERS COMMUNITY RESOURCES / NON-PROFITSDot Butler Council of Social Concern (see pg. 25)30 Wildwood Street 2 Merrimac Street781-729-8436 Woburn, MA 01801 781-935-6495Judy Virnelli www.socialconcern.org23 Lorena Road781-729-3595 En Ka Exchange Resale Shop (see pgs. 29,61)CLOTHING & JEWELRY 1037 Main Street 781-729-6146Hidden Treasures ... is now Runway Couture pg. 33)38 Church Street Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation781-721-7302 235 West Foster Melrose, MA 02176 781-662-3340J. Hilburn - Custom Menswear www.fells.org20 Everell Road781-640-7988 Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation (see pg. 80) P.O. Box 716Revel Marblehead, MA 01945(see pg. 47) glendohertyfoundation.org6 Mount Vernon Street781-570-2117 League of Women Voters of P.O. Box 1033 www.lwvwinchester.orgCOMMUNICATIONS – ADVERTISING,GRAPHIC DESIGN, MARKETING, Mission of DeedsWEB DEVELOPMENT 6 Chapin Avenue Reading, MA 01867Rick Goldberg Communicatrions 781-944-97977 Perkins Road www.missionofdeeds.org617-308-8638 Rotary Club of WinchesterStirling Technologies P.O. Box 2881 Mount Vernon Street, Suite 302 617-956-2930Arlington, MA 02476 Sustainable Winchester Inc. / Farmers Market 200 Swanton Street #613 781-729-9022 www.sustainablewinchester.orgWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 65
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890Winchester Chamber of Commerce Winton Club(see pgs. 4,56) P.O. Box 71425 Waterfield Road 617-247-1960781-729-8870 www.wintonclub.orgWinchester Farmers Market Community Hub COMPUTER SERVICES(see pg. 58)83 Church Street Local Hero Tech SupportUnit 10 52 Myrtle Terrace781-856-0761 www.localherotechsupport.comWinchester Foundation for Educational PC QuickHelp Inc. (see pg. 44)Excellence - WFEE 71 Cross Street(see pg. 13) 781-721-1500P.O. Box 1005 The Computer Cafe 430 Massachusetts AvenueWinchester Historical Society Arlington, MA 02474(see pg. 14) 781-646-430015 High Street CONFECTIONARY MACHINERY MANFACTURINGWinchester Multicultural Network(see pg. 59) Varick Enterprises, Inc.63 Shore Road, Suite 22 14 Fieldstone DriveMailing address: P.O. Box 346 781-729-9140781-729-7100 CONSULTANT – HUMAN RESOURCESWinchester PlayersP.O. Box 721 Marnee J. Walsh & 4 Harrington Road 781-729-4815Winchester Seniors Association / JenksJenks Center CONSULTANT – IMAGE109 Skillings Road781-721-7136 Doreen Dove Image 3 Overlook Way 617-947-0573 www.doreendove.com66
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890CONTRACTORS, HOME RENOVATION, Massachusetts DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, & (see pg. 49)MAINTENANCE 71 Cross Street 781-207-1400Barrett Tree Service East sandfreemass.com60 Union StreetMedford, MA 02155 Whittaker General Contracting 617-616-5281 (see pgs. 2,55) 3 Fletcher Street 781-721-0498Bento Construction, Inc 119 Main Street #2Saugus, MA 01906 Wise Construction617-203-2080 21 East Streetwww.BentoConstruction.Net 781-721-1100 www.wiseconstruction.comCarole Kitchen and Bath Design215 Salem Street DANCE & FITNESSWoburn, MA 01801781-933-3339 Firebeat Dance 2 Lowell Avenue 617-564-3473Catamount Builders, Inc.14 Dorchester Street Winchester Ballet ConservatoryBoston, MA 02127 9 Mt Vernon Street617-315-7430 winchesterballetconservatory.comElite Painting Services Winchester Gymnastics Academy720 Bruce Street 70 Cross StreetWinchester, VA 22601 781-729-1018540-539-6025 winchestergymnasticsacademy.comMurray Design Showroom DENTISTS & ORTHODONTISTS(see pg. 11)134 Mystic Avenue Caulfield OrthodonticsMedford, MA 02155 831 Main Street781-395-3333 caulfieldorthodontics.comRavenscroft Homes LLC Janis Moriarty, DMD, PC - General Dentistry (see pg. 46) (see pg. 34)22 Ardley Road 607 Main Street617-913-0958 781-729-7767 www.myhealthysmile.netWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 67
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890Pediatric Dental Associates DRUG & ALCOHOL TREATMENT(see pg. 44)955 Main Street Montgomery AssociatesSuite 101 400 West Cummings Park781-729-1900 Suite Woburn, MA 01801 781-938-1138Winchester Orthodontics PC (see pg. 59) DRY CLEANERS33 Thompson Street781-729-8180 Fresh Touch (see pg. 30) 757 Main StreetDERMATOLOGISTS 781-729-0137 freshtouchcleaners.comDermatology Associates (see pg. 27) EYE WEAR955 Main StreetSuite G-6 Winchester Optical781-729-4878 888 Main 781-729-4553 www.winchesteroptical.netMarilyn R Capek, MD955 Main Street, Suite 308 FINANCIAL ADVISORS781-729-3150 Edward Jones Investments DOG WALKING AND PET SITTING (see pg. 28) 535 Main StreetDogs for Days, LLC 781-721-1069(see pgs. 7,27) www.edwardjones.com21 Englewood Road603-401-4166 Equity Fund 64 Church Street 781-729-6844Pet Pals pg. 45)278 Salem Street Larson Financial Planning, Inc.Woburn, MA 01801 12 Dana Avenue781-721-PETS www.larsonfp.com68
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890New York Life Insurance Company FLORIST / FLORAL DESIGN /10 Cedar Street, Suite 22 GARDENING CENTERWoburn, MA 01801781-570-9150 Pondview Florist (see pg. 46) 16 Mt. Vernon StreetThe Nolan Group - Ameriprise Financial 781-729-8255(see pgs. 3,53) www.pondviewflorist.comCarolyn L. Nolan48 Mount Vernon Street, Suite 300 Mahoney’s Rocky Ledge Farm (see pg. 39)FITNESS 242 Cambridge Street 781-729-5900Core Elements Fitness pg. 24) FRAMING – CUSTOM750 Main Street (side entrance, 2nd floor)781-727-0425 Frame 7 Waterfield Road 781-729-3733Get In Shape For Women (see pg. 31) Winchester Art & Frame (see pg. 56)564 Main Street (across from Book Ends) 755 Main Street781-729-8100 winchesterartandframe.netGolden Home Fitness FUNCTION HALL / CATERING7 Churchhill Circle781-721-1091 Sons of Italy- Gail 117 Swanton StreetMountain Strength Cross Fit 781-729-978770 Cross Street FUNERAL HOMEWinchester Aerobics Costello Funeral Home534 Washington Street 177 Washington Street781-729-1599 www.costellofuneralhome.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 69
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890GENERAL CONTRACTOR Elite Freestyle Karate, LLC 1349 Main StreetBronson Drilling 781-942-9898P.O. Box 1013 The Chrysalis Center 28 Church St. #5HAIR & BEAUTY SALONS / SPAS 781-369-4144 www.thechrysaliscenter.comAlessandro Hair & Color Salon5 Waterfield Road Winchester Center for Acupuncture & Health781-721-2225 600 Main Street 781-729-8880 winchesteracupuncture.comFaces Skincare Studio38 Church Street Winchester Natural Health Associates617-803-7018 10 Converse Place, Suite 781-721-4585 winchesternaturalhealth.comSalone Estetica (see pg. 48)6 Thompson Street HEATING OIL, HEATING / AIR Federal Energy Services, LLC (see pg. 29)Tereza Maria Pupeza Skin Care 611 Main Street, Suite 202(see pg. 52) 781-721-246810 Converse Place Jackson Fuel Corp. 377 Salem StreetHARDWARE STORE Medford, MA 02155 781-391-7390Fells True Value Hardware Co. (see pg. 30) HOME CARE654 Main Street781-729-0902 CMK Home Care Arlington MA 02474HEALTH / WELLNESS / MIND / 781-266-8985BODY / SPIRIT cmkhomecare.netBoston Back Rehab Center48 Mt Vernon Street781-369-1519bostonbackrehabcenter.com70
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890HOME INSPECTORS Jay Finn Insurance Agency (see pgs. 7,35)Staf Inspections LLC 10 Skillings RoadPillar To Post Home Inspections 781-729-5724(see pg. 51) barryfinn.com38 Frost StreetArlington, MA 02474 JJ Ruddy Insurance Agency, Inc.617-828-6800 153 Main Medford, MA 02155 781-396-4900HOSPITAL www.jjruddyinsurance.comWinchester Hospital John A. Pierce Insurance Agency(see pgs. 13,58) (see pg. 35)41 Highland Avenue 934 Main Street781-729-9000 www.johnpierceinsurance.comHOTELS Salem Five Boyle Insurance Services (see pg. 78)Boston Marriott Burlington Hotel 9 Seneca RoadOne Mall Road 781-933-5100Burlington, MA 01803 Saltmarsh Insurance Agency marriott-burlington (see pgs. 41,49) P.O. Box 458HOUSES OF WORSHIP 751 Main Street 781-729-4615Christian Science Reading Room www.saltmarshinsurance.com4 Mount Vernon StreetArlington, MA 02476 Scotti & Company, Inc. 781-729-5856 (see pg. 50) 19 Mount Vernon Street 781-729-9200INSURANCE www.ScottiUSA.comColonial Life W. Allan Wilde & Son Insurance Agency, Inc. 25 Hutchinson Road (see pgs. 54,79)781-879-6172 887 Main Street 781-729-1400 www.wildeinsurance.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 71
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890INTERIOR DESIGN / HOME STAGING Simms II Jewelers 550 Main StreetBespoke of Winchester (see pg. 17) 781-729-674125 Thompson Street Wendy Jo New Metal Designs 23 Everell RoadBryant Park Designs, LLC 781-962-0282540 Main Street #4 Winchester Ltd. Jewelers 534 Main Streetgrace interiors 781-729-3938(see pg. 32)23 Swan Road LANDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE M & M Landscaping 2 Alben StreetMary Courville Designs 781-729-2021(see pg. 39)19 Ridgefield Road Perennial Landscape Corporation 781-721-1934 (see pg. 45) 22 Torrice Drive Woburn, MA 01801Mary Snow Designs 781-729-17197 Copley Street R Maggio and Son Contractors P.O. Box 396Mistura Interior Design, Inc 781-729-5043525 Washington Street Turf Prep 171 Swanton Street, Unit 43JEWELRY / GIFTS 877-774-8873 www.turfprep.comHome2A Mt. Vernon Street Heart Stone Therapeutic Massage 28 Church Street #6Karma 781-424-5847560 Main Street heartstonetm.com781-721-490372
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890MEDICAL Ducks in a Row ( see pg. 28) 18 Hawthorne StreetNeem Medical Spa of Winchester Woburn, MA 01801(see pg. 42) 781-721-605540 Church Street PARTY SUPPLY RENTALSMOVING AND STORAGE Peak Event Services 36 Cabot RoadIntelligent Labor Inc. Woburn, MA 01801(see pg. 34) 781-729-400018 Beck Road www.petersonpartycenter.comArlington, MA 02476617-864-0620 PERSONAL SERVICES / ERRANDS / CONCIERGEMUSIC INSTRUCTION Upstairs Downstairs Decluttering 70 Fletcher StreetStage Music Center (see pg. 52) 860-908-800350 Cross Street781-570-2556 Winchester PharmacyWinchester Community Music School 568 Main Street(see pgs. 13,57) 781-570-2320407 Highland Avenue PHOTOGRAPHYNEWS / MEDIA – PRINT, ONLINE & TV Cydney Ambrose Photography 63 Emerson RoadWinCAM 781-729-2398(see pg. 55) www.ambrosephotography.com32 Swanton Street781-721-2050 Diane Rubino 162 Forest Street 617-519-5341ORGANIZING PROFESSIONAL dianerubinodavies.comBK Organizing Stephanie Smith Photography(see pg. 18) 8 Oneida Rd37 Salisbury Street 617-388-9881617-645-5655 www.stephsmithphoto.comwww.bkorganizing.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 73
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890PHOTOGRAPHY MUSEUM REAL ESTATEGriffin Museum of Photography Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate(see pg. 32) The Shanahan Group67 Shore Road (see pg. 18)781-729-1158 552 Main 781-729-9030 www.shanahanre.comPHOTOGRAPHY – AERIAL Century 21 - Lorrie ParajeckasMark Flannery Photography 39 Church Street& Landscape Architecture 781-454-863716 Roylston Avenue Century 21 Commonwealth Bill (Real Estate) CaciPLUMBING & HEATING 39 Church Street 781-729-0200Allen Plumbing pg. 15)112 Albion Street Century 21 CommonwealthSomerville, MA 02144 Joan Francis Sullivan617-625-4300 39 Church 617-610-3772 www.commonmoves.comJ. J. Loftus Plumbing and Heating6R Glenwood Avenue Century 21 Commonwealth781-729-7846 Linda Sharpe (see pg. 20) 9 Meriam Street, Suite 10PRINTING AND MARKETING SERVICES Lexington, MA 02420 617-645-1218Litho-Craft pg. 38)One Lowell Avenue Century 21 Commonwealth781-729-2012 Liz Darby (see pg. 21) 39 Church StreetThe Mystic Companies 617-775-566318 North Gateway www.lizdarby.com617-429-2558www.themysticcompanies.com74
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890Century 21 Commonwealth LAER Realty PartnersLucille Murray 41 Thompson Street(see pg. 2) 781-729-58509 Merriam Street www.LAERrealty.comLexington, MA 02420781-820-5028 RE/MAX - Marie 2 Mount Vernon Street 781-492-1023Century 21 Commonwealth northofbostonrealestate.comPatrick Fortin(see pg. 21) RE/MAX Leading Edge39 Church Street Carolyn Vernaglia (see pg. 47)781-729-7777 2 Mt. Vernon 617-966-6028 www.leadingedgeagents.comColdwell BankerNancy O’Herron RE/MAX Leading Edge(see pg. 22) Paul Mydelski3 Church Street 2 Mount Vernon Street781-771-5200 www.leadingedgeagents.comColdwell Banker RE/MAX Leading EdgePeggy Otis Peter Pirani3 Church Street 2 Mount Vernon Street781-704-1382 781-608-1805 www.peterandjoan.comColdwell Banker Residential BrokerageCathleen Moore RE/MAX Leading Edge(see pgs. 9,23) The Andersen Team3 Church Street 2 Mount Vernon Street781-729-7290 [email protected] northofbostonrealestate.comHammond Residential Real Estate The McLaren Real Estate Team Charlotte Richardson (see pg. 53)2 Andrews Road 48 Mt Vernon Street, Suite 302617-877-6080 www.citytosuburbs.comHammond Residential Real Estate Waterfield Sotheby’s International Realty Katy Wolf (see pg. 54)552 Main Street 48 Mt. Vernon Street, Suite One781-729-7000 waterfieldsir.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 75
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORYUnless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT RESTAURANTS AND CATERINGAlbiani Management Co. Black Horse Tavern (see pg. 15) (see pg. 19)828 Main Street 32 Waterfield Road781-721-1122 blackhorsetavernwinchester.comCollins Management Inc. Dunkin’ DonutsPond View Realty LLC 797 Main StreetP.O. Box 742 781-721-4814781-729-0707 Watchers Gloria’s Pizzeria(see pgs. 33,62) 920 Main Street4 Churchill Road 781-729-8850508-472-7926 LUCIA Ristorante & BarLocatelli’s Winchester Realty Trust (see pgs. 9,38)67 Leonard Street 13 Mt. Vernon StreetBelmont, MA 02478 781-729-0515617-484-2200 Marty’s Caterers, Inc.RECREATION 54 Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180Brightview Country Club Heights 781-438-88583 Rehabilitation Way www.montvaleplaza.comWoburn, MA 01801781-935-4094 the FULLER 11 Thompson Street 781-604-1020Winchester Indoor Tennis www.thefullercup.comSports Management Services41 East Street The Greek Grille781-729-4040 599 Main 781-729-2889 The Waterfield Kitchen 14 Thompson Street 781-729-0204 www.twk-winchester.com76
WINCHESTER CHAMBER MEMBER DIRECTORY Unless indicated otherwise, all towns are Winchester, MA 01890SENIOR SERVICES / Gables at Winchester WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT /HOME HEALTH CARE / (see pgs. 31,79) MARKETINGSENIOR LIVING 299 Cambridge Street 781-756-1026 FounderGate LLCABC Home Healthcare P.O. Box 144Professionals 781-369-5022233 Albion Street Salter HealthCare foundergate.comWakefield, MA 01880 (see pgs. 41,48)781-245-1880 P.O. Box 490 WINE & CHEESE, 781-729-9370 BEER, SPIRITS www.SalterHealthCare.comBenchmark Senior Living Craft Beer Cellarat Woburn Winchester Mount 18 Thompson Street1 Cedar Street Vernon House 781-369-1174Woburn, MA 01801 110 Mt. Vernon Street Pairings Wine and Food 600 Main StreetCarleton-Willard At Home SHOES – CHILDREN 781-721-9463 www.pairingswineandfood.comP.O. Box 936 Wine Country ~ Liquors,Bedford, MA 01730 Kids Footstop Wine & Beer (see pg. 60)781-276-1910 553 Main Street 741 Main Street 781-729-2275 www.kidsfootstop.comClark Care Private Senior Care(see pg. 22) SHOES, ACCESSORIES,533 Main Street SCARVES, & BAGS –781-729-1601 WOMEN’ Sole AmourComForcare Senior Home Care 17 Thompson Street(see pg. 23) 781-721-530010 Perkins Road TRASH REMOVAL / MOVERSComfort Keepers ofWinchester/Woburn Winchester Rubbish Removal(see pg. 24) & RecyclingP.O. Box 444 (see pg. 2)781-721-5522 86 Cross 781-721-7800 www.winchesterrubbish.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 77
BECAUSE YOU NEED LESS CRAZY. The right insurance policy helps you protect the people, properties, and equipment that keep you up and running— now and in the future. We’ll help you find a policy geared to growing and changing with your business. We offer: • Property • Auto • General Liability • Key Man • Workers Comp Contact us today! Salem Five Insurance 445 Main Street | Woburn 800.850.5000 | Insurance products offered through Salem Five Insurance Services, LLC. Insurance products are: Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value • Not a Deposit • Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency78
THE GABLES AT WINCHESTER Read about us on Page 31 MORE THAN 26 YEARS SERVING SENIORS Read about us on Page 54 The Gables at Winchester independent and assisted living offers residents a worry free lifestyle and as needed support from our dedicated care team. THE GABLES OFFERS: • Elegant and spacious apartments with a full size kitchen • On-site rehabilitation and wellness center • Daily programming for mental and physical exercise, as well as, off-site cultural excursions • The Five Star Dining Experience Call to schedule a personal tour and lunch for you and a friend today. 299 Cambridge St. • Winchester, MA 01890 781-756-1026 ©2017 Five Star Senior Living Because it’s a dangerous world out there Comprehensive Personal & Commercial Insurance Business Lines Insurance * Bonds Commercial/Business Insurance * Life & Health Insurance 887 Main Street, Winchester, MA 781-729-1400 www.wildeinsurance.comWinchester Chamber of Commerce ~ 25 Waterfield Road ~ 781.729.8870 79
Read about us on Page 26THANK YOU WINCHESTER! The Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation Board of Directors would like to formally thank the Town of Winchester for their continued support. Because of your gener- ous donations and participation in events like our Annual Memorial Road Race, we have we have had the pleasure of AWARDING SCHOLARSHIPS TO OVER 28 outstanding individuals! Glen Doherty was a former Navy SEAL who sacrificed his life in order to save other people during the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi Libya, September 11, 2012. This foundation is our way of honoring him. Our focus is on providing current and former special operations professionals, from all branches of the government, the means necessary to transition and succeed in civilian life. We are also enabling the children and families of these soldiers the ability to mature and grow through recreation.EN DOHERGL LEARN MORE ABOUT GDMFORIAL FOUNDA TION www.GlenDohertyFoundation.Org TY OUR CHARITY: We are a 501(c)(3) charity organization dedicated to honoring and preserving theMEM memory of Glen Doherty and all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defending out nation on the Global War on Terror.