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Home Explore PixelSpoke Impact Report 2016

PixelSpoke Impact Report 2016

Published by PixelSpoke, 2017-01-31 21:10:47

Description: PixelSpoke Impact Report 2016


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Impact Report 2016

Our Mission Statement 4Our Core Values 5Governance 6Employees 8Financial Health 9Community 10Environment 11Credit Unions 12Looking Forward 15Recommended Reading 18Conclusion 19

Our Mission Statement Our purpose is to provide credit unions with the marketing and technology to compete with themegabanks and facilitate their mission to serve the underserved with quality financial services.

Our Core ValuesOur culture determines how we communicate withclients and each other, and everything we do isguided by our core values: See how we improve at living our core values here

GovernanceWith Authenticity as one of our core values, we striveto be transparent about everything we do. Bypracticing open book management with weeklyfinancial updates, all employees are aware of thecompany’s financial state and what they can do toimprove it.

 To measure employee engagement, we conduct the4.6/5 Gallup Q12 survey several times a year. Gallup developed the survey after spending decades writing and testing hundreds of questions, yielding the 12 key components that drive employee engagement. Our goal was to have a score of 4.5 by 2018, and we ended 2016 at 4.6!2016 was the year of ourRemote Revolution. Toprovide more flexibility toemployees’ workdays, weembraced videoconferencing, upgradedcomputers, and meetingscompleted in what we call“Brady Bunch” mode.

Financial Health2016 was our 3rd year in 20%+a row of 20% growth! Open Book No Debt Healthy CashManagement Reserves

Community We are committed to helping people around the world achieve financial wellness, and we donate 5% of profits to help entrepreneurs build their companies. We made 1,302 micro-loans this year, bringing our 
 total to over 2,500 so far.At our annual retreat, weworked with local non-profitButterfly Boxes to assemblewelcome kits for five refugeechildren as they enter Portland. Cameron went to Dilley, TX 3 times to volunteer in the refugee prison, and helped to organize and fundraise for a Refugee Coordinator position for the women after their release

EnvironmentAs a digital company, we 
already have a low carbonfootprint, and wepurchase Carbon Offsetsthrough TerraPass toachieve carbon neutrality. In 2016, we reduced We’re lucky to live in Portland, the number of trash cans where recycling is already a part of daily life. in our office from This year we also started a10 to 2 company compost program – Dave made our compost bin and Fitz bikes it to a compost pile several times a week!

Credit UnionsIn November, the atmosphere in Portland was tense, tosay the least. Our client Point West Credit Union isprogressive and politically active, and we saw anopportunity for them to authentically share their values.They inspired us to craft a Declaration of Beliefs that Point See the Declaration of Beliefs here

Cameron worked with the winning conceptin Filene’s i3 prototype project: Bank onFamily, a tool that helps people avoidpredatory lenders.

103 In 2016, we proudly hit our two year mark of being a B Corp and were up for recertification. After completing an audit even more detailed than the normal assessment, we gained 22 points for a total of 103!Our CEO Camerondrove the initiative tocreate Portland’s first BCorp Board in January2016 and is currentlyserving a two-year termas Board President.

Looking ForwardWe’re a team of people always looking for what we can dobetter (Continual Improvement is one of our core values!),so we’ve got big plans for 2017. • Employee Assistance Program that includes financial education, counseling, and will preparation • Flex Spending Account • Paid Volunteer Time • Donation Matching Program • B Corp Inclusion Challenge • Diversity & Inclusion Training • Supporting the Rhino Foods Income Advance Program • B Corp Best for the World

Recommended ReadingYou can bet someone in the office is reading at least one of thesebooks at any given time –– “Curiosity with a Purpose” is one of ourfavorite core values (ok, ok, they’re all our favorite).• Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty• Future Crimes: Inside the Digital Underground and the Battle for Our Connected World• Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success• The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability• Turn That Ship Around: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders• Ownership Thinking: How to End Entitlement and Create a Culture of Accountability, Purpose, and Profit

ConclusionNo one can predict the future, but 2017 is certainly going tobe a year like no other. We’ve always believed that creditunions are key to financial wellness, especially forunderserved communities, and now we are morecommitted than ever to helping them further that mission.We’re excited to move forward with hope – and action,using business as a force for good.To a better world,The PixelSpoke Team