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Home Explore Andrea Gray - Colbert County - December 2020

Andrea Gray - Colbert County - December 2020

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2020-12-01 19:18:57

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Hey! This Paper Belongs To: EEnntteerr OOuurr CChhrriissttmmaass CCoolloorriinngg CCoonntteesstt!! TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - December 2020 LLeett''ss CCeelleebbrraattee WWhhaatt''ss IItt LLiikkee ttoo bbee aann AAuutthhoorr?? WWiillddvviilllee -- TThhee PPoollaarr BBeeaarr •• WWhheerree iiss tthhee NNoorrtthh PPoollee?? HHooww ttoo IInnvvoollvvee KKiiddss wwiitthh HHoolliiddaayy BBaakkiinngg WWiinntteerr SSnnoowwffllaakkeess For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at December 2020 Kidsville News! 1

Hi, Kids! yEsimtesaoHovgthcLniunl“eihIdoaoestdfTWdrilntnonhtrlndyheinEkiseehgcfgei“su.aaseseeahrCsokardsrrtYonatmrwate.mtwnohheiinseonvycoiuaidunnaelonnit’nedtstslccutos.efhohttariihrm,hiKsnnnTboloce.dsowi—nrKhmkarisisadieMeelnWtoed,enegaTu”sanzwifodttvchydawadrrooieebaallemweiraldverelaslbhsoNde”caedkoaurio’ynNaosnafutssmdorasetteiumttiiebeicawcdrSthysar,ooteesteluusfi!laP.tesarttaafhoncnoetnvoLldeiejhmfusenodruolro.raecyiwtael“inaasbiiht.TiAadtnsnrseepeaiphraetvasDryehoeetateeresvuaeerhstsennynsoibgtrnndsoo,noreagetwrmafetanatatliaoergcahnhnstt,nahibtdeoehnooeloonretgplunrlenumWhariaddmtwferocaonarwtoroanwtdryospesroldhlimslotld.rnedeyoll.ttdadaofpM”eChrwwun.arhetuwdirihbnrtlatitihictneessgsieotnaoitvemrsafrmeort,iamnioaisgnennsaadoiolndffdrehte!othclhieedeiaveys Until next time, MATHTIME Jill counted the number of petals on five flowers that are all alike. On Monday, Tasha had a pocketful of pencils. On Wednesday, she When she finished, she had counted 20 petals. How many petals loaned four to her friends and had seven pencils left. How many are on each flower? pencils were in Tasha’s pocket on Monday? 2 Kidsville News! Answers On Page 23 December 2020

This Page Brought To You By: Winter Holidays Christmas Las Posadas Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Latin American families in the United States celebrate Jesus Christ, observed primarily on Dec. 25 as a religious Las Posadas from Dec. 16-24 each year. This holiday and cultural celebration among billions of people worldwide. commemorates the important passage made by Joseph and Activities include decorating a tree, giving presents and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem before the birth of Jesus. waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. This remembrance includes an interactive story, special holiday carols, breaking piñatas and Hannukah traditional foods, including tamales and café de olla. This Jewish celebration of Hannukah is an eight-day remembrance that commemorates the Second Temple’s Bodhi Day rededication in Jerusalem. This The Buddhist holiday of Bodhi beautiful holiday Day is Dec. 8 and is also known is celebrated with as the Day of Enlightenment. This nightly prayers, observance celebrates Buddha menorah lighting when he sat underneath a Bodhi and special tree, meditated and experienced foods celebrating enlightenment. Buddhist followers the miracle in decorate their homes with ficus Jerusalem in the trees and place a statue of Buddha 160s BC. underneath the tree. Kwanzaa Boxing Day This seven-day cultural holiday celebrated by 5 million The origin of Boxing Day began in Americans begins Dec. 26 and observes the African the United Kingdom during the Middle Ages. In Victorian American heritage. Partaking of Kwanzaa’s celebration times, Boxing Day was the day that servants would be able includes lighting the Kinara and acknowledging the seven to go home and spend the holidays with their families after principles of the African culture. working during Christmas for their employers. The modern celebration remains Dec. 26 and reminds people to enjoy the St. Lucia Day fellowship of family and friends. The celebration of St. Lucia Day is a Scandinavian and Omisoka Italian celebration welcoming winter. On Dec. 13, traditional processions of young people in white robes, adorned with Dec. 31 brings a celebration in the Japanese culture called red belts and wreaths of holly and candles, bring forth the Omisoka. This special day is a reflective time to prepare and long winter months and represent “the Light of Christ” pray for the Shinto god for a rich harvest in the year ahead. through the darkness. New Year’s Day is received by eating “soba” or Japanese buckwheat noodles to bring good luck. December 2020 Kidsville News! 3

The Polar Bear The world’s most massive bear, the polar bear lives in Arctic regions and cold coastal regions in harsh conditions. If you wonder how Threatened status Outside of the water, polar bears travel, hunt, rest, mate and make dens on sea anything can survive in these coldest places on Earth, understand that ice. But as the sea ice habitat changes, the Arctic polar bears are threatened with habitat loss. The animals like the polar bear thrive in such extremities. The icy seas bears have been listed as a threatened species since May 2008. and glacier ice are home to these interesting creatures. Name The polar bear’s Latin name, Ursus maritimus, means “sea bear,” and the place to see them in the United States is Alaska. Bodies Their bodies are adapted for the cold. For example, the bears’ 30-centimeter-wide paws act like natural snowshoes to help them get across dangerous ice and deep snow. They also have three eyelids to protect their eyes and from the elements and 4 inches of fat under their skin for warmth. The polar bear’s fur is not white but transparent. It only looks white because of the way it reflects the ice and snow. Their thick layer of body fat and a water- repellent coat insulates them from the cold air and water. Motion Excellent swimmers, polar bears can cover 6 miles per hour by paddling with their front paws and holding their hind legs flat like a rudder. They are speedy runners, too. Food While they are moving, they are also hunting. Polar bears spend over 50% of their time hunting for food — mainly seals. A polar bear might catch only one or two out of 10 seals it hunts, depending on the time of year and other conditions. Ringed and bearded seals provide the large amounts of fat the bears need to survive. • SThoe lWstinicteer DECEMBER W hen old man winter comes seen as a significant time of year in many Dec. 1, 1990 England was connected blowing, you know the winter cultures. Festivals and rituals have marked the to mainland Europe for the first time solstice, also called hibernal event. since the ice age as engineers digging solstice or midwinter, has • Some solstice holidays include the Welsh a railway tunnel under the English arrived. Happening twice each observance of Alban Arthan, the Western Channel broke through the last rock year, once in each of the Earth’s hemispheres — both Christian time of Blue Christmas, the East Asia layer. Northern and Southern — the solstice occurs when celebration of the Dongzhi Festival, the Ancient Dec. 5 The birthday of Walt Disney one of the Earth’s poles has its most significant tilt Roman’s day of Saturnalia and Christmas, which (1901-1966) in Chicago, Illinois. As away from the sun. takes place a few days after the solstice a little boy, he liked to draw farm The winter solstice is the day with the shortest each year. animals and eventually found a job amount of daylight and the longest night of the year. • Some holidays that coincide with dates after as an artist. He moved to Hollywood The opposite of this is the summer solstice, with the the solstice are the Cold Food Festival in Korea and in 1928 produced “Steamboat most extended daylight and the shortest night of the and China, happening 105 days after the winter Willie,” starring Mickey Mouse, in the year. solstice and the Harvest Festival in India called first cartoon with synchronized sound. • The winter solstice occurs during the Makar Sankranti, which marks the end of the In 1937, he released his full-length hemisphere’s winter. Where we live, in the cold months. animated film, “Snow White and the Northern Hemisphere, the date of the solstice is • In astronomy, the winter solstice also marks Seven Dwarfs.” usually Dec. 21 or 22. the beginning of winter, which lasts until the Dec. 17, 1903 After three years of • The summer solstice is six months later, on June vernal equinox — March 20 or 21 in the experimentation, Orville and Wilbur 20 or 21. Northern Hemisphere or Sept. 22 or 23 in the Wright achieved the first powered, • Although the winter solstice itself lasts only a Southern Hemisphere. controlled airplane flights. They made moment, the term sometimes refers to the day • After the solstice, the days get longer, and the four flights near Kitty Hawk, North it occurs. day has thus been celebrated in many areas of Carolina, the longest lasting about a • Since ancient times, the winter solstice has been the world as a time of rebirth. minute. Dec. 25 Christmas Day, 4 Kidsville News! commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Although the exact date of his birth is not known, it has been celebrated on this day since A.D. 336. December 2020

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 December 2020 Kidsville News! 5

Come Out & Have you ever gone ice skating? If the rib Play you love roller skating and enjoy cold weather, ice skating may be for you. Ice bones of skating is a recreational activity or sport where the skater glides across an ice elk, oxen, surface on blades fastened to the bottom of shoes called skates. A favorite winter reindeer or other animals. pastime in cold areas that receive a lot of snow and ice, ice skating can be enjoyed Until the middle of the 19th century, anywhere, thanks to indoor ice rinks. the skate’s metal portion was fastened The activity of ice skating led to the development of the sports of figure skating and speedskating. to a wooden footplate. A skater would Figure skating involves the performance of various jumps, spins and dance movements, while speedskating is a form of strap the skate to the foot with leather racing on ice skates. thongs or straps. Ice hockey is the best-known team sport that involves skating. The contact sport is played on ice, usually in a The frozen canals and ponds of the rink, in which skaters on opposing teams use their sticks to try to hit a rubber puck into their opponent’s net to score Netherlands, England and France have goals. Hockey is played for fun and recreation and also competitively. been popular sites for outdoor recreational ice skating since Ice skating probably developed in Scandinavia as early as the 1700s. In the 1740s, British servicemen introduced ice 1000 BCE, with the first skates being made of skating to North American residents. Refrigerated ice rinks started transforming ice skating from a winter recreation to a major sport and year-round entertainment we know it as today. The first artificially frozen rink in the United States was built in Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1879. Ice hockey appeared in the Summer Olympics in 1920. Traditionally a male sport, women’s hockey made its Olympic opening debut in 1998. • The TM View Local kids about their opinions let us know.... and favorite things. YOUR answer Do YOU want to be here? to a Kidsville View question Go to page 21 and fill out... on page 21 The TM View YOUR PHOTO YOUR Name HERE School Grade 6 Kidsville News! December 2020

Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Richard C. Sheridan Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2020 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th. Lauderdale Lanes   QZVFFHGX Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES December 2020 Kidsville News! 7

This Page Brought To You By Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 8 THINGS that are different in these pictures. Di erences: 1) Background Color Missing 2) Color of Boots 3) Ball on Hat December 2020 8 KidsvillMeisNsienwg s4!) Color of sack 5) Diamonds Missing From Sacwk Awlswo.k6)

Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Mike Randall, REALTOR® Dog, Man’s Best Friend Associate Broker 256.366.9779 A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more [email protected] than he loves himself. 1. According to the American Kennel Club, what is the Excellent Service, Expert Advice largest breed of dog? A. St. Bernard B. Great Dane C. English Mastiff 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 D. Irish Wolfhound (across from Hobby Lobby) 2. According to the American Kennel Club, what is the smallest breed of dog? 256-767-3337 A. Poodle B. Chihuahua C. Yorkshire Terrier D. Shih Tzu 3. Only one breed of dog has a jet black tongue, what breed is it? A. Labrador B. Golden Retriever C. Chow Chow D. St. Bernard’s 4. According to the American Kennel Club, what is the most common name for a female dog? A. Sassy B. Ginger C. Coco D. Lady 5. What is the name of the dog in book, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”? A. Cindy Lou B. Martha May C. Max D. Stu Lou 6. Smokey is the official mascot for the University of Tennessee, what breed of dog is he? A. Blue Tick Hound B. Bloodhound C. Red Bone Hound D. Foxhound 7. A dog’s ear is full of sensory nerves. Why should you never blow into a dog’s ear? A. It makes him mad B. It hurts C. It can make him deaf D. All of the above Answers On Pg. 23 December 2020 Kidsville News! 9

Where is the North Pole? The North Pole is the northernmost point station in Greenland can range from about −58 to 9 degrees on the Earth and is opposite the South Pole. Fahrenheit. This location is at the Northern Hemisphere center, where the Earth’s axis of rotation meets its surface. The sea ice at the North Pole is typically around 7-10 Under international law, no country owns the North Pole feet thick, although ice thickness studies have shown that the or the Arctic Ocean region surrounding it. The Arctic Ocean average ice thickness has decreased in recent years. borders the following countries: Russia, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, which is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, Canada Due to the location of the North and South Poles on Earth, and the United States of America. day and night are not the same as in other places. The sun While the South Pole is on land, the North Pole is located only rises and sets at the North Pole once a year. The polar in the middle of the Arctic Ocean in water permanently night occurs in the northernmost and southernmost regions covered with sea ice. The nearest landmass is Kaffeklubben of the Earth when the night lasts for more than 24 hours. The Island off the northern coast of Greenland, about 430 miles opposite phenomenon, the polar day, also called midnight sun, away. The closest place with human life is Alert in the occurs when the sun stays above the horizon for more than 24 Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada, located 508 miles from hours. Twilight occurs all the the Pole. No humans permanently live at the North Pole. rest of the time, which is in The North Pole is a great deal warmer than the South between light and dark. Pole because its sea location holds in heat. Even though Wildlife near or in the Artic the temperatures are well below freezing in this ice cap, the region includes the polar average temperatures peak just above freezing in July and bear, ringed seal, Artic fox August. Winter temperatures at the northernmost weather and birds such as the snow black-legged kittiwake. A s we move forward into an ice crystal, which then begins to fall and humidity conditions. winter through days of chilly to the ground as snow. Other water vapor For example, a weather, some parts of the molecules freeze onto it as the crystal snowflake’s branches U.S. have started to see their falls, building new crystals and forming might begin to take on first snowstorms. Over the next few months, the standard six arms of the snowflake a long, thin shape, but as you perhaps watch the snowfall outside that branch off the center, creating a shape a sudden change in the your window or go outside to play in it, sort of like a star. However, though all temperature could cause the extensions to you may notice that no two snowflakes are snowflakes have six sides, examples of this flatten out or grow differently. Usually, exactly alike. Why is that the case? frozen precipitation do not look the same. meteorologists have found that higher First, let’s talk about how snowflakes are temperatures, around 23 degrees Fahrenheit, formed. Snowflake creation starts when One main reason why every snowflake is cause long, needle-like crystals to form, a very cold-water droplet high up in the unique is due to the atmosphere in which it while lower temperatures, about 5 degrees clouds freezes onto a pollen or dust particle is created. As a snowflake forms, it can shift Fahrenheit, result in very flat, plate-like floating in the sky. This process creates and move to different parts of the cloud that crystals. it is in, exposing it to different temperature 10 Kidsville News! Another reason for the difference in snowflake shapes is the path it takes to the ground. Once a snowflake begins to fall, every single one follows a slightly different direction. This variation exposes each one to somewhat unique atmospheric conditions along the way, causing occasional bumping into one another, as well. With so many possibilities, two snowflakes being exactly alike is nearly impossible. The next time it snows where you live, investigate this weather phenomenon for yourself. December 2020

GIFT GIVING AROUND THE WORLD G ifts are fun to give and receive. Florence • Sheffield • Killen Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or another Hey Kids Send It! winter holiday, exchanging gifts with family and friends is a custom in many Don’t Forget To cultures. Gift giving occurs worldwide year-round for many different occasions. Send us YOUR Artwork or poems! Japan One custom for gift giving in Japan is to offer or receive the We will print yours present using both hands. The gift, beautifully wrapped and in Kidsville News! presented, is then opened later and not in front of the giver. The most important times of the year for gift giving are at the See Page 6 to find out how! end of the year, O-seibo, and in midsummer, O-chugen. Presents are given to anyone who has done something for the giver to show Holiday thanks and appreciation. 2 Hours Pizza & China Par tyOf Unlimilted In China, the recipient of a gift will refuse to accept a gift two or three times before finally taking it. This gesture is a sign of good Unlimilted Soft manners and modesty. Drinks After giving a gift, the common practice is for the giver to Pa c k a geBowling receive a gift back in turn. The Chinese are sensitive to the use of gifts to express appreciation for a favor or gift received. If you’re planning a Christmas Party and are looking for Certain gifts symbolize things to the Chinese that can make them something different and budget friendly Lauderdale Lanes inappropriate for gift giving. For example, a letter opener or a has the answer. Our Holiday Party Package includes 2 hours of knife as a gift would represent the end of a relationship. Clocks bowling, pizza, unlimilted soft drinks and shoe rental for $16.95 symbolize death, and handkerchiefs mean sorrow. per person. Tax not included. Additional food and beverage may be purchased from the snack bar at regular price. A 15 guest The United States minimum and advance reservation required. Parties on Friday and Americans generally do not bring gifts to customers when Saturday nights must provide a $100 advance deposit. So give us a meeting for the first time or as a thank you for doing business call at Lauderdale Lanes and let us help you set up a Holiday Party. together. In addition to buying presents for loved ones, Americans may also give co-workers, colleagues and customers gifts during Starting Tuesday December 14, the holiday season. we will open at Noon on Tuesday, When a gift is given to a person from the U.S., the giver might not receive one in return. Americans often open the gift right Wednesday and Friday away, in front of the giver, so that they can see what it is and throughout December. express thanks for the item at that time. Go to our Website France Good taste and timing are most important when giving gifts in for hours of operation, rates & France. While the French avoid giving gifts at the first business meeting, they bring a present when going to someone’s home, specials! presenting it before the meal or party. In France, good gifts show an appreciation of knowledge and the Lauderdale Lanes arts, such as books and music. 1540 Florence Blvd. • Florence • 256-766-2541 December 2020 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their teachers Fill Out the in this award-winning fun, family newspaper. Send It form on page 7! Please call Tom at Your Name Your Age Your City 256-740-4701 for more information. DFeecbermubaerDrye22c0e0m2190bFe December

FeeDFrber2bcuer0aum2ray0brey2r02210091290 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Winter 27 21 22 23 24 25 26Begins Christmas Day Kidsville News! 13 Colbert County Schools Early Dismissal on Dec. 18, Winter Break Dec. 21 - Jan. 3, 2020 Sheffield City Schools Early Dismissal on Dec. 18, Winter Break Dec. 21 - Jan. 4, 2020 Tuscumbia City Schools Early Dismissal on Dec. 18, Winter Break Dec. 21 - Jan. 5, 2020 M.S. City Schools Early Dismissal on Dec. 18, Winter Break Dec. 21 - Jan. 6, 2020 28 29 30 31 Vectors © Vectors ©

Dear Santa - Letters to Santa from Kids in Lauderdale County By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Not everyone celebrates Christmas but for those who do, it’s December 8, 1926. almost time to start thinking about what you want for Christmas. Dear Santa Claus: Many kids like to write a letter to Santa. If that’s you but maybe Christmas will soon be here. I thought I would write to you you’re not sure what to write, you may be able to get some and tell you about the Christmas tree we are going to have at inspiration from the letters of these Lauderdale County kids over our school [Greenhill]. I thank you for what you brought me last the years. Original spelling has not been corrected. Christmas. I want you to bring me a gun, knife, and orange and some candy Christmas. December 17, 1896. Yours truly, Dear Santa Claus: Be sure and come to see me Xmas eve night, Walter Clemmons. and bring me a doll, rocking chair, candy, apple and an orange and everything good and nice, for I am trying to be a good girl. December 19, 1974. Cleazelle Jordan, Florence. Dear Santa: My name is Shannon Olive, 239 Lucas Street Florence. I go to December 17, 1896. Mrs. Isoms Kindergarten. I’m 6 years old. I like my teacher and Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a wagon to work make good grades. I’m a good boy and would like for you to bring my goat to, and bring me an air rifle and candy and apples and me a go-cart, surprises, walkie-talkie, Evil Knievil Jump Cycle oranges and a toy pistol. and Canyon, fruit and candy. Yours truly, Leland Hamm, Smithsonia. Shannon Olive Lexington, Dec. 12, 1908. December 24, 1997. Dear Santa Claus: Dear Santa, Our house is close to Granpa’s and I go up to see him every day; I want a Barbie Foldup Dollhouse, Bouncy Baby, a porcelain but I will be at home Xmas eve night, the night mamma says you doll, clothes, special surprises, and a girl or boy that will not have will come. Papa says he will clean out our stove flue nice so you a Christmas to have one. will not get your nice presants soiled when you come down. I will Love, hang my little stocking just under the clock and just to the right of Jessica Bratton it you will find my little basket. I am a little girl and have a little stocking that won’t hold much so will you please put my other December 24, 1997. things in the basket. Please to bring me a little table, a cooking Dear Santa Claus, stove, china set, a big doll and little doll. I would like to have a My name is Patrick Allen. I am 6 years old & go to Southside real dog; but I don’t want you to bring all the nice things to me. I School. I would like for you to bring me a Basketball, Cars, Stuff want you to bring Lillian and Mary and Ernest lots of nice things, Lion, games, castle, clothes. I been a good boy. P. S. Bring my too; they are our neighbors’ children. I will go to sleep early. Mom and Dad some pretty clothes. I will leave you some cookies. Yours lovingly, Thanks. Annie Bell Stewart. Patrick Allen. East Florence, Dec. 15 [1908] December 24, 1997. Dear Editor: I am going to write to Santa Claus; I know how Dear Santa, proud he’ll be to get a little letter that’s written all by me. I am Santa I want a bike. And a bunch of surprises. Oh before I tell only 10 years old. I think I am doing fine to think I can write to you what else I want am I on the good list or the bad list? I want a Santa Claus so kind. I guess he’ll come to see me; I shure hope he babydoll and a computer. About the computer, will you add some will visit Walter Tucker on Cherry Hill. Written by CDs to that? Walter Tucker, Have a safe trip. No. 201 Jersey street. Love, St. Joseph, Tenn., R. 1. Lindsey Rhodes. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays And A Happy New Year! 14 Kidsville News! December 2020

Find these items on the picture on the left 2 Happy Meals 3 Bags Of Apples 4 Cups Of Coffee 5 Cokes 6 Hamburgers 7 Sundaes 8 Fries 9 Christmas Trees 10 Peppermints 11 Christmas Cookies 12 Gold Stars Answers On Page 23 `xÜÜç V{Ü|áàÅtá yÜÉÅ `vWÉÇtÄw:á |Ç VÉÄuxÜà VÉâÇàç tÇw eâááxÄÄä|ÄÄx STOP LITTER. Your Shoals. Your Choice. December 2020 Kidsville News! 15

2020 McDonald’s in Colbert County & Russellville 3 Age Groups: 2-4 • 5-7 • 8-10 Top 3 Winners in each Age Group Receive: Large 1 Topping Pizza from Domino’s Happy Meal from McDonald’s in Colbert Co. & Kidsville News! Prizes Russellville from Courier Journal Info below must be completed to qualify. Child’s Name Age Address City State ZIP Phone Number Mail or Bring Entries to: Courier Journal 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 ENTRY DEADLINE Thur., Dec. 17 NOON Winners will be announced in the Courier Journal Drawings are judged by our staff on the basis of talent of the child’s age ability. IT MUST BE COLORED BY THE CHILD. Winners are not selected at random. One entry per person. One winner per family. You may also download and print this entry form from our website: 1. Wshheaetpd?o you call a happy babyCut HereDec. 23 issue & the January Issue of Kidsville News. 2. If your dog kisses you, what do 1. What kind of cat likes water? you call it? 3. Why are bakers mean? 2. What do you call a cold 4. What did one math book say to the puppy sitting on a rabbit? other math book? 3. When is a car not a car? 1. What do you call a happy baby sheep? Answers: 4. How many eggs can you put in an empty bushel basket? 12.. AA pmoeorcryh lsittmloeolcah.mb. 3. Because they whip the cream and beat the eggs 4. I have a lot of problems. Answers on Page 23 2. If your dog kisses you, what do 16 Kidsville News! December 2020

First Most of us would onto the Moon. Years later, as a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at University of Cincinnati, he wrote this cute like to be first: 1st in poem: line for ice cream, 1st “My Vacation,” a poem by Neil Armstrong in the football playoffs, maybe 1st to Nine summers ago, I went for a visit, To see if the moon was green cheese. discover a new comet. Many people When we arrived, people on earth asked: “Is it?” We answered: “No cheese, no bees, no trees.” became famous by being first: Edmund There were rocks and hills and a remarkable view Hillary (together with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay) was the first Of the beautiful earth that you know, to climb to the top of Mt. Everest. Alexander Fleming was It’s a nice place to visit, and I’m certain that you will enjoy it when you go. the first to discover an antibiotic PENICILLIN which has saved millions of lives since. Let’s look at the life of the first person to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong. Neil’s life is an example of quiet perseverance since he came from an ordinary background. He was born in 1930 in Wapakoneta (pronounced Waw-paw-ko-net-a), Ohio. Neil Armstrong’s accomplishment was the result of nine years of intense effort by 400,000 Americans in factories and laboratories throughout America. It required an enormous expenditure of money, expertise, and the daring of courageous men like Neil Armstrong; \" the first person on the moon!”. After 6 moon landings, the Apollo program was abruptly stopped. © 2020 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus At the age of six, he and his father took a ride in a Ford Trimotor airplane and that was the beginning of Neil’s lifelong love of airplanes and flying. He built airplane models, and worked in a drugstore to pay for flying lessons at age 16. He joined the Navy to pay for college and saw action in the Korean War. After the war his flying skills allowed him to become a test pilot. In 1962, Armstrong became a NASA Astronaut. Four years later, as commander of Gemini 8, he performed the first docking of two spacecraft but a malfunction sent it into a very dangerous spin. Recovery was due to Neil’s coolness and ingenuity. Fifty- one years ago, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first human to step December 2020 Kidsville News! 17

This Page Brought To You By: ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? An Author Rodney Hartman Author Rodney Hartman works in his home office. in three other series. get my story technically correct, but they can’t What do you write about? help me with the information itself. That comes Pleasetell our readers alittleaboutyourself, It’s probably due to my military background, from my mind, and my words are the result of including your name and occupation. everything I’ve ever read or imagined during but I like to write about soldiers. In my case, I my life. My name is Rodney W. Hartman, and I am an write about futuristic soldiers who operate from author. I didn’t always write stories for a living. starships in faraway galaxies. Since I always What is your favorite thing about your I served in the United States military for 20 years. enjoyed fantasy novels while growing up, my job? After retiring, I got a college degree in computer Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles series programming, which I worked in for 23 years. is a mixture of technology and magic. Soldiers Instead of driving to work, I walk out on my Yes, I am that old, but I’m young at heart. wear advanced armor and carry plasma-beam back porch with my computer in hand and start I am married and have four children and weapons while fighting against magic users: writing. The other thing is my interaction with four grandchildren. Orcs, elves, dwarves, dragons and other kinds my fans. I get emails from lots of different of fairytale creatures. countries and people of all ages. That’s very When did you know that you wanted to be humbling. I make it a point to reply to every one an author? What kind of education and training of the emails. While I’m talking about favorite is needed to become an author? What things, I’ll add in my least favorite. Authors I’ve always enjoyed reading science fiction. background do you have that lends itself to need to have thick skin. You are putting your During my last year in the military, I spent a lot your writing topics? stories out there for all to see, and not everyone of time in the desert doing nothing. With time on will like them. That’s OK. Just make sure you my hands, I started creating a story in my head It helps to have a firm handle on written enjoy them. about a futuristic soldier that gets transported language since that is a writer’s medium, but to a place where magic works. After I retired, there is no set college degree necessary for What do you wish everyone knew about I wrote the story for my amusement. The becoming an author. You do need a passion being a book author? manuscript remained on my desk for 20 years for reading. I think all the reading I did in my until I read an article on self-publish books. youth prepared me to be a writer today. I have It’s hard work. It takes dedication to get Thinking it would be cool to have a print copy copy editors and proofreaders who help me up every morning and write. I set a goal of of my book, I went ahead and published it. Lo two thousand words a day. I try to get all my and behold, and to my surprise, people began writing done in the morning to spend time with buying it. Enough people bought it that I quit my wife in the afternoon. Whatever profession my job as a computer programmer and became you choose in life, remember to reserve time a full-time author. That first book has expanded for your family. into a 10-book series, and I have written books December 2020 18 Kidsville News!

John J Nyhoff Was Leading Developer of Sheffield in 1920s by Richard C. Sheridan, Sheffield City Historian The efforts of Henry Ford to purchase the government Elks Home & Club House, and the magnificent three-story facilities at Muscle Shoals in the 1920s attracted much Washington Terrace Apartments. All are standing today but a attention from real estate developers across the nation. couple of the vacant buildings are badly in need of repairs. They believed that Ford Other Nyhoff enterprises would build manufacturing included a Tea House and a plants here and create great seafood restaurant. In 1934, opportunities for growth. it was announced that plans One of those developers was had been completed for a John J. Nyhoff, of Troy, NY, first-class, nine-story hotel to who left a major imprint be erected near the Elks club on the City of Sheffield. building. Although funds were He erected substantial available, construction on the commercial buildings and hotel never began. quality subdivisions along Nyhoff was active in Jackson Highway that are community affairs. He still in use today. organized the Sheffield Wilson Dam was Chamber of Commerce and incomplete and the nitrate strongly supported operation plants were standing idle in of Wilson Dam and the nitrate 1922 when Nyhoff began to plants. In 1927, he was one of invest in local property. He 50 citizens of the Tri-Cities was especially interested in Nyhoff Corner was located at the intersection of Jackson Highway and who went to Washington to locations near Nitrate Plant Broadway Street (1927 photo) argue for part of the power No. 2. Consequently, his first then being sold to Alabama development was Main Plant Power be made available for Gate subdivision. As the local use. He purchased the name implies, it was located Tri-Cities Daily newspaper at the main entrance to the and published it for a while. plant. The map or plat of the He business offices were subdivision was recorded in located in the street level of the courthouse on February the “flat iron” building at 28, 1922. Nyhoff Corner. Nyhoff had Other tracts of land business interests in other were soon acquired for states and did not live in development by Nyhoff. Sheffield on a regular basis. These purchases included When here, he resided in an the Isaiah Long farm. It lay apartment above his offices. beside the Sheffield-Florence During the 1920s, Nyhoff’s Pike (now known as Jackson brother, Herman, served as Highway) and was also close his property manager. About to the nitrate plant. After the Nyhoff is shown here as he headed for Washington with a local 1932, Eugene Donsbach, of sale, Long was said to be the delegation in 1927 Troy, NY, was hired by Nyhoff wealthiest Black man in the to be accountant and manager state. of properties. More residential subdivisions were opened along Jackson Nyhoff was born in Michigan, the son of Dutch immigrants. Highway with paved streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, Before coming to Sheffield, he had engaged successfully in storm sewers, etc. One of those was Government Hill just real estate development in New York where Ford had a plant. north of Oakwood Cemetery. Sheffield Heights was another He was an ardent Democrat and ran for Congress three times Nyhoff development. Furthermore, Nyhoff constructed but was never elected. Nyhoff died suddenly at his home in many commercial buildings along Jackson Highway. They East Green Bush, NY on Nov. 18, 1939, at age 56. He devoted included the two buildings at Nyhoff Corner (see photo), much of his life to the up-building of Sheffield and was a firm an automobile dealership just across the street, a furniture believer in the future of the Muscle Shoals area. We salute John store with 32,000 square feet of floor space, a funeral home, J. Nyhoff for his outstanding contributions to our community. December 2020 Kidsville News! 19

This Page Brought To You By A Section Especially for Parents TTeemmppereartautruerseasrearderodprpoipnpgi,nsgn,owsnmoway mbeayfablleinfgalalinndgSandta Sisacnotma inisgc. oIsmthinegre. aIsnythtiemre oafnyyeatirmmeooref year mmaogriecaml faogricaaclhfioldr tahacnhitldhethaonlidtahyes?hGoelitdyaoyusr?kGidedtoyinouthr eksidpdiroit oinf the ssepaisroitnowfithethseesaeshoonlidwaiyth-thtehmeseed bhooolikdsa!yF-itnhdemmoerde gbroeoaktsb! oFoinkds fmorokreidsgorefaatll baogoekssatfoRreakdidKsidodfoaRlel aadg.ceosma.t BEGINNER READS Madeline's Christmas The Nutcracker in Harlem By Ludwig Bemelmans 1 By T.E. Morrow For ages 4-8 For ages 3-6 All of the girls in the old house in Paris all In this jazz-inspired retelling of \"The covered in vines are bedridden with a bad Nutcracker,\" little Marie is surrounded by jazz cold, except for little Madeline, who's taken legends, including Cab Calloway and Adelaide over keeping the house. While she's doing Hall. She's afraid to sing herself until a the dishes one evening, a mysterious man magical toy her uncle Cab gives her opens comes to the door, selling magic carpets. Of her up to a whole new world. In this world, course Madeline takes him up on the offer! she finds her voice. The delighted girls forget all about their sickness when they're finally able to fly A beautifully illustrated storybook, \"The home to see their familes for the holidays. Nutcracker in Harlem\" is also a great way to introduce your little ones to jazz music. PAGETURNERS BEVERLY CLEARY Ramona and Her Father Moxy Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love By Beverly Cleary Maxwell Writing Thank You Notes DA For ages 6-9 Doesl\\lot By Peggy Gifford For ages 8-11 Life is great for Ramona Quimny until her l.ove father loses his job. While money is tight for Writing Moxy Maxwell has a problem. Her mom the family, Ramona adjusts her Christmas Thanl<-you says if she wants to fly to Los Angeles list to reflect the one thing she wants: a tomorrow to visit her father for New Year's happy family. For the church's Christmas l\\lotes Eve, she's going to have to finish 12 thank- pageant, Ramona is cast as a sheep you notes for her Christmas presents. But alongside her friends, Davy and Howie. Moxy is a procrastinator! Hilarity ensues as she searches for different ways to complete This is a heartwarming story about the her relatively easy task. power of love, just right for the season. Full of heart and full of laughs, Moxy is a fun and festive heroine. ADVANCED READS We Are Okay The Afterlife of Holly Chase By Nina Lacour By Cynthia Hand For ages 14 and up For ages 12 and up It's winter break, but college freshman Holly Chase, age 17, died five years ago after Marin isn't going home. In fact, she's not having been visited by three ghosts who were quite sure that there's a home for her to go there to convince her to change her ways. Now, to anymore. Since the death of her loving she's the Ghost of Christmas Past, stuck at 17, but stoic grandfather back in San Francisco, and on the way to save another miserable Marin feels alone in the world. But her best grouch from the fate that befell her. Only this friend (and one-time girlfriend) Mabel is time, the miserable grouch is a handsome boy, coming for a visit. Cycling back and forth about her age. between Marin's memories of home and her reality at college in New York. This fun reimagining of Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\" will get your reader in the holiday spirit. This is a perfect winter break read for your young reader. Kidsville News tIhnicspK.ia,dprTstavnrgiuelelmreotaNonnehtwhaesinsl,pdTpryaJuogameumatdnoeisashncePdolapvJtyateeomrrusbedosoinosPc’aksotstvReetrEhrsaoAbntoD'kosKikRdIsDEstADhyDaOotKuRtIDhEleDoAvOkDeiRd.ECsaAryOeDoMu.sCulOaorrMveeetaaporrleeeloapsvusleereae.dsteotdolotpovea.rtner on R E N T OWN pA 20 Kidsville News! December 2020

Make the TM Holidays a Little Sweeter The View Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! What would the holidays be Name without platters full of homemade G Fraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn cookies? It’s that time of year for pulling out favorite recipes and filling Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 the house with delicious aromas and delectable treats. What is your favorite...... This recipe for Stareos from When cooking, for Author? Classic Stars Desserts (Chronicle safety, always get help Books) by Emily Luchetti adds a from an adult first. gourmet spin to a popular chocolate sandwich cookie. Outdoor Activity? Stareos Animal? Makes 18 cookies Movie? CANNOT What is a vinyl record? PRINT Chocolate Shortbread What does a dentist do? 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour WITHOUT 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted PHOTO 8 ounces cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1/2 cup granulated sugar Have you ever adopted a pet from an Animal Shelter? Flour for dusting Pinch of kosher salt Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? Filling Have you ever met your great-grandparents? 1 cup mascarpone cheese 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract To make the chocolate shortbread: In a bowl, stir together the flour, What does the word talent mean to you? salt and cocoa powder and set aside. Combine the butter and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and beat on low Do you speak another language? speed until the butter and sugar begin to incorporate, about 15 seconds. Add the dry ingredients and continue to mix until the dough comes Have you done anything nice for someone lately? together, about 3 minutes. It will look dry just before it comes together. What is an archeologist? Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough 1/4 inch thick. Using a 2-inch star Do you like to read aloud? cutter, cut out as many cookies as possible. Gather together the scraps, reroll, and continue cutting out cookies until you have 36 cookies. Place MUST HAVE the cookies on the prepared baking sheets, spacing them 1 inch apart. PERMISSION Refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour. TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission Heat the oven to 300 F. Bake the shortbread until firm, about 35 I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on minutes. At the midway point, switch the baking sheets between the racks and rotate them 180 degrees to ensure even baking. Let cool on the any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could baking sheets to room temperature. be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. To make the filling: In a small bowl, stir together the mascarpone, sugar and vanilla until smooth. Turn 18 of the cookies bottom-side up Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date on a work surface. Using a table knife or a small icing spatula, spread about 1 tablespoon of the filling on the bottom of each cookie. Top with the remaining cookies, bottom-side down. December 2020 Kidsville News! 21

ParenTown’s KidShape How to involve kids with holiday baking The holiday season is steeped in tradition. Many holiday traditions are Delegate wisely. Young kids may want to centered around food, focusing on do everything mom and dad do, but baking is a all of the decadent treats and desserts delicate science that requires careful attention to detail and strict adherence to recipes. So, parents taking center stage at many family gatherings. must wisely delegate when involving children in holiday baking. Whisking, stirring and topping Many parents hope to involve their children in off cookies with frosting and sprinkles are fun, kid-friendly tasks. as many family holiday traditions as they can. Add some fun foods to the menu. If you Holiday baking is one kid-friendly tradition, and plan to bake holiday cookies, purchase kid- friendly holiday cookie cutters before your parents can make it even more so by taking a baking session so youngsters have as much fun as possible. Kids may have more fun if they get few simple steps before they get started. to make Santa Claus, Frosty or Rudolph cookies. Purchase kid-friendly baking equipment. Bakers rely on lots of tools to make cookies, Make a mess. Don’t be afraid to get a little messy when baking with children. Moms and cakes and other delicacies. That equipment dads may love a clean kitchen, but kids tend to have more fun in the kitchen when things get a is even available in kids’ sizes. Kids may be little messy. Douse each other with a little flour and make a joke of things if some ingredients more excited about baking if they have their find their way onto the counter or the floor instead of into your mixing bowl. equipment, and such gear also can make it easier Parents can make the holiday baking that for them to lend a hand. A spatula made for much more fun by letting their kids pitch in this year. youngsters can make it easier for kids to move cookies from a baking sheet to a platter, while colorful measuring cups and their own whisk can excite youngsters about baking. patient as moms and dads hope if a baking Plan ahead. Seasoned bakers know that it’s session has to be paused to run to the store for imperative to have the right supplies, including a missing ingredient or to dig out some tools ingredients, on hand before beginning a baking from the back of the pantry. Start by setting session. Preplanning is even more necessary everything out and assembling all the necessary when baking with kids, who might not be as ingredients the night before you plan to bake. HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PCoLloUrinSg CHornMerINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!*Truman loves to be outside, even in the winter! What’s your favorite winter activity? Write a paragraph about it and finish coloring this pictSuroem! ewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the *Subject to form below for a chance to win! availability. Tthhee nnaemxteisosfuteheofwKinidnsevrisllwe iNllebwesi!n Last month’s hat was on page 24. November Winners of a Mini-Truman Justin Kirkman Ameerah Aldeir of Florence of Muscle Shoals Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected] Or Mail entry to us by Dec. 30 Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 22 Kidsville News! December 2020

Do you know about... ?Comparing a dog’s age to a human’s THOMAS W. The old rule - multiplying a dog’s age by 7 to JOEL R. McCUTCHEON find the equivalent human age - is incorrect. HAMNER To calculate a dog’s age in human terms, count the first year as 15, the second year as 10 and each year after that as 5. CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” ANSWERS MATHTIME (four petals) Several strategies will Knowledge be useful to help students with this Power problem: draw a picture, model with manipulatives or repeated subtraction. (11 pencils) Working backwards is an Answers: effective strategy, but not the only one for solving this problem. 1. C Students should be encouraged to share their methods with their classmates and to 2. B try other strategies. 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D These answers only for the Colbert County Issue 12213A45.......nIWysAABWOfshoenwnychhceuehoaoaeee.iuuncrctlApsltsarydoi:?eftldtpoldethouuiroetysgr?gtosnwh.oksuaanitiss,ncasthtahoeoblellsuadabndiyan.hrosgikavuetep,htwpweisyachnyh’ab.tictaekdbmeoynp’tsy.hand. What’s the Di erences: 1) Background Color Missing 2) Color of Boots 3) Ball on Hat 3. Why are bakers mean? Missing 4) Color of sack 5) Diamonds Missing From Sack Also 6) Buckle Di erent 7) Gloves 8) Spot Santa Standing On Gone Dec4e. Wmhbatedrid o2n0e m2a0th book say to the Difference? 5. Why did the kangaroo cross Kidsville News! 23 the road?

Happy Holidays TPHaoaarMSneWodnacsRtshiskaEteh,laMnaiDnsEnTdiYsMdhteGeaWBarynraE.caFnResod:Rh,rpWegYaemoerteui.annrrdts Here are a few tips to keep your holiday season happy AND healthy! Practice toy safety •Don’t ride on your new bike, skateboard, etc. without adult supervision and proper safety gear! •Don’t charge batteries or devices! Let a grown-up do it for you! •Be careful with Nerf guns or darts. Don’t aim towards the face! •Make sure your parents throw away all plastic wrappings from your new toys. Practice healthy eating habits •Even with all of the good food at the holidays, it’s important to eat healthy. Don’t overeat! •Be active! Get out and play with those new toys to burn off some calories! Stay Warm •Dress warmly in several layers of loose-fitting clothing! 342 Cox Blvd. • Sheffield • 256-383-4473 • 24 Kidsville News! December 2020

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