Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - March 2021 Transportation Planes, Trains And Automobiles Famous Pilots • Famous Trains Amazing Animals That Take People Places What's It Like to be a Park Ranger? For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at KidsvilleNews.com/lauderdale March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 1
Kidsville News!-In- Gee Thanks! Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® QZ•VEFXFCEHLGXCOMPUTER SERVICE • CUTTING EDGE LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING Hi, Kids! pilatnatieaUotnwgnvAhknTounrRodatnnoednptIucu3hitceosodnltceri5weaefawtcmlg’knstar0dea“swnoniaam0WpntaotMebeann\"htehntnoximCsdiBoasdaselulaptepodter.srogslfnpaCcvdpatrr,ornwlinhpoa.ociialtooemvdlif,agiefaneldmnetcoeresret”gosattdmtoi,siranostatnmobeiamadtn,hoynonarrrneosssineaoospwn“ihd”dddnupnArgdsiueawercotoestpermrtyhirgooeoesnrmmtasdrnrnueanaienletiatnahtrtiefgthsnwndtlyfaiibseysocyovtsbere.upoientnrrhmaoftlmodh.eiaWunsfodufeeeaneimidPrssnsdbtesoeaacaWsteouoacatninms.uenrhnokitrosptmnaoecaosrWrajtdtha,dalhitodidoftennaloaehysy”dhmegsignnvemoaemtocseAibtwuoriyane.mhaoomahff.elmlitswteroesf.erhaitFo!tio,reowlrdztorrlinHatachrweoerhdbnaaeymomn.haesenvronotpeseoctdthrtoaurafsheredrsmnareepitepodrtpatgrasylrzaafettmKaarieonitibri,nseoo-reddseodncsisusatet.,ot,avplhstrsit-wfholdtolarohfeersonfeamdoaeNinu-clesrtgcwiaoavs,rin!tsdiweasend 2 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
This Page Brought To You By: Planes, Trains and Automobiles H ave you heard your 18th centuries, such as bicycles, trains, bomber aircraft and commercial jet grandparents talk about motor cars, trucks, airplanes and trams. airlines. walking to school? Often The first gasoline-powered car was told with a story about a snowy day or a produced in 1887 by Karl Benz. Henry Most commercial aircraft can fly now hill to climb, the talk is based on the fact Ford introduced the Model T Ford in at the speed of nearly 600 miles per hour, that humans traveled on foot before all 1903, which was successfully launched but the fastest passenger aircraft in service other transportation forms. Fortunately, and reproduced on an assembly line. The today is the Boeing 747-8i, with a top human beings learned to use animals three leading automobile companies in the speed of Mach 0.86 or 659.8515 miles such as donkeys, horses and camels for U.S. in the 1920s were General Motors, per hour. Mach 1 is the speed of sound – transportation as early as 4000 B.C. Chrysler and Ford. around 761 mph at sea level on a day of Early Beginnings Transportation average temperature. began with the wheel. Invented in Iraq in Today, the automobile industry 3500 B.C., the first wheel was made from produces more than 70 million vehicles Trains Connected vehicles that run wood. Water transportation started initially across the world. Also, it creates the fuel- on rails are known as trains, powered by with a canoe-like structure built by burning alternative cars that are hybrid, battery- steam, electricity or diesel. The first rail logs and digging out the charred wood. In operated, hydrogen-run and alternative transportation was used to move coal from 3100 B.C., the sailing boat was invented fuel-powered. mines to rivers. The steam engine is mostly by Egyptians while the Romans built roads fueled by coal, wood or oil. The modern across Europe. The first modern highway Airplanes The Wright Brothers rail system was developed in England in was built during the Industrial Revolution. were the first to develop a sustained and 1820, progressing to steam locomotives. Automobiles Many other modes of powered aircraft in 1902. Earlier, an In 1880, electric trains and trams were transportation appeared in the 17th and unmanned helicopter powered by a steam designed. Today, most of the steam engine was created in 1877 by Enrico locomotives have been replaced by diesel Forlanini. Later years brought wartime engines. March 2021 https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-transportation-4067885 Kidsville News! 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_transport www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
Amazing Animals That Take People Places A domesticated animal used to carry freight, goods or supplies - and people, too - is called a pack animal. Pack animals are often used in their native lands where wheeled vehicles have trouble traveling, making the creatures essential for transporting loads. Elephant - The size and strength of elephants mean lots of goods could be carried at one particular time. In Thailand, people ride elephants in the dense forests around the cities. Elephants are also used in Indian forests on tiger safaris. A long time ago, elephants were also used to transport goods along the Silk Road. Camels have been one of the most useful transporters since ancient times. Good in hot weather and able to go days without much water, camels were used by Bedouins to travel across the deserts of Arabia and the Sahara. Nowadays, camels are still used in deserts around the world to transport goods and people. Dog sled - In cold countries, particularly in the Arctic Circle, dog sleds are the best choice for travel. The husky dogs run fast, pulling people through the snow. Adventurers Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott both used husky dogs to pull them to the South Pole on their expedition in the 1900s. Donkey - Dating back to 3500 B.C., these little animals are the oldest known pack animals. They may look small and weak, but in fact, they are really strong. Donkeys can walk many miles piled high with goods and luggage. In Santorini, Greece, tourists travel on donkeys up the small and winding stairs to the top of the island. They carry heavy equipment for mountain climbers in the Himalayan mountains, too. Horses - Horses are bigger and even stronger than donkeys. People ride horses to get to places through challenging landscapes such as the steep paths through the Rocky Mountains in Canada. Horses are also used on police patrols and in wars, as described in the book and movie “War Horse.” Reindeer, also called caribou, are an essential mode of transport as they pull Santa’s sleigh. In most hhttttppss::////wwww ww..obrdidtaiz nzni.iccoam.c/otme a/tcehcehrns/oel xopglyo/rpea-cthk e-a-nwiomraldl / aSncdanedviennavriidane.cTohuenytraierse, Russia and North America, reindeer are used to carry goods, pull sleighs very sturdy and can cope with freezing-cold temperatures. They often pull “pulks,” which are sleds used to transport luggage. Famous Pilots March A merican aviator Wiley Post was the • Earhart was also the first person ever to fly solo March 1 Yellowstone first aviator to fly around the world. from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland. becomes the first U.S. national Beginning and ending the journey from Floyd park in 1872. Bennett Field in New York, Post flew for 7 days, • Her first record came in 1922 when she became 18 hours and 49 minutes. the first woman to fly solo above 14,000 feet. March 3 “The Star Spangled • He started the trip July 15, 1933, and flew Banner” becomes the U.S. nonstop from New York to Berlin, Germany. • In 1932, Earhart became the first woman, and national anthem in 1931. • After a brief rest, he flew on to the Soviet the second person after Charles Lindbergh, to fly Union, where he made several stops before solo across the Atlantic Ocean. March 4 The U.S. returning to North America, with stops in Alaska, Constitution goes into effect in Canada and finally a victory landing back at his • When she returned, the U.S. Congress awarded 1789. starting point. her the Distinguished Flying Cross. She was the • The trip was 15, 596 miles. first woman to receive this honor. March 7 The Monopoly board • In August 1935, he was attempting to fly game is invented in 1933. across the NOrth Pole to the USSR with American • Later that year, Earhart made the first solo humorist Will Rogers when both men were killed nonstop flight across the United States by a March 12 The Girl Scouts in a crash near Alaska. woman. were founded in 1912. Amelia Earhart was an American aviator who set many flying records and blazed a path for • She helped form the Ninety-Nines, an March 17 On this day, future female aviators. international organization for the advancement of everyone is a little bit Irish; • Her most famous record is being the first female pilots. She became the first president of the Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. organization of licensed pilots, which still exists. Wear green today! • On a trip trying to fly across the globe, Earhart March 29 Coca-Cola is disappeared somewhere over the Pacific in July invented in 1886. 1937. Her plane wreckage was never found, and she was officially declared lost at sea. What March 2021 happened to her remains a mystery still to this day. 4 Kidsville News! https://www.history.com/news/wiley-post-makes-history https://www.biography.com/explorer/amelia-earhart www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
Local History Written by Billy Warren SOMETHING TO DO: 1. Using a reference source, write a brief definition of the following Did You Know? words: a. Myriad A Local Naturalization Ceremony b. Citizen c. Accommodate Here is a new word for you: NATURALIZATION. It refers d. Magnificent to the process by which a person or a group of people take the steps necessary to give up 2. Go on-line by typing in their citizenship in one country “naturalization ceremony.” List and become citizens of another three things that might be required country. As you can imagine, that is of the person who is seeking a huge step for anyone and requires citizenship in another country. lots of thought before such action might be taken. 3. Find Iceland on a map and answer these questions: On March 15, 2013, a naturalization ceremony took place a. In which ocean is it located? outdoors in front of the Post Office b. What is its capital city? building (officially named the c. What is its official language? Justice John McKinley Building) d. How many people live there? on North Seminary in downtown 4. If you were to give up your citizenship in America, which country Florence. (See illustration to the would you choose? Why that particular country? right.) A very large tent had been put in place, with a great number Register for of chairs to accommodate all of the Contactless Supplies people who were gathered for the final step in the process that they had begun months before. Within the group, there were FlorRecycle.org citizens of many countries throughout the world. There was Phone: 256-760-6495 even one person, a lady, who had grown up in Iceland!! Before the ceremony itself began, there were short speeches by various local officials who welcomed everyone to Florence and the Shoals. A choral group from Florence High School performed music (mainly patriotic) appropriate for the occasion. Presiding over the ceremony was the Honorable Inge Johnson, Senior Judge of the United States District Court of Northern Alabama. She delivered a magnificent speech, including a statement that she understood first-hand the great amount of thought and study that a person does before deciding to give up citizenship of one’s country in order to become a citizen of another country. Following the really impressive ceremony, all of the guests were treated to a light lunch that was spread on tables just outside the large tent. As you can imagine, there were lots of handshakes, hugs and words such as these: “Welcome to Florence, Alabama”; “Welcome to the Shoals”; “Welcome to the United States of America.” But it didn’t end there. This big, once-in-a-lifetime event was followed by tours of the Federal Courtroom on the second floor of the Post Office building. It was the 100th anniversary (1913-2013) of the opening of this grand building, and it was an unusual opportunity for everyone to see the beautifully- restored Federal Courtroom. For, you see, Judge Inge Johnson had been working behind the scenes to make sure that the Courtroom looked exactly as it did in 1913! And she had succeeded. She purposely changed the material covering the floor: the original covering was cork. Knowing how unsuitable cork would be for modern shoes, she did allow the floor to be changed from cork to hardwood. Needless to say, March 15, 2013, is a day that a group of people representing myriad countries will never forget. They came to the gathering as citizens of other countries and left as brand-new citizens of the United States of America! March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 5
The TM View Local kids what is a vinyl let us know.... record? A black circle Do YOU want to be here? that holds music. Go to page 17 and fill out... The TM View Caroline Shoals Christian 5th Grade* *This student was in 5th grade when she answered this question. Famous Trains of the World France The Orient Express was one of the first luxury trains. In Channel. Eurostar offers high-speed train service 1883, it carried passengers from Paris, France, to Giurgiu, Romania. from London, England, to Paris, France, and The Simplon Tunnel expanded the train’s service to Venice in Brussels, Belgium. The Eurostar was used in 1906. By 1923, the train’s route the movie “Mission lengthened again to reach Istanbul, Impossible.” Turkey. Its popularity peaked in the China The Shanghai Maglev is the 1930s, but travel declined after World fastest nonwheeled train globally, War II. Its last trip was in May 1977. with a maximum operating speed of A book by the mystery writer Agatha 267.8 mph. Unlike regular train tracks, Christie rebirthed fame for the train in Shanghai Maglev has no wheels, as 1982, and its travel route from London it floats on a magnetic field existing to Venice was re-established until between the train and track. ceasing entirely in 2009. Following the Shanghai Maglev, the Another famous train in France is fastest trains in the world in 2020 are the TGV, the electrically powered from China, Italy, Spain, Japan, France high-speed train that whizzes along the and Taiwan, with speeds ranging from cities of Paris, Lyons, Bordeaux and 186.4 to 236.12 mph. Marseille. In an April 2007 test set, the National Geographic lists other TGV set the world record for the fastest train travel at 357 miles per famous trains worldwide as the Thalys, the Blue Train, Royal hour. This high record is not its everyday speed. Scotsman, Al Andalus Express, Trans-Siberian Express, Royal The United Kingdom Eurostar became the first railroad to Canadian Pacific, British Pullman and Japan’s Bullet Train. link the United Kingdom with the European mainland. The train travels through the Channel Tunnel that extends under the English https://themysteriousworld.com/10-fastest-trains-in-the-world/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/top-10/trains/ 6 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
Do you know about... ?Up In The Air THOMAS W. When trying to pick between JOEL R. McCUTCHEON two choices, toss a coin in the air. HAMNER As soon as it is airborne, you will realize what side you are hoping it comes down on. CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence www.MHatty.com “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER bbowmanupandcomingweekly.com Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 7 Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION www.kidsvillenewsfoundation.com [email protected] ©Copyright 2021 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL March 2021
Answers on Page 23 Mike Randall, REALTOR® Associate Broker 256.366.9779 [email protected] mikerandallhomes.com Florence • Sheffield • Killen Answers on Page 23 Hidden Picture Puzzles 8 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
Excellent Service, Expert Advice 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 (across from Hobby Lobby) 256-767-3337 www.ExcelAL.com Don’t Miss Out! Spaces Are Limited. Building Scale Come Models Out & Play Are you looking for something new Develops fine motor and hands-on to do while at home and problem-solving more than ever? If you like building skills. Whether you are with LEGOS, using your imagination, constructing a World putting together puzzles or creating crafts, War II warplane, a scale model building might be your next battleground scene, favorite hobby. the Tower of London, Scale model building is a long-term, a 17th century ship, a detailed, rewarding and technology-free model train, a spacecraft activity that can be tackled by all ages, or a remote-control with your mom, dad, grandparent, sibling especially parents and kids working side car, countless assembly techniques are or best friend takes time and attention and by side. With a wide range of scale model yours for the learning. Each new process is a great way to make memories with a cars, ships, planes, trains, motorbikes and helps develop hand-eye coordination and particular person. more on the market, now is the perfect time dexterity — the skill of performing tasks to get busy building. with your hands. Teaches commitment and hard work. Scale model building has many positive Fosters fun and education. Scale Attention spans seem to be shrinking, points. Here are a few to consider. models are often replicas or remakes of primarily due to too much screen time. Encourages creativity. Building a scale real objects or vehicles with fascinating Tackling a project such as building a scale model gives you the chance to show off histories or stories behind them. As model teaches patience, perseverance and your creative skills, from how you put the you build scale models, you have the ongoing commitment to reaching goals. The hard work is fun; try it and see. item together and paint it to what extra opportunity to learn true stories and facts details you add to the finished product to about real people, places and things. make it memorable. Builds bonds. Building a scale model https://www.model-space.com/blog/2016/06/top-5-reasons-to-build-scale-models-with-your-children/ March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 9
Knowledge Power Enjoy Hot Cross Buns this Easter Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver A number of foods are enjoyed during That Was a Good Idea! Easter celebrations, from hard-boiled eggs to ham to roasted lamb. Sweets such as candies 1. When was the United States Patent, titled “Clothes and chocolates also take center stage on Washing”, granted to Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire? Easter Sunday. In addition to these traditional A. March,1777 B. March, 1797 C. March, 1807 favorites, hot cross buns have become must- D. March,1857 haves for many Easter celebrants. Hot cross buns are yeast-based sweet 2. March 1793, this man filed buns that are lightly spiced and studded with raisins or currants. The tops are marked a patent for the cotton gin, with a cross that is often piped with icing. When cooking, for an invention that shaped the While there’s no clear explanation of how safety, always get help economy of the South. Who hot cross buns came to be, indications are from an adult first. that they once were reserved only for Good was he? Friday. Others say they were consumed throughout Lent. The cross is a Christian A. Henry Ford B. Samuel symbol of the crucifixion and Christ himself. Colt C. Eli Whitney Hot cross buns are soft and sweet and easy to make. Enjoy this recipe, courtesy D. Robert Fulton of King Arthur Flour. HOT CROSS BUNS Serves 12 to 14 buns 3. Born in 1847 in Buns Edinburgh, Scotland, this 1/4 cup apple juice 1/2 cup mixed dried fruit man later moved to United 1/2 cup raisins or dried currants Example of the 1st Cotton Gin States and settled in Boston. 1 1/4 cups milk, at room temperature His interests in the education 2 large eggs, plus 1 egg yolk — save the white for the topping of deaf people lead to the invention of the microphone and, 6 tablespoons butter, room temperature in 1876, his “electrical speech machine,” which we now call 2 teaspoons instant yeast a telephone. Who was 1/4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon he? 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves or allspice A. Thomas Watson 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 3/4 teaspoons salt B. Benjamin Franklin 1 tablespoon baking powder C. Thomas Edison 4 1/2 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour D. Alexander Graham Topping 1 large egg white, reserved from above Bell 1 tablespoon milk 4. In what year did the Icing 1 cup, plus Schick, Inc. marketed 2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract the first electric razor? 4 teaspoons milk or enough to make a thick, pipeable icing A. 1931 B. 1944 Pinch of salt C. 1948 D. 1951 DIRECTIONS The opening of the long-distance line Lightly grease a 10-inch square pan or 9 x 13” pan. Mix the apple juice with the dried fruit and raisins, cover with plastic wrap and microwave briefly, just until the 5. In what year did RCA from New York to Chicago, 1892. fruit and liquid are very warm and the plastic starts to shrink wrap itself over the top of the bowl. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Note: If you worry about using first produce the color television? plastic wrap in your microwave, simply cover the bowl with a glass lid. A. 1948 B. 1954 C. 1956 D. 1959 When the fruit is cool, mix together all of the dough ingredients (including the eggs and egg yolk from the separated egg); hold out the fruit for the time being. Knead the 6. What act was approved mixture, using an electric mixer or bread machine, until the dough is soft and elastic. It’ll be very slack, sticking to the bottom of the bowl and your hands as you work with by Congress on March 19, it — greasing your hands helps. Mix in the fruit and any liquid not absorbed. Let the dough rise for 1 hour, covered. It should become puffy, though it may not 1918 and still affects every double in bulk. Divide the dough into billiard ball-sized pieces, about 3 3/4 ounces each. A American twice a year? heaped muffin scoop, about 1/3 cup, is about the right portion to make 12 to 14 buns. A. Income Tax act Use your greased hands to round them into balls. Arrange them in the prepared pan. B. Balance Budget Act Cover the pan, and let the buns rise for 1 hour or until they’ve puffed up and are C. Standard Time Act touching one another. While the dough is rising, heat the oven to 375 degrees. Whisk together the reserved egg white and milk, and brush it over the buns. D. Census Act Bake the buns for 20 minutes until they’re golden brown. Remove from the oven, carefully turn the buns out of the pan (they should come out in one large piece) and Answers on Pg. 23 transfer them to a rack to cool. When the buns cool, pipe icing in a cross shape atop each bun. 1st Color Television by RCA 10 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
This Page Brought To You By What’s the Difference? There are 7 THINGS that are different in these pictures. i erences: 1) Staburst di erent colors 2) Stripes on bowling pins 3) Color of bowling balls 4) Starburst behind bowling pins colors 5) Color of action marks 6) Bowling pin missing 7) Bowling ball larger Answers on Page 23 March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? page... Send it to us. We’ll print it in a future issue. and reach all Shoals area students in www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers in this award-winning Fill Out fun, family newspaper. the SfpoearngmdeoI7tn! Please call Tom at Alexa Akins 8 Florence 256-740-4701 for more information. FebMruaarcrhy M2a0r12c91Fh March
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incredible fact that one can not travel faster than the Let's Fly To The Stars speed of light which is 671 million miles per hour and is often called \"warp 1\" in science fiction. You can make How many sci-fi (science-fiction) shows up stories that you go warp 2 or more but to reach even have you seen where they go whisking off to warp one would require infinite energy and that is impossible. We like and to say \"everything is possible\" but that's not true. Nature has certain from limits regarding what can be done and the speed of light is one of those limits. other To get to that stars in no time at all? It closest star one could seems like great fun but imagine a super rocket remember it is science accelerating to warp1 FICTION. in about a year and Just what would it take then decelerating to travel to the nearest star when you get there, so or stars; is it possible at all? Of course, it would be enormously expensive; however what do the laws of nature (physics, chemistry, biology) say are the possibilities? How far must one travel to reach the stars? Our Sun is a star but I refer to other stars outside the Solar System. The table lists the ten closest stars. Their names are strange because some have Latin names, others are named for their discoverer and some the trip might take about 6 years. To return to Earth would take another others were given names 6 years. Twelve years is a long time cooped up in a spaceship. in antiquity. Don't focus We live in a great group of over 100 billion stars called the Milky on the names, but note the distances: all several light- Way Galaxy which is about 200,000 light years across. We are about 27,000 LY from the center. To travel to the center of our galaxy to visit years away. a black hole at its center would take over 27,000 years traveling at the What is a light-year? It maximum speed allowable: light speed. Our galaxy is very VERY, is the distance light can travel in one year. Light travels at 186,000 VERY BIG. miles per second. If you point a flashlight at the Moon, it takes light The just over a second to go from here to the Moon. Radio waves are a form of light so when the lunar astronauts spoke by radio to the Earth, Universe is even bigger. it took one and a third seconds for their message to reach the Earth. But if an astronaut were on the closest star Proxima Centauri, it would We can see , with take over 4 years for the message to reach here. 4.2 Ly is actually 25,000,000,000,000 miles (25 trillion miles). How long would it take the Hubble to get to the nearest star (Proxima Centauri) outside our Solar System? telescope and other Well of course it depends how fast you are able to travel! giant The fastest spacecraft we have ever telescopes, launched into deep space was the unmanned galaxies New Horizons spacecraft launched to Pluto about ten billion light years distant. Even traveling at warp1, it would in 2006. It reached a speed of 36,000 mph. take billions of years to get there. Because of these limitations on If we were to travel to Proxima Centauri travel, many science fiction stories have the crew placed in a state of at 36,000 mph, it would take about 80 suspended animation (sort of coma) and they are revived (brought to thousand years. Travel to the stars is \"out of life) after a very long journey. We don't yet know how to do that but it the question\" with our present technology. would be a way to survive very long journeys in space. It might be possible, using a nuclear rocket, Per aspera ad astra to reach greater speeds. Such rockets are too is a popular Latin phrase which means \"through adversity to the stars\" difficult and expensive to build at the present It may take time, but FLY TO THE STARS WE MUST. We are time but maybe they will be available in explorers. some future time. How fast might we be able to travel? The stars beckon us! For reasons we do not have space to explain here, the speed of light © 2021 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus is a limiting speed in nature. This past century we have discovered the 14 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
Start Your Day the Healthy Way! It is very important to start off your day with a good breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast is a great way to give the body the refueling it needs after a night’s sleep. Choose healthy breakfast options like fruit and grains over donuts and sweet breakfast pastries! Here are some healthy breakfast ideas – • whole grain cereal topped with fruit and yogurt • whole grain waffles topped with peanut butter • breakfast smoothies (with lots of fruit and veggies) • veggie omelets A delicious and nutritious breakfast is a great start to your day!!!!! 342 Cox Blvd. • Sheffield • 256-383-4473 • shoalsprimarycarellc.com March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 15
Extraordinary Women of Florence-Lauderdale County By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Since March is Women’s History Month, this month and next in Queens, New York while Almeda had gone to Hollywood. month we’ll briefly examine the lives and legacies of a few Though she never became a big star, from 1930 until 1954 exceptional women of Florence-Lauderdale. Almeda had supporting roles (most uncredited, meaning her name wasn’t listed in the movies’ credits) in dozens of movies. Mrs. Camilla Madding Coffee (1842-1928). Almeda Fowler Reeves died September 8, 1964 in Los Angeles, Camilla was born in Lawrence County, California. She was buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Alabama a daughter of planter Elisha Madding Glendale, California, near Los Angeles. and his wife Eliza M. Camilla's first husband, Dr. James T. Jones (1827-1872) died in 1872 Dr. Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit (1907-2007). Ellen at 45 years old and Camilla married Capt. Dorrit Hoffleit was born March 9, 1907 on AD Coffee (1821-1901), a son of Gen. John her parents’ farm in Lauderdale County, Coffee (1872-1833) whose first wife Ann Alabama. Her parents Fred Hoffleit (1867- Eliza died in March of 1871. With her late 1942) and Kate Sanio (1879-1974) were husband Camilla was the namesake of Coffee German immigrants who came to America High School in Florence (she donated the land in 1916). Their from East Prussia. Around 1907 Fred and daughter Eliza Croom Coffee (1879-1904) was the namesake of Kate bought a large farm just west of Sharp's Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence (Camilla donated Mill, in Lauderdale County, Alabama, but that house and property as well, in 1917). moved to Pennsylvania when Dorrit was only 9 months old. After high school and Mrs. Bessie McAlister Rapier Foster (1882- while living with her mother and brother (her parents had 1963). A granddaughter of Florence free black separated by then) in Cambridge, Massachusetts Dorrit enrolled barber John H. Rapier, Sr (1808-1869) and at nearby Radcliffe College, majoring in mathematics, earning his second wife Lucretia McAlister (1825- her degree in 1928. She then took a job as a research assistant 1864?), Bessie M. Foster was the niece of John H. Rapier's son by his first wife Rachel, Hat the Harvard College Observatory. She later took a position Florence native and Republican Congressman (1873-1875) James T. Rapier. Married four at Yale University and was soon after also offered a position as times with two biological daughters and two director of the Maria Mitchell Observatory on Nantucket Island adopted daughters Bessie was Florence's first in Massachusetts, which was based at the home of America’s known African-American businesswoman. She worked variously first female astronomer. During her long career Dr. Hoffleit as a chiropodist (foot specialist), hairdresser and theater-owner. worked to insure that women in her field were treated the same In 1916 Bessie opened the Pastime Theater for Negroes on as men, and published, many important works, particularly the Sweetwater Street (now Dr. Hicks Blvd.) near Court. In the Catalogue of Bright Stars, used by professional astronomers mid- 1940s Bessie converted to the Roman Catholic Church across the world. and helped found Blessed Martin De Porres Negro Mission. She died January 15, 1963. Mrs. Foster was especially known in the Mrs. Rosanna Gist Ingram (1854-1934). community for her charity and good works. On February 6, 1869 Lauderdale County farmer and Union Civil War veteran Miles Willie Almeda \"Almeda\" Fowler (1886- Ingram (1843-1890) was married to Rosanna 1964). Almeda Fowler was a daughter of Gist and the couple had 13 children. Rosanna Confederate veteran Samuel Y. Fowler and Gist Ingram was a daughter, one of four his wife Columbia Welch of Florence. In children of David and Martha Gist. She and 1904, while in St. Louis visiting an aunt, Miles lived just west of Killen, Alabama Almeda joined famed New York native and on a small farm however the soil was poor Vaudeville star Alfred \"Al\" Reeves' (1864- and so were the Ingrams, all of which was 1940) traveling \"Big Beauty Show,\" which complicated in 1890 when Miles died of featured up to forty attractive young women tuberculosis. Rosanna then applied for and received a widow’s posing as “living statues” or characters from pension based on Miles’ Civil War service. Sometime after 1910 Greek mythology, with Almeda quickly becoming the star. The Rosanna moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma with several of her children. show was rounded out by comedians and musical acts including Sadly her home was destroyed in the Tulsa race riots of 1921. Al himself, who billed himself as “The World’s Greatest Banjoist Mrs. Ingram died in 1934 and is buried in the Bailey Chapel and Comedian.” After about three years of marriage, Al and AME Church cemetery in Lauderdale County next to Miles. Almeda (who had no children) separated. By 1930 Al was living Next month we’ll look briefly at a few other exceptional women of Florence-Lauderdale. 16 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
T he official beginning of spring is a highly anticipated day TM among people who can’t wait to put away their winter coats and soak up some warm sunlight. But the spring The View equinox day is just as worthy of celebration for its uniqueness as Student Questionnaire it is for its symbolic connection with the end of winter. According Mail, bring by or email us to the “Old Farmer’s Almanac,” on the spring equinox, which is YOUR PHOTO & your answers! sometimes referred to as the vernal equinox or the March equinox, the sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. Name Equinoxes are biannual events in the spring and fall ‑ are the only two times a year that the sun rises due east and sets due west for everyone GFraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn al.net on Earth. As the sun passes overhead on the equinox, Earth’s tilt is zero relative to the sun. That means that the planet’s axis neither Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 points toward or away from the sun. What is your favorite...... Though it’s understandable why so many people appreciate the spring Author? equinox, which ushers in increasing sunlight hours and later sunsets, the Outdoor Activity? day’s uniqueness makes it even more worthy of celebration. This year the Animal? spring equinox happens Saturday, March 20, at 5:37 a.m. EDT in the Movie? CANNOT Northern Hemisphere. This event What does a dentist do? PRINT says, “Welcome, spring!” What do you want to do this summer? WITHOUT HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! PHOTO Maybe you can help him find it & Have you ever adopted a pet from an Animal Shelter? WIN A PLUSH MINI- Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Have you ever met your great-grandparents? Somewhere in this Kidsville News! What does the word talent mean to you? is Truman’s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Do you speak another language? Have you done anything nice for someone lately? Find only his red hat! Send us the What is an archeologist? Do you like to read aloud? *Subject to form below for a chance to win! availability. Tthhee nnaemxteisosfuteheofwKinidnsevrisllwe iNllebwesi!n Last month’s hat was on page 23. February Winners of a Mini-Truman Parker Johnson Axel Williams of Florence of Harvest Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected] MUST HAVE Or Mail entry to us by March 23 PERMISSION TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission Hat on pg. _________ Your Name I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. Phone Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 17
Timeless Americans use cars, boats, trains using them for pleasure cruises and Ways to and planes to go places, but various sightseeing. Travel other types of vehicles can be seen worldwide. These terrific modes of Dog Sleds, Norway The best transportation will make you want to way to see the icy environment in go for a spin. Northern Norway is by dog sled. Groups travel on sleds pulled by Bamboo Train, Cambodia teams of four to six dogs to You’ve never seen a train like traverse the winter landscape. this. Made with a wooden frame, bamboo planking, an upright engine Totora Boat, Peru This unique and reused military tank wheels, boat is shaped like a dragon and is a the bamboo train hauls people and tradition carried over from ancient freight between the Cambodian cities Inca times to ward off evil. The of Battambang and Phnom Penh, the light-weight boats are used primarily capital. by the Uros tribal people on Lake Titicaca. Tuk-tuk, India A tuk-tuk is a motorized three-wheeler or auto- Chicken Bus, Guatemala Public rickshaw that can carry two people buses in Guatemala are nicknamed and a suitcase. Originating from the “chicken buses” for the crazy Thailand, the vehicles are used tradition of putting passengers throughout Asia, and are especially together alongside chickens and famous on India’s busy and often goats on old U.S. school buses. crazy roads. Felucca, Egypt These traditional, Junk Boat, Hong Kong Junk centuries-old Egyptian sailboats boats are a symbol of Hong Kong, are the Nile River’s primary particularly in the nation’s Victoria transportation in Egypt. Used as far Harbor. These Chinese sailboats date back as Egypt’s Pharaohs, locals and from ancient times, specifically the tourists today enjoy sunbathing and Han Dynasty. People today enjoy sunset watching on the boats. www.wildjunket.com/unique-transport-modes-around-the-world/ The Science Behind Dust Storms When you think of dust, you might think of household chores — but did you know that dust is also part of a weather phenomenon called a dust storm? A dust storm is a wall of dust and debris Scientists estimate about 44 billion pounds avoid traveling. blown into an area by strong winds, often of dust exists in the atmosphere at any given While dust storms can be dangerous, they caused by thunderstorms. Dust storms can time. This statistic proves that dust can hang be many miles long, reach heights of several in the air for a long time, meaning that the can be forecast — told about in advance. thousand feet and occur in many places dust from a dust storm can cause problems Although dust storms are hard to miss when worldwide, including in the U.S. Though days and even months after the dust you’re standing on the ground, they can be they can happen anywhere in the country, an storm occurs. challenging to see from weather satellites in area’s geography and plant life play a role in space, as dust tends to be the same color as the the likelihood of a dust storm. Dust storms The initial appearance of a dust wall and ground below. Luckily, the weather satellites are more common in flat areas that have debris can be sudden, catching people by used by the National Weather Service have a fewer trees and plants, allowing the winds surprise. The storm’s spontaneity is especially particular instrument for spotting dust storms to gain strength and drive more dust into the dangerous for people driving, making — a camera called an Advanced Baseline atmosphere. In the U.S., dust storms are most visibility difficult and causing accidents. Imager that takes pictures with different common in the Southwest, especially during filters. When meteorologists compare these springtime. The dust can also make it hard for pilots to images, they can spot the beginnings of a dust see and for the airplane mechanics to work storm, giving them plenty of time to issue Even though they may only last for a few correctly, resulting in flight delays and even dust storm warnings to keep people safe. minutes, dust storms can cause some severe cancellations. Finally, breathing in dusty air problems. First of all, the occurrence can can cause health issues, especially for those To learn more about weather science, visit kick a lot of dust up into the atmosphere. with asthma or other respiratory problems. If www.weather.gov/jetstream. a dust storm occurs, try to stay indoors and 18 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A Park Ranger? Jen Smith Please tell the readers your name, in settings like What do you like best about your profession and a little about your job. museums, zoos and work? gardens, can be I am Jen Smith. I’m an environmental competitive and hard Nature is always teaching you. If you are educator who supervises a city nature to find, so obtaining willing to go out and observe, you always center. It’s a busy site dedicated to creating a college degree in see something new. Humans sometimes classes, experiences and museum exhibits science is best. I got feel as though we and our problems are the that teach about plants and animals. Our my bachelor’s in center of the world. That’s a burdensome team of park rangers manage over 200 biology and most of feeling. Animals and plants live their acres of land and trails and cares for over my master’s credits lives despite what crazy thing might be 20 live animal “ambassadors,” from an were in geology, going on in ours. That’s a comfort. I also alligator to turtles studying fossil love to teach students about how birds and lizards. snails. I also have communicate. When I hear students as science teaching young as third-graders shushing each other When and why did you certifications so they can more clearly hear the birds, I decide on this career and credentials know I have them hooked. path? from the office of environmental education in my state. What are some challenges you face? When I was little, I spent Our center used to be a picnic shelter and most of my time outside, exploring a creek Describe a typical day on your job. was not built to muffle the sound. People and the woods next to my house. On rainy My job involves supervising, so I do a get very excited when they see the animals, days I watched a show called “Hodgepodge lot of work behind the scenes, ensuring the and many are too little to understand that Lodge.” The program featured a lady park rangers have the tools and resources they shouldn’t scream. House rules prohibit named Miss Jean, who taught children they need. We feed and water the animals loud noises for our animals’ health, but about everything from wild animals to daily, and like hungry teenagers, they enforcing this with so many tiny children mushrooms while on nature walks. When keep us running out to stores for food and and crying babies is challenging. Another I was five, I decided I wanted to be just supplies — from live worms and crickets challenge is finding volunteers willing to like Miss Jean. And, well, this goal took a to cherry tomatoes and lettuce. We have clean and care for the animals. while, but now I am Miss Jen. a bank account, and I have to Kidsville News! 19 What background or education did you monitor and obtain to enter this field? balance it using the math I learned Good jobs working in science and nature, in elementary school. Visitors March 2021 from schools come for field trips, so you can find me out on the grounds giving a nature walk or talking to students about our snapping turtle, Grumpy. I also work a lot on museum exhibits. www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
This Page Brought To You By A Section Especially for Parents CtuRuCoenneelssalReettdoebobKparprpaadipdtatKeadbeibolWdeWRldewoeoomawomRdmeoe.encmaeon'nsdm'es.Honc.Hfoisofmitisfcot.trofiyiorcnytMiMoaonnnodtanhnhthdiwstwihotrhiisytth.oonForeyon.roeFfomothrfoemrtsheeoetgrismreeeegatltiremesbsaoetboleokbososikdosbekoaasnoiddfkoesraraesknafidddosrraekollfaiddaaslblaoolauflgtaaesblsol,omahuegetaedossfo,otmhhveeeearodtofotvheer BEGINNER READS EBFEBFooyaayrrrrDDwwaaiiggaaiiggenensasaaan77WnWdadayyntnnnhtddnhneeueeuWppJJWooitnnciteehcssh AAmmeelliiaaBedBeelidaelia BByy PePgeggygyPariPsharish FFoorr aaggeess 44--88 On her first day as a housekeeper, EEaarrwwiigg wwaassleleftftinina baabskaestkoent tohnetdhoeodrsoteopr- Amelia bakes her employers a lemon sotfeSpt.oMf oSrtw. aMldo'rswHaoldm'se fHoormCheildforrenChildren meringue pie; she makes good pies. wwiitthh aa nnootteessuuggggeestsintigngshsehheadhabdeebneleenft left \"Change the towels in the bathroom,\" tthheerree bbyyaawwiticthch. .ThTehehehaedamdimstriesstsress Mrs. Rogers has written in script. rreennaammeess tthheebbaabbyyErEicraicaWiWggigagndantdreatrtes ats \"Those towels are very nice. Why her likkee aall tthheeooththeer rchcihldilrderne.nE.riEcraicma emetes ets change them?\" Amelia asks, but takes her match wwhheennBBelelallaYaYgaaganadntdhethe a pair of scissors to alter the towels' appearance as she is (kind of) told. MMaannddrraake arrrivveeaannddchcohosoeseEaErwarigwitgo to adopptt.. Unfortunateelyy,,ththeecocuopulpelewawnatsnthserher becausseetthheeyynneeeedd aannasassisitsatanntt.. PAGETURNERS Bon Appetit! The Delicious Life of Moving Day: Allie Finkle's Rules for Julia Child Girls By Jessie Hartland By Meg Cabot For ages 7-10 For ages 8 and up Julia Child affirmed living life outside \"Rule #1: Don't Stick a Spatula Down the box, preaching to the readers of Your Best Friend's Throat.\" That's the first her 10 cookbooks and the millions of of Allie Finkle's many engaging chapter viewers of her television show to find headings and rules. Allie's parents buy a and be true to their own passions. falling-down Victorian house, tell her that She was a strong believer in she'll be starting fourth grade in a new following her heart, appetite and school and that she can get a kitten. While individuality by living her life to the she wants the kitten, she doesn't want to fullest and embracing her own move to that creepy house, and she does eccentricities and uniqueness. her best to sabotage the sale of her own home. ADVANCED READS DAADmismiasepaelipplaiepaLaeorLasaortn:sactTne:hcoeTefhLoAeiffmeLAeaifmlneiadealEinaadrhEaarrthart By TBFTBFohhyoyrreeSSaauHuHggzuzeeuaanssnnngn1gn1e44eeerraCaCGnnoGoaddllamlliimnunuespspes s BCy aCnadnadcaeceFFlelemmiinngg FoFor ragaegse1s01a0ndanudp up TThhee aannnnuuaall HHuunnggeerrGGaammesescacllafllorfotrwtowo ttrriibbuutteess,, aabbooyyanandda agigrlirbl ebtewteweenenthethaegaesges FFrorommchcihldilhdohoodo,dA, mAemliealiEaarEhaarrthawratswaas a ooff 1122 aanndd 1188,, ttoo bbee ppuulllleeddbbyylolottteteryryfrformom ddaarereddeevviliwl whohorefruefsuesdetdo ptolayplbayy tbhye the eeaacchh ddiissttrriicctt.. KKaattnniissssprparyasysnontottotboebcehcohsoesne.n. rruuleless. .ShSehedrdorpoppepdeodutouotf coofllceogleletgoewtoorwkork SShhee hhaass 2200slsiplips swiwthithhehrenranmaemoenotnhethmemin in aassaavovloulnutneteerenrurnsuer'ssea'isdeaaidfeterafsteeerinsgeeing thhee rruunnnniinngg,, ass sshhee's'sbobuougghht tmmoroeregrgarianinfofror wwoouunnddeeddvevteetrearnasnrsetruertnurhnomheomfreomfrom heerr family bbyyppuutttiinng iinnexetxrtaraslsiplipss..BuBtuthtihsis WWoorrldldWWaarrI aInadnhdadhapdlanpnlaendnteodretoturenturn year,, aaggaaiinnssttaallllooddddss,,hheer ryoyuonugnegresrisstiesrter ttooccoolleleggeetotoatattetnedndmemdeicdailcasclhsocohl,oboul,tbut Primm'ss name iisscchhoosseenn..SShhoocckkeedd,,KKaattnniissss ccaauugghht tthteheflyfilynigngbubguignstinesatde.aTdh.eThe volunteerss hheerrsseelflfininhehresrisstiesrt'esrp'slapcelaacendand cchhaapptetersrsfofcoucsuosnotnhethcehacllheanlgleens ges iss lalauunncchheeddininttootthheeHHuunnggeerrGGaammees.s. EEaarhrhaartrtfafcaecdedasaaswaowmoamn ainnainmaan'ms an's wwoorrldld,,aasswweelllaas shehreardavdenvteunrtouursosupsirsitp. irit. Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love. 20 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
ParenTown’s KidShape Eggs are Eggceptional Eggs are a topic of conversation each spring, mainly because of Jason Parker, Agent Your surprisingly their relationship to Easter’s Christian celebration. Brightly 2506 Avalon Avenue great rate awaits. colored Easter eggs are on display, chocolate eggs line store Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 shelves and egg-lined birds’ nests in trees and bushes dot Bus: 256-381-3434 Here’s the deal, everyone spring landscapes. Here are some facts about eggs. [email protected] loves a good surprise — • Eggs take center stage in early spring. However, they are more especially when it comes than just novelties to include in Easter celebrations. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company to saving money. Auto • Eggs are nutritious. Eggs are loaded with vitamins A, D and B12 State Farm Indemnity Company insurance is no different. and the nutrient choline. An excellent protein source in a small package, Bloomington, IL Call me to discover your an egg contains only 72 calories and packs 6 grams of protein, making it State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company surprisingly great rate on a great, filling meal any time. of Texas Auto today. • Eggs boost brain health. According to the University of Missouri Richardson, TX Like a good neighbor, Health Care System, the choline in eggs is a crucial nutrient for memory, 2001857 State Farm is there.® mood and muscle control and is essential in fetal brain development and birth defect prevention. Kidsville News! 21 • Eggs don’t always have to be refrigerated. In countries outside of the United States and Canada, eggs may not be refrigerated and do not have to be chilled. Also, outside of North America, eggs are not washed before commercial packaging. However, according to the food resource TheKichn, power-washing eggs removes a protective coating and makes the eggs porous and vulnerable to contamination. A synthetic layer is put on washed eggs. • Shell color does not matter. The color of the eggshell doesn’t indicate taste, nutritional value or even egg quality. The color of the eggshell reflects the breed of hen that laid the egg. Red-feathered hens tend to lay brown eggs, while hens with white features lay white eggs. Similarly, the shade of yolk is representative of what the chicken is eating. A dark yellow yolk means the hen was probably fed green vegetables. Lighter yolks coordinate to corn and grain diets. • All eggs are hormone-free. The term hormone-free on egg cartons does not signify anything special. It’s like advertising that snow is cold. The United States Food & Drug Administration banned the use of hormones in all poultry production in the 1950s. All eggs are hormone- free. • Size and eggshell thickness indicate a hen’s age. Eggs come in different sizes, such as medium, large and jumbo. The age of the chicken determines the size, with older hens producing larger eggs. Age also affects shell thickness, with younger hens laying thicker-shelled eggs. • Eggs won’t hatch. Eggs sold for consumption are not fertilized. Hens that have laid them haven’t mated. • Many birds lay eggs. Kiwis lay the largest eggs related to their body size of any bird species in the world. However, the ostrich, emu and cassowary lay the giant eggs. • The sink or swim test can say a lot about an egg. Eggs become more porous as they age. You can tell if an egg is old by putting it in a glass of water. Fresh eggs sink, and older eggs float. Eggs receive a lot of fanfare around Easter, but it’s good to know about that carton of eggs in the refrigerator year-round. March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
“Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, Season 2” Ben (Sean Giambrone), Yaz (Kausar Mohammed) and “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 2” is an Sammy (Raini Rodriguez). They go together to a camp in exciting, action-packed, often funny animated TV series Jurassic World called Camp Cretaceous. They have a fun on Netflix. The series continues building upon the beloved time at the camp, but suddenly, all the dinosaurs living in “Jurassic World” and “Jurassic Park” franchise. If you are Jurassic World become loose. The teenagers then need fascinated by dinosaurs (like I am) and you like adventure, to figure out how to survive on an island with wild and you should watch this show. Additionally, if you liked the crazy dinosaurs that attack the campers. Even though the other “Jurassic Park” or “Jurassic World” movies, I bet plot may sound a little scary, humor runs through each you will love this series. I thoroughly enjoyed it. episode. Some moments made me laugh out loud, such The story is about six teenagers, Darius (Paul-Mikél as when stuff breaks that isn’t supposed to or when the Williams), Brooklyn (Jenna Ortega), Kenji (Ryan Potter), characters say funny things. In every episode of this series, new dinosaurs pop into the show. The special effects surrounding these dinosaurs are fantastic and seem incredibly realistic. These lifelike dinosaurs include a T-Rex, Raptor, Mosasaurus, Compy, Stegosaurus and other prehistoric creatures. The dinosaurs are, by far, my favorite part of the show. The teenage characters all have different traits, including being athletic and outgoing, witty, popular and rich and famous. Some are crazy about dinosaurs, while others are scared to death. I enjoyed watching how they all end up working together as a team during the series. The primary message of the series is about teamwork and collaboration. The characters all end up working as a team. I give the series 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. You can find “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 2” now on Netflix. 22 Kidsville News! www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals March 2021
ParenTown’s KidSmart A Spring Craft Combining Fantasy and Fun S pring is a season of rebirth enchanting addition to a home landscape, • stones, pebbles and glass baubles marked by flowers pushing patio or child’s bedroom. It’s easy to get • pea gravel through the soil and tender, started today. • small plants, such as clover, moss green leaf buds appearing on trees. Begin by collecting the materials needed. and succulents As adults begin tinkering in Materials will vary depending on each • twigs their gardens and clearing away project, but some good suggestions • miniature garden accessories the vestiges of another winter, include: children also can get into the spring and figures gardening spirit with a touch of • a container, such as a flowerpot, Begin by filling the container whimsy mixed in. A fairy garden is basket, wine barrel, or another vessel that a perfect project. will hold soil with the soil. Then arrange the Fairies are mythical beings of plants as desired while still in their romance and folklore that appear • potting soil potting containers to get an idea in ancient stories passed down by of the layout. When the design is various cultures. Diminutive in established, use a spoon or small size, fairies are often depicted as trowel to plant the greenery. spiritual or supernatural beings in possession of magical powers who live Now is the time when the whimsy near mortals. Fairies tap into children’s can set in. Kids can create a fairy imaginations, which may be enticed by home, garden, walkways and more fairies’ mischievous and magical attributes. using natural materials, but ceramic A desire to capture fairies can inspire a and plastic fairy furnishings are available super spring crafting project. from craft stores, too. Gravel and stones Fairy gardens can be constructed in can add color and extra appeal. Some peat just about any container and make an moss or trailing Spanish moss can serve as the finishing touches. Once completed, it’s time to wait to see if the fairies will come for a visit. ANSWERS Spring Ribs Peaks Ears MATHTIME (28) If he catches 7 mice in 4 days, Break Kings Speak Spin students can expand to twice as many Beaks Sin Rinks Pins in 8 days or 14 mice. Doubling again, Rings Brings Inks Reap he can catch 28 in 16 days. Another Sing Gears Pink Sap approach would be to create a table that increases by 4 days at each step i.e. 7 mice Singer Rear Grapes Snip in 4 days, 14 mice in 8 days, 21 mice, etc. Ring Spears Near & More ... (ADG, AEG, AFG, ADH, AEG, AEH, AEI, AFG, AFH, AFI, BDG, BDH, BDI, BEG, BEH, BEI, BFG, BFH, BFI, CDG, CDH, CDI, CEG, CEH, CEI, CFG, CFH, CFI — 27 DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS) Taking an organized approach to this problem will help the students. A good extension to this problem would be to add one more topping. Knowledge Power Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C What’s the Difference? Di erences: 1) Staburst di erent colors 2) Stripes on bowling pins 3) Color of bowling balls 4) Starburst behind bowling pins colors 5) Color of action marks 6) Bowling pin missing 7) Bowling ball larger March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals Kidsville News! 23
INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª listerhill.com/explorer MATHTIME List the possible pizza combinations Mary Beth can pick that If a cat catches 7 mice in 4 days, have only one topping. List the combinations using letters. how many mice should it catch in 16 days? The first one is done for you. CRUST TOPPINGS D. Thick G. Cheese E. Thin H. Pepperoni F. Pan I. Hamburger Possible combinations: ADG, 24 Kidsville News! Answers On Page 23 March 2021 www.kidsvillenews.com/shoals
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