CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - December 2018 StEonrtieesr:taMionrmeeTnhtan Come Out & Play Cirit What Kids Can Do In The Face of Bullying The Oldest Song • Wildville - Arabian Sand Cat What's It Like To Be An Actor?For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at 2018 KidsvilleAL #15059|53092 News! 1
Come Out & Play • Cirit is also called “çavgan.” • The game is played by two teams.The Kurds are an indigenous Cirit was most popular during the Ottoman Empire, which lasted • Teams are placed in rows of 6, 8people that live in a from 1299 to 1453 A.D. It was considered a war game and anmountainous area called important test of courage for men. Today, Cirit is usually played or 12 players.“Kurdistan” in the Middle at important events like weddings and holidays. One of the • Each player rides a horse.East. This area is spread reasons that Cirit was so culturally important is because horses • A Cirit is a long stick, like aacross several different were important to the Kurdish way of life. Today, most peoplecountries: Turkey, Syria, live in urban areas, so horses are expensive and impractical – javelin, that the players hold inIraq, Iran and Armenia. The and the game is dangerous. Many villages continue to play Cirit their left hands.Kurds don’t have an official as a way to keep tradition alive, but it is not played often. • The first player to take a turn iscountry, but they are united called the “çavgan.” by a similar culture, history • This is usually the youngestand religious traditions. player.One traditional game that is • He rides toward the other teampopular among the Kurds and tosses his Cirit to an Syria and in • He then turns around and tries toTurkey is called return to his line without being hit.Cirit. • The opponent who catches the Cirit chases the player and tries to hit him. • Players go back and forth, chasing and fleeing. • Teams get a point when a member of the other team is hit by a Cirit. • A team loses a point if a horse is TM ViewLocal kids What makes alet us know.... good friend ? Kindness Do tYoOpUagwean1t8toanbdefilhl eouret.?.. Kendall Go Highland Park DoWn’tefTo’Srlhglteeuut ysdoeuerynpohtoutQor!sWuienecsaKnt’iTtMiodpVrnsinvinetiwalwliteihroNeuteawp hso!to. 2nd Grade2 Kidsville News! December 2018
Hi, Kids! “yatCeoroeaInernjsnjueujsoacstytntidoalaonsvsfsee”etrwovtarehyosigs,foaotmtdohvooeens.rmttyhPo!.orSiyemt,mposohr,ryottwbaeonlalotibnkogfsuu,antmccyttoiouvouaine?l.lsy,TTdhsahoatenterg’sses,wbaaphrlceaaktyssotwheamonutadsanalydknadwansabceyoossuft in EyctftsonahioYoejuIlamolSorttyumcheyhhreohroaet!poimekhaffeAlAereepiinr.heyssahdtuonoRhbotmudmteleihr,iaahedamonnedmaukgygytsoirmhshnanec,tdrnotoai’hdrvsamtteenoeicvmdsaaeibneebtrfIemq.yoitluuolwwhTeiftrpeihdhiliprleetesehhsrwsstdaeeeeiwrtmeswhssistthoimoyithwmnrohadioeuyele“nlsosWsdnoouceeefmorairlxrrtdettfftisvghurepiielyilannerleerasvenoae.ttitdlr”reodtso!ardyenid.asemoctnsIroedtaocnablitnfvislsdafielemitaztabhialhltsueytauoty!itroehnsosmaend Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23December 2018 Kidsville News! 3
This Page Brought To You By: photo © user: Dr. Meierhofer Storytelling is an important way for people around the world to preserve their unique STORYTELLING cultures and histories. Different cultures have different traditional styles of Protecting these traditions is important because they record how people understand the world around them and how they fit into the world. From 1870 to 1914, many of the European nations like Britain and France participated in what is known as the Age of Imperialism. They did this by establishing colonies. When they conquered a country, it was normal to forbid native people from following their traditions. The European rulers understood how powerful traditions like storytelling, native dances and ceremonies can be. They are activities that can unite and empower people by helping them understand their history, their identity and their place in the world. Here are some examples of traditions from different parts of the world. • Hula is a Polynesian dance. Hawaiians use it to share tales about their history. The words in the songs and the hand motions of the dancers all work together to tell a story. • Shadow puppetry is a storytelling art form from China. Puppeteers use cutout figures to tell traditional Chinese folk tales. The performances are popular at weddings and parties. • Singing and poetry are popular forms of storytelling all over the world. Some cultures, like in Italy, have very strict structures for their poems. Others, like in Middle Eastern Zajal, encourage improvising and making things up as you go along. • Calypso is a kind of music that comes from the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The musical rhymes provided a safe way for people to challenge the corrupt government, to express their frustrations with daily struggles and to record their history. – Others are much more freeform. As the world becomes more modern, many ancient traditions are in danger of dying because they are no longer widely practiced. If these traditions die, the entire world will lose unique pieces of its history. Nothing can replace the hundreds of years of understanding that these stories, songs and dances have preserved. Each culture has its own way of interpreting the world and expressing its understanding of the world – and they are all valuable. Kidsville News! December 2018
Do you know about... CroCoslosrinog vCoernerr AppealTruman loves to be outside, even in the winter! What’s your favorite winter activity? Write a paragraph about it and finish coloring this picture! The carpenter’s rule of thumb “measure twice, cut once” applies as well to sewing and knitting. THOMAS W. JOEL R. McCUTCHEON HAMNER CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” TTrruuma-n Truman’s It is hard to know exactly when humans started playing music, but archaeologists have found Tricky flutes made of bone and ivory from 43,000 years ago. Archeologists have found many ancient Picture examples of instruments, but written songs are much more difficult to find. It is likely that we will never know what the very first song was. This is due, in part, to the fact that writing was Find these not developed until 3500 B.C., when cuneiform was created by the Sumerians. The very first items! Be sure to find songs were most likely passed down from parents to children through oral traditions.Truman’s hat! For morepuzzles and games, • The oldest song ever found is titled “Hurrian Hymn • It is very difficult to translate the incomplete music No. 6.” from cuneiform, so musicians cannot recreate the music note or note. • It is a song to Nikkal, the Phoenician goddess of orchards. • It is made even more difficult because ancient musicians had different styles of recording and • It was written in cuneiform – an early form of thinking about how they played music. writing. • The first complete musical composition to have been • The clay tablet that the song is written on is 4,000 discovered is “Seikilos Epitaph.” It was found in years old. Turkey and is engraved on a marble column that was used to mark a woman’s grave. • The tablet also contains instructions on how to tune the instrument and a hymn to the ruler Lipit-Ishtar, a • It is written in Greek and comes from the first king who ruled in Mesopotamia. century A.D. It is easier to translate this song, so musicians have been able to recreate the entire hymn. • The tablet was found in 1950 in Syria when archeologists were excavating the ancient city of • Both songs were probably performed on an Ugarit. instrument like a lyre, which has nine strings and looks similar to a small harp. • Unfortunately, the tablet broke in half, so the melody is © source image by Pipiten - Kidsville News! 5December 2018
Proud Sponsorof This Page Kingdom: Animalia Arabian Phylum: Chordata sand cat Class: Mammalia Suborder: Feliformia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Gelis Species: F. Margarita An Arabian sand cat is a small wild cat found in deserts of Africa and the Middle East. These cats are about the size of a small house cat. Adults usually range in size from 18 to 23 inches long and weigh between 3 to 7.5 pounds. Despite their small size, sand cats are fearless and effective hunters that have adapted to live in an extreme environment. They are also one of the most difficult wild cats to study. Their light brown fur blends in with the sand, and they have foot coverings that barely leave a footprint when they walk. They have also learned to crouch and close their eyes when hunting so their eyes will not reflect any light and alert nearby prey.• Their lifespan is about 13 years. If it gets too hot, they burrow into the sand. The Arabian sand cat is naturally rare,• Their special foot pads keep them from sinking in • They use their very sensitive hearing to find their but it also faces threats from humans.the sand and protect their feet from extreme heat. prey. They listen for the scratches of the prey Bigger cities and farms are destroying• Their main prey is gerbils, but they also eat snakes, running across or digging into the sand. their natural habitat and changingreptiles and beetles. • Their special paws are also great for digging. They the desert ecosystem. There are more• The cats are nocturnal, so they hunt at night. often have to dig their prey out of the sand. droughts, too, which reduces the prey• Being nocturnal helps the cats keep cool in the • They never need to drink water. They get all the available for the sand cats. There is alsodesert. moisture they need from their prey. a threat from the animals that come• Temperatures can reach 124 degree during the day • They sometimes cover their prey in sand and return with humans – like dogs and cats – thatand 31 degrees at night. to eat it later. might attack the small Days to 25th 26th - Jan 1st remember in December The tradition of oral storytelling is as old stories Several faiths have significantas language itself. Cultures all over the world matter holidays in December. Christmashave unique traditions of passing down here's why falls on Dec. 25. Christmasstories for generations. Many of these stories celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.share similar themes, like how the world Many people exchange presents atwas created, and tell the of the adventures of Christmas, too.heroes and gods. These stories are not justfor entertainment, they also provide a way Hanukkah is a Jewish celebrationfor cultures to pass on important information that lasts eight days. Some– like advice about how to survive. If a tribe • Lessons: These stories describe Hanukkah customs include eatingsurvives a terrible drought by eating a specific why the world and society are and farming. They contain potato pancakes, or latkes, and information to help future playing with a dreidel, a spinningbush, they may add this information into a the way they are. generations collect, prepare and top with Hebrew letters on it. Manystory so that future generations will know how • Instructions from spirit mentors: eat food. people also give gifts at survive a similar drought. Embedding this These stories help tribes • Oral maps for travel preserveinformation into stories that are passed down maintain their religious rituals. information about the tribe’s Kwanzaa is a celebration thatfrom generation to generation helps to make • Descriptions of natural long journeys, migrations and honors African-American culturesure the information is not lost. Layering it processes: These stories pass holy journeys. and heritage. It lasts from stories, instead of just making long lists, down knowledge about how the • There are also symbolic stories, 26 to Jan 1. Kwanzaa focuses onmakes it easier to remember specific details, seven principles. They are: unity, natural world works and include adventure stories and magical self-determination, collective workand it makes the information more interesting things like water cycles and the tales of transformation that all and responsibility, cooperativefor children to learn. life cycles of plants. explore the tribe’s history and economics, purpose, creativity andNative American stories can be broken • Survival accounts tell stories faith.into eight different types. about hunting, gathering the mystery of what it means to be Kidsville News! December 2018
Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I wantFun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATORAndrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERSRussell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn JonesADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna MagazzuADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORSDr. David R. Curott Lee FreemanPatricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications State Zip School NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!?Stephanie Crider [email protected] Your Signature (This is my own work) ILLUSTRATOR Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE [email protected]©Copyright 2018 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is aservice mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registeredtrademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! maybe reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisheror the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers willbe responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. Thepublishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. isnot responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’ssubmissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission topublish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by The Tennessean, Nashville, TN INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª 2018 Kidsville News! 7
from 6723our entire /,7 7 (5staff <RXU6KRDOV <RXU&KRLFH Daniel H. Almon D.M.D. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D.,William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. 2461 Helton Drive • Florence 256-767-7141Staying Safe in Winter Weather This will help you avoid getting frostbite or hypothermia. Winter can be a magical time of and Winter Weather Advisories winter storm is possible. A Winteryear. Some like to play outside in depending on the type of wintry Weather Advisory means to be Frostbite can happen if skin is exposed to coldthe snow with their friends, while weather forecast. It’s important aware – a winter storm is possible, temperatures and freezes. It is most common onothers might prefer to sit inside to know what these mean so that but with less dangerous conditions. the fingers, toes, ears, nose, chin and cheeks.and drink hot chocolate by the you can be prepared. A Winter Frostbite is most likely to occur when it is veryfire. But no matter how you like Storm Warning is the most severe After a winter storm has passed, cold and windy. For instance, if the temperature isto spend time in the winter, it’s – it means take action immediately if you’d like to play outside in 0 °F with a 15-mile-per-hour wind, frostbite canalways important to think about because dangerous winter the snow, it’s important to dress occur within about 30 minutes. Frostbite starts bywinter safety. conditions are expected. It is not appropriately to stay warm. Wear making your skin very cold and then numb. If this a good idea to play outside during at least two layers of clothing, a happens, take shelter inside immediately. Your local National Weather this time. A Winter Storm Watch warm hat, gloves and waterproofService will issue Winter Storm means to be prepared because a boots. Make sure to cover exposed Hypothermia is when your body’s internalWarnings, Winter Storm Watches skin and limit your time outside. temperature drops below 95 °F, and it is very dangerous. Signs that you’re experiencing hypothermia include confusion, shivering, difficulty speaking, sleepiness and stiff muscles. It’s even possible to experience hypothermia inside, if the temperature is cold enough. To stay safe, make sure the thermometer is set to 68 °F or above. One very important winter safety tip is to be extra careful around frozen ponds and lakes. It might seem like a fun idea to go ice skating, but it can be very dangerous. If the ice is less than 2 inches thick or has any cracks, holes or breaks, make sure to stay off. Also, check to see if there’s any flowing water around the edges, just below the surface or over the top of the ice – this indicates danger. If you don’t see any warning signs, and if the ice is at least 4 inches, it’s safe to go skating. If you have pets, it’s important to make sure they stay warm as well! If it’s too cold outside for you, it’s too cold for your pets. Make sure they have a warm, dry place with plenty of food and water. Winter weather can be very dangerous. Make sure to remember these tips in order to enjoy the winter and stay safe.8 Kidsville News! December 2018
This Page Brought To You By AL #15059|53092 Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 8 things that are different in these two pictures. Di erences: 1) Stripes Gone From Hat & Sleeves 2) Truck Color 3) Clothing Color4) Color of Gloves 5) Color Underneath the Paint cans 6) Paint On Brush And In Larger Paint Can Color 7) Table Color 8) Hair ColorDecember 2018 Kidsville News! 9
Dear Santa Claus... More Letters to Santa from Long Ago (and not so Long Ago)By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Maybe you’re thinking about writing Annie Belle Stewart.a letter this year to tell jolly old Saint Pruitton, Ala., Dec. 10.Nick what you’d like for Christmas. Butwhat should you say? Maybe it would Dear Old Sandie Clause: I am 5 yearshelp to read the letters of other kids old and a good little boy. Please bring meover the years who wrote to Santa, to a wagon and some romans cannons and asee what they said. At the very least it air gun and firecrackers.should be interesting to see what kidsa long time and just a few years ago Yours truly,wanted for Christmas and how they wrote Harris Goad.their letters. Below are several “Lettersto Santa” published in old Florence From the Florence Herald, Thursday,newspapers spanning the years 1896 to December 19, 1974, p. 8:1997. I haven’t corrected the spelling. Dear Santa Claus, From the Florence Herald, Thursday, Do not fall out of your sleigh.February 17, 1896, p. 1. I love you. Beth Bowlin Dear Mr. Santa Claus: I will tell you Gilbert School.what I want. I want a nice set of vases.Louisa Wesson, Rhodesville, Ala. Dear Santa Claus: I want a barbie town house and a Dear Mr Santa Claus: I am a little girl barbie and magic knitter and a bake oven10 years old. Please bring me a doll and and baby alive and sunshine family anda doll carriage, for I want them most of surprises.anything. I will be glad of anything you Love Lynne Walkerbring. My papa is dead and mama is ill. Second Grade, Highland Park SchoolGood by. Your friend, Floy Skipwith. From Jeff Stephens Dear Santa Claus: Dear Santa Claus: I want you to send Second Grade I want a Big Jim Jeep and rhino and ame a wagon to work my goat to, and bring me an air rifle, and candy Highland Park School football and some fishbaits.and apples and oranges and a toy pistol. Yours truly, Leland Hamm,Smithsonia. From the Times Daily, Wednesday, December 24, 1997, p. 6C. From the Florence Herald, Thursday, December 22, 1904, p. 5: Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I am fair skin, blue-eyed, have light hair, and want my I want a Barbie Foldup Doll House, Bouncey Baby, a porcelain doll,doll just like me. clothes, special surprises, and a girl or boy that will not have Christmas I am waiting. Mae Sharp. to have one. Dear Santa Claus, I will be home Christmas eve night, and want you Love,to be sure and come to see me. You will find my box to the left of the Jessica Britten.door in mamma’s room as you enter. And please bring me one bail of firecrackers, drum, wheelbarrow, Dear Santa,bugle, 6 roman cannons and some apples, oranges and some candy. I have been kinda good and kinda bad, but I will try to be good. I Yours truly, don’t want much for Christmas. Just for you to help the sick and hungry, Burt Sharp, to give poor kids all most all my toys, and to wach over all people. 402 N. Cypress-st. Merry Christmas to Mrs. and Mr. Nick From the Florence Herald, Thursday, December 17, 1908, p. 12. Your friend, Lexington, Dec. 12, 1908. Amy Lea Stooksberry Dear Santa Claus: Our house is clost to Gran’pa’s and I go up to see P.S. My dad Ricky Stooksberry really liked his fire engine that washim every day; but I will be at home Xmas eve night, the night mamma red. He wants to thank you.says you will come. Papa says he will clean out our stove flue nice soyou will not get your nice presants soiled when you come down. I will Roman Cannons: Probably Roman candle fireworks.hang my little stocking just under the clock and just to the right of it you Magic Knitter: Mattel Toys’ Knit Magic toy knitting machinewill find my little basket. I am a little girl and have a little stocking that Bake Oven: Easy Bake Ovenwon’t hold much, so you will please put my other things in the basket. Sunshine Family: A line of dolls and playsets: mom (Stephie), dadPlease to bring me a little table, a cooking stove, china set, a big doll and (Steve) and baby (Sweets).little doll. I would like to have a real dog; but I don’t want you to give all Big Jim Jeep and Rhino: Big Jim was a large action figure similarthe nice things to me. I want you to bring Lillian and Mary and Ernest to GI Joe whose line included several other characters, playsets andlots of nice things, too; they are our neighbors’ children. I will go to vehicles; in 1973 Mattel made the Big Jim Patrol Safari Jeep for thesleep early. Yours lovingly, action figures which also came with a plastic rhinoceros.10 Kidsville News! December 2018
What's it like to be...? An Actor JAX MALCOM Please tell our readers a little bit about yourself. Hi, I’m Jax Malcolm, and I’m a 15-year-old actor/director and philanthropist. I’ve beenworking in the entertainment industry for a decade. As an actor, I have had the opportunityto work with some of the biggest names in comedy, including Jonah Hill, Keenan IvoryWayans, Nick Kroll, Scott Aukerman and Reggie Watts. As a director, I’ve won severalawards for my series “Conservation Invasion,” which focuses on kids taking an active rolein preserving the environment. Some of the work I’m most proud of as a philanthropistis being speaker and Ambassador for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and as a foundingmember of Heal the Bay’s Hollywood Ambassador Board. I work closely with Heal theBay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium and their children’s initiatives. What do you love most about being an entertainer? My favorite part about being an entertainer is that I get to play different characters andtell different stories. For a couple months I could be on stage playing a well-loved characterthat the audience knows, and then two weeks later I get to play a character in a film that theaudience has never met before. My work is always changing, and I love that about being anentertainer. How did you get your start? I got my start in acting when I was 5 years old. I booked my very first commercial. Itwas a public service announcement for Smart Power. I got to play a mad scientist and talkabout conserving energy. It was pretty cool because I have always loved science, and myYoutube series “Conservation Invasion” is about environmental stewardship. What do you wish all kids knew about being famous? Being an entertainer is definitely fun, but what most people don’t see is all the hard workand sacrifice that is part of being in the entertainment industry. I give up a lot of things towork as an actor. I’ve missed my school carnival for several years in a row due to workcommitments. I miss parties and hanging out with my friends because I have an audition.Because this is what I want to do, it is worth it, but most people don’t understand the levelof commitment you have to have to be successful in the entertainment industry. What do you want to be when you growup? An actor, I was really lucky to find my calling at such a young age.I love the work I do and want to continue to grow as an actor. If Iwere to choose something it else, it would be a fashion designer. I justrecently completed a design program and am working on a line of men’saccessories. How do you balance school and your Mike Randall, REALTOR®career? Associate Broker It is important to be flexible and willing to do your work wherever 256.366.9779you can. Just like any other kid who has extra-curricular activities like [email protected] or scouts, I do my homework wherever I need to. So, whether mikerandallhomes.comit’s in the car on the way to an audition or in between takes on set, youfigure out a way to fit it in.December 2018 Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Fill Out the in this award-winning Send It form fun, family newspaper. on page 7! Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 Your Name Your Age Your City for more information.December 20D18ecember
r 2018December 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Notes: 1 2 3 4 56 78 Chanukah/ 12 13 14 Hanukkah 19 20 21 22Winter begins at sunset Begins 9 10 11 Chanukah/ Hanukkah ends at nightfall 16 17 18 Muscle Shoals, Sheffield & Tuscumbia ....... 23 24 25 26 Kwanzaa 27 28 29 30 Christmas Eve Christmas Day BeginsKidsville News! 13 (Until Jan. 1) 31 New City Schools Winter Break Dec. 20 - Jan. 6, Classes Resume Jan. 7 Year's Eve Colbert County Schools Winter Break Dec. 24 - Jan. 7, Classes Resume Jan. 8 Vectors ©
Where in the World is ... Syria? • The capital of Syria is Damascus. • The population is 22,520,746.Syria is a special place. People have lived there for hundreds of thousands of • Elba had a population of 260,000.years. It is located in an area that was once known as Mesopotamia. This area • After World War I, France controlled considered the birthplace of civilization. The oldest human remains that • The Syrians rose up against French rule in 1925have been found in the area date back 700,000 years. Neanderthal bones havebeen found in the area as well. The oldest city that has been excavated in Syria and 1927. This is called the Greatis Elba, which was inhabited around 3,000 B.C. Many empires have ruled this Syrian Revolt.area, including the Egyptians, Hittites, Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. • Syria gained independence on April 17, 1946.These civilizations experienced incredible breakthroughs, like writing. • Syria’s size is 185,180 square kilometers. This is slightly larger than North Dakota. • It is mostly desert. • Aleppo its the largest city. It has a population of 2.985 million. • The official language is Arabic. Kurdish, Armenian, Aramaic, Circassian, French and English are also commonly spoken in Syria. • The national symbol is the hawk. • One of the major industries is oil.Since its independence, Syria has been politically unstable. There that started in 2011. About half of the country’s populations, 11were many government coups, revolts and riots. You may have also million Syrians, have been displaced from their homes. They areseen Syria in the news. The country is involved in a civil war – a called refugees.war between opposing groups of people from the same country – Palmyra, Syria Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Answers on page 23 Christmas Trivia the attorney I hope each of you have a wonderful holiday season and that all 7. Irving Berlin wrote “White Christmas\" in 1941. Who sung ityour Christmas dreams come true. Here’s a fun Christmas trivia for the first time on Christmas Day 1941? A. Bing Crosbyabout Christmas songs and movies. B. Jim Reed C. Perry Como D. Frank Sinatra 1. Who wrote the poem “Twas the night before Christmas” in 8. In the 1996 movie Jingle All the Way what was Arnold1822? A. William Shakespeare B. Clement Clarke Moore Schwarzenegger looking for on Christmas Eve? A. Tickle Me Elmo B. Turbo Man C. Terminator Man C. Mark Twain D. Robert Frost D. Buster the Sidekick 2. In the 1969 TV show, “Frosty the Snowman”, the snowman 9. In A Christmas Story release November 18, 1983, what doescomes to life when the children place a magic hat on his head. Ralphie Parker want for Christmas? A. A Red Ryder BB gunWho did the hat belong to? A. Santa Claus B. Hocus Pocus B. A new bike C. A Street Skateboard D. A dog C. Professor Hinkle D. The teacher 10. In Dr. Seuss Christmas story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, the main character The Grinch has only one 3. “Blue Christmas” was first sung by Ernest Tubb in 1948 but companion, his faithful dog. What is the dog’s name?hit number one on the charts when this person recorded it in 1957. A. Cindy Lou B. Holly C. Max D. Trash CanWho was this person? A. Perry Como B. Bing CrosbyC. The Beatles D. Elvis Presley 11. This song written by James Lord Pierpont and released on September 16, 1857 was intended to be a Thanksgiving song but 4. Who was the first person to sing “Frosty the Snowman”? became a favorite of children to sing at Christmas time. WhatA. Roy Rogers B. Gene Autry C. Bing Crosby D. Willie Nelson is the song’s title? A. “Winter Wonderland” B. “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” C. “Deck the Halls” D. “Jingle 5. It’s a Wonderful Life, released in 1946, is the story of George Bells”Bailey’s life and he gets help from a guardian angel named….? 12. Charles Dickens wrote “A Christmas Carol” which was A. Harry B. Fred C. Clarence D. Charles published December 19, 1843. In the story, ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge. Who was the first ghost? A. Jacob Marley B. The 6. Released May 2, 1947, Miracle on 34th Street became an Ghost of Christmas Pass C. The Ghost of Christmas Presentinstant hit. Edmund Gwenn won an Academy Award for best D. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Comeactor in a supporting role. Who was he in the movie?A. Santa Clause B. Mr. Gimbel C. Mr. Macy D. Fred Gailey,14 Kidsville News! December 2018
Excellent Service, Expert AdviceFlorence • Sheffield • Killen 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 (across from Hobby Lobby) 256-767-3337 Cut Here 20183 Age Groups: 2-4 • 5-7 • 8-10 Top 3 Winners in each Age Group Receive: Large 1 Topping Pizza And Kidsville News! Prizes from Courier JournalEntrant information must be completed to qualify.Child’sNameAgeAddressCityState ZIPPhoneNumber Mail or Bring Entries to: Drawings are judged by our staff on the basis of talent of the child’s age ability. Courier Journal IT MUST BE COLORED BY THE CHILD. 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence, AL 35630 Winners are not selected at random. One entry per person. One winner per family. ENTRY DEADLINE Kidsville News! 15 Thursday, Dec. 20 NOON Winners will be announced in the Courier JournalDec. 26 issue & the January Issue of Kidsville News.December 2018
How Old Is That Tree? we have a living tree in our yard, or in a field, and we want its age without cutting it down. Obviously most trees get larger as they age. So big trees are usually older than small trees of the same type. Trees are wonderful creations. In California, Foresters have determined the there is a tree named “Methuselah” that is older relationship of age and size of a tree. than 5000 years old! The man, Methuselah, is A tree trunk is usually fairly circular, mentioned so we will call the distance around a in the Bible truck its circumference.(Genesis 5:21-27) as being 969years old so that’s a suitable Very approximately, a tree isname for an old tree. usually older than its circumference, Alabama has a big tree in the measured in inches. For example, ifSipsey Wilderness Area that is 45 inches around, then it is 45 yearscalled just that: the “BIG TREE”. old or older. It is a “tulip tree” about 24 The factors in the table below allows you to estimate a tree age fairlyfeet around which means itsgirth (circumference) is about300 inches and it is 150 feet tall.There are taller trees out Westbut this is our “Big Tree” and itis probably 300 years old. Thatwould make it older than ourcountry!It is relatively easy to tell theage of a tree that has been cutdown, or has died, by “countingtree rings”. A tree’s growthchanges during the year usuallydue to climate changes: rain or dry, hot or cold. Annual rings are formedwhich can be counted to establish age. The famous artist Leonardo daVinci was the first to note that these rings form annually. Count therings in this drawing to find the age of this tree. I hope you counted twenty. Since there are twenty rings, we know the accurately. At shoulder height,tree was 20 years old when cut. The science of tree-ring dating is called measure the circumference of a“Dendrochronology”. Dendro means relating to trees. Chronology tree (in inches) and multiply bymeans arranging events in order of their occurrence; in simpler words the factor in the table to arrive atdetermining dates. the tree age. Another method of dating is For example, suppose acalled radiocarbon dating. It River Birch tree measures 80involves measuring the percentage inches around. The table saysof Carbon 14 in organic material. the FACTOR is 1.11 for a RiverSimply stated, plants and animals Birch, so multiply 80 by 1.11inhale Carbon 14 from the air and, which gives 89. Thus, the tree iswhen the plant or animal dies, close to 89 years old.the radioactive Carbon 14 decays(decreases) at a known rate. So the Find some trees around youramount of Carbon 14 in a dead tree house or apartment and figurecan be used to accurately determine out their ages!the age of the tree. However suppose Who can find the oldest tree in your neighborhood? Nature is Interesting! © 2018 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus16 Kidsville News! December 2018
Did You KNOW? Giving the gift of an experience is a rising trend, particularly among millennials. Harris research has determined that millennials (defined as people born between 1980 and 1996) highly value experiences, and they are increasingly spending time and money on them. Types of experiences include athletic pursuits, cultural visits, concerts, social events and various travel. The research goes on to say that more than three out of four millennials choose to spend money on a desirable experience instead of buying a product. And it’s not just millennials. Overall, consumer spending has shifted in the last 10 to 15 years. HSBC bank chief economist Kevin Logan has said consumer spending on recreation, travel and eating out has been trending upward for more than a decade, while purchases of clothing and shoes as a share of discretionary spending has dropped. These trends can help drive purchases during holiday gift-giving. Gifts that are more experience-oriented may be more appreciated by their recipients.MATHTIME Carlos has spinners like these.3 1 3 2 What number could be added to 150 2 1 so that the sum would be between 500 and 525?If he spins each one and adds the results, Answer: what sums do you think he will get?December 2018 Answers On Page 23 Kidsville News! 17
TM Hello! Attention Kids & Teachers Too!The View Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us This is Truman From Kidsville News!YOUR PHOTO & your answers! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’Name ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR GFraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630WVacahtiaontpliasce?your favorite...... Send ItFLuanudfaemrdialyleNCeowusnptayp’esr YOUR ORIGINAL ARTHey Kids! Truman again. I wantWHAPHCHlraaoaahervlcvaiteyedeotoayotdyuoyonoo?ua?ueeasgeetovav?oeecdrrorlwriisidbdtedodneyeennrd?aoin?haorcsoen?vertible cWaCrPPA?ITHRNHOINNOTOTUOTT AFhrHehKasIhhiEpdthJ”aAWsMhaLurviSfnhresiolPda!tn,lAreItymfjM!uiNobNlsolreetnPoTgwuSLpuystrAaaeE!ogrtundheuPieldFmae7Pcna“OoSasIsfetaenLiRgn!thndMhnhaUiiveste,lLSp ohHYisYmotouOurrHrMAfePHNirronteaewmmiIdoesrNkitHI&-at!WORK, LETTERS & POAEBMetSte!rMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e!6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!TA2hR1no9umdDRsrWkaseBrisJecAaI..EiSAalDhVNlJTDKltlDLnDeaDu.AegSRBrip.arMdvcnTIiDNhvoGod©vsRmeTntyIbroaaCbtEOwidapaeAInerseyrIdrpuodOBACngourTkCts2eeuNbprLeaRmhtbemTibalypsuMerminso5.eIRlyrPRreAsapoeiLfizoPcThasiIsrOCrgo6sfdpSohkeezPLOhHCkss.nx.rtNunoprEir-tIsusosooooPa&cihnyNciiSd2S7CarWfeenSbgsMrrNdpAIsnnd0veidisetlnikrygevbl6kets1cutCsC•AedJhIihiusileder.iaA6rAurndokdletPwThcdP•r4rtlhNoleirvoheroIskiorrFfiwpaebOeWthniLRmibevolUt-uIrdLDcUyeDitoiwohlPNic•rsalkPbdle4h&IttRgOlolrdktoahbadlfdboiausaeOtSL8eBtplreSvls2iCEetnawrwilBeJelomEpeAoePhfAii@EtrnirNbNnssnr•[email protected]!gonTeOeblurtt.eNSl,LehllSaaJ@sulncnktwhniarmee8AkpoenUiPaNclIcIardeutnEiIocimegnnXUtsdDin.epcIDSncisemiaeNiSIuiethlirt!tLtsodcpkopfer•oocniLhwklgSldsngder.osSnonsdasWraIcOdnna,fEebimetHC@ieauneEuaIscrLiltTniyi,.ergtsstmdTtsAi!oco.mPnaydardHvoSrdfNrucbahtN@gEurir.pnnistCvaoImlAAbpaEtaEnCaeeociRtnteadyicNRirrsrkrTnTtaFarE,larnieimrceileDidnhacahegdtEuanAtvItaoSeeERpeaLhN.eac@nhTulnnteikdiia@,sULsIayssAtrdhcphAaretllyhtdtcpiyatvAyoevrGpitdeBnIjnRnilir-iseearnjosReOpILsnlahiTEofr.iou3altTisodaoeeoatrTeloTckepbethOlteBTbkank,esnnTbetrittecDcesUretPtuvwehduR5,rihWsmtSrsOmtuisiroaiOrienrasnesOsmesrerdE,inIr,aigiMoNtftedLduriv6grnfiAgonsoeta.arrelnttyewiTwnvslsrsehunvthetiel,arstRRasa3ashlineRnShlautnalpuliwtiEnnbtpocwdiufEmFSdeliaswtltyatvenvOrealstrgth0FswhdnvpnaEliregtsehotReNbotmaonlehnuehisoatimeerDfLirrtNsvtsvsluit.heOJrrloW-kaNdatsRlshnvsloisotiSoTtnes.teuKrni:lfetnte,i,serunliIeooeescnpvroepIuieTieeeovvooheuoeerwaUewretd.aeceTeksSedvaTrnrMiacarnhhnkenlraafoouytensawslerntwceeonmomo,puhnsdul!,klkh.loswdumhyonireilse,onoTiRssbnitecdacswwtlalriDieNagrnRNdgtotieds2rd.retiepoportpttuoomcoarscscoofsaneuttsahaAphnl,.hRamdvsvAnasAxCpi.retahsfemoawlseeiiihsu0oldpce:ho.uptailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedoe/orTcprakunnxiceatlwiyl.dvasiohrow/enbNa,nN1iEmpmsetryaSlncepel.lyliIclehwmrgeopne.eeiealmac.eeerRsr6trOlppaqwwCrnecogcemhlctesaarUueospoekggiishonsseet&o,ebanswihartu!i!trroNirdmasopstlmhlmlsvsrtesIhmeaiTcmldmsecit.nsntitireeanwhriucioahreTigNecnCeawei.snaaeeendeef.iyhnn/iadsiyiel7rde.ginrele’idtalvlsiscnsnooNtUirg.eeniKsiasc0IhttntoareftnnecltrlAoneltssooispnblflwterayosctsgxedpdrhetso.ishxc,isdehrtoorha,mpcoe;gewviSWhlsuatsuysyetwitmuedlereororpteegtveynees.gctiepemdsleYrrehrlteiihsphdPNeesarsasashesonloe/ido.enonnlPae,inli5cctafdixAfetsi,anruutmnatlhrtrre-ynnoayNnosseernSsrexnoggeNthwasdfoAeasidrerhiseSesfrsleoednendl,.twtelrpicifestyw.oiopDalxgrdsera’lrclotsspnariyatphdmay!oeehanygracoleubtrtebyonrostrcvuuetaohcucnairaesrghueesdreGytntessebgmAsuakt,jhumoseoociducrnoNarc(Cnitfbteid.eaTsehvoErcsdrdTArdeoeWwadhppyroifEdhlfyioiesiusoNsrruSaosi…ttxpansuussolnreiteugkrdudio’am,ZnsssisiteNrnnedcy•.ieod,spmSoafOypt2inygohydT1nuoe9aorwsmwtfPenWudwARnroKrw.edwnaIidBow.TNo(isrketiPevuknieTtidn)grwltrlnseemiwvCeitWnrisiehlNlsOuslWb•cseeenIbyoiQsnseowaaToluZSieoenvtasyure!rSc)Hwl!eiv,rr?hAatie!2TsaOtcmgo.d.wmsoJhW5enec,os,ei6FodUo•ulik•iCoBkuse.rmnseAl3l,ceTloukFyetfa@N6fi/rbnoSmtaSlats6oihrOtcZOttdocmhTnrae.Uroeaa!e9nhtoedWybes:ivCHNh’r7oBskatlnnaeueieo7eecLllrGtplId•delsrloI9eryIhyeraN?NaSrTkn,NoodiuoantentsmuiEoLATddnrtiSorrDmsaLgeHen•gIlspsil-Eh3PSnr.TG!occeAo5R-vShrohNmm6ePoEHAmooE3tACAewmlgw-O0RoBLseowneTaTA.tlscwrLetOaeUtLuo.icdctbRettlSmsRuCror®-!b•uragEzriFrrrtniarucyedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosKc.atnm.ey.Piesder!e!spville News! 5Have you ever played in the snow? TRUMAN OR PUPPET!*What is something you have learned to do lately? Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat!Do you like to drink water? This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us theWhat is a typewriter? *Subject to form below for a chance to win! availability. TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe1s8i!n.What is instrumental music? November Winners of a Mini-Truman Memphis Jones Brailie Foster of Florence of TuscumbiaDo you like to read aloud? Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., FlorenceMUST HAVE Email to [email protected],PERMISSION Mail or bring entry to us by Dec. 21 TO PRINT Parent/Guardian PermissionI give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on Hat on pg. _________ Your Name mail to: Addressany questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. Schoolbe printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. Florence, AL 35630Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date Phone18 Kidsville News! December 2018
“The Rack Pack” makes fun of its goofy ‘80s vibe but and adventure, with the “Goonies” being a big influence.ultimately falls a bit flat with its underdeveloped plot. My favorite scene is when the boys attempt to stop the duo’sHowever, the acting and cohesive script provide vibrant perilous plans, which results in some truly hilarious scenesenergy. This is sure to be an enjoyable watch for anyone as they rely on outsmarting rather than using violent means.looking for that nostalgic ‘80s goodness. However, my problems with this movie stem from the plot of the movie in general, which feels devoid of any emotional The story follows the adventures of military nerd brothers appeal or development. At times, it feels like there is zero plot.Darrell (Nico Ford), Gerald (Hunter Lee Manning) and Loren Thankfully, the movie’s quirky characters are able to hold(Wyatt Walter). Their escapades take a dangerous turn when attention as their wise cracks always bring something new tothey come into contact with a Civil War treasure map. Ted (C. the table.Thomas Howell) and DJ (Nick Vernon) race to obtain the mapand sell it to criminals. However, the boys slip themselves to The message of the movie is to always trust in your team asthe thieves, leading to their own dad (David Schifter) getting the Rack Pack always powers through and fights for what isinvolved and kidnapped. In a race against time, the boys right. I give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it formust save both their dad and the map – all while earning the ages 7 to 10 as some scenes can come across as intense. Thelegendary name The Rack Pack. movie is available on DVD, so check it out. Ford excels with his sharp, yet reckless thinking. Manningsells the eldest brother dynamic with his wise mentorship –even if he can come across as disloyal. Walter wonderfullypresents his cute youngest brother self, always following hiselders into trouble. Schfiter excels with his fatherly presenceas he holds the family together through tough times and isalways willing to take risks to save lives. Howell and Vernon,as Ted and DJ, allow for a charismatic villainous presence,with DJ being my favorite character as his comedic timing wasperfectly handled. Last but not least, Cece Kelly, as Tammy,accelerates a fun side-plot as her biting remarks never got old. Thomas J. Churchill directs the movie with great ‘80s gagsDecember 2018 Kidsville News! 19
A Section Especially for ParentsTemperatures are dropping, snow is falling and Santa is coming. Is there any time of year moremagical for a child than the holidays? Get your kiddo in the spirit of the season with these holi-day-themed books! You can find more great books for kids of all ages at READS Madeline’s Christmas The Nutcracker in Harlem By Ludwig Bemelmans By T.E. Morrow For ages 3-6 For ages 4-8 All of the girls in the old house in Paris all In this jazz-inspired retelling of “The Nut- covered in vines are bedridden with a bad cracker,” little Marie is surrounded by jazz cold, except for little Madeline, who’s taken legends, including Cab Calloway and Adelaide over keeping the house. While she’s doing Hall. She’s afraid to sing herself until a the dishes one evening, a mysterious man magical toy her uncle Cab gives her opens her comes to the door, selling magic carpets. Of up to a whole new world. In this world, she course Madeline takes him up on the offer! finds her voice. The delighted girls forget all about their A beautifully illustrated storybook, “The Nut- sickness when they’re finally able to fly cracker in Harlem” is also a great way to in- troduce your little ones to jazz music. home to see their familes for the holidays.PAGETURNERS Ramona and Her Father Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Writ- By Beverly Cleary ing Thank You Notes For ages 6-9 By Peggy Gifford For ages 8-11 Life is great for Ramona Quimny until her father loses his job. While money is tight for Moxy Maxwell has a problem. Her mom the family, Ramona adjusts her Christmas says if she wants to fly to Los Angeles list to reflect the one thing she wants: a tomorrow to visit her father for New Year’s happy family. Eve, she’s going to have to finish 12 thank-you notes for her Christmas presents. For the church’s Christmas pageant, But Moxy is a procrastinator! Hilarity ensues Ramona is cast as a sheep alongside her as she searches for different ways to com- friends, Davy and Howie. plete her relatively easy task. This is a heartwarming story about the Full of heart and full of laughs, Moxy is a power of love, just right for the season. fun and festive heroine.ADVANCED READS We Are Okay The Afterlife of Holly Chase By Nina LaCour By Cynthia Hand For ages 14 and up For ages 12 and up It’s winter break, but college freshman Holly Chase, age 17, died five years ago after Marin isn’t going home. In fact, she’s not having been visited by three ghosts who were quite sure that there’s a home for her to go there to convince her to change her ways. to anymore. Since the death of her loving but stoic grandfather back in San Francisco, Now, she’s the Ghost of Christmas Past, Marin feels alone in the world. stuck at 17, and on the way to save another miserable grouch from the fate that befell her. But her best friend (and one-time girl- friend) Mabel is coming for a visit. Cycling Only this time, the miserable grouch is a back and forth between Marin’s memories of handsome boy, about her age. home and her reality at college in New York, this is a perfect winter break read for your This fun reimagining of Dickens’ “A Christmas young reader. Carol” will get your reader in the holiday spirit.Kidsville News tIhnicKps.iad,prsTtanvrgieulleremotNaonenthwhaeisnsl,pTdprayuJgomaeumatndoeisahsnecPdlopavJtyateeomrrusbedosoinPsoca’ksotstvReetrEhrsoaAbntoD'kosKikRdIsEDstADhyDaOotKuRtIDhEleoDAvkODeidR.CaEsAryOeoDMus.CulOaorrveMeetapaorrleeeloapsvusleereae.dsteotdolotpovaer.tner on20 Kidsville News! December 2018
REBATES!WESnujmoiymnerterRReeccieieveveupuptoto $$77990000**FFOORRAALLIMIMITITEEDDTITMIME!E!$$12,0,00000inbTyVrAepRlaecbiantges MMonotnhtlyhlyaynoduurpotldo H$5V0A0C unit *BAa*BcsAtaeucsdateulodapnlaopaynavmaeyevrmanegetranemgt2aem5y20av50ya0rsv0yqa..rsyfqt... house.ytrooarudrweo-ailntdevHrahVluAeeaCtoeunrnitto! day! ft. house. Every HVAC unit includes: OEnveerAyfHteVrAInCsutanlliat tiinocnluQdueasl:ity TOTwwnooeCIICnnhFAhsFseopfeoptclecellekolcrkoc-wtIu-iwtnou-iposun-pstupnaAsplMNAlaMDNatiioDnantianQntacunealciteyDOisOfcflefafirmevrera:vAlaicdtluidatlhrterhbuartueDiAsebcuaegsemud sobnteq2ru4a3l,i1fy2,in02g10818analysis as well as approved product purchase. 256-648-4893 AALL ##1155005599||5533009922 ParenTown’s KidShapeAntibioticsAntibiotics are not effective in preventing ortreating the flu. Antibiotics are used whenbacteria is the cause of illnesses. Antibioticshelp kill bacteria or stop them fromreproducing, indicates Medline Plus. Influenzais a viral infection, meaning antibiotics will beuseless against it. The only times antibioticsmay be prescribed during a flu illness is if flusymptoms have contributed to secondary ortertiary illnesses, such as strep throat or earinfections.Requesting antibiotics without the presenceof a bacterial infection will not help a personfeel better faster, and taking antibioticsunnecessarily could compound the growingproblem of antibiotic-resistant strains ofbacteria.December 2018 Kidsville News! 21
When cooking, for safety, ParenTown’s KidSmart always get help from anKitchenKidsville adult first.Rich and nutty comfort food for breakfast Bread pudding is a tasty concoction made with simple ingredients What kids canthat, when combined, pack a delicious punch. Bread pudding often can do in the face ofbe crafted from ingredients one likely already has in the kitchen. In bullyingaddition, recipes can be adjusted depending on the number of servingsdesired. Many adults may recall being bullied or witnessing bullying when they were in school. Despite that, it’s important that While bread pudding may be thought of as a dessert, it also can make adults, including parents and educators, not see bullying asfor a tantalizing meal at breakfast or brunch. Ideal for warming up on an inevitable part of growing up. The effects of bullying can be severe,autumn or winter days, this “Breakfast Bread Pudding With Pecan affecting those involved – including the bullied, the bullies and those whoCrumble,” courtesy of The American Pecan Council and Brandon merely witness bullying – long after their school days have ended.Matzek, founder of the culinary website Kitchen Konfidence, is sure to According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,be a hit. This satisfying dish also can be prepared ahead of time and then bullying has been linked to various negative outcomes, mental healthgarnished before warming and serving. issues, substance abuse and suicide. When taking steps to combat bullying, parents and educators should notBreakfast Bread Pudding with Pecan overlook the benefits of enlisting children in their efforts. Kids can beCrumble great allies in the fight against bullying, and the following are some ways adults can work with youngsters who want to stop bullying.Yield: 6 to 8 servings Teaching Kids To Respect Others For the bread pudding:, the DHHS’ website devoted to stopping bullying once and for all, notes the importance of teaching kids to treat everyone, 1⁄2 tablespoon unsalted butter, for greasing including other children, with respect. Parents can teach kids to pause 1 pound brioche bread, cut into 3⁄4-inch cubes before saying or doing something that can be harmful to someone else. 8 eggs Bullying inflicts physical and emotional pain on its victims, so teaching 2 cups milk kids to recognize that words can be just as harmful as fists may encourage 1⁄2 cup heavy cream them to think twice before saying something mean to a classmate. 1⁄2 cup sugar The DHHS also recommends advising children to do something else if 1⁄2 cup packed light brown sugar they feel an urge to say or do something mean. Walk away from a situation 1 tablespoon vanilla extract to watch television, play a video game or engage in another activity rather 2 tablespoons good bourbon than saying or doing something hurtful. Pinch of fine grain sea salt 1⁄2 cup chopped pecans, toasted What Kids Being Bullied Can Do Kids being bullied also can employ certain strategies to overcome For the crumbled topping: bullying. The DHHS recommends teaching children to look at bullies and tell them to stop in a calm, clear voice. Laughing it off might also work for 1⁄2 cup flour kids who find joking comes naturally to them. The DHHS advises against 1⁄2 cup pecan pieces fighting back, instead suggesting kids walk away and stay away before 1⁄2 cup packed dark brown sugar finding an adult who can stop the bullying on the spot. 1 teaspoon cinnamon Encouraging students to confide in adults they trust also can help them 1⁄4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt overcome bullying and the feelings of loneliness that bullying can elicit. 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature Trusted adults can help children devise a plan to stop the bullying. The Sliced persimmons, for serving (optional) DHHS notes that most bullying happens when adults are not around, so Maple syrup, for serving (optional) staying near adults and other children can help kids avoid situations where they might be vulnerable to bullies. Lightly butter a 9 x 13 baking dish then place cubes of brioche in thebaking dish in an even layer. What Witnesses To Bullying Can Do Bullying can have a negative impact on children who witness bullying, In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, heavy cream, sugars, even if they aren’t the victims. Adults can encourage children to speakvanilla, bourbon and a pinch of sea salt. Sprinkle toasted pecans over the to trusted adults and to report instances of bullying. In addition, childrenbrioche, and pour the wet ingredient mixture evenly all over the bread, should be encouraged to be kind to children who are being bullied, invitingmaking sure it’s covered thoroughly. Cover and let sit in the fridge for them to sit with them on the bus or in the lunch room and engaging themat least 2 hours (or up to overnight). in conversations about topics that interest them. Bullying affects children whether they’re being bullied, doing the To bake the bread pudding: Preheat the oven to 350 °F and remove the bullying or witnessing it. But bullying can be overcome if adults andbaking dish from fridge. children work together and keep lines of communication open at all times. Meanwhile, prepare the crumble: Add flour, pecans, dark brown sugar,cinnamon, salt and butter to a medium bowl, and using your fingertips,rub ingredients together until evenly combined and clumps start to form.Sprinkle the surface of the bread evenly with the crumbs. Bake until thebread pudding is puffy and the top is golden, about 45 minutes to anhour. To serve, cut squares of warm bread pudding, and place on smallplates. Top with sliced persimmons and maple syrup, if desired.22 Kidsville News! December 2018
ANSWERS MATHTIME6 [3+3]; 5 [2+3, 3+2]; 4 [2+2, 3+1, 1+3]; 3 [2+1,1+2]; 2 [1+1]This is a very good problem for experimenting with sums. Students can usethe spinners to make predictions or conjectures and then test them out. Whatsum do you think will occur most often, least often and why? The fact that fouris the most likely sum is not immediately evident but can be the subject of alively discussion.Any number between 350 and 375. This problem is two-step in that studentsmust find the difference between 150 and 500 and then 150 and 525. By havingthe word between in the problem, 350 and 375 are not considered correct.Knowledge What’s the Difference?Power There are 8 things that are different in these two pictures. Answers Di erences: 1) Stripes Gone From Hat & Sleeves 2) Truck Color 3) Clothing Color 1. B 4) Color of Gloves 5) Color Underneath the Paint cans 6) Paint On Brush And In Larger 2. C 3. D Paint Can Color 7) Table Color 8) Hair Color 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10.C 11.D 12.AGee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th. AL #15059|53092 Friends of Kidsville News!• SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES • WILLIAM A. McCLANAHAN, D.M.D. DecemberQ2Z01V8 FFHGX Kidsville News! 23
Staying Healthy During the Holidays!The holiday season is a fun time of year, but it alsocan bring germs and illness. Here are some tips to stayhealthy and avoid any unwanted presents, like a cold or the flu! 1. If you are traveling during the holidays, have a parent bring along disinfecting wipes to clean up around airplane seats and in hotels. 2. Stay hydrated. When is cold, indoor heaters can make the air dry. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and healthy. 3. Use hand sanitizer. We come in contact with a lot of people (and germs) over the holiday season. Have an adult keep hand sanitizer for a quick hand cleanse. 4. Limit treats. There are a lot of tempting treats everywhere you look. Only choose your favorites or opt for healthy options, like carrot sticks or almonds. 5. Get plenty of sleep! If you are well-rested, you are less likely to catch a cold. 6. Don’t overeat! It’s easy to stuff yourself at a holiday meal. Choose vegetables when you can. 7. Bundle up to stay dry and warm. Alabama weather is unpredictable, but if we do get colder temperatures, make sure you are dressed warmly if you are outdoors for any amount of time. 8. Make sure you have had your flu shot! Talk to an adult aboutvaccines. Happy Holidays from Helen Keller Hospital! Brought to you by your friends at: Check out our new websitehelenkeller.com1300 S. Montgomery Ave. • Sheffield, AL •256-386-4196 • www.helenkeller.com24 Kidsville News! December 2018
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