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MAIN STREET MEDIA PROUDLY SPONSORED BY MAIN STREET MEDIA Our Neighbors. Your Message. Marketing for Small Business. • Kidsville News of Harnett Co. MAIN STREET MEDIAJoy Godwin Crowe 910.551.2883 • PO Box 1411 • Lillington NC 27546 [email protected] • THE FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF HARNETT COUNTY • APRIL 2020 It’s a Wild Life: Endangered Species, Birds, a Wildlife Biologist, and more! F REE

GEE THANKS Thanks to our friends who support Kidsville News in Harnett County! Thanks to all of our partners for sponsoring our Kidsville News! in literacy programs. north carolina area chamber of commerce where business matters 910-892-4113 Sandhills 2019-2020 Programs: Pediatric & Family Dentistry NC Pre-K, Ready To Grow Playgroup Days & Locations: Circle of Dental care for the whole family. Parents, ANTHEM CHURCH HOOD MEMORIAL CHURCH Free orthodontic consultations. Se habla Español. Ready to 455 W. Depot St, Angier 300 E Cumberland St, Dunn Grow, (Main Entrance, 3rd Floor) Motheread, (Front Entrance) *Wednesdays, 9:30am - 11:30am WAGE$, Tuesdays, 9:30am - 11:30am Dolly FAMILY CONNECTIONS SOLID ROCK MINISTRIES Parton’s 327 Pine State Street, Lillington 2297 NC 24, Cameron Imagination Library, Mondays, 9:30am-11:30am Thursdays, 9:30am - 11:30am Healthy Tuesdays, 2pm - 4pm 1st Dental Habits for Harnett, Visit at Age 1! STEP \"Baby Teeth\" Need Program To Be \"Babied\" 170 Pine State Street, Lillington / 910-893-2344 / Bryan C. Dunston, DDS, 919.499.9950 Your Source for Convenient Medical Board Certified Care for the Whole Family Pediatric Dentist Adults and Children Ages 2 & Up 55 Amarillo Lane, Sanford NC Now Offering Psychological Testing, Counseling and Cardiology Services • Primary Care • Allergy Testing • Acute Care • Sports Physicals • Minor Illnesses & Injuries • Skin Conditions (Located off Buffalo Lake Rd., 8 miles • ADHD Screening/Treatment • New Telemedicine Services north of Spring Lake near Carolina Lakes) Providers for: MetLife, United Concordia, Delta Now Accepting New Patients in Western Harnett Co. Dental, Medicaid, NC Health Choice, Cigna, TriCare and most insurance providers accepted. 919-842-5566 • Ameritas, GEHA & Connection Dental 181 Mittie Haddock • Cameron NC 28326 2 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

THE FUN FAMILY Hi, Kids! NEWSPAPER of Harnett COUNTY WtlwtSifihsokioooneeamcWordlAlatlddioemniuast”gbhdwkspwioueadtw,iubictthsmachttoiilrhkonitemtkehhnaetS,eee.onsotrikodorcgwiuippeiepdtetatdlreaayroooentycuahontkbntrietfsssadsryi,sdohaobieensneribriadmtldnaahdlskfloteia,neharambesgnins.idaigoTlmaineuhscbdoosritas.icnwtvcYKcatikoathekiyyduyre’as,,sprmIbwv“drAihuolailrgwotmelokphoeuNsoettnctheieneydawevodltreltsushhnbn! elaeiayiskrtseeuuree. ttaabimhromintsndniehesomdadnoEeemtcNgfrruhvuohaieerneneemeentkeswinuadesflcotSpbibrehe-ctfoehaecsohrieitu.sforonudhentstymcmhetie,htofkkdisftesaeioubaeohnanandrpimdigcrsebsiterdmetanhooeedobsvncb’utarfsei,yhwrenltltldieso“o.inhoWfnUmu“poateoCgonhrrmim.doeljriaduwRdtpneteidvneegeenndiiegarslchetlscdelksStcnher.,ett”easoolaaireaenowutntseanedlhdidr.osnsnahT.”ngoat,hLatltellibhishvaieteeirsarnsttrluosesfothr reaten PUBLISHER/EDITOR Joy G. Crowe [email protected] National Development, Merrigold Publications Bill Bowman, [email protected] Kidsville News! Associate Publisher Stephanie Crider, [email protected] Kidsville News! National Editor Crissy Neville, kvnews ILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman • Dan Nelson MARKETING & ADVERTISING Joy Crowe • 910-551-2883 [email protected] KIDSVILLE NEWS! of Harnett Co. is published by Main Street Media Sanford, NC Copyright ©2020 by Merrigold Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Incorporated is Subscribe FREE online at not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. AN “A” Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, US Most recent winners: GIVEand permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Each quarter, Central Electric awards several outstanding students a Visa® gift card for receiving at least one “A” on their report card. The award is in connection with Central Electric’s Alex Katelyn Brody “Give Us an A” program that awards students Thomas Scheffler Blell who strive for excellence in the classroom. Lee Christian Horton Middle Broadway Elem. Students in area schools from kindergarten to Lee County Chatham County Lee County college with a grade of at least one “A” are invited to send in a copy of their report card. Four times Madeline Jonathan each school year, Central Electric will draw from Lehman Marroquin the entries and award a $25 Visa gift card to four Union Pines Highland Middle winners with at least one “A” and a $50 Visa gift Moore County Harnett County card to one winner with all “A’s”. If you have at least one “A” on your third quarter report card, visit the Education Programs section at by Apr. 24 to enter for a chance to win in the next random drawing. 128 Wilson Road Sanford, NC 27332 (919) 774-4900 (800) 446-7752 APRIL 2020 KIDSVILLE NEWS 3

Since the dawn of time, extinction has seen, but this one is being caused of highly valuable ivory, resulting in has always been a natural part of directly by humans. poaching, which is illegal hunting. the life cycle of a species. However, as the human species has evolved • Can you imagine a future where the • Many species face endangerment or and strengthened, countless other “king of the jungle” doesn’t exist? In the extinction due to habitat loss, such as species have been pushed to the brink last 50 years, African lions have decreased lemurs in Madagascar, where 95% of of extinction. Humans contribute to by nearly 50%, largely due to trophy the species are endangered, critically the endangerment of animal species hunting. endangered or threatened. largely through hunting and destroying habitats. Mass extinctions occur when • Trophy hunting is the hunting of animals As the human population grows, people up to 95% of all species on Earth are for fun. These animals are often big game require more land to farm for food and wiped out at once, which happens like lions and elephants. more space to develop cities and other every 50 million to 100 million years. human infrastructure. As humans take Many scientists agree that we are facing • Elephants also face threats caused up more space, they push out numbers of the sixth mass extinction the Earth by humans. Elephant tusks are made other species. 4 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

Without conservationists, our wildlife centers across the United running bird watch in the world: the April 1 The birthday of fairy planet would look different. The States, but before the society Christmas Bird Count. This tradition tale author Hans Christian National Audubon Society is an functioned on a national level, there began in 1900. It was common Andersen in 1809. He was organization that helps keep Earth were smaller societies that worked to hunt birds on Christmas Day, born in Odense, Denmark. at its best. The National Audubon on at the state level. but an ornithologist named Frank He created 168 fairy tales for Society strives to conserve birds Chapman challenged that tradition children, including the classics and other wildlife populations and • In 1896, two women named by starting an annual bird watch to “The Princess and the Pea,” to keep the planet’s ecosystems in Harriet Hemenway and Minna B. celebrate the holiday. “The Snow Queen” and “The good health. Hall made it their mission to ban Nightingale.” the use of bird feathers as fashion • Audubon developed the April 9 Passover, a major • Founded in 1905, The National and from this goal, the very first Everglades Protection and Jewish holiday, is one of Audubon Society is named for John Audubon Society in America was Restoration Act to protect the the most widely celebrated James Audubon who is well known born in Massachusetts. unique water-dependent ecosystem Jewish holy days. for his work with birds. of Southern Florida April 12 Easter Sunday, also • The National Audubon Society called Resurrection Day, is a • Audubon was an ornithologist, has sparked major change for over • To this day, the Everglades Christian holiday celebrating which means he was a bird scientist a century. One of its most well- Protection and Restoration Act Jesus Christ returning from the and expert on birds. His most known moves was championing is the largest wetland restoration dead. Some people who are famous work was a beautiful book the Endangered Species Act, which project the United States has ever not Christians celebrate it as a called Birds of America. protects hundreds of threatened attempted. The plan was launched cultural holiday. and endangered species. 20 years ago and still has at least 15 April 15, 1912 In the icy • The society has 600,000 more years until completion. waters off Newfoundland, members and attends over 100 • The society heads the longest- the luxury liner Titanic, with 2,224 persons on board, sank at 2:27 a.m. after striking an iceberg and sinking just before midnight. April 18, 1775 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and William Dawes occurred as the two men rode out of Boston at about 10 p.m. to warn patriots at Lexington, and Concord, Massachusetts. April 22, 1864 “In God We Trust” was included on all newly minted U.S. coins by an Act of Congress. Decades ago, red-cockaded that these woodpeckers will list as woodpeckers inhabited millions of threatened rather than endangered, acres of longleaf pine forests along which means they are less likely to the East Coast of the United States, become extinct in the future. but as human development overtook •Pine trees are the favorite habitat longleaf pine forests, red-cockaded of red-cockaded woodpeckers. These woodpeckers lost their homes, and birds climb trees by using their feet their numbers dwindled. Today, the to hold tightly onto the bark while longleaf pine is making a comeback, maintaining their balance with their and so are the woodpeckers that stiff tail feathers. They prefer trees that inhabit the forests. have been growing for a century or •Red-cockaded woodpeckers aren’t more so they can easily peck them to red. Male and females are usually black reach the decaying heartwood of the and white and are difficult to tell apart tree. aside from one defining characteristic. •Red-cockaded woodpeckers breed Male red-cockaded woodpeckers have once a year. They are monogamous, a small red stripe on the side of their which means they are creatures that head. The red stripe is also how the only breed with one mate. birds got their name. •Males attract a female mate by •These birds are small to mid-sized, fluttering their wings and chasing being in between other woodpeckers. away other males, using a variety of •Red-cockaded woodpeckers used to calls or simply tapping on wood. be found across America as far north •When the woodpecker chicks hatch, as New Jersey and as far south as Texas they are cared for by both their mother and Florida. Today, they live only as far and father. north as Virginia and in other parts of •Red-cockaded woodpeckers are the Southeastern United States. clever birds. To protect themselves •Red-cockaded woodpeckers were and their chicks from predators, they listed as endangered in 1973 by the U.S. peck holes in the bark around their Fish and Wildlife Service, but they are nest, which releases a sticky substance slowly coming back. Their numbers called resin from the tree. This resin have doubled in the last three decades. keeps pesky predators like snakes from •This year, there is a possibility getting into their homes. APRIL 2020 KIDSVILLE NEWS 5

All thunderstorms have Meteorologists can also use radar lightning, so all thunderstorms are dangerous if you are caught to estimate how fast the wind is outside without shelter. However, only about 10% of thunderstorms blowing fast rain droplets. Severe become severe, meaning they are more dangerous than the thunderstorm wind can knock rest. To be considered severe, a thunderstorm must have strong down big, healthy trees and and damaging winds, large hail or both. Let’s talk about what this power lines and can sometimes means to stay safe and informed. damage buildings, too. If a thunderstorm contains wind gusts of 58 miles per hour Hail can also make a or greater, it is considered a severe thunderstorm. These wind thunderstorm severe. Not just gusts don’t come from a tornado and are usually called straight- any hail makes a storm severe, line wind. Although wind gusts are common in thunderstorms, though — the hail must be 1 inch it is very hard to measure winds that are 58 mph or greater within in diameter, the size of a quarter, a thunderstorm. Do you know why? Because it’s dangerous. or larger. Any hail smaller than You shouldn’t be outside during any thunderstorm, especially this doesn’t cause damage, so one with strong wind. So how can you know that a wind it isn’t big enough to make a gust is 58 mph or stronger? Meteorologists have a network thunderstorm severe. For hail of automated weather stations all over the country that tell the to form, the thunderstorm temperature, humidity, wind speed, direction and other needs to have a strong updraft. variables, and sometimes those will show strong wind gusts. That strong updraft carries water droplets up high in the atmosphere where they freeze. The frozen droplets then attract forming inside the thunderstorm before to break car windows, and severe winds can knock down trees, which would be more water droplets that freeze it fell. Severe hail, 1 inch or larger, can dent very dangerous if they fell on a car with someone inside it. onto each other, and hail begins cars, break windows and damage homes If the National Weather Service issues to form. The hail grows and and roofs. a severe thunderstorm warning, which means severe weather is happening or grows like this until it’s so heavy You know you need to go indoors right about to happen, you need to go inside a sturdy building and stay away from that the updraft can’t hold it away if you hear thunder or see lightning, windows until the severe thunderstorm has passed. Now you know what to do if a up anymore. The hail and rain but what should you do in case of a severe severe thunderstorm threatens. droplets around them then drop thunderstorm? The strong wind in a To learn more about weather safety, visit to the ground. The atmosphere severe thunderstorm can knock branches gets warmer closer to the off trees and blow other debris around ground, so the hail melts as it that can break windows, so it’s important falls. That means that if you see to stay away from those. While a car may a piece of hail that is the size of offer some protection from lightning, a quarter, it was probably much it’s not a good place to be in a severe larger than that when it was thunderstorm. Hail can be large enough Amazing Animals Use the clues to find the secret message! P&arDenritvsers Kids, be aware! Always look before crossing. This message brought to you by The Adam Kempf Memorial Fund, Inc. 6 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s It Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? 1. Please tell our readers a little research through internships. about yourself, including your Next, I went to graduate school for name and occupation. almost seven years to get a Ph.D. My name is Stephanie Schuttler, and I am a wildlife biologist and 4. What is your favorite thing science communicator. I have about your job? Can you share an studied a variety of animals for exciting story? over 15 years, from raccoons to My favorite part of being a wildlife elephants, and in many different biologist is traveling all over the areas of the world, from North world to see cool animals and to America to India. Currently, I meet amazing people. An exciting work on a program that involves story I can share is from when teachers and their students in I was doing fieldwork, and an our research. They set up camera elephant tried to break into my traps on their school grounds, room. One night the elephants and we study the animals they were acting strange and walking discover all over the world. In about the camp tearing different addition to researching the things apart. I even had to run behavior, range and abundance into another researcher’s room to of different species, I also love escape! The full story is here http:// communicating our results to the public through my blog, found of-central-africa-giants-in-the-dark/ at http://stephanieschuttler. com, on social media and in live 5. What is the most challenging presentations. I am now doing thing about the work you do? more of this because we are Statistics! Although I was always currently in a conservation crisis good at math, statistics don’t and the sixth mass extinction event come naturally to me. The data on Earth. Unlike other extinctions, sets we work with are large, this is all caused by us. I am trying and the analyses are not always to use my blog and social media to straightforward or easy to follow. spread messages of conservation to people all over the world. 6. What do you wish everyone knew about wildlife? 2. When did you know that you What I wish everyone knew about wanted to be a wildlife biologist? wildlife is that wildlife needs to I never knew about wildlife biology stay wild. Treating wildlife like our until I decided to go to Kenya after domesticated pets is dangerous my brother suggested I should for them and you. Everyone would study abroad. At the time, I wanted love to get close to wildlife, but this to be an actress, but I chose Kenya comes at a cost. You should be because it just seemed like such leery of any place where you can a cool opportunity, and I always touch wild animals, too, or even loved wildlife. In Kenya, I learned have your photograph taken with that wildlife biologists could work them. For wild animals in your anywhere around the world. We backyard, work on providing them met someone who studied African with shelter and water, not human savanna elephants. food. Human food causes wild animals to become dependent on Stephanie collects a sample 3. What kind of education or humans and, in many cases, can of African forest elephant training did you obtain to enter even lead to their death. I want dung, which will be used this line of work? everyone to love wildlife, but please for DNA analysis. I went to college, then took three admire wildlife from a distance and years off to get experience in respect their space. Stephanie sets up a camera trap at a school with a K-12 KIDSVILLE NEWS 7 teacher. APRIL 2020

dronepicr - Grouse Mountain Lumberjack ax throwing For more than a million years, humans throwing for fun and sport. popular type of axes for throwing, since they have been using axes for lots of different • The Celts in ancient Europe invented and are small and lightweight. These are the purposes, from chopping wood to hunting popularized ax throwing. best types of axes for beginners. and self-defense. Designed as a tool, the ax • Ax throwing became popular among •Some people like to have ax throwing grew to take on a new purpose as people lumberjacks who threw axes at targets for events with their work friends for team began throwing them for sport. In the fifth fun while out in the woods at work. bonding opportunities. century, ax throwing became popular as •Today there are even lumberjack • Ax throwing for sport has become so a means of self defense in battle and for championships where people compete popular that there are official organizations hunting among northern European tribes. in activities like throwing axes at targets, that ax throwers can join. Professional ax Across the pond in North America, Native climbing tall wooden poles, and using bow throwers from all over the globe can join Americans used a similar item: a type of saws to cut logs quickly. the World Ax-Throwing League as well as hatchet called a tomahawk. Even today’s • Modern ax-throwing competitions are the National Ax-Throwing Federation. Both soldiers sometimes use these weapons. found in countries around the globe. groups seek to unite ax throwers and set Today, many participate in contests of ax • Hatchets and tomahawks are the most rules for ax throwing. beer/2016/09/30/0015175a-7c1f-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.htm Who’s Your FAVORITE Teacher? 44 Westover Ct. Sanford NC 27332 Nominate your favorite teacher in email: [email protected] Harnett County for the Kidsville News Teacher Feature! Write us a paragraph about why your teacher is the best and send it in. You and your teacher could win a great prize! Include your e-mail to receive our e-edition! My favorite teacher is: ___________________________________ Name of School: ________________________________________ My name is: ____________________________________________ Parent’s signature: _______________________________________ Email/phone: ___________________________________________ Please include your “why” paragraph on a separate sheet of paper. E-mail to [email protected] or mail your entry to: Kidsville News Teacher Feature 44 Westover Court, Sanford NC 27332 Beautiful locally-grown flowers & unique gifts for every occasion! Call us at 919-499-0660 8 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

The Pitch, Tar and Turpentine Industries of the Past Turpentine trees at In the United States and all for acres of pine trees to produce Wallumatta Nature Reserve over the world, oil is extremely the products they needed. Most of important. Oil conducts electricity, these pine forests were found in Poyt448, Peter Woodard - Own heats homes and makes the South, and so this area became work on Wikimedia Commons vehicles move properly. It is the known as the turpentine belt. single largest energy source in the United States. In the 18th •Tar, pitch and turpentine century, before people were were used by the British Navy to using oil as fuel, they used tar, maintain their fleet of ships. pitch and turpentine. The usage was especially popular in North •Pitch and turpentine were Carolina because of the vast popular in the naval industry for number of pine trees in the state. sealing leaks and preserving the wood. Naval stores were once the •Turpentine, pine tar and pitch most important industry in the are derived from trees, among Southern state of North Carolina. them turpentine, pine and Canada balsam, or balsam of fir, •This dangerous and dirty trees. Turpentine is a sticky pine industry was not an easy one in resin distilled until it is clear. which to work, with slave labor After placing the pinewood in a often fulfilling many of the duties. kiln, the wood decomposes or breaks down, due to the heat and •North Carolina’s nickname is pressure, and tar forms. Boiling tar the Tar Heel State. Legend has creates pitch. it that North Carolina received this nickname because of the •Pine forests were incredibly importance of tar production in valuable to the British. When they the state. The men working in tar arrived in America, they searched production would get tar stuck to the soles of their shoes or feet, and thus the Tar Heel phrase was born. All life is connected, and something •Longleaf pines can grow as simple as one offset component to be very tall — up to 100 can lead to an entire ecosystem feet. That’s like stacking 17 becoming imbalanced. Many men on top of each other. lifeforms are dependent on one another, like the red-cockaded •Before longleaf pines grow to woodpecker and the longleaf pine. great heights, they barely look like Like this unique bird, longleaf pines trees at all. In their first few years were once plentiful in the United of life, these pines look more like a States, but harvesting these trees bushy clump of tall grass than the for their valuable lumber and majestic tree they become. chopping them down for farming purposes began the demise of this •Controlled fires maintain the woodpecker and other wildlife. longleaf pine ecosystem. Since longleaf pines are fire-resistant, •According to estimates of The which means they do not burn National Forest Service, longleaf easily, natural wildfires help them pine forests once covered about 90 flourish. When a fire sweeps million acres of land in the United through a longleaf pine forest, it States but now cover less than 3% clears what is on the forest floor, of that range. making it possible for longleaf pine seeds to contact soil and grow. •Longleaf pines grow in the Southeastern United States. •The National Wildlife Federation works hard to help reinstate •Longleaf pines don’t have typical longleaf pine forests, having leaves — they have long, thin already restored thousands of acres needles. The name longleaf refers of trees so these ecosystems can to the needles, the longest of any thrive for years to come. eastern pine species. ga=2.50430383.70267167.1581950797-1136242175.1581829407 APRIL 2020 KIDSVILLE NEWS 9

Do the math and create your own beautiful Easter Egg!


Truman, Coloring Corner ICstuo’bslojbreacinctkta-htteos-cpshiccohtooulor. el taimnde!wWritheata’ssyeonutrenfcaevoarbioteutsuyboujercfta?vorite Truman Truman’s Tricky Picture Find these items! wpuTwzrwzul.meksiaBdanesn’vssdiuhllgraeaetn!metoFweosfis,r.ncvmdoismoitr.e KIDSVILLE NEWS 15 AUGUST 2010 APRIL 2020 12 KIDSVILLE NEWS

KIDSVILLE NEWS 13 APRIL 2020 (9 units) The broken ruler is a good tool to assess students 6 [3+3]; 5 [2+3, 3+2]; 4 [2+2, 3+1, 1+3]; 3[2+1, 1+2]; 2 [1+1] understanding of measuring against a standard. Students need to This is a very good problem for experimenting with sums. Students can count the units that line up with the item to be measured. used the spinners to make predictions or conjectures and then test them out. What sum do you think will occur most often, least often Andy’s Mom asked him to measure and, why? The fact that four is the most likely sum is not immediately some ribbon. The only ruler he could evident but can be the subject of a lively discussion. find was broken. Andy says he can still measure the ribbon. If he spins each one and adds the results, what sums do you think he will get? Using the ruler above, how long is the ribbon? 32 1 3 1 2 Carl has spinners like these: MATHTIME

COVID-19 — An Illustrated Guide for Kids with Questions Special thanks to Nurse Adrianne for sharing this informational resource! Stay well! Created by Adrianne Presnell ([email protected])© March 17, 2020 14 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

super-speed powers. When Sonic was the Sonic character appear real. younger, his owl guardian gave him The new design works better a bag of rings to help him escape to than the previous Sonic design different planets in case Paramount Pictures used. The anyone discovers and special effects are impressive, too, kidnaps him because of such as Sonic’s realistic-looking his powers. One night, blue lightning. Ben Schwartz did after he comes to Earth, an excellent and very funny voice- he is playing baseball by over for the Sonic character; he is himself and gets upset full of energy. because he realizes he Ethan P., KIDS FIRST!, is very lonely. Sonic runs The moral of this movie is that Film Critic, Age 11 in circles as fast as he you are never alone in the world. can because he is upset. There will always be a person to He is so fast that blue be your friend, to talk to and to “Sonic the Hedgehog” energy comes out of his “Sonic the Hedgehog” is a body, causing the whole town to have be by your side when you need live-action film — except for Sonic, who, as a computer- a power blackout. it. When Sonic is feeling alone, generated image, features the voice of Ben Schwartz. The This power outage causes big Sheriff Tom, also known as The global blockbuster video game problems for Sonic, who is pursued Doughnut Lord to Sonic, takes franchise from Sega of the by a crazy military man named Dr. Sonic to protect him and help same name inspired the film. Ivo Robotnik, played by actor Jim him get to the Mushroom planet Carrey, or Dr. Eggman, as Sonic calls where Sonic needs to go. The story of “Sonic the Hedgehog” follows Sonic, a him. Fortunately for Sonic, the town’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” is filled small blue hedgehog who has sheriff, actor James Marsden, catches with a lot of action and fun. I give him and helps protect Sonic from the this film 5 out of 5 stars. If I could, lunatic Dr. Robotnik. I would give this movie 100 out of The graphics in the movie are excellent 100 stars. I recommend it for ages Photos © Paramount Pictures and, with the new Sonic design, make 5 to 18 plus older adults. Be A WE NEED Sponsor Kidsville News! Hey Kids, send us your best artwork! We love to hear from our readers. Use the CHuamrbneertlta&ndLCeeoCunot. y “Send It” form and mail it in, or scan and Now only a click away at email to [email protected]. For more information, call 910-458541-62280803. APRIL 2020 KIDSVILLE NEWS 15

Grilled cheese may be a staple of This article is distributed by NASA Night Sky Network. many children’s diets, but with the The Night Sky Network program supports astronomy clubs across the USA dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events and more! substitution of different cheeses for the traditional cheddar or American and the inclusion of other ingredients, grilled cheese can enjoy a gourmet, adult makeover. While it is certainly possible to enjoy grilled cheese on its own, a favorite soup pairing makes the meal even better. Enjoy these two recipes for the perfect soup and sandwich combination, courtesy of Real Simple Dinner Tonight -- Done! (Time Home Entertainment) by the Real Simple Kitchens. MINI GRILLED CHEESE AND CHUTNEY SANDWICHES Artist concept of 55 Cancri e orbiting its nearby host star. Find details from the Spitzer Space Telescope’s close study of its atmosphere at and the Hubble Space Telescope’s observations at Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Serves 8 Cancer, the Crab, is a dim 55 Cancri, a nearby binary star constellation, yet it contains system. At least five planets 12 slices white sandwich bread one of the most beautiful and orbit the larger star, including 12 ounces fontina or Gruyere, thinly sliced easy-to-spot star clusters in our 55 Cancri e, also known as 1 cup fruit chutney such as cranberry, fig or mango sky: the Beehive Cluster. Cancer Janssen, named after one of 2 tablespoons unsalted butter also possesses one of the most the first telescope makers. studied, most interesting Janssen is a super-earth, a large Form six sandwiches with the bread, fontina and chutney. exoplanets: the superhot super- rocky world eight times the In two batches, melt the butter in a large skillet over medium Earth, 55 Cancri e. mass of our Earth, which orbits heat and cook the sandwiches until the bread is golden, and its star every 18 hours, giving the fontina has melted, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Cut each Find Cancer’s dim stars it one of the shortest years of sandwich into quarters before serving. by looking in between all known planets. Janssen the brighter neighboring was the first exoplanet to have FRENCH ONION SOUP constellations of Gemini and its atmosphere successfully Leo. Don’t get frustrated if analyzed. Both the Hubble and Serves 8 you can’t find it at first since recently retired Spitzer space Cancer isn’t easily visible from telescopes confirmed that an 6 tablespoons unsalted butter moderately light-polluted atmosphere of helium and 4 pounds or about six thinly sliced medium onions areas. Once you find Cancer, hydrogen envelopes the hot look for its most famous world, with traces of hydrogen Kosher salt and black pepper deep-sky object, the Beehive cyanide ― not a likely place to 1 cup dry white wine Cluster. It’s a large open cluster find life, especially since the 2 cups low-sodium beef broth of young stars, three times surface is probably scorching 8 ½ -inch thick slices country bread, halved larger than the moon in the hot rock. The NASA Exoplanet sky. The Beehive is visible to Catalog has more details about crosswise unaided eyes under good sky this and many other exoplanets 1/2 pound or two cups Gruyere or Swiss cheese, conditions as a faint cloudy at patch but is stunning when grated viewed through binoculars How do astronomers 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves or a wide-field telescope. find planets around other It was one of the earliest star systems? The Night Heat the butter in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium- deep-sky objects noticed by Sky Network’s “How We high heat. Add the onions, 1 1/4 teaspoons salt and 1/4 teaspoon ancient astronomers, and so Find Planets: activity helps pepper, and cook, covered, occasionally stirring, until tender, 12 the Beehive has many other demonstrate both the transit to 15 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and cook, uncovered, names, including Praesepe, and wobble methods of occasionally stirring, until the onions are golden brown, for about Nubilum, M44, the Ghost and exoplanet detection: https:// 50 to 60 minutes. Jishi qi. Take a look at it on a clear night through binoculars. Add the wine to the pot and cook until slightly reduced about Do these stars look like a hive Notably, the wobble method 2 minutes. Add the broth and 6 cups water and bring to a boil. of buzzing bees? Or do you helped to discover 55 Cancri e Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. see something else? There’s in 2004, and then the transit no wrong answer since this method confirmed the planet’s Meanwhile, heat the broiler. On a broiler-proof baking sheet, large star cluster has intrigued orbital period in 2011. place the bread and broil until golden brown and crisp, 1 to imaginative observers for 2 minutes per side. Sprinkle with the Gruyere and broil until thousands of years. Want to learn more about melted, 1 to 2 minutes. Top the soup with the toasts and sprinkle exoplanets? Get the latest with the thyme before serving. About 41 light-years from NASA news about worlds us and faintly visible under beyond our solar system at excellent dark sky conditions is 16 KIDSVILLE NEWS APRIL 2020

Stay healthy dduurriinngg fflluusseeaassoonnbbyywwaasshhininggyyoouurrhhaannddsscocorrrercetcltyl!y!BBe e thorough, wasshh ffoorr 2200sseeccoonnddssaannddmmaakkeeititfufunnbbyysisninggininggRRowowYoYuorurBBoaotat (two times) orr tthhee AAllpphhaabbeettSSoonngg..AAlslsoobbeessuurreetotoeaeat tpplelnentytyofofrfuriutsitsanadnd vegetables, geett rreesstt aannddeexxeerrcciissee,,bbuuttififyyoouuaarreessicickkstsatayyhhoomme!e! APRIL 2020 KIDSVILLE NEWS 17

BEGINNER READS Princesses Wear Pants By Savannah Guthrie and Allison Oppeheim The Seven Silly Eaters Illustrated by Eva Byrne By Mary Ann Hoberman For ages 3-7 Illustrated by Marla Frazee For ages 4-7 Princess Penelope Pineapple is not your ordinary princess. Sure, she lives The Peters Family is just like yours – that is, in a castle and owns many pretty if you also are one of seven kids with very dresses, but being a princess is more particular food habits. Son Peter only likes than just fashion. Penelope often milk, while Lucy prefers lemonade and Jack chooses to wear pants, depending on will only eat applesauce. With each new what job she has for the day. Whether child comes a particular diet. What is Mrs. commanding the royal air force or Peters supposed to do? tending to her garden, Penelope is the epitome of girl power. Maniac Magee By Jerry Spinelli PAGETURNERS For ages 10-13 Inside Out and Back Again Jeffrey Lionel “Maniac” Magee would have By Thanhha Lai most likely lived a normal, run-of-the-mill For ages 8-12 life if a freak accident hadn’t occured and made him an orphan. Now, after eight Inside Out and Back Again follows Ha, unhappy years of living with his grouchy a young girl who is forced to flee the aunt and uncle, he decides to leave their only home she has ever known after household and run away, but literally run. the fall of Saigon. Ha, along with her From there, the myth of Maniac Magee is family, boards a ship to America born. As he runs farther and farther away following the hope and dream of a into different towns, he meets different new life. Inspired by the author’s own people and has different experiences, childhood, the book is a recipient of leaving a unique impact on him and both the Newbery Honor and the Na- the reader. tional Book Award. This is one book you don’t want to miss. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian ADVANCED READS Frost Blood By Sherman Alexie By Elly Blake For ages 12 and up For ages 12 and up High school student Junior has spent his Seventeen-year-old Ruby has had whole life on the Spokane Reservation enough. After her mother is killed trying growing up and attending school. When to protect her, Ruby decides to come Junior decides to leave the reservation out of hiding and reveal her hidden school and attend an all-white high school powers. Ruby links up with rebel forces in town (where the only other Indian is the hoping to overthrow the king and ends mascot), you know things are bound to be up meeting the intriguing but frustrating interesting. Inspired by the author’s child- Arcus along the way. When Ruby gets hood and the winner of the National Book captured by the king, she has to figure Award, this is a fantastic book to add to out not only how to fight for her life but your reading list. for her love as well. Filled with magic, action and romance, this book has it all. 18 KIDSVILLE NEWS Kidsville News, Truman and James Patterson's READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to APRIL 2020 partner on this page to help you discover books that the kids you love are sure to love. MARCH 2018 23

The mood-boosting feeling premature death, preterm birth, of rejuvenation many people stress and high blood pressure. experience while spending In addition to those benefits, time in nature is not in their research indicates forest heads. Researchers in parts bathing can improve mood; of Asia have long studied and increase one’s ability to focus, documented the benefits of even among children diagnosed spending time in nature. with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder; and Developed in Japan in the accelerate recovery from injury 1980s, the practice of Shinrin- or illness, as well as improve yoku, often referred to as forest one’s sleep. bathing, has become a part of Japanese medicine. According The approach to forest bathing to, the promoted by the Shrinrin-yoko premise behind forest bathing website combines leisurely is that spending time in nature walks on paths under a forest can prove calming, rejuvenating canopy with guided activities. and restorative. By design, such activities open the senses, help people hone The benefits of spending time their intuition and experience in nature have long been the forest as they never had suspected, but only recently before. Mindfulness meditation has scientific research begun practices also may be included to indicate just how beneficial, in a forest bathing session. such time can be. In 2018, researchers from the University Individuals interested in of East Anglia released a report learning more about the indicating some eye-opening benefits of forest bathing can benefits of living close to nature contact their physicians to and spending time outside. In discuss the role nature can play the report, researchers linked in improving their overall health. exposure to greenspace with More information is available a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, at Get cardiovascular disease, outside for better health today. Beautifully colored Easter eggs Spills are inevitable, so don’t let them KIDSVILLE NEWS 19 are a beloved holiday tradition. spoil the fun. Empty egg cartons In many cultures, eggs represent make ideal drying racks, so do not new life, fertility and rebirth. discard them. For Christians, the Easter egg is symbolic of the resurrection, or Make patterns or other designs on the eternal life, of Jesus Christ. the eggs. Use a white crayon to draw Both secular and religious Easter on the egg directly. The dye will celebrations embrace the practice not stick to the wax. Or use string, of coloring eggs and offering them rubber bands, tape, stickers, or other as decorative items. items to create your pattern. Dip the egg and then remove the materials For many, fond memories and afterward to reveal the design. traditions connect with Easter egg coloring, and some people Swirl a few drops of food coloring may have their preferential kits or into shaving cream on a flat surface. practices to achieve beautiful eggs. Roll the eggs into the mixture, let But embracing some new tips and dry, and then gently clean to remove tricks can produce beautiful eggs the excess shaving cream. The result and make this beloved tradition even is a marbled effect. more fun. Recognize that you don’t have to Begin with firm, hard-boiled eggs. dye eggs at all. Use a sponge to Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. dab on a design. Strips of tissue Then use a large spoon to lower the paper can adhere to the egg with eggs into the water gently. Lower the glue or shellac. Children may enjoy heat to maintain a simmer and boil submerging the egg in glue and for just about 12 minutes. Transfer the then coating it in glitter. eggs to a bowl with ice-cold water and let them cool. Allow the eggs to The potential to create creative cool completely before coloring. Easter eggs is limitless. Embracing new strategies can set this year’s Place a newspaper or an old eggs apart. Happy Easter! tablecloth out to soak up any spills. APRIL 2020


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