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Andrea Gray - Colbert County - January 2021

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2021-01-08 14:59:58

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Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - January 2021 IItt''ss aa NNeeww DDaayy TThhee SScciieennccee ooff DDaayy 2021 20 aanndd NNiigghhtt WWiillddvviillllee -- NNooccttuurrnnaall AAnniimmaallss NNiiffttyy NNiigghhttiimmee AAccttiivviittiieess AArroouunndd tthhee WWoorrlldd -- TThhee MMoooonn WWhhaatt''ss IItt LLiikkee ttoo bbee aann AAssttrroonnoommeerr?? For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at January 2021 Kidsville News! 1

Kidsville News!-in- Gee Thanks! Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th.   QZVFFHGX Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICE • CUTTING EDGE LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING Hi, Kids! wmaltfcoawUhnahtodIoacnWotohhneounRaraTdctueetnnsyrethhhhriEs.indysoalgdeseiea.irsdiraeTrnnyrirsdenngetYolhtm“siu“dixuhomoeCmAo“eootf’uWoonspnuferamnntoottotrtchlEnoohrliiueiialtmnmeenttoa,onnhthtaercnredwseeeheKntestl,rreiethiiitaeoisrdvoeoinhnnnaatscfppdendsddhlveltiost”oanaielhllhWoetpgnailreyttlenesleryhaoooogtittsnnacuNnriiWi’itatisucetdllgadyueylnls.eohesdr”wfodprbsktoceiueesloloystodrln!rfsad?aooa”dskowbyutlbnttyuiodeaedhyot.rctuelndonoechattdluloaanaishawrmvdttithreeloilaeusdtoeorsriydsumuwaealhddynyrtpa2o,deinhstannw0a?rhcdbramt2oettuehtruT1hsontheegEhreiwehgE―eaeaisahoamUrlueukstatirannpqnotihbtni.oufahtogfrtoafnehuDrthrutd―datueamoiinssdpsnrtaShttthdmtyatahoeiaaonyonoeyudtendnseatcakshrin,ne’sdonfowcuitnelslhistgeubohhrefeat.htbnioneydws 2 Kidsville News! January 2021

This Page Brought To You By: Whether during day or night, looking up at • When day occurs in one-half of the world, the night the sky is a way to learn more about the sphere is happening in the other part of the world; when one- we live on. The Earth’s relationship to the sun half of Earth’s inhabitants are awake at work or school, gives us the periods that make up our waking and the other half is asleep or at rest. sleeping hours on Earth. • The time between sunrise and noon, or midday, is We have night and day because the Earth rotates called morning. The time between noon and the evening around the sun, even though it seems as though it is is called afternoon, and the time after sunset is called the sun that is moving. night. The length of time it takes the Earth to travel around • Another object in the sky is the moon, the the sun is approximately 365 days, also known as one astronomical object or satellite that orbits Earth. year. The Earth slowly spins on its axis, an imaginary • The moon shines at night because the sunshine is line passing through the North and South Poles. reflecting off it. This light is moonlight. • A whole day lasts 24 hours and consists of hours representing the light of day and night’s darkness. Daytime is from the time the sun rises (sunrise) until the sun sets (sunset). Nighttime is from the time the sun sets until the sun rises. • The sun does not move, though it seems to do so as it rises in the east in the morning, perches high in the sky by noon and sets in the western sky at the day’s end. • The sun is a big star that gives off light and heat all the time. • The sun may cause our skin to tan or to burn. • Stars shine all the time. We do not see the stars in the daytime due to the bright sunlight. Clouds may hide the sun and stars from view. • Most stars are so far away that we see them as tiny dots of light at night. Some stars look as though they are grouped together. These clusters are called constellations. • The sun is lighter and warmer during the day for the part of the Earth turned toward the sun. The part of Earth turned away from the sun experiences night, which is colder and darker. January 2021 Kidsville News! 3

Imaginary Lines of Real-Life Importance Two imaginary lines provide important to tell how far to the east or west a place is located. These information about locations on Earth. Using the measurements are called longitude. equator and prime meridian, we can divide the world into four hemispheres, north, south, east The further you are from the equator, the longer a day will be and west. in summer and the shorter it will be in winter. On the far side of The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the planet or other celestial body. the world from Greenwich is the international Halfway between the North Pole and the dateline. On the western side of the line, the South Pole at 0 degrees latitude, the equator time is 12 hours ahead of London, and on the divides the Earth by the north and the south. eastern side of the line, the time is 12 hours Specifically, the equator divides the Earth behind London. This means that on the western into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern side of the line, it is one day later than on the Hemisphere. A latitude is between 0 and 90 line’s eastern side. degrees, which tells you how far from the equator you are. The equator’s latitude is 0 The world is divided into time zones so that degrees, while the North Pole’s is 90. the clock’s time matches the sun’s position in The prime meridian is another imaginary the sky. Most countries prefer to be in only line that, similar to the equator, divides the one time zone, but the U.S. is so big that it is Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres. in several time zones. On the Eastern Seaboard This line runs through the Greenwich Royal of the United States, we are in the Eastern Observatory in London, where all measurements are derived Standard Time zone ( EST ), 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5 ). • HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! 121..12.WIys..fWshoWWdpyhheuoohaehheugucatepaaansrdt?ttplddoladbd??oinoootyg?dwoyykucooicsaucuastasncecll’asagtaleyllylohtiotauasuwep,hthpniwaeeytph?ntpabota3ytdb,h0boye0a0by is Truman’s small red hat! 4323..34..WWo..IWytWWfrhhhoyheayuahhorytdyaaucmd?tradareirdariloddeltbohooiattbnmgh?bkeaeokhkrmoeiseasklasres?mstephsehmsoabafynoetno?owatkunac,?rsllowsas?yhsatotthtdehoe 45..WWhhaot’sdtihdeomneosmt faatmh obuosofkisshaiyn to the This hat will not be on Truman. oththeesrema?ath book? Find only his red hat! Send us the Answers on Page 23 *Subject to form below for a chance to win! availability. Tthhee nnaemxteisosfuteheofwKinidnsevrisllwe iNllebwesi!n Last month’s hat was on page 10. December Winners of a Mini-Truman Chance Harrison Carson Hyde of Rogersville of Tuscumbia Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected] eynhAlsntlsiodhwttmtemelebroyoreesfr:olayctwpalrhthi.itomht543lpbb...el.eteeIlhtagAAemgsms.sbtwm.aaurssfithsrhheo.ochmi.cken’s day off. Or Mail entry to us by Jan. 25 A pooch smooch. Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone Because they whip the mail to: Address cream and beat the eggs Kidsville News! Town I have a lot of problems. 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 4 Kidsville News! January 2021

This Page Brought To You By: ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? An Astronomer Joseph Kabbes sufficient. Astronomy is a unique science in that many amateurs and professionals contribute to our understanding of the universe. I am currently working on my Ph.D. in STEM education. My motto is, “Never stop learning!” Please tell our readers1 What is your is that I like to go to bed early. Strange a little about yourself,2 favorite thing about for an astronomer, right? However, with including your name and3 your job? computerized telescopes, some of my work occupation. is automated, with data available in the 4 My favorite thing morning. I’m Joseph Kabbes. I am a planetarium about my job is that I play with all kinds of and observatory manager, which means fun toys in doing STEM outreach, including What do you wish everyone knew I can study real stars at night and show rockets, robots, computers, 3D printers about space? visitors pretend or simulated stars in the and more. My students and I even built daytime. I teach astronomy at the university a hovercraft for visitors to ride. Working The Earth is NOT flat! Really! There are level and run public outreach programs with and helping children get excited about a lot of people that are somehow confused in STEM ­— Science, Technology, science and space is rewarding; seeing my about this. The other thing I wish people Engineering and Math, working with young college students “get it” in class is another realized is how much space exploration children through adults. benefit. I never thought it was possible to has to offer. Discoveries and technologies have so much fun on a job, even though my generated by NASA have powered our When did you know that you wanted to career is hard work. economy for the past 50 years. Let’s do be an astronomer? more of it. What is the most challenging thing I always thought space was cool and grew about the work you do? Kidsville News! 5 up during the Space Race era; thus, I knew I wanted to be an astronomer as early as The most challenging aspect of what I do age 6. However, much time passed before is keeping up with everything. Though this I entered the field. My first career was in pandemic year has been different, my days civil engineering, followed by many years vary a lot. I can usually be found in computer programming. I rediscovered facilitating school visits to the planetarium, my love of astronomy when my children going off-campus to libraries and schools, were little, and it was then that I went back running the Saturday STEAM — STEM to school. I started teaching astronomy plus the Arts — Team program for when I was 54 years old. teens and summer camps and mentoring undergraduate students involved in NASA What kind of education or training is competitions. On top of all that, teaching needed in your specific field? and grading, grading and more grading fill my time. We also design and build displays Typically, a Ph.D. is required to work and activities for our hands-on room at the in astronomy. But, since I teach students campus science center. with nonscience majors and perform public outreach, a master’s degree was Probably the next most challenging thing January 2021

Local History Written by Billy Warren Did You Know? happen. President Warren G. Harding and a group of Congressmen, led by Senator George Norris of Nebraska, decided that the dam and the plants would serve people better by continuing to be owned by the citizens of America. And they are still owned by citizens today! Ford And Edison In The Shoals SOMETHING TO DO: You know about the brand of automobile or pickup truck 1. Using a reference source, write a brief description (or draw a known as “Ford,” right? And you certainly know about electric sketch) of these automobiles by Henry Ford: a. Model A light bulbs and cameras that can capture motion on film. Well, the Ford automobile and truck were developed by a man in b. Model T Michigan named Henry Ford, while the idea of the light bulb and the motion picture camera were dreamed up by a man c. Edsel named Thomas Edison, whose world- famous laboratory was in Menlo Park, New Jersey. 2. Using a reference source, list two Mr. Ford and Mr. Edison were very wealthy, intelligent men who wanted to inventions by Thomas Edison besides the use their brainpower to make the world light bulb and the motion picture camera. a better place. So, both of them began to look at the big world beyond their home Henry Ford (Left) and Thomas Edison on the platform 3. In which town in the Shoals area will states of Michigan and New Jersey. Can leaving in the East Florence train station. Photo by G.W. you guess one place that they chose to Landrum. Courtesey or Jerry Landrum Collection. look? If you said the Shoals area, you you find streets named “Edison,” “Ford,” would be absolutely correct! and “Woodward”? (You might need an In 1922, these two men traveled to the Shoals at the same adult to help you with this one.) time. They stayed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Ashcraft at 601 North Wood Avenue in Florence. (In recent years, this home was owned by another family who operated a Bed and Breakfast there. In honor of the two famous guests who stayed there in 1922, this family named one guest bedroom the Ford Bedroom and another the Edison Bedroom.) While Mr. Ford and Mr. Edison were in town, they were treated to an outdoor Southern barbeque at Hickory Hill, the O’Neal family’s farm next to today’s Sportsplex in Florence. The purpose of the visit in 1922 was to allow the two men to tour both Wilson Dam, which was under construction at the time, and the two industrial plants where nitrates were being manufactured. After the visit, Henry Ford offered to buy from the Federal Government the uncompleted dam and the two nitrate plants for $5,000,000 as part of his vision for a 75-mile-long city from Huntsville to the Shoals. His offer had great appeal for many local people, as well as for Congressmen in Washington, D.C., who saw a chance to sell these properties and not have to maintain them for years and years. Because it looked as if the offer by Mr. Ford would be accepted, there were many local people who envisioned lots of newcomers moving to the Shoals to be part of an exciting, 75-mile-long city. So, can you guess what happened? Certain landowners divided acres of their land into streets and then divided the streets into individual lots for houses to be built side-by-side. The new streets were given names such as “Ford,” “Edison,” “Woodward,” and “Dearborn” in honor of Mr. Ford, Mr. Edison and towns in Michigan. Improvements such as sidewalks and gutters were added to these new streets to make them more appealing to prospective buyers. But… the sale of Wilson Dam and the nitrate plants did not 6 Kidsville News! January 2021

Excellent Service, Expert Advice 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 (across from Hobby Lobby) 256-767-3337 Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrea L. Gray Russell Roden Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR Kidsville News! 7 Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2021 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL January 2021

Have you heard the term “night night and instead are most active have a good owl?” This phrase refers to a near dawn, dusk and sometimes sense of smell person who likes to stay up late, when the moon makes a lot of and often but owls are genuinely the ones light. Crepuscular animals include communicate with active at night. Owls and many mule deer, coyotes, porcupines, scent marking. other animals, including 70% desert cottontails, black-tailed • Other animals, of all mammals, are nocturnal jackrabbits and many songbirds. like snakes, use creatures, meaning they are Nocturnal animals have many taste to locate prey. active at night and asleep during unique adaptations that help them • Specialized hairs the day. Nocturnal animals hunt function at night. with sensory receptors or feed during the night, too. • Good night vision is a valuable assist nocturnal animals Diurnal animals such as humans tool to nighttime hunters. in their pursuit of food. are awake by day and asleep by Special eye cells called rods In mammals, the receptors night. help nocturnal creatures capture are on the whiskers. In more light when it is dark. Their arthropods, the receptors Some nocturnal animals can large eyes may also be highly are on hair that covers the be seen during the day, but most reflective when a bright light animal’s entire body. Spiders spend the daylight hours resting. flashes them. also use their webs as sensory Examples of nocturnal animals • Other senses assist nocturnal tools to alert them when they in addition to owls include bats, animals, too. Some, such as owls catch prey. skunks, aardvarks and possums. and large cats, have a specialized • Extrasensory adaptions in hearing to hunt at night. some animals, like bats and Scientists sometimes use the • Though not true for nocturnal snakes, involve sound and heat word crepuscular to describe birds, many nocturnal animals sensitivity. nocturnal animals that are not active when it is very dark at • • MToheon JANUARY W hile the sun is the primary source Then, the starlight is evident. Jan. 1 This day is recognized in causing day and night, another • On an exceptionally clear night, and if light as New Year’s Day, the most standard feature in the Earth’s celebrated holiday around the daily cycle is the moon, as well pollution is not a significant factor, the glowing world. band of the Milky Way and other clouds of dust Jan. 3, 1959 Alaska was admitted as stars and other celestial bodies. and gas may also be visible in the night sky. as the 49th U.S. state with a land The moon is out at night, but sometimes, when the These objects are much further away and are mass almost one-fifth the size of moon is well-positioned between the Earth and the more difficult to see. the lower 48 states together. sun, visibility occurs during the daytime. However, • Light pollution is excessive artificial light, Jan. 15, 1929 This day is the our solar system’s stars and other planets — the Milky usually in the out-of-doors. Too much light pollution birthday of Martin Luther King. Way — are only seen at night after the sun has fully has the consequence of washing out starlight in Born in Atlanta, Georgia, he was set. the night sky — making the stars harder to an African American civil rights Here are some facts about what is seen in the see — interfering with astronomical research, leader who spoke eloquently and day and night skies around the world. disrupting ecosystems and wasting energy. stressed nonviolent methods to • The light of stars and planets within the solar system • Another interesting thing about the cycle of day achieve equality. He received the is too faint to be seen during daylight hours. and night is that it is growing slower with time. Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, He • Being the closest star to us and the brightest object This time change is due to the moon’s tidal was assassinated in Memphis, visible from Earth, the sun naturally blocks these effects on Earth’s rotation, which is making days Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. In celestial objects, i.e. stars and planets, when very slightly longer. 1983, the third Monday in January overhead. • According to atomic clocks worldwide, the was designated a legal holiday in • When the Earth has tilted away from the sun, we can modern-day is about 1.7 milliseconds longer the U.S. to celebrate his birthday. see the moon reflecting the sun’s light more clearly. than it was a century ago. Jan. 25, 1959 An American Airlines Boeing 707 made the first scheduled transcontinental U.S. flight, traveling from California to New York. 8 Kidsville News! January 2021

This Page Brought To You By Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 9 THINGS that are different in these pictures. Alligator Bird Fish Turtle Ape Chimp Goat Snake Bat Deer Hippo Zebra Bear Di erences: 1) Sky color 2) Gloves color 3) Ski poles 4) Hat color Kidsville News! 9 January5)2S0h2oe1 stripe 6) Clothing di erent colors 7) Gogglesw8w) Cwlo.ukdids

CELEBRATING NEW YEAR’S DAY In many countries, like the United States, the New Year begins years, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a revised calendar, the on January 1. However, other dates marked the calendar’s Gregorian, in 1582. In addition to solving the issue with start for centuries, including March 25 and December leap years, the Gregorian calendar restored January 25. 1 as the start of the New Year. While Italy, The Roman king Numa Pompilius is France and Spain were among the countries credited for making the change to January. that immediately accepted the new calendar, During his reign (c. 715–673 BCE), Numa Great Britain and its American colonies did revised the Roman calendar so that not use the Gregorian calendar until 1752. January replaced March as the first month. Before then, the English New Year’s Day This decision fits well since January was was on March 25. named after Janus, the Roman god of all Over time, non-Christian countries also beginnings. March celebrated Mars, the began to use the Gregorian calendar. One god of war. latecomer in 1912 was China, though it In 46 BCE, Julius Caesar introduced continued to celebrate the Chinese New more changes when his calendar ­— the Year according to a lunar calendar. Some Julian — spread in usage as the Roman nations never adopted the Gregorian calendar empire increased in size. However, following and thus started the year on dates other than Rome’s fall in the 5th century, many Christian Happy New Year January 1, such as the Ethiopian celebration countries altered the calendar to reflect their in September. religion. In some places, the holy days of March The early calendar-makers didn’t know it, but some 25 (The Feast of the Annunciation) and December 25 astronomical facts contribute to the decision to begin the year (Christmas) became standard New Year’s Days. on January 1. Earth is always closest to the sun in its yearly orbit After finding the Julian calendar had errors concerning leap around this time. This event is called Earth’s perihelion. • Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver State Trivia... 5. Walter Payton was the first football player on a Wheaties 1. In which state is the Grand Canyon located? Box. In which state was Mr. A. Wyoming B. Nevada C. New Mexico Payton born? A. Alabama D. Arizona B. Arkansas C. Kentucky D. Mississippi 2. In the United States, which state is the largest? 6. Which state is the top A. Texas B. Alaska C. Montana D. California producer of wool in the United States? 3. The Okefenokee Swamp A. Virginia B. Washington Walter Payton covers over 400,000 acres. C. Texas D. Maine In which state is it located? A. Florida B. Georgia 7. In what state is the active C. Mississippi D. Louisiana volcano Mount St Helens located? A. Hawaii B. Alaska C. Washington D. Maine 4. Heather Whitestone served as the first Miss America 8. In what state was the first atomic bomb tested on July 16, with a disability. Which 1945? state did she represent? A. New Mexico B. Nevada C. Arizona D. Wyoming A. Tennessee B. North Carolina Heather Whitestone Answers On Pg. 23 C. Alabama Miss America 1995 D. Georgia 10 Kidsville News! January 2021

Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 Do you know about... ?Remembering The Days In A Month THOMAS W. Clench your fists and put them beside each JOEL R. McCUTCHEON other, thumb to thumb and knuckles aligned. HAMNER Going from left to right, each knuckle represents a month with 31 days and each valley represents one with 30 days or fewer. CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” January 2021 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their teachers SFoeilnnl dOpaIutgt fetoh7rem! in this award-winning fun, family newspaper. Please call Tom at Emmie Durham 7 Killen 256-740-4701 for more information. FeJabnruaryJa2n0u12a91rFy January

FyeJFbae2rnb0uur2auar0aryyry22020102919 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Notes: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Kidsville News! 13 Notes: Vectors © Vectors ©

Nifty Nighttime Activities Come Out & W atching a movie or playing a board game parallel to the ground just above Play are not the only ways for families to spend their evenings together. For active the other players’ heads and have entertainment, try some of these ideas. them walk, crawl or bend under it so that the light doesn’t touch any part of their bodies. When everyone has passed under the light, lower the beam a few inches. A player is Flashlight Tag “out” when the light illuminates a part of his or her body. Flashlight tag is one of the oldest and best-known flashlight games. The game combines tag and hide-and-seek in the Shadow Puppets dark. Flashlight tag’s rules vary, but the basic premise is Using your hands to create shadow puppets on a dark wall one person is “it” and tries to spot his or her friends hiding remains a simple, technology-free activity. Try making in the dark by using the flashlight. a dog, rabbit or another favorite animal on a dark wall with a flashlight or shade-free lamp facing the “screen.” Hide and Seek in the Dark Experiment with your hands to make many animals or Grab a favorite stuffed animal or toy, turn off all the lights cut out figures and glue them to Popsicle sticks to move and hide “it” somewhere in the house —­ perhaps behind the through the light for more drama. couch, on top of the fridge or under the bed. Those seeking “it” can take a flashlight or headlamp and go looking for it. Star Gazing Hiders and seekers can take turns and repeat. Watching the stars never goes out of style. Print out star charts using a free print-out from the internet and spot the Flashlight Limbo Big Dipper, Cassiopeia and Orion. Try to find the brightest You don’t need a broomstick or yardstick to play limbo, stars and be sure to seek out the moon or any planets. just the beam of a flashlight. Point the flashlight so it shines Depending on creates a firestorm winds can make the where you live, and leads to fires even hotter and wildfires can be some other can help them spread a common and extraordinary even further. However, dangerous problem. weather effects. on a positive note, while rare, fire clouds Even if you don’t If hot air rises sometimes produce rain, which can help live in an area and the updraft extinguish the fires. prone to wildfires, moves quickly it is important enough, it can Believe it or not, the vast majority of to understand create something wildfires in the United States are caused the hazards they called a fire whirl, by people not being careful — so it’s create. Although also known as up to us to help prevent them by taking wildfires often a fire tornado. the necessary precautions. If you go begin unnoticed, Although these camping, for example, make sure never they don’t stay are rare, they can to leave your campfire unattended. It’s that way — wildfires can move and spread occur if the heat is intense enough and the also important to remember that matches, quickly, igniting brush, trees and even updraft moves quickly enough. lighters and lighter fluid aren’t toys. These houses that they encounter. No matter how A firestorm can cause other strange weather types of tools can contribute to or even they start, wildfires have the power to be clouds to form. As the smoke from a fire or cause a wildfire when not used correctly very destructive — some can even create fire itself rises, the vapor condenses when and safely. their weather system, known as a firestorm. it reaches a point in the upper atmosphere. A cloud called a pyrocumulus, or “fire If a wildfire occurs near you, being So, what is a firestorm? This phenomenon cloud,” can form when water already in the prepared is essential. Having an emergency occurs when the heat from one or multiple atmosphere combines with water evaporating supply kit, a planned evacuation route and wildfires in the same area creates a wind from plants burned in the fire. If the fire is big a safety plan with family or close friends system. As hot air from the fire rises quickly enough, a pyrocumulonimbus or “firestorm can help keep you and others safe, as well and continuously, it leaves behind an empty cloud” can result. The pyrocumulonimbus as help firefighters do their jobs. space. Air rushes to fill that gap, and this fast can create lightning, which could set off even movement creates a mighty wind known as more fires and generate strong winds. These Remember: a spark is all it takes to an “updraft.” This rising hot air and updraft start a wildfire. To learn more about wildfire prevention and preparedness, visit 14 Kidsville News! January 2021

These resolutions can make for a healthy and happy you in 2021! Make Healthy Food Choices Drink Plenty of Water Protect Yourself From Injury Get Enough Sleep Be Active Wash Your Hands Wear a Mask Practice Social Distancing Make Your Own Resolution 342 Cox Blvd. • Sheffield • 256-383-4473 • January 2021 Kidsville News! 15

1-ton cap and, this time, a high speed video camera was Nuclear Space Gun focused on the \"manhole cover\". After the Aug. 27, 1957 test, the film revealed that the cap flew off at greater than The first 150,000 miles per hour. At that speed it was traveling over manmade 40 miles per second! It took only 2 or 3 seconds for it to rise object to leave above the atmosphere. It hardly had time to significantly heat up the Earth was probably shot from a nuclear powered cannon in the 1950's. The event was so supersecret that few people are aware of the story even today. Actually, it was never intended to launch a space projectile but unexpected things happen in life. It was a \"serendipitous\" event. A decade later, the U.S. Defense Department did intentionally try to fire a projectile into space. Project- Harp, on November 18, 1966, fired a 400 lb projectile at 8000 mph from a 134 ft long gun and the shell reached an altitude of 110 miles. Since a speed of 17,000 mph is needed to go into orbit, the \"bullet\" wasn't going fast enough and it fell back to Earth. Project-Harp was not nuclear. barreling through the air. 150,000 mph is six times the escape The 1950's found the United States and the Soviet Union velocity of the Earth, actually it is greater than even the escape (Russia and surrounding socialist countries) locked in a \"cold- velocity of the Solar System which means it is probably now outside our planetary system and headed to the distant stars. No wonder they never found the caps. Two months later, the Soviet Union launched \"Sputnik:\", the first manmade orbiting satellite, and then 3 months later the United States launched the Explorer 1 satellite. Because the \"manhole\" was too small to be seen in space, there is no hard proof that it was the first manmade \"spacecraft\" so the Sputnik war\". They were not directly fighting but each country was exceedingly suspicious of the other and they were engaged in an arms race. More than 500 atmospheric nuclear tests were conducted which released alarming radioactivity which spread over the world. People were alarmed at the increase of radioactivity in foodstuffs. This led to the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, in 1963, which banned atmospheric nuclear tests. gets that honor. In order to go to the Moon, the Apollo Moon Rocket needed to reach a speed of 25,000 mph. The Escape-Velocity table indicates that the astronauts needed to reach 5,300 mph to leave the Moon to return to Earth. When we eventually go to Mars, we will need 11,000 mph to leave Mars and return to mother Earth. The pull of the Sun's In the 1950's, several tests were conducted to keep the gravity is so great that 90,000 mph must be reached to leave the explosion underground. In a nuclear test named Pascal_A, a Solar System. nuclear bomb was placed in the bottom of a hole 4 ft wide and So you see: the Pascal nuclear test was a 500 foot long \"nuclear 400 some feet deep with a 1 ton cap, \"manhole cover\". After powered cannon\", made of earth, capable of launching a \"space the \"device\" was exploded, no sign of the cap could be found. object\". To discover what had happened, the hole was deepened to 500 \"Truth is stranger than fiction\"—Lord Byron (1788-1824) feet and another test labeled Pascal-B was initiated with a new © 2021 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus 16 Kidsville News! January 2021

Florence • Sheffield • Killen Mike Randall, REALTOR® Associate Broker 256.366.9779 [email protected] CHRISTMAS Coloring Contest McDonald’s 2020 WINNERS in Colbert County & Russellville A Special Thanks To Everyone for taking part in our 2020 Christmas Coloring Contest! We had hundreds of beautiful and creative entries! Top 3 Winners In Each Age Group Pictured To The Left Receive: 8-10 5-7 2-4 Large 1 Topping Pizza from Domino’s Happy Meal 1st4E-veFlloynreMncaelone 2nd3 Adelyn Comer 32rd- Finn Turner from McDonald’s - Florence Rogersville in Colbert Co. & Russellville Kidsville News! Prizes from Courier Journal The 9 Winners Pictured to the Left May Pick Up Their Prizes At the Courier Journal 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence (If You Have Not Already) 1s7t Chris Kenney 26n-dTAusucsutimnbHiaof 3rd Elizabeth Alsbrooks HONORABLE MENTIONS: - Cherokee 5 - Sheffield 2-4 Age Group: Aiden Clemmons, Rhett Hill, Vivian 1st10Ki-anAnnadeSrtsaonnford 2n9d Zoey Vandiver 3rd Jack Malone Holcombe, Jacob Neisler, Harper Rose Nix, Adeline - Tuscumbia 8 - Florence Persall, Arrow Cassels, Evan Francisco, Rosie Davis January 2021 and Hattie Malone. 5-7 Age Group: Jarrett Johnson, Ann Katherine Utley, Willa Campbell, Elora Francisco, McKenna Hunt, Kyla Marie Tinker, Charlotte Smith, Jamar Belue, Harlie Dial, Bailey Wiggington, Ella Stafford, Karlee Anne Byers, Skye Kelly, Paisley Weaver, Kadlyn Fennel, Layla Mae Brackin, Yate Hirbo, Kayliegh Comer, Aiden Smith, Kenleigh Byers, Harper Tackett, Evie Kate Perry, Lavi Going, Willow Givens and Leah Salinas. 8-10 Age Group: Miles Hardee, Braelyn Cook, Ridge Byrd, Finley Springer, Cypress Taylor, Abby Hinton, Shelby Schurfeld, Piper Baxter, Levi Rickard, Claire Russ, Jadah Johnson, Jace Hof, Mia Awwad, Kai Fowler, Morgan Johnson, Zoey Sartin, Ivey Ann Tinker, Kristianna Walker, Lizzie Hughes, Ava Reeves, Coston Mahan, Micah Grace Bernard, Mattie South, Molly Senf and Kenna Jayce Butler. Kidsville News! 17

MATHTIME On this spinner, the probability of Put in + or - getting a one is 1/2 or 1 out of 2. to make this statement true. What is the probability of getting a two? 8 4 6 7 = 11 Answers On Page 23 The TM View Local kids about their opinions let us know.... and favorite things. YOUR answer Do YOU want to be here? to a Kidsville View question Go to page 22 and fill out... on page 22 The TM View YOUR PHOTO YOUR Name HERE School Grade 18 Kidsville News! January 2021

“Animaniacs” is back, giving us tons of entertainment. and Amazon drones. Don’t expect to see reruns with this rebooted animated Ralph, the security guard series. Showrunner Wellesley Wild nails the creation of (Frank Welker), has new fresh and relevant content while keeping the hilarious tricks to catch the Warner craziness of the original series. siblings, such as a net connected to a drone. The show is about the Warner siblings — Wakko, In this premiere episode, Dot points out the diversity in Yakko and Dot — who are crazy and wild characters the Warner Bros. administration, a big change from two found in the Warner Bros. Studio. The episodes follow decades ago. Shorts them as they get into trouble running around the campus like The Warner meeting other characters. The new season picks up 22 Kids and Pinky and The Brain also years later after they were locked away. Now we get to return with new see their latest adventures as they learn more about the content. The story current world around them and all the changes. lines are clever Director Steven Spielberg brings back the same ways to see how characters and many of the original voice actors. The the other characters main characters are the Warner brothers and sister — are doing after Wakko (Jess Harnell), Yakko (Rob Paulsen) and Dot meeting the Warner siblings. (Tress MacNeille). The setting for the series is the classic The Warner siblings and the rest of the cast always find Warner Bros. Studio lot and the lot’s water tower. It’s a way to have fun in each episode, sending the message hilarious to see the characters run around the lot learning to find ways to have fun, stay lively and be happy despite about things that didn’t exist two decades ago like tablets, the craziness in the world. I will note that there are some climate change, Ubers, cat-fishing, YouTubers scenes or jokes that viewers may not understand unless they followed the original series but they will still create laughs. “Animaniacs” is a great mix of kid-friendly entertainment and slapstick comedy, deserving 5 out of 5 stars and a recommendation for ages 5 to 18. Adults are sure to love it, too, especially if they are fans of the original series. The new season of “Animaniacs” debuts on Hulu, so watch it now. January 2021 Kidsville News! 19

That’s News to Me! Old Newspapers of Lauderdale County By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department With more and more people getting their news online, many news and advertising. After the war local papers began to devote more newspapers across the country have gone out of business, or reduced the columns to local news and by 1900 had grown to eight pages long (but number of days they publish (sadly our own Times Daily has had to do were still only published once a week or, in the case of the Florence this). Yet until very recently and despite also watching the 6 o’clock or 11 Herald by 1889, published twice a week; Sheffield, in Colbert County o’clock news on TV, the daily (or in some cases weekly) newspaper, was had a daily paper in the 1880s and 1890s). how most people got much of their daily and weekly news. The Herald continued as a weekly through 1975, though the Florence The newspaper is actually much older than many people think—over Times began publishing daily in the mid-1920s. By 1940 it and the 300 years old! After a one-off attempt in 1690 with Boston’s Publick Herald were the only two papers being published in Lauderdale County. Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick, beginning in 1704 the Boston If you’re researching your genealogy these old papers can be goldmines News-Letter became the first regularly-published newspaper in the of information, as they contain a large amount of material on ordinary United States. Its basic people, such as: letters format—a four page to the editor; business weekly of mostly advertisements; birth, state, national, and marriage and death international news, announcements; with a tiny bit of military enlistments; local news, literary reports of church matter, and a wealth of services (who advertising and legal attended, who notices, remained the preached, who got standard format of baptized, etc.); newspapers for the biographical sketches next 150 years—until of older or more after the Civil War. prominent settlers; It might surprise you Three of Florence’s old newspaper tiles: from left, the oldest extant issue of the Florence Gazette, of Thursday, lists of people with to know that between March 3, 1825; middle, an issue of Florence’s African-American Methodist newspaper The Watcher, from unclaimed letters at 1818 and the 1930s, August 31, 1888; right, The Florence Appeal, Saturday, August 1, 1896. the post office; school Florence-Lauderdale reports, including has boasted some lists of students and 25 different newspaper titles, many of them published at the same time teachers; reports of individuals or families building new homes; reports (such as the Florence Banner, Gazette, Watcher and Wave in 1889). Some of fraternal orders like the Masons or clubs like the Firenze Club, and of them were specifically devoted to a particular political party, such as reports of groups such as the Boy and Girl Scouts; etc. We might consider the Florence Republican of 1874, or the American Democrat, a paper of some of this material boring but our ancestors found it interesting, and if the American or Know-Nothing political party established in 1855 by you’re a genealogist it can help you round out a portrait of your family. New Hampshire editor and abolitionist Charles L. Wheeler. Others, such For the student of Lauderdale County history our old newspapers as Florence-Lauderdale’s African-American newspaper, The Watcher, provide an unequaled glimpse into what was going on at a particular published from 1888-1889, were religious, in this case a paper of the time, for example during World War I, the construction of Wilson Dam, African Methodist Episcopal Church published by the Rev. JW Williams African-American student Wendell Willkie Gunn’s enrollment at Florence of Centre Star (WC Handy’s father, Rev. CB Handy, was its assistant State (now UNA) in September of 1963, or President Jimmy Carter’s visit editor and then business manager.). Still others, such as the brief-lived to Tuscumbia in September of 1980. North Alabama Farm & Home (of which one issue exists from 1875), Hats off to all of the editors and journalists who wrote (and write!) for were devoted to farming and agriculture. these papers and left us such a rich historical and cultural record of our Florence’s first newspaper was the Florence Gazette, which began past in Florence-Lauderdale! in 1818; it was followed by the Florence Register in 1825 and the The Florence-Lauderdale Public Library (FLPL) has most of these old Florence Enquirer in the 1840s. Many of these titles only published a newspaper titles on microfilm in our Local History-Genealogy Dept., couple of years (or less in a few cases) and went out of business. The with two microfilm reader-printers. We also have online subscriptions three Florence papers which published the longest were the Florence to, which has several 19th century titles such as the Gazette, which published off and on from 1818 to 1895 under different Florence Gazette and Lauderdale News online, as well as a subscription editors, the Florence Herald, which began in 1886 as the Florence Wave to Newsbank, which features the Times Daily back to 2000 (as well as and published through 1982 as the Florence Herald-Picture, and the many other regional titles). The Tennessee Valley Historical Society has Florence Times, established by MW Camper in 1890 and published today a collection of vintage local newspapers ca. 1866-1930s, many of which as the Times Daily. Other titles were Dr. David R Lindsay’s Literary have never been microfilmed or digitized (FLPL now has a large digital Index and Florence Journal of the late 1860s and early 1870s; the North scanner big enough to digitize these.) Star published by the Hon. JJ Mitchell in 1884-1885; and the Florence To view a list of our newspaper microfilm, use the link below to see the Evening Bulletin of 1899-1900; the Florence Tribune of the mid-1930s; list on our local history page: the Waterloo Tribune of 1897; and the Rogersville News, ca. 1919-ca. 1920. To view Newsbank use this link and click on the Newsbank icon: As stated above, until after the Civil War American newspapers were four pages long and contained mostly national, international, and state 20 Kidsville News! January 2021

This Page Brought To You By A Section Especially for Parents It's a new year, a fresh start, a blank page. In 2021 make reading a goal for your kids and check out these books about all sorts of new beginnings. Fresh snow, new friends and new worlds abound! You can find more great books for kids of all ages at BEGINNER READS The Snowy Day a11c/ H'ow She Got Alma and How She Got Her Name By Ezra Jack Keats I-fer Name By Juana Martinez-Neal For ages 3-6 For ages 4-8 Little Peter wakes up one morning to a Juana MartinezN- eal Alma can't understand why she has so delightful surprise: a blanket of freshly many names, so she seeks out fallen snow! He trudges around his information from the best source she neighborhood seeking snowy knows: her father. Her father explains to adventure, then the next day does it her that each of her names is special, all again. This 1963 Caldecott winner each tributes to members of her was groundbreaking as the first extended family. Alma realizes just how children's book to feature a black important her long name is. She is on her protagonist. Its sweet collages and way to living a life as rich and full as each easy prose make it a perennial favorite. of the family members she's named for. PAGETURNERS Firegirl 11 Birthdays By Tony Abbott By Wendy Mass For ages 8-13 For ages 8-12 The biggest concern in seventh-grader Amanda is so excited for her birthday Tom's life is getting his crush to notice this year, except for one thing: this will him. It's all he can think about - until be the first time in 10 years she isn't Jessica Feeney joins his class. Jessica's hosting a joint party with her former face was badly disfigured by a fire, and best friend, Leo. When her own party she's seeking medical treatment at a goes awry, she's excited to just go to nearby facility. Tom's classmates start bed and end the day - except the day vicious rumors about the new girl, but won't stop repeating itself! Amanda and the quietly good Tom befriends her. Leo must find a way to mend their This is a great, short read for your bridges to be able to continue into their middle-grade reader about the power 11th year. of kindness. ADVANCED READS Girls of Paper and Fire 96 Words for Love By Natasha Ngan By Rachel Roy and Ava Dash For ages 14 and up For ages 13 and up Seventeen-year-old Lei does not go qui­ Life is starting to get complicated for etly when she's taken from her home to 17-year-old Raya. She's been accepted to serve the Demon King. Lei is on a her dream school, UCLA, but suddenly mission to find her mother, who was she's not sure she wants to go there. Then taken 10 years ago by the king's tragedy strikes when her beloved armies. In the meantime, she becomes grandmother, Daadee, passes away in embroiled in a plot against the king and India. Daadee left Raya and her cousin a falls deeply in love. The beautiful task: to go back to the ashram Daadee fantasy world Ngan builds is the perfect used in the past to discover secrets back­drop for the drama that unfolds hidden there. While in India, Raya throughout the book. finds more than her grandmother's secrets - she finds herself. Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on thisKipdasvgielletoNehweslp, TryuomuadnisacnodvJearmbeosoPkasttethrsaotnk'sidRsEAyDoKuIDloDvOeRaErAeDs.CuOreMtoarelopvlee.ased to January 2021 partner on this page two whewlp.kyidosuvidllisecnoevwesr.bcoomok/sshthoaatlst he kids you love are sure to love. pARENTOWN Kidsville News! 21

TM Hearty Soup The View Makes the Meal Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us Every home chef should have a rich YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name and filling soup recipe in his or her collection. These hearty meals are G Fraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn perfect for cold days. Baked potato soup is a creamy Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 soup that is reminiscent of a loaded baked potato. For those who avoid What is your favorite...... inflammatory foods, such as those in When cooking, for Author? the nightshade variety, take note that safety, always get help white potatoes are not included. This from an adult first. Outdoor Activity? version of loaded baked potato soup from Eat What You Love (Ten Speed Press) by Danielle Walker is a delicious alternative that uses sweet potatoes and cauliflower to satisfy potato soup cravings. Animal? Loaded Baked Potato Soup Movie? CANNOT Serves 6 What is a vinyl record? PRINT What does a dentist do? 6 slices thick bacon, coarsely chopped WITHOUT PHOTO 1 yellow onion, diced Have you ever adopted a pet from an Animal Shelter? 2 cloves garlic, chopped Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? 2 pounds Hannah sweet potatoes, peeled and diced Have you ever met your great-grandparents? 10 ounces cauliflower, cut into florets What does the word talent mean to you? 4 1/2 cups chicken bone broth Do you speak another language? 1 cup cashew milk Have you done anything nice for someone lately? 3 1/2 teaspoons fine sea salt What is an archeologist? 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika Do you like to read aloud? 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar MUST HAVE 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice PERMISSION TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission Chopped fresh chives for serving (optional) I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on Dairy-free sour cream (optional) any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could Line a plate with paper towels. In a stockpot, cook the bacon over medium heat until the fat is rendered and the bacon is crisp, about 8 be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove the bacon from the pot and set it on the prepared plate to drain. Pour off most of the grease, reserving Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date about 2 tablespoons in the pot. Return the pot to medium-high heat, add the onion and garlic, and sauté for 2 minutes, until fragrant. Add half of the sweet potatoes and all of the cauliflower and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the bone broth. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil and cook for 10 minutes until the potatoes and cauliflower are tender. Using an immersion blender, or working in batches in a blender, blend the soup until smooth. If using a blender, remove the cap on the blender top and place a kitchen towel over the top to allow steam from the hot liquid to release while you blend. Return the purée to the stockpot. Add the remaining sweet potatoes, the cashew milk, salt, paprika, vinegar and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and then turn the heat to low and simmer for 12 to 15 minutes, frequently stirring. Continue until the sweet potatoes are tender and the milk has thickened the soup. Ladle the soup into bowls and top with the reserved bacon, chives and dollop of sour cream. Serve immediately. Store leftover soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for five days or in the freezer for six months. To defrost, place overnight in the refrigerator. Reheat in a saucepan over medium heat, frequently stirring, for 10 minutes. 22 Kidsville News! January 2021

Hello! Attention Kids & Teachers Too! This is Truman From Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’ ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! r Send ItKWtipdhaserOvmeilnlReitnsNKafe,liwallts!oeLurtEistAsThduNideTsErWofEEsrosrRumsSH•eaYet2nhyd1Oe&9smKUeWinodR.dPnsTOoi!teuOTnrwErnRiweutMsehmIsbeSyGaseoint!uISeratN!g.wJWao•AuiersnkFtL.mlohtIraoaAey:wvnecaRpeynr,ToitnuAtrL 35630 Age 5630 S Jones City wyn TILvuEbiSch Name BUeielTlFyOrWReeSamrraenn Address School Library r Zip School ANSWERS hrehKasJhhipduhfaAssoharvtiSrnhreimlfd!n,lAeitljolMuonNosrueptPtgawSLugtsaeehE! rendP7i“ldFaeSonaOfesIsnettiRdhg!hinMIsativt”e, YoYuOorurHrAePNrroteeawmmoerkA BetterMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeBse! tter Grades!256-278-2342TooTcebhOeTkaesnnTeritecDceetPuvhdRrihWsmtsmtisiroaiOrienrasnesOsmesrerdE,inr,agiMoNtftdduivgnfiAgonsoeta.arenttewiwnslsrsehuvthetiel,arstRasaashineRShlatnalpliwtiEnbtpocwdiufEmSdeliaswtlttvenvrealstrgthFswhdnvpnliregtsehotReNotmaonehnuehisotimeerDfLirtNsvtsvsuitheOrrlo-kaNdatslshnvsloisotoTtesteuKrni:lftnte,i,serunliIeoeespvoepIuieTieeeovvooheuoerwaUewretd.aeceTksedvaTrnrMiacrnhknlraafoouensawslerntwceeonmoo,puhnsdul!,klkh.loswdumhyonieilse,onoTiRsbnitecdcswwtlalriDieNagrnRNdgtotiedsrd.rtiepoportpttuoomcoarscscoofsaeuttsahaAphnl,.hRamdvsvAasAxCpi.retahsfemoawlseeiiihsuoldpce:ho.uptailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedoe/orTcprakunnxiceatlwiyl.dvasiohrow/enbNa,nNiEmpmsetryaSlncepel.lyliIclehwmrgeopne.eeiealmac.eeerRsrtrOlppaqwwCrnecogcemhlctesaarUueospoekggiishonsseet&o,ebanswihartu!i!trroNirdmasopstlmhlmlsvsrtesIhmeaiTcmldmsecit.nsntitireeanwhriucioahreTigNecnCeawei.snaaeeendeef.iyhnn/iadsiyiel7rde.ginrele’idtalvlsiscnsnootUirg.eenisiasc0Ihttntoareftnneclrloneltssoosnblflwteryosctsgxedpretso.ishxc,isehrtoorh,pcoe;gewviSWhluatsuysytwitmuelereoorpteegteynes.gctiepedsleYrhrlteihsphdPNeesarsasashesono/ido.eonnPae,inli5cctafdixAft,anruutmnalhrtrre-ynoayNnoseernSrexnoggethwasdfoAesidrerhiseSesrsleodnendl,.twterpcifesty.oiopDxgrdsera’rclospnariyatphdmayehanygracolebttebyonrostrcvuueaohcucnaraesrghueedreGytnessebgmuakt,jumoseoocicrnoarc(Cntfbtei.aTehvorcsdrdTAdeoewadhppyridhlfyioiesiusoNruSasi…ttxpanuussolneitegkrdudio’a,nsssiiteNrnnedcy.od,smSofOypiygoyTnuoaorwwtfPnudwARrKrwewaIidBow.N(srkeiPvknieTtid)gltrlseemvCiWnriilNlsOulW•cseenIboiQnsowaaTluZeoenvasyre!r)Hwl!iv,r?Aaie2TsaOtcmgd.msoh5enec,s,ei6FdUoik•iCoBkus.mneAl3l,ceTlouyefa@N6fi/rbnotaSats6irOcZOttdomhTne.Urea!e9ntodWbesiHNh’r7Bskatlnaeue7eeLllrGlId•delsroI9rIheaN?NaSrTknNoduoantetsmiEoLTddnriSorDmsageHen•gIlspsil-EhPSnr.TG!occeAoR-vShrohNmmePoEHmooEtACAewmlw-ORoBLsowneTaTA.tlscwretOaeUtLuo.cdctRettlSmsRuCro®-!b•urgEzriFrrtniarucedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosKc.atnm.ey.Piesder!e!spville News! 5 bruary 2016 MATHTIME ( 8 + 4 + 6 - 7 = 11) This problem Knowledge gives students an opportunity to use Power the guess and check strategy. Answers: (1/4 or 1:4) This problem will help students to “get a feel” for probability. If a 1. D line is extended across the circle they will see that 1 has 2 out of 4 chances (2:4 or 2. B 1:2) and 2 and 3 each have a 1 out of 4 chance (1:4). 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A These answers only for the Colbert County Issue 1. IWsyfhoyheuo34A251aeuc.....tpnAAAAaIrd?tsldolwwmrsdoiattoyeaga?uiogrnrssskfugbhi:tioshosrchnswoea.eeol.clsmhcaaiy.cthokaausept,nrpw’osyphdabhataey.dboy ff. What’s the Di erences: 1) Sky color 2) Gloves color 3) Ski poles 4) Hat color 2. Difference? 5) Shoe stripe 6) Clothing di erent colors 7) Goggles 8) Clouds missing 3. Why are bakers mean? 9) Teeth missing Jan4u. Wahrayt d2id0on2e1m ath book say to the Kidsville News! 23 the sea?

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª Character McMatters! Answers On Page 23 With the FREE purchase of a Cookie! Happy Meal! at McDonald’s of Colbert County & Russellville Expires 1/31/21 24 Kidsville News! January 2021

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