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Home Explore 219 Group Intro

219 Group Intro

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2018-01-17 14:09:19

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Our personalphilosophy.We believe in an open workenvironment where we are free tofloat between stations and interact.We want to encourage each other'sstrengths and empower each other.We believe that communicating as ateam will lead us to creative results.We are always looking to growourselves and our company.

There’s no 219 Group is a veteran-owned marketing, advertising, and public relations agency that“I” in “group.” creates innovative, big ideas and delivers solutions to help our clients share their vision and tell their stories. We are a team of creative talent, digital gurus, storytellers, and masters of marketing. 219 Group offers a full suite of marketing services to help clients of all sizes, budgets, and types. We leverage our expertise in creativity to drive your business growth. From the way we work to the work we do. We get results.

Work Hard. Play Hard. The 219 crew doesn’t just have fun at the office, we always enjoy a good crew outing. About once a month we get together for a crew lunch or after work drinks to furtherbuild our office-family relationship. A few of our favorite spots also happen to be our clients! 4

Love all around!We love calling Fayetteville “home” and we love to give back!219 Day, Days of Caring, our community garden, and the Annual Kids Peace Chair-ity Auction are just some ofthe ways we return the love to our city! Whether it’s random acts of kindness, breathing in fresh air, or servingthe members of our community, 219 Group loves supporting our community. 5

Client List. Past + Present.

Bragging Rights. Media Placements.

Multiple IndustriesFOOD & BEVERAGE We Work InPHARMACEUTICALRETAIL Many AreasREAL ESTATETECHNOLOGYMEDICALRELIGION Small Business / Non-Profit / CorporationsAUTOMOTIVEFURNITURENON-PROFIT By performing market research, we help buildEDUCATION genuine connections to feel like we’re right next door. SoLEGAL whether you’re a real estate team in Raleigh or aMUNICIPALITY non-profit in Chicago, we have the capabilities to reachRETAILPUBLICATION your target audience and grow your business.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Brand DevelopmentWe Make YouLook GoodLogo Design / Brand Guides / StationeryBusiness branding and corporate identity design is a criticalfirst step in marketing your brand. How the public perceivesyou is vital, and with competition growing more fierce everyyear, you always want to make a good first impression.We work to understand your goals and your competition todevelop an emotionally-evoking design that captures yourcustomers’ attention and bring in business. 9

Digital Solutions 219 Group’s toolkit includes industry-leading digital marketing strategies designed to increase awareness for your brand among itsHigh-Tech target audience.Is Our Name We have assembled a team of professionals to create completeWebsites / Social Media / E-Marketing digital strategies and tactics that leverage all available forms of digital media at different levels of the marketing funnel.

Digital Solutions With our amazing creative talent, viewers surfing the web will seeDigital your ad and remember your brand.Marketing Increased conversion rates Behaviorial Categorical Demographic For every 100,000 viewers of an ad you are Search likely to get 160 conversions to your brand.Digital Display Ads Increase brand recognition Types of Targeting Display ads can increase the chances of a consumer recognizing your brand by up to 63 percentDIGITAL ADVERTISING Increased offline sales Current research shows that display ads can increase offline sales by as much as 43 percent. Native Ads Increased site visitationRemarketing Recent studies have shown that banner advertising can increase traffic to a site by up to 300 percent. Social Media

SEOSearch EngineOptimizationSite Architecture/ Traffic / WebSearch engine optimization is a marketingtechnique that focused on increasing your pagerankings across the non-paid search engines(SERPs) results. This includes Google, Bing,Yahoo etc.Many things go into SEO including the words oneach page of your website, to what images arenamed, and even the way other sites link to you onthe web. Making your site easily readable to theSERPs and improving the consistency of yourcompany name, address and phone number (NAP)are some of the first steps in improving yourrankings. 12

Graphic DesignAward WinningDesignsPrinted Collateral / Direct Mail / SpecialtyOur award-winning graphic team works on visualdesigns with intent and purpose.Our designs don’t just look good, they’re dynamicand extend your message and ideas further. Frombrochures and direct mail pieces, to trade showdisplays and billboard and outdoor advertising,we’ll create compelling collateral to get younoticed.

Public RelationsWe’re not E-Harmonybut we know relationships.Press Releases / Big Ideas / Publicity StuntsWe have a lot in common with the folks that hire us. They are visionaries, theyhave an innate entrepreneurial spirit. They come to us for one reason… toshine.With tons of experience, we’re not only good at PR, we’re a bit obsessed withit (like borderline media stalkers). Known for our contagious enthusiasm, welive, eat, breath and occasionally sleep all things Public Relations. Morepowerful than advertising at a fraction of the cost, public relations can turnnothing into something in an instant. On a good day, we get to make dreamscome true for our clients… not a bad gig huh?

Media ServicesWe SharingYour StoryMedia Planning / Media Buying / Media ProductionA comprehensive media strategy is at the root of everythingwe do. Our plans are developed using the latest in ratingsinformation from industry standards as well as consumerbehavior and tracking.Through expert negotiation and strategic partnerships we areable to offer our clients unparalleled value when deliveringtheir message and telling their story to their targeted demos.Our expertise in buying encompasses several areas to ensurethat we make the most of your budget — whether large orsmall — to get results. Our personal approach completelychanges the way we plan, buy and produce media. 15

Endorsements They like us… they really like us!“…detailed oriented hard working… their creative ideas have put their clients on TV…. outstanding to work with andgoes the extra mile to get the job done.”– Joe Rivera, Producer, Good Morning AmericaDuring my term as mayor, their marketing strategy helped us earn recognition as an All-America City with an excitingand engaging social media campaign. For the past three years, 219 Group has provided collaborative services andexcellent communication to support our downtown area’s promotion efforts.- Tony Chavonne, Mayor of Fayetteville, NC“We’ve been working together for more than a year and in that time we have consistently been featured in nationalprint, tv and blogs.”– Stephen Hersh, Shark Tank star and owner of Biaggi\"219 Group understands how to make a community stand out when competing with other cities for economicdevelopment. Their creative process coupled with their \"big ideas\" and campaign planning gave us an unique edgethat set us apart from other cities\"- Rochelle Small-Toney, Deputy City Manager, City of Fayetteville, North Carolina“… born creative. Their mind’s are constantly in gear, envisioning new approaches for things simple or complex. Theyhave a boundless energy for pushing beyond traditional concepts to promote products in memorable ways that resonatewith audiences, nationwide.”– Brad Trucksis, Manager of Global Business Development, Procter & Gamble

Behind the Scenes. Meet (some of) your team.

Creators. Innovators. Challengers.Kirk deViere20+ years of Leadership Experience + Military and Private SectorKirk deViere is the owner and president of 219 Group. He is anentrepreneur with experience in multiple start-up companies as well assenior leadership roles with companies in the real estate, consumer productsand technology industries. He has built a team that combined with hisexperience will help your business regardless of size get noticed, buildrelevance, and see results.US Army Tough City Top 20 People Under 40 Veteran Mudder Councilman Started 10 Successful Businesses Young Professional of the Year Published in INC, TIME & TECH Magazine 18

#219CrewCreators. Innovators. Challengers.Aneisha McMillan Public Relations / Big Idea Generator Media Outreach Social Media Creative Concepts Endorsements and Partnerships Biz Development Publicity Events Planning/Execution Eternal Optimism15 Years of Public Relations + Marketing ExperienceMichigander Army Ranger Fluffy MonsterBorn+Raised Wife Owner 19

#219Crew Creators. Innovators. Challengers.Rick Howard Digital Director / Swiss Army KnifeAs a Husband, Father, Teacher, Christian, and wannabe Chef, Rick brings his life’s multi-faceted approachto his job. Not only is he senior developer with over 15 years in web development, he also can be calledupon for his knowledge in SEO, graphic design and client communication. To date, he has been involved inthe development of over 350 websites in different locations fromNorth Carolina to Korea.10 Years of Web Development ExperienceOver 350 Websites Fayetteville Davey Award Developed from Young Professionals 5 Addy Awards NC to Korea Horizon Award Member 8 Graphic Design USA Awards 20

Portfolio – Downtown Fayetteville – PanhandlingGraphic Development Street Social Production-Design Services Signage Graphics ScriptDoing good by doing more.The Downtown Alliance of Fayetteville came to 219 Group with an idea for change. 219 Group was able to collaborate with the not-for-profitorganization and build a strong brand and strategy around this idea that became, the Panhandling Initiative. Through a multi level campaigninvolving street signage, donation boxes, posters and public service announcements, 219 Group helped bring attention to the PanhandlingInitiative and grow the project. 21

Portfolio – Chiquita Banana Public Consumer Publicity Social Media PartnershipRelations Engagement Stunts Engagement ManagementIngredients for Success.When Chiquita Banana called on us for some BIG ideas, we delivered by providing an overarching theme for a national recipe contest that reliedheavily on online consumer engagement and larger-than-life publicity stunts in NYC. The 8-week campaign challenged consumers to create fun,easy and healthy banana recipes with weekly ingredients generated by the Fan Fun app! In addition to online ads, a social media campaign andon-package promotion, we pursued a proclamation from the Governor of New York as Big Banana Day took over the Big Apple. Street teamsconverged upon the city and visited places like the Food Bank of NYC and Times Square to hand out thousands of bananas. Ms. Chiquita ma2d2estops throughout the city and the Empire State Building was illuminated bright yellow!

Portfolio – Fayetteville Now – Economic DevelopmentSocial Brand Graphic Digital WebMedia Development Design Marketing DesignGrowing a brand – to help grow a community.The City of the Fayetteville, Department of Economic Development saw a need to develop a brand that attracted both small and large businessesto the area. 219’s objective was to focus on key areas that Fayetteville has great strength: a strong workforce, an excellent quality of life, aconvenient location to major interstates, and one of the county’s safest community’s. By creating a cohesive marketing plan - utilizing digitalmarketing, engaging web design, and graphic design on print collateral including rack cards, event programs, digital flipbooks, and brochures -the City of Fayetteville, Department of Economic Development saw significant business growth. 23

Portfolio – Bowlus Road Chief Public Media Sample Media Outreach EventRelations Engagement Management ManagementBack to the Future.After 80 years of silence, The Bowlus Road Chief, the original riveted travel trailer designed by Hawley Bowlus in 1934, was determined tomake a huge splash when it re-launched in 2013. We crafted an engaging story to resonate with media and secured an exclusive with the NewYork Times. A unique, custom sample campaign helped to capture the imagination of the media and we established the Bowlus as the “World’sFirst Luxury Travel Trailer.” As one of our most successful PR campaigns to date, the Bowlus was featured in more than 150 outlets includingUSA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fox News, Wired, Road & Track, Dub Mag, Men’s Journal & more! 24


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