CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - May 2019 Technology Vs. WWiillddvviillllee -- SSeeaahhoorrsseess Geography WWhheerree IInn TThhee WWoorrlldd IIss CChhiinnaa?? KKiiddssvviillllee KKiittcchheenn WWhhaatt''ss IItt LLiikkee TToo BBee AA CChhiillddrreenn''ss AAuutthhoorr?? CChhiillddrreenn''ss MMuusseeuumm OOff TThhee SShhooaallss MMaayy CCaalleennddaarr For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at May 2019 Kidsville News! 1
Hi, Kids! stwastobhatiseonuoUsmeehnStmosIdnerelethpTtneecptuhhiehuairktBcoteloa“peluirtetoytrAsuklnnntuh,zuagitrenrmnewramchyoaewexgarneaatuobslthltssyhknnofoii.tieadcantmuufmtothhrertnChoebepdtChaanchwoiEtrfhsttanhnhiretamedhivntooencMhye,gpaotWataioeihgnlbkos,rrobusecioueeeegneedtarnra.ygiaelobmtstudnain“naotthna,drCHh’uli”etegkofboathuwlituuiunvptnmnaauln.iCnehsegsslnidteaehshTn!ptcatsraiaeinhoetottbnnlaeio“owsoowCotpptuoinihfKnhiulehntrsceelaaael”tCdCsrbtruicChshahtfrrowcasimihiiiannnfsdthaliilqeakatthngfauhahsgs.eeCeeneerassotgIatornremyneitbproaacndogaopnhlesgseetBpuedactaeiuo,etroxtrtngirptitdnldtsnsoroulheaoegoeanctnssonem.plsuncsso.g.hoteeeeTe”itvylonnssriseh.rnot.tHo.reeCugtuerTbhreaTstreyarephpiheimnrppade,aAdilategnarc’.d,etsecoDoeseobc.?cl,uihatbIn,drtotuilTdhrowgiuegnoerysgukselewdye, The TM View Local kids about their opinions let us know.... and favorite things. YOUR answer Do YOU want to be here? to a Kidsville View question Go to page 17 and fill out... on page 17 The TM View YOUR PHOTO YOUR Name HERE School Grade 2 Kidsville News! May 2019
This Page Brought To You By: Technology vs. Geography: Bridges and Tunnels Viaduc de Millau, Millau, France Here are some more fun facts about bridges and tunnels. • The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct. It is Bridges and tunnels are two ways people overcome located in France and was opened in December 2004. It is 1,126 geographical challenges. Being able to go over, under feet tall, which is taller than the Eiffel Tower. The bridge was or through something is a lot easier and faster than having to built to reduce automobile traffic from France to Spain. The go around it. Imagine having to go around an entire mountain bridge has four lanes. or valley! People aren’t the only creatures to take advantage of • The longest bridge in the world is the Danyang-Kunshan bridges and tunnels. Animals and insects use them, too. Grand bridge in China. It is 102.4 miles long and runs through While the first bridges were likely trees that fell across ravines, five cities. The bridge carries vehicles and trains. It took four it didn’t take long for people to figure out different ways to make years to build and was finished in 2011. and use bridges, including using wood and rope to suspend bridges • The oldest bridge still in use in the world is in Turkey. It is a high in the air. The ancient Romans used stones to make bridges. stone bridge that arches over the Miles River in the city of Izmir. Today, we use not only wood and stone, but metal and cables, too. The bridge dates to 850 B.C. A tunnel is an underground passage that goes through the earth. • The world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel is in Switzerland. Some historians think prehistoric people trying to make their caves It is called the Gotthard Base Tunnel, and it is 35 miles long. bigger dug the first tunnels. Ancient civilizations used tunnels, • The Laerdal Tunnel in Aurland, Norway, is 15 miles long. It too, for things like irrigation, water drainage and mining. As early is the longest road tunnel in the world. Because it took so long to as 2180 B.C., tunnels were used in Babylonia to connect the royal drive through, scientists and engineers looked for ways to make palace to the temple. Today we use tunnels for transportation as the drive less stressful. They divided the tunnel into sections. well. For example, the Channel Tunnel, which is sometimes called People can stop and take breaks in it. The Chunnel, is more than 30 miles long and connects France and England. May 2019 Kidsville News! 3
Proud Sponsor of This Page Kingdom: Animalia Sea horses Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Syngnathiformes Family: Syngathidae Subfamily: Hippocampinae Genus: Hippocampus Sea horses are a rather unique fish. There are 36 • A group of sea horses is a herd. species of sea horse, and they live all over the • Sea horses eat small crustaceans, shrimp and fish world in coastal waters. Part of what makes sea horses so unique is their bodies. They swim upright larvae. through the ocean, but they only have a small dorsal • Male sea horses can use their tails to fight. fin to push them forward through the water. When • Some sea horses can give birth to 2,000 babies at they aren’t swimming, they use a curled flexible tail to anchor themselves to sea grass and kelp. They a time. also have a special organ that helps them move up • Sea horse mates perform a daily dance together. and down in the water. It is called a swim bladder. • A baby sea horse is a fry. Most fish have them. Fish can control the amount of • Sea horses have no stomach. air in the bladder, and it will let them rise or fall in Another unique aspect of the sea horse is its life the water.| cycle. The female sea horse creates dozens of eggs • The slowest fish in the world is the dwarf sea and then uses a special organ to place the eggs into a pouch on the male sea horse. This is called a brood horse. pouch. The male sea horse carries the eggs until • Sea horses usually live in coral reefs, seaweed they are ready to hatch. This usually takes around 45 days. The baby sea horses then float out of the brood forests, mangroves and estuaries. pouch and use their tails to stick together to stay safe • The largest sea horses are 14 inches long. from predators. Sea horses are the only animal on • The smallest is .6 inches long. earth where the male gives birth. • Sea horses have an exoskeleton. Hiking is a popular way to explore the world and enjoy nature. Some people make hiking a big part of their vacations. They Days to visit a new place and then spend time walking through nature trails. Some travelers will even choose where they want to remember in vacation based on the hiking trails in the area. Mount Huashan in China is known as having the most dangerous hiking trails May in the world, but the mountain is also known as a sacred place in China. Monday, May 27, is Memorial Day. • The Taoist religion has five sacred mountains. • There is also a chess board at the peak. It is the highest chess For many of us that means backyard • Mount Huashan has been one of these sacred mountains board in the world. cookouts and a day off from work or school. It has a much deeper meaning since 2 B.C. • Others take this climb because it is known for being so though. Memorial Day used to be • The southern peak is the highest, and it reaches 2,160 meters dangerous. known as Decoration Day. It started after the Civil War when people would — that’s 7,087 feet. • The hike can take five to seven hours. decorate the graves of the Union and • Most of the mountain is made of granite. • The trails on the mountain are incredibly high, thin and Confederate soldiers. In 1968, Congress • The trail on Mt. Huashan was first created by Taoist nuns established Memorial Day as a federal steep. holiday to honor people who died while and monks. They carved the thin, dangerous path to make • In many areas, hikers have to wear harnesses that attach serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. religious trips to the top of the mountain. • Today, there are three Taoist temples on the mountain, 300 to chains that are bolted to the mountain. Without safety Mount Hua (Hua Shan) Banner in Shaanxi Province, China sacred stone tablets and 570 rock inscriptions. equipment, if they slip, they could fall hundreds of feet. taken by chensiyuan via Wikimedia • Some hikers take this path for religious reasons. They want • The most dangerous part of the hike is called the plank walk. to visit the small shrine at the top of the mountain. This is • During the plank walk, hikers walk on wooden planks May 2019 called a pilgrimage. secured to the mountain. The planks are thin, the mountain is steep and the drop is thousands of feet to the ground. 4 Kidsville News!
Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Russell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR Kidsville News! 5 Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2019 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL May 2019
Local History Did You Know? Written by Billy Warren The Role Of A Poet Laureate In 1989, the State of Alabama promoted a statewide reunion. Everyone who had ever lived in Alabama, even for a short time, was invited to return for a visit or to consider moving back into our beautiful state. Officials went one step further: they encouraged each town in Alabama, both big and small town, to plan its own reunion. The City of Florence accepted the challenge and staged a series of events throughout 1989 to entice people to return. To make the year even more memorable, the people of Florence asked local resident, Mr. Morton Prouty, to write a poem. He graciously accepted the request, and here is what he wrote: Mr. Prouty was Alabama’s Poet Laureate at the time he wrote 6. In the seventh stanza, what lets you know that it’s referring to the this fine poem in 1989; his term as Poet Laureate extended Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)? from 1989 to 1991. So what, you might ask, is a Poet Laureate? Simply put, it’s an honor given by a city, state or national If you answered all of the questions correctly, good for you! Isn’t government for a specific period of time to a person who has it amazing that a poet can include so many facts and ideas into a gained recognition for his or her outstanding ability to write compact piece of writing? Why not try your hand at writing a poem? poetry. This person usually appears by invitation at schools, colleges and libraries to present original poems – often about a 33rd Annual major event that might have occurred in the past or during the Juried person’s time as Poet Laureate. Fine Arts & The term “Laureate” refers to a wreath made of branches Crafts Festival from the laurel tree that was used in ancient Greece to crown the head of a great writer. In mythology, the laurel wreath is Sat 9 – 5 also a symbol of Apollo, the Greek god of wisdom. Sun 10 – 5 217 East SOMETHING TO DO: Tuscaloosa St. Downtown Now, read carefully Mr. Prouty’s poem and see if you can Florence analyze it by answering the following questions. (The word “analyze” suggests that you go beyond just filling in some blanks with words lifted from the writing.) So, here are the questions (have your “google” handy): 1. In the first stanza: a. A Florentine lives in which city: Florence, Muscle Shoals, Sheffield or Tuscumbia? b. Is the Arno a river? If so, where is it located? c. Is the Tennessee a river? If so, where is it located? 2. In the second stanza, who is Doublehead? Come Enjoy The Kids Area 3. In the third stanza, is Handy a person? Is so, what did he do? 4. In the fourth stanza, what does “fell the forests” mean? Fine Artists & Crafters 5. In the sixth stanza, name the local “great dam.” Work In Many Mediums In the Gallery & the Park One-of-a-Kind Treasures Good Food 6 Kidsville News! May 2019
Kidsville News!-In- Gee Thanks! Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES • WILLIAM A. McCLANAHAN, D.M.D. WQaZVnFtFHYGoX ur ARTWORK HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Or Your POETRY here? Maybe you can help him find it & Send it to us. WIN A PLUSH MINI- We’ll print it in TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* a future issue. Somewhere in this Kidsville News! Fill Out the is Truman’s small red hat! Send It form on *Subject to This hat will not be on Truman. availability. Find only his red hat! Send us the page 5! form below for a chance to win! TLthhaesetnnmaemxotneitsohsf’ustehheoafwt KwiniadnssevorisnllwepiaNlgleebwe1s8i!n. April Winners of a Mini-Truman Gavin Fielder Leah Salinas of Florence of Muscle Shoals Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Email to [email protected], Mail or bring entry to us by Apr. 26 Your Name Your Age Your City Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phone mail to: Address Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. School Florence, AL 35630 May 2019 Kidsville News! 7
INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª Come Out & Play The dragon dance is a traditional Chinese • Timing is a very important part of the performance that is famously associated with Chinese New Year. The tradition is dance. also practiced on other important days, like • All of the dancers must swing their weddings and festivals. Dragons have powerful symbolism in Chinese culture. They represent segments in time to make the dragon look wisdom, power and wealth. The dragon dance is used to scare away evil spirits and bad luck. elegant and graceful. Today, people will hire teams of Chinese • Often, dragons will be shown chasing a dragon dancers to bring good luck to their celebrations and to events like opening new ball. This ball is a pearl, which represents businesses. • It takes a team of skilled dancers to ultimate wisdom. The dance represents the perform a traditional dragon dance. dragon always chasing wisdom. • The dragon’s body is made of fabric and • There should always be an odd number of bamboo. Dancers use bamboo poles to hold sections in a dragon. it up. • The longer the dragon is, the luckier it is • The most difficult position in the dance is the head. The lead dancers must lift and supposed to be. sweep the dragon’s head in a rhythmic • Dragon heads can weigh 32 pounds. manner. • Dragons are associated with rain and The dragon dance tradition started in the water in Chinese culture, so the dragon’s movements should mimic the flow of a Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was from river. • Dragons made for dances can be very long 206 B.C. to 220 A.D. The Han people were and require many dancers, but the standard size is 112 feet, which is divided into nine farmers, and they believed that dragons were major sections. • Each section is controlled by one dancer. wise, benevolent and able to control the rain. 8 Kidsville News! Villages used the dance to honor dragons, to ask for rain and to celebrate a good harvest. Chinese emperors also believed that they were direct descendants from dragons. The dance became a popular part of celebrations like the Chinese New Year in the Tang Dynasty (618- 907 A.D.) and the Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.). May 2019
5 reasons why summer camp is a good choice for kids Summer vacation offers students a respite from lifestyles. Regular physical activity lessons and the routine of school. Children might has many health benefits and can once have eagerly awaited those final days of set a foundation for healthy habits as classes so they could lounge poolside, skip rocks an adult. across ponds and spend the long days of the 3. Gain confidence. Day and sleepaway season playing with friends. But many of today’s camps offer campers the opportunity to get youngsters spend much of their summer vacations comfortable in their own skin. Camps can indoors playing with their digital devices. foster activities in self-esteem by removing the academic measures of success and fill Perhaps that’s why one of the last vestiges of in with noncompetitive opportunities to the classic summer vacation escape — summer succeed. Campers learn independence, camp — remains such a viable option for parents decision-making skills and the ability to who want their children to get outdoors once the thrive outside of the shadow of their parents, school year ends. their siblings or other students. 4. Try new things. Camp gives children Although kids needn’t be in camp all summer the chance to try new things, whether long, a week or two can benefit campers of all that’s learning to cook, exploring new ages. The following are five reasons why summer environments or embracing a new sport or camp might be the right fit this year. leisure activity. Opening oneself up to new opportunities can build character and prove 1. Explore talents. Summer camps help young enlightening for children. people explore their unique interests and 5. Make new friends. Camp is a great place to talents. Under an organized, yet often meet new people and make lifelong friends. easygoing camp schedule, kids can dabble Campers flood in from areas near and far. in sports, arts and crafts, leadership, This provides kids with a chance to expand community support and so many other their social circles beyond their immediate activities that may not be fully available to neighborhoods and schools. them elsewhere. Camps benefit children in a variety of ways. Lessons learned in camp can strengthen values, 2. Physical activity. Lots of camps build build confidence, develop coping mechanisms their itineraries around physical activities when adversity strikes and enable campers to that take place outdoors. Campers may make lifelong friends. spend their time swimming, running, hiking, playing sports, climbing and so much more. This can be a welcome change for kids accustomed to living sedentary Springtime is not only when trees and flowers Watch and a Tornado or complexes can produce tornadoes? The tornadoes bloom; spring sports are in full swing, and school Warning? Which one of you see on TV are typically from supercells and, is nearly out for summer break. It is also severe these is worse? most of the time, are highly visible. However, weather season, and that means damaging winds, A Tornado Warning is tornadoes that develop in squall lines or complexes hail and tornadoes. issued when a tornado is can be just as damaging and deadly. Tornadoes are an infamous severe weather hazard, occurring or is expected with an average of nearly 1,200 tornadoes occurring to develop in the next few When severe weather is forecast for your area this in the U.S. each year. The majority of these minutes. This is when you spring, keep an eye on the sky and have multiple tornadoes are weak and last only a few minutes, take shelter immediately. ways to receive warnings. You are responsible for causing minimal damage. However, on occasion, Your school most likely you and your actions to get to safety. a few strong to violent tornadoes occur each year practices a tornado drill. Do you want to learn more about tornadoes? and produce winds in excess of 150 miles per hour And when you do, please Visit JetStream, the NWS Online School for along with widespread damage. take this seriously because Weather at So, what is a tornado? When do they form? And it could mean life or death how do you stay safe from them? if a tornado does strike. Kidsville News! 9 A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air A Tornado Watch is attached to a cloud base in contact with the ground. issued (over a large area) Tornadoes develop under strong thunderstorms roughly four to eight hours in advance of potentially when the atmospheric conditions are “just right.” severe thunderstorm development. This means The atmospheric ingredients needed for tornadoes that the atmosphere is favorable for thunderstorms to be possible include moisture, wind speed and to produce tornadoes over the next several hours. direction, temperature differences or instability, When a Tornado Watch is issued, it’s time to and a means of forcing these ingredients together. remain weather-ready and recall where to take Meteorologists can predict when and where shelter. tornadoes occur, but it’s up to you to take the You may have heard the term “supercell necessary precautions or actions when a Tornado thunderstorm.” That is certainly the most Watch or Tornado Warning is issued in your area. publicized thunderstorm that can spawn tornadoes. What are the differences between a Tornado But did you know other types of thunderstorms May 2019 such as squall lines and large thunderstorm clusters
Chinese paper cutting is a paper will follow loved ones popular traditional art form. into the afterlife. If the paper It is a part of many Chinese decoration is shaped like rituals and celebrations. It is a dress, then when it is customary in Chinese culture burned, the dress will then to burn paper decorations appear in the afterlife. shaped like clothes or money for buried dead relatives. It is thought that the burned • Most paper cuttings are made with of a good wife in China. red paper because red is a lucky color • There are three types of paper in Chinese culture. • Paper cuttings can be given as lucky cutting. gifts. • The South School is popular in the Guangdong and Fujian provinces. It • Commonly, these paper gifts is famous for its flowers. symbolize wealth, health and a long • The Jiangzhe School is known for life. making spiritual and elegant cuttings. • Paper cuttings are also a traditional The themes are flowers, fruits, birds part of celebrating the Chinese New and fish. Year. • The third school is the North • Characters like Fu, meaning blessing, School in the Yangzhou, Jiangsu are pasted upside down on doors to and Zhejiang provinces. These are bring luck into the new year. usually simpler paper cuttings with • At weddings, the character Xi is cut unique patterns and odd shapes. into paper and used to wish the new couple double happiness. Paper was invented in China, and for hundreds of years, paper has been • For many years, being able to cut relatively cheap. Because paper is cheap, paper cutting became a popular art beautiful paper designs was the sign form for rural women. They would spend their time cutting paper when they were not busy farming. Other art forms such as painting and sculpture require a lot of supplies and tools. This expense meant that only wealthy and trained people would be able to paint or sculpt. Paper cutting is an art form that anyone with paper and some patience can enjoy. Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Eeeewwww.... A. Breathe B. Sweat C. Body heat D. All of the above 5. Equine Infectious Anemia is transmitted Spring is here and so are creepy crawly things that wants to drink your blood. by horse flies. What would a veterinarian do if your horse tested positive for Equine Infectious Anemia? 1. Mosquitoes are small, delicate flies A. Give it a shot B. Give it special feed to eat that have had a huge impact on human C. Give it medicine to take until the disease is gone D. Destroy it because there is no cure and it will infect other history. Malaria, yellow fever, and, horses more recently, West Nile virus are a few of the better known mosquito- 6. Flea bites can be deadly to transmitted human diseases. They animals but they can also be can also transmit a deadly disease to deadly to humans. Fleas caused your dog. What is it? the most devastating pandemic A. Rabies B. Distemper C. Parvo in human history. What was this disease called? D. Heartworms A. Cholera B. Malaria C. Bubonic Plague D. 2. Which tick species has a white spot on its back? Meningitis A. Deer tick B. Brown Dog tick C. Lone Star tick D. Castor Bean tick 7. How many times a day does each flea bite your dog or cat? 3. What disease caused by a tick bite may cause a “bull’s A. Just once a day B. Every four hours C. Every two hours eye” rash at the bite site? D. Every hour A. Lyme Disease B. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever C. Enrlichiosis D. Tularemia Answers On Pg. 23 4. Male and female mosquitoes are nectar feeders but only the female drinks blood. How does she hunt her blood host? 10 Kidsville News! May 2019
Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 8 THINGS that are different in these two pictures. Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! HAPPY Floral Word Find Di erences: 1) Hairbow Colors 2) Color of Shorts 3) Shirt Colors 4) Color of Hearts 5) Color of the word MOM & Yellow Hearts 6) Background Color 7) Shoe Strings Missing 8) Color of the words HHaAppPyPMYother’s Day! Find the hidden words in the puzzle BEAUTY PICK BUD SOIL FLOWERS STEM GARDEN TEND GROWTH WATER PETAL WEEDS May 2019 Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! General use For use over black to avoid black-on-black variation / artifacts Use when large enough d a Cure for Parkinon’s Disease to read curved text d a Cure for Parkinon’s Disease with ease www.drivetow www.drivetow Drive Towar Drive Towar Use when too small to to read curved text with ease February 2019May 20 Featured Evente at the Children’s Museum of the Shoals 2810 Darby Dr. • Florence Follow Us On Instagram! Follow Us On Facebook!
019 February 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Wednesdays Fridays 10:30am 1 234 10:30am Pre-K Art Toddler Time Parent Toddler Time Farm Day 11-1 Support 10:30 256.284.7107 Pre-K Art Group 10:30 - [email protected] 10-11 [email protected] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pre-K Art CMS at Toddler Time Mother’s 10:30 the 10:30 Day Craft Market 10-2 3-5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pre-K Art Toddler Time Puppet 10:30 10:30 Show 11-1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pre-K Art Lauderdale Toddler Time Children’s 10:30 County Schools 10:30 Museum of the 29 Last Day for 31 Shoals Students HOURS: Pre-K Art Wednesday Thru 10:30 Florence City Saturday Schools 10am-5pm Last Day for Students 30 Kidsville News! 13 Toddler Time 10:30
Where’s the North Star? stars that, with a little imagination, make up a ladle, pot, or “DIPPER”. Our Earth is This group of stars has been noted throughout the ages and spinning on its different societies have used their imaginations in creative axis and the axis ways. In America it is usually called the “dipper” but in Europe many points up to the people call it the “plough” (plow). You can see the similarity to ancient North Star. As the Earth plows. moves around the Sun, it continues to Some point to “Polaris”, which is the name ancient given to the North Star. When the Chinese pyramids were built, several thousand called it “the Carriage”. years ago, the Earth’s axis did not These point at Polaris. stars were important Have you ever watched a spinning to all these top? It wobbles and its axis swings peoples because it guided them to the “North Star” which is above the around in a circle like in the drawing. North Pole and could be used for navigation, especially at sea. Well, the Earth is a giant spinning top which wobbles too, swinging around Notice the two end stars in the Big Dipper point to the “North Star” once every 26,000 years. That’s a Polaris. (See picture below.) Attached to Polaris is a much dimmer “Little long time. Dipper”. You should not be confused which dipper is which because the handles The red line, in the drawing below, are shaped shows where the North Pole Axis differently; points over 26,000 years. Notice one bends “down” and at the top, during the other the 21st century, “up”. The POLARIS is above Earth turns on the North Pole so it its axis once a is our “North Star”. day and this However around makes the 3000 B.C. the stars seem to ancient Egyptians circle around called the rather dim Polaris. star “THUBAN” their “North Star”. Note at 12,000 years from 9 p.m. this now, in 14000 A.D., January the the North Star will dipper was “standing on its handle” to be the very bright star, VEGA. Thus, the right of the answer to the question “Where’s the Polaris but North Star?” is different throughout the by 2 a.m. it ages. We are very fortunate to have a was above, “upside “North down”. Star” during On a clear our 21st century A.D. night, go outside and Do you know how to find the North find the North Star in the sky at night? It’s easy, if Star. You can be sure you’ve found it if you see that the North Star is in you know where to look. There is a the tail of the “Little Dipper”. Happy hunting! group of stars called the “Big Dipper” because it looks like a “dipper” or pot. Nature has many secrets to tell! It got its name from the fact that people © 2019 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus used to dip water out of a stream or well with a ladle or pot. If you face north, on a clear night, you can see 7 14 Kidsville News! May 2019
Excellent Service, Expert Advice Florence • Sheffield • Killen 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 (across from Hobby Lobby) 256-767-3337 Colors of Easter - Coloring Contest 2019 Winners 1st Ages 2-4 Ages 8-10 Camden Johnson 2nd 1st 4 - Anderson Ayden Alissa Hart Fields 3 10 - Florence Florence 3rd Ages 5-7 2nd Ethan Haddock 2nd Dillion 2 - Florence Murphy Evee 9- 1st Allen Florence 6 Macie Slaton Florence 3rd 7 - Rogersville Alexzander Kilburn 8- Florence 3rd A Special Thanks To Everyone for taking part in our 2019 Easter Coloring Karlee Anne Byers 5 - Florence Contest Top 3 Winners in each age group pictured HONORABLE MENTIONS: If you have not above receive: 2-4 Age Group: Jaxon McNatt - Tuscumbia, Tucker Vinson - Florence, Krisalee already - Hensley - Tuscumbia, Aubrey Rogers - Tuscumbia, Willow Allen - Florence, McKenna An Easter Basket Filled Hunt - Muscle Shoals, Jayden Butler - Rogersville, Kelsey Slaton - Rogersville, Mer- WINNERS MAY With Lots of Goodies From edith Buttrum - Muscle Shoals, Mila Hamm - Killen, Douglas Parrish - Florence, Claire PICK UP PRIZES Graves - Florence, Levi Jones - Florence, Anna Fields - Florence. And 5-7 Age Group: Lauren Schrirer - Muscle Shoals, Emma Allen - Florence, Aurianna at: Webster - Florence, Lane Clemons - Florence, Landen English - Tuscumbia, Ellie Courier Journal Grace Graves - Florence, Kori Young - Florence, Zariah Hooks - Florence, Tara Bates - Tuscumbia, Landon Fields - Florence, Anna Fugate - Tuscumbia, Zoey Hensley - Tus- cumbia, Jessie Powers - Florence, Elise Walker - Florence, Addison Jolly - Florence, Carson Kelly - Muscle Shoals. Large 1 Kidsville News! Colored Pens 8-10 Age Group: Kenna Butler - Rogersville, Atlas Wells - Florence, Sara Walker - 219 W. Topping Florence, Hannah Holt - Florence, Keelyn Lelton - Florence, Mary Elizabeth Thigpen Tennessee St. from Courier Journal - Florence, Alexis White - Florence, Memphis Jones - Florence, Caroline Hunt - Flor- Pizza ence, Corbin Coby - Florence, Alondra Rojo - Florence, Chloe Balentine - Florence, Downtown Larry King Jr., Ivey Tinker - Rogersville, Maddi Beth South - Sheffield, Payton Cobb - Florence from Domino’s Florence, Sariyah Greenwood - Florence, Elizabeth Barnett - Anderson, Anna Simone - Florence, Logan Kilpatrick - Florence, Hailey Jones - Florence. May 2019 Kidsville News! 15
MATHTIME Color the picture with Andrew will use the spinner to find out which the most balloons pet his parents will buy. Which pet will he probably get? Circle it. Color me too! Answers On Page 23 China has a long history that includes thousands of years of innovation. ?Where in the World is.... Ancient Chinese inventions have been some of the most important in human history. In 50 A.D., Chinese inventors created paper. Prior to this invention, civilizations with written language used wood, stone, bone, clay and papyrus. In 2,737 B.C., tea was discovered in ancient china. The Chinese emperor first enjoyed the drink when a tea leaf fell into a pot of boiling water. Now, tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Other Chinese inventions include the compass, kites, toilet paper, the noodle and gunpowder. • China has a population of 1.3 billion people. • The official languages are standard Chinese and Mandarin. • The money is yuan or renminbi. • There are two major rivers in China: the Yellow and the Yangtze. • The Yangtze is the world’s third-largest river. It is 3,915 miles long. • China is a huge country. It is 9,596,960 square kilometers. • One-third of China is made of mountains. • The first empire in China was the Qin Dynasty, and it began in 221 B.C. • There are 3,800 species of fish in China. • The Chinese language is made of 40,000 characters. • Red is a very lucky color in China, and white is the color of mourning. Chinese brides will wear red at their wedding. • China has half the world’s pig population. There are 475 million pigs in China. • Soccer was invented in China. • Paper money was invented in China. • The national animal is the giant panda. The Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge is the world’s longest and highest glass-bottomed bridge in the world. It is 1,410 feet long, 20 feet wide and 984 feet high. It can also hold 600 people walking across the bridge at one time. Tourists can walk onto the bridge and see the beautiful Grand Canyon and forest beneath their feet through the glass bridge. It is a very popular tourist attraction because people feel that they are walking through -glass-bridge-cliff-wing-bubble-tram-coiling-dragon-walkway-a7320986.html the clouds. 16 Kidsville News! May 2019
Mike Randall, REALTOR® TM Associate Broker The View 256.366.9779 Student Questionnaire [email protected] Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name GFraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Author? Hey Kids Send It! Holiday? Don’t Forget To Book? Send us YOUR artwork, Cartoon? CANNOT letters or poems! Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT Are you a good listener? We will print yours WITHOUT in Kidsville News! PHOTO See Page 6 to find out how! What does a cowboy do? Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? Have you ever played in the snow? What is something you have learned to do lately? Do you like to drink water? What does being a leader mean to you? What is instrumental music? Do you like to read aloud? MUST HAVE PERMISSION TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. May 2019 Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date Kidsville News! 17
Strange but True: Weird History of Lauderdale County, Part 2 By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department This month we continue with more strange but true weird history state pilot Kenneth Arnold in June of 1947, people across American of Florence-Lauderdale. reported UFO sightings and Lauderdale County wasn’t immune. Between July 9 -23 several local residents witnessed strange On July 29, 1894 a baby alligator was caught in the Tennessee River at Florence. On Thursday, August objects in the sky. In its Friday, July 11, 9, 1894 the Florence Gazette reported 1947 issue, the Florence Times carried that “Mr. Elmore Hooper caught an a headline on page 1 which read, “Have alligator in the river here the other day. It ‘Flying Saucers’ Come to the Shoals was about two feet long.” On Thursday, Area? Some Seem to Think So.” The August 2, the Florence Herald reported paper reported that Mr. O. McConnell that “Hooper was rowing and saw the and Mr. J. E. Johnson had seen what they ‘gator sleeping in the sand on the bank. believed was a “flying disc” Wednesday He tried to capture the little fellow but morning about 4:30, five miles west of it slipped into the river. On his return Florence on Waterloo Road, while they he found it sunning and succeeded in were on a fishing trip. The two men catching it with a forked stick.” Photo of a UFO over the Colima Volcano in Mexico, reported that an object, which was “very According to similar to one reported in Florence in November, 2015. bright,” passed in front of the windshield “In 1979, 56 American alligators of their car “at a terrific speed” and then from Louisiana were dropped into remote areas of Wheeler went out “just like a light.” McConnell described the object as National Wildlife Refuge as an effort to expand the range looking like a streetlight viewed from a block away. Though they of the species, which at the time was listed as endangered couldn’t judge the distance the object was from their car, they were and thought to be on the verge of extinction. certain it was traveling due north. “The full-grown alligators can, and did, make it through Friday afternoon, July 11, Mrs. ML Hill observed “about 30 the colder north Alabama winters and a population of discs coming over in two sections” above her store at Stewart them has managed to hang on in the Tennessee River 37 Springs which were “as large [to the naked eye] as a small plate” years after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service introduced and were very shiny. “They looked just like they were described in the creatures.” the papers,” Mrs. Hill stated. She said she could tell they were flat However the baby ‘gator found by Mr. Hopper in 1894 was by “the way the wind tossed them around.” Five other people at the probably an escaped pet. We don’t know what he did with it. Hills’ store also saw these mysterious objects. Our second item of strange history concerns a “wild man” from The strangest event in this 1947 UFO “flap” occurred on December of 1896. One night in the week of Saturday, December 5, Wednesday, July 23, 1947. On this date Florence Police officers 1896 a “wild man” was exhibited in Florence. The man supposedly had “four rows of teeth, his hands were without fingers, his face confiscated what was reported to be a crashed flying saucer in the resembled an animal’s, and his spine was as unpliable as a rod of yard of Mrs. WT Williams on Stevenson Street in East Florence. “The ‘flying saucer’ shot to the ground at a terrific speed . . . and iron.” Captured in a “cave somewhere in Kentucky,” the man was burned into the ground one-half of an inch deep, digging a circle of “possessed of some intelligence, being able to tell his history in a about six inches in diameter.” The paper reported that the residue very sensible way.” of the “saucer” was “odd burned stuff—some bits of electrical- While being exhibited in Tuscumbia, Saturday night, the 5th, the like apparatus.” Chief Noah Danley called the FBI and turned the “wild man” was spooked by a gunfight between Sheffield Deputy Marshal Will Madden and a criminal he had chased to Tuscumbia, “saucer” debris over to them but I have no idea what the G-Men did with the result that the unfortunate “wild man” escaped. He was with it. Maybe the whole thing was one big hoax? The papers don’t say. As TV’s most famous paranormal investigator FBI agent Fox recaptured on Sunday on the mountain eight or ten miles from Mulder would say “the truth is out there” but in this case I don’t Tuscumbia attempting to return to Kentucky, and then returned to know what it was/is. Over the years others have reported UFOs his manager for a reward. The manager on Monday hurriedly left over the skies of Florence-Lauderdale. As recently as four years town “in his ‘prairie schooner’ [covered wagon] for other parts.” ago, November of 2015, a UFO website which tracks sightings in As with the “two-headed girl” (probably a set of conjoined Alabama received this report from Florence (I haven’t altered the twins) from last month who came to Florence in 1860, assuming spelling or punctuation): this man’s condition was genuine, and he and his manager weren’t “Me and my son were cleaning the. Pool out in the back trying to pull a hoax on people, we would consider it cruel to gawk yard and as I was looking up at the sky because bad weather at someone like him but many of our ancestors, never having seen anyone like this would’ve considered it too interesting to miss and was headed our way we both noticed a cigar shaped object might’ve paid their money to see him (even if they thought he was flying slow and not very high up in the sky .. The Object had No sound at all... appeared up over our house coming faking it). threw the clouds and into the open clear blue sky. It was Our third bit of weird trivia concerns a “flap” (what UFO investigators call a group of several sightings) of UFO sightings in very bright yellow in color. And right before it disappeared out of sight, it got brighter and looked as if it was pulsating. 1947. In the wake of the first modern UFO sighting by Washington very strange.” 18 Kidsville News! May 2019
What's it like to be ... Please tell our readers a little bit about yourself. Matthewa children’s author Lasley My name is Matthew Lasley. I grew up in rural Alaska where my family mined May 2019 for gold. I currently live in Anchorage, Alaska, where I write as well as teach first grade. When did you know you wanted to be a children’s author? I have always loved telling stories. I wrote my first story when I was in third grade. I have worked with kids for more than 20 years and have worked on many different kinds of books for kids. My first book to be published was a picture book called “Pedro’s Pan.” It came out in February of this year. What is your favorite kind of book to read? to write? It depends on my mood. I love a good mystery or story that makes me laugh. I also like stories that I can read over and over. Those are also the kinds of stories I like to write. What is something challenging about writing a book? Patience. Books take time to become books. You may have a good idea and be able write it down, but you still need someone else to think it is good enough to print. Once they do that, there is more waiting — for them to fix any problems or draw the pictures and to get it printed. Sometimes it can take years! Where do you get ideas to write about? A lot of the things I write about come either from my own experiences or from me asking questions. “Pedro’s Pan” is about gold mining, which is something I grew up with. The character of Pedro was based on a real gold prospector from where I grew up. Many of the things that happened in the story were things that really happened to me as a kid. What advice would you give a young person interested in writing a book? Read a lot. You can learn what kinds of stories you like and understand how to tell stories better by reading. Write what you know about. Stories can come from anywhere, but when you add a bit of yourself to the story, it makes your writing better. Learn about writing. Everything has rules, even different kinds of stories. Understanding these rules will help you create better stories. Don’t give up. Sometimes it may seem hard. Sometimes you don’t know what to do or write. It is okay to take a break, but set a goal and don’t give up. Kidsville News! 19
A Section Especially for Parents It’s so close to the end of the school year, and children are starting to feel it. From outdoor recess for the younger set to nal exams for your older kids, summer is right around the corner! Keep it breezy with these fun, delightful reads for kids of all ages. You can nd even more great books for young readers at BEGINNER READS The Good Egg The Day the Crayons Quit By Jory John By Drew Daywalt Illustrated by Pete Oswald Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers For ages 3-7 For ages 3-7 The Good Egg is a very, very good All Duncan wants to do is color — so of egg in a carton of very rotten eggs. course he’s surprised when he opens his He is so perfect, in fact, that he box of crayons and instead finds a stack begins to crack from all the pres- of letters — one from each of the cray- sures of being a good egg. So, he ons, outlining their issues and why decides he needs a break. This they’ve quit. It’s up to Duncan to find an short-and-sweet story is a great re- out-of-the-box solution to this silly prob- minder for kids — and parents — to lem. This is an uproariously creative tale take care of themselves. for any creative kid. PAGETURNERS Merci Suarez Changes Gears How to Be A Supervillain: Bad Guys By Meg Medina Finish First For ages 8-12 By Michael Fry Merci Suarez is starting sixth grade at For ages 8-12 her private school in Florida. As a Victor Spoil finally pursues his dream of scholarship student, she doesn’t quite becoming a librarian — only to find out feel like she fits in with her class- librarians are actually a secret organiza- mates. Plus, mean girl Edna has Merci tion bent on controlling the world — and in her crosshairs. Things are tough at bringing it to order. home, too, with Merci’s grandpa starting to forget things and having It seems like a good plan to Victor, mood swings. but things get complicated. Is he a good guy ... or is he a supervillain? In spite of all the confusion, Merci is determined to push on. ADVANCED READS I Believe in a Thing Called Love Fangirl By Maurene Goo By Rainbow Rowell For ages 14 and up For ages 14 and up Desi Lee is ambitious, intelligent, and Cath, like many kids her age, is a huge strong ... but she has absolutely no Simon Snow fan. She and her twin sister talent when it comes to boys. In fact, Wren, got through their mother’s abandon- she’s downright awkward. Determined ment through their love of the series. But to find a boyfriend before she goes to now they’re going to college, and Wren college, Desi crafts a perfect plan: to wants to move on. emulate the girls who find love by epi- sode 10 of the Korean dramas her What is Cath supposed to do without father loves so much. What could go Wren, and without Simon Snow? She has a wrong? whole set of problems — including a pro- fessor who hates fan fiction and a cute This funny, quirky read is perfect for classmate who wants her help — to worry fans of the “To All The Boys I’ve Loved about. Can she make it through without Before” series. Simon Snow? Kidsville News tIhnipKcsia.d,rpstTanvrgieulleremoNtanoentwhhaeissn,lpTpdrauyJgmoaeumatnodeiahssnecPdlopaJvtyateomeruresbdsooiPsnoca’koststveRetrErhsobaAnotD'oskKkiRdIsEDstAhDyDaOotKuRtIDhEleDoAkvODiedR.EsCaAyrOeoDMu.sCluOoarvrMeeetaaporrleeelopasuvlseereae.dsteotdolotpovea.rtner on 20 Kidsville News! May 2019
Did You Do you know about... KNOW? Remembering The Days In A Month Thought they might be most often associated with dogs, ticks can affect cats as well. According to Blue Clench your fists and put them beside each other, Cross for Pets, cats are most likely to encounter thumb to thumb and knuckles aligned. Going from ticks if they live near areas with lots of deer and sheep or in regions where other wildlife, such as left to right, each knuckle hedgehogs and rabbits, are present. While ticks are represents a month with active throughout the year, cats are most likely to 31 days and each valley encounter them between spring and autumn. That’s due in part to the climate during these seasons, which represents one with tends to be warmer and therefore more inviting to 30 days or cats, compelling them to spend more time outdoors fewer. than they do in winter. Ticks, which are egg-shaped, are big enough to spot, so cat owners should conduct THOMAS W. JOEL R. a careful examination of their cats’ fur each time McCUTCHEON HAMNER they come into the house after spending time in the yard. Blue Cross for Pets notes that ticks feel like CALL US 256-333-5000 small bumps on a cat’s skin. Ticks are most likely to attach themselves to particular areas of a cat’s body. 2210 Helton Drive, Florence These areas include the head, neck, ears, and feet. Routine brushing, especially whenever cats come inside after time spent outdoors, can help cat owners “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is spot and remove ticks from their cats. It’s important greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” to recognize that indoor cats are not invulnerable to ticks, as other pets and humans can track ticks indoors. Periodic inspections and brushing of indoor cats can protect them from ticks and the diseases ticks carry. Come Out & Play! Get your New Issue of Kidsville News! this sautmtmheesr eJugnreea3t, Jlouclyat1io&nsA!ugust Fun All Summer! Lauderdale Co. Colbert Co. Kidsville News! 21 • Children’s Museum • Cherokee Public Library of the Shoals • Colbert County Tourism • Helen Keller Hospital: • Florence-Lauderdale Public Library -Emergency Room -4th Floor- Pediatrics • Killen Public Library -1100 Building • Lexington Library -1120 Building • McDonald’s on • Helen Keller Public Library, Tuscumbia Florence Blvd. • Sheffield Public Library Cloverdale Rd. • Muscle Shoals • Rogersville Public Library Public Library • Shoney’s, Florence • YMCA of the Shoals • Courier Journal office May 2019
When cooking, for safety, ParenTown’s KidShape always get help from an 5 Ways Children When kids pretend to be Benefit from Creative their favorite superhero, it KitchenKidsville adult first. may look like sheer fun at Playtime first glance, but experts say Indulge your peanut cravings that imaginative play also benefits children in a number Peanuts are a beloved snack and are as healthy as they are tasty. of substantial ways. Despite their somewhat misleading name, peanuts actually are legumes and grow beneath the ground. Legumes are edible seeds enclosed in “From building confidence pods, whereas true nuts grow on trees. and self-perception to offering Regardless of their botanical classification, peanuts are enjoyed in many different recipes, both savory and sweet. However, peanuts and children an opportunity to peanut butter can be truly delicious when incorporated into desserts. Such is the case when peanut flavoring becomes the basis for treats. In practice communication and this recipe for “Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies” from “A Decade of Cooking the Costco Way” (Costco Wholesale Corporation), edited by language skills, pretend play Tim Talevich, the popular sandwich pairing of PB&J puts a flavorful spin on cookies. is vital to child development,” Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies saids Keri Wilmot, a pediatric occupational therapist and an expert contributor to How can creative play help your child thrive? Here are five important benefits, according to The Genius of Play, a national movement providing families with the information, inspiration and hands-on ideas they need to make play an important part of StatePoint their child’s day. • Enhanced literacy: Some of the same mental connections that take place when a child is first learning to read are employed in the world of pretend. Whether it’s a banana that becomes a phone or a towel being used as a cape, grasping symbolism in the world of play can pave the way for children to better recognize that each letter of the alphabet represents a sound. Encourage kids to use the everyday objects and toys around them to build a world of creativity and fun. • Leadership skills: From a very young age, playtime experiences can have a major impact on the development of children’s leadership skills. Makes 5 dozen In the case of superhero play, the act of taking on a powerful persona 1 cup sugar, plus extra for coating the dough offers kids an opportunity to assert themselves and gain self-confidence, 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar 1 cup Crisco Butter Flavor Shortening while creatively constructing their own story lines. Through play, parents, 1 cup Jif Creamy Peanut Butter 2 large eggs teachers and mentors can help foster these attributes in children. 1⁄4 cup milk • Movement: Movement helps children hone their coordination, balance 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 31⁄2 cups Pillsbury Best All Purpose Flour and motor skills. Associating exercise with fun can set a precedent for a 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt lifetime habit. What’s more, physical activity encourages better eating and 3⁄4 cup Smucker’s Strawberry Jelly, or any jam, jelly or preserves sleeping habits. Be sure your kids have a safe place to play indoors that lets them burn off all their energy. When the weather is nice, take the fun to the backyard or a nearby park, where the possibilities for pretend expand. • Perseverance: Known as the “Batman Effect,” a 2016 study published in “Child Development” found that kids stay better focused on a task when they are pretending to be their favorite superheroes or characters. Through play, you can encourage your children to channel the bravery Preheat the oven to 375° F. cookie sheet. and perseverance of the superheroes they admire most, giving them the In a large mixing bowl, combine Bake for 7 minutes. Remove sugar, brown sugar, shortening and emotional tools needed to thrive in a challenging world. peanut butter. Beat with an electric from the oven. • Emotional development: Role play offers children an opportunity to mixer until creamy. Beat in eggs, Using the back of a teaspoon, milk and vanilla. explore their emotions, both good and bad, while building compassion. In a separate bowl, stir together make a rounded indentation in flour, baking soda and salt. Add to the top of each cookie. Fill each Children can channel frustration, anger, fear and triumph into the worlds, the peanut butter mixture and beat with about 1⁄2 teaspoon of jelly. until blended. Bake an additional two minutes. characters and storylines they create, learning to manage these emotions in Shape the dough into 1-inch Remove to a wire rack to cool. balls. Roll in sugar. Place balls healthy ways. 2 inches apart on an ungreased * Brands may vary by region. Substitute a similar product as For more child development tips and play resources, visit needed. There may be times when you’d prefer your child finally change out of his or her superhero costume. But by letting kids explore their creativity, you can help them reap the benefits of this type of play. 22 Kidsville News! May 2019
Happy Mother’s Day! Fun Facts About Teeth BRUSHING: The ADA recommends brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each. DENTAL VISITS: Visiting the dentist at least twice a year is imperative for dental health. SALIVA: Saliva production helps prevent tooth decay by moving food away from teeth. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. 2461 Helton Drive • Florence 256-767-7141 mcclanahandentistr Daniel H. Almon D.M.D. William A. McClanahan, D.M.D. No representation is made that the quality of the dental services to be performed is greater than the quality of dental services performed by other dentists. Happy Mother’s Day!A N S W E R S MATHTIME This group has 9 balloons (Cat) The problem is an intuitive introduction to probability. The chance is greater for getting a cat because and has theHmAosPt bPalYloons. the cat takes up more area of the circle. Some students unfamiliar with spinners may choose “bird” because that The other group has 3. is where the arrow is pointing in the drawing. What’s the Difference? HAPPY Di erences: 1) Hairbow Colors 2) Color of Shorts KPnoowwleedgre 3) Shirt Colors 4) Color of Hearts 5) Color of the word MOM & Yellow Hearts 6) Background Color Answers: 7) Shoe Strings Missing 1. D Floral Word Find 8) Color of the words Happy Mother’s Day! 2. C 3. A Grapefruit 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D May 2019 Kidsville News! 23
Are you ready to have some fun in the sun? It is almost summertime, and everyone is getting excited! Here are some safety tips to remember for the summer: Tip No. 1—Wear sunscreen! Sunburn in children and teens can cause long-term risks for developing skin cancer. Protect your skin from the hidden dangers of the sun, and keep that sunscreen applied throughout your day. Tip No. 2—Wear bug spray! Unfortunately, pests carrying harmful viruses like to come out and play during the summer, too. So, protect yourself and apply bug spray when you are outside this summer! Tip No. 3—Drink plenty of water! The summer heat can drain a lot of water from us. Our body needs this water, so be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day…even before you go outside. Brought to you by your friends at: 1300 S. Montgomery Ave. | Sheffield, AL | 256-386-4196 24 Kidsville News! May 2019
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